MP :: Volume #36

#3506: Attempt of Demon Saint

By boundless Blood Sea, on column of the blood-color, the great form crosses the hands behind the back to stand together, that person appearance evil charm extremes, a fiery red long hair flap flap fly upwards, is staring at the Blood Sea deep place like the wild animal double pupil scarlet, is sending out mystical rays of light, resembling to look at the Blood Sea deep place, peeps the Bright Moon condition. 无边血海旁,一根血色之柱上,一道伟岸身影负手而立,其人容貌邪魅狂狷,一头火红长发猎猎飞扬,猩红如野兽般的双眸凝视着血海的深处,散发着神异光芒,似要看进血海深处,一窥明月的状况。 Helpless Bright Moon, although is injured is stranded, does not have the strength to hit back, even if powerful such as he, gentle rays of light that also inside being able to see clearly the outcome, that Blood Sea gives birth to prevented his line of sight and Spiritual Mind, making his slightly feeling have no alternative. 无奈明月虽然受伤被困,却也并非毫无还手之力,纵然强大如他,也看不清内里究竟,那血海生出的柔和光芒阻挡了他的视线和神念,让他略感无可奈何。 Star Boundary Great Emperor, is not really a vegetarian. 星界大帝,果然也不是吃素的。 Just now fights he to profit, what decisive role but cannot play, makes him feel that what is only strange, why Bright Moon will act toward him suddenly, is this still fights in the trapped/sleepy beast? 方才的交手他占了一点便宜,但也起不到什么决定性的作用,唯一让他感到奇怪的是,明月为何会忽然朝他出手,这是在困兽犹斗么? Great Emperor is not the extent that sanely, reason that but does why? 一位大帝不至于如此不理智,但这么做的原因到底为何? Thinks, has not found out what clue, shakes the head slowly, lifts the vision, stares at boundless Blood Sea, cold snort, Bright Moon is wounded gently in the body, has own to assume this place personally, supplements with 12 huge demon that blood sacrifice entire Zhoutian Continent Demon Race urges to send again, can in that person Blood Sea keep here absolutely forever, even if he is Great Emperor, still gave up any idea of that turns out what spray. 想了一阵,没想出什么头绪,不禁缓缓摇头,重新抬起目光,凝视无边血海,轻轻冷哼一声,明月负伤在身,有自己亲自坐镇此地,再辅以血祭整个宙天大陆魔族催发的十二都天大魔阵,绝对能将血海中那人永远留在这里,就算他是一位大帝,也休想翻出什么浪花来。 Read hence, the big hand wielded, previously because of him and Bright Moon fight complementary waves, but died a tragic death in nearby Demon Race within the body fresh blood simultaneous gushes out, as if spirit snake gathered toward Blood Sea in generally. 一念至此,大手一挥,先前因为他与明月交手余波而惨死在附近的魔族体内鲜血齐齐涌出,仿佛灵蛇一般朝血海中汇聚。 When blood light twinkling, the form of this person has disappeared does not see. 血光闪烁时,此人的身影已经消失不见。 ...... …… In pure land that in Blood Sea, that gentle rays of light casts, the Yang Kai vision absent-minded is staring at the Bright Moon abdomen, a face color with amazement. 血海内,那柔和光芒铸就的净土之中,杨开目光失神地凝视着明月的腹部,一脸骇然之色。 Although he had guessed correctly that Bright Moon the condition is not definitely wonderful now, even is wounded in the body, the didn't expect injury unexpectedly is so serious, that left lower belly locates a giant hole, the flesh completely loses, although does not have fresh blood to flow out, but that terrifying Demon Qi is still corroding him always, is seemingly horrible to look. 他虽早就猜到明月如今状态肯定不妙,甚至负伤在身,却怎么也没想到伤势居然这般严重,那左下腹处一个巨大的窟窿,血肉尽失,虽然已经没有鲜血流出,但那恐怖魔气依然在无时无刻腐蚀着他,看起来惨不忍睹。 