MP :: Volume #37

#3694: Kills the four directions greatly

Said that time Yao Si of this saying to be unwilling completely, Yang Kai seal two worlds passage, was Star Boundary strove for more than ten years of time, four territory army fodder soldiers underwent the horse, but a contact has then become so the aspect, how letting the person to be resigned? So the aspect, is not the Star Boundary army cannot withstand, but that side Demon Race does not count the casualties simply. 说这话的时候爻嗣满是不甘,杨开封印两界通道,为星界这边争取了十几年时间,四域大军秣兵历马,可方一接触便已成如此局面,让人怎能甘心?如此局面,并非星界大军不堪,只是魔族那边简直是不计伤亡。 Beforehand that side who didn't expect Demon Race so will be crazy, but does not cut off the source that Demon Territory dispatches troops, Coiling Dragon Formation will have support sooner or later the time. 事先谁也没想到魔族那边会这般疯狂,而不斩断魔域发兵的源头,盘龙大阵早晚有支撑不住的时候。 The Yao Si few words, Yang Kai has looked to clear the situation, nods gently: I go!” 爻嗣三言两语,杨开已看清场中局势,轻轻颔首:“我去!” The words fall to flicker, one step takes a step, the figure desalinates, Xia Ning Chang has not shouted the exit|to speak carefully, he has disappeared does not see. 话落瞬瞬,一步迈步,身形淡化,夏凝裳一声小心没喊出口,他已消失不见。 The place of landing, has bridged over the thousand li (500 km), comes to battlefield. 落地之地,已跨过千里,现身战场之内。 Front surface Demon King, is built on beyond three zhang (3.33 m), stares to look, the bewildered color, obviously without doing to understand how front to come out suddenly a person, but is quick, who he then recognized at present this person is, the opens the mouth drank one lowly: Yang Kai!” 迎面一个魔王,立于三丈之外,瞪眼望来,一脸茫然之色,显然没搞明白面前怎么忽然多出来一个人,不过很快,他便认出了眼前这人到底是谁了,张口低喝一声:“杨开!” Yang Kai in Demon Territory that several years, is momentous, each mainland has almost visited, initially at the war of Zhoutian was the focus of being a focus of public attention, was recognized by this Demon King one is not but actually strange. 杨开魔域那几年,风头强劲,每个大陆几乎都踏足过,当初在宙天之战更是万众瞩目之焦点,被这魔王一眼认出倒也不奇怪。 Shouted that later this Demon King apparent is not wonderful, although his strength is good, but confessed that impossible to escape the life under the pursuit of Demon Saint, but this Human Race can achieve at present, therefore takes the bull by the horns, figure rapidly retreat. 喊完之后这魔王便知不妙,他实力虽然不错,但自认不可能在魔圣的追击下逃过性命,可眼前这个人族能够做到,所以当机立断,身形急速后退 When he retreats, sees only Yang Kai to lift the hand gently, the front surface black crescent moon cuts to strike together , has kept off clansman before body along the way is cut as two halves, arrives in itself in front of suddenly. 他退去之时,只见杨开轻轻抬手,迎面一道黑色月牙斩击过来,沿途所过,挡在身前的族人纷纷被斩为两半,瞬息间就抵达自身面前。 Demon King big shout, Demon Qi wells up crazily, a fist pounds. 魔王大喝,魔气狂涌,一拳捣出。 The ache of heartrending transmits from the fist, that black crescent moon has cut the fist of own unexpectedly directly, cuts the arm of own, from body all. 钻心的疼痛从拳头上传来,那黑色月牙竟是直接切过自己的拳头,斩开自己的臂膀,从身躯一切而过。 The Demon King body is startled, looks at dumbly at the scene, stares direction that Yang Kai is, in mouth several, next one flickers, the body splits toward both sides, fresh blood spurts crazily, the five main internal organs (entrails) flowed place. 魔王身子一怔,呆立当场,凝视杨开所在的方向,口中嗬嗬了几声,下一瞬,身子往两旁裂开,鲜血狂喷,五脏六腑流了一地。 