MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5661: On the way?

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Is Chapter 5659 only on the way? 第5659章只是顺路? senior, what did I deceive your?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,我骗你什么了?”楚枫问。 My this test, has tested result, you... are Chu Xuanyan descendants.” Xia Xingchen said. “我这测试,已经有了测试结果,你…乃楚宣言后人。”夏星辰道。 senior, doesn't your test permit?” A Chu Feng face is suffering. 前辈,你这测试不准吧?”楚枫一脸委屈。 Since had not acknowledged from the beginning that wants not to acknowledge, after all Chu Feng does not understand this Xia Xingchen. 既然一开始没承认,那就要不承认到底,毕竟楚枫也不了解这夏星辰 If is really with oneself father is the enemy, turn head waited for her to restore, what to do started to oneself? 倘若真是与自己父亲是敌人,回头等她恢复了,对自己下手可怎么办? And according to the Chu Feng's experience, Xia Xingchen is frightening her mostly, she simply has not tested. 并且按照楚枫的经验,夏星辰多半是在吓唬她,她根本没有测试。 But sees Chu Feng so, the smile on that Xia Xingchen face changed. 而见楚枫如此,那夏星辰脸上的笑容变了。 Haha, teases your, but also good also good, very has the standpoint, had not been frightened by me.” “哈哈,逗你的,还行还行,挺有立场,没被我吓到。” Since you really do not know Chu Xuanyan, we then can cooperate.” “既然你真的不认识楚宣言,那我们便可以合作。” Saw Xia Xingchen to say like this, Chu Feng also relaxes. 夏星辰这样说,楚枫也是松了一口气。 This woman is really deceitful, but well in Chu Feng is not the small colza, had not been cheated by her. 这女人果然狡诈,但好在楚枫也不是小白菜,没有被她诈出来。 Come, I lead the way for you.” Afterward, Xia Xingchen then is really the Chu Feng direction route. “来,我为你引路。”随后,夏星辰便真的为楚枫指引路线。 According to her direction, quick, she brings Chu Feng to arrive in Stone Forest, here has a stone, at first sight is common. 按照她的指引,很快,她带着楚枫来到一座石林之中,这里有着一块石头,乍一看不起眼。 But if carefully watches, can discover, it is also a Teleportation Formation method. 可若仔细观看,可以发现,它也是一座传送阵法。 This Teleportation Formation method, is I discovers.” “这座传送阵法,是我无意间发现的。” Entire Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, only then I alone know.” Xia Xingchen favorite say/way. “整个苍穹仙宗,只有我一个人知道。”夏星辰得意的道。 That senior, opening.” Chu Feng said. “那前辈,开启吧。”楚枫道。 Little rascal, you could not look that I now am too weak?” “小鬼,你看不出来我现在太虚弱了吗?” You open, do not install, you have entered stone hall, definitely knows that opens its method.” Xia Xingchen said. “你来开启,别装,你都进入过石殿,肯定知道开启它的方法。”夏星辰道。 Sees that Chu Feng does not neglect, then used learned in the stone palace, stimulated to movement the Teleportation Formation method the method. 见状,楚枫也不怠慢,便使用了在石殿内习得的,催动传送阵法的方法。 But this method , is really here effective. 而这个方法,在这里也果然有效。 Under the strength of teleportation covers, Chu Feng and Xia Xingchen, arrived above that stone Diannei Teleportation Formation. 传送之力覆盖之下,楚枫夏星辰,都是来到了那石殿内的传送阵之上。 Two people of thorough, then arrive at the main hall that great gate was at quickly. 二人深入,很快便来到了那巨门所在的大殿。 Enters from entrance, that is situated in brings your center great gate greatly, is more noticeable. 入口进入,那立于大带你中心的巨门,更加引人瞩目。 senior, this gate is not very probably simple, is the thing of immemorial, can know it to have what prestige energy?” Chu Feng inquired. 前辈,这道门好像很不简单,又是太古之物,可知它有何威能?”楚枫询问道。 Actually, his known this gate affects, is Nine Heavens secret in connected Teleportation Formation. 其实,他已知此门作用,是与九天秘地内相连的传送阵 But after all this bedstone palace, had been controlled by Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, therefore Chu Feng wants to inquire. 但毕竟这座石殿,已被苍穹仙宗掌控,所以楚枫想打探一下。 Regarding this gate, Heavenly Dome Immortal sect understands many. 对于这道门,苍穹仙宗了解多少。 