MP :: Volume #36

#3562: Refining up Myriad Demon Pill

When is sad, actually listens to Yang Kai to ask: I asked you, what difference did this place give your feeling to have with Demon Territory?” 正哀伤之时,却听杨开问道:“我问你,这地方给你的感觉跟魔域有什么不同?” Yang Kai questioned, he naturally did not dare not to answer, steady mind, opened the mouth saying: World energy is not abundant, the principle slightly is also weak, here if treats was long, cultivation level fears the risk of backing up.” The area world energy and principle that Mysterious Small Boundary had are the abundant improvements, this swallowed the fusion the area to miss newly, after all was some already the mainland fragment that vanished, can fuse together is the happiness of accidental/surprised, where can demand too. 杨开问话,他自然不敢不答,稳了稳心神,开口道:“天地能量不算充裕,法则也略显薄弱,若是在这里待的久了,修为恐有倒退的风险。”小玄界原本拥有的疆域的天地能量和法则是充沛完善的,这新吞噬融合的疆域就差了许多,毕竟都是一些已经消失的大陆碎片,能重新融合到一起就已经是意外之喜,哪能强求太多。 After saying, Huo Lun hesitates, cautious asking: Sir, isn't here Demon Territory?” He is low-rank Demon King, suddenly arrives at another world from Demon Territory, many will somewhat detect. 说完之后,霍仑迟疑了一下,小心翼翼的问道:“大人,这里不是魔域吗?”他好歹是个下品魔王,忽然从魔域来到另外一个世界,多少会有些察觉。 Here naturally is not Demon Territory.” Yang Kai nods, the corners of the mouth bring back: May become another Demon Territory.” “这里自然不是魔域。”杨开点点头,嘴角勾起:“不过有可能会成为另外一个魔域。” What...... what meaning?” Huo Lun face stunned. “什么……什么意思?”霍仑一脸愕然 Any meaning you did not need to manage, I had a very vital duty to give you, if you can complete well, in the future will not necessarily have restored the free possibility.” “什么意思你就不用管了,我有一个很重要的任务要交给你,你若是能好好完成的话,未来未必没有恢复自由的可能。” Huo Lun happened simultaneously pleasantly surprised: Sir please say, the villain completes certainly with all one's heart.” 霍仑惊喜交加:“大人请说,小人一定尽心完成。” Feels at ease here, this world may have some you to change in the near future unexpectedly, you must do engraves on mind all changes, then told me...... perhaps will happen one day, you will not hate to leave here also perhaps.” “安心住在这里,这个世界在不久的未来或许会有一些你意想不到的变化,你要做的就是将所有的变化铭记在心,然后告诉我……或许终有一天,你会舍不得离开这里也说不定。” The wizards do not hate to leave here, in the Huo Lun heart the unstated criticism, in the mouth actually complies hastily, in the heart felt strange that what duty this is, moreover what can this world have to change? 鬼才舍不得离开这里,霍仑心中腹诽,口中却连忙答应下来,心中奇怪这算是什么任务,而且这个世界能发生什么变化? During the doubt, Yang Kai the disappearing person's shadow, Huo Lun in great surprise, had shouted loudly several hastily, cannot get any response, unavoidably is somewhat depressed. However thinks again Yang Kai beforehand injunction, he also can only pray Yang Kai to mean what he says, some day will put him to leave. 狐疑之间,杨开已经不见了人影,霍仑大惊,连忙高喊了几声,却得不到任何回应,不免有些沮丧。不过再想想杨开之前的嘱咐,他也只能祈祷杨开说话算话,有朝一日将放他离开了。 After a little while, summit above presented a tree room, since must live here, must have a residence to be good, low-rank Demon King wants to give Lane own a dwelling is very simple, under makes use of local materials a tree room to take shape quickly. 