MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5254: Unexpectedly is the Chu Feng main body

Quick, these servants ran, several hundred steamer tray steamed stuffed buns handed in front of Chu Feng. 很快,那些店小二跑了上来,几百屉包子递到了楚枫面前。 Chu Feng squeezed in World Spirit Space completely. 楚枫全部塞入了界灵空间 Afterward arrives in front of that two old person. 随后走到那两名老者面前。 Searches the hand to grasp. 探手一抓。 „!!!” “啊!!!” That only remains the remnant body White-Cloak old person, sends out incomparably frigid wailing, its remnant body was being built up. 那只剩残躯的白袍老者,发出无比惨烈的哀嚎,其残躯正在被炼化。 When its pitiful yell vanishes, its body had been built up by Chu Feng thoroughly, wisp of residual has not stayed behind. 当其惨叫消失之际,其身躯已被楚枫彻底炼化,一缕残渣都没留下。 You are the Xuan Trasure Hall guest is right?” “你是轩宝堂的客人对吧?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问。 Right, I am.” Blue Gowned old person very fears, actually makes the strong sound, he thinks that Chu Feng is afraid Xuan Trasure Hall. “对,我是。”蓝袍老者很是恐惧,却发出强硬声音,他以为楚枫害怕轩宝堂 „Will Xuan Trasure Hall protect you?” Chu Feng asked. 轩宝堂会护你?”楚枫问。 Meeting!!!” “会!!!” You dare to move me, Xuan Trasure Hall certainly not...!!!” “你敢动我,轩宝堂绝不…呃啊!!!” The Blue Gowned old person words have not said, a long sword pierces its dantian. 蓝袍老者话未说完,一把长剑已是洞穿其丹田 Afterward Chu Feng, like selecting grocery, shoulders that Blue Gowned old person, the next quarter, then vanishes does not see. 随后楚枫,就像挑杂货一样,将那蓝袍老者挑起,下一刻,便消失不见。 Sees Chu Feng to depart, the people look to that middle-aged man: Storekeeper, we what to do?” 楚枫离去,众人看向那中年男子:“掌柜的,咱们怎么办?” First goes out of business, everyone goes to Xuan Trasure Hall along with me.” The middle-aged man said. “先歇业,所有人随我去轩宝堂。”中年男子道。 ...... …… Outside Xuan Trasure Hall, Chu Feng has arrived, but he has not come immediately. 轩宝堂外,楚枫已经来到,但他并未立即现身。 When Chu Feng now, has not been the young boorish fellow, before fostering acted, searches its actual situation the custom. 楚枫如今,早已不是年少之时的莽夫,养成了出手前,探其虚实的习惯。 At this time, uses under the Spirit Formation method, the Chu Feng's aural acuity is extremely astonishing, even if this place Sound Isolation Formation, is unable to prevent. 此时,运用结界阵法之下,楚枫的耳力极其惊人,哪怕此地的隔音结界,也无法阻挡。 Entire Xuan Trasure Hall all sounds, map in the Chu Feng ear, Chu Feng also not its chaotic, but is at the same time, receive much dialogues, this is the Chu Feng present skill. 整个轩宝堂的所有声音,都映入楚枫耳中,楚枫也可不受其乱,而是同一时间,接收大量对话,这便是楚枫如今的本事。 These dialogues, many are private, therefore has the clear understanding of Xuan Trasure Hall immediately. 这些对话,许多都是私密性的,因此对轩宝堂立刻有了清楚的了解。 Xuan Trasure Hall, the surface is buys and sells the treasure a church meeting, some massive Elder and disciple, but actually teaches not to distinguish with the demon secretly. 轩宝堂,表面是买卖宝物的一个堂会,也有大量长老弟子,可暗地里却与魔教没有区别。 They distribute various True Dragon Star Region places, the special choice strength weak place, grasps secretly seeks to have the Divine Power child, or has cultivator of special bloodlines, then provides to the specific organization is used for cultivation. 