MP :: Volume #37

#3606: Coming face to face

This goes to the station also several thousand li (0.5 km), the front has Demon Race to scout to come, perhaps that must have striving for success slaughter, now their in this team, only has the two severe wound in Emperor Senior 1-layer of body, how can break through the Demon Race stop? 此去驻地还有数千里,前方既有魔族斥候现身,那恐怕少不得一场拼搏厮杀,如今他们这一支队伍中,只有两位重伤在身的帝尊一层境,如何能突破魔族阻拦? To maintain a livelihood, only has with the aid of the strength of Yang Kai. 想要活命,唯有借助杨开之力。 Han left guard hurries along by all means is, when to need I will act.” The Yang Kai smile nods. “韩左卫只管赶路便是,待到需要时我自会出手。”杨开微笑颔首。 Han Zhengqing cups one hand in the other across the chest again: So many thanks Palace Master Yang.” 韩正清再一拱手:“如此多谢杨宫主。” Is relaxed immediately much, the strength that Yang Kai previously showed he looks in the eye, kills Demon Race such as the slaughter chicken to butcher the dog, Demon King also collapses at the first blow in him hand/subordinate emaciatedly, so the strength, has no time to let, have him compared with that most powerful Beast Military health/guard to protect and sustain much, this goes to the hope of station considerably to increase. 心情顿时放松不少,杨开此前展现出来的实力他看在眼中,杀魔族如屠鸡宰狗,魔王在他手下也羸弱不堪一击,如此实力,比起那最强大的兽武卫都不遑多让,有他护持,此去驻地的希望大大增加。 After the expression of gratitude, the Han Zhengqing old route returns. 道谢之后,韩正清原路返回。 However no meeting, he flew, puts out a hand saying: Asked Palace Master Yang to enter in the team.” 不过没一会,他又飞了回来,伸手道:“还是请杨宫主入队中吧。” Yang Kai and Fan Xin have hung beside team thousand feet (333 m), was extremely really conspicuous, Demon Race scouts has revealed that both armies battle is urgent, Yang Kai is the strongest strength, naturally exposes late is better. 杨开梵馨一直吊在队伍百丈之外,委实太过显眼了一些,魔族斥候已显,两军交战刻不容缓,杨开是己方最强之力,自然是越晚暴露越好。 Previously did not invite unable to distinguish the Yang Kai enemy friend status, since now that side Seven Mist Sea does not make the echo, that naturally did not have the issue. Let alone, before Yang Kai the strength of displaying, if is really disadvantageous to them, they cannot resist. 先前不邀请是无法辨别杨开敌友身份,如今既然连七雾海那边都不做回音,那自然就没问题了。更何况,以杨开之前展现出来的力量来看,真要是对他们不利,他们也抵挡不得。 In view of this, why not naturally? 既如此,何不大方一点? Han Zhengqing turns back to invite, Yang Kai has not refused, after nodding, to return to the team with him together. 韩正清折返相邀,杨开没有拒绝,点了点头后与他一道回归队伍之中。 Fan Xin is happy, several Ice Heart Valley female disciple were also happy, runs to greet with Yang Kai, has seen this Master Uncle, compared with other, the relations of Ice Heart Valley and High Heaven Palace is most intimate, therefore Ice Heart Valley disciples is very kind to the Yang Kai's feeling. 梵馨最是高兴,几个冰心谷的女弟子也高兴,都跑来跟杨开打过招呼,见过这位师叔,比起别家,冰心谷凌霄宫的关系最为亲密,所以冰心谷弟子们杨开的感觉很亲切。 In the team others have attention secretly to size up Yang Kai's, but concerned about the status and cultivation level, no one dares on to come to reply. 队伍中其他人也多有偷偷关注打量杨开的,不过碍于身份和修为,没人敢上前来答话。 Only has on Emperor Senior Stage that in that health/guard Liu right guard to come, but also is only normal saluting upon meeting. 唯有刘右卫所在的那一卫中的帝尊境上前来,不过也只是正常的见礼而已。 