少顷,山巅之上出现了一座树屋,既然要住在这里,总得有个住所才行,一位下品魔王想要给自己个住处还是很简单的,就地取材之下一座树屋很快成型。 ...... …… In the side building, Yang Kai tidies up the thoughts, sits cross-legged to sit, calm. 厢房之中,杨开收拾心思,盘膝而坐,静气凝神。 Bright Moon has died, is unable to come back to life, at present he can do completes the commission of Bright Moon, preserves own chance, wants to protect oneself, that must have powerful cultivation level. 明月已死,无法复生,他眼下能做的就是完成明月的嘱托,保住自己身上的机缘,想要自保,那就得有强大的修为 Had broken through the shackles to promote since days before, he did not have to realize the own present condition with enough time well, now has some free times rarely, naturally after wants to have a look at the breakthrough, impatiently own and do the former difference, naturally, are mainly under the inspection have what hidden danger. 自前几日突破桎梏晋升以来,他还没来得及好好体会一下自己现在的状态,如今难得有了一些空闲,自然是迫不及待地想要看看突破后自己与之前的区别,当然,更主要是检查下自身有没有什么隐患。 This within the body strength has the so big transformation suddenly, he somewhat is also with trepidation, particularly unsealing of Dantian place that Ancient Demon Demon Qi seal, making him worry very much own can have what sequela. 这体内力量忽然发生如此大的转变,他也有些提心吊胆,尤其是丹田处那古魔魔气封印的解封,让他很担忧自己会不会留下什么后遗症。 Powerful Spiritual Mind surges, an cuns (2.5 cm) place has swept the body of own, the inspection incomparable thorough. 强大的神念涌动开来,一寸寸地扫过自己的身体,检查的无比透彻。 Enough after a day, Yang Kai exhales the one breath, this inspection makes him determine that the breakthrough of own and has no not the good place, within the body strength thoroughly has transformed completely, the whole body flesh and meridians do not have the least bit to damage, that vigorous pure Demon Yuan flows in meridians also does not have the half a point to block. 足足一日之后,杨开才呼出一口气,这一番检查让他确定自己的突破并没有什么不好的地方,体内力量已经彻底转化完全,浑身血肉和经脉也没有半点损伤,那雄浑精纯的魔元经脉中流淌亦是没有半分阻塞。 Although the body does not have to obstruct greatly, but Yang Kai actually somewhat looks distressed. own now this condition, impressively is standard high-rank Demon King, making his very some not be familiar with. 身体虽然没有大碍,但杨开却有些愁眉苦脸。自己现在这状态,赫然就是一个标准的上品魔王,让他很有些不习惯。 Really does not know that own returns to the Star Boundary words again, can be regarded Demon Race to pursue to the end and hit hard. 真不知道自己再回星界的话,会不会被人当成魔族穷追猛打。 However now thinks that these do not help matters, Yang Kai throws various behind the head these thoughts simply, is trying revolution Cultivation Technique. 不过现在想这些也无济于事,杨开索性将这些念头抛诸脑后,尝试着运转功法 Demon Qi instant time between world comes in waves, as Yang Kai's spits the breath, floods into within the body following the whole body trillion pores, flows in meridians, in immersion Dantian. 天地间的魔气时间滚滚而来,随着杨开的吐息,顺着浑身亿万毛孔涌入体内,在经脉中流淌,沉浸丹田之中。 Also really can unscrupulously practice in Demon Territory. 还真的能够在魔域中无所顾忌地修炼了。 He arrives at Demon Territory such long time, basically does not have practice, is mainly the condition does not permit, what among this world floods is Demon Qi, is entirely different from Star Boundary that side world energy, will absorb within the body unable to do well rashly will incur all uncertain consequence, he like Embodiment such practice Heavens Devourer Battle Law, naturally does not dare easily to attempt. 