MP :: Volume #34

#3328: Boasted the atmosphere

Colorful Yanggao photo, clear blue sky. 艳阳高照,碧空如洗 red light cuts the horizon together, disappears, then some people discovered occasionally, is unable to see clearly that red light concrete appearance/portrait. 一道红光划破天际,转瞬即逝,便是有人偶尔发现,也无法看清那红光的具体真容。 The Winged Tiger speed can describe with a few words. 穷奇的速度可以用一句话来形容。 Quickly, quick, very quickly! 快,很快,非常快! Worthily is established Holy Spirit, ranks in Holy Spirit extremely high, although was inferior that revering of Dragon and Phoenix, but in Holy Spirit, the Winged Tiger two characters is also a resounding signboard. 不愧是老牌圣灵,在圣灵中排名极高,虽说不如龙凤之尊,但在圣灵之中,穷奇二字也是一尊响当当的招牌。 What is rare is the back of Winged Tiger is quite spacious, Yang Kai and Mo Xiaoqi two people opposition sits obviously is not crowded, Winged Tiger conducted the back by Mo Xiaoqi is spread the 1-layer thick beast fur rug, sat talks of this and that above and Yang Kai, simply happy serious. 难得的是穷奇的背部极为宽敞,杨开莫小七两人对立而坐也不显拥挤,穷奇背上被莫小七铺了一层厚实的兽皮毯,坐在上面与杨开谈天说地,简直开心的不得了。 Meets with Mo Xiaoqi previous time, is in Star Fragments Sea, that Mo Xiaoqi was enraged, on the face the seal of butterfly mark unties, nearly the violent walks, Zhang Ruoxi acts to suppress. 上一次与莫小七见面,还是在碎星海中,那次莫小七被人激怒,脸上蝴蝶印记的封印解开,险些暴走,还是张若惜出面镇压。 Until now, already passing many years. 时至今日,已经过去不少年头了。 But the years are ephemerus, the friendship exists forever, Mo Xiaoqi from being born now, most time lives on Spirit Beast Island, first time leaves home quietly, then bumped into Yang Kai in South Territory, the nature regarded as important to this only friend extremely. 但岁月易逝,友情长存,莫小七自出生到现在,大多数时间都生活在灵兽岛上,头一次悄悄离家出走,便在南域碰到了杨开,自然对这个唯一的朋友极为看重。 It spoke the truth, Yang Kai now is a little very strange, how past Mo Xiaoqi is ran up to South Territory to go from East Territory, at that time her the strength was not high, between two territories cross-domain trillion li (0.5 km) from, was unescorted, how she passed through such long distance calmly and steadily. 其实说起来,杨开现在很有点奇怪,当年的莫小七到底是如何从东域跑到南域去的,那个时候她的实力也不高,两域之间跨域亿万里距离,无人护送,她如何安稳走过这么长的距离。 Now wants to come, perhaps is Li Wuyi and Jiu Feng has been protecting in secret, only then this small girl thinks that own leaves home successfully, but also is pleased with oneself. 现在想来,恐怕是李无衣九凤一直在暗中保护,只有这小丫头以为自己离家出走成功,还沾沾自喜呢。 Mo Xiaoqi life experience is deficient, Yang Kai is actually widely traveled experienced, spoke freely that is the topic is naturally unceasing, but was Yang Kai was saying most of the time, Mo Xiaoqi both hands held the cheeks calmly to listen respectfully, an appearance with great interest. 莫小七生活阅历匮乏,杨开却是走南闯北见多识广,畅谈起来自然是话题不断,不过大多数时候都是杨开在说,莫小七双手捧着脸颊静静聆听,一副津津有味的样子。 Mentioned in that old swindler who in Maplewoods City bumped into, two people also the heart had the tacit understanding of laugh in the past. 说起当年在枫林城中碰到的那个老骗子,两人又心有默契地大笑起来。 In the past two people may really have eyes but fail to see, the solemn Hongchen Great Emperor incarnation myriad game worlds, were regarded the swindler by them unexpectedly, even also quite bore a grudge. 