MP :: Volume #44

#4346: The custom is many

Li Jingyuan heard to say stunned, the heart said own came is quick enough, how also did some people act swiftly to get there first compared with own? 李敬元闻言愕然,心说自己来的已经足够快了,怎么还有人比自己捷足先登? Looks at the region that green light is at carefully, impressively is the Star City center liveliest places, this place, is the section is often best, popularity most prosperous place. 仔细一瞧那绿光所在的区域,赫然都是星市最中心最繁华之地,这种地方,往往都是地段最好,人气最旺之处。 The heart understands clearly, this is the shop that others Void Land own keeps is at! 心头了然,这是人家虚空地自己留下来的店铺所在啊! Star City is Void Land, others this masters must retain the best section is also unavoidable, this is the matter that each Star City can have, in the Li Jingyuan heart the secretly thought was a pity, but puts out a hand to aim at shops to be at: Here, here also has here......” 星市虚空地的,人家这个主人要保留最好的地段也在所难免,这是每一个星市都会存在的事情,李敬元心中暗道可惜,不过还是伸手指向一间间店铺所在:“这里,这里还有这里……” The one breath selected more than ten places, is the institutes of street connection. 一口气点了十几处地方,都是街道交汇之所。 Although Li Jingyuan is 4-Rank Open Heaven, may be a businessman, the vision sinister, naturally can see that these more than ten places are the places that the Star City popularity will most gather in the future, if can advance these more than ten shops takes, that Gathering Source Trade Company can top in this Void Land, no matter in the future will do business gains steadily does not compensate. 李敬元虽是四品开天,可到底是个生意人,眼光毒辣的很,自然能看出这十几处地方乃是日后星市人气最聚集的地方,若是能先行将这十几处店铺弄到手,那聚源商行便可在这虚空地拔得头筹,日后不管做什么生意都稳赚不赔。 This you were sorry.” That manager suddenly interrupted his words, Great Chief Commander has the command, some that the shop that in my Void Star City, under any personal name has, can not over three, you choose were too many.” “这位兄台抱歉了。”那管事的忽然打断了他的话,“大都督有令,我虚空星市中,任何人名下拥有的店铺,不得超过三间,你选的有些太多了。” Li Jingyuan stares: This custom?” 李敬元一愣:“还有这规矩?” He has also gone to many Star City, may have this custom, first time bumps into. Void Land this is must have the big self-confidence, will make the this kind of decision? Their such definite Star City in the future irritably exceptionally, therefore limits the shop ahead of time had the quantity! 他也去过不少星市,可有这种规矩的,还是头一次碰到。虚空地这是得有多大的自信,才会做出这样的决定?他们就这么确定星市日后会火爆异常,所以提前限制店铺的拥有数量了! However changes mind thinks own these three days hear to see with own eyes, pour also feel relaxed, so long as what accidental/surprised, Void Star City has bright prospects. 不过转念一想自己这三日耳闻目见,倒也释然,只要不出什么意外,虚空星市是大有可为的。 Slightly hesitates, on the face hangs up the smiling face, the movement of hand slightly in the sleeve, placed that effective front Space Ring with no trace: This Sir, my Gathering Source Trade Company operation type quite a lot, Sanjiandian Shop is not quite really sufficient, you looked, can stretch the rules 12?” 略一沉吟,脸上挂上笑容,手在袖子中微微一番动作,不着痕迹地将一枚空间戒放在了那管事的面前:“这位大人,我聚源商行经营种类颇多,三间店铺委实不太够用,你看,是不是能通融一二?” That is in charge Space Ring of martial artist on toward the table to look, shakes the head to say slowly: Sorry, the Great Chief Commander public proclamation, I am also ordered to handle affairs.” 那管事武者朝桌上空间戒瞧了瞧,缓缓摇头道:“抱歉,大都督明令,我也只是奉命行事。” Really doesn't have other means?” Li Jingyuan some do not lose heart. “真的就没有别的办法?”李敬元有些不死心。 That manager shakes the head does not speak. 那管事摇头不语。 A Li Jingyuan eyeball revolution, the smile said suddenly: Three then three.” 李敬元忽然眼珠子一转,微笑道:“三间便三间吧。” Chose best Sanjiandian Shop, some anxious tunnels: „Does this Sanjiandian Shop, how many buy altogether to need?” 又重新选了最好的三间店铺,有些急切地道:“这三间店铺,买下来总共需要多少?” The stewards said: „The Star City shop, only rents does not sell!” 管事道:“星市店铺,只租不卖!” Li Jingyuan knits the brows slightly: „Are all shops so?” 