MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5579: Jie Tian too vegetable/dish? Is Chu Feng too strong?

Eggy, but cannot talk nonsense, but Little Fishy my younger sister.” Chu Feng said. 蛋蛋,可不许胡说啊,小鱼儿可是我妹妹。”楚枫说道。 You work as the younger sister her, she you, when Elder Brother, you are cruel enough to disappoint such good girl?” “你把她当妹妹,那她是不是把你当哥哥啊,难道你忍心辜负这么好的女孩吗?” „Does your being cruel enough make her sad?” “你忍心让她伤心吗?” „Does your being cruel enough make her sad?” Milady Queen asked one after another. “你忍心让她难过吗?”女王大人接连问道。 Hears Milady Queen this joke the words, Chu Feng also is really somewhat touches, she naturally does not hope that Little Fishy is sad. 听到女王大人这玩笑的话语,楚枫还真是有些触动,她自然是不希望小鱼儿难过的。 Does not hope, harms the Little Fishy person to be oneself. 更不希望,伤害小鱼儿的人会是自己。 Therefore Chu Feng, but also really sized up Little Fishy earnestly. 于是楚枫,还真认真打量了一下小鱼儿 This his head length, really cannot dispute, beautiful, has contrasted Eggy not to drop the wind simply the situation. 这丫头长得,真的没的说,简直已经美到,对比蛋蛋都丝毫不落下风的地步。 At least from Chu Feng's aesthetic, Milady Queen and Little Fishy are beautiful to the impeccable that type. 至少从楚枫的审美来看,女王大人小鱼儿都是美到无可挑剔那种。 The cheek, is the stature, or the skin, that is top grade in top grade, the sound is also as of pleasant to hear as extreme that. 无论是脸蛋,还是身材,亦或是皮肤,那都是极品中的极品,就连声音也都是好听到极致的那种。 Must say that is air/Qi quality to be different. 非要说,那就是气质的不同。 Milady Queen weird, Little Fishy is more lovable. 女王大人古灵精怪,小鱼儿则更可爱。 The time of naturally ominous, that is Milady Queen is definitely more ominous. 当然凶起来的时候,那肯定是女王大人更凶。 But Little Fishy beautiful, Chu Feng indeed does not have the excited feeling between that men and women at this time. 小鱼儿虽美,楚枫此时的确没有那种男女之间的心动感。 Sentimental thing is very strange, some people are not possibly attractive, without is so outstanding, but the right time meets, will like very much, loved is not good. 感情这东西很奇怪,有的人可能没那么好看,没那么优秀,但对的时间遇到,就是会很喜欢,爱的不行。 Stable running many years of novel app, compare favorably with old version to pursue book Divine Tool, old bookworms using trading source App , 【稳定运行多年的小说app,媲美老版追书神器,老书虫都在用的换源App,】 Person who may have even again perfect, oneself still acknowledged that she is very perfect, but does not like. 可有的人就算再完美,自己也承认她很完美,可就是不喜欢。 Naturally, Chu Feng cares to Little Fishy very much, is only the emotion between men and women, temporarily indeed does not have. 当然,楚枫小鱼儿是很在乎的,只是男女之间的情感,暂时的确没有。 As for later, who said? 至于以后,谁说的准呢? Un?” “嗯?” Determined after Little Fishy does not have the issue, Chu Feng will look at Jie Tian. 确定小鱼儿没问题后,楚枫将目光投向界天 Chu Feng had discovered, Jie Tian this talent formation technique, he somewhat could not support. 楚枫早就发现,界天这座天赋阵法,他有些支撑不住了。 But at this moment, his condition is more and more bad. 但此刻,他的状态则是越来越糟。 Talent formation technique that Jie Tian is, although does not have formation technique that Little Fishy is , is exciting, but is not very simple. 界天所在的天赋阵法,虽没有小鱼儿所在的阵法,那么刺激,但却也很不简单。 The space in that formation technique, although does not have Little Fishy that bloodlines formation technique to be big, but could also be said as a small-scale world. 阵法内的空间,虽没有小鱼儿那座血脉阵法大,但也可以说是一个小型世界了。 That small-scale world, wisp of sacred golden light shines, covered the entire land. 那小型世界,一缕神圣的金光普照而下,覆盖了整座大地。 But the land is quite light, without mountains rivers, even no dust. 而大地极为平淡,没有山川河流,甚至没有一丝尘埃。 Only has in the most center of that world, has steps. 唯有在那世界的最中心,有着一个阶梯。 Steps above stair, a total of 100. 阶梯上面的台阶,总共一百个。 Last on the stair, floats a light group, can see by the light group that inside is wrapping a key. 最后一个台阶上面,漂浮一个光团,透过光团可以看到,那里面包裹着一把钥匙。 