2000 remnants, the shuttle Gobi Desert, set out toward the station, the atmosphere is silent, on the eve of the war approaches, everyone anxiously from to endanger. 两千残兵败将,穿梭戈壁荒漠,朝驻地进发,气氛沉默,大战来临前夕,人人紧张自危。 Curtain of night, seeks place, temporarily takes a rest, trades to do usually, the martial artist nature that practice has is energetic, hurries along is not a problem continuously, but Bing Chen Army experiences a war, has the damage, these 2000 people have almost the larger part to be wounded in the body, naturally must conserve strength, deals with the forthcoming war. 夜幕时分,寻得一地,暂做休息,换做平时,修炼有成的武者自然精力充沛,连续赶路不成问题,可丙辰军才经历一场大战,多有损伤,这两千人几乎有一大半都带伤在身,自然是要养精蓄锐,应对即将到来的战事。 Although merges a team, but the discipline is also strict, under the dispatch of Han Zhengqing, has three groups of troops to be rotational, the four directions stand night watch, guard against the Demon Race sneak attack. 虽是才合并一处的队伍,但也军纪严明,在韩正清的调度之下,自有三班人马轮岗,四方守夜,防备魔族偷袭。 Thinks that tonight will have a fight, unexpected unexpectedly is a night of safe and secure. 原以为今夜会有一场战斗,出乎意料竟是一夜平安。 Daybreak, the team leads the way again. 破晓时分,队伍再次前行。 two Emperor Senior Stage one and found Yang Kai, Han Zhengqing said: „Does Palace Master Yang possibly nose to the Demon Race trend?” 两位帝尊境一并找到杨开,韩正清道:“杨宫主可能查探到魔族动向?” Waited for night not to wait till the enemy, Han Zhengqing, not only did not have the happy expression, instead was even more heavyhearted. The enemies do not have the night assault, showing is fermenting the big movement, naturally must guard. 等了一夜没等到敌人,韩正清非但没有喜色,反而愈发忧心忡忡。敌人没有夜袭,就说明在酝酿大动作,自然是要防备。 Yang Kai is unambiguous, opens the mouth to say directly: Front 500 li (0.5 km).” 杨开也不含糊,直接开口道:“前方五百里。” Han Zhengqing looks at each other one with another Emperor Senior Stage, at once takes out jade slip nosing, after the moment , the complexion sinks: Demon Race damn, big appetite.” After saying, raises the head looks at Yang Kai saying: Words there that inside and outside 500, a pass, the bottle gourd shape, wants to go back is an inevitable location, they want to eat up us probably completely.” 韩正清与另外一位帝尊境对视一眼,旋即取出一枚玉简查探情况,片刻后脸色一沉:“魔族该死,好大的胃口。”说完之后,才抬头望着杨开道:“五百里外,一处隘口,葫芦形,想回去的话那里是必经之地,他们大概是想把咱们全部吃下。” Yang Kai said with a smile: Perhaps they must collapse the tooth of own.” 杨开一笑道:“那他们恐怕要崩坏自己的牙齿了。” A Han Zhengqing face with deep veneration: „Can Palace Master Yang have confidence? If uncertain, detours also good, but delays several days.” 韩正清一脸肃然:“杨宫主可有把握?若无把握,绕路也行,不过耽搁几日而已。” Yang Kai shakes the head slowly: Does not need, even if detours cannot go round Demon Race, the left and right all have the Demon Race army.” 杨开缓缓摇头:“不必了,即便绕路也绕不开魔族,左右两边皆有魔族大军。” Han Zhengqing heard that the word complexion slightly changes, hesitated the moment, this nods said: Good, that then direct acting!” 韩正清闻言脸色微微一变,沉吟了片刻,这才颔首道:“好,那便直行!” A transmission of order, the atmosphere in team suddenly changes, is dignified, hidden has the air/Qi of withering to fill the air. 一番命令传达下去,队伍中的气氛陡然一变,凝重起来,隐有肃杀之气弥漫。 500 li (0.5 km), are not too far, but this remnants roaming Yong team actually spent the big half day time to arrive, first travelled on, had Demon Race to scout unceasingly reveals the form by far, silent pressure. 