MP :: Volume #38

#3739: Bright spear/gun changed/easy Duo

Is the disposition firm and resolute generations, there is a resolution, will not delay, is headed by Wen Zishan, Emperor Senior Stage of 14 groups of regiments withdraws toward the Mountain Valley place in abundance, after the Yang Kai side, careful, treasure to spread to the ear, chatted shows the respect. 都是心性坚毅之辈,既有决断,自不会耽搁,以温紫衫为首,十四路军团的帝尊境纷纷朝山谷处撤去,经过杨开身旁时,一声声小心,一句句珍重传入耳中,聊表敬意。 Moment time, before Mountain Valley, clean that the people walk, only has Yang Kai all alone. 须臾功夫,山谷前众人走的一干二净,只剩下杨开孤身一人。 His surface including the smile, the long ramrod in the side, facing the Demon Race several million armies, is actually without turning a hair alone. 他却面含微笑,长枪杵在身旁,独自面对魔族数百万大军,面不改色。 The front army is in a tumult, innumerable Demon Race glower to Yang Kai, although this Human Race previously truly shows the unusual battle efficiency at present, Half Saint was cut to kill one by him at the scene, but he dares at this moment so rampantly , is extremely rather supercilious. 前方大军骚动,无数魔族杨开怒目而视,虽说眼前这人类此前确实展现出非同一般的战斗力,就连半圣都被他当场斩杀了一个,但他此刻竟敢如此嚣张,也未免太过目中无人。 The army front, dozens high-rank Demon King complexion sinister and viciouses, each other Spiritual Mind surges, simply after an exchange, suddenly simultaneous killing. 大军前方,数十位上品魔王面色阴鸷,彼此神念涌动,简单地一阵交流之后,忽然齐齐扑杀而来。 Demon Yuan is billowing, demon Burroughs Wellcome Co. can bloom, that to/clashes not to arrive at the near in frontline Demon King, the demon treasure brilliance that behind blots out the sky has covered toward Yang Kai. 魔元滚滚,魔宝威能绽放,那冲在最前方的魔王还未到近前,身后铺天盖地的魔宝光辉已朝杨开笼罩过去。 Yang Kai again also all alone, how even if can be on par Half Saint? Before the Demon Race several million armies, Half Saint also evades the point temporarily. 杨开再强也不过孤身一人,纵然能比肩半圣又如何?在魔族数百万大军面前,半圣也得暂避锋芒。 Rumble, countless attack fall on Yang Kai, submerges it instantaneously, under the public gaze, Yang Kai has not dodged unexpectedly has not evaded, directly was urged the prestige that sends to hit by these demon treasures. 轰隆隆一阵,数不尽的攻击落在杨开身上,瞬间将其淹没,众目睽睽之下,杨开竟是没闪没避,直接被那些魔宝催发出来的威能打个正着。 Numerous Demon Race great happiness, these are also the look inspire toward Demon King that Yang Kai flushes away, Yang Kai so pulls rank, no doubt some do not place in the eye, actually is also they loves, was hit by so many attack, even if this fellow does not die by luck, unavoidably will also cause heavy losses. 众多魔族大喜,那些朝杨开冲去的魔王也是神色一振,杨开如此托大,固然有些不把人放在眼中,却也是他们喜闻乐见的,被这么多的攻击打中,纵然这家伙侥幸不死,难免也会重创。 The thought has not transferred, then sees the Yang Kai's figure to desalinate suddenly, resembles the empty probability, that innumerable attack passes through his body unexpectedly directly, hits the rearward, has not actually become the least bit to injure to other party from the start. 念头还没转完,便见杨开的身形忽然淡化,似虚似实,那无数攻击竟直接穿过他的身躯,打向后方,却压根没对他造成半点伤害。 Audience Demon King stares the big eyeball. 魔王不由瞪大眼珠子。 But at the same time, the Yang Kai's form congealing reality, puts out a hand to grasp Azure Dragon Spear again, it is not fancy faces forward to deliver. 而与此同时,杨开的身影重新凝实,伸手一抓苍龙枪,毫无花俏地朝前一送。 