MGC :: Volume #13

#1246: early-grade Magical Artifact

Chapter 1244: early-grade Magical Artifact 第1244章:初品法器 Chapter 1244: early-grade Magical Artifact. 第1244章:初品法器 Is listening to the Du Shaofu that once more stern words, with seeing on its face that stern facial expression, Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King has to stare once again. 听着杜少甫那再次正色的话语,和见到其脸庞上那正色的神情,灵幻虎王狂熊王不得不是再度一愣。 Ha Ha, ignorant and tiny humanity,” “哈哈,何等无知和渺小的人类,” But flickers after merely, Linghuan Tiger King is laughs, the laughter vibration midair, in pair of tiger, has the strange runes twinkle. 但仅仅是一瞬之后,灵幻虎王便是哈哈大笑起来,笑声震动半空,一双虎目中,有着奇异的符文闪烁。 With Linghuan Tiger King that and other big laughter, just like the tiger's roar, making all around many Demonic Beast suddenly frightened, that and other laughter reverberations, let them for it mind trembling play, is the soul must likely by the engine'knock'. 伴随着灵幻虎王那等大笑声,宛如虎啸,让得四周不少的妖兽突然惊悚,那等笑声回荡,让得它们为之心神颤剧,像是灵魂要被震爆。 You go, making that ignorant boy know where this is!” “你们去,让那无知的小子知道这是什么地方!” Linghuan Tiger King said to side that many war servant afterward that the tiger gloomy belt smiles, the aura is fearful. 灵幻虎王随后对身边那不少的战仆说道,虎目阴沉带笑,气息慑人。 You also go!” “你们也去!” Kuang Bear King waves, hints to war servant, the whole body aura surges, has an imposing manner and dignity of Demonic Beast King, looks is very formidable. 狂熊王挥手,也对身边的战仆示意,浑身气息涌动,有着一种妖兽王者的气势和威严,看着就很是强大。 Whiz whiz!” “嗖嗖!” Along with hint of Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King, immediately altogether enough 16 war servant Qi Qilve leave. 随着灵幻虎王狂熊王的示意,顿时一共足足16个战仆齐齐掠出。 16 aura are formidable, is the Human Race powerhouses. 16股气息强大,都是人族强者。 These 16 war servant young 20-year-old appearances, big unusual forty years of age are also many. 这16个战仆年纪小的20多岁的模样,大的也少有四旬多。 However the real practice time, was hard to know. 不过真实的修炼时间,就难以得知了。 After the cultivators arrived at Martial Venerable and eight star spirit talisman master levels, will again not have too many changes in the appearance, only if some cultivators, does not care about the appearance. 修行者到了武尊和八星灵符师层次后,在容颜上就不会再多有太多的变化,除非是一些修行者,根本不在乎容颜。 But regarding cultivator, in world of practicing, powerhouse to revere, law of the jungle, will not have too many people to care about the appearance. 而对于修行者而言,修行的世界内,强者为尊,弱肉强食,也不会有太多人在乎容颜。 Therefore wants to close right up against the appearance to judge a true age of cultivator, that is hard to distinguish. 所以想要靠着容颜去判断一个修行者的真正年纪,那是难以辨别的。 However is the cultivator, the cultivation base strength is stronger, can close right up against the aura general feeling its age. 不过都是修行者,修为实力强一些的,也能够靠着气息大概的感觉出来其年纪。 At this moment that encircled to the Du Shaofu's 16 war servants, that was 16 absolute Martial Venerable boundary powerhouses, strength strongest four is also unusual Martial Venerable. 此刻那围向了杜少甫的16个战仆,那是16个绝对的武尊境强者,实力最强的四个还都是超凡武尊 It can be said that is only these 16 war servants, sufficiently gathers a formidable influence above Jiu Zhou, indicates the great strength of Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King. 可以说,光是这16个战仆,就足以在九州之上汇聚成一股强大的势力,足见灵幻虎王狂熊王的强大。 Boy, is without a fight!” “小子,束手就擒!” Unusual Martial Venerable fights the servant, the 40-year-old multi- appearances, in the hand a handle as if has pointed to Du Shaofu to the long gun|spear of Magical Artifact level, the imposing manner is swift and fierce and arrogant, does not place in Du Shaofu the eye. 