MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5466: What kind of genius is this?

What kind of genius is Chapter 5466 this? 第5466章这是怎样的妖孽 The Long Suqing words were too coarse, even Long Chengyu was somewhat worried, by dragon empty strength, if must teach Long Suqing, who can block? 龙素卿的话太难听了,连龙承羽都有些担心了,以龙虚的实力,若是要教训龙素卿,谁能拦得住? But is accidental/surprised, facing cursing angrily of Long Suqing, dragon void/false complexion, although is unattractive, obviously somewhat loses one's temper, but has not actually acted crazy. 可令人意外的是,面对龙素卿的怒骂,龙虚的脸色虽不好看,也明显有些动怒,但却并未发飙。 He... is restraining unexpectedly!!! 他…竟在克制!!! Vegetarian Sir/minister the vegetarian Sir/minister, how after you leaves Totem Dragon Clan, became so does not understand the scoundrel?” “素卿啊素卿,你怎么离开图腾龙族后,变得如此不懂混账了?” Do not forget, you are the person of Totem Dragon Clan, but you now benefit consideration of promising Totem Dragon Clan?” “你别忘记,你是图腾龙族之人,可你现在有为图腾龙族的利益考虑吗?” Muxi is a child, she can be innocent, but you are a child, you why also such innocent?” dragon void/false asked to Long Suqing. 沐熙是个孩子,她可以不懂事,但你是孩子吗,你为何也如此的不懂事?”龙虚对龙素卿问道。 I only know, Muxi must keep Totem Dragon Clan, this is also my brother's wish.” “我只知道,沐熙必须留在图腾龙族,这也是我哥的意愿。” We consumed the so big strength, made Muxi have the idea of return, if destroyed because of you, no matter I you were what status, you did hold true by, my Long Suqing has not ended with you absolutely.” “我们耗费了如此大的力气,才让沐熙有了回归的想法,若是因你而毁了,那我不管你是什么身份,你有什么理由,我龙素卿绝对与你没完。” Although dragon void/false has lost one's temper, but Long Suqing still does not fear, instead the imposing manner is more abundant. 尽管龙虚已经动怒,可龙素卿依然不惧,反而气势更盛。 Sees this situation, the dragon empty complexion is even more ugly, has the potential of soon acting crazy. 见此情形,龙虚脸色越发难看,就有快要发飙之势。 Sir dragon void/false.” “龙虚大人。” But in the meantime, in a dragon empty behind palace gate, put on special Elder to walk. 而就在此时,在龙虚身后的一个殿门内,有一位穿着特殊的长老走了进来。 Who makes you come in?” “谁让你进来的?” Get lost.” “滚出去。” Suddenly, angrily roars to resound through, the entire main hall shivers fiercely. 猛然间,一声怒吼响彻,整座大殿都剧烈颤动起来。 But that Elder, stands is not steady throws down directly. 而那位长老,更是站立不稳直接摔倒。 But he has not left, but rushes to set out, knelt on the ground. 但他并未离开,而是赶忙起身,跪在了地上。 He seemed like in secret sound transmission anything, therefore originally violent anger dragon empty, the expression has changed suddenly. 他似乎是暗中传音了什么,所以原本暴怒的龙虚,表情突然有所变化。 Said.” dragon void/false to its say/way. “说。”龙虚对其道。 That Elder has not spoken frankly, but is the palm spreads out, a wisp of light group flew to dragon void/false. 那位长老没有直说,而是手掌摊开,一缕光团飞向了龙虚。 dragon void/false integrates the mind that light/only group, stares. 龙虚将那光团融入脑海,不由一愣。 immediately waves, that Elder then draws back immediately. 旋即挥了挥手,那位长老便立刻退下。 Vegetarian Sir/minister, I know your sentiment to the Muxi deeply.” “素卿,我知道你对沐熙的感情有多深。” I am look that Muxi this girl grows up, I also once placed the great expectations on her.” “我又何尝不是看着沐熙这丫头长大的,我也曾对她寄予厚望。” But that matter, does Clan Head have the mistake? Does Chenyu have the mistake? Obviously right, but Muxi that girl cannot think through.” “但那件事,族长有错吗?承羽有错吗?