MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5078: Advances one step

Asura King these words, was asking many Asura Evil Spirit on the scene aspirations. 修罗王的这句话,也是问出了在场诸多修罗恶灵的心声。 Their beforehand masters, are several tens of thousands of years ago, then the name shakes the vast martial cultivation world slaughtering Son of Heaven. 他们之前的主人,乃是数万年前,便名震浩瀚修武界的杀戮天王。 But Chu Feng, trivial Martial Venerable Realm, not to mention Asura King this existence, the casual guard on the scene, may exceed Chu Feng. 可是楚枫,一个区区武尊境,莫说修罗王这种存在,在场随便一个护卫,都可胜过楚枫 This person, how with being their kings? 这种人,怎么配做他们的王? Sir Yun Liang felt this pressure. 云凉大人感受到了这股压力。 This looks like several million lions simply, is staring at a small leopard. 这简直就像是数百万雄狮,在凝视一只小豹子。 It can be imagined, this to Chu Feng, what kind of pressure is. 可想而知,这对楚枫而言,是怎样的压力。 He fears Chu Feng unable to withstand, therefore then rushes to open the mouth. 他怕楚枫承受不住,于是便赶忙开口。 everyone, this possible......” 诸位,这可能……” Sir Yun Liang.” 云凉大人。” But Sir Yun Liang just opened the mouth, Chu Feng then also opens the mouth. 云凉大人刚刚开口,楚枫便随之开口。 Chu Feng knows, Sir Yun Liang wants to help itself speak, but Chu Feng felt, this matter solve to well. 楚枫知道,云凉大人是想帮自己说话,但楚枫觉得,这件事还是自己解决为好。 Sir Yun Liang looks at Chu Feng this time vision, he also realized the Chu Feng's idea, therefore no longer talks too much. 云凉大人看着楚枫此时的目光,他也意识到了楚枫的想法,于是不再多言。 I know that you are questioning anything.” “我知道你们在质疑什么。” Actually trades to do is I, I will also question.” “其实换做是我,我也会质疑。” I... trivial Fourth Rank Martial Venerable, Dragon Transformation Seventh Level World Spiritist, truly does not have the qualifications to act as your masters.” “我…一个区区四品武尊,龙变七重界灵师,确实没资格做你们的主人。” But... I passed slaughtered the test that the Son of Heaven Sir left behind, then explained that I had the qualifications to become your masters.” “但…我通过了杀戮天王大人留下的考验,便说明我有资格成为你们的主人。” You, even if not recognize me, but will still recognize it.” “你们就算不认我,但也应该认得它。” …… Chu Feng this words saying, the double palm pinches the law secret art. 楚枫此话说完,双掌捏动法诀。 Buzz Before its, then presented ray contract great formation!!! 在其身前,便出现了一道光芒的契约大阵!!! That contract great formation , other not contract formation technique may compare extremely. 那契约大阵,极为了得,远非其他契约阵法可比。 „The contract of god?” “神之契约?” Looks at this contract great formation, everyone Asura Evil Spirit, all looks the complex look. 看着这道契约大阵,诸位修罗恶灵,皆是面露复杂神色。 This is the method of slaughtering the Son of Heaven, is one of the contract of god. 这是杀戮天王的手段,乃是神之契约的一种。 Wants initially, they by this contract formation technique, to become World Spirit that slaughters the Son of Heaven. 想当初,他们都是靠这契约阵法,成为了杀戮天王的界灵的。 Behind, was actually slaughtered the Son of Heaven to abandon. 只是后面,却又被杀戮天王所遗弃。 Now sees this hope for a long time contract formation technique again, but the innermost feelings are actually five senses mixed Chen. 如今再看到这期盼已久的契约阵法,可内心却是五味杂陈。 This is not the contract of true god, but it slaughters the Son of Heaven Sir, gives me through the reward of test.” “这并非是真正的神之契约,但它是杀戮天王大人,给予我通过考验的奖励。” Through it, you can conclude the contract with my Chu Feng, becomes my Chu Feng's World Spirit.” “通过它,你们可以与我楚枫缔结契约,成为我楚枫的界灵。” I will lead you to leave here.” “我将带你们离开这里。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Old man Yun Liang, is willing to conclude the contract with Sir Chu Feng.” “老夫云凉,愿与楚枫大人缔结契约。” Chu Feng finishes speaking, Sir Yun Liang then opens the mouth immediately, and during the speeches then walks toward that contract formation technique. 楚枫话音刚落,云凉大人便立刻开口,且说话间便向那契约阵法走去。 Meanwhile, many Asura Evil Spirit on the scene, eye of reveal heart movement vision. 与此同时,在场的许多修罗恶灵,也都目露心动的目光。 Although questioned the Chu Feng's strength, but left Asura burial ground, wasn't their these years dreams? 虽说质疑楚枫的实力,可是离开修罗葬地,不就是他们这么多年以来的梦想吗? No matter the Chu Feng strength how, Chu Feng slaughters the person who the Son of Heaven Sir selects. 况且,不管楚枫实力如何,楚枫都是杀戮天王大人选中的人。 Chooses Chu Feng, that will also be representing, they to slaughtering the loyalty of Son of Heaven Sir. 