MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5076: Conferring the title of prince upon

Tomorrow, what are you making?” “明日,你在做什么?” Finally, immerses in joyful and excited Asura King, as well as numerous position Asura Evil Spirit, responded. 终于,沉浸在喜悦与激动中的修罗王,以及众位修罗恶灵,也是反应了过来。 But is too late, Chu Feng and Yaoyao, had fallen into that terrifying prison fire. 但为时已晚,楚枫妖妖,已是落入了那恐怖的狱火之中。 Under the Asura King violent anger, fell above king Tai directly, that Prince Mingri grasping. 修罗王暴怒之下,直接落在了王台之上,一把将那明日皇子给抓了起来。 „Can't Royal Father, you understand?” “父王,您看不懂吗?” Your Daughter, has become that Chu Feng's lackey, she recognizes that Chu Feng, but actually does not recognize you.” “您的女儿,已经成为了那楚枫的狗腿子,她认那楚枫,但却不认您。” If makes her succeed, making her come the command my Asura World Spirit army, do my Asura World Spirit army, have what difference from the dog?” “若是让她成功,让她来号令我修罗界灵军,那我修罗界灵军,与狗有何区别?” Prince Mingri said itself, to reason that Yaoyao acts. 明日皇子说出了自己,对妖妖出手的原因。 You said anything, that is your younger sister.” “你说什么呢,那可是你妹妹。” She can lead us to leave the hope of here.” “她是能带我们离开此处的希望。” During the Asura King speeches then lifts the hand, if this palm under dividing, Prince Mingri must die without doubt. 修罗王说话间便抬起手来,这一掌若是劈下,明日皇子也是必死无疑。 King, you looks quickly!!!” “大王,您快看!!!” In the meantime, Asura Evil Spirit high levels, leaves in abundance, arrived above the stage. 就在此时,修罗恶灵的高层们,也是纷纷动身,来到了高台之上。 But after their reminders, Asura King also looks to the stage, this discovered, king Tai was still changing!!! 而经过他们的提醒,修罗王也是看向高台,这才发现,王台仍在变化!!! Although Yaoyao, was not the blood of Yaoyao, looking like can the infinite multiplication be the same. 虽然妖妖不在了,可是妖妖的血液,就像是可以无限繁衍一样。 Still increased above the stage unceasingly, is gradually filling up entire king Tai. 仍在高台之上不断增加,正在逐渐填满整个王台。 Originally wanted a drop of blood to be enough?” “原来只要一滴血就足够了吗?” My Asura World Spirit army could be saved, could be saved.” “我修罗界灵军有救了,有救了。” Sees this situation, Asura King is delighted, lost Prince Mingri in hand directly. 见此情形,修罗王喜出望外,直接将手中的明日皇子丢了出去。 Everyone, the vision, collects above king Tai again. 所有人,再度将目光,汇集在王台之上。 On their faces, emerged again joyfully extremely. 他们的脸上,再度涌现出了极度的喜悦。 Falls into the excitement that immersed again. 再度陷入了那沉醉的激动之中。 Few, was the death of Yaoyao felt sad and sorrowful. 几乎没有人,为妖妖的死亡而感到难过和悲痛。 Finally, that entire king Tai, was filled up by the blood of Yaoyao. 终于,那整个王台,都被妖妖的血液填满。 king Tai also blooms a more sacred ray. 王台也绽放起更为神圣的光芒。 That ray, how long has not continued, then dissipates immediately, that blood also starts withered. 只是那光芒,并未持续多久,便立刻消散了,紧接着那血液也开始干枯。 All, returned to normal. 一切,恢复了正常。 Why can like this?” “为何会这样?” King, what's all this about?” “大王,这是怎么回事?” Sees that numerous Evil Spirit inquired to Asura King. 见状,众恶灵修罗王询问起来。 But Asura King, then looks at this, not saying a word, is only his desperate facial expression, then can see. 修罗王,则是看着这一幕,一言不发,只是他那绝望的神情,便可以看出。 Obviously this ending, is not they hopes. 显然这个结局,不是他们所希望的。 Hahaha......” 哈哈哈……” Suddenly, together weak, but actually blissful smiling sound. 忽然,一道虚弱但却充满喜悦的笑声响了起来。 Originally is Sir Yun Liang, when does not know, Sir Yun Liang wakes, and should witness just all. 原来是云凉大人,不知何时,那云凉大人醒了过来,且应该是目睹了刚刚的一切。 I have said that our masters only possibly are Asura World Spiritist, but possibly is not we.” “我早就说过了,我们的主人只可能是修罗界灵师,而不可能是我们自己。” Therefore can make us leave here , can only be great Asura World Spiritist, possibly is not our Asura World Spirit.” “所以能让我们离开这里的,也只能是一位伟大的修罗界灵师,不可能是我们修罗界灵。” You do not believe that think of every means that resort to all means that even sacrifice person on one's own side, must leave here.” “你们不信,费尽心机,不择手段,甚至牺牲自己人,也要离开这里。” Instead, ending how?” “可到头来,结局又如何?” Indeed some people betrayed, but the betrayal slaughters the Sir is not the old man, but is you.” “的确是有人背叛了,但背叛杀戮大人的不是老夫,而是你们。” You all are the traitors.” “你们皆是背叛者。” Sir Yun Liang satirized is laughing. 