MG :: Volume #3

#1: Master

Lightning when overtook that person, they stay between the halfway up the mountainside houses and summit exactly. 闪电的般的追上了那人之时,他们恰好停留在半山房舍和山顶之间。 Has surpassed the halfway up the mountainside houses, regarding most people, was the Spirit Medicine Mt. Peak restricted areas. To basic realize on nobody at this moment that here suddenly will be many two people. 超过了半山房舍,对于绝大多数人来说,都是灵药峰的禁地了。是以此刻根本就无人察觉,在这里会突然多了二个人。 The He Yiming personal appearance stands firm before flying to arrive at that person of body 20 meters away, when his vision fell on the face of opposite party, in the heart greatly shocked. 贺一鸣身形如飞般的来到了那人的身前20米外站定,当他的目光落到了对方的脸上之时,不由地心中大为震骇。 He Yiming regarding oneself when the year only 15, has visited since Xiantian to be extremely proud. Because to his knowledge, overwhelming majorities is the Xiantian powerhouses promotes in 60 to 80 years old successfully. 一直以来,贺一鸣对于自己在年仅15之时,就已经踏足先天而感到了极度的自豪。因为据他所知,绝大多数是先天强者都是在60岁到80岁之间晋升成功的。 Although also some exceptions, but can promote Xiantian at age 40, is the rare talent extremely. 虽然也有一些例外,但是能够在40岁的时候晋升先天,就已经是难得一见的绝顶天才了。 However, is seeing this person of that flash, He Yiming knows at present that originally big of world, only does not have oneself this talent. 但是,在见到眼前这人的那一瞬间,贺一鸣才知道,原来天下之大,并不是仅有自己这一个天才啊。 The appearance of this person is ordinary, appearance does not have the place that anything is worth mentioning, if looks at the semblance only, as if is only a poverty-stricken peasant family man. However, the appearance of this person was too young, was really too young. 此人的面目一般,身上的打扮也没有什么值得一提的地方,若是单看外表,似乎仅是一个穷苦的农家汉子。但是,此人的面貌太年轻了,实在是太年轻了。 Although his is older than He Yiming, but most is similar to big brother Yitian│one day. 他的年纪虽然比贺一鸣要大,但最多就是与大哥一天相若。 24 th, five -year-old Xiantian powerhouses, moreover is filling from him in that immeasurably deep aura, He Yiming knows that this person was far from that type just promoted successful Xiantian Grandmaster. 24、五岁的先天强者,而且从他身上所弥漫着的那种深不可测的气息中,贺一鸣知道,此人绝非那种刚刚晋升成功的先天大师 Only if he and or Cheng Fu is the same, has the experience of sudden enlightenment , otherwise he promotes Xiantian at least also about ten years. 除非他与自己或成傅一样,有过顿悟的经验,否则他晋升先天起码也在十年左右。 Read and this, He Yiming in the heart immediately was the whisper. 一念及此,贺一鸣心中顿时是嘀咕不已。 If this person is really promotes Xiantian ten years ago, that was the same with oneself. It seems like big of world, the outstandingly able person different gentleman is innumerable, oneself somewhat sit the well view day, was haughtily arrogant. 如果此人真是在十年前晋升先天,那岂不是和自己一样了。看来天下之大,奇人异士数不胜数,自己还是有些坐井观天,狂傲自大了。 However, is not only he has such feeling, stood before him that Xiantian Grandmaster, was a delay of face, looked at his appearance, as if could not think through, actually also has in this world compared with he younger Xiantian powerhouse. 然而,不仅仅是他有着这样的感觉,站在了他面前的那位先天大师,更是一脸的呆滞,看他的那个样子,似乎是怎么也想不通,在这个世界上竟然还有着比他更为年轻的先天强者。 They size up mutually, in the heart is young of extremely surprised opposite party, after silent has partly made a sound, He Yiming opens the mouth to say finally: Your Excellency, why covertly sneaks Spirit Medicine Mt. Peak, does not know that this place is Heng Mountain [lineage/vein] Mountain Gate (sect) heavy, does not accommodate the light shame?” 他们相互打量,心中都是万分惊讶对方的年轻,沉默了半响之后,贺一鸣终于率先开口道:“阁下何人,为何偷偷摸摸潜入灵药峰,难道不知,此地乃是横山一脉的山门重地,不容轻辱的么?” That young powerhouse opened mouth, seems wants to argue anything, but a brow wrinkle, said: Who Your Excellency is, does not know that has what origin with Heng Mountain [lineage/vein].” 那位年轻的强者张了张嘴,似乎是想要辩解什么,但眉头一皱,道:“阁下又是何人,不知与横山一脉有何渊源。” He Yiming smiles proudly, said: This matter work Your Excellency did not care, but Your Excellency, since dares to intrude Spirit Medicine Mt. Peak, that please be a guest of several days in this.” 贺一鸣傲然一笑,道:“此事不劳阁下关心,只是阁下既然敢闯入灵药峰,那就请在此做客几曰吧。” That person of speechless smiles, in his facial expression appears the facial expression that was proud extremely, said: Your Excellency is really the big tone.” 那人哑然一笑,他的神情中现出了极为自负的神情,道:“阁下真是好大的口气。” He Yiming double pupil divine light concentrates, said: My tone is too whether big, tried not to know, if Your Excellency courageous, descended the mountain along with me a war.” 