MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5248: heaven defying White Dragon God-cloak

Brother Tian, I somewhat flustered, or we escape.” 田兄,我有些慌了,要不咱们逃吧。” Black hair old person, said to white hair old person, they sought several, but does not have to attain as before. 黑发老者,对白发老者道,他们又寻找了几遍,但依旧毫无所获。 He was afraid could not find Chu Feng, was punished by Yue Lian. 他害怕找不到楚枫,被岳炼责罚。 That Chu Feng should unable to escape, this blocks formation technique, falling how he possibly escapes?” “那楚枫应该逃不掉的,这封锁阵法,他怎么可能逃的掉呢?” White hair old person does not want to give up, but had before actually been inferior, firm. 白发老者不想放弃,但却已不如之前坚定。 Rumble - 隆隆隆- But suddenly, the world starts to shiver fiercely, the fierce tremor, making the mountain range present the fissure, the billowing thick smoke shoots up to the sky, covering the sky and blocking the sun, arrives just like the end. 可忽然,天地开始剧烈颤动,剧烈的颤动,使得山脉出现裂痕,滚滚浓烟冲天而起,遮天蔽日,宛如末日降临。 - 唔- Meanwhile, that white hair old person, covers the chest unexpectedly, reveals a painful appearance. 与此同时,那白发老者,竟捂住胸口,露出一副痛苦模样。 Brother Tian, you how?” 田兄,你怎么了?” A black hair old person eye of reveal is astonished. 黑发老者目露惊愕。 Why does not know, my innermost soul, very feelings of unease.” The white hair old person brow tight wrinkle, he does not make clear the condition. “不知道为何,我灵魂深处,有一种很不安的感觉。”白发老者眉头紧皱,他也搞不清楚状况。 But is quick, the white hair old person condition alleviated, on that day within turbulence had also returned to normal. 而很快,白发老者的状况缓解了,那天地间的动荡也已然平复。 But is only the short shake, has let this vast mountain range, had the tremendous changes. 可只是短暂的震荡,却已让这浩瀚山脉,发生了天翻地覆的变化。 Brother Tian, your is just uncomfortable, should not be unrelated with this place just change?” Black hair old person asked. 田兄,你刚刚的不舒服,该不会与此地刚刚的变化有关吧?”黑发老者问。 Probably really related.” White hair old person nods. “好像真的有关。”白发老者点了点头。 Hears this words, black hair old person is also the complexion changes, even more thought that the matter is not simple. 听闻此话,黑发老者也是脸色变化,越发觉得事情不简单。 Walks, in the past had a look.” “走,过去看看。” Black hair old person spoke, then brings white hair old person Yu Kong the line. 黑发老者说话间,便带着白发老者御空而行。 He has locked, that shake origin place. 他已经锁定了,那震荡的来源处。 But, discovered a huge fissure, that fissure tears the mountain range, direct link bottom deep place. 而靠近之后,发现了一座巨大的裂痕,那裂痕将山脉撕扯开来,直达地底深处。 In that bottom deep place, is sitting cross-legged a person, this person is Chu Feng. 在那地底深处,盘坐着一个人,此人乃是楚枫 He unexpectedly in this?” “他竟然在这?” „Is could it be that, this Chu Feng causes?” 难道说,是这楚枫引起的?” A white hair old person eye of reveal exclaimed in surprise. 白发老者目露惊叹。 The change, making him have a vivid memory, that was suppression from soul, but will this suppression, why stem from Chu Feng? 刚才的变化,让他记忆犹新,那是一种来自灵魂的压制,可这种压制,为何会源于楚枫 - 唰- May compare in white hair old person, black hair old person acts directly. 可相比于白发老者,黑发老者则是直接出手。 After the beforehand matter, his time did not plan that to Chu Feng any opportunity of escaping, this acts, not only released the pressure, but also threw a treasure directly. 经过之前事情,他这一次不打算给楚枫任何逃脱的机会,这一出手,不仅释放出了威压,还直接丢出了一件宝物。 That is a copper bowl, the copper bowl is the Ancient Era treasure, the strength strong and weak, depends on the strong and weak of user. 那是一只铜碗,铜碗是远古时期的宝物,力量强弱,取决于使用者的强弱。 Therefore he is confident, covers Chu Feng with this copper bowl. 