他们分布真龙星域各处,专门挑选实力弱的地方,暗地里抓寻拥有天赐神力的孩子,或者拥有特殊血脉的修武者,然后再提供给特定的组织用来修炼 Really is the jackals from the same lair.” “果然是一丘之貉。” In the Chu Feng heart cursed angrily. 楚枫心中怒骂。 The reason for this is that when is comes on road, Chu Feng has plundered that two old person treasures. 之所以如此,是来时路上,楚枫已将那两个老者身上的宝物进行搜刮。 result on them has space formation technique, in that formation technique is they grasps, either has the Divine Power child, either has monster beast of special bloodlines. 结果他们身上有空间阵法,那阵法之内全都是他们抓来的,要么是拥有天赐神力的孩子,要么是拥有特殊血脉的妖兽 What is most crazed, some newly-born babies. 最丧心病狂的是,还有一些刚出生的婴儿。 Although Chu Feng had put the person of these feeling sorry, but actually cannot change, this Blue Gowned old person and this Xuan Trasure Hall sin. 虽说楚枫已经将那些可怜之人放了,可却也改变不了,这蓝袍老者与这轩宝堂的罪孽。 Chu Feng, all killed them, this Xuan Trasure Hall does not remain.” The Eggy sound resounds. 楚枫,把他们全都杀了,这轩宝堂的一个不留。”蛋蛋声音响起。 The Eggy character, is not that type that takes saving the world common people as own duty, on the contrary until now, is others life and death with the attitude that she has nothing to do with. 蛋蛋的性格,不是那种以拯救天下苍生为己任的类型,相反一直以来,都是一副别人生死与她无关的态度。 But she is also angry now very much. 可现在她也很生气。 But Chu Feng, under the arrange/cloth has blocked formation technique quietly, prepares to slaughter. 楚枫,已经悄然布下封锁阵法,准备大开杀戒。 Un?” “嗯?” But suddenly, two people talked to bring to the Chu Feng attention. 可忽然,两人交谈引起楚枫注意。 Then the main shrine from Xuan Trasure Hall most deep place, here only has two people, is Xuan Trasure Hall hall master and vice-hall master. 那来自轩宝堂最深处的主殿,这里只有两个人,乃是轩宝堂堂主副堂主 Oh, really envies them, unexpectedly caught one long to have the dragon horn miss, moreover she are not related with Totem Dragon Clan, this was the value high price.” When Xuan Trasure Hall hall master speech the whole face envies. “唉,真羡慕他们啊,居然抓到了一个长有龙角的姑娘,而且她还与图腾龙族没有关系,这可是值大价钱的。”轩宝堂堂主说话时满脸羡慕。 Yes, heard that miss grows is good-looking, originally treats an illness to Totem Galaxy, does not want the person by Ting Yu hall to be caught.” vice-hall master envies similarly. “是啊,听说那姑娘长得还很是俊俏,本来是到图腾天河医病的,不曾想却被听雨堂的人抓到了。”副堂主同样羡慕不已。 Chu Feng, has dragon horn, from other Galaxy, to the miss who this treats an illness, how to look like Long Xiaoxiao?” Eggy also heard this dialogue. 楚枫,带有龙角,来自其他天河,到此医病的姑娘,怎么这么像龙晓晓啊?”蛋蛋也是听到了这个对话。 But Chu Feng by their conversation attractions, because of the content of this conversation, tallies with Long Xiaoxiao extremely. 楚枫之所以被他们的交谈吸引,也是因为这交谈的内容,与龙晓晓极其吻合。 „, One crowd of bastard.” “吗的,一群畜生。” Chu Feng cursed angrily one, later the big sleeve wielded, the light beam directly soared the Xuan Trasure Hall main shrine to graze to go together. 楚枫怒骂一声,随后大袖一挥,一道光柱直奔轩宝堂主殿飞掠而去。 Bang Powerful strength, not only pierces formation, is the bang puts on the wall, falls into the main hall. 强大的力量,不仅洞穿结界,更是轰穿墙壁,落入大殿之内。 Who?” “谁?” Sudden, not only frightens two hall master is startled. 突如其来的一幕,不仅将两位堂主吓的一惊。 That huge sound, brings to the attention of Xuan Trasure Hall all parties powerhouse, the innumerable powerhouses graze to go to the main shrine. 那巨大的声响,也是引起轩宝堂各方强者的注意,无数强者向主殿飞掠而去。 