MGC :: Volume #8

#718: Tianlu elder

Chapter 716: Tianlu elder. 第716章:天鹿长老。 But regarding Cao Zhao, Chang Qinghai and the others, after the repercussions and effect on own, cultivation base, is actually exceptionally serious. 但对于曹肇,常清海等人来说,后遗症和对自身以后修为的影响,却是异常严重的。 White dust sees Du Shaofu unexpectedly also in the main hall, has gawked immediately. 白一尘见到杜少甫竟然也在大殿,也顿时愣了一下。 Afterward is looking at Du Shaofu at this time that in rags and appearance of whole face blood, white dust corner of the eye maliciously pulls out, seemed starts to understand anything. 随后瞧着杜少甫此时那衣衫褴褛和满脸鲜血的模样,白一尘眼角狠狠的一抽,似乎是开始明白了一些什么。 Good Du Shaofu, not to have thought that also dares to come this, the cruel and merciless generation, does not appease you today!” “好一个杜少甫,没想到还敢来此,心狠手辣之辈,今天绝不姑息你!” Has to know the Du Shaofu's elder, sees Du Shaofu unexpectedly also , the vision blushes immediately, drinks to scold greatly, whole face becoming flushed anger. 有着认识杜少甫的长老,见到杜少甫竟然也在,目光顿时发红,大喝呵斥,满脸涨红怒气。 Hu Elder, you found fault person, do not think that my this young junior brother was young good to bully, I still, your disciple Chang Qinghai, leading several thousand disciples to besiege my young junior brother, this account, I just want to ask you to calculate!” Yu Wanli sinks to drink, the master is not, naturally must protect the young junior brother. “扈长老,你找错人了吧,别以为我这小师弟年纪小就好欺负,我可是还在呢,你的弟子常清海,带着几千个弟子围攻我小师弟,这笔账,我正想找你算一算呢!”于万里沉喝,师父不在,自然是要护着小师弟的。 Was such drunk by Yu Wanli, Hu Elder, but also was really one has gawked, more than 5000 disciples besieged, said that but also somewhat bullies the feeling of person. 于万里这么一喝,那扈长老,还真是有些一愣了,这5000多个弟子围攻,说起来,还真是有些欺负人的感觉。 Yu Wanli, you said may be serious, more than 5000 disciples besiege, you think Du Shaofu can also well, what you had a look at them to injure, Du Shaofu was what kind cruel and merciless!” Another elder goes forward to get angry said. 于万里,你说的可严重了,5000多个弟子围攻,你以为杜少甫还能够好好的么,你都看看他们伤成什么样了,杜少甫是何等的心狠手辣!”另外一个长老上前怒道。 Fart, you looked that what my Junior brothers injured, more than 5000 disciples besieged, are in the glare of the public eye, you also want to deny inadequately, collaboration that four gold list first ten rank were not concerned about face, thanks to you also felt all right saying that the evil person also dares to complain, was not concerned about face really!” “放屁,你看我师弟都伤成什么样了,5000多个弟子围攻,众目睽睽,你们还想抵赖不成,四个金榜前十排名者不要脸的联手,亏你们还好意思说,恶人还敢来告状,真不要脸!” Yu Wanli drinks greatly, completely fearless, almost must jump to curse at people. 于万里大喝,完全无惧,几乎是要跳起来骂人了。 You......” “你……” Elder of that speech was choked by the Yu Wanli words suddenly does not know how should refute. 那说话的长老被于万里的话呛的一时间不知道该如何反驳。 Actually the result of fact he is naturally clear, but this elder also knows, although went to more than 5000 people, but take a shot / make a move has more than 20 Martial King boundaries. 其实事实的结果他自然是清楚的,不过这长老也知道,虽然是去了5000多人,但出手的却是只有20多个武王境。 But is this, but these many people collaborate, is actually instead by collapsing completely of Du Shaofu heavy losses, horrible to look, also suffices disgraced. 但虽然是这样,可这么多人联手,却是反而被杜少甫重创的一败涂地,惨不忍睹,也够丢人的了。 Sima Taxing knits the brows, steps onto on the main hall center to sit well, said: Was good, by in the status in sect, so disputed to fear that before the younger generation disciple had to lose the status, had any matter, can say slowly!” 司马踏星皱眉,走上大殿中央上首端坐,道:“好了,以诸位在宗中的身份,在后辈弟子面前如此争执怕是有失身份,有什么事情,可以慢慢说!” Sovereign, you may probably uphold the justice, cannot, because this Du Shaofu is the disciple of Gu Qinyang elder, favored.” “宗主,你可要主持公道,不能够因为这杜少甫古清扬长老的弟子,就有所偏袒啊。” Hu Elder said that immediately and side many elders, angry violent anger from the beginning said the Du Shaofu's evil conduct. 