MP :: Volume #39

#3829: 50 years

Closes up in Secret Place, Yang Kai opens eyes slowly, the double pupil is splendid, for dozens years closes up aridly has not made him have the big change, appearance or makings, all 50 years ago not the slightest difference. 闭关密地之中,杨开徐徐睁眼,双眸熠熠生辉,几十年如一日的枯燥闭关并没有让他有多大的变化,无论是容貌还是气质,皆与五十年前别无二致。 The strength that but that within the body contains had actually had the earth-shaking change. 但那体内蕴藏的力量却已发生了翻天覆地的改变。 The Eternal Tree essence had all entered in Principle Seal concise, under regards, oneself Principle Seal covered 1-layer green and glossy rays of light, vitality overflowed fully, was energetic, the strength of that Wood Element was rich, succinct, the reality was rare, how even if Yang Kai has not seen the strength of Wood Element others have condensed, knows the own present situation is others cannot compare. 不老树的精华已经全部被凝练进了道印之中,内视之下,自身道印蒙上了一层绿油油的光芒,生机溢满,活力无限,那木行之力浓郁,精粹,实乃举世罕见,纵然杨开没见过其他人凝聚的木行之力如何,也知自己如今的情况是旁人比不得的。 Zhang Ruoxi said right, Eternal Tree truly is strength of best choices one of the concise Wood Element, takes a broad view at 3000 Worlds, compared with this choice better is almost impossible to exist. 张若惜说的没错,不老树确实是凝练木行之力最好的选择之一,放眼三千世界,比这个选择更好的几乎不可能存在。 Concise of this time, making Yang Kai have one type to stutter the misconception of fatty. 这一次的凝练,让杨开有一种一口吃成个胖子的错觉。 However such a, actually also some drawbacks. 不过这么一来,倒是也有一些弊端。 Yang Kai on some feelings, the Eternal Tree strength was not previously inexhaustible, was impossible really to let own undying and indestructible, after building up Eternal Tree, can make own meet a cruel death at most, resurrecting rebirth several times, that Eternal Tree strength will consume completely, do not look down on these opportunities, even if in the Outer Universe world, can let the talent treasure that the person brought back to life is also scarce incomparable, almost only existed in the legend, thus it can be seen great strength of Eternal Tree. 此前杨开就有些感觉,不老树的力量并非无穷无尽,也不可能真的让自己不死不灭,炼化不老树之后,顶多能让自己粉身碎骨,复活重生几次,那不老树的力量就会消耗殆尽,可不要小瞧这几次机会,纵然是在乾坤之外的世界中,能让人起死回生的天才地宝也是稀少无比,几乎只存在于传说之中,由此可见不老树的强大。 But now, this meets a cruel death, resurrecting rebirth opportunities do not exist several times. 而如今,这粉身碎骨,复活重生几次的机会都不存在了。 Because the Eternal Tree essence had been smelted in Principle Seal, no longer contains in the flesh with the skeleton, in other words, meeting a cruel death that if such as the previous time same was hit by Great Demon God such powerhouse again, that was really perhaps unable to save the situation. 因为不老树的精华已经被熔炼进了道印之中,不再蕴藏在血肉和骨骼内,换句话说,若是再如上一次一样被大魔神那样的强者打的粉身碎骨,那恐怕就真的无力回天了。 Has the drawback, is good. 有弊端,也有好处。 At least does not need to be worried to be looked through one eyes, the previous half head was destroyed by Great Demon God, immediately restores, Great Demon God saw all of a sudden own refine to melt Eternal Tree, finally during spelling to fight tears down own many flesh to enter the abdomen wholely, making the Great Demon God injury also be able to contain. 