MP :: Volume #46

#4577: The war, must start

After half double-hour, Yang Kai goes out from the secret room, Bian Yuqing follows, that Wind-Snow Sect two 3-Rank know does not know had said that contrasts the information that two people disclosed alternately, had no suspicious place, necessity that has not naturally asked again. 半个时辰后,杨开从密室中走出,卞雨晴紧随其后,那风雪门的两个三品知道的不知道的都已经说了,交叉对比两人所透露出来的信息,也没有什么可疑的地方,自然没有再问下去的必要。 Sect Master, how that several do need to process?” Bian Yuqing asked in a soft voice. 宗主,那几家要如何处理?”卞雨晴轻声问道。 Wind-Snow Sect two people to maintain a livelihood, said several influences, but they are unable to determine that several influences really have anything to collude with Heavenly Sword Union, possibly guessed, possibly also to maintain a livelihood to speak thoughtlessly to climb to nip. 风雪门两人为了活命,说出了好几家势力,但他们也无法确定那几家势力到底是不是与天剑盟真的有什么勾结,可能只是猜测,可能也是为了活命随口攀咬。 How therefore to process these influences is somewhat troublesome. 所以如何处理这几家势力还是有些麻烦的。 Subpoenaed that side Great Chief Commander, strict surveillance, but there is a slightest sign of trouble......” Yang Kai paused, the sound was callous: Rather kills wrong, do not let off!” “传讯大都督那边,严密监视吧,但有风吹草动……”杨开顿了一下,声音冷酷:“宁杀错,勿放过!” Bian Yuqing should say hastily: Yes!” 卞雨晴连忙应道:“是!” She also knows now Void Land most lacks is time, so long as are many some time, Void Land can have many 6-Rank, when the time comes gets up with the Heavenly Sword Union battle, each 6-Rank indispensable strength, the blockade of this period news seemed extremely important. 她也知道虚空地这边如今最缺的便是时间,只要再多一些时间,虚空地就能有更多的六品,到时候与天剑盟争斗起来,每一个六品都不可或缺的力量,这种时期消息的封锁就显得极为重要了。 Otherwise makes Zuo Quanhui find out by secret inquiry here situation, will decide will launch the attack recklessly. 否则让左权晖探知到这边的情况,定会不顾一切发起进攻。 Pure Zuo Quanhui lineage/vein then makes the Void Land high level completely leave previous time, now resulted in strong assistance of Heavenly Sword Union, Void Land , if no many 6-Rank, is hard to resist radically. 单纯的左权晖一脉上一次便让虚空地高层尽出,如今得了天剑盟的鼎力相助,虚空地若无更多的六品,根本难以抵挡。 „Do that two people, how want to process?” Bian Yuqing also asked. “那两个人,要如何处理?”卞雨晴又问道。 First buckling.” Yang Kai spoke thoughtlessly saying that two 3-Rank, he has not placed in the eye, since must with Void Land for the enemy, he not be softhearted, when stilled to here war, lost to mine to Black Territory, wants to come Luan Baifeng to be glad to take over a group of new ore slaves very much. “先扣着吧。”杨开随口回道,两个三品,他还没放在眼中,不过既然要与虚空地为敌,他也不会心慈手软,待到这边战事平定,丢到黑域去采矿好了,想来栾白凤是很乐意接手一批新的矿奴的。 The transmission of order, that side Star City also begins to arrange, sure enough, after three days, caught a scout who attempts to leave Void Territory, an interrogation, the confirmation is unmistakable, similarly detained. 命令传达下去,星市那边也着手布置起来,果不其然,三日之后,又抓到了一个企图离开虚空域的探子,一番审问,确认无误,同样扣留了下来。 Yang Kai does not know how long Zuo Quanhui can also endure patiently, he got the Heavenly Sword Union blockade territory gate to have 34 years of time, this time was not long, but was not short, made an emerging influence arrive at the degree of end of hills and rivers sufficiently. 