SiHuangquandraws a swordimmediately the sheath, sent out‚clang’ a clearsound.
司黄泉随即拔刀出鞘,发出了‘锵’的一声清脆声响。At this timeherthegreatOomiyadai, inpalacestageantiquitygod, has revolvedslowly, provided the matchlessmighty forcefor the divisionYellow Springs.
此时她脚下的这座巨大宫台,还有宫台里面的上古神阵,已经缓缓运转,为司黄泉提供了无俦伟力。DivisionYellow Springsnot only the deathandwithering awaystrength, stubbornlyresiststhatgreathand.
The fingertip of greathandcontacts the placewithhertobladeastral, is gradually turning into the dying emberscolor.
巨手的手指尖与她到刀罡接触之处,正逐渐变成死灰颜色。Allstrengths and talents that not onlyso, thisblackdemonbringswere eliminatedforcefully, eitherbelongs to the nihility! Eitherbelonged to the death!
不只是如此,这黑色魔手带来的一切力量与天赋都被强行消除,要么归于虚无!要么归于死亡!Has the blackflameinherwhole bodyflamingcombustion, thatwas‚Nirvanais really hot’with the strength of deathin light of the product that the variationbecame, having is really hot the entirely differentstrengthwith the Nirvana, making the surroundingallbelong to the deathly stillness.
The divisionis unable not to have the daywith the divisionalsoabout the blade, cutstwohangingto let the personpalpitation the whitebladerainbow.
司无法与司无天也同时左右出刀,斩出两挂让人心悸的白色刀虹。Two peopledo not doanyretain, the bladerainbowcannot be stopped, broke opengodastral of thatblackdemonunexpectedlyforcefully, cuts the fleshto be dripping the wrist/skillspot of blackdemon, the bonedregsscatters.
两人都不做任何保留,刀虹锐不可当,竟然强行破开了那黑色魔手的神罡,将黑色魔手的手腕部位斩到血肉淋漓,骨渣四溅。Howevertheirformsare dispelledby the strength that moves mountainsimmediately, the bodyflewto hitabout the hundred zhang (333 m), numerouspoundingonmain hallwall.
不过他们两人的身影随即就被那排山倒海的力量排开,身躯飞撞到到了百丈开外,重重的砸在了大殿后方的墙壁上。On the face of divisionYellow Springsalsoreveals the color of pain, the governingstage of under footis‚bang’crack, exploded the innumerableslitcracks, had the potential of submersionfaintly.
司黄泉的脸上也不由流露出痛苦之色,脚下的御台更是‘轰’的一声炸响,爆开了无数的缝隙裂纹,隐隐有下沉之势。Shewas not the extent thatbadly.
她原本不至于如此不济的。SiHuangquanhas the strength of Yinlineage/veinpair of wings, with the aid ofbelowantiquitygod, sufficientlyclone of resistancethisgodwaveten-day period, even better.
司黄泉有着阴脉双翼的力量,借助下方的上古神阵,足以对抗这具神波旬的分身,甚至更胜一筹。Howeverherheartactuallyin the hand of opposite party!
然而她的心脏却在对方的手中!Ina moment ago, the divisionYellow Springsfelt that ownheartseemed likeby the opposite partyis pinchedruthlessly! Let her physical strengthvanishinstantaneouslyentire30%.
The Chu Xishengpleasantmethod, helpinghersimulate the heart, possiblyher50%strengths will therefore collapse.
要不是楚希声的如意之法,帮她模拟出了心脏,可能她一身50%力量都将因此崩溃。SiHuangquansleep/feltis only incapable.
In sightto fallevery day/sees the skyleaves behindbeforethesethings in treasure house, sheis unable to understand that in any eventday of fallsstronglywith the strength of godwaveten-day period, produces the action of heartforher.
在望见天奈落遗留在宝库里的那些东西之前,她无论如何都无法理解天奈落强借神波旬的力量,为她生成心脏的举动。Thiswill only makeherbe under the control of others.
这只会让她受制于人。Althoughshenowknew the reason, actuallyfeelingpain.
“我来吧!”Chu Xishengdoes not know when has stood the bodyside of divisionYellow Springs, helooks upoutside the palace, master who that is only hugedemon.楚希声不知何时已经站到了司黄泉的身侧,他抬头看着殿外,那只巨大魔手的主人。Thatisonehas the blackcurvinglytwo horns, pair of eyesscarletpowerfuldemongod.
那是一尊有着黑色弯曲双角,双眼赤红的强大魔神。Thisdemongodprojectsinthis'sminute/share of deifiedbodyalso more than 400zhang (3.33 m)high, hisfacecastsjust like the black ironrock, the fleshsurfacecovers entirely the blacktrace, whitelong hairdirect linkwaist, is burningfrom top to bottomin the blackdemonfirefluttereddispersing, the wholefelt the firmevilfeeling.
篷!Withthisdull thumping sound, right handarmsimultaneous/uniformroot of godwaveten-day periodbrokeunexpectedly, sprays the innumerableblack redblood
随着这一声闷响,神波旬的右手臂竟然齐根断裂,喷洒出了无数的黑红血液Thisdemongodfirstis the lookstares, looksomecannotbelievelooks atChu Xisheng, immediatelygave outthunder clapgeneralangry roaring.
“死!”Hisanotherhandgraspedsuddenlyto the main hall, thistimegoal was actually not the divisionYellow Springs, butwasChu Xisheng!
他的另一只手蓦然抓向了大殿内部,这次的目标却不是司黄泉,而是楚希声!black watercontrolseesthis, the secretheartis startled.
The Chu Xishengdivine willtouches the dead knife, cancut off the hand of godwaveten-day periodunexpectedly?楚希声的神意触死刀,竟然能斩断神波旬的手?Hisstrength, was obviously stronger than before! Unexpectedlyalsohas reservation?
他的力量,明显比之前更强!居然还有保留吗?Howeverthismakeshimbe apprehensive that the enemyhad been led away.
不过这个让他忌惮三分的敌人已经被引开了。black watercontrollooked atDoor Guardian God of governingstagefront, depressedbase.
黑水主宰把目光转向了御台前方的神荼,郁垒。Thesetwopeoplestandundergoverningstage, actuallyincarving of godwaveten-day periodarrivalmotionless, besidessoulbodycongealingsolidcontraction, almostdoes not have anyresponse.
这二人侍立在御台之下,却在神波旬到来之刻一动不动,除了魂体更凝实紧缩之外,几乎没有任何反应。In the eye that black watercontrolsappearedwiped the stern countenance: „What do youalsostandtheremake? Alsowantsto revoltinadequately, begins.”
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