MP :: Volume #45

#4435: Performing its own functions

martial artist refining up Yin-Yang Five Elements, in own within the body to split heaven and earth apart, forms Small Universe World, own level has been sublimated, this can promote Open Heaven Stage. 武者炼化阴阳五行,在自身体内开天辟地,形成小乾坤世界,自身的层次得到升华,这才得以晋升开天境 But this entire process, is extremely the bad risk, even prepares again how complete, still has the falls possibility. 而这整个过程,都是极为凶险的,即便准备的再怎么周全,也有陨落的可能。 From Dingfeng City martial artist may peep a spot at convenience. 定丰城武者的遭遇便可窥一斑。 Many martial artist that Dingfeng City comes out, which does not puzzle in Emperor Senior Stage Peak for many years, accumulation that which does not have the glorious years? They refine all sorts of resources Rank, without doubt is also the limits that can withstand, will not build up the high grade resources beyond own ability. 定丰城出来的诸多武者,哪一个不是在帝尊境顶峰困扰多年,哪一个没有悠久岁月的积累?他们所炼化的种种资源的品阶,无疑也都是自身所能承受的极限,绝不会炼化自己能力之外的高品阶资源。 But when the promotion, will still present some casualties. 但在晋升之时,依然会出现一些伤亡。 The first batch of Dingfeng City more than 300 martial artist promotions, are because has Heavenly Yuan Positive Seal Pill to escort, therefore no one failure falls. But in these two years time that Yang Kai departs, comes some martial artist people that to promote from Dingfeng City one after another, before Yang Kai goes to Shadowless Cave Heaven , although left behind some Heavenly Yuan Positive Seal Pill, but is unable to meet the need, this presented the damage. 第一批定丰城三百多武者晋升,是因为有天元正印丹保驾护航,所以无一人失败陨落。但在杨开离去的这两年时间内,从定丰城过来的武者陆陆续续有人晋升,杨开前往无影洞天之前虽然留下了一些天元正印丹,但根本无法满足需求,这才出现了损伤。 However on the other hand, Dingfeng City martial artist, because promotes the Open Heaven casualty rate, compared with common ratio low many, they because after all the environment limits, accumulation is deeper. 不过相对来说,定丰城武者因为晋升开天的伤亡率,要比寻常的比率低的多,他们毕竟因为环境所限,积累的更深厚一些。 But now, is not counted Open Heaven Stage that Yang Kai this time brings, the Open Heaven Stage martial artist quantity that entire Void Land has reached as high as more than 500 people! If counted Mao Zhe that and the others follow Yang Kai to come back together, that is about 600! 而如今,不算上杨开这次带回来的开天境,整个虚空地拥有的开天境武者数量已经高达五百多人!若是算上跟着杨开一起回来的茅哲等人,那就是将近六百! This is an extremely terrifying digit. 这是一个极为恐怖的数字。 Only from the Open Heaven Stage quantity and quality, Void Land already surpass 99% second-rate influences, with these Cave Heaven Paradise, although does not have the means to compare, the date and time that but Void Land rises after all was still short, what lacks is the precipitation of long years. 单从开天境的数量和质量上,虚空地已经超越了90%九的二等势力,与那些洞天福地虽然没办法比较,可毕竟虚空地崛起的时日尚短,所缺少的是漫长岁月的沉淀。 After a little while, Bian Yuqing reports, bows to sit down, Mo Mei sets out, the Star City situation briefly. 少顷,卞雨晴汇报完毕,躬身坐下,墨眉起身,将星市的情况简单地说了一遍。 That side Star City can be said as a prosperity, because of each month auction, every will have a reason of Heavenly Yuan Positive Seal Pill auction one time, attracted the 3000 Worlds all parties influence on converge Star City. 