MP :: Volume #36

#3567: Yin Si (silver silk) perishes

The beautiful pupil shivers fiercely, in the Yin Si (silver silk) heart sheet ice is cold, toward palm strength that Yang Kai pats also because of panic-stricken and weak several points, is Yang Kai just like a going crazy beast of prey on the contrary, that bang on the fist the strength is getting bigger and bigger, her five main internal organs (entrails) that shakes tumbles in within the body, fresh blood that in the mouth puts out has mixed with the fragment of internal organs. 美眸剧烈颤抖,银丝心中一片冰寒,朝杨开拍去的掌力也因为惊恐而弱了几分,反倒是杨开犹如一只发狂的猛兽,那轰来的拳头上力量越来越大,震的她五脏六腑在体内翻滚,口中吐出的鲜血已夹杂内脏的碎片。 This way own will really die! 再这样下去自己真的会死! She has never thought that own Half Saint one day will be threatened the life by high-rank Demon King unexpectedly the security, the own strongest advantage became the biggest flaw before this man unexpectedly, the failure of two Divine Soul Secret Technique, makes her crash into the beyond redemption abyss thoroughly, in addition she has not recovered in the injury that Zhoutian Continent receives, at this moment has fallen comprehensively leeward. 她从未想过,自己一个半圣居然会有一天被一个上品魔王威胁到生命的安全,自己最强的优势在这个男人面前竟成了最大的破绽,两次神魂秘术的失败,彻底让她坠入万劫不复的深渊,再加上她本身在宙天大陆所受的伤势未愈,此刻已经全面落入下风。 Was not about to kill him!” Yin Si (silver silk) spitting blood rave. “还不快杀了他!”银丝吐血狂吼。 Listens her such a to shout, Demon King that these surround then responded, the look shook, Demon Yuan billowing under threw in abundance. 听她这么一喊,那些围观的魔王们这才反应过来,神色一震,魔元滚滚之下纷纷扑了过来。 No one could save you!” The Yang Kai look is fierce, the intention moves, the Mountains and Rivers Bell turning round appearance, the overhead covered toward own and Yin Si (silver silk), did not wait for these Demon King to approach, two people had been covered by Mountains and Rivers Bell thoroughly, lost the trace, the bell Kamiyamakawa rivers, the design of flower-and-bird fish beast appeared the rotation, aura of suppression world fills the air. “谁也救不了你!”杨开神色狰狞,心念一动间,山河钟滴溜溜出现,当头朝自己银丝罩了下来,不等那些魔王们靠近,两人已经被山河钟彻底笼罩,失去了踪影,钟上山川河流,花鸟鱼兽的图案浮现转动,镇压天地的气息弥漫开来。 Innumerable fierce attack fall on Mountains and Rivers Bell, Mountains and Rivers Bell is actually steady like the rock, only exudes the layer upon layer ripples in the surface. 无数凶猛的攻击落在山河钟上,山河钟却是稳如磐石,只在表面泛起一层层涟漪。 Numerous Demon King have a big shock, even more goes all out to attack crazily, for a moment, Wind and Cloud for it changes countenance, the world trembles. 众多魔王大惊失色,愈发卖力地狂攻起来,一时间,风云为之变色,天地为之战栗。 In Mountains and Rivers Bell, transmits the fierce vibration unceasingly, once in a while is mixing with moan of resounding Dragon Roar and woman calls out in grief, plays the life final elegy. 山河钟内,不断地传来凶猛的震动,间或夹杂着一声声高亢的龙吟和女人的呻吟悲鸣,奏响生命最后的挽歌。 How long also has not known, when the sound in that Mountains and Rivers Bell stands still slowly, one crowd of Demon King also stopped the hand, each one is pale, look at each other in blank dismay. 也不知道过了多久,当那山河钟内的动静慢慢停歇下来的时候,一群魔王也停住了手,个个都脸色发白,面面相觑。 , Mountains and Rivers Bell flies, changes to flowing light to flash to pass together, submerges in the ground in a person of chest, reveals that to lie down in the two forms of ground. 