贺一鸣双眸神光一凝,道:“我的口气是否太大,试试不就知道了,阁下若是有胆量的话,就随我下山一战吧。” Here approached the peak, although He Yiming has not come, but also knows when closing up Pill Refining, most death anniversary disturbs. If two Xiantian powerhouse here duels, if wants not to alarm a cave mansion people, only feared that has absolutely never the possible matter. 这里已经靠近峰顶了,虽然贺一鸣并没有来过,但也知道在闭关炼丹之际,最忌打扰。若是二位先天强者在这里决斗,要想不惊动洞府中人,只怕是决无可能之事。 That person laughs, said: So is why troublesome, if Your Excellency wants to begin, that comes.” 那人哈哈一笑,道:“何必那么麻烦,若是阁下想要动手,那就来吧。” He Yiming brow big wrinkle, in the heart has flashed through a thought suddenly, must seize at the maximum speed this person. 贺一鸣眉头大皱,心中骤然闪过了一个念头,要以最快的速度将此人擒下。 Since his in the heart had decided that the personal appearance was such as the ghost demon shook immediately. 心中既然有所决定,身形顿时是如鬼似魅般的晃了一下。 At present that person of in the eyes was flashing an unusual complex brilliance, after seeing He Yiming these shakes the body, immediately was dignified, on the vest has seeped out cold sweat. 眼前那人的眼中本来闪动着一种异样的复杂的光彩,但是在看到了贺一鸣的这一下晃身之后,顿时是神情凝重,就连背心上都渗出了一丝冷汗。 All distracting thoughts after were ejected the brain by him instantaneously, his in the heart scolded secretly, he faced at this moment, was not the ordinary young man younger generation, but was one has the same level cultivation level Xiantian powerhouse with him. 所有的杂念都在瞬间被他抛出脑后,他心中暗自责骂,他此刻所面对的,并不是什么普通的后生晚辈,而是一个和他拥有同等修为先天强者。 Although the appearance of this powerhouse seems young excessive a point, that formidable aura that but lends from him, makes him have a feeling of trembling sufficiently. 这个强者的面貌虽然看上去年轻的过份了一点,但是从他身上所散发出来的那种强大气息,却足以让他产生出一种战栗的感觉。 When facing such match, oneself also dare to divert attention he to attend to unexpectedly, this brings about own destruction simply. 在面对这样的对手之时,自己竟然还敢分心他顾,这简直就是自寻死路。 The opposite party that in a flash, seems like simple, is in his eyes, after He Yiming this in a flash, his body left one group of fog immediately, as if at this moment before him, is not a person, but is one human form monster(s) that becomes by the clouds and mist combination. 对方的那一晃之间,看似简单,可是在他的眼中,贺一鸣的这一晃之后,他的身上顿时多出了一团云雾,似乎此刻在他面前的,并不是一个人,而是一个由云和雾组合而成的人形怪物 Meanwhile, formidable is almost equal to essence general pressure fills the air, and from extrudes in all directions for the center toward him. 同时,一股强大的几乎等同于实质一般的气势弥漫开去,并且从四面八方朝着他为中心挤压过来。 Saw that he must be wrapped by He Yiming pressure, in this flash, this person deeply inspired, from his body, erupted one group suddenly has been similar to raging fire same level formidable pressure. 眼看他就要被贺一鸣气势所包裹,就在这一瞬间,此人深吸了一口气,从他的身上,骤然爆发出了一团如同烈火般的同等强大的气势 His double palm vertical stroke, the surrounding temperature as if is also faint has been higher than one section, drinks one suddenly lightly, was similar to recognizes the He Yiming direction illness to clash at top speed. 他双掌一竖,周围的温度似乎也是隐隐的高出了一截,陡然间轻喝一声,如同流星赶月般的认准了贺一鸣的方向疾冲过来。 Every his both feet the place of treading, immediately is similar to sparks, that curled the fresh steam to form a formidable heat wave suddenly, these heat waves danced in the air in in the sky surges, just liked in fog pressure fire dragon sending out the endless dignity. 凡是他双脚所踏之处,顿时如同火星点点,那袅袅而生的热气骤然间形成了一股强大的热浪,这些热浪在空中翻腾飞舞,在云雾的气势之中犹如一条火龙般散发着无尽的威严。 In this fire dragon air wave stirs about, that flooded the fog air/Qi in this space starts to dissipate immediately slowly. 在这条火龙般的气浪搅合之下,那原本充斥于这片空间中的云雾之气顿时开始慢慢的消散了。 He Yiming in the heart sneers, cannot think of this person also with the Cheng Fu same Xiantian powerhouse, but looks at the strength of this person, as if compares to that Cheng Fu still to be higher than several points. 贺一鸣心中冷笑,想不到此人也是与成傅一样的先天强者,不过看此人的实力,似乎比起那成傅犹要高出几分。 However in all Xiantian expert, He Yiming copes with the experience of Fire Element powerhouse without doubt is richest. 不过在所有的先天高手之中,贺一鸣对付火系强者的经验无疑是最为丰富的。 His personal appearance revolution, trod a strange step suddenly. 他身形一转,骤然间踏出了一种诡异的步伐。 This step is not complex, the only characteristics, are quick! 这种步伐并不复杂,唯一的特点,就是快! One and two steps, three...... 一步、二步,三步…… After he trod third, immediately was one round is beyond redemption, that both feet has left behind the innumerable remnant shades in this piece of Void, he as if at the same time has traveled across all spaces in this piece of region. 