MP :: Volume #42

#4113: Does not have the rival again

With that purple light twinkling, an inexplicable strength wells up will come out, spreads toward all around. 伴随着那紫光闪烁,一股莫名的力量涌将出来,朝四周扩散。 Next flickers, the Yang Kai complexion changes, only because of under the function of this strength, he saw that unexpectedly faint trace golden aura wells up from the own sword blade, jumps in within the body that the enemy side commands. 下一瞬,杨开脸色一变,只因在这股力量的作用下,他竟看到一丝丝金色气息自己的剑身之中涌出来,扑进敌方统帅的体内。 Not only own is this, Lang Qingshan is also so. 不但自己是这样,浪青山也是如此。 two people looks at each other one, all saw each other frightened in eye. 两人对视一眼,皆都看到了彼此眼中的惊悚。 The last Gold Sword that in the enemy ranks only remains, can strengthen the strengths of other long swords unexpectedly forcefully! 敌阵之中仅剩的这最后一把黄金剑,竟能强行汲取其他长剑的力量! Detects this point, Yang Kai or Lang Qingshan continue to block aura, passing of mechanical resistance strength, they had arrived at Gold Sword the boundary of peak, the sword blade is firm, can contend with that purple light actually. 察觉到这一点,无论是杨开还是浪青山就继续封锁自身气息,力阻自身力量的流逝,他们都已经到了黄金剑的巅峰之境,剑身坚稳,倒是能与那紫光抗衡。 But in battlefield other long swords did not have this skill. 战场之中其他长剑就没这个本事了。 The crack sound resounds continuously, one comes the long sword inexplicably shatter, from these shatter long swords, dissipates rays of light that colors vary, towards Enemy side commands to well up in all directions. 咔嚓嚓的声音络绎不绝地响起,一把把长剑莫名破碎开来,从那些破碎的长剑之中,逸散出一道道色彩不一的光芒,四面八方朝敌方统帅涌去。 The time of flash, regardless of the enemy and ourselves, counts Ten Thousand Swords to come shatter. 一瞬间的功夫,无论敌我,数万剑破碎开来。 Purple Lei Ting (thunder) reappears! 紫色的雷霆再现! If Thunder Dragon generally throws toward Yang Kai and Lang Qingshan, where two people dares to resist, avoids, both sides flashes toward about, that Thunder Dragon sets at Yang Kai not to attend , the one close behind the other chases down Lang Qingshan, a potential must cut the stance of killing him. 如一条雷龙一般朝杨开浪青山扑来,两人哪敢抵挡,纷纷避开,朝左右两旁闪去,那雷龙杨开于不顾,衔尾追杀浪青山,一副势要将他斩杀的架势。 Yang Kai sees with own eyes this scenery, killed, the sword qi world, to a that Gold Sword wanton bombing, as for the Lang Qingshan life and death, he cannot attend to vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered now, the purple Lei Ting (thunder) prestige can extremely terrifying, no matter what who bumps into must assign/life the mourning at the scene, can only pray secretly Lang Qingshan is intelligent enough, can get rid of the pursuit of that Lei Ting (thunder). 杨开眼见此景,又重新杀了回来,剑气纵横天地,对那黄金剑一阵狂轰滥炸,至于浪青山的生死,他如今根本顾不上,紫色的雷霆威能太过恐怖,任谁碰上都得命丧当场,只能暗暗祈祷浪青山足够聪明,能够摆脱那雷霆的追击。 A entanglement engages in fierce battle to fight, Yang Kai with evenly matched that Gold Sword hits, no one can do to anyone, each other is the peak of this level, before Yang Kai , although was touched by that first purple Lei Ting (thunder), damaged the sword blade, but by the experience of fight, is not this Gold Sword can compare absolutely, this is also he can battle with the opposite party does not drop the wind the origin. 