李敬元微微皱眉:“所有店铺都是如此?” Without exception!” “无一例外!” Li Jingyuan, in major Star City, some section good shops will truly not be sold, but some shops can buy and sell after all, has not once thought that plan that the Void Star City shop simply has not sold unexpectedly. 李敬元啧了一声,各大星市中,有些地段不错的店铺确实不会被卖出去,但总归有些店铺是可以买卖的,没曾想,虚空星市的店铺居然根本没有售卖的打算。 Does not make the entanglement in this issue, Li Jingyuan said: I then rent this Sanjiandian Shop.” 不在这个问题上多做纠缠,李敬元道:“那我便租下这三间店铺。” Effective say/way: Shop rents, has ten-year, with hundred-year, the price is not same, which type can you choose?” 管事的道:“店铺租赁,有十年期,和百年期,价格自不相同,你要选择哪一种?” Li Jingyuan could not bear the corners of the mouth pull out slightly. 李敬元忍不住嘴角微微抽了一下。 ...... …… Some little time the time, Li Jingyuan walks from the governor's headquarters, he has also gone to many Star City, with managing the person in Star City shop has had to do, which Star City may never discover such as Void Star City custom so many. 好一会功夫,李敬元才从都督府中走出来,他也去过不少星市,与管理星市店铺的人打过交道,可从未发现有哪一个星市虚空星市规矩这么多。 Void Star City here popularity has not gathered, has adopted a waiting for a better price stance, is really exasperating. 虚空星市这边人气还没聚拢起来,就已经摆出一副待价而沽的姿态了,委实气人。 Moreover, the rent of here shop is really not cheap, estimates to want on expensively compared with him about 20%, if general Star City, he also not necessarily wants such massive hemorrhage, but he really favors the Void Star City future potential , can only endure suffering with that manager signs the agreement. 而且,这里店铺的租金也实在不便宜,比他心里的估价要贵上20%左右,若是一般的星市,他也未必愿意这么大出血,可他实在是看好虚空星市未来的潜力,也只能忍痛与那管事签下协议。 He also planned makes the subordinate go to rent some shops again, however also eliminated the idea at this moment. The rental price of Void Star City shop somewhat is really expensive, although he is optimistic about here prospects for development, but to exempt being mistaken time, is careful good, Sanjiandian Shop tries the water, losing money will not be miserable. 他原本还打算让手下人再去多租赁一些店铺,然而此刻也打消了主意。虚空星市店铺的租赁价格实在有些贵,他虽看好这里的发展前景,但为免有走眼的时候,还是小心些好,三间店铺来试试水,亏损了也不会太惨。 He planned...... 他原本是这么打算的…… However a two days time, he then regretted. 然而不过两日功夫,他便后悔了。 Only because in this several days time, Void Land wells up large quantities of martial artist unexpectedly, he once looked from afar toward the ferry spot that side, saw only that side flight Secret Treasure to arrange several long dragon, is waiting for the inspection of ferry spot, prepared to enter Star City. 只因在这短短几日时间内,虚空地竟是涌进来大批武者,他曾远远地朝渡口那边看去,只见得那边的飞行秘宝排成了好几条长龙,都在等待渡口的检查,准备进入星市 Before that governor's headquarters, is the troops like the class/flow, the shuttle continues, he even saw several familiar faces, is other Trade Company stewards. 那都督府前,也是人马如流,穿梭不止,他甚至在其中看到了好几个熟悉的面孔,都是其他商行的管事。 Does not need to think, they are also rent the shop. 不用想,他们也是去租赁店铺的。 When he sets firm resolve again, enters the governor's headquarters, wish lets the subordinate rents more shops the time, actually the discovery on that mountain wave picture, settled on before, the location/position very good shop, has fallen into others' pouch. 等他再下定决心,进入都督府,想要让手下人租下更多的店铺的时候,却发现在那山波图上,之前看中的,位置很好的店铺,都已落入别人的囊中。 Star City starts to live it up. 星市开始热闹起来。 Since the Gathering Source Trade Company first batch arrive at Star City, initial, had over a hundred and even several hundred martial artist on several th every day comes in all directions, but with passing of time, this digit rapidly is increasing. 聚源商行第一批来到星市之后,最初的几日,每一日都有上百乃至数百武者四面八方而来,而随着时间的流逝,这个数字更是在迅速增加。 Until today, the ferry spot statistics enter the Star City population, has reached as high as about 3000 impressively! Moreover this digit is still rising crazily, that side the ferry spot almost paralyzes, Jin Yuanlang busy being heavily engaged, unavoidablily, can only send people to go to Void Land, requested that Yue He dispatches the person to support! 