MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5533: Formation Aperture appears

Suddenly, a palm fell on the Chu Feng's shoulder, was Long Chengyu walked. 忽然,一只手掌落在了楚枫的肩膀上,是龙承羽走了过来。 Little Brother Chu Feng, relax, we will certainly succeed.” 楚枫兄弟,放心吧,我们一定会成功的。” I can feel the great strength of your formation technique, has your formation technique in addition to hold, Qi Weidao absolutely is not my opponent.” “我能感受到你那阵法的强大,有你这阵法的加持,麒微道绝对不是我对手。” Let alone is he, even if Xianhai Shaoyu came, not necessarily is my opponent.” Long Chengyu big mouth, self-confident saying with a smile. “别说是他,哪怕仙海少禹来了,也未必是我对手。”龙承羽咧着大嘴,自信的笑道。 He came to say these to Chu Feng specially, was because he discovered, has been ready obviously, but the Chu Feng's expression actually started becomes tight. 他之所以特意过来对楚枫说这些,是因为他发现,明明已经准备就绪,可楚枫的表情却开始变得紧绷起来。 Although not obvious...... 虽然并不明显…… So long as observes attentively, then can discover, Chu Feng is actually heavyhearted. 可只要用心观察,便能发现,楚枫其实忧心忡忡。 Brother Chenyu, I believe you.” Chu Feng to its smiles. 承羽兄,我相信你。”楚枫对其笑了笑 But Chu Feng has not told him, he will have anxiously, is not because does not believe Long Chengyu. 楚枫没有告诉他,他之所以会有所忧虑,并不是因为不相信龙承羽 But is Chu Feng feels the content on that compass, he has not untied completely. 而是楚枫觉得那罗盘上的内容,他还尚未完全解开。 That exists mystically, but said, only has to untie that compass, they can safely, otherwise all loses in this awfully. 那位神秘存在可是说,唯有解开那罗盘,他们才能安然,否则皆要命丧于此。 Strength no small matter that has mystically, if not for he gives the direction, Chu Feng is impossible to come. 那位神秘存在的实力非同小可,若不是他给予指引,楚枫根本都不可能进来。 Therefore Chu Feng felt that exists mystically is not cracking a joke with him absolutely. 因此楚枫觉得,那位神秘存在绝对不是在与他开玩笑。 Therefore now their real issue, is not the blood eyeball Qilin clan, but is this compass. 所以现在他们真正的问题,并不是血睛麒麟族,而是这个罗盘 What kind of secret this does compass have? 这个罗盘到底有着怎样的秘密? Suddenly, Chu Feng closed a pupil, no longer watches compass. 忽然,楚枫闭上了眼眸,不再观看罗盘 Since above this time compass, could not have seen the clue, before Chu Feng then can only reorganize, all clues. 既然此时的罗盘之上,已经看不出线索,楚枫便只能整理之前所得的所有线索。 Oneself suspected, comprehends the method of decoding. 自己从中进行猜想,从中领悟到破解的方法。 ...... …… As the time gradually approaches, the heart of people also started to hang. 随着时间逐渐临近,众人的心也开始悬了起来。 Although they highly believe to Chu Feng, but will also worry. 他们虽然对楚枫非常相信,但也还是会有所顾虑。 They will worry, whether this Formation Aperture will really say according to Chu Feng develops. 他们会担心,这阵眼是否会真的按照楚枫所说的进行发展。 Suddenly, people front ray greatly hold. 忽然,众人前方光芒大盛。 The world shivers, the soil surges, a colossus, raises from the place bottom deep place slowly. 紧接着,天地颤动,土壤翻腾,一个庞然大物,自地底深处缓缓升起。 That precisely previous, formation technique embryonic form that Long Chengyu and others sees. 正是先前,龙承羽等人见到的阵法雏形。 But, at this time this is not the embryonic form, but is complete Formation Aperture. 但,此时这已经不是雏形,而是完整的阵眼 That Formation Aperture semblance, golden light is radiant, gorgeous incomparable. 阵眼外表,金光璀璨,绚丽无比。 But in Formation Aperture is flooding the blood red Mist tide, tall and pleasing to the eye. 阵眼之内则是充斥着血红色的气焰浪潮,美轮美奂。 Oh God!, is this... then Formation Aperture that Chu Feng said?” 天哪,这…便是楚枫所说的阵眼吗?” It can let our Phantom armor, melts with us.” “它能让我们身上的虚影铠甲,与我们相融啊。” We may really be trip has not been made in vain.” “我们可真是不虚此行啊。” Looks Formation Aperture that has raised, the totem phoenix clan or Totem Dragon Clan, all clansmen are look to yearn excitedly with. 看着那已然升起的阵眼,无论是图腾凤族还是图腾龙族,所有族人都是面露向往与兴奋。 They can feel the strength, in that Formation Aperture containing. 他们能够感受的到,那阵眼内蕴藏的力量。 