This spear/gun, ordinary, the speed is not too fast, lets clearly that everyone looks , but when this spear/gun hands over, that dozens high-rank Demon King actually simultaneous complexion with amazement, all give birth to a that long spear/gun toward the misconception that own punctures. 这一枪,平淡无奇,速度也不算太快,让所有人都看的清清楚楚,但当这一枪递出来的时候,那几十个上品魔王齐齐面色骇然,皆都生出一种那长枪朝自己刺来的错觉。 Prestige of the spear/gun, disregarded the impediment of space, a pitiful yell spreads, sad and shrill. 一枪之威,无视了空间的阻隔,一声惨叫传出,凄厉非常。 When numerous Demon King gets back one's composure, immediately discovers on Yang Kai that long spear/gun has selected a form. 待众魔王回神之时,立刻发现杨开那长枪上已经挑住了一道身影。 That form was poked to putting on by the long spear/gun, the lance point holds from the latter vest place, the whole person hangs is rushing ahead, still struggles continuous, falling where can actually work loose? 那身影被长枪戳了个对穿,枪尖从后背心处捅出,整个人都挂在抢上,兀自挣扎不休,却又哪能挣脱的掉? An absolutely terrified feeling spreads the whole body, was hung on the long spear/gun, impressively is own companion, dozens high-rank Demon King, how unexpectedly no looks at clear he is the move. 一阵毛骨悚然之感蔓延全身,那被挂在长枪上的,赫然是自己身边的同伴,几十个上品魔王,竟没有一个看清楚他到底是怎么中招的。 However at this time also thinks deeply without enough time, the time of this flash, numerous Demon King have fallen down in front of Yang Kai, instant time, space underground, all around watertight that he surrounds, each and everyone Demon King urges round of Demon Yuan, Sand Demon to escape, Shadow Demon conceals the line, Stone Demon Strength Demon or shakes the fist to pound, or offers a sacrifice to the demon treasure, Bone Demon lifts the hand, the five fingers departs, changes to five gloomy skeleton heads, the Corpse Demon opens the mouth blowout rich corpse is poisonous, Flame Demon controlling causes to burn a day of flame, hits right in the face toward Yang Kai. 然而此时也来不及深思,这一瞬间的功夫,众多魔王都已扑倒杨开面前,霎时间,天上地下,前后左右将他包围的水泄不通,一个个魔王催发魔元,沙魔遁地,影魔匿行,石魔力魔或挥拳砸去,或祭出魔宝,骨魔抬手,五指飞出,化作五个阴森森的骷髅头,尸魔张口喷出浓郁尸毒,炎魔驭使着焚天之焰,劈头盖脸朝杨开打去。 Dingdong a sound, besieges Yang Kai's Demon Race except that dozens, in clearout that no one looks at radically how the situation, sees only that side person's shadow to flutter, sparks flying in all directions, hit bright like flower. 叮叮当当一阵响动,除去那几十个围攻杨开的魔族,根本没人看的清场中局势如何,只见那边人影翻飞,火花四溅,打的灿烂如花。 Often has Demon King to exude the sound of pitiful yell, flies upside down face up, some body location/position breaks out a giant hole. 不时有魔王发出惨叫之声,仰面倒飞出来,身上某个位置破出一个巨大的窟窿。 The shocking offensive only maintained less than ten breath time, when when a spear/gun shadow that lets world changes countenance erupts, all Demon King or the initiative avoidances, or were inspired to fly, instant time world. 耸人听闻的攻势只维持了不到十息时间,当那一圈让天地变色的枪影爆发出来之时,所有魔王或主动退避,或被振飞出来,霎时间天地一空。 Before Mountain Valley, the Yang Kai whole body is bathed in blood, the ragged clothing even more was ruined, has hair dishevelled, the double pupil under that long hair blocking, seal shoots the dark red light glow. on one knee knelt on the ground, in the hand the long spear/gun has the big half to spike underground. 山谷前,杨开浑身浴血,本就褴褛的衣衫愈发破败,披头散发,那长发遮挡之下的双眸,印射殷红光芒。单膝跪在地上,手上长枪有大半截戳进了地下。 Rumble...... 