Yang Kai looked that does not look at this Demon King one, Spiritual Mind surges the time, the dark clouds lingering oneself body, in that dark clouds transmits extremely tiny buzz the sound of cry, looking into the distance, impressively is the big piece insect comprised of insects clouds. 杨开看都不看这魔王一眼,神念涌动之时候,大片大片的黑云萦绕己身,那黑云之中传来极为细小的嗡鸣之声,放眼望去,赫然是由一只只虫子组成的大片虫云。 Soul Devouring Insect! 噬魂虫 Yang Kai will not easily use Soul Devouring Insect generally, as because only the rise of own strength, the role that Soul Devouring Insect can play getting smaller, cannot apply facing the powerful enemy, does not need to move unnecessarily facing the weak one. 杨开一般不会轻易动用噬魂虫,只因随着自身实力的提升,噬魂虫能发挥出来的作用越来越小了,面对强敌派不上用场,面对弱者根本无需多此一举。 But all under the environment of enemy around this type, Soul Devouring Insect can actually play the huge role. 但在这种四面皆敌的环境下,噬魂虫却能发挥出巨大的作用。 Humming sound the sound gets up, the big piece insect cloud lingers the Yang Kai body side, Yang Kai Spiritual Mind moves, in the mouth drinks lightly: Goes!” 嗡嗡之声响起,大片虫云萦绕杨开身侧,杨开神念动间,口中轻喝:“去!” The insect cloud waved several, changes to more than ten groups, disperses more than ten directions, toward the Demon Race assault, the place visited, the Demon Race casualty is in all directions serious, was all corroded Consciousness Sea by the tiny insect, swallows Divine Soul to perish, outwardly does not have/leave the least bit scar. 虫云舞动了几下,化作十几团,分散十几个方向,四面八方朝魔族袭去,所过之处,魔族死伤惨重,皆被细小虫豸侵蚀识海,吞噬神魂而亡,表面上看不出半点伤痕。 Emits Soul Devouring Insect, Yang Kai no matter also these insects can display multi- erupts to use, both hands hang in Shence, among ten fingers to flick, Moon Blade toward all around lasing. 放出噬魂虫,杨开也不管这些虫子能发挥出多大作用,双手垂于身侧,十指连弹间,一道道月刃朝四周激射。 Moon Blade has raided, as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, large expanse of Demon Race cut inconsistency. 月刃袭过,摧枯拉朽,成片成片的魔族被切的七零八落。 Yang Kai leisurely strolls to forward, Moon Blade non-stop, where arrives , will then slaughter the belt/bring to where, generally Demon Race is unable nearly his body to lean thousand feet (333 m), is Demon King is also then difficult to keep off three moves of two types. 杨开信步向前,月刃不停,走到哪里,便将杀戮带到哪里,一般魔族根本无法近他身侧百丈,便是魔王也难挡三招两式。 His speed is extremely fast, among 32 has then spanned dozens li (0.5 km) distance, but he good place, presented diameter thousand feet (333 m) Absolute Death Region, from upper air overlook, takes him to fall the place of foot, takes now in it place as the end point, in a diameter thousand feet (333 m) dozens li (0.5 km) straight line, does not have Demon Race to survive. 他的速度极快,三两步间便已跨越几十里的距离,而他行过之地,更是出现了一个直径百丈死亡地带,从高空俯瞰,以他落足之地为,以如今所在之地为终点,直径百丈的一条几十里直线内,无一个魔族存活。 Walked one, slaughters one, Yang Kai thinks suddenly somewhat troublesome, although Moon Blade, but kills Demon Race also to need own to begin, immediately the intention moves, offers a sacrifice to Wind Bottle. 走了一阵,杀戮一阵,杨开忽觉有些麻烦,月刃虽然了得,但杀起魔族来还需自己动手,当即心念一动,祭出风葫 The bottle-gourd mouth opens, in small Wind Bottle, beyond the day the Astral Wind attitude blade, the lasing goes in all directions. 葫口打开,小小的风葫内,天外罡风化作风刀,四面八方激射而去。 Also is one slaughters, this derives the Plain Palace restricted area deep place, Wind Bottle in Void crack, blossoms in radiant splendor in this big battlefield above today, simply is crowd of attacking unsurpassed Secret Treasure! 