直到今日,渡口处统计进入星市的人数,赫然已高达近三千!而且这个数字还在疯狂地上涨,渡口那边几乎瘫痪,金元朗忙的不可开交,不得已,只能派人前往虚空地,请求月荷遣人支援! Yue He obtained the news, immediately to report Yang Kai, Yang Kai from permitted, making Yue He lead the person to rush to the ferry spot personally, kept the order. 月荷得到消息,第一时间禀报杨开,杨开自无不允,让月荷亲自带人赶往渡口,维持秩序。 6-Rank Open Heaven sends out, brought large quantities of Void Land disciple in the past, that side the ferry spot situation is then improved slightly. 六品开天一出动,更带了大批虚空地弟子过去,渡口那边的情况这才稍稍好转。 Also, Bian Yuqing has stood in front of Yang Kai on several th reports Star City that side situation, speaking of entering the Star City martial artist quantity, some Bian Yuqing excited tunnels: Sect Master, today martial artist that comes through the ferry spot, before the closure statistics, has more than 5310 people.” 又过几日,卞雨晴站在杨开面前汇报星市那边的情况,说到进入星市武者的数量,卞雨晴有些激动地道:“宗主,今日通过渡口而来的武者,截止统计之前,已经有五千三百一十多人了。” Yang Kai nodded the head slightly, carries tea to sip one. 杨开微微颔首,端起茶盏抿了一口。 Although this situation in expected, may progress to this degree of time truly, he is felt relieved thoroughly. 这情况虽在意料之中,可真正进展到这种程度的时候,他才算彻底放下心来。 That Heavenly Yuan Positive Seal Pill that before auctioned, has not wasted finally in vain. This grade of Spirit Pill appears on the market, moreover there is Lu Xue in those words that the auction finally spoke, Void Land does not need deliberately to give Star City to drum up support the propaganda, some people will naturally transmit the message outward. 之前拍卖出去的那一枚天元正印丹,总算没有白白浪费。这等灵丹面世,而且还有卢雪在拍卖会最后说的那句话,虚空地这边就无需刻意去给星市造势宣传,自然会有人将消息往外传递。 Once this matter spreads, will bring in waiting and seeing of countless person surely. 这种事一旦传扬出去,必定会引来无数人的观望。 Star City, now how many people?” Yang Kai also asked. 星市呢,如今有多少人了?”杨开又问道。 Roughly 80,000 people, our Star City accommodated 1 million people a cinch, according to this speed looked, only feared will then be fully occupied in less than several months.” “约莫八万人了,咱们星市容纳百万人不在话下,照这个速度看,只怕用不了几月便会人满为患。” Yang Kai said: Makes Mo Mei tighten the inspection defense of Star City, so as to avoid there is a ganef to cause trouble in secret, tarnishes my Star City reputation, dares to stir up trouble picking a quarrel in Star City, does not appease.” 杨开道:“让墨眉加强星市的巡视防守,免得有宵小暗中生事,败坏我星市名誉,胆敢在星市滋事寻衅者,绝不姑息。” The Bian Yuqing smile said: Protector Mo these days truly caught many people, detains in the dungeon.” 卞雨晴微笑道:“墨护法这几日确实抓了不少人呢,都关押在地牢之中。” Yang Kai raises the head looks in the direction that Star City is at, hesitates saying: this time, should the auction start?” 杨开抬头星市所在的方向看去,沉吟道:“这个时候,拍卖会应该开始了吧?” Bian Yuqing nods said: Yes, the auction room has started to have the most double-hour, should almost soon finish.” 卞雨晴颔首道:“是,拍卖行已经开始有大半个时辰了,应该差不多快要结束了。” Who is this time is managing?” “这次是谁在主持?” Is Manager Yun personally manages!” “是云管事亲自主持!” Yang Kai nods gently, previous time compels to have no other choice, making Lu Xue force somebody to do something he incapable, but the auction room gives out Yun Xinghua to handle now, he personally presides over the auction but actually also indisputable, moreover experience of Yun Xinghua in this aspect, should be much better compared with Lu Xue. 杨开轻轻点头,上次逼不得已,让卢雪赶鸭子上架,不过如今拍卖行拨给了云星华打理,他亲自去主持拍卖会倒也无可厚非,而且云星华在这方面的经验,应该比卢雪要好很多。 Is speaking, the Bian Yuqing look moves suddenly, takes out a contact bead, Spiritual Mind nosing, after the moment, is joyful: Sect Master, is pregnant.” 正说着话,卞雨晴忽然神色一动,取出一枚联络珠来,神念查探,片刻后欣喜道:“宗主,有喜。” Yang Kai tea has almost not spurted, stares her one eyes saying: Said!” 