他来到魔域这么长时间,基本上就没修炼过,主要是条件不允许,这天地间充斥的是魔气,与星界那边的天地能量截然不同,贸然吸收进体内搞不好会引发一切不可预测的后果,他又没有如法身那样修炼噬天战法,自然不敢轻易尝试。 But now, after thorough Become Devil, Demon Territory here environment has not impeded to his practice. 可是如今,在彻底入魔之后,魔域这边的环境对他的修炼已经没有掣肘了。 World can Demon Qi absorb, that Demon Crystal? 天地魔气可以吸纳,那魔晶呢? Does not have hesitates, Yang Kai to take out massive Demon Crystal to break from Space Ring, instant time, in the room was flooded by rich Demon Qi, under the turnover, Demon Qi floods into within the body, not the least bit is ill. 没有迟疑,杨开空间戒中取出大量魔晶震碎开来,霎时间,房间之中被浓郁的魔气所充斥,吞吐之下,魔气涌入体内,并无半点不适。 The Yang Kai backhand takes out Myriad Demon Pill to come, was only hesitates the moment, then put in that Myriad Demon Pill the mouth, wholely under. 紧接着,杨开反手又取出一枚万魔丹来,只是迟疑了片刻,便将那万魔丹放入口中,囫囵而下。 Myriad Demon Pill is not medicine pill, but is special existence that Myriad Demon Cave of Demon Territory these mainland form, that each and everyone Myriad Demon Cave, always in swallowing each mainland Demon Race vitality and vigor, thus such as result in Myriad Demon Cave gave birth to Myriad Demon Pill generally. 万魔丹并非丹药,而是魔域那些大陆的万魔窟形成的特殊存在,那一个个万魔窟,无时无刻不在吞噬着各个大陆上魔族生机和精气神,从而在万魔窟中如结果子一般生出了万魔丹 Why Yang Kai not clear that Myriad Demon Cave will have the so unusual ability, only knows, since Demon Territory disintegrates, after changing to mainland, these Myriad Demon Cave appeared suddenly. 杨开不清楚万魔窟为何会有如此奇特的能力,只知道自从魔域分崩离析,化作一块块大陆之后,那些万魔窟就忽然出现了。 Myriad Demon Cave gives his feeling extremely Yao Yi, seems the each and everyone life body, but this does not hinder Myriad Demon Pill to erupts that Demon Race brings to use, in Myriad Demon Pill that Myriad Demon Cave endogenous comes out, was equivalent to each and everyone to gather in each mainland the crystallization of Demon Race vitality and vigor, contained the huge terrifying energy. 万魔窟给他的感觉极为妖异,好似一个个生命体,但这并不妨碍万魔丹能给魔族带来的大作用,在万魔窟内生出来的万魔丹,就相当于一个个汇聚了各个大陆上魔族生机和精气神的结晶,蕴藏了巨大的恐怖的能量。 Embodiment was lucky swallows Myriad Demon Pill, can promote Half Saint in extremely short time. 法身可是多亏了吞噬万魔丹,才能在极短的时间内晋升半圣 medicine pill enters the abdomen, initial Yang Kai has not felt anything, but is quick, the lower abdomen place then suddenly becomes fiery boiling hot, as if he swallows down is not Myriad Demon Pill, but burns the ripe iron. 丹药入腹,初始杨开还没感觉到什么,但很快,小腹处便忽然变得火热滚烫,仿佛他吞下去的不是万魔丹,而是烧熟的烙铁。 The huge energy blasts out in the lower abdomen place, spills into each corner of own body, making own flesh wriggle, meridians inflation. 庞大的能量在小腹处炸开,涌进自己身体的每一个角落,让自身血肉蠕动,经脉膨胀。 Yang Kai is startled secretly, although has long known the energy in Myriad Demon Pill containing is inconceivable, but really arrives own took discovered, in which energy is how huge. 