又是一通杀戮,这得自无华殿禁地深处,虚空裂缝内的风葫,于今日在这偌大战场之上大放异彩,简直就是群攻的无上秘宝 Was then convenient, Yang Kai faces forward to make a long-range raid by all means that the Wind Bottle bottle-gourd mouth aims at the front, the sharp wind blade sweeps away all obstacles. 这下省事了,杨开只管朝前奔袭,风葫葫口对准前方,锋锐的风刀一路所向披靡。 He just came, but also few notices him personally, but with wreaking havoc of Soul Devouring Insect, cutting of Moon Blade strikes with the appearance of Wind Bottle, immediately becomes the focus of audience. 他刚现身的时候,还没几个人注意到他,但随着噬魂虫的肆虐,月刃的斩击和风葫的出现,立刻成为了全场的焦点。 The killed person were many, thinks that does not bring to the attention to be difficult. 杀的人多了,想不引起注意都难。 The Coiling Dragon Formation dragon head place, the Li Wuyi vision sweeps, saw that familiar form, the tight mind ease loosen, shouted the tone secretly. 盘龙大阵龙首处,李无衣目光扫来,看到了那熟悉的身影,紧绷的心神悠然一松,暗暗呼了口气。 Came finally, is not too late! Immediately transmitted orders, Coiling Dragon Formation fluctuates, the huge body winds, flushes away in the direction that Yang Kai is, is the Yang Kai alleviation pressure. 总算是来了,还不算太晚!当即传令下去,盘龙大阵变幻,巨大身躯蜿蜒,朝杨开所在的方向冲去,为杨开缓解压力。 Li Wuyi discovered Yang Kai, the Demon Race powerhouse naturally also discovered him. 李无衣发现了杨开,魔族的强者自然也发现了他。 Yang Kai swallows Demon Territory, tempts Demon Race two Demon Saint Chang Tian to rebel, later the seal two worlds passage, Demon Race many powerhouses have hated to the marrow of the bones about him, previously could not see his trace, now discovered how to let off? 杨开吞噬魔域,引诱魔族两位魔圣连带着长天反叛,随后更封印了两界通道,魔族诸多强者早就对他恨之入骨,此前一直看不到他的踪影,如今发现,怎会放过? In battlefield, piece of Blood Sea receives easely, changes to together the blood light, to/clashes rapidly in it place toward Yang Kai. 战场之中,一片血海悠然一收,化作一道血光,朝杨开所在之地急速冲来。 The short ten breath times, have then rushed to the Yang Kai near, the bloody air/Qi that soars to the heavens fills the air, swift and fierce murderous intention covers Yang Kai, the blood light diffusion goes, the form reveals together, flies high to throw, such as Eagle seizes the rabbit, imposing manner is agitated. 短短十息功夫,便已冲到杨开近前,冲天的血腥气弥漫,凌厉杀机杨开笼罩,血光散去,一道身影显露出来,凌空扑下,如雄鹰擒兔,气势汹汹。 Yang Kai imitates, if has not thought, battlefield above, saw this martial artist shouted lowly, had the people sound to shout, reminds Yang Kai to have the powerful enemy to attack. 杨开仿若未觉,战场之上,看到这一幕的武者纷纷低呼,更有人大声呼喊,提醒杨开有强敌来袭。 In that form close, another person will soon come strangely, welcomed directly toward that place of invading one's territory. 就在那身影即将临近之时,又一人诡异现身,直接朝那来犯之地迎去。 Rumble several, rock the earth, Demon Yuan sweeps across the four directions, two forms separate, are built on Void. 轰隆隆几声,震天动地,魔元席卷四方,两道身影分开,立于虚空中。 Comes the person view to narrow the eyes, sees clearly front enemy appearance, hate-filled sound said: Bai Ya! You dare to block me!” 来人眼帘眯起,看清面前的敌人容貌,恨声道:“伯牙!你敢阻我!” Yang Kai is powerful, non- Half Saint cannot the enemy, come to kill his naturally is Half Saint, in Demon Territory, the Half Saint quantity does not calculate too, each one well-known, each other has not had to do even if, knew, Bai Ya comes, where that Demon Race Half Saint will admit mistakes. 