MP :: Volume #41

#4030: Attacking army has reached the city

In own Mansion, Chen Tianfatty lies down on the chair, the behind two maid joggings the fan, a side warm fragrant soft jade is pasting his fat, slender jade finger is pinching grape Spirit Fruit, dials the skin to go to the seed carefully, feeds in the Chen Tianfatty mouth: Master, the matter of stars you must take the trouble.” 自家府邸之中,陈天肥躺在椅子上,身后两个婢女轻摇着扇子,身边一具温香软玉贴着他的肥肉,纤纤玉指捏着一枚葡萄般的灵果,细心拨皮去籽,送进陈天肥口中:“老爷,星辰的事你还得多费心啊。” Since previous Zhao Xingchen offended Yang Kai, after being withdrawn the position of small commanding, is unable to recover, all day long in the lingering restaurant prostitute stronghold, fools around together to get by. 自打上次赵星辰得罪了杨开,被撤去小统领之位之后,便一蹶不振,终日里流连酒楼妓寨,厮混度日。 Zhao Xingchen elder sister nature looks at loves dearly, wants to blow near the pillow the wind, making Chen Tianfatty promote Zhao Xingchen to again slightly command. 赵星辰的姐姐自然看着心疼,就想吹吹枕边风,让陈天肥重新将赵星辰提拔为小统领。 Chen Tianfatty sighed: Careful careful, that Yang Kai does not die, you called me to be how careful, stars own had eyes but failed to see, offended the honored person, only removed the position of his commanding to show mercy.” 陈天肥叹息道:“上心上心,那杨开不死,你叫我怎么上心,星辰自己有眼无珠,得罪了贵人,只撤他统领之位已是开恩。” Women not according to eternal principles: Now this Scarlet Star, is not the master you decides......” 妇人不依道:“如今这赤星,还不是老爷你说了算……” Shut up!” The eye that Chen Tianfatty shuts tightly opens suddenly, stares the Zhao Xingchen elder sister saying: „Doesn't your woman, the careless talk makes trouble know? This saying also spoke irresponsibly casually.” “住口!”陈天肥紧闭的眼睛陡然睁开,瞪着赵星辰的姐姐道:“你这妇人,祸从口出不知道吗?这话也是随便乱说的。” Although he has great power now, but the head also has Big Manager after all, really must make Big Manager hear this saying, to fall he in the non- righteousness, when the time comes Big Manager has not known how must see him. 虽说他如今大权在握,但头上毕竟还有个大当家,真要让大当家听到这话,岂不是陷他于不义,到时候大当家还不知道要怎么看他。 to scold, pouring lets that woman teardrops flow of tears. 一声喝骂,倒让那妇人泪珠涟涟。 Chen Tianfatty most is loves this concubine room, in the heart does not endure, said comfortably: Waits again, when crossed the section time crest of wave to pass then said.” 陈天肥最是疼爱这个妾室,心中不忍,宽慰道:“再等等吧,等过段时间风头过去了再说。” The women wipe the view lightly: When that must wait, this Mistress can wait actually, I feared that the stars, his such you also saw.” 妇人轻拭眼帘:“那要等到什么时候啊,妾身倒是可以等,我就怕星辰等不了,他那样子你也见到了。” Jade does not carve good-for-nothing! This to the stars not necessarily is not an opportunity!” Chen Tianfatty narrows in slit eyes none to overflow, how long does not need to wait for let alone, at most is also when leaves this Great Ruins Boundary, that Yang Kai looks disdainfully in this Great Ruins Boundary vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, but eventually is only Emperor Senior, waited to leave Great Ruins Boundary, what spray can he turn out?” “玉不琢不成器!这对星辰来说未必不是一个机会!”陈天肥眯成一条缝隙的双眼中精光四溢,“更何况也不需要等多久,顶多也就是等到离开这太墟境,那杨开在这太墟境中纵横睥睨,不过终究只是帝尊,等离开了太墟境,他又能翻出什么浪花?” Woman hears word, in the heart sighed, knows that did not have the means to persuade anything again, the look hatred clenched teeth saying: This damn Yang Kai, where runs up to acts unruly well, actually do not come to Scarlet Star here.” 