一个超凡武尊战仆,四旬多模样,手中一柄似乎已经是到了法器层次的长枪直指杜少甫,气势凌厉而高傲,根本不将杜少甫放在眼中。 The Du Shaofu vision lifts, will sweep all around Zhou empty/sky lightly is faint within will be stranded in 16 war servant one eyes, finally looked straight ahead that to grasp lead of long gun|spear to fight the servant, the look is bringing some faintness and cold and gloomy, said: Looks is in the Human Race shares, I give you an opportunity get lost, you want to do to fight the servant are your matters, if dares to provoke me, I did not mind that extinguished you!” 杜少甫目光微抬,淡淡扫了四周周空已经是隐隐间将自己困在其中的16个战仆一眼,最后直视那手持长枪的领头战仆,神色带着些许的淡漠和森冷,道:“看在都是人族的份上,我给你们一次机会滚,你们想要做战仆是你们的事情,若是敢招惹我,我不介意灭了你们!” The sound is not loud, but is having that cold and gloomy swift and fierce reverberation, is passing overbearing for no reason. 声音不大,但带着的那份森冷凌厉回荡,无端透着一种霸道。 But this ruling by force with swift and fierce, falls in the ear of that 16 war servants, is the feeling is different, immediately makes 16 war servant looks respective complex, then sends swiftly and fiercely coldly. 但这种霸道和凌厉,落在那16个战仆的耳中,却是感觉并不一样,立刻让得16个战仆神色各自复杂,然后凌厉发寒。 Although they fight the servant, but Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King war servant , the book is the talent uncommon generation, innate arrogance. 他们虽然是战仆,但是灵幻虎王狂熊王的战仆,也本就是天姿不凡之辈,自有傲气。 They obtain the practice resource support of Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King, does not place in many peers the eye, many years later, they can leave, then returns to Jiu Zhou, then sweeps away the four directions, rules a region by force, this is they are willing into reason that fights the servant. 他们得到灵幻虎王狂熊王的修炼资源支持,不将多少同辈放在眼中,多少年后,他们就能够离开,然后回到九州,然后横扫四方,雄霸一方,这是他们甘愿成为战仆的原因。 But at this moment, facing that purple robe youth overbearing swift and fierce, the arrogance in these war servant hearts cannot be defied, after becoming fights the servant, they most are unable to accept others, especially does not have ga to accept with for the provocation and disregarding of humanity, will stimulate them for no reason. 而此刻,面对那紫袍青年的霸道凌厉,这些战仆心中的傲气不容挑衅,成为战仆之后,他们也最是无法接受别人,特别是无噶接受同为人类者的挑衅和无视,无端会刺激到他们。 Boy, you courts death!” “小子,你这是找死!” The unusual Martial Venerable level that speech leads fights the servant to get angry, the double pupil fights to shoot the cold brightness, a look density, lets all around void is thermal shock. 那说话领头的超凡武尊层次战仆怒,双眸斗射寒光,神色一片森然,让得四周虚空都是温度骤降。 Bang!” “轰!” When that and other dense words fall, in his hand the long gun|spear shakes, runes breaks out the eruption, a tearing void prestige can fight to shoot. 当那等森然话语落下的时候,其手中长枪一抖,符文突起爆发,一股撕裂虚空的威能斗射而出。 Fights the servant form such as the electricity from out of the blue, the unusual Martial Venerable aura is outspoken, its long gun|spear is also is similar to together the radiant thunder from the sky dive , the place visited spatial warping, is faint presents the trace that the space chaps, in a twinkling, by the unsurpassed vast potential, burst the pressure directly to Du Shaofu. 战仆身影如电破空,超凡武尊气息毫无保留,其长枪亦是如同一道璀璨的雷霆自上空俯冲而下,所过之处空间扭曲,隐隐间出现空间皲裂的痕迹,霎时间,以无上浩大之势,直接溃压向了杜少甫 That fearful imposing manner, vibration all around, is only the prestige energy on that long gun|spear, is faint is having the monster different roaring sound, sufficiently shakes the person heart and soul. 