WDQK :: Volume #11

#1175: Phuctrach

Chapter 1175 第1175章 Jet black just likes the black hole mysterious eye, splits among Lord of Devouring forehead, in that deep place, seems has the endless black hole to revolve, a wrapped in a shroud of obscurity meaning, fills the air to open. 漆黑犹如黑洞般的神秘之眼,自吞噬之主眉心之间裂开,在那深处,仿佛是有着无尽黑洞在旋转,一种神秘莫测之意,弥漫而开。 „The eye of Ancestral Symbol?” 祖符之眼?” That Tenth King of Palace Hall sees this, the facial color the drastic change, stern voice shouts to clear the way immediately: You did not have the mortal body, can display the eye of Ancestral Symbol unexpectedly?” 十王殿见到这一幕,面色顿时剧变,厉声喝道:“你已没有肉身,竟然还能施展出祖符之眼?” Lord of Devouring smiles strangely, is actually not slight replying, sees only his mysterious eye to wink gently, this stretch of world, all rays are the instantaneous darkness, even fills on this day within Yuan Power continually, in this time crazy is going to the mysterious eye confused swell of its forehead place. 吞噬之主诡异一笑,却是并没有丝毫的答话,只见得他那神秘之眼轻轻一眨,这片天地,所有的光线都是瞬间黑暗,甚至连弥漫这天地间的元力,都是在此时疯狂的对着其眉心处的神秘之眼暴涌而去。 Short several time of breath, the energy of this stretch of world is empty, but that only mysterious eye between Lord of Devouring forehead, even more is profound as well as dangerous. 短短数个呼吸的时间,这片天地的能量便是空空荡荡,而吞噬之主眉心间的那只神秘之眼,也是愈发的深邃以及危险。 „The eye of Ancestral Symbol, Devour ray.” 祖符之眼,吞噬光线。” Sound gently, spreads from Lord of Devouring slowly, the mysterious eye of its forehead place narrows the eyes suddenly, next instant, together thumb thick or thin black ray, suddenly to shot. 轻轻的声音,自吞噬之主缓缓传出,其眉心处的神秘之眼陡然微眯,下一霎,一道不过拇指粗细的黑色光线,暴射而出。 The black ray plunders, all people can see the space to start an cuns (2.5cm) collapse, that appearance, just likes the shatter glass, unceasing falling. 黑色光线掠出,所有人都是能够见到空间开始寸寸的崩溃,那模样,就犹如破碎的玻璃,不断的掉落。 The ray speed is fast indescribably, even if that Tenth King of Palace Hall merely can only see that black light dodges, then, his body is shivers again, when that ancient times of not being able to bear, does not know that has many King of Strange Demon just likes by this god of death ray cuts to kill, even links him, once felt the death flavor in this above. 光线的速度快得无法形容,即便是那十王殿都仅仅只能见到黑光一闪,再接着,他身体便是忍不住的颤抖起来,在那远古之时,不知道有着多少异魔王被这道犹如死神般的光线所斩杀,甚至于连他,都曾经在这上面感受到了死亡的味道。 Has not thought that even if after is ten thousand thousand years. This feeling, made him slightly shiver as before. 没想到,即便是万千载之后。这种感觉,依旧令得他微微颤抖。 The eye pupil of Tenth King of Palace Hall, in this time fierce opening, on face was also passed over gently and swiftly wipes the color of ferocious, dreadful Demonic Qi swept across, the sound of roaring, resounded through the universe. 十王殿的眼瞳,在此时猛的睁大,脸庞上也是掠过一抹狰狞之色,滔天魔气席卷,咆哮之声,响彻天宇。 Day demon Rashomon!” “天魔罗生门!” Gathering that Demonic Qi blots out the sky. If quickly like lightning in his front, changes into together ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) huge dark gateway, above the gateway. Is covering entirely the innumerable demon grains, one type as evil as the fluctuation of extreme, ripples to open. 