MP :: Volume #38

#3787: Bing Yun danger

Azure Dragon Spear passes the body, passed through the chest of that Blood Demon Half Saint, fresh blood fell following the spear's/gun's body downward. 苍龙枪透体而过,贯穿了那血魔半圣的胸口,鲜血顺着枪身往下滑落。 Blood Demon both eyes stare the circle, both hands grab the spear's/gun's body stubbornly, face shocked look, opens the mouth wants to say anything, was actually fresh blood spurted. 血魔双目瞪圆,双手死死地抓着枪身,一脸震惊之色,张口似是想说什么,却是一口鲜血喷了出来。 Outstanding heroes in an uproar...... 群雄哗然…… Even if who after seeing the two opposing parties was knows Yang Kai definitely not to lose this, but when his so spear/gun shouldered that Blood Demon Half Saint simply with ease, was extremely strong visual impact. 纵然在看到对阵双方到底是谁后都知杨开肯定不会输了这一阵,但当他如此简单轻松地枪挑起那血魔半圣,还是给人极强的视觉冲击。 The body of heavy losses, in front of violent anger Yang Kai, does not have the strength of resistance simply. 重创之身,在暴怒的杨开面前,简直没有抵抗之力。 Blood Demon struggles the creeping motion, in the throat makes the sound, blood energy tumbled, suppresses well long time to shout angrily to make noise: I refuse to accept!” 血魔挣扎蠕动,喉咙里发出嗬嗬的声音,一身血气翻滚,憋了好半晌才怒喝出声:“我不服!” If gives his fair opportunity and Yang Kai independent combat, he pays own is not absolutely impossible is so pitiful, but before him, then life-and-death has fought Lin Rusong, this moment battle strength remaining 20%, strike the opportunity of unexpectedly even avoiding not to have facing Yang Kai this Lei Ting (thunder). 若是给他公平的机会与杨开单打独斗,他自付自己绝对不可能这么悲惨,可他之前便与蔺如松殊死搏斗过,此刻一身战力剩下20%不到,面对杨开雷霆一击竟是连躲避的机会都没有。 He fully realized that Martial Dao true meaning terrifying and hard to deal with, under this spear/gun, within the body has the strange strength to devastate the own body and mind together, the grief and indignation changes filled with finally angrily roars. 他深知那武道真意的恐怖和难缠,这一枪之下,体内已经有一道诡异的力量在摧残着自己的身心,满腔悲愤终于化作怒吼。 But looks at this numerous Star Boundary Pseudo-Emperor is being pleased of whole face , when remembers just now this boy suffers Lin Rusong makes the silent provocation to Yang Kai, didn't expect hits suddenly, is really the rapidness that the retribution in this life comes. 而望着这一幕的众多星界伪帝则是满脸的快意,想起方才这厮折磨蔺如松时还对杨开做出无声的挑衅,没想到眨眼间就一语中的,果然是现世报来的快。 this King is dies will not make you feel better!” That Blood Demon Half Saint angrily roars, the strength of vitality sends out and aura of danger suddenly, both hands pinches finger joints with the thumb rapidly, the body inflates suddenly. 本座便是死也不会让你好过!”那血魔半圣又怒吼一声,身上的气血之力陡然散发出及其危险的气息,双手迅速掐诀,身体骤然膨胀开来。 Yang Kai is careful!” Bing Yun calls out in alarm, looks at this stance, that Blood Demon must from exploding is the same, even if his present spent force, Half Saint from exploding the might is also small not, possibly eats to owe carelessly greatly. 杨开小心!”冰云惊呼,看这架势,那血魔似要自爆一样,纵然他如今强弩之末,一个半圣的自爆威力也小不到哪去,一个不慎就可能吃个大亏。 Puts up a last-ditch struggle!” Yang Kai cold snort, Azure Dragon Spear shakes shakes, the wild strength transmits from the spear's/gun's body, bang, was selected Blood Demon on lance point to be broken directly, changes to skeletons, scatters the four directions. “垂死挣扎而已!”