刷地一声,山河钟飞起,化作一道流光一闪而逝,没入地面上一人的胸膛中,露出那躺在地上的两道身影。 Yin Si (silver silk) and Yang Kai also maintain the posture that most is starting, as if pair of a lover of committing suicide together in the name of love, closely pastes in the same place, moves also motionless, the Yin Si (silver silk) whole person even bends down on the Yang Kai's chest, peaceful, if sleeps soundly, but two people at this moment all are covered with blood, cannot see together complete place from top to bottom. 银丝杨开还保持着最开始的姿势,仿佛一对殉情的情侣,紧紧相贴在一起,动也不动,银丝整个人甚至都伏在杨开的胸膛上,安静的仿若熟睡,只不过两个人此刻俱都是血肉模糊,浑身上下看不到一块完好的地方。 Who won? Is Sir Yin Si (silver silk)? 谁胜了?是银丝大人吗? Numerous Demon King swallowed a saliva secretly, releases Spiritual Mind to nose cautiously. 众多魔王都暗暗吞了口口水,小心翼翼地释放神念查探起来。 Next flickers, all Demon King complexion big changes, on Yang Kai chest did not only have because of that Yin Si (silver silk) least bit vitality of volt unexpectedly, is Yang Kai is also living on the contrary, 下一瞬,所有魔王都脸色大变,只因那伏在杨开胸膛上的银丝居然半点生机也没有了,反倒是杨开还活着, Although asthma, if silk, but lived after all. 虽然气喘若丝,但毕竟活了下来。 five colors variegated rays of light from the Yin Si (silver silk) within the body lasing, rushes to the sky together suddenly in a flash, explodes, the entire Flying Clouds Continent sky was caught the color in this flash, becomes five colors to be riotous all of a sudden. 一道五彩斑斓的光芒忽然从银丝体内激射而出,转瞬间冲上天空,紧接着爆裂开来,整个飞云大陆的天空在这一瞬间似被染上了色彩,一下子变得五彩缤纷起来。 But behind that brilliant multi- color rays of light, is actually sad filling the air that is covering the entire mainland. 但在那绚烂多彩的光芒背后,却是一股笼罩着整个大陆的悲伤弥漫。 Demon Race of all life on Flying Clouds Continent in this flash, the heart had a clear(ly) to become aware- the lord of mainland, has perished! 所有生活在飞云大陆上的魔族在这一瞬间,心头都生出一丝明悟-大陆之主,已亡! Yin Si (silver silk) is the Flying Clouds Continent master, naturally refining up to melt the Flying Clouds Continent source, her one dies, was refine by her the source also broke out of the fetter, the retrieval freedom, thus shows so the phenomenon in the entire mainland. 银丝飞云大陆的主人,自然炼化过飞云大陆的本源,她这边一死,那被她炼化的本源也摆脱了束缚,重获自由,从而在整个大陆上展现出这般异象。 In the sky round sun tall Zhao, has the torrential downpour heavy rain under...... 天空中圆日高照,却有倾盆大雨瓢泼而下…… Was pressed Yang Kai under body to open the view by Yin Si (silver silk) slowly, the rainwater hits on the face, washed off the bloodstain on that face, the bloody water and rainwater under body mixes a golden-red interaction small stream. 银丝压在身下的杨开缓缓睁开眼帘,雨水打在脸上,洗去那脸上的血迹,身下的血水和雨水混合成了一条金红相间的小溪。 He lifts one, will press in that corpse allocates for the one side, then stood tremblingly, shook several to shake, this came to a stop reluctantly, the hand covered in the chest place is fresh blood puts out, during the breath spread the twitch tattered bellower common hoarse sound. 他抬起一手,将压在身上的那具尸体拨到一旁,然后颤巍巍地站了起来,晃了几晃,这才勉强站稳,手捂在胸口处又是一口鲜血吐出,呼吸间传出抽动破烂风箱一般的嘶哑之声。 Turns head to look in all directions, a both alarmed and afraid eye frames on him, each assembles somewhat to feel helpless in all around Demon King at this moment. 扭头四顾,一双双惊惧的眼睛定格在他身上,每一个围聚在四周的魔王此刻都有些不知所措。 