咕噜噜…… Ground emits fresh blood, as if has a blood pond general in that underground deep place. 地面处冒出鲜血,仿佛在那地下深处有一个血池一般。 The Yang Kai trail arms, from that underground brought Sand Demon of hidden, the long spear/gun passed through the former heart back of Sand Demon, when was pulled off, that Sand Demon looked pain it ****** the Yuan surged, the long spear/gun shook, Sand Demon exploded to break to pieces loudly, the broken corpse did not wait to fall the ground, then changed to the gravel crushed stone. 杨开提枪,从那地下将一个隐藏的沙魔带了出来,长枪贯穿了沙魔的前心后背,被拖出之时,那沙魔面露痛楚之******元涌动,长枪一抖,沙魔轰然爆碎开来,碎尸不等落到地上,便化作沙砾碎石。 A chill in the air spreads the whole body, all sees this Demon Race to keep silent. 一股寒意遍及全身,所有望见这一幕的魔族皆都噤若寒蝉。 These high-rank Demon King wait and see each other, is the surface sinks like the water. 那些上品魔王观望彼此,更是面沉如水。 Dozens high-rank Demon King close, this is the powerful lineup, cannot cut to kill this place Yang Kai unexpectedly, how even if made him receive some wounds to be able? A moment ago the confrontation of that short ten breath time, one's own side here was minimum three high-rank Demon King, 78 were injured. 几十个上品魔王一拥而上,这是何等强大的阵容,竟也没能将杨开斩杀此地,纵然让他受了些伤又能怎样?刚才那短短十息时间的交锋,己方这边最起码死了三位上品魔王,七八位受伤。 At present this fellow, really can by one's effort, keep off dozens high-rank Demon King one round to fiercely attack unexpectedly. 眼前这个家伙,竟真的能以一己之力,挡下了几十位上品魔王的一轮猛攻。 If Half Saint achieves this thing is also nothing unusual, but Yang Kai is high-rank Demon King! This matter somewhat was unthinkable. 若是半圣做到这种事也不足为奇,可偏偏杨开不过是个上品魔王!这种事就有些匪夷所思了。 Not with the Yang Kai head confrontation time could not have detected anything, but really begins to discover that with him that long spear/gun the place of terrifying, that long spear/gun not only sharp incomparable, will cause to fill the greatest dignified, moving mind, is unable to display the complete strength. 没与杨开正面交锋的时候还察觉不到什么,但真的与他动手才发现那长枪的恐怖之处,那长枪不但锋锐无匹,使将起来更弥漫着莫大威严,动人心神,让人根本无法发挥出全部力量。 A light sound, the startled everyone heart jumps, flowing light, the lightning flash passes together, toward Yang Kai chest place lasing. 咻地一声轻响,惊的所有人都心头一跳,一道流光,电闪而逝,直朝杨开心口处激射而来。 This light sound seems a signal, follows closely after this sound moves, the whoosh, whoosh, whoosh sound is lingering on faintly, instant time, twinkling cold light, coerced the death aura arrow to lose toward Yang Kai to shoot. 这一声轻响仿佛是个信号,紧随在这一声响动之后,咻咻咻的声音不绝于耳,霎时间,一根根闪烁寒光,裹挟着死亡气息的箭失朝杨开射去。 A Feather Demon clan is skilled in Yi technique, the bad close combat, therefore just now attack, does not have the Feather Demon trace, when the war later must be the mind is lax, the this time sneak attack best. 羽魔一族精通羿术,却不善近战,所以方才的攻击,并没有羽魔的踪影,大战之后必是心神松懈之时,这个时候偷袭自是最好不过。 Yang Kai just hung Sand Demon on long spear/gun that inspires ashes, before a that first feather arrow has then arrived at the body . 杨开才刚刚将那挂在长枪上的沙魔振成齑粉,那最先的一根羽箭便已到身前。 The rapidness of speed, is Yang Kai also avoids without enough time, the flash of chill in the air and body, Yang Kai agitates Demon Yuan, the flesh contraction of chest place. 速度之快,便是杨开也来不及躲避,寒意及体的一瞬间,杨开鼓动魔元,胸口处的血肉一阵收缩。 