当他踏出了第三步之后,顿时是一发而不可收拾,那双脚已经在这一片虚空中留下了无数的残影,他似乎是在同一时间中踏遍了这一片区域内的所有空间。 mountain rain is continuous, covers the earth. 山雨绵绵,覆盖大地。 In this moment, He Yiming in the mind has again flashed through the chart of that continuous mountain rain. 在这一刻,贺一鸣脑海中再一次闪过了那绵绵不绝的山雨之图。 He once used Large Crescent Blade, evolves this continuous endless mountain rain blade potential. Under a blade, the strength cuts more than 200 people, this time, passed through in the canyon and a double headed Spirit Beast war, passed through Five Elements mutual engender(ing), the after feeling of combining into one, lets him regarding the sensibility on Blade Arts and movement strives once more. 他曾经用大关刀,演化出这绵绵无尽的山雨刀势。在一刀之下,力斩200余人,这一次,经过了峡谷中与双头灵兽的一战,经过了五行相生,合而为一的感觉之后,让他对于刀法身法上的感悟再次精进。 Although in his hand at this moment does not have Large Crescent Blade, but he could actually the potential of successful evolution mountain rain his Raining Clouds Soaring Technique, in this flash palm be a blade, releases the essence of this type. 虽然他此刻的手中没有大关刀,但他却已经可以将山雨之势成功的演化进了他的云雨飞腾术,在这一瞬间化掌为刀,将这一式的精华释放出来。 The forest fire that the instant, seethed with excitement sparks that is that has not spread likely to be hit by the torrential downpour that hundred years saw rarely in all around gradually suddenly, by the naked eye obvious speed destruction, vanishes. 霎那间,原本在四周逐渐沸腾起来的火星象是那尚未蔓延开来的林火突然遭到了百年罕得一见的瓢泼大雨般,以肉眼可见的速度覆灭,消失。 On that person of face immediately has appeared a color with amazement, Fire Element cultivation technique that he cultivates has achieved extremely formidable powerful ability, strength of fire that although this does not produce from sudden enlightenment , however his Fire Element cultivation technique is quite special, discussed by the might, absolutely not, in other had under the Fire Element Xiantian powerhouse of sudden enlightenment experience. 那人的脸上顿时现出了一丝骇然之色,他所修炼的火系功法已经达到了极为强大的威能,虽然这并不是从顿悟之中产生的火之力,但是他的火系功法极为特殊,以威力而论,绝对不在其他拥有顿悟经验的火系先天强者之下。 But what has not thought that at present this will seem the young inconceivable Xiantian powerhouse will actually have so formidable ability, among with no efforts, will seem like bringing the vast water, his strength of fire continually true might has not even stimulated, then completely had been struck to disperse by him. 但没想到的是,眼前这个看上去年轻的不可思议的先天强者竟然会拥有如此强大的能力,举手投足之间,就像是带着汪洋之水般,他的火之力甚至于连真正的威力都没有激发出来,便已经被他全部击散了。 His complexion incomparable dignity, but in the heart is actually not flurried. 他的脸色无比的凝重,但心中却是并未慌乱。 Saw the pressure extrusion of fog He Yiming that condenses comes, his depth inspired suddenly. 眼看贺一鸣那重新凝聚的云雾似的气势挤压而来,他突地深吸了一口气。 This one breath unexpectedly that prolonged, what as if he has is not the vital capacity of humanity, but was ancient times Giant Dragon, that tone long make the blood boil. 这一口气竟然是那么的绵长,似乎他所拥有的并非人类的肺活量,而是一头远古的巨龙似的,那口气长的令人发指。 The surrounding air as if somewhat coagulated in this moment, He Yiming discovered suddenly that own fog as if has met the entanglement of one strange strength, looks like a net of not being able to see, already from that person of body thorough has dispersed, and instead is raiding. 周围的空气在这一刻似乎是有些凝固了,贺一鸣突地发现,自己的云雾似乎是遇到了一种奇异力量的纠缠,就像是一张看不见的网,已经从那人的身上彻底的散了开来,并且在反袭而来。 In this strength, He Yiming felt a very familiar aura. 在这种力量之中,贺一鸣感到了一种非常熟悉的气息。 Withered Wood Technique. 枯木功 Of Withered Wood Technique Xu Family two big Houtian top rank wonderful technique, have with this aura very close feeling. 徐家二大后天顶阶奇功之一的枯木功,就拥有与这种气息非常接近的感觉。 In this flash, He Yiming suddenly understands that the present person is really fierce out of the ordinary, even if Cheng Fu here, absolutely non- his enemy. 在这一瞬间,贺一鸣豁然明白,眼前之人果然是厉害的非比寻常,哪怕是成傅在此,也绝对非其之敌。 Because this person unexpectedly is fire wooden two attribute with cultivating Xiantian powerhouse. 因为此人竟然是一位火木二系同修的先天强者。 Although Cheng Fu is also fire clay two attribute with cultivating, because he promotes the Xiantian Grandmaster time only more than 20 years, although had an experience of sudden enlightenment , but he also can only cultivate the high attainments on strength of fire, as for the strength of earth, Cheng Fu does not want to study by no means that but absolutely does not have this time. 成傅虽然也是火土双系同修,但是由于他晋升先天大师的时间仅有20多年,虽然曾经有过一次顿悟的经历,但他也仅能在火之力上修到了较高的造诣,至于土之力,成傅并非不想学习,而是根本就没有这个时间。 