五百里,不算太远,但这一支残兵游勇的队伍却是花了足足大半日功夫才堪堪抵达,前行路上,不断地有魔族斥候远远露出身影,给人无声的压力。 Behind the pass, a strip width Grand Canyon, the both sides rise steeply thousand ancient measures of length, toward , the width is narrower, does not see the Demon Race form, no matter what who can feel, Demon Race then ambushes to be one of them. 隘口后方,一条宽大峡谷,两侧壁立千仞,越往内去,宽度越窄,不见魔族身影,但任谁都能感觉得到,魔族便埋伏在其中。 Han Zhengqing turns head to look toward Yang Kai, just wants to ask again, actually sees Yang Kai to take a step to go forward, arrived at the team front among the teams. 韩正清扭头朝杨开望去,正想再问上一句,却见杨开已经迈步上前,自队伍中间来到了队伍前方。 The footsteps keep, the corners of the mouth have a smile, face serene. 脚步不停,嘴角含笑,一脸云淡风轻 Only slightly makes hesitates, Han Zhengqing then shouts lowly: Follows, about guards!” 只略做迟疑,韩正清便低喝道:“跟上,左右防范!” 2000 teams, the instantaneous minute make ten squads, each other coordinates with each other across a great distance, follows closely in Yang Kai behind. 两千队伍,瞬间分做十个小队,彼此遥相呼应,紧随在杨开身后 Enters the pass, enters the canyon, ten li (0.5 km) place, has Demon Yuan to surge suddenly, under foot land must live the general, rapid creeping motion, the firm ground changes to billowing Liu Sha in the flash unexpectedly, everyone's figure suddenly sinks downward. 走进隘口,跨进峡谷,十里之地,忽有魔元涌动,脚下大地似要活过来一般,迅速蠕动,坚实地面竟在一瞬间化作滚滚流沙,所有人的身形都猛地往下一沉。 The Han Zhengqing complexion changes, immediately shouted lowly: Sand Demon, flying!” 韩正清脸色一变,当即低喝道:“沙魔,飞天!” Can make the land have this change in so short time quietly, only had Sand Demon, but acted absolutely was Sand Demon of Demon King rank, otherwise was impossible to display the so wide scope divine ability. 能让大地在如此短的时间内悄无声息发生这种变化的,也唯有沙魔了,而出手的绝对是个魔王级别的沙魔,否则不可能施展出如此大范围的神通 Several years go on an expedition, Star Boundary to the Demon Race method has understood clearly in chest/heart, has the countermeasure. 几年征战,星界这边对魔族的手段已经都了然于胸,自有应对之策。 Then at this time, Yang Kai put out a hand to grasp in Void suddenly, spacious 1 Million Sword was then grasped when the hand line, walked, 1 Million Sword inserted toward underground suddenly. 便在这时,杨开忽然伸手在虚空中一握,宽大的百万剑便被握在手行上,行走之际,百万剑往地下猛地插去。 The spacious long sword disappears instantaneously, next one flickers, a depressed pitiful yell transmits from the underground deep place, is changing to the Liu Sha land to return to rapidly all of a sudden normal. 宽大长剑瞬间不见踪影,下一瞬,一声沉闷惨叫从地下深处传来,正在迅速化作流沙的大地一下子恢复了正常。 Bang, the front 20 zhang (3.33 m) places, 1 Million Sword from underground departs air-splitting, on the spacious sword blade is inserting Demon Race, inserted to putting on him directly, that Demon Race caused heavy losses to by this, has not actually died, full mouth bled, the facial expression pain, both hands instead gripped the 1 Million Sword sword blade, is extracting from own within the body 1 Million Sword strenuously. 轰地一声,前方二十丈处,百万剑从地下破空飞出,宽大的剑身上插着一个魔族,直接将他插了个对穿,那魔族遭此重创,却是没死,满口流血,神情痛楚,双手反握住百万剑的剑刃,正吃力地将百万剑自己体内抽出。 Truly is Sand Demon of Demon King rank, although is only low-rank Demon King, but that Demon Yuan is actually extremely good. 确实是个魔王级别的沙魔,尽管只是个下品魔王,可那一身魔元却是极为不俗。 