那可怕的气势,震动四周,光是那长枪上的威能,隐隐间带着妖异的咆哮声,就足以震人心魄。 Without a doubt, that war servant take a shot / make a move, wanting one move to solve at present that purple robe youth. 毫无疑问,那战仆出手,想要一招解决了眼前那紫袍青年。 He must set up the prestige, showed that he is the status and strength of Linghuan Tiger King first war servant! 他要立威,证明他是灵幻虎王第一战仆的身份和实力! Scoffs!” “嗤啦!” The fearful prestige can erupt, radiant energy runes blots out the sky. 可怕的威能喷发,璀璨的能量符文铺天盖地。 All are the flash, in all around many vision gazes, is saw that unusual Martial Venerable fights the servant, that handle radiant long gun|spear in hand, just likes together the thunder, points to the forehead of that purple robe youth. 一切都是一瞬间而已,四周不少目光注视中,便是见到那超凡武尊战仆,手中的那一柄璀璨长枪,犹如一道雷霆,已经是直指到了那紫袍青年的眉心。 Linghuan Tiger King and Kuang Bear King, at this moment are also vision engrossing is looking at this, eye of belt light smiling expression. 灵幻虎王狂熊王,此刻也是目光饶有兴趣的望着这一幕,目带淡淡的笑意 Not far away small bird of prey, is the vision reduces at this moment, the facial expression is somewhat complex, what are more, only thinks that can withdraw. 不远处的小隼,此刻也是目光紧缩,神情有些复杂,但更多的是,只想自己能够脱身。 Let alone just the small bird of prey as if heard, that purple robe youth, but also is really a humanity, oneself cannot become Mount / Zuoji of humanity. 何况刚刚小隼似乎听到,那紫袍青年,还真是一个人类,自己就更加不能够成为一个人类的坐骑了。 Only then distant place static and vertical purple flame monster phoenix, even is looked that has not looked at one. 只有远处静静而立的紫炎妖凰,甚至是看都没有多看一眼。 Scoffs!” “嗤啦!” The long gun|spear points , the lance point beforehand space revealed that the jet black ray, tears the space, approached the Du Shaofu forehead. 长枪直指,枪尖之前空间显露出漆黑光芒,撕裂空间,已经靠近到了杜少甫眉心。 This instantaneous, many vision was Du Shaofu has also held breath cold air. 这瞬间,不少目光也是不禁为杜少甫倒吸了一口凉气。 In this electric light flint, all Demonic Beast vision slightly selects, the double pupil could not bear reduce respectively, saw likely what most inconceivable matter was common. 只是就在这电光火石间,所有妖兽目光微微一挑,双瞳各自忍不住紧缩了一下,像是见到了何种最为不可思议的事情一般。 At this moment, sights of all person astonished color deteriorations, before seeing only that to plunder the lance point to purple robe youth forehead, why does not know, actually suddenly coagulates motionless, likely was the space and time static generally, again also being hard little advance half minute. 就在此刻,所有人惊愕变色的见到,只见那掠至紫袍青年眉心之前的枪尖,不知为何,却是突然凝固不动,像是时空都静止了一般,再也难以寸进半分。 But that purple robe youth, is actually motionless does not swing, the clothes robe had not been tilted the half minute. 而那紫袍青年,却是不动不摇,就连衣袍都未曾被掀动半分。 The purple robe youth standing earth, just like the rock, is proudly tall and straight, looks disdainfully overbearingly! 紫袍青年站立大地,宛如磐石,傲然挺拔,何等霸道睥睨! But afterward saw only that purple robe youth to move, raised the arm to lift the hand, the look was indifferent, seems like slow, the regulations were if quickly like lightning, in the purple clothes robe long sleeve, palm outstretch gently, then was gently fell on that eruption radiant runes the stock after lance point directly, grasping gently above. 但随后只见那紫袍青年动了,振臂抬手,神色淡然,看似缓慢,实则是快若闪电般,紫色衣袍长袖中,手掌轻轻的伸出,然后便是轻轻的直接落在了那爆发璀璨符文的枪尖后的枪柄上,轻轻的握在了上面。 