所以他有信心,用这铜碗扣住楚枫 The copper bowl lets go, immediately increases, from less than half foot, turns into the hundred-meter monster, must buckle Chu Feng shortly in middle. 铜碗脱手而出,立刻变大,从不足半尺,变成高达百米的巨物,眼看着就要将楚枫扣在当中。 - 唰- May see only the Chu Feng big sleeve to wield, that contains the copper bowl of strength of Half God, was raised to fly away unexpectedly directly. 可只见楚枫大袖一挥,那蕴藏半神之力的铜碗,竟被直接掀飞开来。 You!!!” “你!!!” Sees this one, black hair old person and white hair old person, is the look big change. 见此一幕,黑发老者与白发老者,皆是神色大变。 Isn't Chu Feng the Martial Venerable peak? 楚枫不是武尊巅峰吗? How can repel this bowl? 怎能击退此碗? But at this time, Chu Feng is Yu Kong, the palm just like the eagle claw, rushed to that black hair old person nape of the neck then to grasp. 可此时,楚枫已是御空而起,手掌宛如鹰爪,奔那黑发老者的脖颈便抓了过来。 Black hair old person detects not second, rushes to display Movement Martial Technique. 黑发老者察觉不秒,赶忙施展身法武技 But that Martial Technique just stimulated to movement, then a feeling throat severe pain, oneself all Martial Power, were blocked. 可那武技刚刚催动,便感觉喉咙一阵剧痛,紧接着自己的所有武力,都被封锁住了。 Chu Feng's palm, not only locked in his throat, locked in his soul, locked in his life. 楚枫的手掌,不仅锁住了他的喉咙,更是锁住了他的灵魂,锁住了他的命。 I asked anything, you then said anything.” “我问什么,你便说什么。” After Chu Feng controls black hair old person, looks to white hair old person. 楚枫控制住黑发老者后,看向白发老者 You... you asked.” The white hair old person speech became stammers. “你…你问。”白发老者说话都变得磕巴了。 Even black hair old person, was controlled by Chu Feng in the wink of an eye, he knows that he is not the Chu Feng's opponent. 连黑发老者,都被楚枫瞬息之间控制,他知道他绝不是楚枫的对手。 He does not want to guess now why Chu Feng has such change, he only wants to maintain life. 他现在也不想去猜,楚枫为何有如此变化,他只想保命。 „Are you Yue Lian people?” Chu Feng asked. “你们是岳炼的人?”楚枫问。 Yes.” White hair old person nods. “是。”白发老者点头。 „The Yue Lian person, why must help Situ World Spirit Sect, did you collaborate?” Chu Feng asked. 岳炼的人,为何要帮司徒界灵门,你们联手了?”楚枫问。 Yes, you killed Sir Yue Lian the son, therefore he all called the same place, helping Situ World Spirit Sect cope with you together.” White hair old person said. “是,你杀了岳炼大人儿子,于是他将所有手下叫到一起,帮助司徒界灵门一起对付你。”白发老者道。 How many people altogether came, which territories was dispatched?” Chu Feng asked. “总共来了多少人,都被派往了哪些领地?”楚枫问。 old person does not have the direct reaction, but uses the hand as the pen, outlined a list, on the list, precisely was sent out the territory that the powerhouse protected by Yue Lian. 老者没有直接回答,而是以手为笔,勾勒出一张名单,名单上面,正是岳炼派出强者守护的领地。 Which territories he not only labelled to be protected, he also labelled, went to cultivation realm of person of protection. 他不仅标注了哪些领地被守护,他还标注了,前往守护之人的修为 Generally is initial period of God-cloak, or initial period of Half God. 普遍都是神袍初期,或者半神初期。 But, does not have Yue Lian cultivation realm. 但,却并没有岳炼修为 „Is Yue Lian what cultivation realm?” Chu Feng asked. 岳炼是何修为?”楚枫问。 Fifth Rank Half God, Emperor Dragon God-cloak.” White hair old person said. 五品半神,皇龙神袍。”白发老者道。 Hears here, Chu Feng let loose the palm of control black hair old person, and looks to black hair old person. 听到这里,楚枫放开了控制黑发老者的手掌,且看向黑发老者 „Does he have to lie?” Chu Feng asked. “他有说谎吗?”楚枫问。 No, are true.” The black hair old person fierce nod, did not have the previous rampancy early. “没有,句句属实。”黑发老者猛的点头,早没了先前的嚣张。 You two, can only live.” The Chu Feng eyes narrow the eyes. “你们两个,只能活一个。”楚枫双眼微眯。 He such remarks, two people all understands. 他此话一出,两人皆是心领神会。 This is wants them to kill one another. 这是要他们两个自相残杀。 