MP :: Volume #16

#1522: Shocks again and again

In the hall, the Yang Kai expression is calm, Yang Xiuzhu and other people of looks rouse! 大厅内,杨开表情从容,杨修竹等三人神色振奋! Tens of thousands years ago, Supreme Profound Sect loses the lineage/vein to have no other choice but to transfer out Flowing Flame Sand Field, each generation of were vainly hoping for has toward said can return to Ancestral Land, but that Flowing Flame Sand Field natural screen makes them be awed at the sight, helpless . 自几万年前,太玄宗遗脉不得已迁出流炎沙地,每一代的人都梦想着有朝一曰能够重返祖地,可是那流炎沙地的天然屏障却让他们望而生畏,无能为力。. Now, Yang Kai's this proposition flexure to Yang Xiuzhu and the others itchy places. 如今,杨开的这个提议正是挠到了杨修竹等人的痒处。 Trades person who makes other influences, perhaps cannot be interested to the this kind of proposition, ancestry's base industry is an ancestry, tens of thousands years of time passed, Sect develops good, even the name changed, why to return to Ancestral Land again? 换做其他势力的人,或许对这样的提议不会太感兴趣,祖辈的基业是祖辈的,几万年时间过去了,宗门发展良好,连名字都更改了,何必再返回祖地 But to the person in Star Emperor Mountain, the situation somewhat is different. 但对星帝山中的人来说,情况却有些不同。 Because of their ideas, because of their beliefs, all takes Great Emperor as to revere! 因为他们的理念,因为他们的信仰,皆是以大帝为尊! Supreme Profound Sect, that is Sect that Great Emperor supported in the past, is Great Emperor had treated in the past place, Star Emperor Mountain and Supreme Profound Sect that afterward founded simply may not compare the surname. 太玄宗,那可是大帝当年一手扶持起来的宗门,是大帝当年待过的地方,后来创建的星帝山太玄宗根本没有可比姓。 That piece of Ancestral Land, representative, not only respect to ancestry, to paying homage to of Great Emperor. 那片祖地,代表的不但是对祖辈们的尊敬,还有对大帝的膜拜。 No Star Emperor Mountain martial artist does not want to return to Ancestral Land, looks at reverently the Great Emperor former residence! 没有哪个星帝山武者不想重返祖地,去瞻仰大帝故居! Yang Kai's proposed that center under Yang Xiuzhu and the others bosom, can say, this kind of proposed is more attractive than the first article. 杨开的提议正中杨修竹等人下怀,可以说,这样的提议比第一条还具有吸引力。 Article 1 only aims at their three people, but this actually aimed at everyone. 第一条只针对他们三人而已,可这一条却是针对了所有人。 Three people look at each other one, saw each other eye color of intent moving. 三人对视一眼,都看出了彼此眼中的意动之色。 Em, now the leaf senior is also my High Heaven Sect Great Elder, is not only Supreme Profound Sect loses the lineage/vein, then enters there, living is absolutely does not have the issue there.” Yang Kai strikes while the iron is hot. “恩,如今叶前辈也是我凌霄宗大长老,诸位既是太玄宗遗脉,那么进入那里,居住在那里是完全没问题的。”杨开趁热打铁。 You did not fear that the guest restrains by force the lord, lets a wolf into the fold?” The Yang Xiuzhu vision is looking at Yang Kai brightly, asked incisively. “你就不怕客强压主,引狼入室?”杨修竹目光熠熠地望着杨开,尖锐问道。 Senior chatted, not to mention had Great Elder there, you will not do that only the moral behavior of several seniors, boy also letter/believes. You are not the people of chase fame and fortune, I have nothing to be worried.” “前辈说笑,且不说有大长老在那里,你们不会这么做,单是几位前辈的人品,小子也信的过。