杨开冷哼,苍龙枪一抖一震,狂暴的力量从枪身中传递出去,轰地一声,被挑在枪尖上的血魔直接被震碎开来,化作一块块尸骨,散落四方。 That skeleton also decline place, then lost all essence, becomes dry corpses. 那尸骨还没落地,便失去了所有的精气,成为一块块干尸。 Mounted the stage the fight to finish from Yang Kai, ten breath times, Blood Demon Half Saint linked one move not to send out, perhaps then facing true Demon Saint, was insufficient to have this situation, quickest Half Saint that this died absolutely in history. 杨开上台到战斗结束,前后不过十息功夫,血魔半圣连一招都没有发出,便是面对一位真正的魔圣,恐怕都不至于有此情形,这绝对是有史以来死的最快的半圣了。 Receives the spear/gun to stand, Yang Kai indifferent looks toward the Demon Race camp that side, long spear/gun direction front: Next who suffers to death!” 收枪而立,杨开冷眼朝魔族阵营那边望去,长枪指向前方:“下一个谁来受死!” Such remarks, the Yang Yan brow tight wrinkle, a face worries saying: „Doesn't he want by his World's Will influence next candidate?” 此言一出,阳炎眉头紧皱,一脸担忧道:“他不会是想以自身的天地意志影响下一阵的人选吧?” The Bing Yun complexion changes, nods said: Has the possibility!” 冰云脸色微变,颔首道:“有可能!” The choices of two candidate, do not have the rule, Pseudo-Emperor Half Saint on the scene all can only withstand passively, but if the Yang Kai's words, not necessarily cannot such as Yang Yan say, comes to affect by own World's Will. 前后两次人选的选择,毫无规律可言,在场的伪帝半圣皆都只能被动承受,可若是杨开的话,未必不能如阳炎所说,以自身的天地意志来加以影响。 After all in this second, that world destiny had brought the huge advantage to him, makes him pick up a big bargain directly, otherwise trades to make any other Half Saint to go on stage, he will not win so relaxed. 毕竟这第二阵中,那一份天地气运已经给他带来了巨大的好处,直接让他捡了个大便宜,否则换做任何一个其他的半圣上场,他都不会胜的如此轻松。 However next flickers, the Yang Kai's form then disappears from the life and death stage suddenly does not see, when the people responded the time, he had returned to High Stage of Star Boundary camp. 不过下一瞬,杨开的身影便忽然从生死台上消失不见,等众人反应过来的时候,他已经回到了星界阵营的高台上。 A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, sighed secretly. 杨开眉头一皱,暗暗叹息一声。 Just like Yang Yan said, he truly wants to exert some influences by his World's Will a moment ago, looked whether can make own continue to keep on the life and death stage to make fighting of that third life and death. 正如阳炎所说,他刚才确实是想以自身的天地意志来施加一些影响,看是否能让自己继续留在生死台上做那第三场生死之斗。 What a pity finally disappoints him somewhat...... 可惜结果让他有些失望…… The vision has swept in the crowd, since own came back, who that next can be goes on stage? But under looks, many Pseudo-Emperor complexion are all dignified. 目光在人群中扫过,自己既然回来了,那下一阵会是谁上场?而所望之下,诸多伪帝皆都面色凝重。 The corner of the eye split vision sweeps to the form suddenly vanishes together does not see, Yang Kai terrified one startled, turns head to look suddenly toward the life and death stage on, at once the view shrinks suddenly. 眼角余光忽然扫到一道身影消失不见,杨开悚然一惊,霍地扭头朝生死台上望去,旋即眼帘骤缩。 Yang Yan also put out a hand to cover up red lips, in the beautiful pupil a piece worried. 身边阳炎也伸手掩住了红唇,美眸中一片担忧。 On the life and death stage, close to Star Boundary here corner , the pure white form is together solitary and vertical, women's clothing above, fresh blood, the whole body is sending out ice cold aura. 生死台上,靠近星界这边的角落里,一道洁白身影孑然而立,衣裙之上,鲜血点点,周身散发着冰寒的气息 Bing Yun turned head to look at around one, smiled: This is I?” 