星市那边可以说是一片欣欣向荣,因为每月一次拍卖会,每一次都会有一枚天元正印丹拍卖的缘故,吸引了三千世界各方势力云集星市 Open Heaven Stage in these Cave Heaven Paradise, will often appear in the auction room. 就连那些洞天福地中的开天境,也会时常出现在拍卖行中。 The come person were many, the popularity is exuberant, popularity one high, the commodity that in Star City has are many, can drive the development of entire Star City, this is a positive cycle. 来的人多了,人气就旺盛,人气一高,星市中拥有的物资就多,更加能带动整个星市的发展,这是一个良性循环。 Star City the shop in every big and small, has basically rented, the business of various shops are also quite hot, these Cave Mansion, were been based in Star City martial artist to raid. 星市中的大大小小的店铺,基本上都已经租赁出去了,各家店铺的生意也都极为火爆,就连那些洞府,都被一些常驻星市武者哄抢一空。 Void Land every month the income of Star City obtaining, least is also over a hundred million Open Heaven Pill scratch coats, sometimes are more. 虚空地每个月从星市这边得到的进项,最少也是上亿开天丹打底,有的时候更多。 Mao Zhe and the others in being flabbergasted of audit! 茅哲等人在一旁听的咋舌不已! Over a hundred million Open Heaven Pill, moreover this merely is only one month of income. This truly is the scale and ability that large-scale Star City can have, solely one Star City, then can provide all that needs to entire Void Land continuously. 上亿开天丹,而且这仅仅只是一个月的进项。这确实已经是大型星市所能具备的规模和能力了,单单一个星市,便能给整个虚空地源源不断地提供所需要的一切。 Must know that over a hundred million Open Heaven Pill purchasing power are quite good, although cannot buy the 7-Rank resources, but the luck good words, the 6-Rank resources can buy several absolutely. 要知道上亿开天丹的购买力可是极为不俗的,虽然买不到七品资源,但运气好的话,六品资源绝对能买好几份。 Year after year saves, wealth how terrifying that can save? 长年累月的积攒下来,能积攒的财富该多么恐怖 This Star City, almost can be said as entire Void Land treasure bowl/gold mine! 这一个星市,几乎就可以说是整个虚空地聚宝盆 The Star City popularity is exuberant, martial artist passes in and out frequently, at first when also no issue, can control the overall situation by the Great Chief Commander Mansion ability. 星市人气旺盛,武者进出频繁,最初之时还没什么问题,凭借大都督府的能力还可以掌控全局。 As Void Land Star City, these business do business in Star City, the turning in tax money and rent, Void Land then has the duty to have the responsibility to maintain the daily stability, protects their personal safety and ensure the calmness and steadiness of Star City, will not have the matter of battle bleeding, even if happened, still needs immediately process appropriately. 作为虚空地星市,那些商家在星市中做生意,上缴税金和租金,虚空地便有义务有责任维持日常的安定,保护他们的人身安全,确保星市的安稳,不会发生争斗流血之事,即便发生了,也必须要在第一时间处理妥当。 So just now can a communication martial artist security sense, shows Void Land background one method. 如此方才能给来往武者一种安全感,也是彰显虚空地本身底蕴的一种手段。 But with the development of these two years time, Great Chief Commander Mansion here deals with somewhat was also strenuous. 但随着这两年时间的发展,大都督府这边应付的也有些吃力了。 Does not have him, with the development of increase and scale of Star City popularity, martial artist cultivation level that in Star City presents is also getting higher and higher. Most can the direct feel this change, then assumes Jin Yuanlang of Void ferry spot. 无他,随着星市人气的增加和规模的发展,星市中出现的武者修为也越来越高。