最起码不需要担心会被人一眼看破,上次半边脑袋被大魔神打碎,立刻恢复过来,大魔神一下子就看出自己炼化了不老树,结果在拼斗之中撕下自己的许多血肉囫囵入腹,让大魔神的伤势也得以有所遏制。 Later is injured, will not expose these, omitted the coveted destiny, he in Star Boundary is Void Great Emperor, is almost invincible, but in Outer Universe also has the Open Heaven Stage powerhouse, truth Yang Kai of ordinary man innocent talent can arouse jealousy naturally understands, if did not expose own to refine to melt Eternal Tree carefully, not being able to do well to be regarded the flesh talent treasure to grasp to refine. 以后再受伤,就不会暴露这些了,也省去了被人觊觎的命运,他在星界之中是虚空大帝,几乎无敌,但乾坤之外中却还有开天境强者,匹夫无罪怀璧其罪的道理杨开自然明白,万一不小心暴露出自己曾经炼化过不老树,搞不好要被人当成人肉天才地宝抓回去炼制一番。 But after this Principle Seal concise Eternal Tree essence, although made him lose the opportunity of resurrecting rebirth, but own resilience was also enhanced significantly, supplemented with his Dragon Clan physique, the general injury can not place in the eye. 而这次道印凝练了不老树的精华之后,虽让他失去了复活重生的机会,可自身的恢复能力也大幅度增强,辅以他本身的龙族体质,一般的伤势都可以不放在眼中。 The present boundary is somewhat strange, is Emperor Senior Stage above, actually does not arrive at Open Heaven Stage, but walks on promoting the Open Heaven Stage path, how martial artist of this level should define, Zhang Ruoxi has not said that it is estimated that does not have a conclusion in that Outer Universe world. 如今的境界有些奇怪,算是帝尊境之上,却又不到开天境,只是走在晋升开天境的道路上,这个层次的武者该如何定义,张若惜没说过,估计在那乾坤之外的世界中也没个定论。 However Zhang Ruoxi has said actually, as long as united Yin-Yang Five Elements seven Source Strength any five strengths, can be called Half Open Heaven, Small World in these human bodies have the embryonic form, only misses the final two types then to be able to split heaven and earth apart, that can perform is not own eyah the person of learning to walk may compare like this. 不过张若惜倒是说过,但凡凝聚了阴阳五行七种源力的任何五种力量,都可以称为半步开天,这些人体内的小世界已然有了雏形,只差最后两种便能开天辟地,能发挥出来的力量也绝非自己这样咿呀学步之人可比。 However said no matter how, the name of boundary is only a title, can display the strong strength is martial artist sets up the basis of body. 不过不管怎么说,境界之名只是一个称谓而已,能发挥出多强的力量才是一个武者立身的根本。 Now then looks, perhaps Passing of Time Great Emperor has spied on the Open Heaven Stage path, perhaps had had one two types of strength of Yin-Yang Five Elements in within the body concise or are more, otherwise past he, killed in Demon Territory single-handedly, Great Demon God how can also with not recover put together to perish together. 如今回头去看,岁月大帝恐怕是已经窥探到了开天境的道路,说不定已经在体内凝练出了阴阳五行之力的一种两种或者更多,否则当年的他,单枪匹马杀进魔域之中,又如何能与未痊愈的大魔神拼个同归于尽。 But the Wu Kuang peak should to miss on the frontline, felt indistinctly the Open Heaven Stage shackles, actually did not cannot find a proper way, did not say that Wu Kuang is really inferior to Passing of Time Great Emperor, perhaps because of the ages or other reasons, cannot achieve the years in the past the matter of achieving. 乌邝巅峰时期应该要差上一线,隐约感觉到了开天境的桎梏,却不得其门而入,并非说乌邝就真的不如岁月大帝,或许是因为年代或者其他的原因,未能做到岁月当年做到之事。 However the predecessor past events, Yang Kai also cherishes the memory of 12, does not need to go into seriously too, focusing on oneself is the key. 