In Flying Clouds Continent above, Yin Si (silver silk) was given to kill unexpectedly, moreover by high-rank Demon King killing, if not personally sees, only feared that no one can believe. 就在飞云大陆之上,银丝居然被人给杀了,而且是被一个上品魔王给杀了,若非亲眼所见,只怕没人敢相信。 Now what to do? Most Demon King are bewildered...... 现在怎么办?大多数魔王都一脸茫然…… Killed him, revenges for Sir Yin Si (silver silk)!” to spread tenderly, formerly that was responsible for female Demon King that inspects outside the palace, it is estimated that is the Yin Si (silver silk) trusted aide subordinate, otherwise is also insufficient also to think in this time is Yin Si (silver silk) avenges a grievance, he is the spent force, without many strengths.” “杀了他,为银丝大人报仇!”一声娇喝传出,正是之前那个负责在殿外检查的女魔王,估计是银丝的心腹手下,否则也不至于在这个时候还想着为银丝报仇雪恨,“他已是强弩之末,没有多少力气了。” After saying, first rushes over toward Yang Kai, in beautiful pupil piece of bone-chilling cold murderous intention. 说完之后,第一个朝杨开冲了过去,美眸之中一片凛冽杀机 On Flying Clouds Continent, she should have a big reputation, therefore her one moves, but also some really many Demon King follow to rush, each one murderous aura are steaming. 飞云大陆上,她应该有不小的威信,所以她这边一动,还真有不少魔王跟着冲了上去,个个都杀气腾腾。 To be honest, she said also right, Yang Kai to the spent force, has truly struck to kill Half Saint by high-rank Demon King cultivation level, even if that Half Saint has the wound in the body, but fights hand-to-hand under personal, Yang Kai also paid the huge price. 老实说,她说的也没错,杨开确实已到强弩之末,以上品魔王修为击杀一个半圣,纵然那半圣有伤在身,可贴身肉搏之下,杨开也付出了巨大的代价。 The strength that in his Lianping day at this moment partly became could not display, came Demon King to want his life casually. 此刻的他连平日里半成的实力都发挥不出来,随便来个魔王都能要了他的性命。 But he is not a person...... 但他并非一个人…… Around coldly looks at own toward Demon King that throws, in Yang Kai that almost some eyes of being able to open full is teasing. 冷冷看着四周朝自己扑来的魔王们,杨开那几乎有些睁不开的双眼中满是戏虐。 In that numerous Demon King from his less than ten zhang (3.33 m), Yang Kai wields the hand suddenly. 就在那众多魔王距离他不到十丈之时,杨开忽然把手一挥。 Law law, four hooves are burning the golden flame, the god is towering exceptionally, sends out the Half Saint aura fellow to make a dazzling entrance from top to bottom. 唏律律一声,一个四蹄燃烧着金色火焰,神峻异常,浑身上下散发着半圣气息的家伙闪亮登场。 Wind Chaser! 追风 Since Zhoutian Continent escapes, Wind Chaser was placed by Yang Kai in Mysterious Small Boundary, even when with Yin Si (silver silk) life and death preying, Yang Kai has not put Wind Chaser, mainly most starts cannot put it to come out, otherwise Yin Si (silver silk) sees Wind Chaser, will escape surely, but during the fight, Yang Kai does not have the time to put it. 宙天大陆逃出之后,追风就被杨开安置在小玄界中,就算是在与银丝生死搏杀的时候,杨开也没有将追风放出来,主要是最开始的时候不能放它出来,否则银丝一看到追风,必定会逃跑,而在战斗之中,杨开也没功夫将它放出来。 this time is the best time that it comes. 这个时候才是它现身的最好时机。 These will have such accident toward Demon King basic didn't expect that Yang Kai throws, when saw after Wind Chaser, wants to retreat is somewhat late, flushed quickest that female Demon King was first killed. 那些朝杨开扑去的魔王们根本没想到会有如此变故,待看到追风之后再想退去已经有些迟了,冲的最快的那个女魔王最先被杀。 