云凉大人讽刺的大笑着。 But at this time, including Asura King everyone, is over the face despairs, no one pays attention to Sir Yun Liang. 而此时,包括修罗王在内的所有人,都是满面绝望,也没有人去理会云凉大人。 Buzz It seems like, you will be stranded finally here.” “看来,你们终将被困在这里。” Has not related, at least I can leave here.” “不过没关系,至少我是可以离开这里的。” My teacher, will lead me to move toward this vast martial cultivation world peak.” “我的师尊,将带我走向这浩瀚修武界的顶端。” Royal Father, parted forever, I will exceed you.” “父王,永别了,我将超越你。” Sees this one, that Prince Mingri smiled suddenly, is similar this, is he hopes. 见此一幕,那明日皇子忽然笑了,就仿佛这一幕,也是他所希望的。 Afterward he puts out together the teleportation symbol from the hand, the talismans crumb, has the Teleportation Formation method together to reappear unexpectedly, its package. 随后他从手中拿出一道传送符,符纸捏碎,竟有一道传送阵法浮现,将其包裹。 When Teleportation Formation vanishes that moment, Prince Mingri also disappears. 传送阵消失那一刻,明日皇子也随之不见了。 King, that is the World Spiritist method.” “大王,那是界灵师的手段。” Prince Mingri did he, when have the relation with World Spiritist?” 明日皇子他,何时与界灵师有了联系?” Sees this situation, many Asura Evil Spirit, asked to Asura King. 见此情形,诸多修罗恶灵,对修罗王问道。 But Asura King, is actually ashen-faced, has no interest radically manages these. 修罗王,却是面如死灰,根本无心去管这些。 plop 噗通 Asura King, looked like loses the power, the paralysis knelt above king Tai. 修罗王,就像是丧失了动力,瘫跪在了王台之上。 Quick, people notice, in his eye also has the tears to surge unexpectedly. 很快,人们注意到,他的眼中竟也有泪水涌动。 Cried, this keeping aloof, powerful incomparable Asura King, cried unexpectedly. 哭了,这位高高在上,强大无比的修罗王,居然哭了。 These for several tens of thousands of years, their first seeing, their Asura King flow off the tears. 这数万年来,他们还是第一次看到,他们的修罗王流下泪水。 Slaughters the Sir, is not I must betray in you.” “杀戮大人,不是我要背叛于您。” We have been waiting, to wait for World Spiritist that you are saying to meet us.” “我们一直在等,等着您所说的界灵师来接我们。” But had waited for several tens of thousands of years, we always that cannot wait for you to say.” “可已经等了数万年了,我们始终等不到您说的那位。” „It is not we are disloyal, but was you deceived us, was you abandoned us.” “不是我们不忠,而是您欺骗了我们,是您抛弃了我们。” Even we are useless, should not imprison us in this.” “就算我们再没用,也不该一直将我们囚禁于此啊。” We are unwilling to imprison in this, oneself look for the method of leaving, no?” “我们不甘囚禁于此,自己寻找离开的方法,也不行吗?” We are loyal and devoted to you, why can so treat us?!” “我们对您忠心耿耿,为何要如此待我们啊?!” Asura King sheds bitter tears, in the sound is flooding being unwilling, is also flooding the grievance. 修罗王痛哭流涕,声音之中充斥着不甘,同时也充斥着委屈。 At this moment, Asura Evil Spirit on the scene, seemed like also brought back the sad past events. 这一刻,在场的修罗恶灵们,就像是也被勾起了伤心的往事。 These powerful incomparable Asura World Spirit army, cried unexpectedly simultaneously. 这些强大无比的修罗界灵军,竟同时哭了起来。 Sees this, Sir Yun Liang, is with tears. 看到这一幕,就连云凉大人,也是眼含热泪。 Rumble 隆隆隆 But suddenly, this entire Asura King palace, shivered again fiercely. 可突然之间,这整个修罗王殿,再度剧烈的颤动了起来。 This, lets fall into the desperate Asura World Spirit army, becomes the vigilance. 这一幕,让原本陷入绝望的修罗界灵军们,也是变得警觉。 The ceremony had ended, this Asura King palace, should not have to respond is right? 仪式已经结束,这修罗王殿,本不该有反应了才对? King, what's all this about?” “大王,这是怎么回事?” Even if everyone powerful Asura Evil Spirit, does not know that the present aspect, will look at Asura King in abundance. 哪怕诸位强大的修罗恶灵们,也不知道眼下的局面,纷纷将目光投向了修罗王 But Asura King, then vision, stubbornly is staring at that piece of prison fire comprised of the black flame. 