杨开一口茶水差点没喷出来,瞪她一眼道:“讲来!” Bian Yuqing purses the lips to smile tenderly: This auction successfully ended, finally Finale Heavenly Yuan Positive Seal Pill laid out the 3,500,000 Open Heaven Pill price, all auction altogether yield about 8 million incomes!” 卞雨晴抿嘴娇笑:“这次拍卖会圆满结束,最后压轴天元正印丹拍出了三百五十万开天丹的价格,所有拍品总共获得将近八百万的收益!” Yang Kai un, 3,500,000, but also the insufficient Heavenly Yuan Positive Seal Pill true value, this thing, ten million/countless does not dislike by far many. Will present the this kind of price, it is estimated that is also because will arrive at the insufficient full reason of here martial artist preparation, believes that the next time, the Heavenly Yuan Positive Seal Pill price will rise suddenly again, but by that time, Star City here situation then can stabilize. 杨开嗯了一声,三百五十万,还远远不够天元正印丹真正的价值,这东西,一千万都不嫌多。会出现这样的价格,估计也是因为来到这里的武者准备的不够充分的缘故,相信下一次,天元正印丹的价格会再次暴涨,而到那个时候,星市这边的局势便可以稳定了。 Void Land has Star City this money tree, in the future does not need to worry about the disciples practice resources the issue. 虚空地坐拥星市这颗摇钱树,日后再也无需担忧弟子们修行资源的问题。 But the solution Void Land practice resources incident, remaining, was the resources that his own needed. 而解决虚空地修行资源一事,剩下的,便是他自己需要的资源了。 7-Rank Yin Element...... does not know should from where, Yang Kai secret headache. 七品阴行……也不知该从何处着手啊,杨开暗暗头疼。 Outside Void Auction House, Storekeeper Jin and Storekeeper Tong two people absent-minded walk, the this time auction, they also participated same, witnessed finally the enthusiastic reception of that Heavenly Yuan Positive Seal Pill bidding. 虚空拍卖行外,金掌柜童掌柜二人失神地走出来,这一次拍卖会,他们也一样参加了,目睹了最后那一枚天元正印丹竞拍的火爆程度。 Three months ago the first auction, the auction of this time can describe with savage simply that Heavenly Yuan Positive Seal Pill enters the stage swiftly, the selling quotation sound of scene then continuously, the rapidness of price increasing, lets two people frightened. 比较三个月前第一次拍卖会,这一次的拍卖简直可以用凶残来形容,那天元正印丹倏一出场,现场的喊价声便此起彼伏,价格攀升之快,让两人都惊悚不已。 Brother Jin, we are take advantage.” A Storekeeper Tong face rejoiced. 金兄,咱们是占了大便宜啊。”童掌柜一脸庆幸。 If not for the accident of sorts, how they can pat Heavenly Yuan Positive Seal Pill by 140,000 prices? Must know today's Spirit Pill, but laid out the 3,500,000 high price, is almost their dozens times. 若不是机缘巧合,他们二人又如何能以十四万的价格拍得一枚天元正印丹?要知道今日的灵丹,可是拍出了三百五十万的高价,几乎是他们的数十倍。 Hence, they did not suspect that Spirit Pill genuine and fake, they aren't able to distinguish the truth, could it be that others cannot distinguish? Let alone, Void Land will not make this type to ruin the signboard the matter. 至此,他们再不怀疑那灵丹的真假,他们无法分辨真伪,难道别人也分辨不出吗?更何况,虚空地也不会做这种自砸招牌的事。 Now we need to do, looks for people to act that Spirit Pill as soon as possible, the Void Star City popularity is irritable day after day, I and others had the own shop, the need fund revolves.” “如今咱们需要做的,就是尽快找人将那灵丹出手,虚空星市人气日渐火爆,我等都有自己的店铺,需要资金来运转。” Storekeeper Jin said: Brother Tong, be honest with you, some people had contacted with me yesterday in secret, is willing to bid million Open Heaven Pill, purchases our Heavenly Yuan Positive Seal Pill!” 金掌柜道:“童兄,不瞒你说,昨日已经有人私下里联系我了,愿意出价一百万开天丹,购买咱们的天元正印丹!” 1 million?” Storekeeper Tong stares, how he does not snatch!” “一百万?”童掌柜瞪眼,“他怎么不去抢!” Without attending today's auction, 1 million makes him move sufficiently, may after the experience to situation in the auction, this 1 million, being insufficient make him move obviously. 若是没有参加今日的拍卖会,一百万足以让他动心,可在见识到拍卖会上的情况之后,这一百万,显然不足以让他动心。 Storekeeper Jin said with a smile: Therefore I rejected, but I think, these days should have more people to contact with your me, we do not separate, if experiences anything, but can also discuss.” 金掌柜笑道:“所以我拒绝了,不过我想,这几日应个会有更多的人来联系你我,咱们二人还不是要分开了,若是遇到什么事,还可以商量一下。”
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