一番纠缠鏖斗,杨开与那黄金剑打的势均力敌,谁也奈何不了谁,彼此都是这个层次的巅峰,杨开之前虽然被那第一道紫色雷霆触及,损伤了剑身,但论战斗的经验,绝对不是这黄金剑能够比拟,这也是他能与对方激战不落下风的根由。 Burns a joss stick, Lang Qingshan flies dirtily, Yang Kai snatches a little leisure from the busy schedules to look at his one eyes, discovered that his sword blade has also damaged, should be is scratched by that purple Lei Ting (thunder) carefully, but not the sorrow of life. 足足一炷香后,浪青山才灰头土脸地飞回来,杨开忙里偷闲瞧他一眼,发现他的剑身也有所损伤,应该是不小心被那紫色雷霆擦中,不过并无性命之忧。 He has not aided Yang Kai immediately, but directs subordinate 700,000 army to withdraw rapidly, making them leave this battlefield by far. 他并没有立刻去援助杨开,而是指挥着麾下七十万大军迅速后撤,让它们远远地离开这处战场 Yang Kai sees that the heart relaxes, a secretly thought intelligence, trading to do is he, he also meets immediately to remove the armies. 杨开见状,心头松了一口气,暗道一声聪明,换做是他,他也会第一时间将己方大军撤出去。 The purple gem on that Gold Sword sword hilt is extremely strange, not only can derive others to cut to kill the energy after long sword, even can also derive forcefully, the 700,000 army stays here, but provides to display that purple Lei Ting (thunder) capital grain to the opposite party. 黄金剑剑柄上的紫色宝石太过诡异,不但能够汲取旁人斩杀长剑后的能量,甚至还能强行汲取,己方七十万大军留在这里,只是给对方提供施展那紫色雷霆的资粮。 Quick, that 700,000 army is missing, passes the moment again, Lang Qingshan returns, the sword blade of breakage has restored completely, the gloss on sword blade also bright dazzling, obviously was seizes the chance to patch under the own injury. 很快,那七十万大军就不见了踪影,再过片刻,浪青山返回,破损的剑身已经恢复完全,剑身上的光泽也明亮耀眼,显然是趁机修补了下自己的伤势。 Joins battlefield, two people looks at each other one, does not need to discuss, then had understood the thought in respective heart. 重新加入战场,两人对视一眼,无需商议,便已明白了各自心中的念头。 Rubs it! 磨死它! This Gold Sword strength nothing to be afraid, two people, it cannot be victorious jointly. 黄金剑本身的实力不足为惧,两人联手之下,它根本打不过。 Only the one who makes one dread is the purple gem on its sword hilt, terrifying that use this purple gem cuts strikes, but the opposite party wants to display that purple Lei Ting (thunder) also to have the price. 唯一让人忌惮的是它剑柄上的紫色宝石,还有利用这紫色宝石斩出来的恐怖一击,不过对方想要施展出那紫色雷霆也不是没有代价的。 First struck it to absorb several tens of thousands Silver Sword strengths, second struck it to absorb five Gold Sword strengths, third struck, was a moment ago, it also absorbed the strength of counting Ten Thousand Swords, let count Ten Thousand Swords to be at the scene stave. 第一击它吸收了数万白银剑的力量,第二击它吸收了五把黄金剑的力量,第三击,也就是刚才,它同样吸收了数万剑的力量,让数万剑当场破碎。 Now under Yang Kai the 700,000 army had withdrawn battlefield, is only left over about the opposite party 150,000 army to keep this place, the considering everything, it can also display five purple Lei Ting (thunder)! 如今杨开麾下七十万大军已经撤出了战场,只剩下对方十五万左右的大军留在此地,满打满算,它还能施展出五次紫色雷霆 So long as can evade these five attacks, then can ensure the victory. 只要能躲过这五次袭击,那么就可以奠定胜局。 But with its passive waiting, might as well initiates an attack, hit a meaningful glance to Lang Qingshan, keeps him to divert the opponent, the Yang Kai figure in a flash, kills in the enemy group. 而与其被动等待,还不如主动出击,给浪青山打了个眼色,留他独自一人牵制对手,杨开身形一晃,杀进敌群之中。 The enemy ranks chaos, hundreds of thousands armies are seemingly many, truly but can hit is one does not have. 