A duo dull thumping sound, the one-ten feet feather arrow enters the meat three cuns (2.5 cm), Yang Kai under a huge strength drove several steps to stand firm the figure toward retreat. 咄地一声闷响,长达一丈的羽箭入肉三寸,杨开更在一股庞大的力道带动下往后退了好几步才稳住身形。 The long spear/gun waves, all wastes the remaining arrow rain. 长枪舞动开来,将剩下的箭雨悉数打飞出去。 One crowd of Demon King dumbstruck, look at Yang Kai, in the heart is calling out in alarm, hasn't this died? 一群魔王目瞪口呆,怔怔地望着杨开,心中惊呼不已,这都没死? The feather arrow that hits a target the Yang Kai chest place seemingly does not have exceptionally, but behind an arrow tail Hongling actually showed the status of its master. 那一根射中杨开胸口处的羽箭看起来毫无异常,但箭尾后方的一条红菱却彰显了它的主人的身份。 Projects of this arrow, but in Feather Demon, besides Demon Saint and Half Saint, most powerful, even if defended powerful Stone Demon to eat this arrow inborn, must be shot to putting on. 射出这一箭的那一位可是羽魔之中,除了魔圣半圣之外,最强大的一位,就算是天生防御强悍的石魔吃了这一箭,也要被射个对穿。 What degree was the body of this Human Race powerful to? 这个人族的身体到底强悍到了什么程度? Yang Kai complexion was gloomy, puts out a hand to hold on the chest still in slightly the feather arrow of fight, drew out ruthlessly, lowers the head staring, paid secretly is the bright spear/gun is really easy to hide the stab in the back to be difficult to guard, if three years ago own, even if there is Half Dragon body, was not necessarily able to keep off below this arrow. 杨开面色阴沉,伸手抓住了胸口上依然在微微战斗的羽箭,狠狠拔出,低头凝视,暗付果然是明枪易躲暗箭难防,若是三年前的自己,纵然有半龙之躯,也未必能挡的下这一箭。 But in ancient battlefield for dozens years, by that two strength tempering, the growth of flesh body today we are no longer as we have been, do not say that his Half Dragon body has grown the greatness of thousand feet (333 m) from more than 30 zhang (3.33 m). 但在古战场中几十年如一日,受那两股力量淬炼,肉身的成长早已今非昔比,更不要说他的半龙之躯已从三十多丈成长到了百丈之巨。 Increasing of Half Dragon body, means that the stimulation of Dragon Clan source, flesh body naturally can become more intrepid. 半龙之躯的变大,也意味着龙族本源的激发,肉身自然会变得更加强悍。 Circling is so, that feather arrow also still broke open oneself body defense, again many two cuns (2.5 cm) words, perhaps really on some dangers. 绕是如此,那羽箭也依然破开了己身防御,再多两寸的话,恐怕真的就有些危险了。 Feather Demon of high-rank Demon King rank then can achieve so the degree, that Half Saint level other? Fu Yu? 一个上品魔王级别的羽魔便能做到如此程度,那半圣级别的呢?芙萸呢? The fist grasps, endures breaks compared with demon treasure feather arrow kāchā is two sections, Yang Kai raises the head, scarlet both eyes just like the wild animal that goes crazy suddenly, by the impediment of Void, observed closely form a more than ten li (0.5 km) away, then grins to grin fiendishly. 拳头一握,堪比一件魔宝的羽箭咔嚓断为两截,杨开霍然抬头,猩红的双目犹如发狂的野兽,透过虚空的阻隔,盯住了十几里之外的一道身影,然后咧嘴狞笑起来。 To this scary eye, the Feather Demon complexion big change of that sneak attack, the rocking figure, declines in secret without hesitation toward the Demon Race army, attempts to infiltrate concealment whereabouts. 对上这一双骇人的眼睛,那暗中偷袭的羽魔脸色大变,毫不犹豫地晃动身形,朝魔族大军中落去,企图混进其中隐匿行踪。 The back transmits together the fresh breeze, blowing is painful in the back, as if even the flesh went to 1-layer, then looks, sees only this in Yang Kai more than ten li (0.5 km) away does not know when has appeared in the place that own stood, a spear/gun swept. 