You do not like playing, that Chu Feng wants them to play. 你不是喜欢玩吗,那楚枫就要他们玩。 White hair old person knows not to beat, turns around then to escape. 白发老者知道不敌,转身便逃。 Brother Tian, offended.” 田兄,得罪了。” But black hair old person, during the speeches then grasps the pointed weapons to rush. 可黑发老者,说话间便手持兵刃冲了上去。 White Dragon God-cloak formation strength, although endures compared with First Rank Half God, but possibly is not the Second Rank Half God opponent. 白龙神袍结界战力,虽堪比一品半神,但绝不可能是二品半神的对手。 However suddenly, that white hair old person then changed to a corpse, black hair old person carried him to fly on own initiative. 不过眨眼间,那白发老者便化作了一具尸体,黑发老者扛着他主动飞了回来。 It is not he does not want to escape, but is he knows that he cannot escape. 不是他不想逃,而是他知道他逃不掉。 Now wants to maintain a livelihood, can only do everything to Chu Feng. 现在想活命,只能对楚枫献殷勤。 Chu Feng young hero, you may really be fierce, I am willing to abandon secretly from bright, gives loyalty to you.” Black hair old person said to Chu Feng. 楚枫少侠,你可真是厉害,我愿弃暗从明,效忠于你。”黑发老者楚枫道。 „......” “呵……” Chu Feng smiles cold, later the palm gets hold , the formation long sword appears, almost presents at the same time, then pricked black hair old person within the body. 楚枫冷然一笑,随后手掌握紧,结界长剑浮现而出,几乎出现的同时,便刺入了黑发老者体内。 You... fail to keep one's word!!!” Black hair old person is eyeful. “你…言而无信!!!”黑发老者满眼愤怒。 I said that you may live its one, is I must kill one.” “我说你们二人可活其一,是我要杀一个。” result yourself killed another, I have not resulted in now elect, can only kill you.” Chu Feng said. 结果你自己把另外一个杀了,那我现在没得选,只能杀你了。”楚枫道。 You... you!!!” Clenching jaws of black hair old person air/Qi. “你…你!!!”黑发老者气的咬牙切齿。 Do not fluster, today I was happy, can reward to you.” Chu Feng said. “别慌,今天我高兴,可以给你一个赏赐。”楚枫道。 Hears this words, black hair old person sees to return alive the hope, immediately turns hostile. 听闻此话,黑发老者见到生还希望,立刻变脸。 many thanks clear/pain......” 多谢楚……” - 噗- The words that he thanked have not said, the Chu Feng long sword wielded, cut two to break it directly. 他感谢的话还没说完,楚枫长剑一挥,直接将其斩成两断。 Enjoys you dead a happiness.” “赏你死个痛快。” Looks at that to drop, but below black hair old person, Chu Feng vision ice-cold. 看着那跌落而下的黑发老者,楚枫目光冰冷。 This goods, do not know how many innocent people kills, how possibly to make him live? 这种货色,不知道害死多少无辜之人,怎么可能让他活? After the murder, the old rule, two people of all treasures were plundered, including copper bowl that black hair old person just used, naturally... , is not only the treasure, their Source has not stayed behind. 杀人之后,老规矩,二人身上所有宝物都被搜刮,包括黑发老者刚刚使用的铜碗,当然…不仅是宝物,他们就连本源也没留下。 „Does Chu Feng, how cut to kill Second Rank Half God is so relaxed?” 楚枫,怎么斩杀二品半神如此轻松?” Eggy asked. 蛋蛋问道。 She has known, Chu Feng stepped into God-cloak, but is only White Dragon God-cloak, is God-cloak of incunabulum, realm and First Rank Half God is the same. 她已经知道,楚枫踏入了神袍,但只是白龙神袍,是最初期的神袍,境界来说与一品半神相同。 However after stepping into this realm, the Nine Dragons Saint-cloak strength has been weaken, is unable to strengthen the Chu Feng strength again. 不过踏入了这个境界后,九龙圣袍的力量已经减弱,无法再增强楚枫战力。 However luckily, the Chu Feng's formation bloodlines strength still constructs, therefore Chu Feng, although is White Dragon God-cloak, may have to endure to compare the Second Rank Half God strength. 不过幸好,楚枫的结界血脉力量依然建在,所以楚枫虽是白龙神袍,可却拥有堪比二品半神的力量。 But just Chu Feng acted, strikes to kill to have black hair old person of true Second Rank half Divine Power quantity, cuts the melon to cut the vegetable/dish simply, this where endures the ratio, this is simply invincible. 