你们都不是追逐名利之人,我没什么好担心的。” Boy is refreshed enough!” Yang Xiuzhu drinks one lowly, good, Old Man and the others accepted your condition , helping you accomplish! However we reach an agreement beforehand, if my Star Emperor Mountain same side really goes to Ancestral Land, but also asked Sect Master Yang to divide a region to come out alone, and others occupied the activity for me. We will not join High Heaven Sect, this point also ask Sect Master Yang to understand.” “小子够爽快!”杨修竹低喝一声,“好,老夫等人答应你的条件,就助你成事!不过咱们事先说好,若是我星帝山同门真的前往祖地,还请杨宗主单独划分一块区域出来,供我等居住活动。我们并不会加入凌霄宗,这一点还请杨宗主明白。” Doesn't join?” The Yang Kai corners of the mouth pull out, criticize the old fogy to annihilate the ghost, he wins over vigorously, took to say the matter others Ancestral Land, hit to merge the idea of High Heaven Sect the Star Emperor Mountain many powerhouses, actually does not want to be seen through by opposite party one eyes, moreover ahead of time said the request. “不加入么?”杨开嘴角一抽,暗骂老家伙歼似鬼,他这么极力拉拢,把人家祖地拿出来说事,就是打着将星帝山众多强者合并进凌霄宗的主意,却不想被对方一眼就看穿了,而且还提前说了要求。 This makes him very not happy. 这让他心里很是不痛快。 A mountain does not accommodate two tigers, Yang Kai, although was not worried that they are really disadvantageous to High Heaven Sect, but in Star Emperor Mountain so many Void Return Stage powerhouses cannot receive for oneself use, is not Yang Kai desired. 一山不容二虎,杨开虽不担心他们真对凌霄宗不利,但星帝山内那么多返虚镜强者不能收为己用,也不是杨开希望看到的。 If really such, were difficult to guarantee time long not to have anything to rub and contradiction. 若真那样的话,难保时间久了彼此间不会发生什么摩擦和矛盾。 Read hence, Yang Kai showed the look that and regretted: Good, senior, since said that truth that the boy has not naturally consented, but...... was a pity!” 一念至此,杨开露出及其惋惜的神色:“好吧,前辈既然这么说,小子自然没有不应允的道理,只是……可惜了啊!” Pitifully what?” Yang Xiuzhu knew perfectly well that Yang Kai is possibly playing the trick that anything releases in order to catch, but was slung the appetite, a face doubt is looking at him. “可惜什么?”杨修竹明知杨开可能在玩什么欲擒故纵的把戏,可还是被吊起了胃口,一脸狐疑地望着他。 No.” Yang Kai laughed, I think, if you can join High Heaven Sect, when false at said, not necessarily does not have the opportunity to see big Emperor Senior accommodates, but if sets aside a region alone to you, this......” “没什么。”杨开呵呵一笑,“我只是想,若是你们能加入凌霄宗的话,假以时曰,未必就没有机会见到大帝尊容,但如果只是单独划分出一块区域给你们的话,这就……” What?” Yang Xiuzhu changes countenance terrified, Lin Yurao and Chu Hanyi also pupil reveal none. “什么?”杨修竹悚然动容,林玉娆楚寒衣也眸露精光。 Sect Master Yang, is your saying what meaning?” The Lin Yurao tender body leans. 杨宗主,你这话是何意?”林玉娆娇躯微倾。 „Hasn't Great Elder told you?” Yang Kai turns head to look to Ye Xiyun, mysterious. 大长老没跟你们说过么?”杨开扭头望向叶惜筠,故弄玄虚。 Ye Xiyun shakes the head slowly, understands the Yang Kai's plan, pours has not gone to remove his stage, but smiles saying: Is important, this Palace Master does not dare to say.” 叶惜筠缓缓摇头,明白杨开的打算,倒也没去拆他的台,只是莞尔一笑道:“事关重大,本宫没敢说。” Em, yes, this matter truly cannot say casually, the known person naturally the fewer the better.” Yang Kai nods slightly. “恩,也是,这种事确实不能随便说,知道的人自然越少越好。”杨开微微颔首。 Sect Master Yang, what meaning you a moment ago were that words......?” The Yang Xiuzhu anxious inquiry, a face anxious color, how listens to your words the meaning, seems like says Great Emperor now...... then in High Heaven Sect?” 