Wind Chaser proceeds the head, the gigantic head then hits directly on her, that female Demon King as if struck by lightning, the whole body bone disruption were innumerable, tumbles to fly upside down, in the midair the fragment of bloody water and internal organs spouted together, but also the decline did not have aura. 追风只是把脑袋往前一顶,硕大的头颅便直接撞在她身上,那女魔王如遭雷噬,浑身骨头碎裂无数,翻滚着倒飞了回去,半空中血水和内脏的碎片一起喷出,还没落地就没了气息 When Wind Chaser is at around Yang Kai, steps dashed about wildly fully, Shaking its head and Wagging its tail, each and everyone throws to near Demon King at a quicker speed to be hit to fly, or dies or the wound. 紧接着,追风绕着杨开所在,迈足狂奔了一圈,摇头摆尾之际,一个个扑到近前的魔王都以更快的速度被撞飞回去,或死或伤。 Suddenly, the Yang Kai side eliminates. 眨眼之间,杨开身旁肃清一空。 Killed emerging, Wind Chaser initiates an attack unexpectedly, its speed rapidness how, sees only in the midair to flash through together golden rays of light, then has arrived in another place from a place instantaneously. 杀的兴起,追风竟主动出击,它的速度何其之快,只见半空中闪过一道金色光芒,便已从一个地方瞬间抵达到了另外一个地方。 each and everyone Demon King called out pitifully the body dead at the scene, many Demon King does not see that wonderfully, turned around to run. 一个个魔王惨叫着身死当场,更多的魔王见状不妙,转身就跑。 Only time that used dozens to breathe, entire Palace already nobody left. 只用了几十个呼吸的功夫,整个宫殿就已经空无一人。 Wind Chaser also knows probably Yang Kai this moment condition some are not wonderful, pouring not to have pursued is too far, then only after everyone expelled this Palace, folds the body to return, gathers in front of Yang Kai big head, a big mouth hu-hu is hitting the nose sound, I do good comes the quarts my stance quickly. 追风大概也知道杨开此刻状态有些不妙,倒也没追出太远,只将所有人都赶出了这座宫殿之后便折身返回,把大脑袋凑到杨开面前,咧着一张大嘴呼哧呼哧地打着鼻响,一副我干的不错快来夸夸我的架势。 Yang Kai pulled under the corners of the mouth, wants to smile, cannot smile, finally can only strive to lift the arm to tap under its head. 杨开扯了下嘴角,想笑,没能笑出来,最终只能勉力抬起手臂拍了下它的脑袋。 Wind Chaser sees that slowly the squatting down body, has liquor go to one's head to withstand/top Yang Kai, withstood/top own to conduct the back him, then started to walk four hooves, plundered in a direction. 追风见状,慢慢地蹲下身子,拿脑袋顶着杨开,将他顶到了自己背上,然后迈开四蹄,朝一个方向掠去。 After a double-hour, far away from that Palace barren hill above, under the Yang Kai's direction, Wind Chaser stopped, falls toward under. 一个时辰后,远离那宫殿的一座荒山之上,在杨开的指引下,追风停了下来,朝下方落去。 Yang Kai turning over/stand up gets down, the big mouth is gasping for breath, hand wrist turned, offers a sacrifice to Mysterious Boundary Bead, before placing pursued Wind Eye, to make it look, hoarse the sound was saying: Defends it!” 杨开翻身下来,大口喘着气,手腕一翻,祭出了玄界珠,放在追风眼前让它看了看,嘶哑着声音道:“守好它!” After saying, stimulates to movement Spiritual Mind forcefully, moved sideways Mysterious Small Boundary. 说完之后,强行催动神念,闪身进了小玄界 Mysterious Boundary Bead fell on the ground, Wind Chaser stares in a big way two eyes, is looking at this brown bead, in the eye full was the curious look, waited and saw the long time, did not see this bead to have any unusual place, Wind Chaser the courage is then gathering up to go greatly, smelled smelling gently, then licked that bead with the lisper...... 