扈长老说道,随即和身边的不少长老,愤慨暴怒的将杜少甫的恶行从头说了一遍。 Is listening to the words of that elder, Yu Wanli non- time loud rebuttal several, but in the main hall has many younger generation at this time , was actually not good to obloquy. 听着那一众长老的话,于万里不时间大声的反驳几句,不过此时大殿内有着不少的后辈在,倒是也不好大骂了。 On the contrary is Du Shaofu after an elder sits well, swaggering took a seat, then had not said on a few words, whatever that elder scolded own crime. 反倒是杜少甫随着一众长老端坐后,也是大摇大摆的就坐了下来,而后就一直一句话也没有说,任凭那一众长老数落自己的罪行。 In the main hall Sima of head treads star and one side white and shiny protects buddhist law them, listening to the numerous elders to say Du Shaofu cut off Cao Zhao and other arms, Chang Qinghai's right arm was pulled apart, that and other swift and fierce fierce and tough , being astonished by it discoloration, the vision flood the fluctuation was falling on Du Shaofu's. 大殿上首的司马踏星和一旁的颢护法两人,听着众位长老说着杜少甫将曹肇等手臂斩断,常清海的右臂被生生扯断,那等凌厉凶悍,也为之愕然色变,目光泛着波动落在了杜少甫的身上。 Du Shaofu, regarding, you who elder said have what to say?” After the moment, Sima Taxing looks at Du Shaofu to ask. 杜少甫,对于诸位长老所说的,你有什么要说的么?”片刻后,司马踏星望着杜少甫问道。 Along with all vision, completely scolded on Du Shaofu's. 随着所有目光,也都是尽数落在了杜少甫的身上。 Sovereign senior brother, some elders said me to deceive people, clearly is Chang Qinghai, white dust, Fei Chengming and others instigated, the human testimony and material evidence I have, some people confessed that I have also inspected, in that two human bodies simply has not taken profound Yuan pill and melts pill's trace crazily, the sovereign senior brother can confirm at any time, afterward all, I bring back justice.” “宗主师兄,有长老说我欺人,分明是常清海,白一尘,费成明等教唆,人证物证我都有,有人已经招供,我也检查过,那两人体内根本没有服用过玄元丹和狂化丹的痕迹,宗主师兄可以随时验证,随后一切,我只是取回一个公道而已。” Du Shaogang set out, trod the star to say to Sima: Offends somebody as for me finally, is but action, I just crossed the threshold, is only the disciple on copper list, four gold list first ten powerhouses add on dozens Martial King boundary powerhouses to besiege, more than 5000 disciples eye covetously, I revolt fully, therefore under has had a heavy touch, is excusable, let alone this matter mistakenly not in me.” 杜少刚起身,对司马踏星说道:“至于我最后伤人,也是无奈之举,我刚刚入门,只是铜榜上的弟子,四个金榜前十的强者加上几十个武王境强者围攻,还有5000多弟子虎视眈眈,我全力反抗,因此下手重了一些,也情有可原的,何况此事错不在我。” Is listening to the Du Shaofu's words, Hu Elder already passed through could not bear, the violent anger said: Dental cusp mouth advantage, talks irresponsibly!” 听着杜少甫的话,扈长老早已经是忍不住了,暴怒道:“牙尖嘴利,信口雌黄!” Groundless that Hu Elder, which my said?” Du Shaofu looks straight ahead that Hu Elder not to fear, the sinking sound asked. “请问扈长老,我哪一句说的不实?”杜少甫直视那扈长老不惧,沉声问道。 You......” “你……” Hu Elder hear speech/words, suddenly however had nothing to say in reply, probably no matter what, was Du Shaofu is rational. 扈长老闻言,一时间然是无言以对,好像不管怎么说,都是杜少甫有理。 Du Shaofu sees that not salty not pale continues saying: Their take a shot / make a move before, my take a shot / make a move, is self-defenses purely, their people bully the person to be few, I am a victim.” 杜少甫见状,不咸不淡的继续说道:“他们出手在前,我出手在后,纯粹是自卫而已,他们人多欺负人少,我才是受害者。” The voice falls, Du Shaofu points at has been standing in elder behind white dust, said: Words that does not believe that you ask that white dust, what having a look at me to say was the lie, were they the person bully the person to be few, was they asks me to trouble to besiege first my, if this deferred to sect regulations, this handling was also they!” 话音落下,杜少甫指着一直是站在一众长老身后的白一尘,说道:“不信的话,你们问问那白一尘,看看我说的是不是假话,他们是不是人多欺负人少,是不是他们先去找我麻烦围攻我的,这要是按照宗规,该处置的也是他们吧!” Du Shaofu gains ground afterward, is looking at Sima Taxing, said respectfully: Please the sovereign senior brother take responsibility for me.” 