MP :: Volume #43

#4254: Escaping

Sky over Consciousness Sea, Yang Kai's Divine Soul Spirit Body calmly stands on Mild Soul Lotus, is calm and composed even in press of work is looking at the fog. 识海上空,杨开的神魂灵体就静静地站在温神莲上,好整以暇地望着灰雾。 If Black Crow Divine Monarch has flesh body at this moment, deciding is cold sweat drippings, with language angry saying that one type does not dare to believe: „Has junior you been planning me?” If memory serves, just now Yang Kai is flurry of somewhat several performance, now knows, he has the Mild Soul Lotus this kind of world most precious object to be the backing, is flurried, that is obviously acting in a play. 黑鸦神君此刻有肉身的话,定是冷汗淋淋,用一种不敢置信的语气道:“小辈你一直在算计我?”如果没记错的话,方才杨开可是好几次表现的有些慌乱,如今才知,他有温神莲这样的天地至宝作为后盾,慌乱个屁啊,那明显是在演戏。 Mild Soul Lotus nourishes the Divine Soul most precious object, at present this is seven colors, has this background, Divine Soul of this boy almost will be existence of Indestructible, the strength of Divine Soul also never possibly dry, he was also counting on Yang Kai will be exhausted will seize the shed at one fell swoop, obviously some want. 温神莲乃是滋养神魂的至宝,眼前这朵更是七彩,有此底蕴,这小子的神魂几乎是不灭的存在,神魂之力也永远不可能干涸,他还指望着杨开筋疲力尽之时一举夺舍,显然有些想多了。 And you too!” Yang Kai is looking at the fog lightly. Not only knows the opposite party is the Divine Monarch remnant soul, he and will be unretentive? Who knows these Divine Monarch to have what method. “彼此彼此!”杨开淡淡地望着灰雾。既知道对方是神君残魂,他又怎会毫无保留?谁知这些神君都有什么手段。 Black Crow Divine Monarch hates the tooth to be itchy, that fog also fluctuates erratically, shows the fluctuation of its state of mind, now this situation, he is somewhat unable to back down, the secret regret constantly, the one had only known words, choose that junior who has the Blood Principle foundation, is thinking Yang Kai's aura will be more exuberant, practice Blood Shine Scripture will have the advantage in the future, now looks like, own will step on a big hole, now is involved, some are unable to extricate oneself. 黑鸦神君恨得牙痒痒,那灰雾也一阵变幻不定,彰显其心境的波动,如今这情况,他有些骑虎难下,暗暗后悔不迭,早知如此的话,就去选那个有血道根基的小辈了,本想着杨开的气息旺盛一些,日后修行血照经有优势,如今看来,自己一脚踩进一个大坑,如今深陷其中,有些无法自拔。 Divine Monarch just now asked, the boy only meets that two moves!” Yang Kai is saying, while lifts one slowly. 神君方才问,小子是不是只会那两招!”杨开一边说着,一边徐徐抬起一手。 Black Crow Divine Monarch heart police trillion greatly fresh, one type and the feeling of unease fills the air from the Divine Soul deep place, the instinct place, realizing Yang Kai should to display what Secret Technique again. 黑鸦神君心头警兆大生,一种及其不安的感觉自神魂深处弥漫出来,本能地,意识到杨开应该是要再施展什么秘术了。 Now can reply Divine Monarch actually, the boy also has another move, does not know that Divine Monarch...... can receive lives!” When the words fall, the Yang Kai big hand proceeds to wield: Kills him!” “如今倒是可以回答神君,小子还有另一招,就是不知道神君……能不能受得住了!”话落时,杨开大手往前一挥:“弄死他!” Buzz...... 嗡…… Dense and numerous buzz the whining noise resounds suddenly, each and everyone Little Black departs from seven color Mild Soul Lotus each corner suddenly, these sunspots do not have to plan, then changes to dark clouds quickly, covers rapidly toward the fog. 密密麻麻的嗡鸣声忽然响起,紧接着一个个小黑点忽然自七彩温神莲的各个角落处飞出,那些黑点无以算计,很快便化作一片黑云,朝灰雾迅速罩去。 Black Crow Divine Monarch panic-stricken desire certainly: Soul Devouring Insect!” 