杨开不知道左权晖还能忍耐多久,他领着天剑盟封锁域门已经有三四年时间了,这个时间不算长,但也不短,足以让一个新兴的势力走到山穷水尽的程度。 The Void Land rise date and time was still after all short, did not inherit innumerable year of Cave Heaven Paradise of compared with these, does not have the rich material reserves, now originates Star City income cuts off, can insist before the present all owed Heavenly Yuan Positive Seal Pill , the income of bringing. 虚空地崛起时日毕竟尚短,不比那些传承了无数年的洞天福地,没有丰富的物资储备,如今连星市的收入来源都被断绝,能坚持到现在全亏了天元正印丹之前带来的收益。 Stands in the Zuo Quanhui standpoint, he is in an impregnable position, only needs to wait for peacefully, Void Land one day will be not always able to repress, jumps to seek the outlet, by that time he can deal a head-on blow to Void Land one! 站在左权晖的立场上,他是立于不败之地的,只需要安静等待,虚空地这边总有一日会按捺不住,跳出去寻求出路,到那时候他就可以给虚空地一个迎头痛击! However his patience always has the limit, moreover Void Land here news is impossible to block comprehensively, that side Star City no doubt does not need too to be worried, but in Void Territory, decides also some hidden in the hidden place much, observes the eye of Void Land. 不过他的耐心总是有极限的,而且虚空地这边的消息也不可能全面封锁住,星市那边固然不用太担心,但虚空域中,定还有不少隐藏在暗处,观察虚空地的眼睛。 Once Nine Layers Heaven Formation opens frequently, will decide will arouse the Zuo Quanhui vigilance, by that time, he will definitely probe. 九重天大阵一旦频繁开启,定会引起左权晖的警觉,到那时候,他肯定会有所试探。 Therefore Yang Kai felt, Void Land can only at most again calm and steady one year or so. 所以杨开觉得,虚空地这边顶多只能再安稳一年半载。 Almost sufficient! 差不多够用了! After March/three months, Hongchen Great Emperor promotes 6-Rank, smooth. 三月之后,红尘大帝晋升六品,顺利至极。 Also 又一月后,兽武大帝晋升六品,波澜不惊! Two months, Fang Yue Xiang Ying simultaneous promotes 6-Rank again, is shocking but not dangerous. 再两月,方岳向英齐齐晋升六品,也是有惊无险。 Follows closely after Fang Yue and Xiang Ying, Flower Shadow Ice Feather two Great Emperor also promotes 6-Rank! 紧随在方岳向英之后,花影冰羽两位大帝也晋升六品 Hence, the Void Land 6-Rank Open Heaven quantity breaks through to 16 people, this has not been counted in Heavenly Sword Union that side Luan Baifeng. 至此,虚空地六品开天数量突破至十六人,这还没算上在天剑盟那边的栾白凤 Because new promotion seven 6-Rank no doubt boundary is unstable, in short time is unable the display complete strength, but that is also 6-Rank, camel of skinny is big. 新晋升的七位六品固然因为自身境界的不稳固,短时间内无法发挥全部的实力,但那也是六品,瘦死的骆驼还比马大呢。 In addition, Void Land new promotion Open Heaven under 6-Rank , more than 100, entire Void Land it can be said that raised raging tide that promotes Open Heaven. 除此之外,虚空地新晋升的六品之下的开天,也有一百多位,整个虚空地可以说是掀起了一股晋升开天的狂潮。 Just like Yang Kai expects, frequent opening of Nine Layers Heaven Formation aroused the Zuo Quanhui vigilance, hides after the scouts in Void Territory deep place pass on the news resourcefully went back, tranquil several years aspect finally is broken. 正如杨开所料,九重天大阵的频繁开启引起了左权晖的警觉,藏身在虚空域深处的探子们想方设法地将消息传了回去之后,平静了数年的局面终于被打破了。 