当年两人可真是有眼无珠,堂堂红尘大帝化身万千游戏人间,竟被他们当成了骗子,甚至还颇为记恨。 However with passing of time, Yang Kai clearly detected that the Mo Xiaoqi mood had some changes, becomes anxious, anticipates and paces back and forth, this phenomenon is away from Dragon Island to be nearer is obvious. 不过随着时间的流逝,杨开分明察觉到莫小七的情绪有了些变化,变得紧张,期待和彷徨起来,这种现象距离龙岛越近越是明显。 Obviously, in her heart is also extremely disturbed, this time goes to Dragon Island to see the own mother, she does not know that what stance should with come facing that lived her actually not to see the woman. 显然,她心中也是极为忐忑,这一次龙岛可是要见自己的娘亲的,她也不知道该用什么样的姿态来面对那个生了她却一直没有见过的女人。 And finally, small girl has become extremely silent, even if Yang Kai seeks some interesting topics to provoke her intentionally , can only trade the extremely reluctant smile. 到了最后,小丫头已经变得极为沉默,纵然杨开故意寻一些有意思的话题来撩拨她,也只能换来极为勉强的微笑。 Yang Kai also has no good way, can only let her own adjustment mood. 杨开对此也没什么好办法,只能让她自己调整心情。 Winged Tiger naturally recognizes the road of Dragon Island, therefore this Yang Kai does not need to use Dragon Island Token to confirm the position again. 穷奇自然是认得龙岛之路的,所以这一趟杨开根本不需要再使用龙岛令确认方位。 After lazy several days, ocean waves sea above, Winged Tiger fell on an island. 悠忽几日之后,碧波大海之上,穷奇在一个小岛上落了下来。 This is away from the Dragon Island recent island?” Yang Kai turned the head to look at all around, spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “这便是距离龙岛最近的海岛了?”杨开转头看了看四周,随口问道。 Winged Tiger buzz sound said: Returns to Young Master, in the surrounding area thousand li (500 km) has not compared this island near.” 穷奇嗡声道:“回少主,方圆千里之内没有比这个小岛更近的了。” He does not know why Yang Kai must look for such an island, since Yang Kai had the instruction, he acts accordingly and that's the end. 他也不知道杨开为什么要找这样一个小岛,不过既然杨开有了吩咐,他照办就是了。 Un, that here.” Yang Kai nods, conducts the back to jump down from Winged Tiger with Mo Xiaoqi, Spiritual Mind sweeps, then sought a right place. “嗯,那就这里吧。”杨开点点头,与莫小七穷奇背上跳了下来,神念一扫,便寻了一个合适的地方。 Big Brother Yang, do you come to here to do?” Mo Xiaoqi sizes up all around curiously, the this kind of island is countless in sea above, has no special place, will not breed what talent treasure, Yang Kai makes Winged Tiger first seek for a this kind of place. 杨大哥,你来这里干什么?”莫小七好奇地打量四周,这样的小岛在大海之上数之不尽,也没有什么特别的地方,更不会孕育什么天才地宝,杨开却让穷奇先寻找一个这样的地方。 Arranges Space Law Formation.” Yang Kai explained one. “布置一个空间法阵。”杨开解释了一句。 Dragon Island is like the Mysterious Boundary Bead situation, becomes a stretch of the world, has the world principle of own, therefore Yang Kai the Space Law Formation arrangement in Dragon Island, is unable to make it coordinate with each other across a great distance with other Space Law Formation even, because the Dragon Island world isolated the relation between formation. 龙岛玄界珠的情况一样,自成一片天地,有自己的天地法则,所以杨开就算将空间法阵布置在龙岛内,也无法让之与其他的空间法阵遥相呼应,因为龙岛的天地隔绝了法阵之间的联系。 