黑鸦神君惊骇欲绝:“噬魂虫!” That each and everyone Little Black point, where is what Little Black point, clearly is an only grotesque insect. 一个个小黑点,哪里是什么小黑点,分明是一只只奇形怪状的虫子。 He has to see Soul Devouring Insect, this strange and unusual insects swallows the strength of Divine Soul specially, it can be said that all Divine Soul natural enemies, because of this point, Soul Devouring Insect and difficult to survive, hard to bring about is very long, often when was very small and weak died. 他并非没见过噬魂虫,这种奇虫异豸专门吞噬神魂之力,可以说是所有神魂的天然克星,也正是因为这一点,噬魂虫及难存活,也很难成长起来,往往在很弱小的时候就死亡了。 Generally speaking, Soul Devouring Insect threatens Emperor Senior Stage above martial artist very much difficultly. 一般来说,噬魂虫很难能威胁到帝尊境以上的武者 But at present these Soul Devouring Insect, actually surpass his cognition, the each and everyone insect sent out and savage aura, makes his Divine Soul feel frightened unexpectedly, it is almost certain that once own by this insect cloud package, were definitely had no good end, own Divine Soul no doubt, but is also out of control swallowing of these insects. 但眼前这些噬魂虫,却是超出了他的认知,一个个虫子散发出及其凶残的气息,竟让他的神魂都感到惊悚,几乎可以肯定的是,一旦自己被这虫云包裹,肯定没什么好下场,自己神魂固然了得,但也禁不住这些虫子的吞噬。 Was, this boy seven color Mild Soul Lotus, the Divine Soul strength took uses drainless not, did not need to be worried that own Divine Soul was damaged, he used own the strength of Divine Soul to rear in a pen these insects, year and year out got down, how could weren't these things also powerful? 是了,这小子有七彩温神莲,神魂力量取之不竭用之不尽,也根本不用担心自身的神魂是否受损,他用自己神魂之力圈养这些虫子,经年累月下来,这些东西又岂能不强大? When peak, Black Crow Divine Monarch is not necessarily able to place in the eye this kind of one group of insect clouds, but he now also merely is only together the remnant soul, in front of these Soul Devouring Insect, but is the delicious delicacy. 若是巅峰之时,黑鸦神君未必会将这样的一团虫云放在眼中,但他如今也仅仅只是一道残魂而已,在这些噬魂虫面前,只不过是可口的美味。 Before Yang Kai hid them in Mild Soul Lotus, they also had no change, now puts, looked like smelled the cat of fishy smell, threw impatiently toward the fog. 之前杨开将它们藏在温神莲中,它们还没什么异动,如今一放出来,就像是嗅到了腥味的猫,迫不及待地朝灰雾扑去。 Black Crow Divine Monarch cries out strangely, turns around to escape, insect cloud Jinsui after that pursues does not abandon. 黑鸦神君怪叫一声,转身就逃,虫云紧随其后,追逐不舍。 Stands on Mild Soul Lotus, Yang Kai watches critically. Since his practice, Black Crow Divine Monarch not first has rushed in his Consciousness Sea the person, is not the first intention seizes the person in shed to him, but anyone who dares to rush in his Consciousness Sea, will not have any good end. 站在温神莲上,杨开冷眼旁观。自他修行以来,黑鸦神君并非第一个闯进他识海中人,也不是第一个意图对他夺舍的人,但任何一个胆敢闯进他识海的人,都不会有什么好下场。 But all these must give credit to Mild Soul Lotus, this thing worthily is the world most precious object, not only nourishes Yang Kai's Divine Soul for a long time unceasingly, making his Divine Soul strength incomparably powerful, makes him defeat a superior enemy repeatedly, turns defeat into victory. 而这一切都得归功于温神莲,这东西不愧是天地至宝,不但长久以来不断滋养杨开的神魂,让他的神魂力量变得无比强大,更让他屡屡以弱胜强,反败为胜。 It can be said that without Mild Soul Lotus, own only feared that does not know many times, the treasure that this obtained long ago helps many on his road of growth, making Yang Kai rejoice. 