但刚刚楚枫出手,击杀拥有真正二品神力量的黑发老者,简直砍瓜切菜,这哪里是堪比,这简直是无敌啊。 Although nine dragons God-cloak strength degenerated, is unable to strengthen my strength, when I just broke through, the formation bloodlines awakened probably slightly little.” “虽然九龙神袍的力量退化了,无法增强我战力,可我刚刚突破时,结界血脉好像又稍微觉醒了一点点。” Is this little, making my formation strength have the enormous promotion, in addition previously, in Spirit Beast Mountain Range, refine to melt these spirit beast, there are the effect of strengthening the formation strength.” “就是这一点点,让我的结界战力有了极大提升,再加上先前,在灵兽山脉,炼化了那些灵兽,也有增强结界战力的功效。” Now my formation strength, arrived at an extremely terrifying situation.” Chu Feng said. “现在我的结界战力,到达了一个极为恐怖的地步。”楚枫说道。 Compared with your peak martial cultivation strength how?” Eggy asked like this, is because Chu Feng has been very strong with realm, his strength has almost not met strongly in his. “比你巅峰的修武战力如何?”蛋蛋这样问,是因为楚枫境界一直很强,他的战力几乎没遇到过强于他的。 However behind, obtains the Asura army time, was thursted down cultivation realm, because is not cultivation realm that cultivation comes, pouring made the Chu Feng strength weaken. 不过后面,得到修罗大军的时候,被强行灌输了修为,因为不是自己修炼来的修为,倒使得楚枫战力减弱了一些。 Therefore Eggy asked, at this time the formation strength, how compared with the strength of his Martial Power peak, compared with the peak, has the relative property after all. 所以蛋蛋才问,此时结界战力,比他武力巅峰时期的战力如何,毕竟比巅峰,更有对比性。 martial cultivation strength peak, is less than at this time the formation strength.” 修武战力巅峰,也不及此时结界战力。” I dare to say like this, World Spiritist with realm, the words of competition strength, no one is my opponent.” “我敢这样说,同境界界灵师,比拼战力的话,没人是我对手。” I felt the true invincibility.” “我感受到了真正的无敌。” Chu Feng gets hold of the double fist, the formation strength of that trundle and within the body, is never so strong. 楚枫握紧双拳,那滚动与体内的结界力量,从未如此强大。 However, his formation bloodlines have not awakened thoroughly, but awakened little. 然而,他的结界血脉还并未彻底觉醒,只是觉醒了一点点。 If awakens thoroughly, what kind of strength will have?! 若是彻底觉醒,将拥有怎样的力量?! Buzz- 嗡- Suddenly, Chu Feng ray greatly hold. 忽然,楚枫身上光芒大盛。 That is the Nine Dragons Saint-cloak strength, Chu Feng felt, the strength of nine dragons is running, collects in the Chu Feng palm. 那是九龙圣袍的力量,楚枫感觉,九龙之力正在奔走,汇集于楚枫掌心。 Quick all return to normal, but Chu Feng opens the palm, discovered that his palm had/left an ancient mark. 很快一切恢复平静,可楚枫张开手掌,发现他的掌心多出了一个古老的印记。 Came back.” “回来了。” It seems like I obtained the approval of Nine Dragons Saint-cloak finally.” “看来我终于得到九龙圣袍的认可了。” No, should obtains the approval of World Spirit Immortal King.” “不,应该是得到界灵仙王的认可。” Chu Feng smiles, he remembers certainly this mark. 楚枫笑了笑,他当然记得这印记。 When obtaining Nine Dragons Saint-cloak, Chu Feng entered a dreamland, in the dreamland saw old person, that old person said that is World Spirit Immortal King, is the person of Seven Worlds Saint Palace. 在得到九龙圣袍时,楚枫进入了一个梦境,梦境中看到了一位老者,那老者自称为界灵仙王,乃七界圣府之人。 He added at that time, if some day goes to Seven Worlds Saint Palace, may look at to the Seven Worlds Saint Palace person this mark, no one dares to stop. 他当时还说,若有朝一日前往七界圣府,可将这印记给七界圣府的人看,无人敢阻拦。 In the dreamland, Chu Feng can see the mark, but after leaving the dreamland, this mark then did not have. 只是在梦境中,楚枫能够看到印记,但离开梦境后,这印记便没有了。 Today, this mark appears finally again. 今日,这印记终于再度浮现。 