MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5973: Collaboration

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Chapter 5971 collaborates 第5971章联手 Chu Feng young hero, there does not have a Teleportation Formation method, you can leave through the Teleportation Formation method directly, they cannot catch your.” 楚枫少侠,那里不就有一座传送阵法,你可以通过传送阵法直接离开,他们抓不到你的。” What speech is the dragon four Daoist priests, but direction that he refers, is formation front door that just Chu Feng went out. 说话的是龙四道长,而他指的方向,乃是刚刚楚枫走出的结界大门。 That formation front door, after Chu Feng comes out, has the change. 那个结界大门,在楚枫出来后,就已经有了变化。 Chu Feng also knows, it had turned into a teleportation gate, steps into will again have this ruins by teleportation. 楚枫也知道,它已经变成了一道传送门,再度踏入将被传送出这座遗迹 Even understanding of Chu Feng this formation front door, above nine Daoist priests. 甚至楚枫对这结界大门的了解,远在九位道长之上。 After all Chu Feng obtained the Treasure Storehouse person. 毕竟楚枫是得到了宝藏的人。 Said simple, this Teleportation Formation method, actually for the Chu Feng preparation, rather than nine Daoist priests. 说的简单点,这座传送阵法,其实是为楚枫准备的,而不是为九位道长。 May even if knows, can leave with the Teleportation Formation method, but in the Chu Feng heart actually still lacks self-confidence. 可哪怕知道,可以用传送阵法离开,但楚枫心中却依然没底。 Thundering origin that cannot observe. 那声观察不出的轰鸣来源。 Jie Tian that self-confident appearance. 界天那自信满满的模样。 Is reminding Chu Feng, matter does not seem simple. 都在提醒楚枫,事情似乎并不简单。 Therefore looked that is long to dragon one: senior, junior then told the facts, I and Seven Worlds Saint Mansion have enormous grudge, they must catch me is not possible.” 于是看向龙一道长:“前辈,晚辈便实话实说,我与七界圣府已是结下极大的恩怨,他们是非要抓到我不可的。” Seven Worlds Saint Mansion also knows that I am decoding ruins, Treasure Storehouse am taken, they will detect mostly.” 七界圣府也知道我在破解遗迹,宝藏被取,他们多半会有察觉。” But they do not seem flustered, junior felt, Seven Worlds Saint Mansion comes prepared.” “但他们似乎并不慌张,晚辈觉得,七界圣府是有备而来。” They have their cards in a hand inevitably.” “他们必然有着他们的底牌。” Therefore this Teleportation Formation, lets my difficult secure.” “因此这座传送阵,让我难安。” Naturally, possibly was I considers thoroughly.” “当然,也可能是我多虑了。” Therefore I hope that nine senior travel together with me, if really encounters the problem, nine senior can help junior helping hand, at least helps junior, gets out of the entanglement of Seven Worlds Saint Mansion.” “所以我希望九位前辈与我同行,若是真的遇到麻烦,九位前辈能够助晚辈一臂之力,至少帮助晚辈,摆脱七界圣府的纠缠。” Naturally, if nine senior do not want, junior can also understand.” “当然,若是九位前辈不愿意,晚辈也能够理解。” junior can solve.” 晚辈可以自行解决。” Hears this words, one does not change with the dragon two facial colors besides the dragon. Several other look at each other in shock, the mood is very again complex. 听闻此话,除了龙一与龙二面色不改外。其他几位再度面面相觑,情绪很是复杂。 The dragon three Daoist priests, the dragon four Daoist priests, are not ripe with Chu Feng, his expression, obviously does not want to help. 龙三道长,龙四道长,与楚枫不熟,他的表情,明显是不想帮这个忙。 After all the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion strength, they are also found that they are not willing to offend. 毕竟七界圣府的实力,他们也是了解的,他们不愿得罪。 But several other Daoist priests, with some Chu Feng good and evil friendship, looked coming out, they want to help Chu Feng's. 