选择楚枫,那也将代表着,他们对杀戮天王大人的忠诚。 Sir Yun Liang, please wait.” 云凉大人,请等一下。” But Sir Yun Liang, has not approached contract formation technique, Chu Feng actually opens the mouth to stop suddenly. 云凉大人,还未靠近契约阵法,楚枫却突然开口制止。 Sir Yun Liang, please allow me to say the words.” 云凉大人,请容我将话说完。” Chu Feng this words fall, then the vision, looks at again to several million Asura Evil Spirit on the scene. 楚枫此话落下,便再度将目光,看向在场的数百万修罗恶灵 „The contract of this god, is slaughters the Son of Heaven Sir to stay behind.” “这神之契约,是杀戮天王大人留下的。” It can indeed make you restore the body of World Spirit.” “它的确可以让你们恢复界灵之身。” But in addition, but also a little, I need explicitly told you.” “但除此之外,还有一点,我需要明确的告诉你们。” After I conclude the contract, your cultivation realm will back up, and actually to back up to what realm, I am also unascertainable.” “与我缔结契约之后,你们的修为会受到倒退,且究竟倒退到何种境界,我也不能确定。” But I can be clear told you, your cultivation realm will back up.” “但我可以明确的告诉你们,你们的修为都将被倒退。” Chu Feng said to the Asura army. 楚枫修罗大军说道。 But Chu Feng such remarks, the Asura army becomes the unrest to get up immediately. 楚枫此话一出,修罗大军立刻变得骚乱起来。 Will cultivation realm back up? 修为将会倒退? That said, they will weaken? 那岂不是说,他们都会变弱? This Sir, old man named Xiang Ji, present cultivation realm, is Sixth Rank Half God, does not know that after the Sir concludes the contract, will cultivation realm back up to what realm?” “这位大人,老夫名为祥吉,现在的修为,乃是六品半神,不知与大人缔结契约后,修为会被倒退到何境界?” In the meantime, in Asura army, old person that says Xiang Ji, asked on own initiative. 就在此时,修罗大军中,一位自称祥吉老者,主动问道。 This Xiang Ji, before Chu Feng, has seen, is in the Asura army a great person who has the status. 这个祥吉,楚枫之前就见过,乃是修罗大军中一位具有身份的大人物。 Chu Feng has not thought, he has Sixth Rank Half God cultivation realm, if he is Sixth Rank Half God, then Asura King will be what kind of realm? 只是楚枫也没有想到,他都具有六品半神修为,若他是六品半神,那么修罗王将是何等境界 I am not clear.” “我并不清楚。” What Chu Feng said is the truth, he will only know will back up, but he does not know that will back up to what realm. 楚枫说的是实话,他只知道会倒退,但他不知道是倒退到何种境界 Hears the Chu Feng's words, that Xiang Ji brow wrinkles, obviously Chu Feng's replied, cannot make him satisfy. 听闻楚枫的话,那祥吉眉头皱起,显然楚枫的回答,不能让他满意。 Will back up to Third Rank Half God.” “会倒退到三品半神。” But in the meantime, that Asura King was the opens the mouth. 可就在此时,那修罗王则是开口了。 „Does king, you know?” “大王,您知道?” Hears this words, that Xiang Ji looks immediately to Asura King. 听闻此话,那祥吉立刻看向修罗王 Is I guessed that we were slaughtered the king to abandon in this time initially, your cultivation realm is Third Rank Half God.” “是我猜测的,我们当初被杀戮大王遗弃于此时,你的修为就是三品半神。” After so many years cultivation, your cultivation realm promoted Sixth Rank Half God Realm.” “经过这么多年的修炼,你的修为增进到了六品半神境。” But in fact your cultivation realm can promote, is the dependence slaughters the Son of Heaven Sir to stay behind, making us maintain the life the strength, our cultivation realm can promote.” “可实际上你的修为能够增进,也是依靠杀戮天王大人留下的,让我们维持生命的力量,我们的修为才可以得以增进。” Since cultivation realm will back up, slaughters meaning of Son of Heaven Sir, then slaughters the Sir certainly is the hope, our cultivation realm restore to at first realm.” “既然修为会倒退,是杀戮天王大人的意思,那么杀戮大人一定是希望,我们的修为恢复到最初境界。” Asura King said. 修罗王说道。 This?” “这样吗?” Hears this words, that Xiang Ji expression is more complex, he hesitated. 听闻此话,那位祥吉的表情更加复杂,他是犹豫了。 He spends for enough several tens of thousands of years, from Third Rank Half God Realm , to promote to Sixth Rank Half God Realm. 他花费足足数万年的时间,才从三品半神境,提升到六品半神境 Let him return several tens of thousands of years ago cultivation realm, this makes his difficult accept. 让他回到数万年前的修为,这让他难以接受。 In fact, at this time many Asura Evil Spirit on the scene hesitated. 事实上,此时在场的诸多修罗恶灵都犹豫了。 Slaughters the Son of Heaven Sir, in the past when left, left behind the powerful strength. 杀戮天王大人,当年离开之时,也留下了强大的力量。 Is that strength, making their several tens of thousands of years not extinguish. 是那力量,让他们数万年而不灭。 But that strength, can be used for cultivation. 而那力量,也是可以用来修炼的。 