But, present youngster, truly wants fearful many compared with Cheng Fu. 可是,眼前的这个年轻人,确实远比成傅要可怕的多。 He clearly is wood and fire double rests, not only cultivated one type the Fire Element strength the situation of approaching in big accomplishment, the Wood Element strength as if also has achieved not the achievement that Fire Element was more inferior. 他分明是木火双休,不仅仅将火系的力量修炼到了一种接近于大成的地步,就连木系的力量似乎也达到了并不比火系逊色的成就。 At this moment, his within the body True Qi changes, immediately is similar to the dead wood is ordinary, the whole body aura approaches in restrains completely, to the feeling of person, what looks like in present is not one person, but is a giant lofty tree in the extreme. 此刻,他体内真气一变,顿时就是如同枯木一般的,全身气息接近于完全收敛,给人的感觉,就像是在眼前的并非一人,而是一颗巨大的无以复加的参天大树。 He Yiming first time Xiantian expert meet with Wood Element, when his just likes the palm potential of violent storm gathers round the match bombs recklessly, in the heart secretly whispers. 贺一鸣还是第一次与木系先天高手相遇,当他那犹如急风暴雨的掌势围着对手狂轰烂炸之时,心中却是暗自嘀咕。 This person much is old, is almost the same as big brother Yitian│one day, is not only Xiantian expert, moreover two attribute simultaneous cultivation, cultivated this and other powerful situations. Actually does he practice? In this world, obtained lake bot­tom for­tu­itous en­counter, only does not have...... Under Raining Clouds Soaring Technique, He Yiming personal appearance if quickly the lightning, both hands tie seal, series unceasingly. 此人的年纪才多大啊,和大哥一天相差无几,非但已经是先天高手,而且还是双系兼修,都修到了这等强悍的地步。他究竟是怎么修炼的?难道在这个世界上,获得了湖底奇遇的,并不是仅有自己一人么……在云雨飞腾术之下,贺一鸣的身形快若闪电,双手结印,连环不绝。 wind and clouds rain and mist as if in this moment complete fuses in together, has composed one greatly, great net that as if day after day can also cover up. 风云雨雾仿佛在这一刻全部的融合在一起,组成了一道巨大的,仿佛连天也能够遮掩的巨网。 However, his quick has discovered that the [say / way] of Five Elements repelling one another, is really everywhere. 然而,他很快的就发现了,五行相克之道,果然是无处不在。 Opposite party martial skill clearly is also Xiantian Battle Skill, this Battle Skill seems like simple incomparable, but is this type simple to the extreme movement, has the strength of inexhaustible defense. 对方的武技分明也是一种先天战技,这种战技看似简单无比,但就是这种简单的到了极点的动作,却有着无穷无尽的防御之力。 Since promoting Xiantian, even if not use Hidden Needle Seal, He Yiming can also stimulate True Qi, wounds the enemy in several rice. 自从晋升先天之后,哪怕是不使用藏针印,贺一鸣也可以将真气激发而出,在数米之内击伤敌人。 However this time, He Yiming stimulated over a hundred True Qi, is each stroking the body of opposite party, likely was punctures above the dead wood, has sent out withered flip-flop sound. 但是这一次,贺一鸣已经是激发了上百道真气,可是每一次击打的对方的身上,都像是刺到了枯木之上似的,发出了干枯的噼啪声。 It looks like that one day summit, although is the drizzle is misty, everywhere, but these lofty trees in wooded mountain, therefore have not actually come under any influence. 就像是那一曰山巅,虽然是细雨蒙蒙,无处不在,但是山林中的那些参天大树们,却并没有因此而受到任何影响。 They tower as before proudly, as if can tall and straight in same place, is says the long time as for Tianchang. 它们依旧是傲然耸立,仿佛是能够挺拔在原地,乃至于天长曰久。 His first time felt, although own wind and clouds rain and mist is formidable, but these strengths extremely were as if illusory. 他第一次感到,自己的风云雨雾虽然强大,但是这几种力量似乎都太过于虚无缥缈了。 The match who if runs into is inferior to himself, naturally can by the empty trapped|sleepy reality, win. But if has run into the strength suitable match, moreover this match is one experienced generation, the when cultivation technique instead faint restraint of practice in him, that in these strengths, the might that seriously deficient gives the final word. 若是遇到的对手不如自己,自然能够以虚困实,战而胜之。但若是遇到了实力相当的对手,而且这个对手又是一位老成持重之辈,修炼的功法反而隐隐克制于他之时,那么在这几种力量中,就严重缺乏一锤定音的威力。 He has calmly gotten down the heart, is sensing opposite party cultivation technique, wants to seek for own insufficiency, then the best effect, stole the master from the same step even therefore slightly better powerhouse without doubt. 他静下了心来,感悟着对方的功法,想要寻找出自己的不足,那么最好的效果,无疑就是从同阶甚至于是比自己略高一筹的强者身上偷师了。 Regarding this procedure, He Yiming is a familiar house, a moment later, that person comes and goes, repeated several moves already by He Yiming recording in the heart firmly, how even links others True Qi to past, has several points to understand clearly. 对于这个做法,贺一鸣可谓是熟门熟路,片刻之后,那人来来去去,反反覆覆的几招已经被贺一鸣牢牢的记在了心中,甚至于连人家的真气如何流转,都有着几分了然了。 