杨宗主,你刚才那话……到底是什么意思?”杨修竹急切询问,一脸焦急之色,“怎么听你话中之意,似乎是说大帝如今……便在凌霄宗中?” This saying said that even his own has a scare, hurries to shake the head, an incredible appearance. 这话说出来,连他自己都吓了一跳,赶紧摇头,一副不可置信的模样。 Senior said right, Great Emperor now truly in High Heaven Sect!” Yang Kai grins the smile. “前辈说的没错,大帝如今确实就在凌霄宗中!”杨开咧嘴微笑。 How possibly?” Yang Xiuzhu and the others set out suddenly, the body shivers, said white/in vain damn expression. “怎么可能?”杨修竹等人豁然起身,身躯颤抖起来,一副白曰见鬼的表情。 Boy does not need to deceive three, words that does not believe that you can ask Great Elder.” Yang Kai hints to say. “小子没必要欺骗三位,不信的话,你们可以问问大长老。”杨开示意道。 Three people look at Ye Xiyun, the latter nods gently. 三人将目光投向叶惜筠,后者轻轻点头。 Yang Xiuzhu dumbfounded, shock of this news, just like a ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) sledgehammer, hammers ruthlessly on his forehead, lets his dizziness vertigo, for a very long time is unable to get back one's composure. 杨修竹呆住了,这个消息之震撼,犹如一柄万斤大锤,狠狠地锤在他的脑门上,让他一阵头晕眼花,久久无法回神。 Great Emperor has the powerful characters in all sorts of legends after all, although Yang Xiuzhu and the others have also believed that Great Emperor is also living, just in somewhere place of deep sleep secret, but this after all is only a faith. 大帝毕竟是存在于种种传说中的强大人物,虽然杨修竹等人也一直坚信大帝还活着,只不过在某处隐秘之地沉睡罢了,但这毕竟只是一种信念。 When the faith becomes the reality, even believing in firmly, still has the suspicion again time, that is one type, for fear that the hope of own turns into disappointed being swayed by personal gains and losses. 当信念变成现实的时候,即便再深信不疑者,也有怀疑的时候,那是一种唯恐自己的希望变成失望的患得患失。 Can have the certificate?” Lin Yurao drinks tenderly, what certificate can prove this matter? Even if there is Great Elder to be a guarantor, we cannot easily believe that but also asked Sect Master Yang to put out the certificate.” “可有凭证?”林玉娆娇喝起来,“可有什么凭证证明此事?即便有大长老作保,我们也不敢轻易相信,还请杨宗主拿出凭证来。” Yang Xiuzhu and Chu Hanyi have also gotten back one's composure, nods in one side. 杨修竹楚寒衣也回过神,在一旁直点头。 What certificate do you want?” Yang Kai laughs in spite of trying not. “你们要什么凭证?”杨开失笑起来。 What to be casual, so long as can prove this matter, why not if is really so...... Old Man and the others complied to join High Heaven Sect?” The Yang Xiuzhu look explodes fiercely drinks, Yang Kai does not put out the certificate then not with the appearance that he gives up. “随便什么都可以,只要能证明此事,若真是如此……老夫等人答应加入凌霄宗又有何不可?”杨修竹神色狰狞地爆喝,一副杨开不拿出凭证便不与他善罢甘休的模样。 Greatly ** in High Heaven Sect, they joins could it be that to be suffering? 大**在凌霄宗,他们加入难道还算委屈? If so, let alone Yang Kai does not win over them, then begs help from all quarters, they must join! 若真是如此,别说杨开不拉拢他们,便是求爷爷告奶奶,他们也要加入! Not to mention do I have the certificate, even has, I take, can you recognize?” Yang Kai despises smiles. “且不说我到底有没有凭证,就算有,我拿出来,你们又能认得?”杨开鄙夷一笑。 Can recognize, Old Man and the others had the judgment, but if Sect Master Yang talks irresponsibly, Old Man must unable to forgive!” “能不能认得,老夫等人自有判断,但若是杨宗主只是信口雌黄,老夫必不能饶恕!” Yang Kai expression one dull, his also didn't expect matter develops this, this short time, asking him to put out the certificate, he somewhat was also helpless. 