明明都没错,可沐熙那丫头就是想不通。” Now each Galaxy Overlord, which does not have the top talent to assume personal command, but Muxi actually still threw a tantrum with my clan at this kind of time.” “如今各个天河霸主,哪个没有顶尖天才坐镇,可沐熙却还在这种时候与我族闹脾气。” Old man not does not understand, must become friends with the truth of talent, was only this time is now different, in the future vast martial cultivation world will have Overlord.” “老夫并不是不懂,要结交天才的道理,只是现在这个时代不同了,日后浩瀚修武界只有一个霸主。” If this Overlord is not my Totem Dragon Clan, that may be dangerous.” “若这霸主不是我图腾龙族,那可就非常危险了。” Opposite party, if the intention benevolent heart, I and others can also submit to others actually, even if the status will not be as before, but the minimum clansman can also live on dishonorably World.” “对方若心怀仁慈之心,我等倒是还能臣服于他人,就算身份将大不如前,可起码族人还能苟活于世。” „But if that series martial cultivation world influence, is the generation of vicious and merciless, perhaps the fate of all influence, vanishes forever.” “但若是那一统修武界的势力,是心狠手辣之辈,也许各方势力的下场,就是永远消失。” Dragon empty such remarks, Long Suqing and Long Chengyu and others look, is becomes dignified. 龙虚此话一出,龙素卿龙承羽等人的神色,都是变得凝重起来。 Sir dragon void/false, your meaning is, my vast martial cultivation world war, unavoidable?” dragon Kui Tian asked. “龙虚大人,难道您的意思是,我浩瀚修武界一场大战,无法避免?”龙魁田问道。 Yes, definitely will have a war.” “是,必然会有一场大战。” And is getting more and more near.” dragon Xudao. “并且已经越来越近了。”龙虚道。 This......” “这……” Hears this words, dragon Kui field naked eye obvious was hurried. 听闻此话,龙魁田肉眼可见的慌了。 On the face of Long Suqing also revealed worried about the color. 龙素卿的脸上也是露出了担忧之色。 They know, dragon void/false will not play this joke, but if such war really occurrence, that will certainly sweep across vast martial cultivation world, is true loss of life, countless people will die, including his Totem Dragon Clan clansman. 他们都知道,龙虚不会开这种玩笑,但倘这样的战争真的发生,那必将席卷浩瀚修武界,是真正的生灵涂炭,无数人将会死去,也包括他图腾龙族的族人。 Sir dragon void/false, if that is right, must win over Chu Feng, an almighty troops, how even if he did take away can?” “龙虚大人,若是如此,更要拉拢楚枫,一把神兵而已,就算他拿去了又能如何?” „An almighty troops, will not affect my Totem Dragon Clan destiny.” “一把神兵,并不会影响我图腾龙族的命运。” „But if Chu Feng will mature in the future, must be a big boost of my Totem Dragon Clan.” “但若是楚枫日后成才,必是我图腾龙族的一大助力。” I dare guarantee, his moral behavior, so long as becomes friends with it, he will then not decide lost/carrying my Totem Dragon Clan.” Long Chengyu said. “我敢保证,他的人品,只要与其结交,他便定不会负我图腾龙族。”龙承羽道。 Oh......” “唉……” Such being the case, the old man bets as you like one time.” “既然如此,那老夫就随你们赌一次吧。” Dragon empty such remarks, Long Chengyu as well as dragon Kui Tamina is the complexion transfers happily. 龙虚此话一出,龙承羽以及龙魁田皆是面色转喜。 many thanks Sir dragon void/false.” 多谢龙虚大人。” dragon Kui field and Long Chengyu, empty serve with the ritual of expression of gratitude to the dragon simultaneously, but Long Suqing was still somewhat irritable. 龙魁田与龙承羽,同时向龙虚施以道谢之礼,但龙素卿则仍是有些别扭。 „Hasn't vegetarian Sir/minister, admitted mistakes to Sir dragon void/false quickly?” Sees that dragon Kui field rushes to say to Long Suqing. “素卿,还不快向龙虚大人认错?”见状,龙魁田赶忙对龙素卿道。 „, This girl is this temperament, since here does not have outsider, when the old man has not heard just these words.” “罢了,这丫头就是这个脾气,既然这里没有外人,老夫就当没听到刚刚那些话罢。” The dragon empty this words saying, then looks to Long Chengyu. 龙虚此话说完,便看向龙承羽 Chenyu, although Chu Feng can step into the concealed soldier palace, but you cannot travel together, this matter should you know?” dragon void/false asked. “不过承羽,虽然楚枫可以踏入藏兵殿,但你们并不能同行,这件事你应该知道吧?”龙虚问。 I know, the father for me and Elder Sister, had chosen three almighty troopses respectively, placed is given in formation technique the side hall in concealed soldier palace.” “我知道,父亲为我和姐姐,已经分别挑选了三件神兵,放在了被赋予阵法的藏兵殿的偏殿内。” formation technique in that side hall, is this time main formation that opens the concealed soldier palace, but hides the main hall in soldier palace, but is the complementary submatrix.” “那偏殿内的阵法,乃是此次开启藏兵殿的主阵法,而藏兵殿的正殿,不过是余阵而已。” Long Chengyu after an attitude of very bright affair spoke this words, actually a thread of conversation road for grain shipment: But Sir dragon void/false, the inside six almighty troopses, Chu Feng travels together with us in any case not may not.” 