MP :: Volume #35

#3425: Cyan Bottle Gourd

Each big boundary to martial artist is a ridge, stepping is a new world, Emperor Senior Stage especially is so. 每一个大境界对武者来说都是一道坎,跨出去便是一个新的天地,帝尊境尤是如此。 Fierce world prestige can from the day, in the sky be cloudy, the thunder, the power and influence is scary. 一道道凶猛的天地威能从天而将,天空中乌云密布,电闪雷鸣,威势骇人。 The clear and melodious Phoenix Cry sound gets up, soars to the heavens resonantly, the Su Yan place, appears to ice blue Phoenix illusory shadow indistinctly, that Ice Phoenix is huge, stretches out the neck tall Ming, aura that Holy Spirit is in sole possession of spreads loudly, makes the place of surrounding area thousand li (500 km) change to Frozen Earth, the crowd that waits and sees from afar reveals shocked look all. 清越的凤鸣声响起,嘹亮冲霄,苏颜所处之地,隐约浮现出一只冰蓝的虚影,那冰凤巨大无匹,引颈高鸣,圣灵独有的气息轰然扩散开来,直让方圆千里之地化作冻土,远远观望的人群无不露出震惊之色 Yang Kai within the body, the strength of Golden Holy Dragon source is ready to make trouble, the greatly one type must have a resonance indication with the Su Yan Ice Phoenix source, if not he suppresses stubbornly, only feared that shortly must melt Dragon Body obviously. 杨开体内,金圣龙本源之力蠢蠢欲动,大有一种要与苏颜冰凤本源产生一种共鸣的征兆,若非他死死压制,只怕顷刻间就要显化龙躯 This makes his some surprise, didn't expect Su Yan when breaking through Emperor Senior, own will have some unusual inductions unexpectedly, did not know because of practice the Yin-Yang Joyous Union Art reason. 这让他有些诧异,没想到苏颜在突破帝尊时,自己居然也会有一些奇特的感应,也不知道是不是因为修炼阴阳合欢功的缘故。 time passes little, the world prestige can be getting more and more abundant, but that Ice Phoenix illusory shadow actually does not condense loose, imposing manner is also getting stronger and stronger, meets as an equal to the prestige of the world. 时间一点点地流逝,天地威能越来越盛,但那冰凤虚影却是凝聚不散,气势也越来越强,与天地之威分庭抗礼。 The moment, naked eye obvious ripples spread finally loudly, sweeps across the four directions, jumps to the four-pole. 终有一刻,一圈肉眼可见的涟漪轰然扩散开来,席卷四方,迸向四极。 Huge Ice Phoenix illusory shadow vanishes does not see, in the sky dark cloud dispersing, sees the light again. 巨大的冰凤虚影消失不见,天空中乌云散开,重见光明。 The world returned to normal. 天地恢复了平静。 For a long time later, surrounded martial artist dare to go forward to nose, but where also has the trace of person of that breakthrough, does not know unexpectedly when has walked. 许久之后,围观的武者们才敢上前查探,可哪里还有那突破之人的踪影,竟是不知道什么时候已经走了。 But so a weaponry is actually the breakthrough of ultra general Emperor Senior Stage, nearby martial artist of city for this loved to talk about the period of time actually. 但如此阵仗却是远超一般帝尊境的突破,倒是为这附近城池的武者们津津乐道了好一阵子。 Su Yan has broken through Emperor Senior, many had some strength of self-preservation, Yang Kai slightly is also more relieved. 苏颜已经突破帝尊,多少有了一些自保之力,杨开也稍稍安心一些。 Also is five in the future, one group of five talents return to High Heaven Palace, pities to make farewell speech in the Space Law Formation place, several beautiful women flowed many tears, making Yang Kai not feel better at heart. 又是五日后,一行五人才返回凌霄宫,在空间法阵处惜惜作别,几个美人儿流了不少泪水,让杨开心里也不太好受。 