可以说,若是没有温神莲,自己只怕不知道死了多少次了,这早年得到的宝贝在他的成长之路上可是帮助很多,让杨开庆幸不已。 Has saying that the Black Crow Divine Monarch very several brushes, here is Yang Kai's Consciousness Sea, his Divine Soul must receive some suppressions in this place naturally, imposing that even so, escapes, the Soul Devouring Insect cloud has no means with him for a short time unexpectedly. 不得不说,黑鸦神君挺有几把刷子的,这里是杨开的识海,他的神魂在此地天然要受到一些压制,即便如此,也逃的虎虎生风,噬魂虫云一时半会竟是拿他没什么办法。 Sees this situation, the Yang Kai intention moves slightly, that group of Soul Devouring Insect clouds are divided into four immediately, changes to four black smokes, is divided into four directions to besiege and pursue to block off to Black Crow Divine Monarch! 见此情形,杨开心念微动,那一团噬魂虫云立刻一分为四,化作四道黑烟,分成四个方向对黑鸦神君围追堵截! This Black Crow Divine Monarch had bad luck, although he struggles furiously, actually still gets rid of can not by the misfortune that Soul Devouring Insect takes possession, quick, in that fog were many 1-layer black insect , Soul Devouring Insect gnaws to eat his Divine Soul silently unceasingly, is swallowing his Divine Soul strength, lets the Black Crow Divine Monarch loud pitiful yell, the speed of continually escaping slow many. 这一下黑鸦神君就倒了大霉了,他虽奋力挣扎,却依然摆脱不得被噬魂虫附身的厄运,很快,那灰雾上便多了一层黑色的虫豸,无声无息地,噬魂虫不断地啃食着他的神魂,吞噬着他的神魂力量,让黑鸦神君大声惨叫,连逃跑的速度都慢了不少。 This is slow, was covered by many Soul Devouring Insect. 这一慢下来,便被更多的噬魂虫覆盖。 Short more than ten breath times, that fog had then been covered by the black insect cloud thoroughly. 短短不过十几息功夫,那灰雾便已彻底被黑色的虫云笼罩。 Junior, lets off me, Old Man may pass on your true Great Evolution Inextinguishable Blood Shine Scripture, leading you to go to Blood Monster Divine Palace to inherit the heritage of Blood Monster old ordinary man.” “小辈,放过我,老夫可传你真正的大衍不灭血照经,带你去血妖神殿继承血妖老匹夫的遗产。” True Great Evolution Inextinguishable Blood Shine Scripture?” A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, you meant, before we saw is false?” “真正的大衍不灭血照经?”杨开眉头一皱,“你的意思是说,我们之前看到的都是假的?” These real, otherwise so wins trust, if this is not the case, you and others could not adopt the test of first several pass/test, is unable to arrive in the center of the lake Palace, but Blood Shine Scripture on Old Man skeleton is false, was revised several by Old Man.” “那些都是真的,要不然如此取信于人,若非如此,你等也通不过前几关的考验,无法抵达湖心的宫殿,不过老夫骸骨上的血照经却是假的,被老夫修改了几处。” Old ordinary man is sinister enough!” Yang Kai reviles one. “老匹夫够阴险的!”杨开唾骂一声。 Lets off me, I true Blood Shine Scripture will pass to you, your vitality is so exuberant, if can practice Blood Shine Scripture decide however twice the result with half the effort, the millenniums, you are next Blood Monster Divine Monarch!” “放过我,我将真正的血照经传给你,你的气血如此旺盛,若能修行血照经定然事半功倍,不出千年,你便是下一个血妖神君!” Yang Kai cold snort: Does a bit less to seduce me, the this King say/way is Principle of Space, Blood Principle does not have the significance with me!” If not for wants to obtain the reward of 7-Rank Core, he was also not necessarily able to come this turbid water, Great Evolution Inextinguishable Blood Shine Scripture no doubt, to his attraction was really not too big. 杨开冷哼:“少来诱惑我,本座的道乃是空间之道,血道与我毫无意义!”若不是想得到七品内丹的奖励,他也未必会来趟这浑水,大衍不灭血照经固然了得,对他的吸引力还真不是太大。 