MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5363: Mother by the place of detaining?

Was seeing with own eyes was seen through by Chu Feng, the old woman is also somewhat accidental/surprised, but continues in secret sound transmission to the feather: 眼见着被楚枫识破,老妇人也是有些意外,但还是对界羽继续暗中传音: Young Master Yu, his formation technique is very strong, if really encounters, you are not necessarily able to win him.” “界羽少爷,他那阵法很强,若真的交锋,你未必能够胜他。” Hears this words, the expression of feather was more complex. 只是听闻此话,界羽的表情更加复杂了。 His that is Heavenly Dao secret Diannei formation technique, and studies this to have many years, cultivating utmost to become can/but is not easy. 他那可是天道秘典内的阵法,并且专攻此阵已有多年,修至大成可不容易。 Properly speaking, this arrange/cloth leaves, must be invincible. 按理来说,此阵布出,应当无敌。 This matter, the old woman is also clear, but why added that he is not necessarily able to exceed Chu Feng? 此事,那老妇人也是清楚,可为何还说他未必能够胜过楚枫 That Chu Feng arrange/cloth what kind of formation technique? 楚枫到底布了怎样的阵法 Among the world, strong is inadequate in Heavenly Dao secret Dian formation technique? 难道天下间,还有强于天道秘典的阵法不成? He does not believe that does not believe Chu Feng outsider, can arrange Chu Feng strongly his formation technique. 他不信,不信楚枫一个外人,能够布置楚枫强过他的阵法 Therefore he looks to Chu Feng. 于是他看向楚枫 Mysterious.” “故弄玄虚。” Rubbish, has the skill, you shine.” “别废话了,有本事,你就亮出来。” I must have a look actually, are you genuine materials.” “我倒是要看看,你到底是不是真材实料。” When the feather roared, then stimulated to movement his formation technique directly, launched the offensive to Chu Feng's formation technique. 界羽咆哮之际,便直接催动他那阵法,对楚枫的阵法发动了攻势。 The ray is radiant, the strong winds erupts, that formation technique of impulse, causes White Dragon God-cloak on the scene, again and again back down. 光芒璀璨,狂风大作,那阵法的冲击力之强,使得在场的白龙神袍,都连连后退 But this powerful formation technique strength, then locked on a goal, that is formation technique before Chu Feng body. 而这强大的阵法力量,则是锁定了一个目标,那便是楚枫身前的阵法 Bang- 轰- A loud sound, attack, but, Chu Feng's formation technique collapses at the first blow simply, then changes to the smashing suddenly. 一声巨响,攻击而至,楚枫的阵法简直不堪一击,瞬息间便化作粉碎。 But the smile on numerous position junior face, just appeared, then the twinkling dissipated. 可众位小辈脸上的笑容,刚刚浮现,便瞬息消散了。 After that formation technique was destroyed, the ray shines unexpectedly, in the casualness, appeared three formation technique. 在那阵法被摧毁后,竟光芒普照,在随便之内,浮现出了三道阵法 In!!! 阵中阵!!! This fellow, he!!!” “这个家伙,他!!!” Until they know at this time, originally Chu Feng looks does not have formation technique that the construction completes, but is an outer covering. 直到此时他们才知道,原来楚枫看着没有架构完成的阵法,不过是一个外壳。 Under the outer covering, has three formation technique, and each formation technique strength, is quite strong. 外壳之下,有着三道阵法,并且每一道阵法的力量,都极为强大。 The formation technique strength of feather is extremely strong, is surpasses he strength formation technique, it can be said that the White Dragon World Spiritist strength, displayed extreme seriously. 界羽的阵法力量极强,是超出他自身力量的阵法,当真可以说是,将白龙界灵师的力量,发挥到了极致 But Chu Feng these three formation technique, although the appearance is not much, but each, has is not being weak in boundary/world the feather formation technique strength. 