魔气铺天盖地的汇聚而来。快若闪电般的在他的前方,化为一道万丈庞大的黑暗门户,门户之上。布满着无数魔纹,一种邪恶到极点的波动,荡漾而开。 And common black ray. Also in this time pillages all sorts that but, then directly does not fend hit above that dark gateway. 并不起眼的黑色光线。也是在此时暴掠而至,然后直接是毫无闪避的种种撞在了那黑暗门户之上。 Both bump into, any great sound has not gotten up, does not see any terrifying energy to sweep across, the people look at the dark gateway that calmly is standing erect, the next quarter, the pupil shrinks suddenly. 两者相撞,并没有任何巨声响起,也不见有任何的恐怖能量席卷,众人怔怔的望着那静静矗立的黑暗门户,下一刻,瞳孔陡然一缩。 Cracks, quietly spreads from the gateway, finally bang, giant gateway. Jumps to break to pieces instantaneously. 一道道裂纹,悄然的从门户之上蔓延开来,最后嘭的一声,巨大的门户。瞬间蹦碎开来。 „!” “啊!” The gateway jumps broken instant that the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound also resounds through from that behind together, the dreadful Demonic Qi disorder, sees only behind that the body of Tenth King of Palace Hall, unexpectedly in this time explosion. 门户蹦碎的霎那,一道凄厉的惨叫声也是自那后方响彻而起,滔天魔气紊乱,只见得那后方十王殿的身体,竟然是在此时生生的爆炸开来。 Tenth King of Palace Hall!” 十王殿!” That other two King of Strange Demon seeing that facial color drastic changes. In the eye has the thick panic-stricken color, regarding the Tenth King of Palace Hall strength, they are clear, even if so, cannot stand off at present this Lord of Devouring unexpectedly, it seems like in their strange demon. Can contend with this Lord of Devouring directly, only then forefront three Sirs. 那剩余的两名异魔王见状面色剧变。眼中有着浓浓的惊骇之色,对于十王殿的实力,他们再清楚不过,然而即便是如此,竟然都敌不过眼前这吞噬之主,看来他们异魔之中。能够与这吞噬之主正面抗衡的,也就只有最前面的三位大人了。 Great Elder Zhu Li and the others saw this, in the eye has to well up immediately wild with joy. 祝犁大长老等人见到这一幕,眼中顿时有着狂喜涌出来。 Lord of Devouring is looking at that everywhere disorder Demonic Qi, the brow is actually slightly a wrinkle, at once sighed one lightly, in the eye quite the somewhat regrettable flavor. 吞噬之主望着那漫天紊乱的魔气,眉头却是微微一皱,旋即轻叹了一声,眼中颇有些遗憾的味道。 Lord of Devouring !” 吞噬之主!” That disorder Demonic Qi wriggles suddenly, is full of the hatred killing intent roaring sound to resound through loudly, then that everywhere Demonic Qi once again gathers, Demon Shadow has flashed together before, is that Tenth King of Palace Hall, but his face, a paleness, suffered the extremely serious heavy losses at this time obviously. 那紊乱魔气突然蠕动起来,充满着怨毒杀意的咆哮声轰然响彻,而后那漫天魔气再度汇聚,一道魔影又是闪现了出来,正是那十王殿,只不过此时他的面庞,一片惨白,显然是遭受到了极为严重的重创。 The Lord of Devouring facial color is faint, he stares at Tenth King of Palace Hall that is presenting once again, the mysterious eye in forehead, glittered once again the black ray. 吞噬之主面色淡漠,他盯着那再度出现的十王殿,眉心中的神秘之眼,再度闪烁起了黑色光芒。 Lord of Devouring , this should then be you last time appeared, you are waiting, this stretch of world, will degenerate finally definitely into my strange demon control, when the time comes, this piece of world life, performing is a slave, Ha Ha!” 