冰云扭头望了一眼四周,轻轻一笑:“这一阵是我吗?” Catches the eye to look toward the front, opposite corner, comes out similarly together the tall and strong form, who after seeing clearly that form is, in the eye of Bing Yun reveals a bitter and astringent meaning. 抬眼朝前方望去,对面的角落处,同样多出来一道魁梧身影,待看清那身影到底是谁后,冰云的眼中露出一丝苦涩之意。 Jia Long!” Yang Kai clenches teeth to drink lowly, cannot bear the impulsion that must shout 'motherfucker' at heart. 甲隆!”杨开咬牙低喝,心里忍不住有要骂娘的冲动。 Star Boundary the third candidate is Bing Yun, Demon Race that side candidate unexpectedly is Jia Long! This, Bing Yun feared that was the danger. 星界这边第三阵的人选是冰云也就罢了,偏偏魔族那边的人选居然是甲隆!这一阵,冰云怕是危险了。 Jia Long is Demon Race Half Saint most powerhouse, Yang Kai pays, even if own bumps into him, could not ask for what good, that limitless corpse refinement army simply was bothersome extremely the bothersome, his strength also and tyrannical. 甲隆魔族半圣的最强者,杨开自付就算自己碰上他,也讨不了什么好,那漫无边际的炼尸大军简直烦不胜烦,其本身的实力也及其强横。 If were only struggle of that victory and defeat also said fortunately, could not be victorious always also has vitality, but on that life and death stage actually must take side falls as the result surely, estimated by Yang Kai's, the Bing Yun odds of success less than 30%, has enormous possibly falls on the life and death stage. 如果只是胜负之争那也还好说,打不过总还有生机,可那生死台上却是必定要以一方陨落为结局,以杨开的估计,冰云的胜算不足30%,有极大的可能会陨落在生死台上。 From Permanent Luo Star Territory, since Solitary Void Secret Boundary comes out, Bing Yun many have also looked after to him, behind received Su Yan to do to close the door disciple, taught devotedly. 同是来自恒罗星域,自从寂虚秘境出来之后,冰云对他也一直多有照拂,后面更是收了苏颜做关门弟子,悉心教导。 If Bing Yun has an accident here, Yang Kai does not know how confessed with Su Yan and Ji Yao, could it be that must tell them own looks at Bing Yun to be killed by Jia Long helplessly, is actually incapable of meddling? 若是冰云在这里出事,杨开都不知道回去怎么跟苏颜姬瑶交代,难道要告诉她们自己眼睁睁看着冰云甲隆打死,却无力插手吗? Remembers the Bing Yun possible result, Yang Kai on scalp feeling numb. 想起冰云可能出现的结果,杨开就一阵头皮发麻 What to do?” Yang Yan somewhat is also scared, this aspect is she has never thought. “怎么办?”阳炎也有些慌了神,这局面可是她从未想过到的。 Yang Kai is clenching teeth, the double fist grips tightly, suddenly spear/gun facing forward rumbled, the wild energy swept across, restriction on High Stage actually returned safe and sound, has a scare others on the contrary. 杨开咬着牙,双拳紧握,猛地一枪朝前轰了出去,狂暴的能量席卷,高台上的禁制却是毫发无损,反倒是将其他人吓了一跳。 But at this moment, on life and death stage, war already. 而就在这时,生死台上,大战已起。 Just like Yang Kai will be different to the opportunity of that Blood Demon Half Saint any respite, Jia Long had not planned obviously to time that Bing Yun many restores, after coming, immediately stimulates to movement boundless Corpse Qi, floods the entire life and death stage. 正如杨开不会给那血魔半圣任何喘息之机一样,甲隆显然也没打算给冰云多少恢复的时间,现身之后立刻催动无边尸气,将整个生死台都充斥。 The Bing Yun long sword swings, sword halo sweep to all around, ice cold aura fills the air, is obstructing the spread of Corpse Qi. 冰云长剑荡开,一道道剑晕扫向四周,冰寒的气息弥漫,阻扰着尸气的蔓延。 