可是楚枫这三道阵法,虽然卖相不怎么样,可每一道,都拥有着不弱于界羽阵法的力量。 In the formation technique strength same situation, three naturally are bigger than one. 阵法力量相同的情况下,三自然大于一。 Under the two formation technique resistance, formation technique of feather is then defeated quickly. 二者阵法对抗之下,界羽的阵法很快便败下阵来。 The feather is sweating profusely at this time, pants, he has displayed the full power, but can only look helplessly his formation technique was destroyed. 界羽此时满头大汗,气喘吁吁,他已经施展出了全力,可还是只能眼睁睁的看着他那阵法被摧毁。 On his face, wrote all over being unwilling. 他的脸上,写满了不甘。 He can arrange so powerful formation technique , because he used Heavenly Dao secret Diannei formation technique. 他能够布置出如此强大的阵法,是因为他用了天道秘典内的阵法 But Chu Feng this formation technique, obviously is only common slaughtering formation, but is not Heavenly Dao secret Diannei formation technique. 楚枫阵法,明明只是寻常的攻杀阵法,而绝非天道秘典内的阵法 But why, but can also display the so powerful strength? 但为何,还能发挥出如此强大的力量? And within the Chu Feng half double-hour, arranged formation technique of three this ranks, this did not gather the common sense obviously. 并且楚枫半个时辰之内,布置出了三道这种级别的阵法,这显然不合常理。 Said, what despicable method you did use?” The feather asked to Chu Feng. “说,你到底用了什么卑鄙手段?”界羽对楚枫质问道。 „Couldn't the feather, lose?” “界羽,输不起了吗?” despicable method? I told you, my big brother Chu Feng has been letting you, otherwise if, you can lose were more miserable.” 卑鄙手段?我告诉你,我楚枫大哥已经让着你了,如若不然,你会输的更惨。” Cannot think to yourself miserably.” Bai Yunqing said. “惨到你自己都想不到。”白云卿说道。 Your defeated, shuts up to me.” The feather cursed angrily one. “你个手下败将,给我闭嘴。”界羽怒骂一声。 You, if refuses to accept, can come again one time, I am working as your surface set up formation.” Chu Feng said. “你若不服,可以再来一次,我当着你的面布阵。”楚枫说道。 Heard Chu Feng to say like this, the feather look changed, he discovered on the Chu Feng's face to have the absolute self-confidence. 听到楚枫这样说,界羽神色变化,他发现楚枫的脸上有着绝对的自信。 Therefore he looks to that old woman: senior, told me, was this really his own skill?” 于是他看向那老妇人:“前辈,告诉我,这真的是他自己的本事吗?” He such remarks, juniors on the scene, will look at that old woman in abundance. 他此话一出,在场众小辈,也纷纷将目光投向了那名老妇人。 They do not believe Chu Feng and Bai Yunqing, but actually believes this old woman. 他们不相信楚枫白云卿,但却相信这位老妇人。 At this time the old woman is also looks hesitant, but said finally: He has not used the heresy, does not have rely on treasure.” 此时老妇人也是面露犹豫,但最终还是道:“他并没有使用旁门左道,也没有借助至宝。” Such remarks, the Seven Worlds Saint Palace juniors, could not say. 此话一出,七界圣府众小辈,都说不出来了。 Looks again to Chu Feng, the look all changed. 一个个的再度看向楚枫,眼神全都变了。 It is not the heresy, without rely on treasure, arranges so formation technique? 不是旁门左道,没有借助至宝,独自一人布置出如此阵法 His control to the formation technique, will go to what situation? 那他对阵法的掌控,将达到了何种地步? If this is real, then at present this Chu Feng, absolutely is not a small role, but is an extremely talent. 倘若这是真的,那么眼前这个楚枫,绝对不是一个小角色,而是一位绝顶天才。 The feather was still felt difficult to accept, but when he looked to Bai Yunqing. 界羽仍是感觉难以接受,可当他看向了白云卿 Bai Yunqing that the discovery is proud obviously very much, at this time looks like a lackey to be the same, stands in Chu Feng behind. 