Good Magical Artifact, was only with his person, the strength is weak, has buried it!” “不错的法器,只是用他的人,实力还弱了点,埋没了它!” The Du Shaofu start to talk, in the double pupil flake gold light fights to shoot suddenly, grasps the palm on stock, gushes out the golden light, just likes the electric current is ordinary, is spreading suddenly on the long gun|spear, originally the fearful imposing manner and radiant runes of eruption on the long gun|spear covers the suppression directly. 杜少甫开口,双瞳之内骤然一片金光斗射而出,握在枪柄上的手掌,也涌出金光,犹如电流一般,骤然蔓延着在长枪上,将长枪上原本爆发的可怕气势和璀璨符文直接覆盖镇压。 „It is not good!” “不好!” This checks, that unusual Martial Venerable fights the servant seems felt that anything, the facial color has changed suddenly, the facial expression on face crashed likely from the heaven the hell. 这一刹,那超凡武尊战仆似乎是感觉到了什么,面色骤然大变,脸上的神情像是从天堂坠落到了地狱。 Afterward in that unusual Martial Venerable fights in inconceivable that servant shocks, early-grade Magical Artifact in his hand, Linghuan Tiger King gives his heavy treasure, unexpectedly is involuntary, was seized by the opposite party directly forcefully. 随后在那超凡武尊战仆震骇的不可思议中,他手中的一件初品法器,灵幻虎王给他的重宝,居然是身不由己的,直接强行被对方所夺。 All these, he is incapable of controlling and preventing, the long gun|spear in hand directly fell in the hand of opposite party, was lost the contact with him likely. 这一切,他无力掌控和阻止,手中的长枪就直接落在了对方的手中,像是已经和他失去了联系。 „It is not wonderful, quickly on together!” “不妙,快一起上!” All around remaining 15 war servant facial colors change suddenly, three with drink for the unusual Martial Venerable cultivation base leader greatly, instant Qi Qi dives to plunder, erupts the imposing manner, stimulates to movement martial skill and weapon, 15 fearful attacks have approached Du Shaofu on killing like lightning. 四周剩下的15个战仆面色骤然大变,三个同为超凡武尊修为的领头者大喝,霎那间齐齐俯冲掠出,爆发气势,催动武技和兵器,15股可怕的攻击闪电般就扑杀向了杜少甫 And that another three unusual Martial Venerable fight the attack of servant, can twist void, vibrates the mountains and rivers, lets the upper air thunder, the wind and cloud color deterioration, powerful frightening! 其中那另外三个超凡武尊战仆的攻击,更是能够扭曲虚空,震动山河,让高空电闪雷鸣,风云变色,强悍恐怖 But 15 form dives under attack, just like drops 15 thunder from the upper air, that and other fearful radiant runes twinkles are dazzling, the imposing manner presses the violent space, frightening! 15道身影俯冲而下攻击,宛如从高空落下15道雷霆,那等可怕的璀璨符文闪烁刺眼,气势压暴空间,让人胆颤心惊! Bang!” “嘭!” The Du Shaofu right hand seizes the spear|gun, in double pupil spills over some strange runes ray twinkles suddenly, left arm same time overlap the golden light fist, is ghosts and demons shoots up to the sky upwardly, that falls directly, in holding a gun unusual Martial Venerable cultivation base of that response has fought on the servant chest radically without enough time. 杜少甫右手夺枪,双瞳中突然泛出些许的诡异符文光芒闪烁,左臂同时间覆盖着金光的拳头,便是鬼魅般的向上冲天而起,那直接落在了那根本来不及反应的持枪超凡武尊修为战仆胸膛上。 At this moment, the former does not know that is the what kind reason, unexpectedly is the double pupil delay, afterward under that fist, the golden light eruption falls in torrents into the body, the body also directly blasted out changed to the blood fog. 这一刻,前者不知道是何等原因,居然是双眸呆滞,随后在那一拳下,金光喷发倾泻入体,身躯也直接炸开化作了血雾。 Kills!” “杀!” Du Shaofu holds up the head to shout angrily, while the former body changes to the blood fog blasts out, a body foot stamps rises straight from the ground, the back golden light erupts, just like discussing the dazzling sun initial rise, a pair of golden light wing extends, rising typhoon on, on straight nine days! 杜少甫昂首怒喝,在前者身躯化作血雾炸开的同时,身躯一脚跺地拔地而起,背后金光爆发,宛如议论曜日初升,一双金光羽翼伸展开来,扶摇而上,直上九天!
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