MP :: Volume #37

#3652: Mutually wounded

The words fall, the Yang Kai right eye place becomes jet black one piece, that is reaches the limit purely the black, as if can swallow the world myriad things, the body surface locates Demon Yuan to roar, shoots up to the sky, this rises suddenly suddenly by feeble imposing manner. 话落间,杨开右眼处变得漆黑一片,那是纯粹到极限的黑,仿佛能吞噬世间万物,体表处魔元咆哮,冲天而起,本以衰弱的气势陡然暴涨起来。 Buzz the sound of cry reverberates in the main hall, although greatly, actually appears low and deep solemn and respectful: Black Pupil Purgatory, Darkness Unbounded!” 嗡鸣之音在大殿中回响,虽大,却显得低沉肃穆:“黑瞳炼狱,暗黑无界!” This is Yang Kai most powerful trump card, compared with Dragon Transformation Secret Technique must even better, by Principle Source Stage Become Devil, fight three big Emperor Senior initially alone, can still move out, obviously of this technique. 这本是杨开最强大的杀手锏,比起龙化秘术还要更胜一筹,当初以道源境入魔,独斗三大帝尊,尚能全身而退,可见此术之强。 But turns over to strongly, the price that needs to pay is also big, the use, Yang Kai has the fall into the demon path risk each time. 但强归强,需要付出的代价也不小,每次使用,杨开都有坠入魔道的风险。 Before displayed this Secret Technique, needed unseals the seal of Dantian place, Demon Qi in release Dantian is good, but now Yang Kai after Demon Territory promoted Emperor Senior 3-layer, true Become Devil, a strength had changed to Demon Yuan, therefore does not need to unseal anything from the start again, does not need to be worried about anything, can display Darkness Unbounded anytime and anywhere. 以前施展这秘术,需得解封丹田处的封印,释放丹田内的魔气才行,可如今杨开魔域晋升帝尊三层境后,已真正入魔,一身力量都化作了魔元,所以压根就不需要再解封什么,不需要担心什么,随时随地都可以施展出暗黑无界 Facing Pseudo-Emperor, Yang Kai does not dare to have any careless general idea/careless, therefore came up to offer a sacrifice to the command of Regiment's Commander, wanted to fight a battle to force a quick decision, what a pity was contrary to what expects, Great Emperor divine ability was the endless hour glass eliminates, has not played anything to affect. He displays Dragon Transformation Secret Technique, offers a sacrifice to Mountains and Rivers Bell, finally is still unsatisfactory, now remaining, only then this move of Darkness Unbounded. 面对一位伪帝,杨开不敢有任何轻心大意,所以一上来就祭出了军团长之令,想要速战速决,可惜事与愿违,大帝神通为无尽沙漏消除,没起到什么作用。他又施展龙化秘术,祭出山河钟,结果依然不尽人意,如今剩下的,也只有这一招暗黑无界了。 This is also his final killing strike. 这也是他最后的杀招 To be honest, even if displays this most powerful trump card, Yang Kai cannot guarantee that own can win Wind Monarch absolutely. In Demon Territory, he cuts to kill Half Saint alone, but that Yin Si (silver silk) has the heavy losses in the body, the injury of war of Zhoutian has not recovered, gave him the opportunity is not missed. Let alone, what Yin Si (silver silk) excels is the technique of attracting, by Yang Kai to subdue|grams, where can not die? 说实话,纵然施展出这最强大的杀手锏,杨开也不敢保证自己绝对能赢得了风君。在魔域之中,他独自斩杀过半圣,但那银丝是有重创在身,宙天之战的伤势未愈,才给了他可趁之机。更何况,银丝擅长的是魅惑之术,正被杨开所克,哪能不死? Wind Monarch is different, he healing hundred years, injury completely duplicate/restores, previous battle, even if there is loses, compared with that time Yin Si (silver silk) must. 风君不同,他在此间疗伤百年,伤势尽复,此前争斗纵有损耗,也比那个时候的银丝要强很多。 