If makes the opposite that person know that He Yiming harvest at this moment and ensure he can be startled stupefied, anything could not say. 若是让对面那人知道贺一鸣此刻的收获,保证他会惊得膛目结舌,什么也说不出来了。 Finally, He Yiming in the eyes has shown a satisfactory smiling face, regarding thing that he must know, understood was similar. 终于,贺一鸣眼中露出了一丝满意的笑容,对于他所要知道的东西,已经了解的差不多了。 Such being the case, he again did not have the interest to continue to delay. 既然如此,他也就再没有兴趣继续拖延下去了。 That such as the wind such as Yun Ruwu the body stopped suddenly, moved in the condition that suddenly to transform an extremely static condition from one type extremely, this was the what kind difficulty, even if were Xiantian Grandmaster is also not necessarily able to accomplish easily. 那如风如云如雾般的身躯骤然间停了下来,从一种极动的状态中豁然转变成了一种极静的状态,这是何等的困难,哪怕是先天大师也未必能够轻易办到。 After all, Xiantian Grandmasters displays is powerful force Xiantian Battle Skill, wants to grasp the situation of having one's wish this Battle Skill, similarly is not an easy matter. 毕竟,先天大师们所施展的都是威力强大的先天战技,想要将这种战技掌握到随心所欲的地步,同样不是一件容易的事情。 That person of eye pupil condenses for a point once again, he suddenly felt one type intense to the sense of fear of extreme. 那人的眼眸再度凝缩为了一点,他突然感到了一种强烈的到了极点的恐惧感。 Greatly startles in his in the heart, in addition does not understand what happened the time, saw He Yiming to lift his both hands. 就在他心中大骇,尚且不明白发生了什么事情的时候,就见贺一鸣已经抬起了他的双手。 That pair of hand at this moment, is emitting one metallic color gloss unexpectedly, as if turned into a giant chopper suddenly, is sending out swift and fierce murderous aura in the wind. 那一双手在此刻,竟然散发着一种金属色的光泽,仿佛突然之间变成了一把巨大的砍刀,在风中散发着凌厉的杀气 That person of in the heart inexplicable the feeling of unexpectedly some fear, this is he when facing same step expert, has not felt situation. 那人的心中莫名的竟然有了一丝畏惧的感觉,这可是他在面对同阶高手之时,从来就没有感受过的情况。 His eye narrows the eyes, body True Qi circulation. He has recognized, He Yiming displays absolutely is the Metal Element strength, but Wood Element cultivation technique that he displays at this moment, exactly by its restraint. 他眼睛一眯,身上真气流转。他已经认出,贺一鸣所施展的绝对是金系力量,而他此刻所施展的木系功法,岂不是恰好被其克制。 He wants to change cultivation technique Attribute, but he in a hurry, how he can achieve. 他想要改变功法属姓,但是他仓促之间,他又如何能够做到。 In this moment, that person of in the heart sighed painstakingly. 在这一刻,那人的心中苦叹不已。 Freak that actually this where jumps, not only mastered that many strengths true meanings, but also in the transformation of cultivation technique, has the bewildered originality. 这究竟是从哪里迸出来的怪胎,不但掌握了那么多力量的真谛,而且在功法的转换上,也有着莫名其妙的独到之处。 From to cloudy to supple wind and clouds rain and mist, suddenly transformation to just to strong Metal Element cultivation technique, unexpectedly so relaxed enjoyable, as if in this period did not have least bit to obstruct. 从至阴至柔的风云雨雾,骤然转换到至刚至强的金系功法,竟然是如此的轻松写意,似乎期间没有半点儿滞碍似的。 At this moment, his in the heart only thought is, actually does this fellow how achieve? 此刻,他心中唯一的念头就是,这家伙究竟是如何做到的? A bang, erupted on this piece of unmanned path loudly. 轰然一声巨响,在这一片无人的道路上爆发了出来。 Mountain Splitting 36 types, the 16 th type. 开山36式,第16式。 Although after this type is not He Yiming has used Five Element Revolution, that stimulates vigorously to strike. Before displaying this strikes, he has not used Rolling Stone Fist to accumulate pressure in Fist Arts. 虽然这一式并不是贺一鸣使用了五行流转之后,所激发出来的那倾力一击。而且在施展这一击之前,他也没有使用滚石拳来积累拳法之中的气势 However, at this moment he displays suddenly, the great strength of might, has defeated unexpectedly that person of defense rack instantaneously, is similar to a huge Mountain Splitting axe, cuts off that lofty tree instantaneously thoroughly. 但是,此刻他突然施展出来,威力之强大,竟然是瞬间就击破了那人的防御架子,如同一把巨大的开山斧,瞬间将那颗参天大树彻底斩断。 That person of body flew suddenly, True Qi in within the body is similar to the boiling water general rolling is seething with excitement, almost must unable to endure patiently to spit blood. 那人的身体骤然飞了起来,体内的真气如同开水一般的滚滚沸腾着,几乎就要忍耐不住而吐血了。 The He Yiming both feet was just well-grounded, immediately induces to the body of opposite party has been injured, under the hauling of internal combustion engine, his pressure rises suddenly instantaneously, in both eyes the none remaining scatters, the under foot makes an effort, is similar to the pursuit like lightning. 贺一鸣双脚刚刚着地,顿时感应到对方的身体已经受伤,在气机的牵引之下,他的气势瞬间暴涨,双目中精光四溅,脚下用力,如同闪电般的追击而出。 