杨开实力强大,非半圣不能敌,前来狙杀他的自然是一位半圣,魔域之中,半圣数量不算太多,个个都有名有姓,彼此纵然没怎么打过交道,也都认识,伯牙现身,那魔族半圣哪会认错。 Bai Ya said lightly: „A difference, is not the stratagem!” 伯牙淡淡道:“道不同,不相为谋!” Opposite place, Demon Race Half Saint shouted angrily: „The say/way of nonsense is different, do not forget you are Demon Race!” 对面处,魔族半圣怒喝:“狗屁的道不同,别忘了你是魔族!” Helpless Bai Ya said: Is ordered to handle affairs, do not make me difficult to do!” 伯牙无奈道:“奉命行事,别让我难做!” scoundrel!” That Demon Race Half Saint is angry, wants to kill Yang Kai unexpectedly with is Demon Race Bai Ya to the stop, all around clansman unceasing casualty, gets angry at this moment, which also manages Bai Ya is Demon Race? When drinks severely had thrown, instant time and Bai Ya games make one group. 混账!”那魔族半圣大怒,想杀杨开居然被同为魔族伯牙给阻拦,四周族人不断死伤,此刻也是红了眼,哪还管伯牙是不是魔族?厉喝之时已经扑了上来,霎时间伯牙做一团。 However two Demon Capital City are Half Saint, each other strength about the same, this dozen is Heavenly Thunder cancels Earth Fire seriously, the scene is lively, but wants a minute of odds of success perhaps is not the simple matter. 不过两魔都半圣,彼此实力在伯仲之间,这一打起来当真是天雷地火,场面热闹至极,但想要分个胜算恐怕也不是简单的事。 Yang Kai has gone far away , to continue to rush to the front. 杨开已经远去,继续奔向前方。 The place of thousand li (500 km), the Yang Kai plow has place of blank forcefully, although in one person alone thorough Demon Race army, but under Half Saint, no one can keep off his slightest. 千里之地,杨开硬生生地犁出一条空白之地,虽孤身深入魔族大军之中,但半圣之下,根本无人能挡他分毫。 But comes to kill his Half Saint, three, obviously that side Demon Race are the hatred is profound to the Yang Kai not just single, but also regarded number one enemy to treat him, how otherwise to have Half Saint to kill him continuously. 而前来狙杀他的半圣,也足足有三位之多,可见魔族那边对杨开不单单只是恨意深刻,还将他当成了头号大敌来对待,否则怎会接连不断地有半圣来狙杀他。 First kept off by Bai Ya, second was stopped by Bai Zhuo, when the third arrival, Yang Kai put Mysterious Boundary Bead Embodiment...... 第一位被伯牙挡下,第二位被白灼阻拦,第三位到来之时,杨开法身放了玄界珠…… Three regiments, hit being heavily engaged, is quite conspicuous in these tens of thousands li (0.5 km) battlefield. 三处战团,打的不可开交,在这几万里战场内极为显眼。 Before Yang Kai had arrived in that giant black hole, in the black hole, still has the Demon Race army to come out continuously, the Yang Kai look is dignified, happy does not fear moves forward to meet somebody, when Demon Yuan stimulation of movement, beyond the day in Wind Bottle welling up Astral Wind is more violent, the sound of chī chī is lingering on faintly, cuts broken Void, cuts completely in the black hole. 杨开已经抵达了那巨大的黑洞前,黑洞之中,依然有魔族大军源源不断地冲将出来,杨开神色凝重,怡然不惧地迎上去,魔元催动时,风葫中涌出来的天外罡风更加猛烈,嗤嗤之声不绝于耳,切破虚空,斩尽黑洞之中。 The miserable howling sound resounds in the ear bank, many Demon Race have not run out of two worlds passage then to be cut to kill by Astral Wind with enough time in the black hole. 惨嚎声在耳畔边响起,许多魔族还没来得及冲出两界通道便被罡风斩杀在黑洞之中。 The black hole is giant, but Yang Kai relies on one's effort actually, blocked this giant gap, the reinforcements of Demon Race army shut off directly, did not have an demon to run out unexpectedly again. 黑洞巨大,但杨开硬是凭借一己之力,堵住了这个巨大的缺口,魔族大军的援兵直接被切断,竟再无一魔从中冲出。 Outside Coiling Dragon Formation, in assuming the army has been steady such as the Yao Si anxious waiting of mountain. 