吞噬之主,这应该便是你最后一次出现了,你等着,这片天地,最终必然会沦为我异魔掌控,到时候,这片天地生灵,尽为奴隶,哈哈!” Tenth King of Palace Hall stern voice roared, he looked at the ray that in Lord of Devouring forehead was glittering, was cold snort, the sleeve robe wields finally, the torrential demon fog filled the air, that two King of Strange Demon packages, then directly cut the space to go directly. 十王殿厉声咆哮,他望着吞噬之主眉心中闪烁的光芒,终是一声冷哼,袖袍一挥,滔滔魔雾弥漫,直接是将那两尊异魔王包裹,而后直接划破空间而去。 Lord of Devouring looks at three people that is running away to go , the mysterious eye in forehead is also dissipation slowly goes. 吞噬之主望着那逃遁而去的三人,眉心中的神秘之眼也是缓缓的消散而去。 „Does Sir Lord of Devouring , why want to put them to depart?” Great Elder Zhu Li sees that hesitant, the [say / way] that cannot bear, that Tenth King of Palace Hall has the considerable high status in strange demon obviously, if bleeds off it, without doubt leaves trouble for the future. 吞噬之主大人,为什么要放他们离去?”祝犁大长老见状,犹豫了一下,忍不住的道,那十王殿显然在异魔中有着相当高的地位,若是将其放走,无疑是放虎归山。 I after all am person of the to die, must write off him, is not easy.” Lord of Devouring shakes the head slightly, the [say / way] that slightly the feeling regrets, he knows similarly that today bleeds off Tenth King of Palace Hall, came the day not to know that will have many powerhouse to die its, but how, had more desire than energy, today can expel them, is not quite easy. “我毕竟是一个陨落之人,要抹杀他,也并不容易。”吞噬之主微微摇头,略感惋惜的道,他同样知道,今日放走十王殿,来日不知道会有多少强者陨落其手,但奈何,心有余而力不足啊,今日能够逼走他们,已是颇为不易了。 Great Elder Zhu Li, Liu Qing and the others all are one darkly sighs, indeed was a pity. 祝犁大长老,柳青等人皆是一声暗叹,的确可惜了。 This piece of space is borders on shatter, you also as soon as possible leave.” Lord of Devouring lightly [say / way]. “这片空间已是濒临破碎,你们也尽快离开吧。”吞噬之主淡淡的道。 Yes.” “是。” Hears this words, the people also hastily respectfully should say. 听得此话,众人也连忙恭敬应道。 „Doesn't Sir Lord of Devouring , know my clan Jiu Feng too Elder where?” Mu Di Great Elder scruple asking of that nine phoenix clans. 吞噬之主大人,不知道我族九峰长老在何处?”那九凤族的牧狄大长老迟疑的问道。 Lord of Devouring looked at his one eyes, at once the sleeve robe wields, black light then plunders together from Devouring Shrine, then changes into together the person's shadow, is facial color pale Jiu Feng. 吞噬之主看了他一眼,旋即袖袍一挥,一道黑光便是自吞噬神殿中掠出,接着化为一道人影,正是面色惨白的九峰 But this Jiu Feng appearance, then saw Lin Dong that familiar form, immediately the violent anger gets up, roars: Mu Di, holds this boy to me!” 而这九峰一出现,便是看见了林动那熟悉的身影,当即暴怒起来,咆哮道:“牧狄,给我抓住这小子!” Snort!” “哼!” Lord of Devouring cold snort, that Jiu Feng body is fierce immediately trembles, at once in the eye has the thick frightened color to well up, this flash, he felt that a terrifying pressure, covers it. 吞噬之主一声冷哼,那九峰身体顿时剧烈一颤,旋即眼中有着浓浓的恐惧之色涌出来,这一霎那,他感觉到一种恐怖的威压,将其笼罩。 Great Elder, this is Sir Lord of Devouring .” Mu Di said hurriedly in a low voice, full Tou cold sweat, although Jiu Feng is having the extremely high status in nine phoenix clans, but at present this person, but turned the hand directly extinguished two King of Strange Demon peerless fierce people, their nine phoenix clans, could not offend. 