最能直观感受到这种变化的,便是坐镇虚空渡口的金元朗 When Void Land Star City starts to develop, Jin Yuanlang then presents the life of Yang Kai, assumes the Void ferry spot, the examination communication personnel. 虚空地星市开始发展之时,金元朗便奉杨开之命,坐镇虚空渡口,稽查来往人员。 His 5-Rank Open Heaven cultivation level, deals with most scenes not to have the issue, but some 6-Rank Open Heaven will come from outside occasionally, facing 6-Rank, his 5-Rank cultivation level on some pressures. 五品开天修为,应付大多数场面都没有问题,但偶尔还是有一些六品开天会从外面进来,面对六品,他五品修为就有些压力了。 If two 6-Rank in Star City the conflict, attacked brutally, Void Land Star City depends on Mo Mei only, is unable to deal. 若是有两个六品星市之中起了冲突,大打出手,虚空地星市这边单靠一个墨眉,根本无法应对。 When the time comes not to mention will cause the big losses to Star City, is also has the drastic effect on the Void Land reputation. 到时候且不说会给星市造成多大的损失,便是对虚空地的名声也有巨大的影响。 These are the issues that should be solved as soon as possible. 这些都是急需解决的问题。 Was good also leads a group of powerhouses to come back because of Yang Kai now, moreover had several 6-Rank. 好在杨开如今又带了一批强者回来,而且其中有好几位六品 Mr. and Mrs. Hua Yong voluntarily requested to join Void Land in Gemini Island, Yang Kai permits the duty of Elder. Mao Zhe Geng Qing and Zhou Ya with are 6-Rank, naturally cannot put in great inconvenience, Yang Kai orders, three people also became a Elder Pavilion member. 华勇夫妇早在双子岛的时候就主动要求加入虚空地,杨开更许了长老之职。茅哲耿青周雅同为六品,自然也不能委屈了,杨开一声令下,三人也都成了长老阁的一份子。 The Mao Zhe three people receive an order joyfully. 茅哲三人欣然领命。 Their three were limited by Loyalty List, the life and death was controlled by Yang Kai, strict is the Yang Kai's servants. But this time is together, Yang Kai has never had any impolite request to them, moreover never exposes this 1-layer to relate outward, retained the enormous face countenance to their three people. 他们三个受忠义谱所限,生死受杨开掌控,严格来说都是杨开的奴仆。但这段时间相处下来,杨开从未对他们有过什么无礼的要求,而且对外也从未暴露过这一层关系,给他们三人保留了极大的颜面。 Although three people in the mouth did not say, but at heart many are somewhat grateful. If Yang Kai really has to think how to them, they except for withstanding is also incapable of revolting radically. 三人虽然口中不说,但心里多少还是有些感激的。杨开真要是有心想对他们如何如何,他们除了承受也根本无力反抗。 Now wants them to join Elder Pavilion, is naturally glad, becomes Void Land Elder, that had the status, in Void Land, can press their head except for Yang Kai and that two Holy Spirit, others are most with them treat as an equal. 如今要他们加入长老阁,自然是乐意的,成为虚空地长老,那就有了名分,在虚空地中,除了杨开和那两位圣灵能压他们一头,其他人最多跟他们平起平坐。 Also is under regulations, Mr. and Mrs. Hua Yong dials to delimit the Void ferry spot to assume personal command secretly, that side ferry spot all are still run by Jin Yuanlang, the powerhouse who only if meeting is hard to deal with, the couple usually do not need to act. 又是一条条令下,华勇夫妇拨划到虚空渡口坐镇幕后,渡口那边的一切依然由金元朗掌管,除非遇到难以应对的强者,夫妇二人平时无需出面。 The Mao Zhe three people assume Great Chief Commander Mansion in turn, assistance Mo Mei manage Star City. 茅哲三人轮流坐镇大都督府,协助墨眉管理星市 Another other from Shadowless Cave Heaven 5-Rank 4-Rank Open Heaven, 11 arranged the Deacon effective duty, divides various. 另有其他从无影洞天中出来的五品四品开天,也都一一安排了执事管事的职务,划分各堂。 The people 11 receive an order! 