Sect Master, territory gate of Flying Smoke Territory to Void Territory gushes out large quantities of large ships suddenly, thought Heavenly Sword Union to be respective firmly, assumes personal command with coming the enemy in that side Mountain Lord Mao encountered.” 宗主,飞烟域通往虚空域的域门突然涌出大批楼船,确认为天剑盟所属,坐镇在那边的茅山主与来敌交锋了一阵。” On Dragon Child Peak, after Yang Kai is inspecting Zhu Qing to exchange to change the situation, Bian Yuqing suddenly sharply sharply walked. 龙子峰上,杨开正在检查祝晴兑变之后的情况,卞雨晴忽然急急走了过来。 Yang Kai turns head to look: Situation how?” 杨开扭头望去:“情况如何?” From the same day returned to Void Territory after Black Territory, Yang Kai then lets Mao Zhe, Geng Qing and Zhou Ya three Human Domain/led the person a number of Open Heaven Stage, guarded in the territory gate place, on the one hand died of suffocation these scout front Flying Smoke Territory ways, on the other hand also to supervise Flying Smoke Territory that side situation. 自当日从黑域回到虚空域之后,杨开便让茅哲,耿青周雅人领着一批开天境,镇守在域门处,一方面是堵死那些探子前方飞烟域的路径,另一方面也是为了监察飞烟域那边的情况。 This several years later, that side Heavenly Sword Union has the probes of many times small scale actually, but was easily reduced and solved by Mao Zhe and the others, since Zuo Quanhui decided that must consume dead Void Land, naturally cannot before the time arrives easily starts the war. 这数年下来,天剑盟那边倒是有不少次小规模的试探,不过都被茅哲等人轻易化解了,左权晖既然决定要耗死虚空地,自然不会在时机到来之前轻易开启战端。 But this time, the situation and former small scale probe somewhat were obviously different. 这一次,情况与之前的小规模试探显然有些不同。 Bian Yuqing shakes the head saying: Situation some are not right, the Heavenly Sword Union aspect set out several 6-Rank, Mountain Lord Mao and the others to be repelled, the territory gate fell into the Heavenly Sword Union hand.” 卞雨晴摇头道:“情况有些不对,天剑盟方面出动了好几位六品,茅山主等人被打退了,域门落入了天剑盟手中。” „Is person all right?” Yang Kai asked one kindly, although now Void Land well-trained and equipped army, but any 6-Rank is the rare talent. “人没事吧?”杨开关切地问了一句,虽说如今虚空地兵强马壮,但任何一个六品都是不可多得的人才。 Casualty some low rank Open Heaven, the quantity were not many, the opposite party is also probing, Mountain Lord Mao and the others were safe and sound.” “死伤了一些低阶开天,数量不多,对方也只是在试探,茅山主等人安然无恙。” Yang Kai silent, said low-spirited: Both armies battle, the casualty is unavoidable.” Initially Star Boundary worked as one fought Demon Territory to come the enemy the time, the casualty far more than trillion, entire Star Boundary loss of life, now and Heavenly Sword Union battle, Yang Kai naturally has enough preparation. 杨开默了默,黯然道:“两军交战,死伤在所难免。”当初星界齐心协力大战魔域来敌的时候,死伤何止亿万,整个星界生灵涂炭,如今与天剑盟争斗,杨开自然有足够的心理准备。 „Hasn't Zuo Quanhui made an appearance?” Yang Kai also asked. 左权晖没露面?”杨开又问道。 Bian Yuqing shakes the head slowly, rejoices saying: He, if makes an appearance, Mountain Lord Mao and the others decided will not return safe and sound.” 卞雨晴缓缓摇头,庆幸道:“他若露面,茅山主等人定不会毫发无损。” Although the Mao Zhe three people are established 6-Rank, but binds together is not the Zuo Quanhui opponent, the previous time can the strength defend Zuo Quanhui, that has Yang Kai to withstand/top in front, sustained overwhelming majority pressures. 