妇人闻言,心中一叹,知道没办法再劝说什么,眼神怨毒地咬牙道:“这该死的杨开,跑到哪里撒野不好,却偏偏要来赤星这里。” Chen Tianfatty also smiled bitterly constantly, just wants to say anything, actually the look congealed suddenly, raises the head looked somewhere toward the sky. 陈天肥也苦笑不迭,正想开口说些什么,却忽然神色一凝,抬头朝天空某处望去。 At first his expression also some doubts, the eye that but narrows stares slowly in a big way, merely after three breaths, on the face a piece with amazement, the plump body has stood up loudly. 最初他的表情还有些疑惑,但紧接着眯起的眼睛慢慢瞪大,仅仅三息之后,脸上已经一片骇然,肥硕的身子轰然站起。 What's wrong, Master?” The women see that puzzled, her strength is not after all high, is also strong is so little compared with own younger brother Zhao Xingchen, by, although looks following the line of sight of Chen Tianfatty, is anything has not actually seen. “怎么了,老爷?”妇人见状不解,她的实力毕竟不高,比起自己的弟弟赵星辰也就强出那么一点点,是以虽然顺着陈天肥的视线望去,却是什么也没看到。 Had an accident!” Chen Tianfatty drinks one lowly, takes out the contact bead hastily, contacts with other Scarlet Star several Manager, while the stride goes toward the layman, the sound of urging conveys: Okay dull at home do not run all over the place, opens all Formation!” “出事了!”陈天肥低喝一声,连忙取出联络珠,一边与赤星其他几位当家的联系,一边大步朝外行去,叮嘱的声音传来:“好好呆在家里不要乱跑,将所有阵法打开!” Women one startled, knew in the heart that definitely was any serious big deal, otherwise Chen Tianfatty will not urge absolutely, hurries to contact own younger brother Zhao Xingchen, making him come to own here to seek asylum. 妇人一惊,心知肯定是出了什么不得了的大事,否则陈天肥绝对不会如此叮嘱,也赶紧联络自己的弟弟赵星辰,让他来自己这里避难。 In the heart the doubt is puzzled, was what big deal, lets a Chen Tianfatty such being critical situation appearance unexpectedly. 只是心中狐疑不解,到底出了什么大事,竟让陈天肥这么一副如临大敌的模样。 In Star City, some Open Heaven Stage that passed by this place seem detected, raises the head looks toward the distant place, the complexion changes. 星市中,有路过此地的开天境似有察觉,抬头朝远方望去,紧接着脸色一变。 Then at this time, along with one rumble the sound, the entire Star City surrounding presented the 1-layer transparent Formation protection suddenly, covered entire Star City suddenly, that seemingly firm incomparable Formation protection, had 7-8th layer fully. 便在这时,伴随着一声轰隆隆的声响,整个星市外围蓦然出现一层透明的阵法防护,瞬息间将整个星市笼罩,那看起来坚固无比的阵法防护,足有七八层之多。 Others that originally also not detects which this moment could not have seen the change of Star City, all stops raises the head to look, how puzzled Scarlet Star here protection Formation opened. 本来还毫无察觉的其他人此刻哪还看不到星市的变化,俱都驻足抬头望去,不解赤星这边的防护大阵怎么打开了。 This type protects Formation, once opens, certainly must consume many talent treasure anything, if not the critical moment, the time will not open generally. 这种防护大阵一旦开启,肯定要消耗不少天才地宝什么的,若非紧要关头,一般时候是不会开启的。 On the avenue, is bustling, talked at once to whoop. 大街上,人群熙熙攘攘,七嘴八舌议论纷纷。 What thing Scarlet Star does, how to open Formation?” Some people asked puzzled. 赤星搞什么东西,怎么把大阵打开了?”有人不解问道。 Formation opens, has the powerful enemy to attack, if this is not the case, how also to do that?” 