Jia Long grins fiendishly, lifts the hand, in that Corpse Qi, forms revealed that each one is sending out and powerful aura, Bing Yun sees that the complexion concentrates, puts out a hand and refers to the long sword wipes, fresh blood flows, the sword blade buzz the cry, the sword glow bolt of white silk swept. 甲隆狞笑,抬手,那尸气之中,一道道身影显露了出来,个个都散发着及其强大的气息,冰云见状,脸色一凝,伸手在长剑上并指一抹,鲜血流淌,剑身嗡鸣,剑芒匹练般扫了出去。 corpse refinement were cut as two sections, but in inciting of that Corpse Qi ** next, closes unexpectedly quickly, stands up, does not launch the impact toward Bing Yun interrupted. 一具具炼尸被斩为两截,但在那尸气的滋**下,竟很快弥合,重新站起,毫不间断地朝冰云发起冲击。 Jia Long hides in Corpse Qi, the figure drifts from place to place, powerful Secret Technique, often cover to Bing Yun. 甲隆藏身在尸气之中,身形飘忽不定,一道道威力巨大的秘术,不时地罩向冰云 The ice cold principle fills the air, a snowflake falls gently from the day, the snowflake falls on that corpse refinement, immediately changes to six lozenges the ice crystals, covers the spread toward all around rapidly, becomes the ice sculpture corpse refinement frozen. 冰寒法则弥漫,朵朵雪花从天飘落,雪花落在那一具具炼尸身上,立刻化作六棱形的冰晶,迅速朝四周覆盖蔓延,将一具具炼尸冻成冰雕。 However two corpse refinement are not affected, that two corpse refinement, are refines by the Half Saint corpse, is Jia Long hand/subordinate most powerful corpse refinement, each one as if retained a point before death ability, about the converging attack comes, assisting Bing Yun that Jia Long harasses to be thrown into confusion. 然而还有两具炼尸不受影响,那两具炼尸,乃是由半圣的尸身炼制而成,是甲隆手下最强大的炼尸,各自似乎都保留了一点生前的能力,左右夹击而来,辅助甲隆扰的冰云手忙脚乱。 Comparatively speaking, Bing Yun promotes Pseudo-Emperor few years, but Jia Long is actually Demon Territory established Half Saint, is under Demon Saint first, the strength some disparities, Jia Long corpse refinement helps one another now, by three enemies one, how Bing Yun can be an opponent. 比较而言,冰云晋升伪帝没几年,而甲隆却是魔域的老牌半圣,更是魔圣之下第一,实力本就有些差距,如今甲隆更得炼尸相助,以三敌一,冰云如何能是对手。 The confrontation dozens breaths, Bing Yun some breath then disorder, do not observe for a while, by a Jia Long palm racket, on the shoulder is transmitted a kāchā resounding immediately, falls to fly. 交锋不过几十息,冰云的呼吸便有些紊乱,一时不察,被甲隆一掌拍中,肩膀上立刻传来咔嚓一声脆响,跌飞出去。 On the life and death stage, Bing Yun and Jia Long life-and-death wrestle. 生死台上,冰云甲隆殊死相搏。 Star Boundary stand above, the Yang Kai method completely leaves, shells that restriction light barrier. Initial time, only then he, but quick Yang Yan is involved, then, Sheng Yuzhu also acted again. 星界的看台之上,杨开手段尽出,轰击那禁制光幕。初始的时候只有他一个人,但很快阳炎便加入其中,再接下来,声雨竹也出手了。 However vertical about three people of strength, is unable to shake that restriction light barrier slightest. 然而纵是合三人之力,也无法撼动那禁制光幕分毫。 Person sighed: Three also please stop, this restriction I and others cannot eradicate, had previously tried. That side does not branch out the life and death, we feared that cannot go out.” 身旁一人叹息道:“三位还请住手吧,这禁制非我等所能破除,此前已经试过了。那边不分出生死,我们怕是出不去的。” Yang Kai turns a deaf ear, flaming combustion of cavity anger in heart, acts even more fierce, energy recklessly lets many Pseudo-Emperor changes countenance. 杨开充耳不闻,一腔怒意在心中熊熊燃烧,出手愈发凶猛,肆意的能量让诸多伪帝都不由变色 On life and death stage, hears Bing Yun one to call out in alarm, is she is actually hit by Jia Long divine ability again, the somewhat pale complexion appeared at this moment unexpectedly deep green rays of light, obviously had been corroded into the body by the corpse poisonously. 