Yang Kai was supposing own will probably have in the future must do with Dragon Island, this each other distance is too far, the communication is not convenient, leaves a Space Law Formation message in this place, in the future will communicate is simpler. 杨开估摸着自己日后少不得要与龙岛打交道,这彼此距离太远,来往也不方便,在此地留一个空间法阵的话,日后来往就简单多了。 Although must march on some groups, but always compared with flies to be better from Wild Ancient Land. 虽然还是要赶一些路,但总比从蛮荒古地一路飞过来要好。 Mo Xiaoqi, although does not understand the Yang Kai's intention, but had not asked that but follows cleverly in his behind. 莫小七哦了一声,虽然不明白杨开的用意,但也没有多问,只是乖巧地跟在他身后 not much time, two people then arrived in a limestone cave, this limestone cave should be inborn, in the island close to the side of sea somewhere, extends to the interior of island. 不多时,两人便来到了一个溶洞之中,这个溶洞应该是天生的,就在小岛靠近大海的侧面某处,一路延伸到小岛的内部。 The interior is dry, is actually natural refuge. 内部干燥,却是个天然的避风港 Yang Kai bustles about immediately, Mo Xiaoqi also helps in the one side , helping is but actually busy, Yang Kai does not have to accuse her, but gave encouraged much, made her mood restore finally much. 杨开当即忙碌起来,莫小七也在一旁帮忙,不过帮的都是倒忙,杨开也没去指责她,而是给了不少鼓励,总算让她的心情恢复不少。 Most probably in the future, brand-new Space Law Formation then has arranged appropriately, Yang Kai inspects, determines not to have the issue, this brings Mo Xiaoqi to walk from the limestone cave. 大半日后,一座崭新的空间法阵便已布置妥当,杨开检查一番,确定没有问题,这才带着莫小七从溶洞中走出来。 Sits to Winged Tiger conducts the back, has not thought that this old goods inspired the both wings, then asked: „Does Young Master, go to Dragon Island seriously?” 重新坐到穷奇背上,不曾想这老货振了振双翅,回头问道:“少主,当真去龙岛啊?” Yang Kai said with a smile: What's wrong, did you fear?” 杨开笑道:“怎么,你怕?” Winged Tiger grins saying: Feared that did not fear actually, is only Dragon Island that damned place...... extremely antiforeign, Young Master went to probably be careful that was.” 穷奇龇牙道:“怕倒是不怕,只是龙岛那鬼地方……太过排外,少主去了可要小心才是。” What he is actually curious, Yang Kai and Dragon Clan are anything relate, before saw Yang Kai to melt 30 zhang (3.33 m) Dragon Body, apparent he carried the Dragon Clan bloodlines, but Dragon Clan loathed about bloodlines impure existence extremely, this dislike repelled other races also to compared with them plan. 他其实好奇的是,杨开龙族到底是什么关系,之前见杨开能化出三十丈龙躯,便知他身负了龙族血脉,但龙族对血脉不纯的存在可是极为厌恶的,这种厌恶比他们排斥其他种族还要更甚一筹。 If Yang Kai really has Half Dragon Bloodline, best to avoid Dragon Clan forever, how can also think rushes toward Dragon Island , isn't this walks into a trap? 杨开若真的有半龙血脉,最好是永远避开龙族,怎么还会想着往龙岛里闯呢,这不是自投罗网吗? Winged Tiger wants to remind Yang Kai, in Dragon Island has Half Dragon City, there has carries existence of Half Dragon Bloodline, is seemingly powerful, was actually put under house arrest in Dragon Island, when has the need to Dragon Clan time, will then take away the Dragon Island bloodletting, cultivates that Dragon Blood Flower. 穷奇很想提醒杨开,龙岛里有一个半龙城,那里有许多身负半龙血脉的存在,看似强大,其实都被软禁在龙岛中,待到龙族有需要的时候,便会带去龙岛放血,培育那龙血花 Yang Kai this goes, perhaps will also downcast in Half Dragon City, was taken away the bloodletting. 杨开此去,说不定也会陷落在半龙城内,然后被带去放血。 