If average person, but Bright Moon but Great Emperor, view injury, then can see initially a war is how intense. 若是一般人也就罢了,但明月可是大帝啊,观此伤势,便可以看出当初一战是多么激烈。 But at this moment, near the corners of the mouth of Bright Moon also the dry bloodstains, have not been with that Demon Saint fights ate without doubt a moment ago slightly owed, by strength, he with that Demon Saint about the same, but others occupied the beneficial conditions of timeliness , favorable geographical conditions , and unity and coordination of the people, Bright Moon no longer in peak condition, beating is natural. 而此时此刻,明月的嘴角边还有一丝未曾干涸的血迹,无疑是刚才与那魔圣交手的时候吃了一点小亏,论实力,他与那魔圣在伯仲之间,可人家占据了天时地利人和,明月又不复巅峰状态,不敌是理所当然。 „Are you Yang Kai?” “你是杨开?” When Yang Kai observes Bright Moon Great Emperor, Bright Moon opens the mouth to ask suddenly, the look is somewhat surprised, resembles didn't expect to see the Star Boundary person unexpectedly here, moreover person who he knows. 就在杨开观察明月大帝的时候,明月忽然开口问道,神色有些惊奇,似没想到居然在这里见到星界的人,而且还是他认识的人。 Yang Kai look one austere, holds the fist in the other hand submissively: Azure Sun Temple High Ranking Guest Elder Yang Kai, has seen Great Emperor!” 杨开神色一肃,拱手抱拳:“青阳神殿客卿长老杨开,见过大帝!” Bright Moon is the South Territory patron god, naturally is South Territory that side status that Yang Kai greetings he uses. 明月南域的守护神,杨开拜见他用的自然是南域那边的身份。 Bright Moon nods gently, the doubt said: How can you here?” 明月轻轻点头,狐疑道:“你怎么会在这里?” Yang Kai said solemnly: Boy presents the request of Sir Tian Shu, comes Demon Territory to inquire the Sir to fall.” paused also said: Sir thanks just now life-saving efforts.” Arrived this time, he also knows that a moment ago was what situation. 杨开沉声道:“小子奉天枢大人之托,前来魔域打探大人下落。”顿了一下又道:“谢过大人方才救命之恩。”到了这个时候,他也知道刚才到底是个什么情况了。 Definitely is he after entering Blood Sea stimulates to movement Emperor Yuan, making Bright Moon detect, therefore acted suddenly, disrupted to assume this place the Demon Saint sensation, later opened also a channel in Blood Sea, making him arrive at this place. 肯定是他在进入血海之后催动帝元,让明月察觉到了,所以才忽然出手,扰乱坐镇此地的魔圣的感知,之后又在血海中开辟出也一条通道来,引他来到此地。 If not there is a Bright Moon method, Yang Kai estimated that own must be discovered by that Demon Saint, when the time comes ominous lucky unpredictable. 若非有明月的手段,杨开估计自己肯定要被那魔圣发现,到时候凶吉难测。 Bright Moon smiles temperately: Your courage was also too big a point.” 明月温和一笑:“你胆子也太大了一点。” Yang Kai said embarrasedly: Luckily the luck is good.” Bright Moon first discovered him, but is that Demon Saint...... Yang Kai thinks scalp feeling numb. 杨开讪讪道:“幸亏运气不错。”要不是明月先发现了他,而是那位魔圣……杨开想想都头皮发麻 Bright Moon nods saying: Tian Shu that old fogy called......, although I who you came also know that he called you to decide however has his reason, but this King somewhat was curious, your how safety entered Demon Territory, mixed here to come?” 明月点点头道:“天枢那老家伙叫你来的……虽然我也知道他叫你来定然有他的缘由,但本座还是有些好奇,你是如何安全进入魔域,又混到这里来的?” Yang Kai flexure said difficultly: Boy has revolted Star Boundary, turned to Demon Territory, that side Star Boundary, the boy now is notorious, was chased by all.” 