大阵开启,定有强敌来袭,若非如此,又怎会这么做?” Powerful enemy? In this Great Ruins Boundary, what powerful enemy does Scarlet Star have?” “强敌?这太墟境中,赤星有什么强敌?” Is difficult to be inadequate also has beast tide?” A person of face speech is pale. “难不成又有兽潮?”说话之人一脸苍白。 Great Ruins Boundary opens time is not short, this time many people had once encountered beast tide, the ominous beast in this Great Ruins Boundary are many, moreover each one hostility are dreadful, is powerful, many places of martial artist accumulation were trampled flat by beast tide, casualty incalculably. 太墟境开启时间也不短了,这段时间许多人都曾遭遇过兽潮,这太墟境内的凶兽不少,而且个个戾气滔天,实力强大,许多武者聚集的地方都被兽潮踏平,死伤无算。 In martial artist by Great Ruins Boundary, discussed the beast tide look changes. 是以太墟境中的武者,谈兽潮色变。 „It is not beast tide, looks at that side!” Some person of sounds shiver, during the speeches points at a direction. “不是兽潮,看那边!”有人声音颤抖,说话间手指一个方向。 Looks following that direction, the people view shrinks. 顺着那个方向看去,众人不禁眼帘一缩。 Sees only in that direction, the dense and numerous escaping light spread rapidly toward here, threatening. A piece of escaping light of lead, sword qi recklessly, impressively is many sword light! 只见那个方向上,密密麻麻的遁光急速朝这边驰来,来势汹汹。领头的一片遁光,剑气肆意,赫然是许多剑光 Sword Pavilion! Is the Sword Pavilion person.” Some people saw the positive result, shouts and wrangles. 剑阁!是剑阁的人。”有人看出了名堂,大呼小叫。 Sword Pavilion where has so many people, misread.” 剑阁哪有这么多人,是不是看错了。” The Sword Pavilion person quantity are not many, this is the entire Star City people knows that at this moment the escaping light that does come from that direction far more than 2,000-3,000? This absolutely is not the population that Sword Pavilion can have. 剑阁的人数量不多,这是整个星市的人都知道的,此刻从那个方向过来的遁光何止2,000-3,000?这绝对不是剑阁能拥有的人数。 Drivehead absolutely is Sword Pavilion, the following these people are who does not know.” “打头的绝对是剑阁,后面的那些人是谁就不知道了。” Sword Pavilion comes this, can it be that for Scarlet Star that Sixth Manager? Hears in that Yuan Magnetic Mountain, but dozens Sword Pavilion disciple die because of him!” 剑阁来此,莫不是为了赤星的那位六当家?听闻在那元磁山中,可是有几十位剑阁弟子因他而死!” Did not say that is the Emperor Heaven person behavior?” “不是说是帝天的人所为?” Is the Emperor Heaven Ding Yi belt/bring person cuts to kill right, if not but Scarlet Star that Sixth Manager emitted Yuan Magnetic Divine Light at crucial moments, Sword Pavilion sword formation will not be broken, that dozens disciple will not die a tragic death, crazed that at that time I, looked clearly on the scene, that Sixth Manager smiled at that time, said that must give a Sword Pavilion big present!” “是帝天丁乙带人斩杀没错,但若非赤星那位六当家在关键时刻放出了元磁神光,剑阁剑阵也不会被破,那几十个弟子也不会惨死,当时我就在场,看的清清楚楚,那位六当家当时可是笑的丧心病狂,说是要送剑阁一份大礼!” So that's how it is!” “原来如此!” What if drivehead is Sword Pavilion, that remaining person could it be that are the Thunder Light people!” “若打头的是剑阁的话,那剩下的人难道雷光的人!” „, Thunder Light as if also became enemies with that Manager Yang mistakenly quite deeply, heard that even Captain Bie Jian died in his hand.” “错不了了,雷光似乎与那位杨当家也结仇颇深,听说连别剑首领都死在他手上。” Scarlet Star then ended!” 