不过前人往事,杨开也只是缅怀一二,没必要深究太多,着眼自身才是关键。 Waves, rumble, the town/subdues dragon stone opens, the bright ray photo entered this dimly dozens years of secret room, Yang Kai took a step to go out. 挥挥手,轰隆隆一阵,镇龙石打开,明亮的光线照进这昏暗了几十年的密室,杨开迈步走出。 Spiritual Mind has swept, Star Boundary all print the heart. 神念扫过,星界一切印入心田。 The brow cannot bear a wrinkle, this thinks that 50 years pass by, Star Boundary will have some changes at least, after all after initially war, shifted so many lives to come from lower planes Star Territory, Star Boundary many powerhouses all gave these people to make the environment of suitable survival jointly. 眉头忍不住一皱,本以为五十年过去,星界这边最起码会有一些变化,毕竟当初大战之后从下位面星域转移了那么多生灵过来,星界的诸多强者又一切联手给这些人制造了适合生存的环境。 But now looks like, entire Star Boundary not only does not have the sign of many improvement, instead before closing up deteriorated little. 可现在看来,整个星界不但没有多少好转的迹象,反而比起闭关之前恶化了一点点。 That span the giant crack in sky to just like beast of prey to open the big mouth, wanting to select the person to bite, from that crack, often blows the terrifying strength turbulent flow, causes the huge destruction to the Star Boundary environment. 那一道道横亘在天空中的巨大裂缝犹如一只只猛兽张开大口,欲要择人而噬,从那裂缝之中,不时地刮出恐怖的力量乱流,对星界的环境造成巨大的破坏。 Star Boundary vitality , is still not exuberant, still the trend is perishing little. 星界生机犹在,却并不旺盛,依然在一点点地走向灭亡。 A Yang Kai sigh, even more strengthened own to go out of the Star Boundary thought slightly, did not walk to look for the outlet, really can only wait for death here. 杨开微微一声叹息,愈发坚定了自己走出星界的念头,不走出去寻找出路,真的就只能在这里等死了。 The person's shadow flashes through together, Yu Rumeng appears in the front suddenly, the gentle voice summons: husband!” 一道人影闪过,玉如梦蓦然出现在面前,柔声呼唤:“夫君!” The Yang Kai smile, puts out a hand to embrace into the bosom her, is hugging gently, is smelling the delicate fragrance between her hair, the depressed mood dissipates, remaining warm peace. 杨开微笑,伸手将她揽入怀里,轻轻地搂着,嗅着她发丝间的清香,郁结的心情消散,剩下温暖的安宁。 Yu Rumeng did not speak, was only calmly by him, is enjoying attentive of moment. 玉如梦也不说话,只是静静地靠在他身上,享受着片刻的温存。 They?” Yang Kai asked. “她们呢?”杨开问道。 Is closing up.” “都在闭关。” Was laborious you.” Others can close up, only Yu Rumeng cannot, because she is present Star Boundary remaining also calculates only perfect high-end battle strength, needs the invasion of time vigilant foreign enemy and pays attention to the change of Star Boundary. “辛苦你了。”其他人都能闭关,唯独玉如梦不能,因为她是如今星界剩下的唯一还算完好无损的高端战力,需得时刻警惕外敌的入侵和关注星界的变化。 Can walk?” The Yu Rumeng sound somewhat trembles lightly. “要走了吗?”玉如梦的声音有些轻颤。 Yang Kai silent nods, before closing up, he with own several women has then greeted, therefore Yu Rumeng does not reveal accidental/surprised. 