发现明明很是自负的白云卿,此时就像是一个狗腿子一般,站在楚枫身后。 Especially that because of Chu Feng, but complacent appearance. 尤其是那,因为楚枫而洋洋得意的模样。 He is suddenly enlighted!!! 他恍然大悟!!! He understands finally why Bai Yunqing this talent, will call Chu Feng the big brother, and was willing to give up. 他终于明白,为何白云卿这种天才,会称楚枫为大哥,并且甘愿俯首称臣了。 Therefore, he looks at Chu Feng. 于是,他将目光投向楚枫 Today was my feather is mistaken.” “今日是我界羽走眼了。” Chu Feng, it was your.” 楚枫,它是你的了。” The feather spoke, threw that life crystal to Chu Feng, later then Yu Kong, prepared to depart. 界羽说话间,将那生命水晶丢向了楚枫,随后便御空而起,准备离去。 Hey, what walks? You have not called Sir.” Bai Yunqing rushes to say. “喂,走什么?你还没叫大爷呢。”白云卿赶忙说道。 Hears this words, has arrived above the midair feather, but also really stopped, but he has not turned head. 听闻此话,已经来到半空之上的界羽,还真的停了下来,只是他没有回头。 At this time he also regretted, Chu Feng told him obviously, lost can not need to call Sir, was he is not willing, because he thought that he will not lose. 此时他也是后悔了,明明楚枫告诉他,输了可以不用叫大爷,是他不肯的,因为他觉得他不会输。 Has not thought, he misjudged. 不曾想,他失算了。 He does not want to be the person who cannot lose, therefore the life crystal he is willing, but makes his name be Uncle Chu Feng, he really cannot open this mouth. 他不想做输不起的人,所以生命水晶他都愿意给,可是让他叫楚枫大爷,他真的开不了这个口。 Long is so big, in the talent except for the clan, he has never lost the face in front of outsider. 长这么大,除了族内天才,他从未在外人面前丢过脸面。 But Seven Worlds Saint Palace person, whether or not displays, but basically looks down upon outside person. 七界圣府的人,不管是否表现出来,但基本都看不起外面的人。 Therefore, loses to outside the mansion the person, is the great shame. 因此,输给府外之人,乃是奇耻大辱。 If really called, after that in Seven Worlds Saint Palace, asking him raise one's head to cultivate the behavior? 若真的叫了,那以后在七界圣府内,叫他如何抬头做人? Ok, the matter of today, stops.” At this time, actually Chu Feng opens the mouth. “算了,今日之事,到此为止。”此时,倒是楚枫开口。 The feather can keep one's word, gives him the life crystal, he is very accidental/surprised. 界羽能言而有信,将生命水晶给他,他已经很是意外。 And Chu Feng discovered, the feather is proud real, at first looks down upon him also real. 并且楚枫发现,界羽自负是真的,起初看不起他也是真的。 But is willing to give him from him the life crystal, as can be seen , he although is self-confident, but is not persistently unreasonable. 但从他愿意将生命水晶给他,可以看出,他虽然自信,但并非蛮不讲理。 Therefore does not want to press him again. 所以也不想再难为他。 The feather turn head looked at Chu Feng one, anything had not said that direct Yu Kong. 界羽回头看了楚枫一眼,什么也没说,直接御空而起。 Finally the juniors, after looked at Chu Feng one, has not said anything, but is direct Yu Kong but leaves this place. 终于众位小辈,纷纷看了楚枫一眼后,也没多说什么,而是直接御空而起离开此地。 But Chu Feng notices, they looked that oneself look changed, no longer before the resembles, is so contemptuous, what are more is complex. 楚枫注意到,他们看自己的眼神变了,不再像之前那么轻蔑,更多的是复杂。 Two little friends, know how to use that crystal cultivation?” The old women go forward to ask, her attitude changed. “两位小友,知道如何用那水晶修炼吗?”老妇人上前问道,就连她的态度都变了。 Knows.” Chu Feng said. “知道。”楚枫说道。 Frost rain Sir explains, if two little friends, really want the life crystal, can actually in such.” The old women also said. “霜雨大人有交待,若是两位小友,真的想要生命水晶,倒是可以在此等等。”老妇人又道。 This, for what intention?” Chu Feng asked. “这个等,是为何意?”