Not is only the mark, Chu Feng feels the Nine Dragons Saint-cloak strength, was stronger, he can utilize is not the Nine Dragons Saint-cloak strength, but is the strength of nine dragons. 不仅是印记,楚枫感觉九龙圣袍的力量,也更强了,他可以运用的不是九龙圣袍的力量,而是九龙之力。 He... obtained the approval of Nine Dragons Saint-cloak thoroughly. 他…彻底得到了九龙圣袍的认可。 Has been approved thoroughly?” “彻底得到认可吗?” That Nine Dragons Saint-cloak, can increase the strength?” Eggy asked. “那九龙圣袍,又能增加战力了?”蛋蛋问道。 That actually not, even if obtained the strength of nine dragons, is unable to promote the First Rank strength.” “那倒不是,哪怕得到了九龙之力,还是无法增进一品战力。” „This strength of nine dragons, will have very big help to Spirit Formation technique.” “不过这九龙之力,对结界之术会有很大帮助。” My present formation strength was tyrannical, in addition the strength of nine dragons, as well as my formation bloodlines.” “我现在结界战力本就强横,再加上九龙之力,以及我的结界血脉。” I, although is White Dragon God-cloak, Spirit Formation technique that but I arrange, silver dragon God-cloak is unable to decode.” “我虽是白龙神袍,但我布置的结界之术,银龙神袍无法破解。” „If not fight directly, but decodes Spirit Formation technique, perhaps my Spirit Formation technique, Blue Dragon God-cloak also wants to spend some the brain.” Chu Feng said. “若不直接交手,而是破解的话结界之术,我的结界之术,恐怕蓝龙神袍也要费些脑筋。”楚枫道。 „, My Chu Feng, more and more heaven defying.” Eggy is excited. “哇,那我的楚枫,岂不是越来越逆天了。”蛋蛋兴奋不已。 Chu Feng is only White Dragon God-cloak, normal Gray Dragon God-cloak Spirit Formation technique, he is unable to decode is right. 楚枫只是白龙神袍,正常来说灰龙神袍结界之术,他无法破解才对。 Because Spirit Formation technique is Spirit Formation technique, the strength is the strength. 因为结界之术结界之术,战力是战力。 For example Chu Feng is Dragon Transformation First Level time, at that time Nine Dragons Saint-cloak added the formation bloodlines, may make Chu Feng strengthen the Second Rank formation strength, only said the strength, endured to compare Dragon Transformation Second Level. 比如楚枫龙变一重的时候,那时九龙圣袍结界血脉,可让楚枫增强两品结界战力,只说战力,堪比龙变二重 But if arranges Spirit Formation technique, Chu Feng's Spirit Formation technique, compared with Dragon Transformation Second Level World Spiritist, this is the limit of realm. 但若是布置结界之术,楚枫的结界之术,是比不过龙变二重界灵师的,这是境界的限制。 But now, Spirit Formation technique can actually suppress strongly in own realm World Spiritist, and not only can suppress Gray Dragon God-cloak, but can also compare with Blue Dragon God-cloak slightly. 但现在,结界之术却可以压制强于自己境界界灵师,并且不仅可以压制灰龙神袍,还能与蓝龙神袍稍微比一比。 This progress, is it can be said that fearful. 这进步,可以说是非常蛮可怕的。 After all, this is the God-cloak boundary. 毕竟,这可是神袍境。 Chu Feng are also clear about the fearfulness of this change, therefore he is very excited at this time, he grown stronger finally. 楚枫自己也清楚这变化的可怕,所以他此时很是兴奋,他终于又变强了。 But he knows, the strength of nine dragons is only part, what is main is his formation bloodlines, is that king's gradual awakening of bloodlines, making him even more powerful. 但他知道,九龙之力只是一部分,最主要的还是他的结界血脉,是那王之血脉的逐渐觉醒,让他越发强大。 This is the good deed, regardless of strength of Nine Dragons Saint-cloak or the nine dragons is the external force, as the realm promotion is doomed to meet the strength to be weaken. 这是好事,无论九龙圣袍还是九龙之力都是外力,随着境界提升注定会力量减弱。 But the bloodlines are different, this is the Chu Feng strength, is the Chu Feng genuine energy. 但血脉不同,这是楚枫自身力量,是楚枫真正的底气。 Your this little rascal, interesting.” “你这小鬼,有点意思呢。” But, the sound resounds in Chu Feng in the meantime together behind. 可就在此时,一道声音在楚枫身后响起。
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