杜少甫随后抬头,望着司马踏星,恭敬说道:“请宗主师兄为我做主。” ......” “噗……” But at this time, white dust by Du Shaofu one is pointing at the words, immediately in the violent heart the vitality turns wells up, almost must spout a blood, has a feeling of having nothing to say in reply. 而此时,白一尘被杜少甫一番指着的话语,顿时激的心中气血翻涌,差点就要喷出一口鲜血来,却是又有着一种无言以对的感觉。 To this time, white dust is thorough understood, with this Du Shaofu, has no way to struggle. 到了这时候,白一尘算是彻底的明白了,和这杜少甫,根本就没法争。 This Du Shaofu was too shameless, you and he truth time, he and you plays the hoodlum, you and he play the hoodlum time, he and you spoke the fist, you and he spoke the fist time, he with you truth, this completely had no way to struggle on the same channel with him. 杜少甫太无耻了,你和他将道理的时候,他和你耍流氓,你和他耍流氓的时候,他和你讲拳头,你和他讲拳头的时候,他又和你将道理了,这完全就没法和他在同一频道上争。 Sovereign, Du Shaofu is cruel and merciless, severely wounded numerous disciples, the sect mainly uphold the justice, feared that will be the elder rolls also believes that will need heavy fine Du Shaofu's.” Hu Elder sinks to say. “宗主,杜少甫心狠手辣,重伤众多弟子,宗主要主持公道啊,怕是长老团也会认为,必须要重罚这杜少甫的。”扈长老沉道。 Sima Taxing sits well, in the look makes the person unable to see in the heart in thinking anything, the colored glaze vision is passing profoundly, listening to that Hu Elder words, in the eye to wipe the fluctuations of some non- scar secretly. 司马踏星端坐,神色中让人看不出心中在想着什么,琉璃般的目光透着深邃,听着那扈长老的话,眼中暗自抹过些许不留痕迹的波动。 This matter my understood was similar, but must investigate clearly, feared that also requires the time, in the sect investigated clearly, when the time comes made the conclusion not to eat again, at present most important was the injury of wounded.” “此事我已经了解的差不多了,但要调查清楚,怕是也需要时间,等宗中调查清楚了,到时候再做定论不吃,眼下最为重要的就是伤者的伤势。” After the moment, Sima Taxing said to the people. 片刻后,司马踏星对众人说道。 Sovereign, Du Shaofu is cruel and merciless, evidence is solid, if today forgives Du Shaofu in light of this lightly, fears is unable the obedience!” “宗主,杜少甫心狠手辣,证据确凿,今日若是就此轻饶杜少甫,怕是无法服众啊!” An elder of 60-year-old appearance goes out, the expression is quite tyrannical, then has greatly must process the Du Shaofu's meaning today. 一个六旬模样的长老走出,语气颇为强横,则大有今天必须要处理杜少甫的意思。 I had said that at this time needs to investigate clearly makes handling again.” “我已说过了,此时需要调查清楚再做处置。” Sima Taxing said to that elder that the brow moves slightly, does not get angry, but the prestige, making that elder vision tremble secretly, the imposing manner receives for no reason. 司马踏星对那长老说道,眉头微微而动,不怒而威,让得那长老目光暗自微颤,无端气势受。 Sovereign said is reasonable, this matter naturally needs the time disposal.” “宗主说的有道理,此事自然是需要时间处理的。” In this time, has sound together to reach the main hall, the sound obviously in the distant place, when the last pronunciation falls, was just likes appears in the ear bank of people. 就在此时,有着一道声音传进了大殿,声音明明是在远方,当最后一个字音落下的时候,却是犹如出现在了众人的耳畔。 Afterward in the main hall, is silent, the form appears together. 随后大殿内,无声无息间,一道身影出现。 Came the person black long hair to comb a high [say / way] hair bun, the 80-year-old appearance, the personal appearance is actually being healthy such as just, in pair of black double pupil, flood the light yellow, was letting person one eyes, made the person tremble sufficiently for no reason. 来人黑色长发梳着一个高高的道髻,八旬模样,身形却是健朗如刚,一双黑色的双瞳中,泛着淡淡的黄色,让人一眼,也足以让人无端发颤。 As this person appears in the main hall, the entire main hall, imitates for no reason, if the entire space coagulated, the air current stopped the fluctuation. 随着此人出现在大殿内,整个大殿无端间,仿若是整个空间都已经凝固,气流停止了波动。 This person of strive to excel, as if not under the master Gu Qinyang elder.” “此人好强,似乎不会在师父古清扬长老之下。” Du Shaofu shocks secretly, can be silent, by the whole body strength more thinks that the space energy flow, making the surrounding free-stream fluctuate along with his breath, was equal to that can control this side space to be ordinary, such strength, is powerful. 