杨开挠了挠头道:“小子已经叛出星界,投靠魔域了,在星界那边,小子如今算是臭名昭著,人人喊打。” After saying, catches the eye to look at Bright Moon, discovered the expression that the meaning that he not only has not lost one's temper, instead a face has a relish, explained a reason hastily. 说完之后,抬眼瞧了瞧明月,发现他不但没有动怒的意思,反而一脸饶有兴致的表情,连忙解释了一下其中的缘由。 After the moment, Bright Moon called strange saying: In other words, that Yu Rumeng submerged Star Boundary initially, ambushes side you, because the strength damages greatly, is unable to force in you, can only take away Demon Territory you with the conciliation method, but you have understood clearly her intention, therefore then thwarts, making Iron Blood that fellow coordinate you to perform in a play? Then you revolted logically Star Boundary, came Demon Territory?” 片刻后,明月啧啧称奇道:“也就是说,那位玉如梦当初潜入星界,潜伏到你身边,不过因为实力大损,无法强迫于你,只能用怀柔手段把你带去魔域,而你早已洞悉她的意图,所以便将计就计,让铁血那家伙配合你演了一出戏?然后你就顺理成章地叛出了星界,来了魔域这边?” Yang Kai somewhat nods embarrassed said: General situation is this kind of.” 杨开有些不好意思地颔首道:“大致情况是这样的。” Bright Moon praised: Extraordinary.” This truly is a extraordinary achievement, Human Race wants to come Demon Territory basically is the impossible matter, but Yang Kai achieved. But Tian Shu Great Emperor makes him come Demon Territory, held a secret in that dark invisible divine intervention probably, even if he not very clear process, but had expected to the final result absolutely, why otherwise does not look for others, looked for Yang Kai. 明月不禁赞道:“了不起。”这确实是个了不起的成就,一个人类想来魔域基本上是不可能的事,可杨开偏偏做到了。而天枢大帝之所以让他来魔域,大概也是在那冥冥无形的天意中抓住了一丝天机,他纵然不太清楚其中的过程,但绝对对最后的结果有所预料,否则为何不找旁人,偏偏就找了杨开 Sir erroneous approved, as a result of circumstance.” “大人谬赞了,因缘际会而已。” Bright Moon said: You now security Demon Territory?” 明月道:“你如今在魔域这边安全吗?” Yang Kai smiled saying with a smile: Sir felt relieved, my here safe very much, Yu Rumeng does not have the least bit to suspect to me, and because of my space divine ability, other Demon Saint is also as if interested in me very much, wants to borrow me the strength, restores Demon Territory some gates.” 杨开笑了笑道:“大人放心,我这边安全的很,玉如梦对我没有半点疑心,而且因为我的空间神通,其他魔圣似乎也对我很感兴趣,想要借我之力,修复魔域的一些界门。” Pressed you......” Bright Moon to sob, hesitated evil ways: That Heart Seal Secret Technique, since is Demon Saint displays, wants to come the absolute might no small matter, you may result in carefully for on.” “难为你了……”明月唏嘘一声,沉吟了一下道:“不过那心印秘术既然是一位魔圣施展,想来绝对威力非同小可,你可得小心为上。” Boy, avoid.” Yang Kai nods, the heart said that Heart Seal Secret Technique does not have to the own least bit restraint, but is not good to state clearly, Secret Technique that after all Demon Saint displays by own decoding, this somewhat is rather shocking. “小子省得。”杨开点点头,心说那心印秘术自己半点约束也无,只不过也不好明说,毕竟一个魔圣施展的秘术都被自己给破解了,这未免有些耸人听闻。 Shifting to a new subject, Yang Kai said: Sir your present situation how, I observe your injury as if heavily...... 话锋一转,杨开道:“大人你如今情况如何,我观你伤势……似乎不轻。” Bright Moon shows a faint smile saying: Also is insufficient awfully, actually outside that Formation is somewhat troublesome.” 