生死台上,又传来冰云的一声惊呼,却是她再次被甲隆神通打中,原本就有些惨白的脸色此刻竟浮现出碧绿的光芒,显然已被尸毒侵蚀入体。 Yang Kai turns head to look, is seeing Bing Yun stampede, strives the scene of support, immediately eye of zi wants to crack, according to this situation, only feared that in less than 5 minutes time, Bing Yun is more unfortunate than fortunate, by that time, he can do only then gathered up dead bodies to Bing Yun. 杨开扭头望去,正看到冰云狼狈逃窜,勉力支撑的场景,顿时目眦欲裂,依此情形来看,只怕用不了半盏茶时间,冰云就凶多吉少,到那时候,他所能做的就只有给冰云收尸了。 Burning with impatience , the mind revolves rapidly, how must do, can help Bing Yun reduce and solve this disaster? 心急如焚之下,心神急速运转,到底要如何做,才能助冰云化解这一劫难? Not to mention on the stand this restriction is tenacious, own and the others are unable to eradicate, how even if broke can? On that life and death stage may have other 1-layer restriction, does not solve this difficult problem in 5 minutes, gave up any idea of that makes Bing Yun be out of danger. 且不说看台上这禁制坚韧无比,自己等人无法破除,纵然破了又能如何?那生死台上可还是有另外一层禁制的,不在半盏茶内解决这个难题,就休想让冰云转危为安。 Suddenly, Yang Kai thought of anything, turns head to look toward Void Heavenly Cauldron that side. 蓦然间,杨开似是想到了什么,扭头朝虚天鼎那边望去。 Sees only in Void Heavenly Cauldron, just like Source Heavenly Fruit on that young tree the living creature is stirring generally slightly, inside radiance passes, as if immediately can mature be the same. 只见虚天鼎中,那颗小树上的源天果正如活物一般微微鼓荡着,内里光华流转,似乎马上就可以成熟了一样。 Previously Lin Rusong died, this Source Heavenly Fruit had some changes, when that Blood Demon Half Saint died, Source Heavenly Fruit were also many some changes. 此前蔺如松死的时候,这源天果就有了一些变化,而当那血魔半圣死时,源天果又多了一些变化。 Now so long as the person dies again here, Source Heavenly Fruit should thorough mature! 如今只要再有一人死在这里,源天果应该就会彻底成熟! So long as has one person again...... 只要再有一人…… That person of dying, not necessarily must be Bing Yun! 死的那个人,未必就必须是冰云 Read hence, Yang Kai was suddenly open, sent greetings one to Yang Yan quietly, Demon Yuan stimulated to movement fierce. 一念至此,杨开霍然开朗,悄悄给阳炎传音一句,一身魔元凶猛催动起来。 That side attack restriction Yang Yan hears word is startled, at once beautiful pupil one bright, after slightly cannot check a nod, suddenly turns around, the white arms above three rings change to three flames, the overhead cover toward one person, in the mouth shouted lowly: Cang Mo kills Feng Wuliang when escape, heartless, despicable is shameless, Heavenly Law does not accommodate!” 那边正在施法攻击禁制阳炎闻言一怔,旋即美眸一亮,微不可查地一点头后,猛地转身,皓腕之上三道圆环化作三道火光,当头朝一人罩去,口中低喝道:“仓末在逃亡之时害死冯无量,丧尽天良,卑鄙无耻,天道不容!” She begins at the same time, Yang Kai also suddenly turns around, the Divine Soul strength sweeps across like the tsunami, left eye golden vertical eye revealed, to the double pupil on Cang Mo, in the hand a Azure Dragon Spear spear pierces, that lance point above, a Little Black point of fist size sent out to swallow the myriad things ruthlessly aura. 她动手的同时,杨开猛地转身,神魂力量如海啸般席卷而出,左眼金色竖仁显露,对上仓末的双眸,手上苍龙枪狠狠一枪刺了出去,那枪尖之上,一个拳头大小的小黑点散发出吞噬万物的气息
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