From underground jumping out, this Sand Demon eye the hatred stares at Yang Kai immediately, although he in underground, but who is makes a move to cope with own is actually clear. 从地下窜出时,这沙魔一双眼睛立刻怨毒地盯上杨开,他虽在地下,但到底是谁出手对付自己却是一清二楚。 Cannot think through, how this fellow will find own location/position, and caused heavy losses to own. 想不通,这家伙怎么会找到自己位置,并且重创了自己的。 Could not think through does not need to think, Yang Kai cracked into a smile to him, revealed a words dense fang, and referred to pinching finger joints with the thumb, in the mouth put out a character: Collapses!” 想不通就不用想了,杨开冲他了咧嘴一笑,露出一口白森森的獠牙,并指掐诀,口中吐出一字:“崩!” 1 Million Sword Zheng called, myriad sword glow shining person views, from that Sand Demon within the body lasing, looking into the distance, Sand Demon as if inserted completely the hedgehog of illumination sword blade. 百万剑铮鸣,万千剑芒耀人眼帘,自那沙魔体内激射而出,放眼望去,沙魔就仿佛插满了发光剑刃的刺猬。 Sadder worse pitiful yell sound gets up, along with an explosive, Sand Demon entire explodes to break to pieces. 更加凄厉的惨叫声响起,伴随着一声爆响,沙魔整个爆碎开来。 Among the electric light flint, Sand Demon of Demon King rank has met a cruel death, but at the same time, two thousand Human Race also simultaneous flying upwards heavens. 电光火石之间,一个魔王级别的沙魔已经粉身碎骨,而同一时刻,两千人族齐齐飞升上天。 Han Zhengqing and the others the original intentions are to get rid of Sand Demon divine ability, who knows that is only one puts in an appearance, Sand Demon had died, the land returns to normal. 韩正清等人的原意是摆脱沙魔神通,谁知道只是一个照面,沙魔就已经死了,大地重新恢复正常。 But does not wait for them to respond, the front a piece of dense and numerous arrow has lost air-splitting. 但不等他们反应过来,前方已经一片密密麻麻的箭失破空而来。 Star Boundary has to deal with the Demon Race method, Demon Race also never does not have. Sand Demon in underground starts the sneak attack is only a start, is to tempt Human Race flying. 星界这边有应对魔族的手段,魔族这边又何尝没有。沙魔在地下发动偷袭只是个开始,就是要引诱人族飞天而起。 In in the air, the arrow that from top to bottom raids divulges secrets densely, such as the locust transits, both sides thousand blade tall Bi, evade not to be possible simply to evade. 身在空中,从上而下袭来的箭失密密麻麻,如蝗虫过境,两侧千刃高壁,简直避无可避。 Everyone's complexion changes, only feels the whole body to be icy cold, the hands and feet feels cold, in the heart calls out in alarm me to come to the end of one's destiny, responded quick sharply sharply toward sinking, responded the slow stay is also same place, excellent formation instantaneous was chaotic. 所有人的面色都是一变,只感觉浑身冰凉,手脚发冷,心中惊呼吾命休矣,反应快的急急朝下沉去,反应慢的还停留原地,原本大好阵型瞬间混乱起来。 The critical moment, Yang Kai Demon Yuan moves rolling, in the howling wind sound/rumor, jet black Demon Yuan concentrates for the essence, changes to the indestructible defense, the shop disperses at the same time, camouflages front Void. 关键时刻,杨开一身魔元滚滚而动,呼啸风声中,漆黑的魔元凝为实质,化作一面坚不可摧的防御,铺散开来,遮蔽前方虚空 All arrows lose to keep off by Demon Yuan, vanishes silently does not see. 所有箭失都被魔元挡下,无声无息地消失不见。 The Demon Yuan barrier is to actually face forward to curl fierce, hits in front Void, as if a mirror was cracked-up, ripples swing the obsolete, innumerable Demon Race form revealed towering. 魔元屏障却是朝前凶猛卷去,撞在前方虚空,仿佛一面镜子被撞碎,一阵涟漪荡过时,无数魔族身影突兀显露。 