茅哲三人虽是老牌六品,但绑在一起也绝不是左权晖的对手,上次能够力捍左权晖,那是有杨开顶在前面,承担了绝大部分的压力。 chicken-hearted!” Yang Kai scoffed at one. 胆小如鼠!”杨开嗤了一声。 Zuo Quanhui was obviously dreading Void Land Holy Spirit, where dares easily to make an appearance, but this also suited the Yang Kai's intention, from this point, Zhu Jiuyin even does not participate in this battle, still has enough big deterrent force. 左权晖明显是在忌惮虚空地圣灵,哪敢轻易露面,不过这也合了杨开的心意,从这一点上来看,祝九阴即便不参与这一场争斗,也有足够大的威慑力。 Sect Master.” The Bian Yuqing sound is somewhat crabbed, „can war, start?” 宗主。”卞雨晴声音有些艰涩,“战争,要开始了吗?” Although has the preparation early, but works as this naive oncoming, Bian Yuqing unavoidably is also anxious. 尽管早有心理准备,但当这一天真的来临的时候,卞雨晴也不免紧张。 Comes the person as Star Boundary, she may never forget that initially Star Boundary that the frigid degree of extinguishing the war of the world. 身为星界来人,她可从未忘记当初星界那一场灭世之战的惨烈程度。 Started!” Yang Kai took a deep breath, turns head to look toward Bi Xi: Old Sir, Void Land and Star City had the work you to look.” “开始了!”杨开深深地吸了口气,扭头朝赑屃望去:“老大人,虚空地星市这边就有劳您照看了。” Bi Xi nods said: Relax, these two places I will favor to you, cannot be victorious comes back, old man here, they do not dare hurriedly.” 赑屃颔首道:“放心,这两个地方我会给你看好的,打不过就回来,老朽在此,他们也不敢造次。” Many thanks Old Sir!” Yang Kai stern saying thanked, looked to Zhu Qing. “多谢老大人!”杨开正色道谢,又看向祝晴 However has not waited for him to say anything, Zhu Qing then goes forward one step: I with you together.” 不过还不等他说什么,祝晴便上前一步:“我跟你一起。” Yang Kai categorically rejects: „It is not good!” 杨开断然拒绝:“不行!” Although Zhu Qing experienced a transformation of bloodlines, making the strength of dragon vein have the enormous promotion, changes to main body three four thousand feet (333 m) dragon body, but Yang Kai also has just now inspected, that she can perform, should in 3-Rank above, under 4-Rank. 祝晴虽然经历了一次血脉的蜕变,让龙脉之力有极大的提升,化作本体更有三四百丈龙身,但方才杨开也检查过了,她能发挥出来的力量,应该在三品之上,四品之下。 Bi Xi also said that the true big dragon has the body of thousand zhang (3.330m), Zhu Qing this time transforms no doubt promotes greatly, but some distance big dragon disparities, probably also take one time to two transformations, she can grow into the big dragon truly! 赑屃也说了,真正的巨龙是有千丈之身的,祝晴这一次蜕变固然提升巨大,可距离巨龙还是有一些差距,或许还要一次至两次的蜕变,她才能真正地成长为巨龙! But both armies battle, is chaotic, 3-Rank did 4-Rank have the risk of death anytime, where Yang Kai dares to let on her battlefield? 而两军交战,场面混乱,三品四品随时都有死亡的风险,杨开哪敢让她上战场 Zhu Qing calmly is looking at him: I am the Void Land's Lord wife, without ability of combat, since now is capable of combat also being probable to withdraw in the rear area, making these be disciples that Void Land goes all out to bleed knows how to think? They will think surely I am a turtle.” 祝晴静静地望着他:“我是虚空地之主的夫人,若是没有参战的能力也就罢了,如今既然有参战的能力还要龟缩在后方,让那些为虚空地拼命流血的弟子们知道会怎么想?他们定会觉得我是个缩头乌龟。” Bi Xi could not bear shrink the neck...... to want in side to say anything, endured. 