Does not know, this ruins is not my Heavenly Dome Immortal sect construction, but is the person construction of Ancient Era, behind by my Heavenly Dome Immortal sect excavation.” “不知道,这座遗迹也不是我苍穹仙宗建造的,而是远古时期的人建造,后面被我苍穹仙宗挖掘的而已。” As for this gate, we have also studied, this is treasure, but there is what prestige to be able unable to look, does not know how should stimulate to movement it.” “至于这道门,我们也研究过,此门本身是件至宝,但有何威能则看不出来,也不知该如何催动它。” Although knows that it is not simple, but actually does not know how to use.” “虽然知道它不简单,可却也不知道怎么用。” Could not have taken away essential, can only put here.” “最关键还拿不走,只能放于此处。” This stone hall wright, is because this is unable to move, wants to possess of this gate, therefore built this bedstone palace simply, hidden this gate.” Xia Xingchen said. “想必这石殿的建造者,也是因为此门无法移动,又想将此门占为己有,所以才干脆打造了这座石殿,将此门隐藏起来吧。”夏星辰道。 But hears her guess, Chu Feng almost determined, Heavenly Dome Immortal sect indeed is not clear about this gate use. 而听到她的猜测,楚枫几乎确定,苍穹仙宗的确不清楚此门的用处。 Naturally, they not possible this gate, contacts with the Nine Heavens secret together. 自然而然的,他们也不可能将此门,与九天秘地联系到一起。 However Chu Feng to the Nine Heavens secret place, has the suspicion. 但是楚枫九天秘地,已经有了猜想。 Chu Feng felt, the Nine Heavens secret place, likely is a Remote Antiquity Era Teleportation Formation method. 楚枫觉得,九天秘地,很可能就是一个太古时期传送阵法。 But this Teleportation Formation, other non- Teleportation Formation may compare, its speed quickly to odd. 只不过这个传送阵,非其他传送阵可比,它的速度快到离谱。 Arrives at Heavenly Dome Galaxy from Seven Worlds Galaxy, only needs a double-hour, this was one says, matter that others will not believe. 七界天河来到苍穹天河,只需一个时辰,这是一件说出去,别人都不会相信的事情。 Naturally, this is only Chu Feng's guessed, after all he grasps to the Nine Heavens secret at present, so many. 当然,这只是楚枫的猜测,毕竟他目前对九天秘地掌握的,也就这么多。 But at this time, Xia Xingchen arrived in front of stone door of main hall most deep place, and in his hands, presented a stone key. 而此时,夏星辰走到了大殿最深处的石门面前,且在其手中,出现了一把石头钥匙。 Sees the moment of that stone key, Chu Feng then realized that wants to open stone door of this stone palace deep place, is not simple. 只是看到那石头钥匙的一刻,楚枫便意识到想打开这石殿深处的石门,并不简单。 Opens the door, as if view. 开门,似乎还有说法。 Really, Xia Xingchen grips the stone key, after the key rotated one next, only listens to one, that stone door had lived, can shove open. 果然,夏星辰握住将石头钥匙,将钥匙转动了一下后,只听咔嚓一声,那石门就已经活了,可以推开。 But Xia Xingchen has not shoved open, but swayed from side to side. 夏星辰没有推开,而是又扭动了一下。 After this next, that inside stone door gives out had/left the powerful formation technique strength, stone door is also the gives out intermittent glimmer. 这一下之后,那石门内散发出了强大的阵法力量,石门也是散发阵阵微光。 But the Xia Xingchen complexion, actually becomes ugly/difficult to look at. 夏星辰的脸色,却变得难看起来。 Just that she as if paid anything. 刚刚那一下,她似乎付出了些什么。 But Xia Xingchen, actually starts to twist the key. 夏星辰,却又开始转动钥匙。 This rotation, seems extremely strenuous. 这一次转动,显得极其费力。 Not only the complexion is even more ugly, bites the jaw tightly. 不仅脸色越发难看,更是紧咬牙关。 Although her painful character had not said, does not have the pit. 虽然她一个痛字都没有说,一声都没坑。 May look at her tight body, and naked eye weak aura, Chu Feng knows obviously opens this stone door, Xia Xingchen is consuming own bloodline power. 可看她那紧绷的身体,且肉眼可见虚弱的气息,楚枫知道开启这石门,夏星辰正在耗费着自己的血脉之力 - 咔嚓- Finally, the third rotation is completed. 终于,第三次转动完成。 The entire stone door, the ray is loud, that above spell trace, just like living half, walked randomly in the gate fast, resembles is cheering, is greeting anything. 整个石门,光芒大声,那上面的符咒纹路,宛如活了一半,在门内快速游走,似在欢呼雀跃,迎接着什么。 But Xia Xingchen actually stands continually cannot come to a stop. 