By Half Dragon Bloodline, melts 30 zhang (3.33 m) Dragon Body, this is can put many blood...... 半龙血脉,化出三十丈龙躯,这可是能放不少血的…… Although he unhappy Yang Kai with him, when the mount directs, but if Yang Kai really downcasts in Dragon Island loses the freedom, that side Spirit Beast Island must certainly capture him, is own considered, he must remind Yang Kai. 他虽然不喜杨开拿他当坐骑使唤,但如果杨开真的陷落在龙岛内失去自由的话,灵兽岛那边肯定又要来追捕他,为自己考虑,他必须得提醒一下杨开 Yang Kai cracks into a smile: They are antiforeign cannot expel this Young Master, annoyed this Young Master to punch their each and everyone.” 杨开咧嘴一笑:“他们再排外也赶不走本少主,惹毛了本少主将他们一个个都揍一顿。” Winged Tiger hear of being able to bear of show the whites of the eyes, thought Young Master that this recognizes newly will also really boast the atmosphere, although you are truly talented, even Cang Mo such fellow can also fight, but where is Dragon Island? 穷奇听的忍不住翻了个白眼,心想这新认的少主还真会胡吹大气啊,虽说你确实实力不俗,连仓末那样的家伙也能交手,但龙岛是什么地方? But there the Dragon Clan gathering place, several 20 institutes of big dragon perching, were Old Man go also to clamp a tail slightly, otherwise must be punched by the violent, then lost Dragon Island. 那里可是龙族的聚集之地,十几二十只巨龙栖息之所,便是老夫去了也得稍微夹着点尾巴,否则肯定要被暴揍一顿,然后丢出龙岛 Especially Zhu Yan and Zhu Yan liangs strip old dragon, if really acts full power, is Great Emperor cannot do to them for a short time, own definitely is not an opponent, depends on your this kind of also to punch them? Cracks a joke, Old Man lived so many years, first time hears such fresh refined boast. 尤其是祝炎条老龙,真要是全力出手的话,便是大帝一时半会也奈何不了他们,自己肯定不是对手的,就凭你这样的也想揍他们?开什么玩笑呢,老夫活了这么多年,头一次听到这么清新脱俗的大话。 What's wrong? Don't you believe?” Yang Kai is detected that the Winged Tiger thoughts, bent down to ask. “怎么?你不信?”杨开似是察觉到了穷奇的心思,俯身问道。 Winged Tiger said: Letter/believes, how does not believe that Young Master divine ability is unparalleled, what trivial was Dragon Clan considered as?” 穷奇道:“信,怎么不信,少主神通盖世,区区龙族算得了什么?” You do not believe evidently.” Yang Kai laughs at one, eyeball diversion: These Dragon Clan that if I can tidy up are docile, how do you treat?” “看样子你是不信的。”杨开嗤笑一声,眼珠子一转道:“若我能收拾的那些龙族服服帖帖的,你待如何?” The Winged Tiger eyeball stares: Young Master, if really can achieve this matter, Old Man then recognizes you to work as this Young Master sincerely, in the future Young Master will but have the verbal command, Old Man don't dares not, since.” 穷奇眼珠子一瞪:“少主若真能做到此事,老夫便真心认你当这个少主,日后少主但有号令,老夫莫敢不从。” Shouted......” Yang Kai cynical one: Listens to your words the meaning, now is not the sincerity recognizes me to work as this Young Master?” “吆……”杨开阴阳怪气一声:“听你话的意思,现在不是真心认我当这个少主的咯?” Winged Tiger assumes an air of self approbation saying: Situation compels, cannotting help doing that Young Master is a sensible person, why to expose the words?” 穷奇摇头晃脑道:“形势所逼,情非得已,少主是个明白人,何必把话点破?” Yang Kai nods: Is honest, if you are really obedient to me, I must suspect that but actually you had other what goal.” 