赑屃在旁忍不住缩了缩脖子……想说什么,又忍了下来。 Zhu Qing continues saying: These years we continuously in practice, you, when outside fights to rush about we cannot help, now had this opportunity, I want to strive! We are impossible to live for a lifetime under your wing, making your windblown and sunburnt, Big Sister they definitely also think that is also trying hard for this goal.” 祝晴继续道:“这些年来我们一直在修行,你在外面打拼奔波的时候我们帮不上什么忙,如今有这个机会了,我就想出点力!我们也不可能一辈子生活在你的羽翼之下,让你一个人风吹日晒,大姐他们肯定也都是这么想的,也都在为这个目标努力。” Yang Kai a lot of words say, is at heart warm. 杨开一肚子的话说不出口,心里暖洋洋的。 I must go in any case, you cannot, I still meet own even in the past, only if you close me.” Zhu Qing angrily saying. “反正我要去,你就算不许,我也会自己过去,除非你把我关起来。”祝晴气鼓鼓地道 Yang Kai decided looked at her one, suddenly smiled, nods said: You must go, then permits you goes!” 杨开定定地瞧了她一阵,忽然一笑,颔首道:“你要去,便许你去!” Zhu Qing with astonishment is somewhat looking at Yang Kai: Didn't deceive people?” Her didn't expect Yang Kai was so completely simple accepted her request. 祝晴有些惊愕地望着杨开:“不骗人?”她完全没想到杨开这么简单就答应了她的要求。 Did not deceive people!” Yang Kai sincere returns said, turns the head to look to Bi Xi: Old Sir, all asked!” “不骗人!”杨开正色回道,转头看向赑屃:“老大人,一切拜托了!” The word, puts out a hand to embrace the waist of Zhu Qing, soars to the heavens to go. 言罢,伸手揽住祝晴的腰,冲天而去。 After the moment, the every big and small large ships, spread enormously and powerful Void Land, changes to piece of flowing light, sets out toward the territory gate place. 片刻后,一艘艘大大小小的楼船,浩浩荡荡地驰出虚空地,化作一片流光,朝域门处进发。 3000 Worlds, the area length and breadth of each big territory is boundless, this goes to the territory gate to be , the speed also needs ten days of half a month again quickly, if Yang Kai person of nature in less than such long time, then Void Land Open Heaven Stage completely leaves now, the speed naturally does not act compared with him alone. 三千世界,每一个大域的面积都广袤无边,此去域门所在,速度再快也需要十天半个月,若是杨开一人自然用不了这么长时间,然则虚空地如今开天境尽出,速度自然不比他独自行动。 In the large ship Lotus Fall side building, the clothing is scattered in disorder, on the bed Zhu Qing has hair dishevelled, fragrant soaked in perspiration, the coquettish look like the silk, said difficultly: We are not enter the war? If you like this make others know that...... can do?” 楼船莲花落的厢房中,衣衫散乱,大床上祝晴披头散发,香汗淋淋,媚眼如丝,艰辛道:“咱们不是去参战的吗?你这样若是让别人知道……可如何是好?” Yang Kai chuckled said: This also wants some time, cannot waste, Bi Xi Old Sir said that I can help your pure bloodlines, the next transformation, your permits can become the big dragon, must therefore add industriously is diligently good!” 杨开嘿嘿笑道:“此去还要一些时间,不能浪费了,赑屃老大人说了,我可以帮你精纯血脉,下一次蜕变,你许就能成巨龙了,所以一定要勤加努力才行!” Zhu Qing a feeling of confusion and affection, could not have spoken, the whole body is exuding light red light. 祝晴已然意乱情迷,说不出话来,浑身泛着淡淡的红光 Yang Kai somewhat is suddenly annoying: One had only known, this/should does farm work well is, wasted many time in vain.” 杨开突然有些懊恼:“早知如此,该好好耕耘才是,白白浪费了好多时间。”
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