敌阵大乱,十几万大军看似不少,但真正能打的却是一个都没。 Yang Kai Golden Sword Qi cuts, each sword qi can harvest the innumerable long swords, torn to pieces that they hit. 杨开黄金剑气斩出,每一道剑气都能收割无数长剑,将它们打的支离破碎。 As expected, even if these long swords were cut broken by Yang Kai, dissipates the energy that not to flood into Yang Kai within the body from their within the body, instead was absorbed by that purple gem. 不出所料,即便这些长剑被杨开斩碎,从它们体内逸散出来的能量也没有涌入杨开体内,反而被那紫色宝石所吸收。 That purple gem above, purple radiance is getting more and more bright. 那紫色宝石之上,紫色的光华越来越亮。 Qingshan (azure mountain) was careful!” Detected similar time, a Yang Kai sword cuts again, then several hundred sword disintegrations come at the scene, but after that several hundred rays of light flood into the purple gem, that purple rays of light reached a limit finally. 青山小心了!”察觉差不多的时候,杨开再次一剑斩下,当场便有数百剑崩碎开来,而那数百道光芒涌入紫色宝石之后,那紫色的光芒终于到了一个极限。 The enemy side commands the sword blade to inspire, purple Lei Ting (thunder) flies high to cut together, toward has cut with Lang Qingshan that he pesters. 敌方统帅剑身一振,一道紫色雷霆凌空斩出,朝一直与他纠缠的浪青山斩去。 Lang Qingshan guards early, when Yang Kai shouted those words has escaped battlefield, runs away crazily, he has not run away to other place, but is the towards Enemy side army place to/clashes, attempts to rely on the strengths of these long swords to wear down the strength of purple Lei Ting (thunder). 浪青山早有提防,在杨开喊出那句话的时候就已经遁出战场,疯狂逃窜,他没有逃向别的地方,而是朝敌方大军处冲来,企图借助这些长剑的力量来消磨紫色雷霆之力。 Meanwhile, Yang Kai has welcomed that Gold Sword, makes into with it again. 与此同时,杨开已经迎上了那黄金剑,再次与它打成一圈。 crack...... 咔嚓嚓…… The purple Lei Ting (thunder) place visited, the countless long sword was shattered, innumerable flowing light throw toward the midair. 紫色雷霆所过之处,数之不尽的长剑破碎,无数流光朝半空中扑去。 Suddenly time, have several Ten Thousand Swords to be stave. 眨眼功夫,又有数万剑破碎。 Purple gem twinkling glistening purple light on that Gold Sword sword hilt. 黄金剑剑柄上的紫色宝石闪烁莹莹紫光 The Yang Kai heart one suddenly, cannot attend to again with it pesters, leaves to go rapidly. 杨开心头一突,再顾不得与之纠缠,迅速抽身而去。 Next flickers, that Gold Sword purple Lei Ting (thunder) cuts together. 下一瞬,那黄金剑一道紫色雷霆斩下。 Yang Kai turns around runs, Gold Sword body golden rays of light, behind purple Lei Ting (thunder) is in hot pursuit together. 杨开掉头就跑,黄金剑身化出一道金色光芒,身后紫色雷霆紧追不舍。 Sir!” Lang Qingshan calls loudly suddenly. “大人!”浪青山忽然高声喊道。 The Yang Kai side eye looks, discovered that he throws unexpectedly toward own, at present one bright, understood clearly his intention. 杨开侧眼望去,发现他竟朝自己这边扑来,不禁眼前一亮,洞悉了他的意图。 The figure rocks, moves forward to meet somebody toward him. 身形晃动,也朝他迎了上去。 Two golden rays of light cut the vault of heaven, behind is pursuing together purple Lei Ting (thunder) respectively, the power and influence is astonishing, among when the moment, two people close to each other, eye looks at then must then collide in together, the two people simultaneous rotation figure, is scratching the sword blade of opposite party, the danger strategic place avoids mutually. 两道金色光芒划破苍穹,身后各追着一道紫色的雷霆,威势惊人,须臾之间,两人便已靠近彼此,眼看着便要碰撞在一起之时,两人齐齐转动身形,擦着对方的剑身而过,险之又险地互相避开。 