明月微微一笑道:“还不至于要命,倒是外面的那个阵法有些麻烦。” Yang Kai knits the brows: „Before I come, sees all Demon Race of this mainland toward this place gathering, Blood Demon of some innumerable Demon King ranks preside over the blood sacrifice, collects boundless Blood Sea, casts the prisoner's cage of blood, the blood-color long column of that seed grafting day place, can the Sir know Demon Territory to have what attempt continually?” 杨开皱眉道:“我来之前看到这个大陆的所有魔族都在朝此地汇聚,更有无数魔王级别的血魔主持血祭,汇无边血海,铸血之囚笼,还有那种接天连地的血色长柱,大人可知魔域这边到底有何企图?” Bright Moon laughed: They can also have anything to attempt, nothing but wants to digest this King!” 明月呵呵一笑:“他们还能有什么企图,无非是想消化了本座!” Digestion?” A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, the heart said that you are not drinking that eats, how to digest? “消化?”杨开眉头一皱,心说你又不是吃的喝的,怎么消化? Bright Moon looks at him saying: You felt why they don't kill me?” 明月望着他道:“你觉得,他们为何迟迟不杀我?” Yang Kai thinks saying: Rabbit compelled also to bite anxiously, let alone your Great Emperor, they , to start to the Sir, must pay and frigid price surely.” 杨开想了想道:“兔子逼急了还咬人呢,更何况您一位大帝,他们若想对大人下手,必定要付出及其惨烈的代价。” This is only one of the reasons.” Bright Moon gives a calm smile, you have submerged Demon Territory successfully, Demon Saint regards as important, wants to come to know some Demon Territory here information.” “这只是其中原因之一。”明月淡然一笑,“你既已成功潜入魔域,更得一位魔圣看重,想来应该知道一些魔域这边的信息了。” Does not know that which aspect the Sir does refer to?” “不知大人指的是哪方面?” „The Demon Territory top powerhouse quantity are more than Star Boundary, fully 12 Demon Saint, these 12, if collaborates, you thought that this King can resist?” 魔域这边的顶尖强者数量比星界要多,足有十二位魔圣,这十二位要是联手,你觉得本座能抵挡吗?” A Yang Kai hears Yanlve ponder, complexion is dignified, shakes the head saying: Fears cannot.” 杨开闻言略一沉思,不禁面色凝重,摇头道:“怕是不能。” It is not he underestimates Bright Moon, is only the quantity disparity are too many disparately, once 12 Demon Saints collaborates, Bright Moon must die without doubt. Thinks of here, Yang Kai suddenly one startled, if really so simple, why that Demon Territory can waste the time waste energy Bright Moon here, does not hesitate the blood sacrifice sleepily entire Zhoutian Continent Demon Race? Although Zhoutian Continent because of Great Emperor and Demon Saint battle, but the world was shattered, the gate vanishes, but has not been in the degree of completely giving up, Demon Race of entire mainland came the blood sacrifice by drawing, why is so handiwork? 并非他小看明月,只是数量差距太多悬殊,十二魔圣一旦联手,明月必死无疑。想到这里,杨开猛地一惊,若真的如此简单,那魔域这边为何要浪费时间浪费精力将明月困在这里,更不惜血祭了整个宙天大陆魔族宙天大陆虽然因为大帝魔圣的争斗而天地破碎,界门消失,但也还没到完全放弃的程度,整个大陆的魔族都被拉来血祭,这般手笔又是为何? Perhaps truly cannot, under the this King life-and-death fight, create some difficulties to them, but also gave up any idea of that draws in anyone to be buried along with the dead, in other words, they, if really wants to kill me, this King has not assigned.” “确实不能,或许本座殊死搏斗之下,会给他们造成一些困扰,但也休想拉上任何一人陪葬,换句话说,他们若真想杀我,本座早就已经没有命在了。” Yang Kai stunned said: Demon Territory is difficult to be inadequate must let your Become Devil?” 