杨开无声地点头,闭关之前,他便与自己的几个女人打过招呼,所以玉如梦一点都不显意外 That husband outside, must pay attention to the security, perhaps when some days, our sisters will also go to that Outer Universe world to seek you, if you think that the gold/metal gives shelter to tender anything, may probably hide, otherwise was discovered by this Mistress and the others, will decide will put into the pot to explode these canary.” “那夫君在外,一定要注意安全,等些日子,或许我们姐妹也会去那乾坤之外的世界去寻你,你若想金窝藏娇什么的,可一定要藏好了,否则被妾身等人发现了,定会将那些金丝雀儿下锅炸了。” Yang Kai put out a hand to pinch her face: Had you, how could outside these common fat vulgar powders enter my eye.” 杨开伸手捏了捏她的脸:“有了你们,外面那些庸脂俗粉又岂能入我的眼。” That may not say certainly.” Yu Rumeng curls the lip, double bracelet lives in the Yang Kai's waist, embraced tightly, does not abandon said: Didn't greet with them?” “那可说不准。”玉如梦撇嘴,双手环杨开的腰,搂紧了,不舍道:“不与她们打招呼吗?” Yang Kai shakes the head saying: Will come back.” 杨开摇摇头道:“会回来的。” Leaves each time, many moved, Yang Kai only feared, if really sees them, did not hate to walk again. 每次离别,诸多伤感,杨开只怕若真个见到她们的话,就舍不得再走了。 You may really be cruel-hearted!” Yu Rumeng lifts the finger to poke the Yang Kai's chest, after the moment, the figure will flutter in the future, is with a smile typical: Walks, do not turn head, dares to come back I to cry to give you to look.” “你可真是狠心!”玉如梦抬起手指戳着杨开的胸膛,片刻后,身形往后飘去,笑吟吟地道:“走吧,别回头,敢回头我就哭给你看。” Yang Kai touches the nose, said solemnly: Looks after good own, when I come back.” 杨开摸了摸鼻子,沉声道:“照顾好自己,等我回来。” Has turned around, takes a step toward upward to go, among 32, the figure has changed to a small sunspot, invisible Spiritual Mind swings, has swept entire Star Boundary. 转过身,迈步朝上行去,三两步间,身形已化作一个小小的黑点,无形的神念荡开,扫过整个星界 The next flash, across Star Boundary, the institute of Great Emperor closing up, a both eye opens, toward vacuole of that day in the position stared at one, cups one hand in the other across the chest together. 下一瞬间,星界各地,大帝们闭关之所,一双双眼睛睁开,朝那天空所在的方位凝视了一眼,齐一拱手。 In High Heaven Palace, in Passing of Time Temple, Yang Xiao hundred bored lies down before the palace on the stair is sunning, suddenly resembled found anything, sat straight the body all of a sudden, made an effort to rub the eyes, was overjoyed, the figure one vertical then must fly. 凌霄宫内,岁月神殿中,杨霄百无聊奈地躺在殿前台阶上晒着太阳,蓦然似是瞧见了什么,一下子坐直了身子,使劲揉揉眼睛,紧接着大喜过望,身形一纵便要飞出去。 Then at this time, the ear bank then heard one: Concentrates!” 便在这时,耳畔便传来一声:“凝!” The body frames in place all of a sudden, Yang Xiao turns head difficultly, sees only Yang Xue to stand in his behind not far away, pinches finger joints with the thumb single-handed, mysterious strength swings. 身子一下子定格在原地,杨霄艰辛地扭头,只见杨雪站在他身后不远处,单手掐诀,身上一股玄妙的力量荡开。 Little paternal aunt you decides me to do really!” Yang Xiao blinks, innocent expression. “小姑姑你定我作甚!”杨霄眨眨眼,一脸无辜的表情。 The Yang Xue faint smile is sweet: „Do you want to go?” 杨雪浅笑嫣然:“你想去哪?” When was stuffy, goes out to transfer the revolutions.” Yang Xiao wants not to want then to reply. “待的闷了,出去转转。”杨霄想都不想便答道。 Right?” Yang Xue raises the head looked at sky, in the beautiful pupil is flashing the color of understanding clearly: How I thought that you do want to seek my Big Brother?” “是吗?”杨雪抬头看了一眼天空,美眸中闪着了然之色:“我怎么觉得你是想去寻我大哥?” Adoptive father?” About Yang Xiao waits and sees, said at a loss: Where is adoptive father at? Isn't closing up? Did could it be that go out?” “干爹?”