Black Crow Divine Monarch said: You have the own say/way no doubt are the good deed, but Blood Shine Scripture is the unrivalled distinguished merit, can practice to the pinnacle the drop blood rebirth, undying and indestructible, could it be that you not move?” 黑鸦神君道:“你有自己的道固然是好事,但血照经乃是旷世奇功,修炼到极致可滴血重生,不死不灭,难道你就一点都不动心?” Blood Monster Divine Monarch died, where comes what undying and indestructible?” Yang Kai laughs at one. 血妖神君都死了,哪来什么不死不灭?”杨开嗤笑一声。 Black Crow Divine Monarch illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy: Even you do not need Blood Principle, could it be that doesn't want the heritage of Blood Monster old ghost? That is losing of 8-Rank Open Heaven buries, if you it, then can shortly the richest in the world!” 黑鸦神君气结:“即便你无需血道,难道不要血妖老鬼的遗产?那是一位八品开天的遗葬,你若得之,顷刻间便能富甲天下!” Yang Kai said lightly: Wants, how not to want, but...... I am untrustworthy you!” 杨开淡淡道:“想要,怎么不想要,不过……我信不过你啊!” The opposite party good and evil is the Divine Monarch rank, words Yang Kai that he said listens even, if really had the thoughts, only feared finally must be eaten does not remain the bone, these lived the innumerable year of old foxes, each and everyone astute incomparable, then can it be that is good to cope. 对方好歹是神君级别的,他说的话杨开听听就算了,真要是动了心思,只怕最后要被吃的连骨头都不剩,这些活了无数年的老狐狸,一个个都精明无比,岂是那么好对付的。 Junior, do you want kill to the last one/being ruthless really?” Black Crow Divine Monarch angrily roars. “小辈,你果真要赶尽杀绝?”黑鸦神君怒吼。 Divine Monarch wants to seize to abandon me, does could it be that my show mercy to Divine Monarch? The time not many, Divine Monarch must revolt not, but also please hurry dead!” 神君想要夺舍我,难道我该对神君手下留情?时间无多,神君莫要反抗了,还请赶紧去死吧!” Was mad ghost Old Man!” Black Crow Divine Monarch is breathless, the opportunity that if chooses again one time, he will not choose Yang Kai absolutely, but things have gotten to this point, regrets also uselessly, is cruel-hearted, ferocious sound said: Junior you wants Old Man dead, you also give up any idea to feel better, Old Man fought you!” “气煞老夫了!”黑鸦神君气急败坏,若是再有一次选择的机会,他绝对不会选杨开,可事已至此,后悔也无用,狠下心来,狞声道:“小辈你想要老夫死,你也休想好过,老夫跟你拼了!” So saying, a fog revolution of direction that was wrapped by Soul Devouring Insect, hit toward Yang Kai, from that fog, transmits the remarkable Divine Soul fluctuation, obviously was Black Crow Divine Monarch displays what prestige to be able powerful Secret Technique. 这般说着,那被噬魂虫包裹的灰雾一转方向,直直地朝杨开撞了过来,从那灰雾之中,传递出惊人的神魂波动,显然是黑鸦神君施展了什么威能强大的秘术 Divine Soul remnant soul life-and-death wrestles, where Yang Kai dares to neglect, immediately stimulates to movement the Mild Soul Lotus strength, seven color rays of light bloom, his Divine Soul Spirit Body package. 神魂残魂的殊死一搏,杨开哪敢怠慢,立刻催动温神莲的力量,七彩光芒绽放,将他神魂灵体包裹。 Has Mild Soul Lotus to protect the body, the opposite party, no matter has what method, Yang Kai may also be in an impregnable position. 温神莲护体,对方不管有什么手段,杨开也可立于不败之地。 Just now completes these, the fog has then killed, does not stay, hits in that seven color light barrier above, the wild Divine Soul strength, that takes possession Soul Devouring Insect in fog turbulently innumerably unexpectedly is an instantaneous casualty big piece, more was also inspired to fly. 才刚做完这些,灰雾便已杀到,毫不停留,直直地撞在那七彩光幕之上,狂暴的神魂力量汹涌而出,那无数附身在灰雾上的噬魂虫竟是瞬间死伤一大片,更多的也都被振飞出去。 