但其他几位道长,与楚枫好歹有些交情,看的出来,他们是想帮楚枫的 May concerned about the strength, they not dare to make this decision. 可碍于实力,他们不敢做这个决定。 In fact, can make the decision truly, then only then dragon is long, with dragon two Daoist priests. 实际上,真正能够做决定的,便只有龙一道长,与龙二道长。 In the meantime, a dragon length is also the direct opens the mouth: Chu Feng young hero, we travel together, even if tears to pieces the facial skin with Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, my Totem nine will still protect your understand.” 就在此时,龙一道长也是直接开口:“楚枫少侠,我们同行,就算与七界圣府撕破脸皮,我图腾九道也会护你周全。” Hears this words, besides the dragon two Daoist priests, several other is, is the look big change. 听闻此话,除了龙二道长外,其他几位皆是,皆是神色大变。 To help, does not want to help, is very accidental/surprised. 无论是想帮的,还是不想帮的,都很意外。 Even if tears to pieces the facial skin not to care with Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, such decision, is they have not thought. 就算与七界圣府撕破脸皮也不在意,这样的决定,是他们所没有想到。 Big Brother.” The dragon four Daoist priests open the mouth immediately. 大哥。”龙四道长立刻开口。 But he just opened the mouth, a dragon length then opens the mouth immediately: First do not speak, when I said, you said again.” 可他刚开口,龙一道长便立刻开口:“先不要说话,等我说完,伱们再说。” He spoke, put out a hand to touch to the ear, later dug out an insect unexpectedly. 他说话间,伸手摸向耳朵,随后竟挖出一条虫子。 But is careful looks, that insect is a treasure, and contains formation technique. 但仔细一看,那虫子是件宝物,并且蕴藏阵法 His palm is dragging the insect, looks to several other Daoist priests. 他掌心拖着虫子,看向其他几位道长。 „Our time indeed attained, jie Tianran to break the formation order, but the old man by this thing, is faint to feel that some people observe us in secret.” “我们此次的确拿到了,界天染破阵顺序,可老夫凭借此物,隐隐间能够感觉到有人暗中观察我们。” Since enters ruins at that moment, we seemed to be monitored.” “自打进入遗迹那一刻,我们似乎就被监视了。” „The opposite party method is wise, at first old man is indefinite, but the behind old man determined.” “对方手段高明,起初老夫还不确定,但后面老夫确定了。” We indeed were monitored, monitors our people inevitably is the Seven Worlds Saint Mansion person.” “我们的确被监视了,监视我们的人必然就是七界圣府的人。” jie Tianran, gives us smooth divulging of his to break the formation intentionally, he wants to use us, confirms his formation technique, is whether feasible.” 界天染,是故意将他破阵的顺序泄露给我们,他想利用我们,来验证他那阵法,是否可行。” If feasible, after we attain Treasure Storehouse, he will then capture from our hands.” “若是可行,当我们拿到宝藏后,他便会从我们手中夺取。” „If not feasible, we replaced him to sacrifice.” “若是不可行,那我们就代替他来牺牲。” We, seemingly pick up a bargain, was used by him actually.” “我们,看似捡了便宜,实则被他利用。” Hears dragon long these words, several other Elder, look the angry look immediately. 听到龙一道长这番话,其他几位长老,顿时面露怒色。 Damn jie Tianran.” “该死的界天染。” Some of their also suspicions, after all jie Tianran thing, where is is so actually easy to do. 他们其实也有怀疑,毕竟界天染东西,哪里是那么容易搞到的。 Saw a dragon length such saying, they also determined oneself suspicion. 见龙一道长这样一说,他们也都确定了自己的怀疑。 Chu Feng young hero, has the life-saving efforts to us. But Seven Worlds Saint Mansion, actually the chief criminal who we push to the death abyss.” 楚枫少侠,对我们有救命之恩。而七界圣府,却是将我们推向死亡深渊的罪魁祸首。” This time, if not for Chu Feng young hero, our Little Brother nine people must die without doubt, the old man really could not find, does not help the reason of Chu Feng young hero.” “此次若不是楚枫少侠,我们兄弟九人必死无疑,老夫实在是找不到,不帮楚枫少侠的理由。” The words to here, dragon long look to the dragon four Daoist priests. 