Darkness Unbounded, the main hall goes black in immediately, that type black is the indescribable black, not only field of vision not obvious, the sensation was shielded. 暗黑无界一出,大殿立刻陷入黑暗之中,那种黑是无法形容的黑,不但视野不可见,就连感知都被屏蔽。 Also can use the so powerful technique Wind Monarch also didn't expect Yang Kai to this time unexpectedly, complexion slightly one startled, obviously is not flurried, protects to behave the body, the left hand hour glass right hand small fan, waits with rapt attention. 风君没想到杨开到了这个时候居然还能施展出如此强大之术,面色微微一惊,却不显慌乱,施法护持己身,左手沙漏右手小扇,凝神以待。 Then at this time, in the heart lived to induce suddenly, raises the head looked up. 便在这时,心中忽生感应,抬头仰望。 Black anything cannot see obviously, but Wind Monarch actually can still clearly feel, during of that day is spatial, round of huge jet black circle, calmly overlook own, that invisible pressure, making people somewhat panic-stricken. 明明黑的什么都看不见,但风君却依然能清楚地感觉到,在那天空之中,有一轮巨大的漆黑圆目,正静静地俯瞰自己,那种无形的威压,让人不禁有些心慌意乱。 Does not have the reason place, in the heart the police trillion greatly fresh, Wind Monarch wants not to think, the right hand small fan wields, the roaring sound gets up, lasing of a dragon volume from the fan comes out, changes to a giant wind dragon, fiercely. 没来由地,心中警兆大生,风君想都不想,右手小扇一挥,咆哮声起,一股龙卷从扇中激射出来,化作一道巨大风龙,狰狞而出。 The wind dragon upfront, Yang Kai is moving sideways to come, the seeing that corner of the eye pulled out pulling out, pays Pseudo-Emperor is not really good to cope secretly, in Darkness Unbounded, Wind Monarch by rights ought to is anything sensation, anything cannot see is right, but he can still find own location/position accurate, and finds out by secret inquiry the own trend, obviously this person is uncommon. 风龙正面,杨开正闪身而来,见状眼角抽了抽,暗付伪帝果然不是那么好对付的,暗黑无界之中,风君理当是什么都感知不到,什么都看不到才对,但他依然能精准地找到自己位置,并且探知到自己的动向,可见此人不凡。 So the character, crashes into Demon Heavenly Law unexpectedly, degenerates into the Demon Race running dog, rather pitifully. 如此人物,竟是坠入魔天道,沦为魔族走狗,未免可惜。 Wind dragon Pulai, Yang Kai welcomed, the right hand raised high, holds under the Mountains and Rivers Bell suddenly bang, silent, dragon head was stave, the wind dragon actually changed to the ten million/countless wind blade suddenly, in all directions lasing. 风龙扑来,杨开迎上,右手高抬,持山河钟猛地轰下,无声无息,龙首破碎,风龙却骤然化作千万风刃,四面八方激射。 On Yang Kai the flame rises from all directions immediately, that wind blade cuts on Dragon Scales, without the sound, the might is big, seizes completely under the opportunity, Yang Kai also suffers a loss, the body were many many tiny wounds, but also jumps in Wind Monarch in ten zhang (3.33 m). 杨开身上顿时火光四起,那风刃斩在龙鳞上,没有声息,却威力不小,占尽先机之下,杨开还吃了点亏,身上多了不少细小伤口,不过也借此扑进风君十丈之内。 So the short distance, Yang Kai lifts the palm, the sky of giant palm of the hand in the Wind Monarch top of the head camouflages thoroughly, pats fierce. 如此近距离,杨开抬掌,巨大的巴掌将风君头顶上天空彻底遮蔽,凶猛拍下。 Wind Monarch suddenly raises the head, as if saw that palm of the hand is the same, when drinks severely, lifts the palm to welcome, the strong winds gather in the palm, changes holds up a day of giant palm. 风君猛地抬头,仿佛看到了那只巴掌一样,厉喝之时,举掌迎上,狂风汇聚在掌心之中,化作擎天巨掌。 