杜少甫暗自震惊,能够无声无息间,以周身实力越想空间能量流动,让周围空间气流随着他的呼吸而波动,等于是能够掌控这一方空间一般,此等实力,何等强悍。 Has seen the Tianlu one's teacher's older brother!” “见过天鹿师伯!” Looks at this person to come, the Sima Taxing double pupil moves slightly secretly, Yu Wanli is also a brow slightly wrinkle, immediately sets out quite respectfully to salute. 瞧着此人而来,司马踏星双眸暗自微动,于万里也是眉头微微一皱,顿时起身颇为恭敬行礼。 Has seen the Tianlu elder.” “见过天鹿长老。” But Hu Elder and the others saw that is actually immediately secretly happy. 而扈长老等人见状,一个个却是立刻暗自高兴了起来。 How one's teacher's older brother came today, invited the seat of honor.” “师伯怎么今天来了,请上座。” Under Sima Taxing the place goes forward, to the old man said. 司马踏星下座上前,对来的老者说道。 You are sovereign, you sit by rights ought, my this departs, will not be long.” “你是宗主,理当你坐,我这就离去,不会太久。” The vision of this deer elder, unintentional has swept on Du Shaofu's, afterward treads star several to Sima: You I knew at the matter of discussion, since the sect investigates to require the time, but defers to the custom in sect, during the investigation, needs to keep close watch, is inferior to this, you did not need to dispute, Du Shaofu carried off by me, in the custom according to the sect, admitted black prison first ‚’, I happen to had free time, can the guard, wait to investigate the reason personally, in the sect used judgment to handle again!” 这鹿长老的目光,有意无意的在杜少甫的身上扫过,随后对司马踏星数道:“你们在讨论的事情我已经知晓了,既然宗中调查需要时间,但按照宗中的规矩,调查期间,也需要严加看管,不如这样吧,你们也不用争执了,杜少甫由我带走,按照宗中规矩,先放进‘黑狱’内吧,我正好有空,可以亲自看守,等调查好了缘由,宗中再酌情处置吧!” The Tianlu elder voice falls, Sima Taxing and Yu Wanli facial color changes immediately secretly. 天鹿长老话音落下,司马踏星和于万里面色顿时暗自大变。 Hu Elder and the others, secretly have actually revealed smiling expression. 扈长老等人,却是暗自露出了笑意 „The Tianlu one's teacher's older brother, is insufficient the black prison.” 天鹿师伯,不至于去黑狱吧。” The Yu Wanli vision is extremely dignified, that black prison, absolutely is not friendly. 于万里目光极其凝重,那黑狱,绝对不是善地。 One's teacher's older brother, such younger generation minor matter, how dare asked the one's teacher's older brother, gave us to process well.” Sima Taxing also immediately said. “师伯,此等后辈小事,岂敢劳驾师伯,交给我们处理就好。”司马踏星也是立刻说道。 Snort, this Du Shaofu take a shot / make a move is so cruel and merciless to the same side, no matter any reason, admits the black prison first, is light, does not need to talk too much.” “哼,这杜少甫出手对同门如此心狠手辣,不管是什么原因,先放进黑狱,已经是轻了,不必多言。” The Tianlu elder sinks saying that the voice falls, visual Du Shaofu, shoots a look at to say lightly: You are that Du Shaofu, is follows me, my does take a shot / make a move lead you to walk?” 天鹿长老沉道,话音落下,目视着杜少甫,淡淡瞥道:“你就是那杜少甫吧,是自己跟我走,还是我出手带你走?” An invisible pressure, spreads from the old man on, the space coagulates, strength of the greatest suppression, from spread to burst the pressure immediately in all directions to Du Shaofu. 一股无形的威压,自老者身上蔓延而出,空间凝固,一股莫大的压制之力,顿时从四面八方蔓延溃压向了杜少甫而来。 Bang!” “轰!” This flickers, the Du Shaofu form trembles suddenly, that Five elements the strength of suppression, is what kind frightening, just likes withstands great pressure. 这一瞬,杜少甫身影骤然为之一颤,那五行的压制之力,是何等的恐怖,犹如泰山压顶般。 " I will not tell everybody, I could not have fallen asleep to the present, crawl and have done one chapter. 「我是不会告诉大家,我到现在还睡不着,爬起来又干了一章。 Today three renewed, the morning of if in the evening awaking, has the chapter of repaying a debt, if rested in the evening excessively, that only then tomorrow renewed, I cried on a bed the number yeanling to go...... " 今天已经三更更新完毕了,要是晚上醒的早,就还有还账的章节,要是晚上睡过头了,那就只有明天更新了,我哭着道床上数小绵羊去……」
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