众人一一领命! „The fellow who Sect Master, these apologize is still waiting, how can Sect Master decide?” Bian Yuqing opens the mouth to ask. 宗主,那些来赔礼道歉的家伙还在等着,宗主要如何定夺?”卞雨晴开口问道。 These people only know that Void Land's Lord Yang Kai returned, if knows that Void Land had/left so many high grade Open Heaven Stage suddenly, only feared that will be more terrified. 那些人只知道虚空地之主杨开回归了,要是知道虚空地忽然多出了这么多高品阶开天境,只怕会更加惶恐。 Bian Yuqing did not say this, he also did to forget, one crowd of any cat any dog, who remembered them? 卞雨晴不说这个,他还搞忘了,一群阿猫阿狗,谁记得他们? eye flashes, Yang Kai said: Some do Heavenly Sword Union people come?” 目光闪了一下,杨开道:“天剑盟有人来吗?” Bian Yuqing is startled slightly, shakes the head saying: Has not seen.” 卞雨晴微微一怔,摇头道:“不曾见到。” Yang Kai light snort/hum, hundred alliances encroach upon Void Land, initially by his almost kill to the last one/being ruthless, he will not let off besides Gold Rainbow Province and Boundless Altar, other influences he has not cared, never crossed the thoughts that must retaliate since birth, these many influence retaliations in the past, do not know that must waste many time, there are these time might as well quite practice. 杨开轻哼一声,百家联盟侵犯虚空地,当初被他几乎赶尽杀绝,除了金虹州森罗坛他不会放过之外,其他势力他并没有太在意,也从未有生过要去打击报复的心思,那些多家势力打击报复过去,不知要浪费多少时间,有这些时间还不如好生修炼 Moreover these influence majority are the third-class influences, including middle-rank Open Heaven does not have, to bully the this kind of influence really to be no interesting. 而且那些势力大多数都是三等势力,连一个中品开天都没有,欺负这样的势力委实没什么意思。 But Heavenly Sword Union this instigator, he is will not easily forgive decidedly. 天剑盟这个始作俑者,他是决然不会轻易饶过的。 Not to mention on the same day hundred alliances were the Heavenly Sword Union leadership, then he left Void Territory to go to Shattered Heaven to seek for on the Proprietress road initially, was given the ambush by the Heavenly Sword Union person. 且不说当日百家联盟是天剑盟主导,便是当初他离开虚空域前往破碎天去寻找老板娘的路上,也被天剑盟的人给伏击了。 Since Heavenly Sword Union provokes in him again and again, that does not take it ill him to have a grudge to revenge, has resentful seeking vengeance! 天剑盟既然三番两次挑衅于他,那就休怪他有仇报仇,有怨报怨! Makes them shed a blood, then asked them to get the hell out, in the future dares to appear in my Void Land, decided not to cut bountifully!” Yang Kai a few words determined the destinies of these influences. “让他们出点血,然后叫他们滚蛋,日后再敢出现在我虚空地,定斩不饶!”杨开一句话决定了那些势力的命运。 The Bian Yuqing respectful sound acknowledged, listens to Yang Kai this is disinclined to see these people, called her plenary powers processing. 卞雨晴恭声应诺,听出杨开这是懒得去见那些人,叫她全权处理了。 Mentioning is also, oneself Sect Master the status is out of the ordinary now, what person is can it be that casual to see? The person who so finally, it is estimated that these come to apologize is also willing to accept, even must be grateful, after all Yang Kai has not done too certainly. 说来也是,自家宗主如今身份非比寻常,岂是随便什么人都可以见的?如此结果,估计那些前来赔礼道歉的人也甘愿接受,甚至还要感恩戴德,毕竟杨开没有做的太绝。 Was a Yin-Yang Heaven Sir sought an interview Sect Master other day, but during Sect Master has been closing up, the subordinate does not dare to disturb, then declined.” “还有就是阴阳天的一位大人日前求见宗主,不过宗主一直在闭关之中,属下不敢打扰,便回绝了。” Yang Kai hear at present one bright: Qu Huachang?” 