They avoided each other, purple Lei Ting (thunder) that but behind pursues was so flexible. 他们避开了彼此,可身后追击的紫色雷霆就那么灵活了。 Two purple Lei Ting (thunder) bang hits in one, immediately in the midair the electricity snake dance, makes that Void iron a giant hole. 两道紫色雷霆轰隆一声撞在一处,顿时半空之中电蛇狂舞,直让那虚空都烙出一个巨大的窟窿。 These two purple Lei Ting (thunder), were worn down unexpectedly. 这两道紫色雷霆,竟就这么被消磨一空。 The Yang Kai heart inspires greatly, told that Lang Qingshan said: Again come!” 杨开心头大振,吩咐浪青山道:“再来!” The word, folds the body to kill to that Gold Sword, but Lang Qingshan old trick heavy, crashes in the enemy ranks to slaughter crazily! 言罢,折身杀向那黄金剑,而浪青山则故技重施,冲进敌阵之中一阵疯狂杀戮! According to Yang Kai's estimates, the opposite party hundreds of thousands armies only enough support purple Lei Ting (thunder) strengths the five times, before was intended to cut to break to pieces tens of thousands by Yang Kai, was being directed purple Lei Ting (thunder) destruction by Lang Qingshan tens of thousands, now remaining 100,000. 杨开的估算,对方十几万大军仅够支持五次紫色雷霆的力量,之前被杨开出手斩碎了几万,又被浪青山引着紫色雷霆毁灭了几万,如今剩下的只有不到十万了。 So long as wears down again cleanly this 100,000 army, then that Gold Sword clever and dexterous woman bricks without straw, are not then able to display purple Lei Ting (thunder) this kind of killing strike again. 而只要将这十万大军再消磨干净,那么那黄金剑便巧妇无米之炊,再无法施展出紫色雷霆这样的杀招 Without purple Lei Ting (thunder), this is Gold Sword he and Lang Qingshan joint opponent? 没有紫色雷霆,这黄金剑又如何是他与浪青山合力的对手? Also after burns a joss stick, Lang Qingshan cuts counts Ten Thousand Swords broken, third purple Lei Ting (thunder) rumbled, had preparation Yang Kai to direct Lei Ting (thunder) to crash in the enemy ranks early immediately, the moment time, counting Ten Thousand Swords was broken, fourth Lei Ting (thunder) welled up, cut to with that Gold Sword entanglement Lang Qingshan. 又是一炷香后,浪青山斩碎数万剑,第三道紫色雷霆轰了出来,早有准备的杨开立刻引着雷霆冲进了敌阵之中,须臾功夫,数万剑碎,第四道雷霆涌了出来,斩向与那黄金剑纠缠的浪青山 two people old trick heavy, thrillingly and directs two Lei Ting (thunder) bombardments each other, to wear down perfectly mutually. 两人故技重施,惊险而又完美地引着两道雷霆轰击彼此,互相消磨。 Sees with own eyes this scenery, that Golden Sword Qi ruins anxiously, is actually at wit's end. 眼见此景,那黄金剑气急败坏,却又无计可施。 From all sides such a tosses about, but also remaining long swords only then 30,000 does not arrive, but the strengths of these long swords, only enough support together purple Lei Ting (thunder) at most. 前前后后这么一番折腾,还剩下的长剑只有三万不到了,而这些长剑的力量,顶多只够支持一道紫色雷霆 By this time, Yang Kai and Lang Qingshan are not slaughtering these long swords on the contrary anxiously, but throws jointly, hit opposite party left Zhiyou is clumsy. 到了此时,杨开浪青山反倒不急着去屠戮这些长剑了,而是联手扑上,打的对方左支右拙。 Even if understands that Yang Kai and Lang Qingshan intention, that Gold Sword still has to stimulate to movement the strength of purple gem, derives hand/subordinate the energies of remaining tens of thousands within the body, cuts last purple Lei Ting (thunder). 纵然明白杨开浪青山的意图,那黄金剑依然不得不催动紫色宝石的力量,将剩下的几万手下体内的能量汲取过来,斩出最后一道紫色雷霆 Yang Kai and Lang Qingshan simultaneous withdraws, but that purple Lei Ting (thunder) stares at Lang Qingshan to go, Lang Qingshan not hesitates, runs away immediately crazily! 