赤星这下完了!” The Star City three big influences, coexisted for several thousand years, although usually also some friction conflicts, but after all is only the small scale, does not injure the basis, but this time, in this Great Ruins Boundary, because of one person, Sword Pavilion and Thunder Light anger collaborates, imposing manner comes to condemn agitated, how Scarlet Star can keep off. 星市三大势力,共存了数千年,虽说平时彼此间也都有些摩擦冲突,但毕竟都只是小打小闹,不伤根本,但今时今日,在这太墟境之中,因为一人,剑阁雷光怒而联手,气势汹汹前来问罪,赤星如何能挡。 The pattern that several thousand years have not changed, could it be that must change in this Great Ruins Boundary. 数千年不曾改变的格局,难道在这太墟境中要有所改变吗。 Saw with own eyes that this place disturbance will get up, has martial artist to give birth leaves the thought that this place lies low until something blows over temporarily, but protects Formation to open, they cannot go out, for a moment gathers before the city gate, shouting continuous, a scene confusion. 眼见此地风波将起,有武者已经生出离开此地暂避风头的念头,但防护大阵开启,他们根本出不去,一时间都聚集在城门前,叫嚷不休,场面一片混乱。 Courted disaster, our new Sixth Manager courted disaster to Scarlet Star.” Has Scarlet Star disciple to hate bitterly. “惹祸了啊,咱们新来的六当家赤星惹祸了啊。”有赤星弟子痛心疾首。 Manager Chen they?” 陈当家他们呢?” Protects Formation to open, Manager Chen they decide however have known the situation, at this moment fears in the discussion countermeasure.” “守护大阵已经开启,陈当家他们定然已经知晓情况,此刻怕是在商议对策。” Noisy, that dense and numerous rays of light has arrived in the Star City front. 吵吵闹闹之中,那密密麻麻的光芒已经抵达星市前方。 When rays of light diverges, about 3000 forms present in the field of vision of people, 3000 people did not say a word, actually whether there is the pressure dropped from the clouds, entire Star City was instantaneous! 光芒散去之时,将近三千道身影呈现在众人的视野之中,三千人一言不发,却有无边威压从天而降,整个星市瞬间鸦雀无声! 3000 people of front, five forms stand still, each one aura are powerful, stands there, deep pool ting Yue Zhi, enormous pressure. 三千人的前方,五道身影静立,个个气息强大,站在那里,渊渟岳峙,给人极大的压力。 Some people recognize, that five people are Sword Pavilion and Thunder Light leader. 有人认出,那五个人都是剑阁雷光的首领。 Sword Pavilion has three people, Zhong Fan, Luo Qingyun, Lu Xue, Thunder Light has two people, Zhu Li, Long Tai, is 4-Rank Open Heaven above, that Zhong Fan is 5-Rank Open Heaven! 剑阁有三人,钟樊,雒青云,卢雪,雷光两人,朱立,龙泰,全都是四品开天之上,其中那钟樊更是五品开天 Really is Sword Pavilion and Thunder Light comes jointly. 果然是剑阁雷光联手而来。 Sword Pavilion this sending out person hand and foot has 300, this is Sword Pavilion 2-3 tenths background, the entire Sword Pavilion also more than 1000 people, as for Thunder Light, it is estimated that left behind some disciple to look after the house to guard a gate beside, has turned out in full strength. 剑阁这次出动的人手足有三百之多,这已经是剑阁2-3成的底蕴了,整个剑阁也不过一千多人而已,至于雷光,估计留下了一些弟子看家守门之外,已经倾巢而出。 So the battle formation, does not come the casual revolutions revolutions obviously. Thunder Light these people do not discuss for the time being, the Sword Pavilion 300 people are actually the mainstay, before on that Yuan Magnetic Mountain, the Sword Pavilion dozens people the inconsistency that the Emperor Heaven camp attacked, if these 300 people had sword formation, the might should have terrifying how who unable to guess. 如此阵势,显然不是来随便转转。