盘龙大阵外,坐镇中军一直稳如山岳的爻嗣焦急等待。 The front combat report transmits unceasingly from the Flying Hawk's Garrison scouting mouth. 前方战报不断从飞鹰镇的斥候口中传达过来。 Then at this time, scouted the flying to come, when to partly knelt in the place, submissively big shout: Report, before Sir Regiment's Commander has arrived in two worlds passage, cuts off the Demon Race army reinforcements background!” 便在这时,一个斥候飞身而来,待到近前半跪于地,拱手大喝:“报,军团长大人已抵达两界通道前,斩断魔族大军援兵来路!” The Yao Si long body, in the surface gushes out one to rouse, can not help blurt to explode drinks: Good!” 爻嗣长身而起,面上涌出一丝振奋,情不自禁脱口爆喝:“好!” When the words fall, the big hand wields said: Holds the flag!” 话落之时,大手一挥道:“掌旗!” Fu Ling quickly grasps the meaning of something, immediately offers a sacrifice to kill the character flag, instant time, hundred li (0.5 km) dark red flag flutters in the sky, lets red that on that day dyed spatially. 伏灵一个激灵,立刻祭出杀字大旗,霎时间,百里殷红大旗在天空中飘扬,直让那天空都染的通红。 Yao Si is high-spirited, waves to aim at the front: „The army obey orders, along with me kills the enemy, aids the Sir!” 爻嗣意气风发,挥手指向前方:“中军听令,随我杀敌,接应大人!” The army many officers acknowledged that vibroacoustics entire world. 中军众多将士纷纷应诺,声振寰宇。 Several days fight, the Sixth Stem Army nine towns kill the enemy innumerably, performs distinguished service, was responsible for inquiring the information Flying Hawk's Garrison also to join during the fight, the army assumed the rear area only, may give to be flustered them. At this moment listened to the life of Yao Si, immediately is emotional. 几日大战下来,己子军九镇杀敌无数,立下汗马功劳,就连负责打探情报的飞鹰镇也投身到了战斗之中,唯独中军坐镇后方,可把他们给急坏了。此刻听了爻嗣之命,顿时情绪激昂。 army 30,000, has Winged Tiger this overstrength powerhouse not to mention, is Garrison's Chief Yang Xiao Yang Xue is not the weak one, but in army, many is East Sea Sea Clan. 中军三万,且不说有穷奇这个编外强者,便是总镇杨霄杨雪也不是弱者,而中军之中,多的便是东海海族 Several years of time, Yang Xiao Yang Xue collects to search the Passing of Time Great Emperor remains in East Sea, was also subduing large quantities of Sea Clan while convenient, but in that Sea Clan, the powerhouse is the case everywhere, such as Bangbang Er this kind of Monster King, more than 30. 十几年时间,杨霄杨雪东海中收集搜索岁月大帝的遗骸,顺带着也收服了一大批海族,而那海族之中,强者比比皆是,如邦邦儿这样的妖王,不下三十位。 So new force, once participates in the fight, may be unable to control the entire big battlefield trend, but sweeps away all obstacles in some small range absolutely. 如此生力军,一旦参与战斗,可能无法左右整个大战场的走向,但在某一片小范围内绝对是所向披靡。 Calm and steady several in the future, the flag flutters, in Sixth Stem Army the army attack. 安稳了好几日后,大旗招展,己子军中军出击。 On this occasion, Sixth Stem Army nine town/subdues armies still outside Coiling Dragon Formation with putting Demon Race engages in fierce battle, the posture of army oppressor crashes in battlefield, Demon Race that kills is off their feet. Sixth Stem Army had the advantage, now resulted in the army to aid, swept away all obstacles. 值此之时,己子军九镇大军还在盘龙大阵外与放出来的魔族鏖战,中军虎狼之姿冲进战场之中,一路杀的魔族人仰马翻。己子军这边本就占据优势,如今得了中军援助,更是所向披靡。 One double-hour time has then settled down, the Sixth Stem Army battlefield above Demon Race corpse assumes horizontally, accumulates the mountain. 前后不过一个时辰时间便已尘埃落定,己子军战场之上魔族尸体横呈,累积成山。
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