背后传来一道劲风,刮在后背生疼,似乎连血肉都去了一层,回头望去,只见本在十几里外的杨开不知何时已经出现在了自己原本站立的地方,一枪扫了出来。 She knows early to an enemy who is skilled in Space Principle, more than ten li (0.5 km) distance was equal to that the surface is pasting the surface, therefore detected then did not run away, now looks like, luckily own responded quickly, otherwise was absolutely more unfortunate than fortunate. 她早知对一个精通空间法则的敌人来说,十几里的距离等于是面贴着面,所以一察觉不对便逃窜了出去,现在看来,幸亏自己反应快,否则绝对凶多吉少。 Oh? saw with own eyes that Feather Demon have foresight avoided own to strike unexpectedly, Yang Kai revealed to ponder the smiling face, the footsteps were motionless, the figure was closely associated, pursues that Feather Demon to crash in the Demon Race army. 哦?”眼见那羽魔竟未卜先知般地躲开了自己一击,杨开不禁露出玩味笑容,脚步不动,身形却如影随形,追着那羽魔冲进魔族大军中。 Instant time, as if in the wok with cooking oil puts salt, the camp unrest of several million armies, countless Demon Race were selected to fly in the air, the each and everyone body explodes to break to pieces. 时间,仿佛油锅里撒了一把盐,数百万大军的阵营一阵骚乱,数不尽的魔族被挑飞到空中,一个个身躯爆碎开来。 That Feather Demon only felt that back ice sets up murderous intention to lock own, which also dares then to look, only knows that own cannot stay absolutely, otherwise is dead characters, not cares about the ordinary Demon Race casualties, where person many toward where drill, only looks to get rid of Yang Kai's to pursue. 羽魔只感觉到背后一股凌立杀机锁定自己,哪还敢回头去望,只知道自己绝对不能有所停留,否则就是一个死字,毫不在乎普通魔族的伤亡,哪里人多往哪里钻去,只望能够摆脱杨开的追击。 scoundrel!” 混账!” Before Mountain Valley, flies into a rage by high-rank Demon King that Yang Kai injures, air/Qi that Feather Demon actually not, after all the opposite party is also high-rank Demon King, but indignant Yang Kai this regards Demon Race , if no thing, has the courage to crash in the army unexpectedly. 山谷前,一个被杨开所伤的上品魔王勃然大怒,倒不是气那羽魔,毕竟对方也是个上品魔王,只是气愤杨开这视魔族如无物,竟有胆子冲进大军之中。 Cursed angrily, then must fold the body to fight again. 怒骂间,便要折身再战。 Was actually pressed the shoulder by Strength Demon, that Strength Demon shakes the head to say slowly: This person is skilled in Space Principle, just now the strength you also saw, we feared that has no means with him, only if there is a Sir Half Saint to act!” 却被一个力魔一把摁住了肩膀,那力魔缓缓摇头道:“此人精通空间法则,方才实力你也见到了,我们怕是拿他没什么办法的,除非有半圣大人出手!” Some few words have not said in the heart, perhaps is Half Saint acts, may not be effective. 有一句话在心中没说出来,恐怕就是半圣出手,也不一定能奏效。 With it the energy waste on him, might as well pursue the enemy remnants!” “与其将精力浪费在他身上,不如追击残敌!” Audience Demon King one hear, all nods in abundance , this Strength Demon said that indeed really has the truth, Yang Kai this person escapes the life in Demon Saint, although this place Demon Race army are many, but he, if the sincerity escapes, but how also really no one can he. 魔王一听,皆都纷纷颔首,一则,这个力魔说的确实有道理,杨开这人可是在魔圣手下逃过性命的,此地魔族大军虽多,可他若是真心逃跑的话,还真的没人能把他怎么样。 Two, a moment ago a war, made them live to Yang Kai dreaded the heart, they rather went facing Wen Zishan and the others and Star Boundary 14 groups of armies, absolutely do not fight to contest with Yang Kai again. 二则,刚才一战,也让他们对杨开生了忌惮之心,他们宁愿去面对温紫衫等人和星界的十四路大军,也绝对不要再跟杨开交手过招。
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