大长老,这位是吞噬之主大人。”牧狄急忙低声道,满头的冷汗,虽说九峰在九凤族拥有着极高的地位,但眼前这人,可是直接翻手间就灭了两尊异魔王的绝世猛人,他们九凤族,都得罪不起。 The Jiu Feng facial color takes turn pale, after the moment, just now the hollow laugh lowering the head, in the control full is being the cold sweat. 九峰面色青白交替,片刻后,方才干笑着低下头,手心中满是冷汗。 „After Lin Dong, can be my inheritance, if you look for trouble again, later regretted, do not come to blame me.” Lord of Devouring looked at Jiu Feng one, the lightly [say / way]. 林动以后会是我的传承者,你们若是再找麻烦,以后后悔了,可别来怪我。”吞噬之主看了九峰一眼,淡淡的道。 Jiu Feng facial color micro white, he has a day of high arrogance again, does not dare to display in front of Lord of Devouring , immediately can only nod of anguished, have Lord of Devouring these words, he later also quite thinks over, moreover at that time, obtained the Lord of Devouring inheritance Lin Dong, perhaps was not he can offend. 九峰面色微白,他再有天高的傲气,也不敢在吞噬之主面前表现,当即只能苦涩的点了点头,有了吞噬之主这句话,他以后也得好生掂量一下,而且那时候,获得吞噬之主传承的林动,或许也不是他能够得罪的了。 „The strange demon ambush, this stretch of world, will after all have great battle, under turns out in full strength, how can there be to end the egg?” 异魔潜伏,这片天地,终归还会有一场大战,倾巢之下,焉有完卵?” Lord of Devouring sighed one lightly, at once his vision looks to Zhu Li, Liu Qing, Mu Di, the Kun Yuan four people, said: Your four people have touched Samsara, today meets is the fate, then delivers you Manifestation.” 吞噬之主轻叹一声,旋即他目光看向祝犁,柳青,牧狄,鲲渊四人,道:“你四人已触及轮回,今日相见便是缘分,便送你们一场造化。” Zhu Li four people of hear that, stares first, in the eye has to well up immediately wild with joy. 祝犁四人闻言,先是一愣,眼中顿时有着狂喜涌出来。 The Devour spider counts on the fingers a ball, four light beams plunder, plundering directly in four human bodies: This is some Samsara senses, hopes that you can comprehend, true steps into that level.” 吞噬蜘蛛屈指一弹,四道光束掠出,径直的掠进了四人体内:“这是一些轮回感悟,希望你们能够领悟,真正的踏入那个层次。” The Zhu Li four people shut both eyes, on that face has the color of thinking deeply wipes to immerse to reappear, good after long time, they just now excited to Lord of Devouring respectful stoops to salute. 祝犁四人微闭双目,那脸庞上有着一抹沉醉的深思之色浮现,好半晌之后,他们方才激动的对着吞噬之主恭恭敬敬的弯身行礼。 You should with some Lin Dong origins, read, in he helps in the share of my posterity, helps your strength.” “你们应该与林动有些渊源,念在他帮我后人的份上,也助你们一力。” Lord of Devouring looked once again to Little Marten, Little Flame as well as Monster Commander in Chief Tian Long and the others, the sleeve robe wields, a mysterious light beam plundered, finally sneaked in Little Marten and the others in the body. 吞噬之主再度看向了小貂,小炎以及天龙妖帅等人,袖袍一挥,道道玄妙光束掠出,最后钻进小貂等人身体之中。 Little Marten and the others, the body surface is the black ray winding of lightly, at once the ray goes pale, all restraining into their bodies. 小貂等人,身体表面都是淡淡的黑色光芒缠绕,旋即光芒淡去,尽数的收敛入他们的身体之中。 Many thanks Sir Devour.” “多谢吞噬大人。” Monster Commander in Chief Tian Long and the others were excited the whole body to shiver, Little Marten and Little Flame slightly are but actually better, but as before to Lord of Devouring respectful holding the fist in the other hand. 