雷光那些人暂且不谈,剑阁的三百人却是中流砥柱,之前在那元磁山上,剑阁几十人就将帝天阵营冲击的七零八落,这三百人若是结下剑阵,威力该有多么恐怖谁也无法揣测。 Perhaps quells this entire Star City to have the possibility. 恐怕荡平这整个星市都有可能。 Sky over Mansion, Yue He is hanging and vertical, black eyebrow tight wrinkle. 府邸上空,月荷悬空而立,黛眉紧皱。 She also realized, Sword Pavilion and Thunder Light these people definitely are look for Yang Kai to revenge, is only her didn't expect, these two boldness such big, only set out so many manpower for Yang Kai one person unexpectedly. 她也意识到,剑阁雷光这些人肯定是来找杨开报仇的,只是她没想到,这两家的魄力居然如此之大,只为了杨开一人就出动这么多人手。 Has this necessity? 有这个必要吗? Yang Kai is closing up now, fears to the matter knows nothing, Yue He considered that must inform Yang Kai, but changes mind thinks, this fellow space divine ability measures strangely not, transfers several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) away suddenly, Sword Pavilion and Thunder Light person, although are many, but he, if escapes wholeheartedly, will not have what danger. 杨开如今在闭关,对外界的事怕是毫不知情,月荷考虑要不要通知杨开,不过转念一想,这家伙空间神通诡异莫测,瞬息间挪移数万里之遥,剑阁雷光的人虽多,可他若是一心逃跑的话,也不会有什么危险。 Sword Pavilion and Thunder Light these people, feared that must arrive in high spirits to return disappointed. 剑阁雷光这些人,怕是要乘兴而来败兴而归了。 Read hence, Yue He dropped in the courtyard, had no worry. 一念至此,月荷落下院子中,也没什么好担心的了。 Obtained news Great Moon Province two disciple and Chen Yue actually quickly caught up, face nervously is looking at her. 倒是得到消息的大月州两个弟子陈玥都急忙赶了过来,一脸紧张地望着她。 All right, should be busy at anything being busy at anything going.” Yue He spoke thoughtlessly them sends. “没事,该忙什么忙什么去。”月荷随口将他们打发。 Three people somewhat are speechless. 三个人都有些无语。 In Chen Tianfatty Mansion, Zhao Xingchen has quickly caught up, a face drunken manner, the complexion is somewhat pale, the arm of panic grabbing woman: Elder sister, which did the brother-in-law go? Asked him hurrying to lead us to escape.” 陈天肥府邸中,赵星辰已经急忙赶来了,一脸醉醺醺的神态,脸色有些苍白,惊慌失措的抓着妇人的胳膊:“姐姐,姐夫去哪了?叫他赶紧带我们逃吧。” Escapes anything to escape!” The women expect too much break free from the hand of Zhao Xingchen, flings to fall down him, Yin Ya/silver tooth bites to say tightly: Why we must escape, you had a look at you to be drunk what appearance.” “逃什么逃!”妇人恨铁不成钢地甩开赵星辰的手,将他甩倒在地上,银牙紧咬道:“我们为什么要逃,你看看你都醉成什么样子了。” Zhao Xingchen said startled: Sword Pavilion and Thunder Light person had come, the words that does not run away did not have the opportunity.” 赵星辰惊慌道:“剑阁雷光的人已经来了,再不逃的话就没机会了。” Woman cold snort: „Do they come are look your?” 妇人冷哼:“他们来是找你的吗?” Zhao Xingchen stupidly shakes the head. 赵星辰傻傻地摇头。 The women also said: You thought that whose they are look?” 妇人又道:“那你觉得他们是找谁的?” Zhao Xingchen was startled, at present one bright: Elder sister's you mean......” 赵星辰怔了一下,紧接着眼前一亮:“姐姐你的意思是……” The women sneer: Injustice has a debt to have main, who killed their people, they naturally must look who! Scarlet Star after all is not the fruit cake, Sword Pavilion and Thunder Light, so long as can serve the purpose, how also to make war with Scarlet Star rashly.” 妇人冷笑:“冤有头债有主,谁杀了他们的人,他们自然是要找谁!赤星毕竟也不是什么软柿子,剑阁雷光只要能达到目的,又怎会贸然与赤星开战。”
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