楚枫问。 You do not want the life crystal, although the place of trial is unable to obtain, but indeed also has other methods here.” “你不是想要生命水晶吗,虽然试炼之地的无法得到,但在这里的确还有其他方法。” But... that is not we can make a decision, must wait for that Sir to come back.” “但…那不是我们能决断的,要等那位大人回来。” That Sir, is that breaks the owner of sword, but that Sir does not want to disclose the status to the outside, therefore you do not need to inquire that who he is.” “那位大人,便是那断剑的主人,不过那位大人不想对外透露身份,所以你也不用询问他是谁。” Can tell you are, now this place, is run by him, he with breaks the person of sword to you, has the friendship.” “可以告诉你的是,如今此地,是由他来掌管,他与给你断剑之人,是有交情的。” When that Sir returns, but also is unknown, quickly on several th, slow several years, must therefore wait also to look at yourself.” The old women said. “不过那位大人何时归来,还不得而知,快则几日,慢则几年,所以要不要等还看你自己。”老妇人说道。 I and others.” Chu Feng said. “我等。”楚枫道。 If, that then comes along with me.” “若要等,那便随我来吧。” During the old woman speeches Yu Kong, brings Chu Feng and Bai Yunqing later, arrived at one on a prairie, independent manor. 老妇人说话间御空而起,随后带着楚枫白云卿,来到了一处位于一片草原上的,独立庄园。 Remember, here is the Seven Worlds Saint Palace territory.” “记住,这里是七界圣府的领地。” Particularly recently, many Miss Young Master arrived at this place to train, the status of their some people, were you cannot imagine.” “尤其是最近,诸多小姐少爷来到此地历练,他们一些人的身份,是你们不可想象的。” Therefore you, should better not to run all over the place, in manor then, otherwise if under annoying the root of trouble, I may be unable to preserve you.” “所以你们,最好不要乱跑,待在庄园之中即可,如若不然惹下祸端,我可保不住你们。” The old women spoke these words, but actually does not have the meaning of threat, is more like the reminder. 老妇人说这番话,倒没有威胁之意,更像是提醒。 Has saying that after experience to the Chu Feng's skill, she to the Chu Feng two people of attitudes, had some transformations, were many some respect. 不得不说,在见识到楚枫的本事后,她对楚枫二人的态度,也是发生了一些转变,多了一些尊重。 After exhorting these, the old woman then sets out to depart. 嘱咐完这些后,老妇人便起身离去。 But Chu Feng stands in this place, the innermost feelings are quite sigh with emotion. 楚枫站在此地,内心则是颇为感慨。 Seven Worlds Saint Palace, is always the Chu Feng's goal. 七界圣府,一直以来都是楚枫的目标。 Although here, is not true Seven Worlds Saint Palace, a territory that but Seven Worlds Saint Palace seizes. 虽然这里,并非真正的七界圣府,只是七界圣府占领的一处领地。 But here, actually everywhere is the Seven Worlds Saint Palace person, Chu Feng unavoidable must do with them. 可是这里,却到处都是七界圣府的人,楚枫无法避免的要与他们打交道。 Therefore, in the Chu Feng heart also emerges the marvelous feeling. 所以,楚枫心中也是涌现出奇妙的感觉。 It seems like, from his mother, is very near. 就好像,距离他的母亲,已经很近了。 „, Having something cow.” “嘁,有什么可牛的。” Seven Worlds Saint Palace current, isn't the fiercest talent the spirit clouds?” 七界圣府当今,最厉害的天才不就是灵霄吗?” Except for that spirit clouds, who can compare with my big brother Chu Feng?” After the old women walk, the Bai Yunqing uncomfortable whisper said. “除了那灵霄,谁能与我楚枫大哥比?”老妇人走后,白云卿不爽的嘀咕道。 „Are spirit clouds, then now the Seven Worlds Saint Palace strongest junior?” Chu Feng asked. “灵霄,便是当今七界圣府最强小辈吗?”楚枫问。 