天龙妖帅等人激动得浑身颤抖,小貂小炎倒还略好一些,不过依旧还是冲着吞噬之主恭敬的一抱拳。 Hopes these that I make, can once more contribute some strengths for that world great battle, but this time, the teacher is not, can protect the world life, must depend on you.” “希望我所做的这些,能够为那再次的天地大战贡献一些力量,只不过这一次,老师不在,能否护得天地生灵,就得靠你们自己了。” Lord of Devouring sighed lightly, at once he then no longer said that the personal appearance moved, changes into black light, plundered in Devouring Shrine, after his body plundered the temple, a huge black aperture, spread slowly, will present all powerhouse to cover. 吞噬之主一声轻叹,旋即他便是不再多说,身形一动,化为黑光,掠进吞噬神殿之中,而在其身体掠进神殿后,一道巨大的黑色光圈,缓缓的蔓延出来,将在场所有的强者都是笼罩于其中。 Numerous powerhouse are looking at that black aperture, there, seems has one type to be mysterious is unable the strict thing, enters their within the body quietly, although before this mysterious degree cannot compare, Lord of Devouring gives Zhu Li, Little Marten they like that but this is also actor's opening words, so long as these powerhouse have a chance, could not say that then can go a step further again... 众多强者望着那黑色的光圈,那里,似乎是有着一种玄奥得无法严明的东西,悄悄的钻进他们体内,虽说这种玄奥程度比不上之前吞噬之主给予祝犁,小貂他们那般,但这也是一种引子,只要这些强者有所机缘,说不得便是能够再进一步... This ritual, regarding these powerhouse on the scene, almost compares any treasure to be precious. 这份礼,对于在场的这些强者而言,几乎比任何的宝贝都要珍贵。 Sees off the Sir.” “恭送大人。” Has eaten this big ritual, numerous powerhouse eye on the scene is flood the gratitude, then the single knee kneels down, neat drinking sound, in this piece of shatter space, distant spreading. 吃了这份大礼,在场的众多强者眼中都是泛起浓浓的感激,然后单膝跪下,整齐的喝声,在这片破碎的空间中,远远的传开。 We also walk.” Great Elder Zhu Li looks at Devouring Shrine that the aperture is restraining gradually, sighed lightly, said: Lin Dong has this chance, actually huge good fortune, but I thought that this inheritance feared requires not the short time.” “我们也走吧。”祝犁大长老望着光圈逐渐收敛的吞噬神殿,一声轻叹,道:“林动有此机缘,倒是天大的福分,不过我看这传承怕是需要不短的时间。” Little Marten nods, now also can only return to Four Image Palace first peacefully was waiting. 小貂点点头,如今也只能先回四象宫安静的等着了。 Walks.” “走。” Little Marten and the others not dilatory, once again deep looked at this Devouring Shrine, then the personal appearance plunders, rapid is plundering to go to the remote place illness, but when will soon cut the space, their vision are unable to bear transfers once again, is looking at the black main hall above that butte. 小貂等人也并未拖沓,再度深深的看了一眼这吞噬神殿,而后身形掠起,迅速的对着遥远之处疾掠而去,而在即将划破空间时,他们的目光也是忍不住的再度转过去,望着那孤峰之上的黑色大殿。 They have an intuition, when Lin Dong appears once again, his strength, will be a quite astonishing degree inevitably, but at that time... 他们有种直觉,待得林动再度出现时,他的实力,必然将会达到一种相当惊人的程度,而那时... „When the dates of your going out, was we re-enters Eastern Xuan Region!” “等你出关之日,便是我们重回东玄域之时!” In the Little Marten eye pupil, wipes the cold color to dodge to plunder, the double palm also suddenly grips tightly. 小貂眼瞳之中,一抹冷冽之色闪掠而过,双掌也是陡然紧握起来。
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