龙承羽以一副很明事理的态度说完此话后,却又话锋一转道:“但是龙虚大人,反正里面有六件神兵,楚枫与我们同行也并非不可啊。” „It is not I am not willing, first did not say that six almighty troopses preciously.” “不是我不肯,先不说那六件神兵有多珍贵。” In that palace, can only support two people simultaneously, if there is the third person to enter, then greatly cuts the success ratio.” “那宫殿内,同时只能支撑两个人,若有第三个人进入,便大大降低成功率。” Chenyu, you are Totem Dragon Clan Young Lord, your body shoulders the heavy responsibility, you also know this time my Totem Dragon Clan, to open this concealed soldier palace, consumed......” 承羽啊,你是图腾龙族少主,你身上肩负重任,你也知道此次我图腾龙族,为了开启这藏兵殿,耗费了……” dragon lies have not said, Long Chengyu access road/simply said: Good, I understood, that this.” 龙虚话未说完,龙承羽便道:“好了好了,我懂了,那就这样吧。” You , if all right, goes to a Montblanc to revere, Chu Feng and Long Muxi there.” “你们若是没事,去一趟万宝龙尊吧,楚枫龙沐熙在那里。” Dragon rubine mother and daughter , there.” dragon void/false said. “龙玉红母女俩,也在那里。”龙虚说道。 Hears this words, the Long Chengyu complexion transfers suddenly coldly, he without delay, turns around to leave this place directly. 听闻此话,龙承羽脸色突然转冷,他二话不说,直接转身离开此地。 Long Suqing with the past, the left complexion also was very unattractive. 紧接着,龙素卿也是跟了过去,离开的脸色同样很不好看。 In an instant this place, then only had dragon void/false and dragon Kui field two people. 转眼间此地,便只剩下了龙虚与龙魁田两个人。 You have a look.” dragon void/false to dragon Kui Tamichi. “你也去看看吧。”龙虚对龙魁田道。 Sir dragon void/false, I did not use, had to receive Young Master Yu and vegetarian Sir/minister, even if the dragon rubine mother and daughter were in good graces again, Muxi Miss will not be bullied.” dragon Kui Tamichi. “龙虚大人,我就不用去了吧,有承羽少爷和素卿在,龙玉红母女就算再得宠,沐熙小姐也不会受欺负的。”龙魁田道。 Who said that Muxi will be bullied, haven't you known the temperament of Chenyu and vegetarian Sir/minister?” “谁说沐熙会受欺负了,你还不知道承羽和素卿的脾气吗?” If mother and daughter have restrained it is worth mentioning, if dares to be really impolite to Muxi, I fear their mother and daughter exactly today.” dragon Xudao. “若是他们母女俩有所收敛倒也罢了,若是胆敢真的对沐熙无礼,我怕他们母女活不过今日。”龙虚道。 Hears this words, dragon Kui field complexion is also the great change, the matter that because dragon void/false is worried about, may happen very much. 听闻此话,龙魁田脸色也是巨变,因为龙虚担心的事,是很有可能发生的。 Subordinate this goes.” “属下这就去。” After throwing down these words, dragon Kui field then departed, this place only had dragon void/false a person. 丢下这句话后,龙魁田便离去了,此地只剩下了龙虚一个人。 dragon void/false beckons, quick it behind palace gate opening, just that attire special Elder, walked. 龙虚招了招手,很快其身后的殿门开启,刚刚那位衣着特殊的长老,又走了进来。 You can determine, opens great formation of concealed soldier palace, after Chu Feng arrives had the response?” dragon void/false asked. “你能够确定,开启藏兵殿的大阵,是在楚枫来到后才有了反应?”龙虚问。 Yes, originally this formation technique has the problem, hides the soldier palace unable to open smoothly, but has been able to open now smoothly.” “是,本来这阵法出现问题,藏兵殿无法顺利开启,但是现在已经可以顺利开启了。” However from the response of this formation technique, likely is that Chu Feng some relations.” “而从这阵法的反应来看,很可能是与那楚枫有些关系。” And Montblanc reveres, because also he opened a pupil, release golden light.” That Elder said. “并且万宝龙尊,也因为他睁开了眼眸,释放出了金光。”那位长老说道。 Hears this words, dragon Xuda the face look changes complex. 听闻此话,龙虚大人脸色变得复杂。 „Did Ancestral Martial Galaxy, what kind of genius come out?” Sir dragon void/false sighed when the brow wrinkles. 祖武天河,到底出来了一个怎样的妖孽?”龙虚大人感叹之时眉头皱起。 He is indefinite, this them, is actually the good deed or the root of trouble. 他不确定,这于他们而言,究竟是好事还是祸端。
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