杨开暗暗吃惊,虽然早就知道万魔丹内蕴藏的能量难以想象,但真到了自己服用的时候才发现,其中的能量是何其庞大 No wonder only then Demon Race of Demon King rank has the qualifications to enjoy Myriad Demon Pill, if this thing called Demon Race under Demon King to eat, perhaps even high-rank Demon Chief Commander, must explode the body to perish immediately. 怪不得只有魔王级别的魔族才有资格享用万魔丹,这东西若叫魔王之下的魔族吃了,就算是个上品魔帅,恐怕也要立刻爆体而亡。 He now is high-rank Demon King, moreover a strength is far from normal high-rank Demon King can compare, how Myriad Demon Pill naturally cannot him. 他如今算是一个上品魔王,而且一身实力远非正常的上品魔王可以比拟,一枚万魔丹自然不能将他怎样。 pulling the energy in abdomen is walking randomly all the limbs and bones, refining up into the body these energies little, Yang Kai can clearly feel the own strength in a faint trace enhancement. 牵引着腹中的能量游走四肢百骸,一点点地将那些能量炼化入体,杨开清楚地感受到自己的力量在一丝丝地增强。 This makes him somewhat sigh with emotion, Myriad Demon Pill may compare to any Emperor Pill drug efficacy to be powerful, no wonder in Demon King rank population upward, Demon Race here have the enormous advantage compared with Star Boundary, this solely is not the Demon Race population base compares Star Boundary huge, has the Myriad Demon Pill merit. 这让他不禁有些感慨,万魔丹可比起任何帝丹的药效都要强大,难怪在魔王级别往上的人数上,魔族这边要比星界占据极大的优势,这不单单是魔族人口基数比星界庞大,更有万魔丹的功劳。 The relative strength of two worlds, is not from the beginning balanced, now Bright Moon died, other Great Emperor level strength defect its one, this type was not balanced is more obvious. 两界的实力对比,从一开始就不平衡,如今明月身亡,大帝级别的力量缺失其一,这种不平衡就更加明显了。 If really the struggle of ignores two worlds continues, Star Boundary is absolutely more unfortunate than fortunate, only feared that in less than ten years, entire Star Boundary must fall to the enemy, only if can find the way to eliminate the Demon Saint quantity. 真若是放任两界之争继续下去,星界绝对凶多吉少,只怕用不了十年,整个星界都要沦陷,除非能想办法剪除魔圣们的数量。 But Demon Saint are so can it be that good to kill. 魔圣们岂是那么好杀的。 If can finish the struggle of this two worlds with another way, then gives the opportunity that Star Boundary preserved. 而若是能用另外一种方式结束这两界之争,便是给了星界保全的机会。 Yang Kai thought that own must quicken pace, must result in the Demon Territory comprehensive invasion, before Demon Saint go down battlefield discovers an outlet. 杨开觉得自己得加快步伐了,必须得在魔域全面入侵,在魔圣们走下战场之前找出一条出路来。 Myriad Demon Pill, Yang Kai spent ten days of time to digest, was well below compared with the Embodiment speed, Embodiment because of the physique and practice Cultivation Technique reason, took the Myriad Demon Pill speed to probably compared with him quickly, now will promote Half Saint, the speed will definitely have the enhancement again. 一枚万魔丹,杨开足足花费了十天功夫才消化完毕,比起法身的速度远远不如,法身因为体质和修炼功法的缘故,服用万魔丹的速度比他可要快多了,如今晋升半圣,速度肯定还会再有增强。 Was good because of took by force about 10,000 Myriad Demon Pill from Bei Limo there...... 好在从北璃陌那里打劫了将近一万枚万魔丹…… Opens the door, calls the maidservant to inquire, knew that recently Yu Rumeng simply had not looked for own, no news must transmit to own, Yang Kai then practice gets up again. 打开房门,唤来侍女询问一番,得知最近玉如梦根本没有找过自己,也没有什么消息要传递给自己,杨开便再次修炼起来。 Also is Myriad Demon Pill enters the abdomen, refining up as always. 