杨开点点头:“还算老实,你若真的对我百依百顺,我倒要怀疑你是不是有什么别的目的了。” hey hey, Young Master no wonder, Old Man does not have the means that but you, if really can make these Dragon Clan docile, has the qualifications, when Old Man master, with you, does not calculate that brings disgrace on Old Man.” Winged Tiger then said: If Young Master cannot achieve, Old Man only has a request.” 嘿嘿,少主莫怪,老夫也是没有办法,不过你若是真能让那些龙族都服服帖帖的,自有资格当老夫的主人,跟了你,也不算辱没老夫。”穷奇顿了顿接着道:“不过若是少主做不到的话,老夫只有一个要求。” Said!” “讲!” Winged Tiger ridicules saying: In the future do not work as the mount with Old Man, although Old Man has worked as the mount to the years, but Old Man now age also one big, must worry a face.” 穷奇讪笑道:“日后别拿老夫当坐骑了,虽说老夫给岁月当过坐骑,但老夫如今年纪也一大把了,总得顾虑点面子。” But!” Yang Kai nods. “可!”杨开颔首。 The Winged Tiger look inspires, is overjoyed, the young fellow blows the tone compared with hugely, this time you feared that was loses. Although he does not repel to follow side Yang Kai, but to Yang Kai him, when the mount incident is not a little glad. 穷奇神色一振,大喜过望,毛头小子吹口气比天大,这次你怕是输定了。他虽然不排斥跟随在杨开身边,但对杨开将他当坐骑一事还是有点不乐意的。 Passing of Time Great Emperor is Passing of Time Great Emperor, your no doubt practice Time Flies Seal, understood Time Principle, reluctantly is the successor of years, but how can place on a par with the years, even with years line of same matters? 岁月大帝岁月大帝,你固然修炼岁月如梭印,懂了一点时间法则,勉强算是岁月的传人,但又如何能与岁月相提并论,甚至与岁月行相同之事? Young Master, Dragon Island below, two sat firmly.” Winged Tiger drinks one suddenly lowly, a huge figure dive, falls toward the under sea. 少主,龙岛就在下面,两位坐稳了。”穷奇忽然低喝一声,巨大的身形一个俯冲,直朝下方大海落去。 The figure has not arrived, the sea water has separated automatically, reveals a circular channel that goes nonstop to the seabed. 身形未到,海水已经自动分开,露出一条直通海底的圆形通道。 Speeds past, is the water drop does not moisten the body unexpectedly. 一路疾驰而过,竟是滴水不沾身。 The seabed deep place presents huge Void Tunnel, connects the unknown place. 恍惚间,海底深处出现一个巨大的虚空甬道,连通未知之地。 Yang Kai has experienced a this kind of scene, naturally knows that Void Tunnel connection is Dragon Island is, if not for the previous time with the aid of the Dragon Island Token localization, only feared that he cannot think of the Dragon Island entrance unexpectedly under the sea. 杨开经历过一次这样的场景,自然知道那虚空甬道连通的便是龙岛所在,上次若不是借助龙岛令定位,只怕他也想不到龙岛的入口竟在海下。 Winged Tiger the first time is not came Dragon Island obviously, throws into that Void Tunnel without hesitation, instant time, all around sea water vanishes does not see, displacing piece of chaos Nihility. 穷奇显然也不是第一次来龙岛,毫不犹豫地一头扎进那虚空甬道中,霎时间,四周的海水消失不见,取而代之的一片混沌虚无 As if all solidifies including all around space time. 似乎连四周的空间时间全都凝固。 Un?” Winged Tiger suddenly startled well, because in this Void Tunnel gave him unexpectedly a murderous intention four volts feeling, comes in previous time exactly this, moreover looking into the distance, could not find the exit|to speak unexpectedly. “嗯?”穷奇忽然惊咦一声,因为这虚空甬道内竟给了他一种杀机四伏的感觉,上一次进来的时候可不是这样,而且放眼望去,竟是找不到出口了。 In a flash, is nervous, if this becomes lost in Void, that may end.( Not 一瞬间,神色紧张起来,这要是在虚空中迷路,那可就完了。(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~ ^ ~) ~^~)
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