They can feel, so long as enters in that Formation Aperture, this Phantom armor will melt with their bodies. 他们能够感觉到,只要进入那阵眼之内,这虚影铠甲将与他们身体相融。 Their bloodline power will obtain the enormous promotion. 他们的血脉之力将得到极大的提升。 Although cultivation realm does not promote immediately, but regarding their future life journeys, will have the enormous help. 虽说修为不会立刻提升,但是对于他们日后的人生道路,将有极大的帮助。 But such help, is cultivator most hopes that is also most important, most precious. 而这样的帮助,才是修武者所最期盼的,也是最重要,最宝贵的。 Why this is also they, at this moment so exciting reason. 这也是为何他们,此刻会如此激动的原因。 However, that Formation Aperture, although appears, the Formation Aperture strength has also shown, but Formation Aperture is actually the off-position, they are unable to enter. 但是,那阵眼虽然浮现,阵眼的力量也已然展现,但阵眼却是关闭状态,他们根本无法进入其中。 It needs to open probably, will open thoroughly. 它好像需要开启,才会彻底打开。 Chu Feng young hero, this Formation Aperture needs us to use bloodline power to open probably.” 楚枫少侠,这阵眼好像需要我们用血脉之力开启。” At this time many people look to Chu Feng. 此时不少人看向楚枫 They are really impatient. 他们是真的已经迫不及待了。 You pass, release bloodline power, will only accelerate to open, but still within the not possible short time to open.” “你们过去,释放血脉之力,只会加速开启,但仍不可能短时间之内开启。” Even if however you do not pass, so long as the time arrived, it will still open.” Chu Feng said. “而就算你们不过去,只要时间到了,它自己也会开启。”楚枫说道。 But they have highly believed to Chu Feng, although that Formation Aperture had their enormous attractions, but after Chu Feng opens the mouth, they actually are also obediently remains same place, has not passed rashly. 而他们对楚枫已经非常相信,尽管那阵眼带了他们极大的诱惑力,可是在楚枫开口之后,他们却也是乖乖的留在原地,没有贸然过去。 In a while, then several form fast grazing come. 没过多久,便数道身影快速的飞掠而来。 Is the clansman of blood eyeball Qilin clan. 乃是血睛麒麟族的族人。 But has not actually seen Qi Weidao. 但却并没有见到麒微道。 could it be that, Qi Wei said that they have not gathered unexpectedly, but was disperses?” Long Chengyu is guessing. 难道说,麒微道他们居然没有聚集,而是分散开来了?”龙承羽猜测着。 But Chu Feng is the vision is dignified, without speech. 楚枫则是目光凝重,没有说话。 The clansmen of these blood eyeball Qilin clans, after arriving at the Formation Aperture front, is the eyes shines. 这些血睛麒麟族的族人,来到阵眼面前之后,皆是双眼放光。 Releases their bloodline power, wants to open that Formation Aperture. 纷纷释放出他们的血脉之力,想要开启那阵眼 Chu Feng young hero, begins, they have been fusing bloodline power.” 楚枫少侠,动手吧,他们已经在融合血脉之力了。” If we, can be occupied by them late take the initiative?” “若是我们晚了,会不会被他们占得先机啊?” Sees that the people of two clan said. 见状,两族之人纷纷说道。 Chu Feng does not want to expose. 楚枫原本是不想暴露的。 But Chu Feng is unable to judge now, whatever if blood eyeball Qilin clan these clansmen continue to fuse, can make them occupy takes the initiative. 可是楚枫现在也无法判断,若是任由血睛麒麟族那些族人继续融合,会不会让他们占得先机。 Little Brother Chu Feng, won't they really occupy take the initiative?” Long Chengyu also asked. 楚枫兄弟,他们真的不会占得先机吗?”龙承羽也是问道。 This is unable to determine.” Chu Feng said. “这个无法确定。”楚枫说道。 First killed them, then we hide again.” Long Chengyu said. “先杀了他们,然后我们再隐藏起来。”龙承羽说道。 I suspected that Qi Weidao in, he has not come intentionally.” Chu Feng said. “我怀疑麒微道就在附近,他故意没有现身。”楚枫说道。 Unobstructive, has your formation technique strength in addition to hold in the body, I can feel my great strength.” “无碍,有你那阵法力量加持在身,我能感受到我的强大。” Even the upfront resists with that Qi Weidao, I do not fear.” Long Chengyu said. “就算正面与那麒微道对抗,我也丝毫不惧。”龙承羽说道。 Brother Chenyu, do you really have this assurance?” Chu Feng asked. 承羽兄,你真的有这个把握?”楚枫问。 I have.” Long Chengyu said. “我有。”龙承羽道。 Good, you then killed them.” Chu Feng said. “好,那你便杀了他们吧。”楚枫说道。 Chu Feng such remarks, Long Chengyu then sets out immediately, is only prestige of the fist, boundless Martial Power, then writes off these blood eyeball Qilin clan clansmen completely. 