杨霄左右观望,茫然道:“干爹在哪?不是在闭关吗?难道出关了?” Does a bit less to put on airs!” Yang Xue cold snort, these several years you have the matter to be all right run to come to here to be in a daze, I know that you definitely in what bad thought that originally is that takes advantage, I urged you dead as early as possible this heart.” “少来装模作样!”杨雪冷哼一声,“这十几年来你有事没事就跑来这里发呆,我就知道你肯定在动什么坏念头,原来是打的这个算盘,我劝你趁早死了这个心。” Yang Xiao was more innocent: Little paternal aunt you said that what I how can't understand?” 杨霄更无辜了:“小姑姑你说什么我怎么听不懂呢?” Yang Xue smiles: Being able to understand? That was I tolerates you evidently, traded you told personally some you can understand.” behind lightens the Liu Yan form suddenly, a glittering and translucent carving female baby fiery red long hair, on the fingertip bunch of flame calmly is burning, often changes to the exquisite phoenix appearance. 杨雪笑:“听不懂是吗?那看样子是我太纵容你了,还是换个人跟你说些你能听得懂的。”身后忽然闪出流炎的身影,晶莹剔透的女娃娃一头火红的长发,指尖上一簇火苗在静静燃烧,不时化作小巧的凤凰模样。 Yang Xiao changes countenance, looks at step by step toward Liu Yan that he walks, swallowed a saliva: Big paternal aunt, some words saying well, we can not begin try not to begin......” 杨霄变色,看着一步步朝他走来的流炎,吞了口口水:“大姑姑,有话好好说,咱们能不动手就尽量不要动手……” „To look for the master?” Liu Yan arrives in front of Yang Xiao, the limpid distinct big eye is looking at him. “想去找主人?”流炎走到杨霄面前,清澈分明的大眼睛望着他。 „......” Exquisite phoenix does not fly the front all of a sudden, scalding hot aura can even Divine Soul be able to burn down, hurries to change a statement: „Is is! I must look for the adoptive father, I must go to that Outer Universe to have a look, this has what wrong, you why like this to me.” “不……”小巧的凤凰一下子飞到面前,灼热的气息似能连神魂都能焚烧,赶紧改口:“是是是!我要去找干爹,我要去那乾坤之外看看,这有什么错,你们干嘛这样对我。” I also want to go.” Liu Yan said. “我也想去。”流炎道。 Yang Xiao found the friend immediately probably, the eye shone. 杨霄顿时像是找到了知己,眼睛都放光。 Big paternal aunt, since has this intent, we might as well go hand in hand, the adoptive father walks, should not walk far, we can pursue on.” “大姑姑既然有此意,我们不妨结伴而行,干爹才走,应该没走多远,咱们可以追的上。” Cannot go!” Liu Yan shakes the head, is slow. “不能去!”流炎摇头,动作缓慢。 Why?” Yang Xiao stares. “为什么?”杨霄瞪眼。 Will be a drag on his!” “会拖他后腿!” Yang Xiao scoffs to say with a smile: Big paternal aunt you wants to be many, your my present strength is not bad, how to be a drag on adoptive father? With coming up not to strive for other, what to the adoptive father served tea to pour water always? Yeah, adoptive father pain, this going out all alone, the people who a side speech finds relief do not have, does not know, since knew, my is the son how can turn a blind eye? I must with the past, after I probably give the adoptive father the saddle lead horse !” Speaking righteously of face, the sincere filial piety can be seen in speech and appearance. 杨霄嗤笑道:“大姑姑你想多了,你我现在的实力又不差,怎会拖干爹的后腿?跟上去不求别的,给干爹端茶倒水什么总可以吧?哎,干爹苦啊,这一趟出去孤身一人,身边连个说话解闷的人都没有,不知道也就罢了,既然知道了,我这个做儿子的怎能视若不见?我要跟过去,我要给干爹鞍前马后!”一脸的义正辞严,拳拳孝心溢于言表。
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