Also is a silent collision, when the double palm touches, the Yang Kai huge figure will raise in the future slightly, almost threw off in the place, the body of Wind Monarch is also suddenly one short. 又是一次无声无息的碰撞,双掌相触时,杨开巨大的身形往后微微一扬,差点被掀翻在地,风君的身子也是猛地一矮。 This strikes, unexpectedly is evenly matched! 这一击,竟是个势均力敌! Yang Kai clenches teeth, Wind Monarch with amazement. 杨开咬牙,风君骇然。 Did not spar to be intertwined compared with before, this time was the strength collision, Emperor Senior 3-layer was unexpectedly equally matched with own, how can Wind Monarch be indifferent? 不比之前斗法交缠,这一次可是实打实的实力碰撞,一个帝尊三层镜竟与自己不相上下,风君如何能淡然? But he actually does not stand still, immediately stands firm the figure, threw following the direction that palm strength originates, counter-attacked unexpectedly. 但他却是丝毫不停歇,立刻稳住身形,循着那掌力来源的方向就扑了过去,竟是反攻了过来。 How Yang Kai will withdraw, one of the footsteps in ground wrong, the anchorage body, a fist wields. 杨开岂会退避,脚步在地面上一错,定住身子,一拳挥出。 Collides again, each other inspires again...... 再一次碰撞,再一次彼此振开…… Instant time, in the pitch-dark main hall, Pseudo-Emperor, Emperor Senior 3-layer makes an earth-shattering, makes one radiantly brilliant. 时间,黑漆漆的大殿之中,一个伪帝,一个帝尊三层镜打出一个天崩地裂,打出一个璀璨绚烂。 So meets the tough head-on with toughness is Yang Kai is glad to see that Wind Monarch cultivation level is higher than him, the practice years are longer than him, whether there is now on to perform the hour glass, really must pester with him spars, hope that ironclad has not won, therefore the Wind Monarch so approach was just right for his intention. 如此硬碰硬是杨开乐意见到的,风君修为比他高,修行的年月比他长,如今手上又有无尽沙漏,真要与他纠缠斗法,铁定没有赢的希望,所以风君如此做法正合了他的心意。 However to Wind Monarch, has no alternative. 不过对风君来说,却是无可奈何。 The endless hour glass prestige can be big, is difficult broken Secret Technique. The field of vision was seized, even the sensation blurred the extreme, he sought the Yang Kai trace radically difficultly, at this moment his condition was blind and deaf, can only depend upon every to fight one time instantaneous that weak Internal Qi induction with Yang Kai, just now can lock Yang Kai's location/position. Loses that flash, he then does not want to find the Yang Kai trace again. 无尽沙漏威能不小,却难破此间秘术。视野被夺,连感知都模糊到了极点,他根本难觅杨开踪影,此刻他的状态就是又瞎又聋,只能依靠每一次与杨开交手瞬间那微弱的气机感应,方才能锁定杨开的位置。失去那一瞬间,他便再别想找到杨开踪影。 Therefore he does not dare to stop, can only in one vigorous effort, collide with Yang Kai continuously, hoping can beat the enemy, two people is Demon Yuan tumbles at this moment, obviously moved the full power, did not keep the hand again, to this degree, is the life and death aspect, no one can withdraw again Half-. 所以他不敢停,只能一鼓作气,持续不断地与杨开碰撞,以期能击垮敌人,两人此刻身上皆都是魔元翻滚,显然都是动了全力,再没有丝毫留手,到了这个程度,已然是你死我活的局面,谁也不能再退后半步 In the battle, Yang Kai constantly stimulates Dragon Clan Secret Technique, Wind Monarch not to idle, in the hand that small fan often the fan leaves picks out the wind of bone, making Yang Kai suffer loss. 争斗之中,杨开不断地激发龙族秘术,风君也没闲着,手上那小扇每每扇出剔骨之风,让杨开吃足了苦头。 Under the wild strength divulges, in main hall a piece in confusion, it is fortunate that this place is Passing of Time Temple, Passing of Time Great Emperor temporary palace, otherwise has crashed completely. 