Right big brother Chu Feng, that spirit clouds, are now Seven Worlds Saint Palace, recognized strongest junior.” “对的楚枫大哥,那个灵霄,便是当今七界圣府,公认的最强小辈。” News has it that last year his Spirit Formation technique, then achieved Emperor Dragon Mark.” Bai Yunqing said. “据传闻,早在去年他的结界之术,便达到了皇龙纹。”白云卿说道。 Emperor Dragon Mark?” Chu Feng knows, Emperor Dragon Mark endures to compare Sixth Rank Half God realm. 皇龙纹?”楚枫知道,皇龙纹可是堪比六品半神境界 This is many talent World Spiritist, realm that the poor its life is unable to step into. 这是多少天才界灵师,穷其一生都无法踏入的境界 When juniors, then can step into this realm, sees its terrifying talent sufficiently. 小辈之时,便可以踏入这个境界,足以看出其恐怖的天赋。 This is also Chu Feng so far, in peer who knows, strongest World Spiritist. 这也是楚枫目前为止,所知道的同辈之中,最强的界灵师了。 However Chu Feng is not but actually surprised, Seven Worlds Saint Palace junior, without this strength, instead given name that does a disservice to Seven Worlds Saint Palace. 不过楚枫倒也不惊讶,七界圣府的小辈,若是没有这种实力,反而对不起七界圣府的名号了。 He now, may incessantly be Emperor Dragon Mark.” “他现在,可不止是皇龙纹了。” Suddenly, the sound resounds from the sky together. 忽然,一道声音自天空响起。 Is the feather. 乃是界羽。 However regarding the arrival of feather, Chu Feng is not accidental/surprised, he had detected that the feather has not left, but follows in secret. 但是对于界羽的到来,楚枫并不意外,他早就察觉到界羽并未离开,而是暗中跟随。 What do you come to here to make?” Bai Yunqing is cold voice asks, he has not detected the feather obviously with. “你来这里做什么?”白云卿则是冷声问道,他显然是没有察觉到界羽跟来。 Do not fluster, I am not look for trouble.” “别慌,我不是来找麻烦的。” I want to make clear something.” The feather spoke flies to fall, arrived in front of Chu Feng directly. “我只是想搞清楚一些事。”界羽说话间飞落而下,直接来到楚枫面前。 Just thanked.” The feather said. “刚刚谢了。”界羽道。 Chu Feng smiles, he knows that the feather is thanking anything, therefore said: „, To me, the life crystal also is very you're welcome important.” 楚枫笑了笑,他知道界羽是在谢什么,于是道:“不用客气,对我而言,生命水晶也很重要。” Heard that you can awaken the life crystal, is this real?” The feather asked. “听说你能唤醒生命水晶,这是真的吗?”界羽问。 Chu Feng has not spoken, but that the feather gives his life crystal to take out, Chu Feng will block the life crystal formation technique to break open. 楚枫没说话,而是将那颗,界羽给他的生命水晶取出,楚枫将封锁生命水晶的阵法破开。 The next quarter, the life crystal blooms dazzling radiance, but at the same time, on Chu Feng's also bloomed similarly same radiance. 下一刻,生命水晶绽放起耀眼光华,而与此同时,楚枫的身上也同样绽放出了相同的光华。 Incisiveness that the strength in life crystal, shows at this time. 生命水晶内的力量,此时展现的淋漓尽致。 „Can you... really awaken this thing unexpectedly?” Perfectly round that the feather eyes stare, even the mouth opens the eldest child. “你…竟真的可以唤醒此物?”界羽双眼瞪的溜圆,连嘴巴都张得老大。 When his time expression, compared with previously lost to Chu Feng, but also is splendid. 他此时的表情,比先前败给楚枫时,还要精彩。 Now letter/believes?” Has not needed the Chu Feng opens the mouth, the Bai Yunqing then favorite say/way, the expression of that dai Chinese zither, probably those who awaken this life crystal is he is ordinary. “现在信了吗?”还不待楚枫开口,白云卿便得意的道,那嘚瑟的表情,就好像唤醒这生命水晶的是他一般。 Does not know Little Brother Chu Feng, transits the discipling from where?” The feather asked. “不知楚枫兄弟,师承何处?”界羽问。 This I do not facilitate to disclose, even if said that you should not hear.” Chu Feng said. “这个我不方便透露,就算说了,你应该也没有听闻过。”楚枫说道。 Unobstructive.” Feather smiles, immediately said: This is my first seeing, some people awaken the life crystal.” “无碍。”