夏星辰却是连站都站不稳。 Sees that Chu Feng rushed to go forward, supports by the arm Xia Xingchen. 见状,楚枫赶忙上前,搀扶住了夏星辰 senior, you how?” 前辈,你怎么样?” Yo, will also very care about the person.” “哟,还挺会关心人。” Xia Xingchen, complexion dark green white as a sheet, mouth blood-color does not have at this time, may look that Chu Feng actually reveals wipes the smile. 夏星辰,此时脸色苍白如纸,嘴巴一点血色都没有,可看着楚枫却露出一抹笑容。 This female, casual, is that not artificial type, the character is actually likable. 这女子,大大咧咧的,是那种一点都不矫情的类型,性格倒是蛮讨人喜欢的。 senior, many thanks.” Chu Feng said. 前辈,多谢了。”楚枫说道。 Thanked anything, actually I came to here, came for this stone Diannei formation technique.” “谢什么,其实我来这里,就是为了这石殿内的阵法而来。” Even if you do not cooperate with me, I must open it, I along stripping you come , your little rascal... suffers a loss.” Xia Xingchen said. “就算你不与我合作,我也要来开启它,我只是顺路带你进来,你这小鬼…吃了大亏了。”夏星辰道。 But Chu Feng knows, Xia Xingchen is actually lying, she helps Chu Feng's, may incessantly be on the way. 楚枫知道,夏星辰其实在说谎,她对楚枫的帮助,可不止是顺路。 That key rotates three times, the first rotation, has then opened the door, steps into the main hall after stone door. 那钥匙转动三次,第一次转动,便已经开门,踏入石门之后的大殿。 She triggered formation technique in gate for the second time. 第二次她触发了门内的阵法 But makes her so weak is actually the third rotation key. 但让她如此虚弱的却是第三次转动钥匙。 But also exactly is that time, triggered so-called immemorial to contemplate the law. 而也恰恰是那一次,触发了所谓的太古冥想法。 Xia Xingchen, to help Chu Feng, paid a big price. 夏星辰,为帮楚枫,付出了不小的代价。 But Chu Feng in the heart knows, but has not said anything again, but takes out elixir, gives Xia Xingchen: 楚枫虽然心中知晓,但却没再说什么,而是取出一颗丹药,递给夏星辰: senior, this clothing/taking, can alleviate the bloodlines that you are damaged.” 前辈,将这个服下,能缓解你受损的血脉。” Chu Feng gave Xia Xingchen elixir, Xia Xingchen received elixir, saw the elixir value not poor, the look changes. 楚枫丹药递给了夏星辰,夏星辰接过丹药,看出了丹药的价值不菲,神色不由变化。 I, went to look that leave alone, but you will be disappointed.” “别管我了,进去看吧,不过你可能会失望。” Because immemorial contemplates the law, is very difficult to comprehend.” Xia Xingchen said. “因为太古冥想法,很难领悟。”夏星辰道。 Chu Feng smiles, has not spoken again, but shoves open stone door. 楚枫笑了笑,没再说话,而是推开石门。 stone door shoves open that flash, as if entered another world. 石门推开那一刹那,仿佛进入了另外一个世界。 In the gate, seven color rays fluctuate just like the running water generally. 门内,七彩光芒宛如流水一般浮动。 But tens of thousands of spell traces, are ordinary just like Yu'er, wanders in that seven color rays. 而成千上万的符咒纹路,宛如鱼儿一般,在那七彩光芒中游荡。 That appears at present, seems a World Spiritist Illusion world. 那浮现在眼前的,仿佛是一个界灵师幻象世界。 Little rascal, you are World Spiritist, knows how to do?” Xia Xingchen asked. “小鬼,你是界灵师,知道怎么做吧?”夏星辰问。 junior knows.” 晚辈知道。” Chu Feng steps into the main hall, sits cross-legged to sit down, the closing one's eyes pupil, pinches the law secret art later. 楚枫踏入大殿,盘膝坐下,闭上眼眸,随后捏动法诀。 Swish Swish Swish- 唰唰唰- Guided Arrow that the spell trace that the next quarter, in the main hall hovers slowly, such as starts is ordinary, neat grazes to go to Chu Feng, integrates Chu Feng within the body. 下一刻,大殿内缓慢游动的符咒纹路,如发动的箭矢一般,齐刷刷的向楚枫飞掠而去,融入楚枫体内。 Sees this one, perfectly round that Xia Xingchen that wanted therapy, beautiful eyes stares immediately, even/including red lips also opens slightly. 见此一幕,原本想要疗伤的夏星辰,顿时美眸瞪的溜圆,连红唇也是微微张开。 She the first time is not arrived here , is not first sight, the scene in that palace. 她不是第一次来到这里,也不是第一次见到,那殿内的景象。 But such as at present such scene, she is actually first seeing. 可如眼前这样的景象,她却是第一次见。 () ()
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