杨开表情一呆,他也没想到事情发展成这样,这一时半会的,叫他拿出凭证来,他也有些无能为力了。 , In his mind the miraculous glow flashes long-drawn-out, laughs: In view of this, that may favor.” 悠地,他脑海中灵光一闪,大笑一声:“既如此,那诸位可看好了。” The voice falls, the palm place presents a thing suddenly, holds up high. 话音落,手心处忽然出现一个东西,高高举起。 The strength of Emperor Prestige, comes unconstrainedly. 帝威之力,跌宕开来。 People expression simultaneous changes, focuses attention on to look. 众人表情齐齐一变,瞩目望去。 After the moment, Yang Xiuzhu loses one's voice to call out in alarm: Star Emperor Token! Unexpectedly is Star Emperor Token!” 片刻后,杨修竹失声惊呼:“星帝令!竟是星帝令!” Star Emperor Token he has to see, before Star Emperor Mountain, then two Star Emperor Token, as the Great Emperor symbol, by Foreign Elder/consecrates in the ice peak, were accepted Star Emperor Mountain various people to pay homage to together certainly. 星帝令他不是没见过,星帝山以前便有两块星帝令,一块做为大帝象征,被供奉在凌绝峰上,接受星帝山诸人膜拜。 But another as the Star Emperor Mountain helmsman's status symbol, is Sect Master has. 而另一块则作为星帝山掌舵人的身份象征,为门主所持有。 But now, Star Emperor Mountain only had one, under that second carried off by Ye Xiyun in the past, goes through many places, fell into the Yang Kai hand. 可是如今,星帝山只剩下一块了,那第二块被叶惜筠当年带走,辗转之下,也落入了杨开手中。 Yang Xiuzhu goes to Ling Juefeng to pay homage to repeatedly Great Emperor, naturally cannot be strange to Star Emperor Token. 杨修竹多次前往凌绝峰膜拜大帝,对星帝令自然不会陌生。 But he has seen Star Emperor Token, has released the prestige to be able existence. 可他见过的星帝令,都是已经释放威能的存在。 But on Yang Kai this, is perfect, in other words, the internal also seal Great Emperor one divine ability, that is in the legend easily kills divine ability of Void King Stage powerhouse sufficiently! 杨开手上这一块,却是完好无损的,也就是说,内部还封印着大帝的一种神通,那是传说中足以轻易击毙虚王境强者的神通 The Yang Xiuzhu three human eye beads shiver fiercely. 杨修竹三人眼珠子剧烈颤抖。 The Ye Xiyun also look is dignified. 就连叶惜筠也神色凝重。 Qian Tong and Fei Zhitu two people is straight in the eye that the one side looked. 钱通费之图两人在一旁看的眼睛都直了。 Everyone didn't expect Yang Kai also has this unexpectedly and other thing of going against heaven's will! 谁也没想到杨开居然还有这等逆天之物! Has the this token/command sign, he can easily exterminate entire Star Emperor Mountain, even series Gloom Star does not have the issue. 此令牌,他可以轻易地剿灭整个星帝山,甚至一统幽暗星都没有问题。 When shock, Yang Xiuzhu and the others the look becomes terrified extremely, in the heart feared secretly, if compelled Yang Kai anxiously, he really must use this thing to cope with Star Emperor Mountain, only feared that in the mountain 200 same side did not have one to survive. 震惊之余,杨修竹等人神色变得惶恐万分,心中暗怕若是把杨开逼急了,他真要动用了此物来对付星帝山,只怕山中两百同门无一能够存活。 This Star Emperor Token is Great Emperor gives me personally, believes in you, is you must read the certificate, I will take. Right, besides this thing, Great Emperor told my top secrets, does not know that can prove my beforehand words.” “这块星帝令大帝亲手交给我,信不信在你们,是你们非要看凭证,我才会拿出来。对了,除了这个东西之外,还有一桩大帝告诉我的秘辛,不知道能不能证明我之前的话。” Sect Master Yang please say!” Yang Xiuzhu does not dare to belittle the Yang Kai slightest, even the manner puts is more respectful. 