狂暴的力量宣泄之下,大殿内一片狼藉,得亏此地是岁月神殿,岁月大帝的行宫,否则早已崩塌殆尽。 time passes, battle continuous. 时间流逝,争斗不休。 But with the passage of time, Yang Kai or Wind Monarch, the might of making a move, so a life and death preyed getting smaller, has the huge consumption to two people. 但随着时间的推移,无论是杨开还是风君,出手的威力都越来越小了,如此一场生死搏杀,对两人都有巨大的消耗。 Also has not known how long, covered the darkness of main hall gradually to retreat, Wind Monarch sees the light finally again. 也不知过了多久,笼罩大殿的黑暗逐渐退去,风君终于重见光明。 Turns head to look, Wind Monarch selects the eyebrow, then laughs, the hand is pointing at Yang Kai, said worn out: Why bother come!” 扭头望去,风君挑眉,然后哈哈大笑起来,手指着杨开,有气无力道:“何苦来哉!” Beyond ten zhang (3.33 m), Yang Kai sway stands there, from top to bottom full is fresh blood, to the extreme, big Dragon Body had not existed distressedly, in addition, becomes including a black hair snow white has no time, skin being dried up unpolished, the appearances of which also 20 -year-old youth, this moment appearance, said is about 40 is not overrated, over the face vicissitudes. 十丈外,杨开摇摇晃晃地站在那里,浑身上下满是鲜血,狼狈到了极点,高大龙躯早已不复存在,不但如此,连一头黑发都变得雪白无暇,皮肤干枯毫无光泽,哪还有二十岁青年的模样,此刻样子,说是四十左右也不为过,满面沧桑。 In the two people battle, life essence passes unceasingly, had previously gone to more than 2000 years of life essence, in addition in the battle passes, a Yang Kai at this moment quite predestined time of death to feeling. He knows that this feeling is not an misconception, but real predestined time of death to! 两人争斗之中,寿元不断地流逝,此前就已去了两千多年的寿元,再加上争斗中流逝的,杨开此刻颇有一种大限将至的感觉。他知道这种感觉并非错觉,而是真的大限将至! Perhaps more than ten years, perhaps dozens years, at most are about hundred years...... 或许十几年,或许几十年,顶多不过百年…… Injury of this damage on compared with body is especially serious, the injury on body, even if Divine Soul is injured, there is a method to restore, but life essence pulled out, is loss fundamentally, except for increases the life essence talent treasure, in this world no one can treat. 这种损伤比起身体上的伤害尤为严重,身体上的伤势,纵然是神魂受伤,也有法子可以恢复,但寿元被抽,是从根本上的损失,除了一些增加寿元的天才地宝,这世上无人可以医治。 Yang Kai at this moment, it can be said that pitiful incomparable. 此刻的杨开,可以说是凄惨无比。 He does not feel better, where Wind Monarch does not have to go well, the chest caved in the half, the right arm lets fall, soft, originally holds the small fan in hand not to know where, the whole body clothing was been incarnadine by fresh blood, stands there, the bloody water gathers in the under foot, flows trickle. 他不好过,风君也没好到哪去,胸口都塌陷了半边,右臂垂落,软绵绵的,本来持在手上的小扇也不知去了哪里,浑身衣衫都被鲜血染红了,站在那里,血水汇聚在脚下,涓涓流淌。 Fights Pseudo-Emperor by the strength of Emperor Senior 3-layer alone, can have such victory, only has Yang Kai one person all over the world, is sufficiently proud. 帝尊三层镜之力独斗伪帝,能有如此战果,普天之下也唯有杨开一人,足以自傲。 Wind Monarch shakes the head unceasingly: Is worth?” 风君摇头不断:“值得吗?” Yang Kai gasps for breath, sends out to pull out the worn-out bellower hoarse sound: Naturally!” 杨开喘气,发出抽破旧风箱般的嘶哑声:“当然!” The endless hour glass so prestige energy, falls into on Wind Monarch not less than even more powerful, if falls to Can Ye on again, that consequence is dreadful, therefore this time, regardless of pays what price, so long as can cut to kill this place Wind Monarch, keeps Passing of Time Temple the endless hour glass, is worth. 