Although cultivation is slow, is several tens of thousands of years of long time, they compared with it in the past, cultivation realm had enormous progression. 虽然修炼缓慢,可是数万年漫长的时间,他们比之当年,修为都是有了极大的增进。 They... do not think, cultivation realm backs up. 他们…也都并不想,修为倒退。 „......” “呵……” But who once thinks, in the meantime, that Asura King smiled suddenly. 可谁曾想,就在此时,那修罗王则是忽然笑了。 He smiles is meaningful. 他笑的意味深长。 And after laughter, he looks to Chu Feng. 且一声笑声过后,他看向楚枫 What also had to say?” “还有什么要说的吗?” Asura King asked. 修罗王问道。 Your cultivation realm, although will back up, because you are powerful enough, and in addition in addition of contract of this god holds, according to you and I concludes the population as well as cultivation realm of contract is different, I can also benefit.” “你们的修为虽然会倒退,但因为你们足够强大,且加上这神之契约的加持,根据你们与我缔结契约的人数以及修为不同,我也是可以得到好处的。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 What advantage?” “什么好处?” Asura King asked. 修罗王问道。 Said simply, my cultivation realm will be promoted.” “简单的说,我的修为会得到提升。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 That... said, we these several tens of thousands of years of cultivation achievements, all gave you?” “那…岂不是说,把我们这数万年的修炼成果,全都给了你?” At this time, in the Asura army, raises the great unrest again. 此时,修罗大军之中,再度掀起轩然大波。 Own cultivation several tens of thousands of years of cultivation realm, gives others, is such a person, they naturally do not want. 把自己修炼数万年的修为,给予他人,还是这样一个人,他们自然不愿意。 However compares in them, Asura King actually seems quite calm, he has looked at Chu Feng, the expression not too big fluctuation. 不过相比于他们,修罗王倒是显得比较冷静,他一直看着楚枫,表情没有太大的波动。 „Will you promote to what realm?” “你会提升到何境界?” Asura King asked. 修罗王问道。 I do not know, should not be many.” “我不知道,应该也不会太多吧。” Promotion are too many, counteracts Dao of Martial Cultivation.” “提升太多,有悖于修武之道。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Why you wanted to say now, rather than after we and you concluded the contract said?” “你为何要现在说,而不是在我们与你缔结契约之后再说?” Your must know, your cultivation realm is very even weak, but you passed eventually slaughtered the Sir to test the person.” “你要知道,就算你的修为很弱,可你终究是通过了杀戮大人考验之人。” We possibly cannot have a liking for you, but stemming from slaughtering the loyalty of Sir, will still be some people will choose with you concludes the contract.” “我们可能看不上你,可是出于对杀戮大人的忠诚,仍是会有人选择与你缔结契约。” But you say these words now, will make many people hesitant.” “但你现在说出了这番话,会让很多人犹豫。” Asura King said. 修罗王说道。 I know, I also feared, feared you do not conclude the contract with me.” “我知道,我也怕,怕你们不与我缔结契约。” Said honestly, I need your strengths now, I needed your help.” “老实讲,我现在非常需要你们的力量,我需要你们的帮助。” I also therefore come.” “我也是因此而来。” Is only, cultivating the behavior to be based on the integrity, if I do not know, that.” “只是,做人要以诚信为本,若我不知晓,那也就罢了。” „But since I know, I then cannot deceive you, I need to make you know, the matter that concludes contract has after me.” “但既然我知道,我便不能骗你们,我需要让你们知道,与我缔结契约后所发生的事。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Hears this words, the Asura King slight nod. 听闻此话,修罗王微微点头。 Afterward suddenly turns head, looks to behind Asura army. 随后忽然回头,看向身后的修罗大军。 everyone, but also in hesitant?” 诸位,还在犹豫吗?” Asura King asked. 修罗王问道。 King, we......” “大王,我们……” everyone Asura Evil Spirit, the facial features are complex, obviously... they indeed are intertwining with hesitant. 诸位修罗恶灵,面容复杂,显然…他们的确在纠结和犹豫。 So many years, they survive here, has been used to it, longs for that leaves is also only because one type holds to read. 这么多年,他们在这里生存,也早就习惯了,渴望离开也只是因为一种执念。 But if the price of leaving, follows a weak person, and their cultivation realm will also back up, that indeed can not attempt. 可倘若离开的代价,是跟随一个较弱之人,且他们的修为也将倒退,那的确不得尝试。 Such being the case, I advanced one step.” “既然如此,那我就先行一步了。” Asura King this words saying, then figure one vertical, before arriving at the contract of god . 修罗王此话说完,便身形一纵,来到了神之契约之前。 Little Brother should not be anxious, this week should have, I first strive unceasingly. 兄弟们别急,本周应该是会有加更的,我先争取不断更。
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