Seven color light barrier suddenly shook, stands in Mild Soul Lotus above some Yang Kai Divine Soul continually shakes, the secret heart startled, the Divine Monarch remnant soul wrestled together at risk of life unexpectedly so, he really somewhat underestimated the ability of opposite party. 七彩光幕猛地抖了一下,连站在温神莲之上杨开都有些神魂震荡,暗暗心惊不已,一道神君残魂拼死一搏竟如此了得,他实在有些低估了对方的能耐。 Humming sound the sound resounds, these were inspired Soul Devouring Insect that flies to cover again toward the fog, instant time its cleanness of swallowing. 嗡嗡的声音响起,那些被振飞出去的噬魂虫再一次朝灰雾覆盖过去,霎时间将其吞噬的干干净净。 Yang Kai is startled slightly! 杨开微微一怔! Was Black Crow Divine Monarch this dies? That strikes finally, although the prestige can be good, but actually gives him a feeling of big thunder , little rain, always thought that should not be this is right. 黑鸦神君这是死了?那最后一击虽然威能不俗,但却给他一种雷声大,雨点小的感觉,总觉得不应该是这样才对。 Is thinking time, Yang Kai suddenly stuffy snort/hum, felt that own Divine Soul defends is ripped open an opening, had among anything electric light flint from own Consciousness Sea to flee in disorder. 正这么想着的时候,杨开忽然闷哼一声,感觉自己神魂防御被撕开一道口子,有什么东西电光火石之间从自己识海之中窜逃了出去。 Escape! 金蝉脱壳! The Yang Kai heart hates greatly, thousand guard against ten thousand to guard, finally the say/way, he is thinking Black Crow Divine Monarch that strikes finally at risk of life, really acts out of desperation, comes to go all out with own, who knows others to make a feint, does not know that used what Secret Technique, gave part of Divine Soul, attracts Yang Kai and Soul Devouring Insect attention by this, the remaining remnant souls find the opportunity to escape immediately. 杨开心头大恨,千提防万提防,最终还是着了道,他以为黑鸦神君那最后拼死一击,真的是狗急跳墙,来跟自己拼命的,谁知人家不过是虚晃一枪,也不知动用了什么秘术,割舍了一部分神魂,以此吸引杨开噬魂虫的注意力,剩下的残魂立刻找机会遁出。 Really is the old fox, was sinisterly deceitful. 果然是老狐狸啊,阴险奸诈极了。 However after this service, Black Crow Divine Monarch, even if saves the life, it is estimated that is also Yuan Qi damages severely, he first hides one's incompetence by remaining silent, was cut with Cuts The Soul Blade by Yang Kai were innumerable, latter many Life Lotus and Angry Lotus secret rooms, was eaten the food by Soul Devouring Insect, finally own gives part of Divine Soul to play dead to escape on own initiative, is the loss is it may be said that huge, now his Divine Soul strength can also retain the beforehand half to be good. 不过经此一役,黑鸦神君纵然保全性命,估计也是元气大伤,他最先藏拙,被杨开斩魂刀斩了无数次,后又中了好多次生莲怒莲密室,再被噬魂虫啃食,最后自己主动割舍一部分神魂假死逃生,可谓是损失巨大,如今他的神魂力量还能保留之前的一半就不错了。 However since he escapes from own Consciousness Sea, certainly must ask others to seize the shed! 不过他既然逃出自己识海,肯定还要去找旁人夺舍! Yang Kai does not dare to neglect, escapes hastily the mind Consciousness Sea, opens eyes to look toward all around. 杨开不敢怠慢,连忙将心神遁出识海,睁眼朝四周望去。 Under this looks, he has a big shock, only because of several people on the scene only, calculates besides him safe and sound beside, the remaining several people are the vitality turn unexpectedly well up, the whole body blood fog is rich, each one complexion are difficult, seems is withstanding the huge pain. 这一看之下,他大惊失色,只因在场数人只中,除了他还算安然无恙之外,剩下的几人身上竟是气血翻涌,周身血雾浓郁,个个都面色艰辛,好似在承受巨大的痛楚。 Accidentally discharges Become Devil! 走火入魔
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