杨宗主请说!”杨修竹再也不敢小觑杨开分毫,连神态都放的恭敬许多。 Great Emperor said that present Flowing Flame Sand Field, but is Emperor Treasure Three Flaming Fire Rings! Is the people of getting old, some probably young person people had also gone to Flowing Flame Sand Field, knows that in that has 3-layer Blazing Area, em, that 3-layer Blazing Area is the Emperor Treasure three hot links. Before said that the child disappeared 1-layer, is Great Emperor the reason that begins to receive.” 大帝说,如今的流炎沙地,只不过是帝宝三炎火环所化!诸位都是上了年纪的人,大概年轻的人也有人曾经去过流炎沙地,知道那里面有三层热炎区,恩,那三层热炎区就是帝宝的三道火环。至于前些曰子消失了一层,是大帝动手收起来的缘故。” Boss that the mouth of people opens. 众人的嘴巴张的老大 This and other shocking top secrets, how could have they heard? 这等耸人听闻的秘辛,他们何曾听闻过? Even Ye Xiyun, does not know that Flowing Flame Sand Field unexpectedly is Emperor Treasure, in some beautiful pupils exuded the extraordinary splendor. 甚至连叶惜筠,也不知道流炎沙地居然是帝宝所化,不禁有些美眸中泛起了异彩。 But Three Flaming Fire Rings, Sect Ancient Book really has the record, hearsay that is Secret Treasure that Great Emperor most takes advantage. 三炎火环,宗门典籍确实有记载,传闻那是大帝最为依仗的一件秘宝 By Great Emperor divine ability, Secret Treasure changes to the Gloom Star for tens of thousands years the restricted area, pouring is not unimaginable. 大帝神通,一件秘宝化作幽暗星几万年来的禁地,倒也不是无法想象的。 Sect Master Yang said 1-layer Blazing Area that...... that vanishes, was Great Emperor gathered a reason of hot link personally?” Yang Xiuzhu flutters the inquiry. 杨宗主说……那消失的第一层热炎区,是大帝亲自收取了一道火环的缘故?”杨修竹颤声询问。 Good, this Sect Master personally sees.” Yang Kai nods. “不错,本宗主亲眼所见。”杨开点头。 A sound of holding breath cold air spreads. 一阵倒吸凉气的声音传出。 Blazing Area has terrifying how, various people on the scene understand, when Flowing Flame Sand Field has not opened, any dares to penetrate person, dies surely not entire corpse, even Void Return 3-layer is not good. 热炎区到底有多么恐怖,在场诸人都明白,在流炎沙地未开启的时候,任何敢深入其中的人,必定死无全尸,即便是返虚三层境也不行。 Before Blazing Area vanished 1-layer, in entire Gloom Star noisy noisy, no one knows that exactly what happened, making Flowing Flame Sand Field present the this kind of accident. High Heaven Sect is in charge. 之前热炎区消失了一层,在整个幽暗星闹的沸沸扬扬,谁也不知道到底发生了什么事,让流炎沙地出现这样的变故。紧接着,凌霄宗就入主其中。 Now, Yang Kai here, the answer that they get. 如今,在杨开这里,他们得到的答案。 Thinks that does not believe difficultly! 想不相信都难! Takes a broad view at Star Territory, besides Great Emperor, who also has this skill? 放眼星域,除了大帝,谁还有这份本事? for a moment, Yang Xiuzhu and the others to the Yang Kai's words, have believed 80%, remaining 20% suspicions, is own caution and care. 一时间,杨修竹等人对杨开的话,已然信了八成,剩下的20%怀疑,也是自身的谨慎小心。 May I ask...... the relations of Sect Master Yang and Great Emperor is......” Lin Yurao pupil reveal extraordinary splendor, inquired cautiously. “敢问……杨宗主大帝的关系是……”林玉娆眸露异彩,小心翼翼地询问。 I must say that is the female friend, do you believe?” Yang Kai laughed. “我要说是红颜知己,你们信不信?”杨开嘿嘿一笑 Hehe......” the Yang Xiuzhu facial skin twitches, hollow laugh again and again.( To be continued.) 呵呵……”杨修竹脸皮抽搐起来,干笑连连。(未完待续。)
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