He sets upright the palm is a blade, that Mountain Splitting 36 types open in in his hand greatly greatly extravagantly, continuous wields toward that person chops to go, suddenly, compels to be unable to make ends meet that person immediately, complains constantly. 他竖掌为刀,那开山36式在他的手中大开大阔,接连不断的朝着那人挥砍而去,一时间,顿时将那人逼得是左支右绌,叫苦不迭。 This is He Yiming touches airtight opposite party origin, does not want the light under killer reason, although otherwise that palm was insufficient to want his life, but at least can also its severe wound. 这还是贺一鸣摸不透对方来历,不愿意轻下杀手的缘故,否则刚才的那一掌虽然不至于要了他的姓命,但起码也可以将其重伤了。 The bustling sound has downloaded from the mountain road, He Yiming knows that definitely was that bang has alarmed the grandfather they. 熙攘的声音从山道之下传了上来,贺一鸣知道,肯定是刚才的那道巨响惊动了爷爷他们。 Here is the Spirit Medicine Mt. Peak restricted area is at after all, not being able to allow the people to treat it lightly. 这里毕竟是灵药峰的禁地所在,容不得众人掉以轻心。 In an instant, is several person's shadows dashes to come, the ages of these people about 40-50 years old. They see to fight two people of appearance, immediately is the complexion big change, several people have pulled out in the hand without hesitation the weapon, drinks greatly, acting boldly regardless of one's safety flushed. 转眼间,就是数道人影飞奔而来,这几个人的年纪都在四、五十岁左右。他们一见交手二人的面目,顿时就是脸色大变,几个人毫不犹豫的抽出了手中兵器,一声大喝,奋不顾身的冲了上来。 He Yiming is so angry, among five days, he in several with these people also has the reasons of several surface, knows that they are third generation disciple on Spirit Medicine Mt. Peak, was the He Wude younger generation. 贺一鸣气得直翻白眼,五曰之间,他与这些人中的几个也有着数面之缘,知道他们都是灵药峰上的第三代弟子,也算是贺武德的晚辈了。 Their person of father's generation and some He Wude many friendship, although is not the friend who any life and death depends on, may at least also be the junction of nod. Although had 40 years to disappear now, but these old people, once meets, actually is also the harmoniousness of being together. 他们的父辈与贺武德多少都有些交情,虽然算不上什么生死相托的友人,可起码也是点头之交。虽然如今已经有40年不见了,但是这些老人们一旦相见,却也是相处的和和睦睦。 Discussed by the strength, cultivation level of these people were not too bad, mostly in Internal Energy seven, 8-layer about, including one, has 9th-layer cultivation level. Practices under Heng Mountain this environment, days later visits the Internal Energy 10-layer peak, does not only fear any issue. 以实力而论,这些人的一身修为并不算太差,大都在内劲七、八层左右,其中有一个,更是有着第九层修为。在横山这种环境之下修炼,曰后踏足内劲十层巅峰,只怕没有任何问题。 If such cultivation level in Tianluo Country, naturally can take gets rid, moreover object who will win over by various Great Aristocratic Family fully. 这样的修为若是在天罗国中,自然是可以拿得出手,而且还将是被各大世家全力拉拢的对象。 However, he among the fight with that people, is actually the war of Xiantian. 但是,他和那人之间的战斗,却是先天之战。 Depending on cultivation level of these people, unexpectedly also dares not to know the weight, not considering resources bite off more than can chew mixing in, that brings about own destruction. 就凭这些人的修为,竟然也敢不知轻重,自不量力的掺合其中,那岂不是自寻死路么。 Although these person and he is without family or friends, but here after is Heng Mountain, if makes the grandfather know that these people die of their front, even if the grandfather does not blame, oneself can also hardly absolve. 虽然这些人与他无亲无故,但这里毕竟是横山,若是让爷爷知道,这些人是死于自己的面前,就算是爷爷并不责备,自己也是难辞其咎的。 He sighed one lightly, if these people late came the moment again, perhaps then he can wound this young Xiantian expert, even therefore took. 他轻叹一声,这些人若是再晚来一刻,那么他或许就可以将这个年轻的先天高手击伤,甚至于是拿下了。 in the heart was sighing, in the He Yiming hand the move changed, that imitated, if the diamond great axe general Mountain Splitting 36 types changed immediately once again have been similar to misty rain misty hand seal cultivation technique. 心中叹息着,贺一鸣手中招法一变,那仿若金刚巨斧一般的开山36式顿时再度变化成了如同烟雨蒙蒙的手印功法 Among a personal appearance revolution, has kept off in this person and the middle of Spirit Medicine Mt. Peak people. 身形一转之间,已经挡在了这人与灵药峰众人的中间。 Do not look at this person in the He Yiming subordinate seems the hands tied feet tied, was compelled to be thrown into confusion, even momentarily has the danger that is injured to perish. But he after is a Xiantian powerhouse, if arrived among one crowd of Internal Energy seven, 8-layer Houtian Cultivator, that absolutely is similar to the bullying, among with no efforts can set at the person in the deathtrap, naturally does not dare to let him and people by He Yiming contacts. 