That key and Chu Feng this looks like very much, but also has some slight differences. 那钥匙与楚枫这把很像,但却也有着一些细微的区别。 But Jie Tian, has arrived at 90 stairs, but this time he has been sweating profusely, panting, is the true streaming with sweat. 界天,已经走到了九十个台阶,只是此时的他已是满头大汗,气喘吁吁,是真正的汗如雨下。 Looked coming out, he was away from the limit to be very near. 看的出来,他距离极限已经很近了。 His talent is so bad, how the 90 th stair, already this appearance?” Milady Queen asked. “他的天赋这么差吗,怎么才第九十个台阶,就已经这个模样了?”女王大人问。 From him to the use of Spirit Formation technique, its talent should high be very right, could it be that bestows on formation technique on this day, really such difficult?” “从他对结界之术的使用来看,其天赋应该很高才对,难道说这天赋阵法,真的如此之难?” In Chu Feng heart he also exuded the whisper. 楚枫心中他也泛起了嘀咕。 But is quick, bloodlines formation technique that Little Fishy is at subsides. 而很快,小鱼儿所在的血脉阵法平息下来。 Little Fishy resisted all offensive, finally the strength of that everywhere collected together, a key fell into the Little Fishy hand. 小鱼儿抗下了所有攻势,最终那漫天的力量汇集到一起,一把钥匙落入了小鱼儿手中。 Also, bloodlines formation technique also scatters to go. 随之,血脉阵法也飘散而去。 formation technique has not scattered thoroughly, Little Fishy then ran from inside. 阵法还未彻底飘散,小鱼儿便从里面跑了出来。 Her hand lifts the key, appearance that jumps, was lovable. 她手举钥匙,那蹦蹦跳跳的样子,可爱极了。 It looks like a child, attained the toy of affection to be equally happy. 就像是一个小孩子,拿到了喜爱的玩具一样开心。 Chu Feng looks that she jumps to walk toward oneself, that in the baby who Eastern Sea Region runs into, appears at present. 楚枫看着她蹦跳着向自己走来,恍惚间那个在东方海域遇到的小娃娃,又浮现在眼前。 But quick, Chu Feng was pulled back the reality. 但很快,楚枫被拉回了现实。 Make Chu Feng sober, is not Little Fishy that delightful smile, but is on the face of Little Fishy, has not flowed off including drop of perspiration unexpectedly. 楚枫清醒的,并不是小鱼儿那甜美的笑容,而是小鱼儿的脸上,竟连一滴汗都没有流下。 But just bloodlines formation technique, then obviously is powerful. 可刚刚的血脉阵法,明明那么强大。 This girl, is really terrifying.” “这丫头,真恐怖。” Chu Feng sees Little Fishy, the so relaxed appearance, cannot bear think, if trades to be itself to break that formation technique, does not know to be able like Little Fishy relaxed. 楚枫看到小鱼儿,如此轻松的模样,忍不住去想,如果换做自己去破那阵法,也不知道会不会像小鱼儿这样轻松。 Chu Feng is always very self-confident person, is in front of Little Fishy, actually lost the absolute self-confidence. 楚枫向来是很自信的人,可是在小鱼儿面前,却丧失了绝对的自信。 This fellow, has enough to do probably.” “这个家伙,好像很吃力啊。” Little Fishy, looks at Jie Tian while said to Chu Feng. 小鱼儿靠近后,一边看着界天一边对楚枫说道。 Somewhat is truly strenuous.” Chu Feng cannot set otherwise. “确实有些吃力。”楚枫不可置否。 - 咔嚓- Suddenly, that steps start to present the fissure unexpectedly, is extended by below upwardly, and are getting more and more. 突然,那阶梯竟开始出现裂痕,是由下向上延伸的,并且越来越多。 This way, when that fissure covers the entire steps, that steps will definitely crush the collapse. 这样下去,当那裂痕覆盖整个阶梯之时,那阶梯必然会粉碎倒塌。 Really has the time limit.” The Chu Feng brow wrinkles slightly. “竟然有时间限制。”楚枫眉头微微皱起。 He knows, the emergence of that fissure, is the time limit to reminder. 他知道,那裂痕的出现,就是时间限制将至的提醒。 Elder Brother Big Brother, if that Jie Tian, when the time, him also without attaining that the key, that key would have no?” Little Fishy looks to Chu Feng. 大哥哥,若是那个界天,在时间到了的时候,他还没有拿到那把钥匙,那钥匙是不是就没了?”小鱼儿看向楚枫 She guessed that is this, but she believes the Chu Feng's judgment. 她自己猜测是这样的,但是她更相信楚枫的判断。 Yes.” Chu Feng affirmed very much. “是。”楚枫很是肯定。 Elder Brother Big Brother, or I go.” Little Fishy said. 大哥哥,要不我去吧。”小鱼儿道。 I go, you just broke bloodlines formation technique, needs to rest.” Chu Feng said. “我去吧,你刚破了血脉阵法,需要休息。”楚枫说道。 You just did not break formation technique, don't you need to rest?” Little Fishy asked. “你不也刚破了一座阵法吗,你就不需要休息?”小鱼儿问。 