玄界珠落在地上,追风瞪大了两只眼睛,望着这一枚土黄色的珠子,眼中满是好奇的神色,观望半晌,也不见这珠子有什么奇特的地方,追风这才大着胆子凑上前去,轻轻地嗅了嗅,然后拿大舌头舔了舔那珠子…… Does not have exceptionally, walked several around Mysterious Boundary Bead, Wind Chaser then the law law neighed, arrived above Mysterious Boundary Bead vigorously, then four hooves one curved, sat, seemed the old mother hen to set on eggs protects Mysterious Boundary Bead equally in the underbelly. 毫无异常,又绕着玄界珠走了几圈,追风这才唏律律嘶鸣一声,一个健步走到玄界珠上方,然后四蹄一弯,一屁股坐了下去,好似老母鸡孵蛋一样将玄界珠护在腹下。 In Mysterious Boundary Bead, in Medicine Garden, Yang Kai whole body does covered with blood came, sway several steps, at present one black, the flash was dizzy, fell down on the ground, lost during the consciousness, near the ear bank as if transmitted calling out in alarm and scream of Mu Zhu and Mu Zhu liangs small Wood Spirit. 玄界珠内,药园之中,杨开浑身血肉模糊地现身,摇摇晃晃走了几步,眼前一黑,一瞬间天旋地转,一头栽倒在地上,失去意识之中,耳畔边似乎传来了木珠个小木灵的惊呼和尖叫。 ...... …… After three days, Demon Shadow Continent, in the study room in temporary palace, Yu Rumeng sits desk that after white jade builds, calmly listens respectfully to the report of front Demon King. 三日之后,魅影大陆,行宫的书房之中,玉如梦坐在一张白玉打造的书桌之后,静静地聆听面前一个魔王的汇报。 According to observing, UU reads Crown Prince Yang , since Demon Shadow Continent leaves, then submerged Flying Clouds Continent quietly, when taking advantage of Sir Yin Si (silver silk) summoned many handsome men, mixes in the boudoir of Sir Yin Si (silver silk), then stuck out suddenly launches an attack, cut to kill Sir Yin Si (silver silk) in personal fighting hand-to-hand at the scene, in this war various casualty clan clansman more than 800, Demon King rank 23, Flying Clouds Continent is in great confusion now.” “据察,UU看书www.uukanshu.net杨亲王自魅影大陆离开之后,便悄悄潜入了飞云大陆,借着银丝大人召见诸多面首之际,混入银丝大人的闺房,然后暴起发难,于贴身肉搏之中将银丝大人斩杀当场,此战之中死伤各族族人八百多,魔王级别二十三位,飞云大陆如今已乱成一团。” Homicide Yin Si (silver silk)?” Yu Rumeng stared in a big way the eye, news confirmation?” “他杀了银丝?”玉如梦瞪大了眼睛,“消息确认了吗?” Had confirmed that when the Yin Si (silver silk) big person dies, the entire Flying Clouds Continent inborn phenomenon, clansman of all life on Flying Clouds Continent have induced.” That Demon King lowers the head to say. “已经确认了,银丝大人身死之时,整个飞云大陆都天生异象,所有生活在飞云大陆上的族人都有所感应。”那魔王低头回道。 scoundrel!” A Yu Rumeng palm of the hand claps on front white jade table, the hard white jade table has cracks immediately, ka-beng the sound that Yin Ya/silver tooth bites, who gives his courage, unexpectedly dares to kill my Half Saint!” 混账!”玉如梦一巴掌拍在面前的白玉桌子上,坚硬的白玉桌立刻出现一道道裂缝,银牙咬的嘎嘣响,“谁给他的胆子,居然敢杀了我一位半圣!” That Demon King frightens passes one to kneel down on the ground, the body trembles, Saint Venerable loses one's temper the exactly anything good deed, cannot do well wants rivers of blood, this flash, this Demon King paid silent tribute the moment in the heart for that Crown Prince Yang, thought that this fellow feared was somewhat more unfortunate than fortunate. 魔王吓得噗通一声跪倒在地上,身躯瑟瑟发抖,圣尊动怒可不是什么好事,搞不好就要血流成河,这一瞬间,这位魔王不禁为那位杨亲王在心中默哀了片刻,觉得这家伙怕是有些凶多吉少了。 With is the Saint Venerable subordinate, unexpectedly noisy internal strife, even also killed a colleague, this where has any good fruit to eat. 同为圣尊手下,居然闹内讧,甚至还了杀了一个同僚,这哪有什么好果子吃。
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