话到此处,龙一道长看向龙四道长。 „Does the fourth child, what you just want to say?” Dragon long looks to the dragon four Daoist priests. “老四,你刚刚是想说什么?”龙一道长看向龙四道长。 The dragon four Daoist priests take a stand immediately: Big Brother, I want to say that I support your decision.” 龙四道长立刻表态:“大哥,我想说,我支持你的决定。” Dragon long nods, immediately looks to several other: Other can Little Brother, have the opinion?” 龙一道长点了点头,旋即看向其他几位:“其他兄弟,可有意见?” We support Big Brother.” “我们支持大哥。” We must support Chu Feng young hero.” “我们必须支持楚枫少侠。” Several other Daoist priests, expressed the support. 其他几位道长,纷纷表示赞同。 many thanks nine senior.” Chu Feng serves with a ritual. 多谢九位前辈。”楚枫施以一礼。 Chu Feng young hero, should never be polite, this is we should do.” 楚枫少侠,切勿客气,这都是我们应该做的。” Dragon is long, returns to the Chu Feng near, previously by Chu Feng rejection cosmos sack, gave Chu Feng. 龙一道长,又回到楚枫近前,将先前被楚枫拒绝的乾坤袋,又递给了楚枫 This, you accept, should never reject, otherwise is you are not then willing to become friends with my Totem nine.” “这个,你还是收下,切勿拒绝,否则便是你不愿结交我图腾九道。” That junior then might as well obey orders respectfully.” Seeing that Chu Feng was also takes advantage of opportunity to receive cosmos sack. “那晚辈便恭敬不如从命了。”见状,楚枫也是顺势接过乾坤袋 Rumble - 隆隆隆- But, the world of this formation technique world starts to shiver in the meantime fiercely, the not to mention land, the space presents the fissure. 可就在此时,这个阵法世界的天地开始剧烈颤动,莫说大地,就连空间都出现裂痕。 Terrifying aura, releases from that say/way fissure. 一股恐怖气息,自那道道裂痕之中释放而出。 This formation technique world must destroy, and strength of this destruction, will destroy all in formation technique world. 阵法世界就要毁灭,并且这毁灭的力量,也会摧毁阵法世界内的一切。 Chu Feng young hero, we should walk.” Dragon long said. 楚枫少侠,我们该走了。”龙一道长说道。 Chu Feng has not spoken, but is Yu Kong, before arriving at the formation front door . 楚枫没有说话,而是御空而起,来到结界大门之前。 He pinched a special law secret art, later that formation gate changed. 他捏出了一道特殊法诀,随后那结界门发生了变化。 Unexpectedly faint within appears the special ray. 竟隐隐间浮现出特殊光芒。 „Do nine Daoist priests, anyone of you first leave?” Chu Feng asked. “九位道长,你们谁先离开?”楚枫问。 Chu Feng such remarks, several Daoist priests are somewhat helpless. 楚枫此话一出,几位道长都是有些不知所措。 But a dragon length should say: Ok.” 但龙一道长还是应道:“都行。” That is then decided by junior.” “那便由晚辈决定吧。” During the Chu Feng speeches, the law secret art changes, light beam then from the formation front door release, covering dragon one was long. 楚枫说话间,法诀变化,一道光束便自结界大门释放而出,笼罩住了龙一道长。 After dragon long was covered, was swallowed in the formation front door by that light beam. 龙一道长被笼罩之后,便被那光束吞噬进了结界大门之中。 Chu Feng the light beam, covers several other Daoist priests in turn. 紧接着,楚枫将光束,依次笼罩其他几位道长。 After everyone leaves, Chu Feng relieves the law secret art, he stepped into the formation front door directly. 当所有人都离开后,楚枫才解除法诀,他直接踏入了结界大门之中。 Stepped into the formation front door, Chu Feng entered a Teleportation Formation tunnel. 踏入结界大门,楚枫进入了一个传送阵隧道。 Jie Tian, makes me have a look, you are mysterious, has the genuine materials.” 界天,就让我看看,你到底是故弄玄虚,还是有着真材实料吧。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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