杨开愕然道:“魔域这边难不成要让你入魔?” Since can kill not to kill, then Demon Territory attempts absolutely is not small, if can let Bright Moon Become Devil, that is equal to coming out baseless a Demon Saint level powerhouse, is only...... this possibility? 既然能杀而不杀,那么魔域这边绝对所图非小,若能让明月入魔的话,那这边就等于凭空多出来一个魔圣级别的强者,只是……这可能吗? Bright Moon said with a smile: this King possible Become Devil? this King just now said that they do not kill me, is to digest me! Let Demon Territory digest me.” 明月笑道:“本座怎么可能入魔本座方才说了,他们不杀我,是想要消化我!让魔域消化我。” Yang Kai is looking at him at a loss. 杨开茫然地望着他。 Bright Moon explained: So-called Great Emperor, Demon Saint, is Big World existence of of the world acknowledgment obtains each one to be, itself then represented part of the world, therefore this King, if falls, the Star Boundary that side must vividly swing, many phenomenon will give birth, Tian Shu that old fogy can determine that I have not died, is based on this point reason.” 明月解释道:“所谓大帝,魔圣,皆是得到各自所在的大世界的天地承认的存在,本身便代表了天地的一部分,所以本座若是陨落,星界那边必生动荡,亦会有诸多异象生出,天枢那老家伙之所以能确定我没死,正是基于这一点原因。” Yang Kai nods, this matter he knows. 杨开点点头,这个事他是知道的。 Strength to your degree, the view of bottle of the world thinks that you have also listened.” Sees Yang Kai to nod, Bright Moon continues saying: this King with another nine is in the bottle of Star Boundary world ten biggest gravel, the other gravels are innumerable, but if this King this gravel is buried in Demon Territory, by the world assimilation admission of Demon Territory, that Demon Territory the bottle of the world will be expanded the limit again, has the opportunity born 13 th Demon Saint!” “实力到了你这个程度,天地之瓶的说法想必你也听过。”见杨开点头,明月继续道:“本座与另外九位是星界天地之瓶中十块最大的石子,余下沙砾数不胜数,可若是本座这块石子葬身魔域,再被魔域的天地同化接纳的话,那魔域的天地之瓶就会扩大极限,就有机会诞生出第十三位魔圣!” Yang Kai hears word, the view shrinks suddenly, if really such as Bright Moon said that that Demon Territory here goal do not take the Bright Moon life, massacred Great Emperor no doubt to have the huge change to the patterns of two world, world strength that but if can carry this Great Emperor also admitted, that it would be the best. 杨开闻言,眼帘骤然一缩,如果真如明月所言,那魔域这边的目标并不是要取明月的性命,杀掉一个大帝固然对两个世界的格局有巨大的改变,但如果能将这位大帝身负的天地之力也接纳过来的话,那就最好不过了。 Therefore Bright Moon can live now, on the one hand, Demon Saint are not willing to force too ruthlessly, 12 can massacre Bright Moon jointly even if, but was worried unexpectedly some people were being drawn being buried along with the dead by him, but under the Bright Moon life-and-death resistance, definitely has the opportunity to cause heavy losses two, this is the risk that they are not willing to pay, therefore meets the blood sacrifice, meets under the arrange/cloth Formation, once succeeds, the Demon Territory bottle of limit world will expand, birth new Demon Saint, but that side Star Boundary will reduce Great Emperor, and is the permanent reduction, will not present tenth Great Emperor. 所以明月才能活到现在,一方面,魔圣们不愿逼迫太狠,十二位联手纵然可以杀掉明月而不虞担心有人被他拉着陪葬,可明月殊死反抗之下,绝对有机会重创其中一两位,这是他们不愿付出的风险,所以才会血祭,才会布下大阵,一旦成功,魔域的天地之瓶极限会扩张,会诞生新的魔圣,而星界那边将会减少一位大帝,并且是永久性的减少,再也不会出现第十位大帝了。
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