杨开浪青山齐齐后撤,而那紫色雷霆则是盯着浪青山而去,浪青山毫不迟疑,立刻疯狂逃遁! In the sword surface of Yang Kai incarnation, he cracks into a smile: Now is only left over me and you, fights to the death!” 杨开化身的剑面上,他咧嘴一笑:“现在就只剩下我和你了,来决一死战吧!” He was not worried Lang Qingshan safety, before this boy, can get rid of the pursuit of purple Lei Ting (thunder), this time definitely also no issue, was damaged at most, but the 700,000 army is placed in that even if Lang Qingshan were damaged, can patch itself momentarily. 他并不担心浪青山的安危,这小子之前能摆脱紫色雷霆的追击,这一次肯定也没什么问题,顶多就是有所受损,不过己方七十万大军摆在那,就算浪青山受损了,随时都可以修补自身。 That Gold Sword also realized probably this is the final fight, original calm has long ceased to exist, in the sword surface, a dignified face piece, sword sharp above, golden sword glow such as the snake core general turnover is with deep veneration uncertain. 黄金剑大概也意识到了这是最后的战斗,原本的气定神闲早已不复存在,剑面上,威严的面孔一片肃然,剑尖之上,金色剑芒如蛇芯一般吞吐不定。 When the Yang Kai words fall, has jumped to cut toward it, golden sword qi cuts broken Void, arrived at its front instantaneously. 杨开话落之时,已纵身朝它斩下,金色剑气斩破虚空,瞬间就来到了它的面前。 This Gold Sword welcomed similarly by sword qi, bustling that instant time and Yang Kai hit. 黄金剑同样以剑气迎上,霎时间杨开打的热火朝天。 Each other strength is almost the same, the aspect is at a stalemate for a while. 彼此实力相差无几,局面一时僵持不下。 However Yang Kai actually knows, own has won. 不过杨开却知道,自己已经赢了。 After half double-hour, Lang Qingshan returns completely lossless, joins to fight in the circle, by two dozens one, that Gold Sword falls quickly leeward, how whatever it struggles striving for success, is unable to save the aspect again. 半个时辰后,浪青山完整无损地归来,加入战圈之中,以二打一,那黄金剑很快落入下风,任凭它如何挣扎拼搏,都再无法挽回局面。 After the half day, as a Yang Kai sword cuts, on that Gold Sword sword blade spreads a kāchā resounding, breaks directly is two sections! 半日之后,随着杨开一剑斩下,那黄金剑的剑身上传出咔嚓一声脆响,直接断为两截! In the sharp person surface, that dignified face vanishes slowly does not see, remains full being unwilling with angry. 半截剑面上,那威严的面孔徐徐消失不见,残留着满满的不甘和愤怒。 golden rays of light overflows from this Gold Sword, floods into Yang Kai within the body, but in that golden rays of light, wipes the purple and dazzling. 金色光芒从这黄金剑中溢出,涌入杨开体内,而在那金色光芒之中,一抹紫色及其耀眼。 The sword blade that Yang Kai is damaged is restored rapidly completely, in addition, his sword hilt above, presented a purple vortex, that vortex keeps revolving, changes to a purple gem quickly. 杨开受损的剑身迅速得以恢复完整,不但如此,他的剑柄之上,更是出现了一个紫色的漩涡,那漩涡不停地旋转着,很快化作一枚紫色的宝石。 This purple gem, before impressively is that Gold Sword, has. 这紫色宝石,赫然便是那黄金剑之前拥有的。 Yang Kai for it stunned, after didn't expect cuts broke to pieces the enemy, this purple gem by own is also inherited. This thing may let him and Lang Qingshan suffered very big, but wants it is also useless now, this is the last fight, after this war, in the world of this sword, Yang Kai does not have the rival, all footholds were swept. 杨开为之愕然,没想到斩碎了敌人之后,这紫色的宝石也被自己继承了。这玩意可让他和浪青山吃了很大的亏,不过如今要它也没什么用了,这是最后一场战斗,此战之后,在这剑的世界中,杨开已无敌手,所有的据点都被扫荡一空。
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