别看这人在贺一鸣的手下似乎是束手束脚,被逼得手忙脚乱,甚至于随时都有着受伤殒命的危险。但他毕竟是一个先天强者,若是来到了一群内劲七、八层后天修炼者中间,那就绝对是如同虎入羊群,举手投足之间就能够置人于死地,是以贺一鸣自然不敢让他与众人接触了。 However, that person sees the He Yiming movement, immediately was on the face raising anger blushing. 然而,那人一见贺一鸣的动作,顿时是脸上泛起了一丝愤怒之极的红晕。 If a moment ago they, although bewildered has fought, but regarding each other actually not mood of big resenting, when that this moment He Yiming keeps off when Spirit Medicine Mt. Peak disciples who between he and caught up with, the mood of this person fluctuated immediately fiercely, malignant influences also in instantaneous formidable. 如果说刚才他们虽然莫名其妙的交手了,但是对于彼此却并没有多大愤恨的情绪,那么当此刻贺一鸣挡在了他和赶上来的灵药峰弟子之间时,此人的情绪顿时是剧烈的波动了起来,身上的煞气也在瞬间强大了起来。 To the feeling of He Yiming, the wild animal that looks like injury, instead stimulates the determination that he has gone all out. 贺一鸣的感觉,就像是一只受伤的野兽,反而激发了他拼命的决心。 Was only a pity that in the He Yiming subordinate, he has not asked for slightly cheaply, although angry, has no alternative. Saw that in these person of rapid proximity, in the when eye pupil of this person is at the anger, suddenly raising several points of asking colors earnestly. 只可惜,在贺一鸣的手下,他根本就没有讨到丝毫便宜,所以虽然愤怒,却也无可奈何。眼看那些人迅速的接近中,此人的眼眸中在怒火之余,突然泛起了几分的求恳之色。 He Yiming saw instantaneously mood that his in the eyes expressed that in the heart big surprise. 贺一鸣瞬间看出了他眼中所表达的情绪,不由地心中大奇 His suddenly raising a strange thought that is it possible that this person was acquainted with these Spirit Medicine Mt. Peak disciples, therefore isn't willing to put in an appearance with them? 豁然泛起了一丝古怪之极的念头,莫非此人与这几个灵药峰弟子相识,所以不愿意与他们照面么? Xiantian Grandmaster, how also to dread these in in the eyes of their this 1-layer inferior person, radically not popular Houtian Cultivator. 只是一个先天大师,又怎么会忌惮这几个在他们这一层次人的眼中,根本就不入流的后天修炼者呢。 However, when this thought just raising, the He Yiming complexion actually suddenly changed. 然而,就在这个念头刚刚泛起之时,贺一鸣的脸色却是骤然一变。 Because he listening arrived, these people have come up, but they have not bypassed themselves to attack the front that person, but has held up the weapon in hand, gratefully brandishes toward oneself. 因为他已经“听”到了,那些人已经上来了,但是他们并没有绕过自己去攻击前面的那人,而是举起了手中的武器,毫不客气的朝着自己挥舞而来。 He Yiming in the eyes has flashed through color of the startled anger instantaneously, these people are acquainted with him, although some only, but under meets, is the so chaotic thorn at a promiscuous manner, really goes too far. 贺一鸣眼中瞬间闪过了一丝惊怒之色,这些人都与他相识,虽然有些仅有一面,但是一见面之下,就是如此不分青红皂白的乱刺,真是欺人太甚。 He gets angry snort|hum one, body True Qi stirs, the sleeves clothes robe is calm automatic, as if turned into one to fill air/Qi big balloon suddenly. 他怒哼一声,身上真气鼓荡,就连衣袖衣袍都是无风自动,似乎是突然之间变成了一个充满了气的大气球似的。 Regardless of in his heart is how angry, is impossible puts in the deathtrap these people. 只是,无论他的心中如何恼怒,也是不可能将这些人置于死地的。 Therefore, he blows up True Qi, wants to these person of lessons, at least also to in the weapon ball their hands fly the disciplinary punishment. 所以,他将真气鼓起,就是想给这些人一个教训,起码也要将他们的手中兵器弹飞以示惩戒。 However, in this moment, he saw front that person similarly is the complexion big change, screamed: Cannot, draw back quickly.” 然而,就在这一刻,他看到了前面那人同样是脸色大变,尖叫道:“不可,快退。” He Yiming is startled, the in the heart doubt, depends on your a few words, can make Spirit Medicine Mt. Peak these third generation disciple retrocede? 贺一鸣微怔,心中狐疑,难道就凭你一句话,就能够让灵药峰的这些第三代弟子们后退么? However, a stranger matter occurred. 然而,更加古怪的事情又发生了。 These people after hearing that person of cry, immediately has taken back the weapon in hand stiffly, has drawn back without hesitation. 这些人在听到了那人的叫声之后,立即是硬生生的收回了手中的武器,毫不犹豫的退了下去。 They when make this movement, absolutely is without hesitation, almost subconsciously deferred to this person's order to do. 他们在做这一番动作的时候,绝对是不假思索的,几乎就是下意识的按照了这个人的命令去做。 As if in their in the heart, this person has the lofty unsurpassed status, let alone asked them to receive the sword to retrocede, even if made them wield a sword to touch the neck, their also without hesitation execution. 似乎在他们的心中,这人有着崇高无上的地位,别说是叫他们收剑后退了,就算是让他们挥剑摸脖子,他们也会毫不犹豫的执行的。 The He Yiming double pupil concentrates, he is not the fool, after seeing this, he immediately is the faint discovery, oneself have as if made a huge mistake. 贺一鸣双眸微凝,他可不是什么笨蛋,在见到了这一幕之后,他顿时是隐隐的发现,自己似乎是犯了一个天大的错误。 