I rested.” Chu Feng shows a faint smile. “我休息好了。”楚枫微微一笑。 During the speeches, then walked into that formation technique. 说话间,便走入了那阵法之中。 Chu Feng grazes fast, before then arrived at that steps, quickly. 楚枫快速飞掠,很快便来到了那阶梯前。 Steps on the stair at that moment, Chu Feng then also felt the pressure. 踩上台阶那一刻,楚枫便也感受到了压力。 What kind of?” Milady Queen asked. “怎么样?”女王大人问。 Not much.” Chu Feng said. “不怎么样啊。”楚枫说。 „? Therefore is that Jie Tian too vegetable/dish?” Milady Queen asked. “啊?所以是那个界天太菜吗?”女王大人问。 In the future will have a look.” During the Chu Feng speeches fast climbs up to go upwardly. “往后看看吧。”楚枫说话间快速向上攀爬而去。 A stair, two stairs, three stairs...... 一个台阶,两个台阶,三个台阶…… However in an instant, Chu Feng has arrived above the 80 th stair, is getting more and more near from that Jie Tian. 不过转眼间,楚枫就已经走到了第八十个台阶之上,距离那界天越来越近。 Although the Chu Feng's step also slowed down at this time, but is still steady. 虽然此时楚枫的步伐也变慢了,可依然稳健。 Therefore also in a while, Chu Feng then arrived at the 90 th stair. 因此也没过多久,楚枫便来到了第九十个台阶。 Stair that this precisely Jie Tian is also. 这也正是界天所在的台阶。 But this stair is not the common stair, surface area on each stair is very big, like a square. 但这台阶不是寻常的台阶,每个台阶上的面积都很大,如同一座广场。 Even if therefore above the same stair, Jie Tian also has certain distance from Chu Feng. 所以哪怕在相同的台阶之上,界天距离楚枫也是有着一定距离。 But to Chu Feng can clear seeing, Jie Tian stand in front of the 91 st stair. 但对楚枫还是能够清晰的看到,界天就站在第九十一个台阶面前。 The leg that his shivers is attempting to lift, wants to step the 91 st stair. 他那颤抖的腿正尝试抬起,想踏上第九十一个台阶。 May just put, then the body trembles fiercely, the leg that later will immediately put takes carry back. 可刚刚放上去,便身躯剧烈一颤,随后立刻将放上去的腿拿了回来。 That simple stair, regarding Jie Tian, forbidden land that seems not actually able to step into. 那一个简单的台阶,对于界天而言,却仿佛是无法踏入的禁地 It seems like, was this fellow vegetable/dish.” Sees Jie Tian at this time the appearance, Milady Queen very definite saying. “看来,是这个家伙菜了。”看到界天此时模样,女王大人很是确定的说道。 Seeing that Chu Feng was also the half step arrived at Jie Tian behind. 见状,楚枫也是快步走到了界天的身后。 „Can't this step, step?” Chu Feng said. “就这一步,都迈不出去吗?”楚枫说道。 Jie Tian seems to have reached the limit at this time, he simply has not discovered Chu Feng's to approach, resounds until the Chu Feng voice, he turn head looks suddenly to Chu Feng. 界天此时似乎已达极限,他根本没发现楚枫的靠近,直到楚枫话音响起,他才猛然回头看向楚枫 Saw that Chu Feng stands after behind, he is very accidental/surprised. 看到楚枫就站在身后,他十分意外。 You make anything, gets down quickly, you here, will affect my to break the formation.” Jie Tian said. “你来做什么,快下去,你在这里,会影响我破阵。”界天道。 Affects your to break the formation?” “影响你破阵?” Must count on that your words, the key in this formation technique feared could not attain.” “要指望你的话,这阵法内的钥匙怕是拿不到了。” Chu Feng this words saying, then upward walking directly. 楚枫此话说完,便径直的向上走去。 But saw with own eyes that Chu Feng does not listen his, Jie Tian wants to get angry...... 而眼见楚枫不听他的,界天原本是想发怒的…… But when Chu Feng passes through from his side...... 可当楚枫从他身旁走过…… When he sees with one's own eyes, Chu Feng steps the 91 st stair that he is unable to step, and still after may continue to go forward,...... 当他亲眼看到,楚枫踏上了他无法踏上的第九十一个台阶,并且仍可继续上前之后…… Jie Tian was shocked, his mouth is still opening, may not be actually able to put out half character again. 界天愣住了,他嘴巴还在张着,可却无法再吐出半个字。 But his eyes, stared is getting bigger and bigger, is the limit, but that look, is actually a long story. 而他的双眼,瞪的越来越大,已是极限,可那眼神,却是一言难尽。 Why?” “为何?” Why can so?” “为何会如此?” Jie Tian is extremely puzzled, that in his opinion so terrifying stair, why can Chu Feng pass through with ease? 界天极度不解,那在他看来如此恐怖的台阶,为何楚枫可以轻松走过?
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