But two hall master are also the quick discoveries, what that intrudes is a person, but this person actually lies on the ground, and was abandoned cultivation realm. 而两位堂主也是很快发现,那闯入的乃是一个人,只是这个人却是趴在地上,且被废了修为 „Is this?” “这是?” Chen brother?” “陈兄?” Chen brother, how you were, how your was cultivation realm abandoned?” “陈兄,你这是怎么了,你的修为怎么被废了?” Sees clearly Blue Gowned old person, Xuan Trasure Hall hall master hurrying asks. 看清蓝袍老者,轩宝堂堂主赶忙上前询问。 Grandson hall master, is your here small bastard, you must revenge for me.” “孙堂主,是你们这里的一个小畜生,你要为我报仇啊。” The Blue Gowned old person sound is full of the grief and indignation, after all his cultivation realm, had been abandoned. 蓝袍老者的声音充满悲愤,毕竟他的修为,已经被废。 Chen brother, is that a junior?” Xuan Trasure Hall hall master asked. “陈兄,那是一个小辈吗?”轩宝堂堂主问道。 Is a junior.” Blue Gowned old person said. “是小辈啊。”蓝袍老者道。 On him, may have a square meter deep palace, falls the flame sect, the token of wind territory valley?” Xuan Trasure Hall hall master also asked. “那他身上,可有坪冥殿,落焰宗,风域谷的令牌?”轩宝堂堂主又问道。 These three influences, are their world, strong in his Xuan Bao's influence, in that influence also indeed has junior who can injure this Blue Gowned old person. 这三个势力,都是他们这座世界,强于他轩宝的势力,那势力之中倒也的确有能伤这蓝袍老者的小辈。 But if the people of these three influences, he do not dare to offend. 但若是这三座势力的人,他是不敢得罪的。 No, without the tokens of these three influences.” Blue Gowned old person said. “没有,没有这三个势力的令牌。”蓝袍老者道。 Chen brother, you could rest assured that here is my domain, dares some people to injure you, I must abandon him.” “陈兄,你放心,这里是我的地盘,胆敢有人伤你,我必废了他。” This enmity, I will give you to report surely.” Hears the tokens of these three influences, Xuan Trasure Hall hall master had not vowed solemnly. “此仇,我定会给你报。”听闻没有这三个势力的令牌,轩宝堂堂主信誓旦旦。 Wa Wa 呜哇 In the meantime, a pitiful yell resounds through. 就在此时,一阵惨叫响彻开来。 Xuan Trasure Hall hall master, but also walks without enough time, then felt that a huge constriction raids directly. 轩宝堂堂主,还来不及走出去,便感觉一股巨大的压迫感正面袭来。 Bang The next quarter, the roof of this entire palace, was cut to cut open completely. 下一刻,这整座宫殿的房顶,全部被斩切开来。 At this time, he does not need to use the law of perspective/see through, then can see clearly outside situation. 此时,他无需施展透视之法,便能看清外面情况。 Sees only above the horizon, youth Yu Kong stands, he is wielding begins the long sword, every time wields, have several saying that Sword Qi grazes. 只见天际之上,一名青年御空而立,他正挥动手中长剑,每挥动一下,都有数道剑气飞掠而出。 Sword Qi, can cut to cut open together the innumerable palaces. 只是一道剑气,便可将无数宫殿斩切开来。 Let alone it wields casually, have several to say Sword Qi to graze, but, his Xuan Trasure Hall nearly is hit by the total destruction suddenly. 何况其随便挥动一下,都有数道剑气飞掠,不过眨眼之间,他轩宝堂近乎遭受灭顶之灾。 The most building was destroyed is small, innumerable Elder and disciple, is suffering the slaughter to extinguish. 大半建筑被毁是小,无数长老弟子,正在惨遭屠灭。 But carefully observes that youth appearance, two hall master all are the facial features big changes, to seeing the ghost was the same. 而仔细观察那青年容貌,两位堂主皆是面容大变,跟看到了鬼一样。 