楚枫此话一出,龙承羽便立刻起身,只是一拳之威,磅礴的武力,便将那些血睛麒麟族族人全部抹杀。 These people, even a pitiful yell has not sent out with enough time, is the flying ash annihilation. 那些人,甚至连一声惨叫都没来得及发出,便已是飞灰湮灭。 Brother Chenyu, left.” Suddenly, Chu Feng shouted loudly. 承羽兄,左边。”忽然,楚枫大声喝道。 Chu Feng detects, the left has the strength of fatal threat to sweep across. 楚枫察觉到,左边有致命威胁的力量席卷而来。 But at this time, Long Chengyu is also responds, hurrying hand-held Divine Weapon wields to the left cuts to go, immediately the light blade grazes. 而此时,龙承羽也是反应过来,赶忙手持神兵向左边挥砍而去,顿时光刃飞掠而出。 Bang- 轰- The powerful ripples, scatter in all directions in in the air of distant place. 强大的涟漪,于远处的空中四散开来。 Fixes the eyes on to wait and see, the person's shadow appears, this person of precisely Qi Weidao. 定睛观望,有一个人影浮现,此人正是麒微道。 But just that say/way attack, precisely Qi Wei said that the institute wields to cut. 而刚刚那道攻击,也正是麒微道所挥砍而出。 Was guessed right by Chu Feng, this Qi Weidao hid intentionally, makes his clansmen first come intentionally. 楚枫猜对了,这麒微道就是故意隐藏了起来,故意让他那些族人先过来。 He had guessed correctly Chu Feng may have the ambush. 他已经猜到了楚枫可能会有埋伏。 Was guessed right by me, you are really waiting here.” “被我猜对了,你们果然在这里等着。” Qi Wei said saying of coldly, and during the speeches, looked at Chu Feng, that look... was similar he is a victor. 麒微道冷冷的说道,且说话之间,将目光投向了楚枫,那种眼神…仿佛他已是一个胜利者。 Chu Feng, it seems like your strength is mediocre, if really can easily win me, why also to hide stealthily here is ambushing I?” 楚枫,看来你的实力不过如此,若真的能够轻易胜我,又何必鬼鬼祟祟在这里躲着埋伏我?” Qilin slightly Daoyi vice- looks through the Chu Feng's appearance. 麒微道一副看破楚枫的样子。 Qilin slightly say/way, my strength naturally above you.” “麒微道,我的实力当然在你之上。” Is only my Brother Chenyu, wants to meet you.” “只是我承羽兄,想要会一会你。” Perhaps therefore you did not have the qualifications to fight with me, because of my Brother Chenyu, then cut to kill you sufficiently completely.” Chu Feng said. “所以你恐怕没资格与我交手了,因为我承羽兄,便足以将你们全部斩杀。”楚枫说道。 Hahaha......” 哈哈哈哈……” But Qi Weidao actually has a good laugh, immediately aims at Long Chengyu. 可麒微道却是仰天大笑,旋即指向龙承羽 He? He is not my opponent.” “就他?他根本就不是我的对手。” Qi Weidao said this saying time, it may be said that the self-confidence of whole face, completely has not paid attention to Long Chengyu. 麒微道说这话的时候,可谓满脸的自信,全然没有将龙承羽放在眼里。 Brother Chenyu, gave you.” 承羽兄,交给你了。” Chu Feng such remarks. 楚枫此话一出。 Long Chengyu then grasps Divine Weapon to directly soar Qi Weidao to attack to go. 龙承羽便手持神兵直奔麒微道冲击而去。 Rumble- 轰隆隆- In an instant, the ripples rise from all directions, Long Chengyu has fought with that Qi Weidao in one. 刹那间,涟漪四起,龙承羽已是与那麒微道战在了一处。 At first, Long Chengyu that formation technique strength has not appeared, is Chu Feng hidden intentionally. 起初,龙承羽阵法力量还未显现,是楚枫故意隐藏。 As but Chu Feng strengthens the formation technique strength, that formation technique strength also appears. 可是随着楚枫加强阵法力量,那阵法力量也是随之显现。 Dragon and Phoenix Phantom twines in Qishen, whatever is coming out that who fights to look, Long Chengyu has the formation technique in addition to hold. 龙凤虚影缠绕于其身,任凭是谁斗看的出来,龙承羽阵法加持。 No wonder can fight with me.” “难怪能与我交手。” Originally has the formation technique in addition to hold, Long Chengyu Long Chengyu you are mediocre.” Qi Weidao sneers was saying. “原来是有阵法加持,龙承羽龙承羽你不过如此。”麒微道冷笑着说道。 I thought that obstinate argumentative when you can arrive.” Long Chengyu is self-confident. “我看你能嘴硬到什么时候。”龙承羽自信满满。 Because this fights, under the formation technique in addition holds, Long Chengyu then has the absolute advantage. 因为这一交手,在阵法的加持之下,龙承羽便已经占据了绝对的优势。
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