Packs off Su Yan and the others, settles Little Senior Sister, Yang Kai last steps Space Law Formation, but has not transmitted Tiger Roar City, but went to South Territory Plain Palace, since the after plot of previous Plain Palace was crushed, Plain Palace has then become High Heaven Palace in South Territory branch, here also placed five ten thousand disciple. 送走苏颜等人,又安顿好小师姐,杨开最后一个踏上空间法阵,不过并没有传送到虎啸城,而是去了南域无华殿,自从上一次无华殿的阴谋被粉碎之后,无华殿便已成了凌霄宫南域分舵,这里也足足安置了五万弟子 Although one group of people requisition West Territory battlefield and Demon Race war, but that after all was only a few, 95% disciple also kept here practice to grow stronger. 虽说有一批人都征调去了西域战场魔族大战,但那毕竟只是少数,90%五的弟子还留在这里修炼变强。 Yang Kai has not alarmed anyone, went to the Plain Palace restricted area directly, on that day outside Astral Wind whereabouts. 杨开没有惊动什么人,径直地去了无华殿的禁地,那天外罡风所在之处。 Previous time comes time he discovered, on that day outside the Astral Wind prestige can measure not, the canyon end place as if also hid what treasure, that unknown treasure had beyond the day Astral Wind, letting the person can tempering flesh body in this canyon. 上次过来的时候他就发现了,那天外罡风威能莫测,峡谷尽头处似乎还隐藏了什么宝贝,正是那未知的宝物产生了天外罡风,让人得以在这峡谷之中淬炼肉身 Since must go to Demon Territory, he also this/should prepares, since oneself branch has the treasure, Yang Kai naturally must attempt to gather, perhaps went to Demon Territory to have anything to help, even was not successful, still no loss. 既然要去魔域,他也该多做准备,自家分舵里既然有宝,杨开当然要尝试收取一下,说不定去了魔域能有什么帮助,就算不成功,也没什么损失。 Enters the canyon, discovers many disciple in canyon frontline location/position greeted on that day outside the Astral Wind baptism, beyond the strength of Astral Wind tempering flesh body with the aid of day, but these disciple cultivation level were not high, naturally can only in most surrounding. 走进峡谷,发现不少弟子都在峡谷最前方的位置迎接那天外罡风的洗礼,借助天外罡风淬炼肉身之力,不过这些弟子修为并不高,自然只能在最外围。 Yang Kai flashes past, and no one discovers his trace. 杨开一闪而过,并无人发现他的踪影。 Toward canyon in thorough, on all around cliff gradually presented one to use to avoid Astral Wind, the pothole of resting and building up strength, the Astral Wind might is also stronger and stronger, Yang Kai fearless, he had Half Dragon body, the body and spirit was tyrannical, how Astral Wind of this degree did not have the means him. 一路往峡谷内部深入,四周峭壁上逐渐出现了一个用以躲避罡风,休养生息的坑洞,罡风的威力也是越来越强,杨开无惧,他有半龙之躯,体魄强横,这点程度的罡风还没办法将他怎么样。 Until burns a joss stick, Astral Wind that front surface strokes makes him give birth to the flesh to send the sore feeling, does not have shadow invisible Astral Wind to seem the sharp blade the same as cut the flesh, Yang Kai has then stimulated to movement Emperor Yuan to protect to behave the body, the step does not have the least bit to reduce speed. 直到一炷香后,那迎面拂来的罡风才让他生出肌肤发疼的感觉,无影无形的罡风就好似利刃一样切过肌肤,杨开这才催动帝元护持己身,步伐却没有半点减慢。 Passes the moment again, protects oneself Emperor Yuan also cut torn to pieces, plays less than the role of least bit protection, omnipresent Astral Wind has cut the body, making his places seep out golden fresh blood, dyed a golden yellow color the clothing. 再过片刻,护身帝元也被切割的支离破碎,起不到半点防护的作用,无所不在的罡风切过身躯,让他身上各处都渗出了金色鲜血,将衣衫染成一片金黄之色。 Yang Kai does not have the meaning that the least bit pauses, still at a moderate pace toward leading the way. 