Land above, about Bi blade, in Void, Demon Race obstructs the road, does not know before them, resorted to what method, all hid the form unexpectedly, Han Zhengqing and the others all not detected. 大地之上,璧刃左右,虚空之中,魔族挡道,也不知他们之前动用了什么手段,竟是全部隐藏了身影,韩正清等人皆是毫无察觉。 Sees this situation, Human Race is the complexion changes. 见此情形,人族这边又是脸色一变。 Ten thousand people, definitely have ten thousand people! 万人,绝对有万人! Moreover Demon King several, all ride Demon Beast that the build is varying, aura is savage. 而且魔王有好几位之多,个个骑乘着体型各异的魔兽,气息凶残。 Was displayed after by Yang Kai the method breaks open the technique of concealment, one crowd of Demon Race some accidental/surprised, are that several Demon King of head is a face amazed is also looking at Yang Kai, puzzled color. 杨开施展手段破开隐匿之术后,一群魔族也有些意外,为首的那几个魔王更是一脸惊诧地望着杨开,一脸不解之色。 In their opinion, Yang Kai not only can stimulate to movement Demon Yuan, that obviously is a Demon Heavenly Law member, is not only Demon Heavenly Law, that is the Demon Race loyal dog, how and can oppose with Demon Race? 在他们看来,杨开既能催动魔元,那显然是魔天道的一份子,既是魔天道,那便是魔族的忠犬,又怎会与魔族作对? What situation is this? 这是个什么情况? However the next moment, Demon King then abandon this doubts, Demon Heavenly Law how, so long as dares Demon Race for the enemy, that then damn. 不过下一刻,魔王们便将这份疑惑抛开,魔天道又如何,只要敢于魔族为敌,那便该死。 Comes face to face, only has the formidable victory! 狭路相逢,唯有勇者胜! Is Demon King of head looks at Yang Kai to grin to grin fiendishly, raises the sturdy arm high, suddenly wields toward below. 为首的魔王望着杨开咧嘴狞笑,高高举起粗壮的手臂,猛地朝下挥去。 The verbal command of attack sends out, over ten thousand Demon Race fierce charges, entire Mountain Valley is vibrating, all around crushed stone rustle under. 进攻的号令发出,上万魔族凶猛冲锋,整个山谷都在震动,四周碎石簌簌而下。 Han Zhengqing and the others were critical situation, the teams of various teams are drawing in the own person rapidly, ties, the sound that makes incantations starts to sing...... 韩正清等人如临大敌,各支队伍的队正迅速收拢自己人,重新结阵,巫咒的声音开始唱响…… Noisy of everywhere cannot cover up a character imperial order, Yang Kai refers to facing forward: About!” 漫天的嘈杂遮掩不住一字敕令,杨开并指朝前一点:“合!” A character leaves, the entire canyon lived. 一字出,整个峡谷都活了。 The land surges, whirls around to return, as if a blanket, the overhead toward the Demon Race army cover, both sides Bi blade also closes up rapidly, mosquito that as if two giant palms of the hand, clap the Xiang Fei dance. 大地翻腾,翻卷而回,仿佛一张毯子,当头朝魔族大军罩下,两侧璧刃也迅速合拢过来,仿佛两只巨大的巴掌,拍向飞舞的蚊子。 That over ten thousand Demon Race are the mosquito! 那上万魔族便是蚊子! In Han Zhengqing and the others under panic-stricken desire gaze certainly, whirls around the land and jade blade that return to closes up toward the middle that the big space in extremely short time will block, all Demon Race were locked to be one of them completely. 韩正清等人惊骇欲绝的注视下,翻卷而回的大地和朝中间合拢的璧刃,在极短的时间内将偌大一片空间都封锁了起来,所有魔族全部被锁在其中。 The space compresses rapidly, an intermittent absolutely terrified sound conveys from that unceasingly, Fan Xin goosebumps, several Ice Heart Valley female disciple are complexion is paler. 空间迅速压缩,一阵阵毛骨悚然的声音从那里面不断传来,梵馨起了一身的鸡皮疙瘩,几个冰心谷的女弟子更是面色惨白。
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