又是一枚万魔丹入腹,一如既往地炼化。 Until after building up melted entire three Myriad Demon Pill, that side Yu Rumeng has the news to transmit. 直到炼化了整整三枚万魔丹之后,玉如梦那边才有消息传来。 Gives the message is not others, is actually the Yang Kai's old friend, Bai Zhuo. 来传递消息的不是旁人,却是杨开的老相识,白灼 This fellow previous time also participated in Zhoutian Continent robbed the chance, but the luck was not too good, by Bright Moon injuring, has healed from a wound in Holy City recently, if this is not the case, only feared that has rushed to two worlds battlefield. 这家伙上次在宙天大陆也参与了抢夺机缘,不过运气不算太好,被明月给打伤了,最近一直在圣城中养伤,若非如此,只怕已经赶赴两界战场了。 Yang Kai sees his time, this fellow complexion somewhat is pale, often coughs several. 杨开见到他的时候,这家伙脸色还有些苍白,不时地咳嗽几声。 two people combined the temporary palace, looked for a restaurant in Holy City, drank wine while to talk. 两人一并出了行宫,在圣城中找了个酒楼,一边饮酒一边交谈。 The liquor over three patrol, Bai Zhuo shows a faint smile: Brother Yang is carries the person of big good fortune , the war of Zhoutian, over a hundred Half Saint return empty-handed, even more than ten Half Saint falls, only Brother Yang snatches the chance, is really envy Sha I and others.” 酒过三巡,白灼微微一笑:“杨兄果真是身负大造化之人,宙天之战,上百位半圣空手而归,甚至有十多位半圣陨落,唯独杨兄抢得机缘,真是羡煞我等。” Liquor of Yang Kai in the cup tosses down, shows a faint smile saying: Good fortune said mysterious Wu Chang, clear that who can say, I had not wanted to rob what chance on the same day, but wants to join in the fun.” 杨开将杯中之酒一饮而尽,微微一笑道:“造化之说玄奥无常,谁又能说的清楚,当日我可没想要去抢夺什么机缘,只是想去凑个热闹而已。” A Bai Zhuo face envies: Therefore said the Brother Yang destiny.” So many Half Saint are ready to fight to eye covetously, finally was actually given to profit by a joining in the fun person, is to make the person spit blood seriously three rises , Bai Zhuo said: Saint Venerable makes me pass on to Brother Yang, the matter of Brother Yang has processed appropriately, Saint Venerable has also reached the agreement, they will not act to you again.” 白灼一脸羡慕道:“所以才说杨兄气运了得。”那么多半圣摩拳擦掌虎视眈眈,最后却被一个凑热闹的人给占了便宜,当真是让人吐血三升,顿了顿,白灼道:“圣尊让我转告杨兄,杨兄之事已经处理妥当了,诸位圣尊也已经达成协议,他们不会再对你出手了。” This is actually expected in Yang Kai, since Huang Wuji says that words to come, own will not hit the face of own, other Demon Saint also somewhat meetings have scruples his face, instead looks like in Demon Race, own thorough Become Devil, is a Demon Territory member, the chance on own, follows not many differences on other Half Saint. 这倒是在杨开意料之中,荒无极既然放出那话来,就不会自己自己的脸,其他魔圣也多少会顾忌一下他的面子,反正在魔族看来,自己已经彻底入魔,算是魔域的一份子,机缘在自己身上,跟在其他半圣身上并无多少区别。 On the same day helpless Xue Li retreated, was for this reason. 当日血厉无奈退走,也是因为这个原因。 Heard that said Yang Kai saying: That in other words, from now henceforth I in Demon Territory am safe?” 闻言杨开道:“那也就是说,从今以后我在魔域是安全的咯?” Bai Zhuo has the profound meaning to smile greatly: „, Will be on the other hand safer.” 白灼大有深意地一笑:“相对来说,会安全很多。” Relative......” the Yang Kai eye narrowed the eyes, listens to beyond his words the sound. “相对……”杨开眼睛微眯,听出了他的话外之音。
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