界羽笑了笑,旋即说道:“这还是我第一次看到,有人唤醒生命水晶。” Your Seven Worlds Saint Palace, can no one awaken this thing?” Chu Feng asked. “你七界圣府,没有人可以唤醒此物吗?”楚枫问道。 Has, but needs meticulously to prepare, and can awaken in the specific place, therefore I do not have the opportunity to see.” “有,但是需要精心准备,且在特定的地方才能唤醒,所以我也没机会见到。” Can like you so, so easily awakens the life crystal, as far as I know, my Seven Worlds Saint Palace, only has one person.” “能够像你这般,如此轻易的就唤醒生命水晶的,据我所知,我七界圣府,也只有一人。” The feather words to here, Bai Yunqing then say immediately: Only has one person? I know that was.” 界羽话到此处,白云卿便立刻说道:“只有一人?那我知道是谁了。” You know that is who?” The feather asked. “你知道是谁?”界羽问。 This has anything to be difficult to guess that naturally is Sir Jie Ranqing.” “这有什么难猜的,自然是界染清大人。” Let alone Seven Worlds Saint Palace, entire vast martial cultivation world, other World Spiritist cannot achieve, matter that but the person can achieve, generally is Sir Jie Ranqing.” “别说七界圣府,整个浩瀚修武界,其他界灵师做不到,但有一个人可以做到的事情,一般都是界染清大人。” Bai Yunqing mentioned Jie Ranqing time, on the face also has the color of thick worship. 白云卿提及界染清的时候,脸上也是有着浓浓的崇拜之色。 Indeed is Sir Jie Ranqing.” The feather is also smiles. “的确是界染清大人。”界羽也是笑了笑 Mentioned the Jie Ranqing three characters time, his tone is also flooding the respect. 提及界染清三个字的时候,他的语气也是充斥着敬意。 Sees them, so admires Jie Ranqing, Chu Feng has proud at heart. 看到他们,都如此敬佩界染清,楚枫心里则是心生自豪。 After all Chu Feng had almost determined, Jie Ranqing is own mother. 毕竟楚枫已经几乎确定,界染清就是自己的母亲。 Sir Jie Ranqing, now also in to undergo closed-door training?” Chu Feng asked. 界染清大人,如今还在闭关吗?”楚枫问。 Yes, but also in to undergo closed-door training.” The feather said. “是,还在闭关中。”界羽道。 She where to undergo closed-door training?” Chu Feng also asked. “她在何处闭关?”楚枫又问。 In my Seven Worlds Saint Palace forbidden land of ancestor.” The feather said. “在我七界圣府的祖之禁地内。”界羽道。 „Is forbidden land of ancestor, Seven Worlds Saint Palace the place of cultivation?” Chu Feng asked. “祖之禁地,是七界圣府修炼之地吗?”楚枫问。 forbidden land of ancestor, is my Seven Worlds Saint Palace most important sacred land, but actually in that to have anything, we do not know.” “祖之禁地,乃我七界圣府最重要的圣地,但那里面究竟有什么,我们也不知晓。” forbidden land of ancestor, regarding my Seven Worlds Saint Palace person, is the extremely mysterious place.” “祖之禁地,对于我七界圣府的人而言,也是极为神秘的地方。” There, is no one can step into, even if present spirit clouds, does not have the qualifications.” The feather said. “那里,不是谁都能踏入的,哪怕现在的灵霄,也没资格。”界羽道。 „Don't spirit clouds have the qualifications?” “灵霄都没资格吗?” Seven Worlds Saint Palace forbidden land of ancestor, but also really lives up to reputation.” 七界圣府的祖之禁地,还真是名不虚传啊。” The say/way that Bai Yunqing smiles, he has heard some obviously, forbidden land matter about ancestor. 白云卿笑眯眯的道,他显然听闻过一些,关于祖之禁地的事。 But Chu Feng also remembered forbidden land of this place ancestor, he knows his mother not in to undergo closed-door training, but was detained. 楚枫也是记住了祖之禁地这个地方,他知道他母亲不是在闭关,而是被关押了。 forbidden land of this ancestor, is so mystical, not being able to do well is really his mother, detained place. 这祖之禁地,如此神秘,搞不好真的是他的母亲,被关押的地方。
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