Person who Chen brother, you offends, should not be he?” “陈兄,你所得罪的人,该不会是他吧?” Xuan Trasure Hall hall master asked this saying time, the throat somewhat was hoarse. 轩宝堂堂主问这话的时候,嗓子都有些沙哑了。 His Xuan Trasure Hall, although the strength is not specially tyrannical, but is not the common people, the news is quite quick. 轩宝堂,虽然实力不是特别强横,但也绝非平民百姓,消息较为灵通。 Therefore recognizes, this youth precisely makes Situ World Spirit Sect be slaughtered, chief criminal who the frightened countless clansmen rebel and flee. 所以一眼就认出,这位青年正是使得司徒界灵门遭受屠戮,吓的无数族人叛逃的罪魁祸首。 Chu Feng!!! 楚枫!!! Is he, is this small bastard.” Blue Gowned old person said. “是他,就是这小畜生。”蓝袍老者道。 He... is he you brings?” Xuan Trasure Hall hall master, asked this words time, the face was mad purple. “他…他是你带来的?”轩宝堂堂主,问此话的时候,脸都气紫了。 Yes, he wants me to guide, I then bring him, grandson hall master Brother Ouyang had been killed by him , helping us revenge quickly.” “是,他要我带路,我便将他带来,孙堂主欧阳兄已被他所杀,快帮我们报仇。” Blue Gowned old person weeps with loud noise. 蓝袍老者声泪俱下。 Revenges? I... I reported your mother.” “报仇?我…我报你妈。” Xuan Trasure Hall hall master, a wrist/skill revolution, a Venerable Armament sledgehammer appears in the hand, pounded the muddy flesh that Blue Gowned old person directly. 轩宝堂堂主,手腕一转,一把尊兵大锤出现在手中,直接将那蓝袍老者砸成了肉泥。 But vice-hall master is also the violent anger, puts out long spear, was puncturing several spears/guns to that muddy fleshes. 副堂主也是暴怒,拿出一把长枪,对着那一摊肉泥又刺了几枪。 Their two were really angry. 他们两个真是气坏了。 Originally Xuan Trasure Hall, result by this fellow, brought in a Chu Feng such deicide well. 本来轩宝堂好好的,结果被这个家伙,引来楚枫这样一尊杀神。 Who is Chu Feng? 楚枫是谁? Now True Dragon Star Region who does not know that who does not understand, some Situ World Spirit Sect countless clansmen were frightened rebel and flee. 如今真龙星域谁人不知谁人不晓,司徒界灵门都有无数族人被吓得叛逃。 This is they can offend? 这是他们能得罪的起的吗? They felt them today, could be finished, but this must blame Blue Gowned old person. 他们觉得他们今日,可能是要完蛋了,而这都要怪蓝袍老者 Therefore, after killing this Blue Gowned old person, they knelt on the ground directly. 于是,杀了这蓝袍老者之后,他们直接跪在了地上。 Chu Feng young hero, we with this person, although is acquainted, but is not ripe.” 楚枫少侠,我们与此人虽然相识,但并不熟。” „No matter how this person annoyed Chu Feng young hero, had nothing to do with us, seeks the Chu Feng young hero great kindness, put us.” “不管此人如何惹到了楚枫少侠,都与我们无关,求楚枫少侠大恩大德,放了我们吧。” Xuan Trasure Hall hall master serves with the worshipping on bended knees big ritual, while begs for mercy. 轩宝堂堂主一边施以跪拜大礼,一边求饶。 But was a time of such meeting, Chu Feng had destroyed thorough entire Xuan Trasure Hall. 而就是这么一会的功夫,楚枫已将整个轩宝堂毁了个彻底。 Not only all buildings were destroyed, the Xuan Trasure Hall 30 million people on the scene, except for these two hall master, died all. 不仅所有建筑被毁,轩宝堂在场三千万人,除了这两位堂主,尽数死去。 Chu Feng looks to vice-hall master. 楚枫看向副堂主 This is Sixth Rank Martial Venerable, the strength is not weak. 这是一位六品武尊,实力不弱。 But he does not dare with Chu Feng looking at each other, to feel the Chu Feng vision, frightened hurrying kowtows again and again. 可他都不敢与楚枫对视,感受到楚枫目光,吓的赶忙连连磕头。 …… A Chu Feng sword falls, this person was cut two sections directly. 