Both feet micro, He Yiming like flying the backlash leaps, astonished uncertain is taking a look at present this and him is the same, young the Xiantian powerhouse of share. 双脚微顿,贺一鸣已经是如飞般的后退跃开,惊异不定的打量着眼前这个与他一样,年轻的过了份的先天强者。 That person saw that He Yiming flies to draw back, has wished for earnestly, where also dares to pursue, makes the best use of the time to control one's breathing hastily, and used to be full of the vision of alert to look to He Yiming. 那人见到贺一鸣飞退,已经是求之不得了,哪里还敢追击,连忙抓紧时间调息,并且用着充满了戒备的目光看向贺一鸣 Although fighting time was short, however after experiencing the He Yiming strength, he has to dread. Said simply that he had been frightened! 刚才的交手时间虽然短暂,但是在见识到了贺一鸣的实力之后,他已经是心存畏惧。简单的说,他已经被打怕了! Because of his clear awareness, when He Yiming transforms Internal Energy that palm suddenly, actually has shown mercy. Even if this moment two people fight again, grasping that he has not won. 因为他清楚的知道,在贺一鸣突然转换内劲之时的那一掌,其实已经是手下留情。哪怕此刻二人重新再战一场,他也是没有丝毫取胜的把握了。 The vision of He Yiming doubt looked that presented the Spirit Medicine Mt. Peak disciple here to that several, sees only these people are the shoulder weapon, the angry glare looks at each other, the word does not gather greatly, draws a sword the opposite direction stance. 贺一鸣狐疑的目光看向了那几个出现在这里的灵药峰弟子,只见这些人都是手持兵器,怒目相视,大有一言不合,拔刀相向的架势。 He winked the eye, turned head, cups one hand in the other across the chest to that young Xiantian powerhouse asks: „Below He Yiming, may I ask the Your Excellency honored name.” 他眨了一下眼睛,回过头来,拱手向那位年轻的先天强者问道:“在下贺一鸣,敢问阁下尊姓大名。” That person the meaning that sees He Yiming as if again not to begin, was loose half tone. Facing the inquiry of He Yiming, he does not dare to neglect, returned to a ritual, said: Really was skillful, the old man was also surnamed He.” 那人见贺一鸣似乎并没有再动手的意思,才算是松了半口气。面对贺一鸣的询问,他不敢怠慢,回了一礼,道:“真是巧了,老夫也是姓贺。” Old man?” “老夫?” He Yiming in the heart that not wonderful feeling is getting more and more thick, especially is listening to this person of that self-important, unfortunately appears expression naturally, he has even had one type the impulsion that wants to flee to the wilderness. 贺一鸣心中那种不妙的感觉越来越浓,特别是听着此人那副老气横秋,偏又显得自然而然的语气,他甚至于产生了一种想要落荒而逃的冲动。 suddenly, dashes to come from the halfway up the mountainside several people again, He Wujin, He Wude and He Laibao three people also. 豁然,从半山腰再有数人飞奔而来,贺武觐贺武德贺来宝三人亦在其中。 They catch up obviously from farther halfway up the mountainside houses, although therefore their martial arts by far in these third generation Spirit Medicine Mt. Peak juniors, but slow one step. 他们明显是从更远的半山房舍中赶来的,所以他们的武功虽然远胜于这些第三代灵药峰子弟,但还是慢了一步。 When they approach this place, after seeing that youngster, He Wu was similar to the wood or clay figure immediately has stood firm with the He Laibao two people generally, their stupefied looks at the present person, in the vision seemed has some type of glittering and translucent carving liquid to circle. 当他们靠近此地,见到了那位年轻人之后,贺武得与贺来宝二人顿时是如同木雕泥塑一般的站定了,他们膛目结舌的看着眼前之人,目光中似乎是有着某种晶莹剔透的液体在盘旋着。 The He Yiming same dumbfoundedness, he never knows, originally when becomes an old person excitedly to the extreme, will burst out some type of beckoning thing. 贺一鸣同样的目瞪口呆,他从来就不知道,原来当一个老人激动到极点之时,也会迸发某种令人心动的东西。 However, his heart was actually is similar to the lead ingot generally sank, oneself these time got rid, feared that made a mistake. 不过,他的心却是如同铅块一般的沉了下去,自己这一次出手,怕是真的错了。 suddenly, He Wude and He Laibao simultaneously more numerous, they arrived at the youngster front, pushes golden mountain, poured the jade column to kneel. 豁然,贺武德贺来宝同时越众而出,他们来到了年轻人的面前,推金山,倒玉柱般的跪了下去。 They are respectful, by reverent numerous knocking that under anybody can induce clearly. 他们恭恭敬敬,以任何人都能够清清楚楚感应到的虔诚重重的磕下头去。 Suddenly, here is silent, only other two old people that neat by touches the place thump sound. 一时间,这里寂静无声,只余下二位老人那整齐的以头触地的“咚咚”声。 After kneeling three times and kowtowing nine times, He Wude has raised head, said: Master, Wude came back.” 三拜九叩之后,贺武德扬起了头,道:“师傅,武德回来了。” On the face of youngster has revealed happily to the extreme smiling face, he has put out a hand He Wude and He Laibao has drawn, said: Comes back...... Good.” 年轻人的脸上露出了欣慰的到了极点的笑容,他伸手将贺武德贺来宝拉了起来,道:“回来……就好。” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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