杨开却没有半点停步的意思,依然不紧不慢地朝前行去。 The sound that chī chī scoffs is lingering on faintly, the canyon deep place on as if the forbidden area of life, was better than Thunder Rhinoceros also only to be able initially in slightly outside place practice, does not dare to penetrate are too many, the Yang Kai's body and spirit stronger on many compared with Thunder Rhinoceros, but can arrive at most deep place, in his own heart also lacks self-confidence. 嗤嗤嗤的声音不绝于耳,峡谷深处就仿佛生命的禁区,当初强如犀雷也只能在稍外的地方修炼,不敢深入太多,杨开的体魄比起犀雷要强上许多,但到底能不能走到最深处,他自己心中也没底。 Performs the human affairs, listens to the destiny! 尽人事,听天命而已! Toward , the Astral Wind might is terrifying. 越是往内,罡风的威力就越是恐怖 , On Yang Kai had gradually had the innumerable say/way dense and numerous margins, even his resilience is good, is unable to make these wounds quickly restore, the wound locates the Golden Blood long class/flow, the place of walking past, in the ground are many two golden footprints, the Yang Kai whole person is passed by the own fresh blood pouring. 逐渐地,杨开身上已经多出了无数道密密麻麻的切口,即便他的恢复能力不俗,也无法让这些伤口迅速恢复,伤口处金血长流,走过之地,地面上多出两只金色的脚印,杨开整个人已经被自己鲜血浇透。 That Astral Wind is quite strange, not only cuts on the body, but also as if can also affect the five main internal organs (entrails), in skeleton meridians, and finally, Yang Kai walked every time one step, the whole body bone in creak makes noise, the five main internal organs (entrails) was the ache is harder to endure. 罡风极为诡异,不但切在身上,而且似乎还能作用到五脏六腑,骨骼经脉之中,到了最后,杨开每走一步,浑身骨头都在咯吱咯吱作响,五脏六腑更是疼痛难忍。 Unavoidablily, can only change to Half Dragon body, the situation changes for the better slightly , to continue to advance. 不得已,只能化作半龙之躯,情况稍稍好转,继续推进。 30 zhang (3.33 m) Half Dragon body has the growth slightly, has changed to 32 zhang (3.33 m). It is estimated that with the Su Yan these months of dual cultivation reasons, making the strength of Golden Holy Dragon source have many fusions with. 三十丈的半龙之躯稍有成长,已然化作三十二丈了。估计是跟苏颜这几个月双修的缘故,让金圣龙本源之力与自身有了更多的融合。 Rumbling...... 轰轰轰…… Yang Kai falls step by step, making that canyon tremble continuous. 杨开一步步落下,让那峡谷都在震颤不休。 Also does not know how long, until the Yang Kai feeling soon could not support, suddenly saw that the front tall and slender Void crack presented that this made his look shake. 也不知道走了多久,直到杨开感觉快要支持不住的时候,忽然看到前方一条细长的虚空裂缝呈现,这让他神色一震。 Last time the time of coming nosing, he detected that this Void crack, beyond the endless day Astral Wind welled up from this crack, sways following the canyon outward. At that time he guessed, if in this canyon had what treasure, that hid certainly in this Void crack, was in the canyon the prestige of treasure can be too strong, kept this Void crack forever from closing, had Astral Wind to appear unceasingly. 上次过来查探的时候,他就察觉到了这条虚空裂缝,无尽的天外罡风正是从这裂缝之中涌出来,顺着峡谷朝外吹拂的。当时他就猜测,如果这峡谷内有什么宝物的话,那一定是隐藏在这虚空裂缝之中,正是峡谷内宝物的威能太强,才让这虚空裂缝永远无法弥合,不断地有罡风出现。 Now this crack is close at hand, Yang Kai naturally is at present one bright. 如今这裂缝近在眼前,杨开自然是眼前一亮。 Can ignore own damage, withstand/top the Astral Wind stride to go forward, several steps then arrived at the Void crack front. 顾不得自身的损伤,顶着罡风大步上前,几步便来到了虚空裂缝前方。 ......, Astral Wind cuts together from the crack, just like blade light sword glow, cuts Yang Kai's Half Dragon body directly, Yang Kai has lowered the head to look, sees only in the own waist abdomens a huge margin presents, almost cuts off own around the middle, looked that past immediately even can clearly see the five main internal organs (entrails) of own, but quick Golden Blood gushes out, wound more/complete Gai. 咻……地一声,一道罡风从裂缝中斩出,犹如刀光剑芒,直接斩过杨开的半龙之躯,杨开低头望去,只见自己腰腹间一道巨大的切口呈现,几乎将自己拦腰斩断,看过去的第一时间甚至能清楚地看到自己的五脏六腑,不过很快金血涌出,将伤口弥盖。 Yang Kai looks fierce, sore rending, the treasure that but hidden to that Void in actually anticipated. 杨开一阵龇牙咧嘴,疼的撕心裂肺,但对那虚空中隐藏的宝物却是更加期待了。 own Half Dragon body was almost cut two sections, so the prestige can also probably surpass the imagination of own, if really has the this kind of treasure, really can gather, greatly is definitely helpful to the tour of own this Demon Territory. 自己半龙之躯都差点被斩成两截,如此威能还要超过自己的想象,若真有这样的宝物,真的能够收取的话,对自己这一趟魔域之行绝对大有帮助。 Diverges Half Dragon body unconstrainedly, Space Principle, Yang Kai moved sideways to crash in that Void crack. 散去半龙之躯,空间法则跌宕之下,杨开一闪身就冲进了那虚空裂缝内。 Piece of chaos Nihility, has stirred up trouble his Astral Wind also to vanish in this flash does not see, this lets the feeling of Yang Kai some not too adaptation. 一片混沌虚无,一直滋扰着他的罡风也在这一瞬间消失不见,这让杨开有些不太适应的感觉。 The hand covers the wound of abdomen, Yang Kai about is sizing up in this Void, the attention was captured the past by a thing quickly. 手捂着腹部的伤口,杨开在这虚空之中左右打量,目光很快被一物吸引了过去。 That is long vine, takes root in long vine in chaos! 那是一条长藤,一条扎根在混沌之中的长藤 This makes him somewhat surprised. He passes in and out the Void crack to be innumerable, in this strange place, some are only the endless Void turbulent flow, the Nihility chaos, has never thought this place will present long vine unexpectedly! 这让他不禁有些惊奇。他进出虚空裂缝无数次,在这种诡异的地方,有的只是无尽的虚空乱流,虚无混沌,从未想过这种地方居然会出现一条长藤 But at this moment, that long vine has just like withered, presents color of the grey defeat all over the body, without least bit vitality. 只不过此时此刻,那长藤俨然已经枯萎,通体呈现出一种灰败之色,没有半点生机 But long vine peak location/position, actually grows bottle gourd of palm of the hand size, Small Bottle Gourd is assuming cyan, the surface has the complex pattern, resembles to contain the world main road, is sending out extremely mysterious aura. 长藤的顶端位置,却是长着一只巴掌大小的葫芦,小葫芦青色,表面有复杂的花纹,似蕴藏着天地大道,散发着极为玄妙的气息 Astral Wind multiplies continuously from this bottle gourd, sways outward following nearby crack. 一缕缕罡风从这葫芦中滋生出来,顺着旁边的裂缝朝外吹拂出去。 On that day outside the Astral Wind source unexpectedly was Cyan Bottle Gourd! 那天外罡风的源头竟是一个青葫 Expressing admiration that Yang Kai looks, but soon realized, this Cyan Bottle Gourd absolutely is the world most precious object, perhaps not inferior own Mild Soul Lotus. 杨开瞧的啧啧称奇,但很快意识到,这个青葫绝对是天地至宝,恐怕丝毫不逊色自己温神莲 Picked the treasure! 捡到宝了! The Yang Kai great happiness, stimulates to movement Emperor Yuan, finds out toward that Cyan Bottle Gourd cautiously, holds. 杨开大喜,催动帝元,小心翼翼地朝那青葫探出,一把抓住。 Not as he expected, oneself had not been harmed by the least bit unexpectedly, before that did not have the least bit to threaten Astral Wind that he cut off around the middle sufficiently here probably, making him grasp Cyan Bottle Gourd easily in the hand. 