楚枫一剑落下,此人直接被斩成两截。 Chu Feng young hero forgives, Chu Feng young hero forgives.” 楚枫少侠饶命,楚枫少侠饶命。” Was seeing with own eyes vice-hall master was killed, as Seventh Rank Martial Venerable Xuan Trasure Hall hall master, did not have the heart of resistance, instead begs for mercy again and again. 眼见着副堂主被杀,身为七品武尊轩宝堂堂主,仍没有反抗之心,反而连连求饶。 Scared shitless that an age, actually frightens. 一把年纪,却吓的屁滚尿流。 This is also the way things should be, no matter after all how old, some people, always fear death. 这也是人之常情,毕竟不管多大年纪,有的人,总是怕死。 You just said, knows some people caught a head length dragon horn miss, you come out the portrait picture of that miss.” Chu Feng said. “你刚刚说,知道有人抓了一个头长龙角的姑娘,你将那姑娘的画像画出来。”楚枫说道。 I... I hear, has not seen that miss.” “我…我只是听闻,并未见过那姑娘。” But I know that she was caught by, also knows her whereabouts, if Chu Feng young hero wants to see her, I lead you to go.” “但我知道她被何人抓到,也知道她的去向,楚枫少侠若想见她,我带你去。” Xuan Trasure Hall hall master said. 轩宝堂堂主说道。 The Chu Feng big sleeve wields, immediately the boundless suction, earth-shaking that this Xuan Trasure Hall stirs. 楚枫大袖一挥,顿时磅礴吸力,将这轩宝堂搅的天翻地覆。 The innumerable treasures, fall into the Chu Feng pocket, but Source was built up by Milady Queen at the scene. 无数宝物,落入楚枫口袋之中,而本源则是被女王大人当场炼化。 When that strong winds dissipate, Chu Feng and Xuan Trasure Hall hall master, has left together. 当那狂风消散,楚枫轩宝堂堂主,已是一同离开。 After a period of time, storekeeper who the immortal pays no attention to the steamed stuffed bun pavilion, leads an numerous to approach Xuan Trasure Hall hand/subordinate. 一段时间后,仙不理包子阁的掌柜,也是带着一众手下靠近轩宝堂 They come Xuan Trasure Hall, wants to observe the situation. 他们来轩宝堂,是想观察情况。 The storekeeper detected that Chu Feng does not fear Xuan Trasure Hall, and wants to come Xuan Trasure Hall directly. 那掌柜察觉到楚枫不惧轩宝堂,且想直接来轩宝堂 Therefore he wants to have a look, whether Chu Feng can solve this matter, if can solve, they possibly also safely, if cannot, he bring to travel directly hand/subordinate. 所以他想看看,楚枫是否能解决此事,若能解决,他们可能也会安然,若不能,他直接带着手下跑路。 But when they, actually discovered that Xuan Trasure Hall had been destroyed, and obviously shortly after was destroyed, but, is discovered that in Xuan Trasure Hall is everywhere the remnant corpse, rivers of blood. 可当他们靠近后,却发现轩宝堂已是被毁,并且显然被毁不久,而靠近之后,更是发现轩宝堂内已是遍地残尸,血流成河。 The startled sound scream that this moment, the female frightens, the men tremble. 此一刻,女子吓的惊声尖叫,就连男子都是瑟瑟发抖。 Because of the scene, is extremely only scary! 只因场面,太过骇人! „Is storekeeper, that young hero?” A servant looks to the storekeeper, precisely first receives Chu Feng that. “掌柜,难道是那位少侠?”一名店小二看向掌柜,正是最先接待楚枫那位。 You can determine that young hero appearance and Chu Feng do look like very much?” The storekeepers asked. “你能确定,那位少侠的容貌与楚枫很像?”掌柜对其问道。 Does not look like very much, is the same.” The servants said. “不是很像,就是一样。”店小二道。 ......” storekeeper long stretch/leisurely one breath, this said: It seems like meets the main body.” “呼……”掌柜长舒一口气,这才道:“看来是遇到本尊了啊。” Main body? These two characters, making all people be the shock!!! 本尊?这两个字,让所有人大为震惊!!! Did they see the Chu Feng main body unexpectedly?!!! 