无尽沙漏如此威能,落入风君手上不啻如虎添翼,若是再落到残夜手上,那后果不堪设想,所以这一次无论付出什么代价,只要能将风君斩杀此地,将无尽沙漏留在岁月神殿,都是值得的。 During the speeches, Yang Kai lifts a fist, pounds toward Wind Monarch. 说话间,杨开抬起一拳,朝风君砸去。 That speed slow snail as if creeps along, is a three -year-old child here, can avoid with ease. 那速度缓慢的仿佛蜗牛爬动,便是一个三岁孩童在此,都能轻松躲开。 The Wind Monarch cheek pulls out: Lunatic!” Similarly shakes the fist to welcome, in that darkness, two people such as fight are so innumerable, the nature is familiar and easy. 风君面皮一抽:“疯子!”同样挥拳迎上,在那黑暗之中,两人如这般交手无数次,自然轻车熟路。 Enough after more than ten breaths, the double fist collides in one. 足足十几息后,双拳才碰撞在一块。 A bang loud sound, Wind Monarch and Yang Kai simultaneous spits blood, each one departs face up, hits on the wall, falls slowly, on two walls, irons the thick bloodstain. 轰地一声巨响,风君杨开齐齐吐血,各自仰面飞出,撞在墙壁上,缓缓滑落下来,两面墙壁上,都烙下浓浓血迹。 Wind Monarch strives to sit up the body, is backing on the wall, scratched fresh blood of corners of the mouth, is looking out opposite Yang Kai, hey however smiles: Arrived finally, was this King wins, you died here, only feared that also no one knew, on the Underworld road will be very perhaps lonely.” 风君勉力坐起身子,背靠着墙壁,擦了擦嘴角的鲜血,遥望着对面的杨开,嘿然一笑:“到最后,还是本座了,你死在这里,只怕也没人知晓,黄泉路上恐怕会很孤单啊。” two people was almost the oil completely lamp was at this moment dry, but Yang Kai life essence and endless hour glass were close, that hour glass is still continue flow, Wind Monarch only needed calmly to wait, can, when Yang Kai life essence exhausted, that moment of dying in bed of old age. 两人此刻差不多都是油尽灯枯了,但杨开一身寿元与无尽沙漏紧密相连,那沙漏还在持续流淌着,风君只需要静静等候,就能等到杨开寿元耗尽,寿终正寝的那一刻。 But Yang Kai condition at this moment does not allow him to make anything again, besides waiting for death. 杨开此刻的状态也不容他再做什么,除了等死之外。 Therefore Wind Monarch said own wins, although made into like this many somewhat to lose face by Emperor Senior 3-layer, but the final result can accept. 所以风君自己了,虽然被一个帝尊三层镜打成这样多少有些丢脸,但最终的结果还是能接受的。 After Yang Kai dies, he only needs to continue healing one here , to continue to refine the endless hour glass, can have entire Passing of Time Temple, by the day of going out, was famous. 杨开死后,他只需要在这里继续疗伤一阵,继续炼化无尽沙漏,便可坐拥整个岁月神殿,待到出关之日,便是名扬天下之时。 Yang Kai is also backing on the wall at this moment, is hanging down the head, before the volume , the long hair covered the view, the low sound conveys: „Did you win? Only fears not necessarily!” 杨开此刻也背靠着墙壁,低垂着头颅,额前长发遮挡了眼帘,低低的声音传来:“你胜了?只怕未必!” Wind Monarch laughs: What method is difficult to be inadequate you also to have? If some words, might as well display, this King may have no strength of resistance at this moment, you only need gently a fist, then can want the this King life.” 风君嗤笑:“难不成你还有什么手段?若有的话,不妨施展出来,本座此刻可没什么反抗之力,你只需过来轻轻一拳,便能要了本座性命。” Yang Kai catches the eye, before the volume the long hair stares at opposite Wind Monarch, cracks into a smile: Perhaps I did not have the strength to hit you, but you could not win.” 杨开抬眼,透过额前长发凝视对面的风君,咧嘴一笑:“我恐怕没力气打你了,但是你也赢不了。”
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