出乎他的意料,自身竟是没有受到半点伤害,之前那足以将他拦腰斩断的罡风在这里好像没有半点威胁,让他轻而易举地就将青葫握在手上。 Picks again gently, then selected from long vine Cyan Bottle Gourd. 再轻轻一摘,便将青葫长藤上摘取了下来。 Also not Cyan Bottle Gourd that waits for Yang Kai to size up to start carefully, that should lose plant does not know that many ten thousand years of long vine whiz shrank unexpectedly, goes into the endless Nihility chaos all of a sudden, without a trace of disappearance! 还不等杨开仔细打量入手的青葫,那本应早已枯死不知多少万年的长藤竟嗖地一声缩了回去,一下子扎进无尽的虚无混沌内,消失的无影无踪! Yang Kai gawked, pats the thigh annoyingly. 杨开愣了一下,懊恼地一拍大腿。 Knows this long vine so strange words early, first gathered long vine to be good, can have Cyan Bottle Gourd this grade of treasure, long vine obviously was also extremely uncommon, if can transplant to his Mysterious Small Boundary, could not do well can also tie bottle gourd to come out again. 早知这长藤如此诡异的话,先收取长藤好了,能结出青葫这等宝物,长藤显然也是极为不凡,若是能移植到他的小玄界中,搞不好还能再结一个葫芦出来。 But this thought has transferred, Yang Kai also denied quickly. Only because of this Bing world destiny the thing of living, is only between world, will never possibly present second. Words that such a thinks, actually the balance are at heart many. 但这个念头转过,杨开又很快否定了。只因这种秉天地气运而生之物,乃是天地间的唯一,永远不可能出现第二个。这么一想的话,心里倒是平衡不少。 The people are valued in being content, today can result in Cyan Bottle Gourd is also a big chance, quested for Sichuan after conquering Gansu is somewhat insatiably greedy. 人贵在知足,今日能得青葫也算是一桩大机缘,得陇望蜀就有些贪得无厌了。 Tidied up a mood, Yang Kai was holding appreciatively Cyan Bottle Gourd on hand carefully. 收拾了一下心情,杨开仔细把玩着手上的青葫 Picks after long vine, the pattern in this Cyan Bottle Gourd surface then hidden does not see, that mysterious aura does not exist, seemed turned into extremely ordinary bottle gourd. 长藤上摘下来之后,这青葫表面上的花纹便隐去不见,那种玄妙的气息也不复存在,好似变成了一个极为普通的葫芦 But under the Yang Kai Spiritual Mind sensation, is actually not able the nosing clear bottle gourd internal situation, to know immediately this so-called ordinary is the representation, wants to play this Cyan Bottle Gourd might, perhaps must refine one carefully becomes. 杨开神念感知之下,却无法查探清葫芦内部的情况,当即知道这所谓的普通不过是表象而已,想要发挥出这青葫的威力,恐怕还得仔细炼化一番才成。 Receives Cyan Bottle Gourd, Yang Kai jumps to leap, then had/left this Void crack. 青葫收起,杨开纵身一跃,便出了这虚空裂缝。 In the canyon beyond the day the Astral Wind source was given to receive by him, Plain Palace branch this canyon naturally also lost the tempering flesh body effect, even that Void crack is also closing up under the world principle of Star Boundary rapidly, vanishes does not see. 峡谷内天外罡风的源头都被他给收了,无华殿分舵这条峡谷自然也就失去了淬炼肉身的功效,甚至连带着那虚空裂缝也在星界的天地法则下迅速合拢,消失不见。 So approach, no doubt some losses to High Heaven Palace disciples, but Yang Kai cannot control now so many, at the worst waits for him to come back from Demon Territory, puts again Cyan Bottle Gourd is, when the time comes this canyon can still reappear the past use. 如此做法,固然对凌霄宫弟子们来说有些损失,但杨开如今也管不了那么多了,大不了等他从魔域回来,再将青葫放回去便是,到时候这峡谷依然可以重现往日的用途。
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