他们竟然见到了楚枫本尊?!!! Really is Chu Feng young hero?” “真的是楚枫少侠吗?” My God, I brushed past with the idol unexpectedly, I....” “我的天,我竟与偶像擦肩而过,我…唉。” The servant incomparably lamented, he regards Chu Feng is the idol, and is nearly enchanted, is only for the Chu Feng's portrait, spent a lot of money. 那店小二无比悔恨,他视楚枫为偶像,并且近乎疯魔,只是为了楚枫的画像,就花了不少钱。 You talked with him at least, we talked do not have, really envied you.” Other servants, the color of eye of reveal envying. “你起码与他交谈了,我们连交谈都没有,真是羡慕你啊。”其他店小二,目露羡慕之色。 Situ World Spirit Sect oppresses them for a long time, they could not have gotten used to seeing to Situ World Spirit Sect, but feels indignant but not daring to speak out. 司徒界灵门压迫他们已久,他们对司徒界灵门早就看不惯了,只是敢怒不敢言。 But Chu Feng, then does thing that they want to do actually cannot achieve. 楚枫,则是做了他们想做却做不到的事。 Although not like that small two, to enchanted that nearly Chu Feng worships, but actually also worships. 虽不像那位小二那样,对楚枫崇拜的近乎疯魔,但却也是崇拜的。 But, the direct slaughter extinguishes the whole families, this also extremely? Is the extent that?” Has the female to cry the say/way, they were frightened to cry, is not they are timid, but is the Xuan Trasure Hall scene is extremely frigid. “但,直接屠灭满门,这也太过了吧?至于如此吗?”有女子哭着道,她们是被吓哭的,不是她们胆小,而是轩宝堂的场景太过惨烈。 But they do not know that Xuan Trasure Hall ugly deal in secret, naturally then felt the Chu Feng's approach extremely. 而她们又不知轩宝堂暗中的丑恶勾当,自然便觉得楚枫的做法太过了一些。 Indeed was too ruthless, but he was Chu Feng, passing that then can also explain.” Storekeepers has a lingering fear, Chu Feng originally extremely savage in his heart. “的确是太狠了,但是他是楚枫,便也能解释的通。”掌柜的心有余悸,在他心中楚枫本就极为凶残 No, I feel Chu Feng young hero, has reason inevitably, this Xuan Trasure Hall becomes friends with such person, unfriendly kind.” The servant said. “不,我觉得楚枫少侠,必然事出有因,这轩宝堂与那样之人结交,也绝非善类。”那店小二说道。 He such remarks, other servants nods in abundance, the storekeeper also feels some truth. 他此话一出,其他店小二纷纷点头,就连掌柜也觉得有些道理。 „Does storekeeper, we go back?” Some people asked, they thought Xuan Trasure Hall had been eliminated, they can continue to operate their immortals to pay no attention to the steamed stuffed bun pavilion. “掌柜的,我们回去吗?”有人问,他们觉得轩宝堂已然被除,他们可以继续回去经营他们的仙不理包子阁了。 Could not go back.” But the storekeeper actually shakes the head. “回不去了。”可掌柜却摇了摇头。 This is the Chu Feng main body, moreover he just the slaughter extinguished Xuan Trasure Hall, previously our immortal paid no attention to the matter of steamed stuffed bun pavilion, some people witness.” “这可是楚枫本尊,而且他刚刚屠灭轩宝堂,先前我们仙不理包子阁发生的事,也是有人目睹。” We, although does not know him, but he saved us after all, if Situ World Spirit Sect investigated, we could not explain.” “我们虽不认识他,可他毕竟救了我们,司徒界灵门若要追究,我们解释不清。” You go back to inform your family members immediately, I lead you to leave this together am the non- place.” “你们立刻回去通知你们家人,我带你们一起离开这是非之地。” Storekeepers such remarks, the people also thought that is very reasonable. 掌柜的此话一出,众人也觉得很有道理。 Therefore they are also rush to leave this place, the preparation flee. 于是他们也是赶忙离开此地,准备逃离。
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