杨开听的眼前一亮:“曲华裳?” In Void Star City, two big come from the Cave Heaven Paradise Buddhist temple, one is Asura Arena, that is Asura Heaven opens in Void Star City, is one of the Asura Heaven symbols, now Asura Arena in Star City the business is hot every day, young generation of martial artist likes in inside and life dead preying, the wanderer reputation. 虚空星市中,有两大来自洞天福地的道场,一个是修罗场,那是修罗天开设在虚空星市的,也是修罗天的标志之一,如今星市中的修罗场每日都生意火爆,许多年轻一辈的武者都喜欢在里面与人生死搏杀,闯荡声名。 This Asura Arena Yang Kai discussed initially personally with the chancellor person from Asura Heaven, in Asura Arena has Void Land some shares, Asura Arena is irritable, the income that Void Land attains are more. 修罗场还是当初杨开与来自修罗天的主事人亲自谈下来的,修罗场中有虚空地的一些份额,修罗场越是火爆,虚空地拿到的收益就越多。 Another Buddhist temple is Yin-Yang Heaven, Qu Huachang then assumed personal command initially here. 另外一个道场便是阴阳天的了,当初曲华裳便坐镇在这里。 Knows in Great Ruins Boundary with this seductress/evil spirit same woman, afterward shared hardships in Blood Monster Cave Heaven, the life and death relies on one another. 跟这个妖精一样的女人是在太墟境中结识的,后来在血妖洞天之中患难与共,生死相依。 Afterward Yang Kai went to Shattered Heaven, Qu Huachang also one and with the past, although cannot help be too many, but that intention Yang Kai was very grateful. 后来杨开前往破碎天,曲华裳也一并跟了过去,虽然没能帮到太多,但那份心意杨开却很是感激。 Her status is different, is 36 Cave Heaven disciple, every word and deed is representing Yin-Yang Cave Heaven, every so often cannot have one's wish, but honour does not allow one to glance back follows own, resists Ti Zheng et al . 她毕竟身份不同,乃是三十六洞天弟子,一言一行都代表着阴阳洞天,很多时候并不能随心所欲,可还是义无反顾地跟着自己,对抗提铮等人。 Asura Arena opens Asura Arena in major Star City, main purpose two, one is to exercise hanger-on disciple, two are to then gather the wealth. Asura Heaven disciple, must during the life and death preys can rapidly grow, may take a broad view at this 3000 Worlds, where has so many to be able the life and death preying place, Asura Arena is they best choice, but the Asura Arena amassing money ability is also quite uncommon, every year Asura Arena of various places will bring the extremely considerable income to Asura Heaven. 修罗场在各大星市中开设修罗场,主要目的有两个,一个是锻炼门下弟子的,二便是聚拢财富。修罗天弟子,要在生死搏杀之中才能迅速成长,可放眼这三千世界,哪有那么多可以生死搏杀的地方,修罗场便是他们最好的选择,而修罗场的敛财能力也极为不凡,每年都各处的修罗场都会给修罗天带来极为可观的收益。 Yin-Yang Heaven will also open the Buddhist temple in many Star City, to not amass money, to not exercise hanger-on disciple, is only the absorb talent! 阴阳天也会在许多星市中开设道场,不为敛财,也不为锻炼门下弟子,只为吸纳人才! Comes Yin-Yang Heaven, is the good-looking man beautiful woman, understands the say/way of Yin-Yang sexual intercourse, in that Buddhist temples, Yin-Yang Heaven disciple can discuss a reasoning with from 3000 Worlds regional youth people of extraordinary ability, thus finds the happy couple, subsequently strong Yin-Yang Heaven strength. 出身阴阳天的,无一不是俊男美女,更深谙阴阳交合之道,在那各处道场之中,阴阳天弟子可以与来自三千世界各地的青年俊彦谈道论法,从而觅得佳偶,继而壮大阴阳天的实力。
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