修罗王,则是将目光,死死的盯着那片由黑色火焰组成的狱火。 At this moment, people notice, that prison fire billowing surges, in surges compared with ordinary day fierce did not know many times. 这一刻,人们才注意到,那狱火滚滚翻腾,比平日里翻腾的剧烈了不知多少倍。 The people observe king Tai and king chair again, is nothing responded. 人再观王台与王椅,则是没有任何反应。 Obviously, this time, making the Asura King palace trigger so the sound, is that prison fire. 显然,这一次,让修罗王殿引发如此动静的,乃是那狱火。 But, this prison fire is the place of destruction, even if their Asura Evil Spirit falls into, will be burnt down immediately completely. 可是,这狱火乃是毁灭之地,哪怕他们修罗恶灵落入其中,也立刻会被焚烧殆尽。 Prison fire, in their eyes, is the fearful symbol. 狱火,在他们眼中,也是可怕的象征。 The eye being jailed fire had the sound, could it be that slaughters the Sir, can punish them? 眼下狱火有了动静,难道说是杀戮大人,要惩罚他们了吗? Therefore, the Asura World Spirit army also flustered, even if these powerful Evil Spirit, was also hurried. 于是,修罗界灵军们也慌了,哪怕是那些强大的恶灵们,也同样慌了。 Bang Suddenly, in the surges prison fire, one group of prison fires shoot up to the sky, later charged into king chair unexpectedly directly. 突然,翻腾的狱火中,一团狱火冲天而起,随后竟径直的冲向了王椅。 In an instant, king chair of keeping aloof, was embezzled by the black prison fire. 刹那间,高高在上的王椅,被黑色的狱火所吞没。 Just embezzled king chair, that group of prison fires such as the magma is then common, falls off from king chair. 只是才刚刚吞没王椅,那团狱火便如岩浆一般,从王椅之上脱落。 Follows unceasing shedding of prison fire, two forms also gradually appear from that group of prison fires. 伴随狱火的不断脱落,两道身影也是自那团狱火之中逐渐浮现。 That unexpectedly is Chu Feng and Yaoyao!!! 那竟是楚枫妖妖!!! Chu Feng just sits above king chair, but Yaoyao was held by him in the bosom. 楚枫刚好坐在王椅之上,而妖妖则是被他抱在怀中。 They all are safe and sound, simply does not have an injured appearance. 他们皆是安然无恙,根本没有一丝受伤的样子。 However compares in Yaoyao, the Chu Feng's body, but also had the enormous change. 但是相比于妖妖,楚枫的身体,还出现了极大的变化。 His whole body twines black flame, in the eye is also surging the black ray, the five senses have not changed obviously, but temperament is actually entirely different. 他浑身缠绕着黑色气焰,眼中也是涌动着黑色光芒,明明五官没有变化,可气质却是全然不同。 This time he, has not seemed like human, is more like one generation of fiendish people!!! 此时的他,已经不像是人类,更像是一代魔王!!! Because of his aura, is the strength of Asura, but the strength of that Asura, unusual. 因为他身上的气息,乃是修罗之力,但那股修罗之力,不同寻常。 Lets all Asura Evil Spirit on the scene unexpectedly, feel awe that is from the heart. 竟让在场的所有修罗恶灵,都发自内心的感到敬畏。 Even if Asura King, is so. 哪怕修罗王,也是如此。 Why can so?” “为何会如此?” Asura King as well as numerous position Asura Evil Spirit, is staring at all these, is actually over the face shock, is very puzzled. 修罗王以及众位修罗恶灵,凝视着这一切,却是满面震惊,十分不解。 They are puzzled, why Chu Feng and Yaoyao can get out of trouble from the prison fire safely. 他们不解,为何楚枫妖妖能从狱火之中安然脱困。 But is more puzzled, why on Chu Feng, will release even them to feel the aura of awe. 但更加不解,为何楚枫身上,会释放出连他们都感到敬畏的气息。 Is similar, Chu Feng is not human, but is their masters is ordinary. 就仿佛,楚枫不在是人类,而是他们的主人一般。 King, you looks quickly!” “大王,您快看!” That... that what's the matter?!” “那…那是怎么回事?!” When numerous Asura Evil Spirit is puzzled, Asura Evil Spirit shiver aimed at the signboard. 在众修罗恶灵不解之际,其中一位修罗恶灵颤抖的指向了牌匾。 The shocking expression covers entirely it to save face, the mouth that but opens, is the words cannot even say. 震惊的表情布满其全脸,但张大的嘴巴,却是连话都说不出来。 But takes advantage of opportunity to wait and see, all Asura Evil Spirit on the scene, including Asura King, were presents with that same expression. 而顺势观望,在场的所有修罗恶灵,包括修罗王,都是呈现出了与那位一样的表情。 That is the extreme shock!!! 那是极度的震惊!!! Originally, three signboard spatial cracks, start to have the handwriting to reappear unexpectedly, and is getting more and more clear. 原来,三块牌匾空缺处,竟然开始有字迹浮现,并且越来越清晰。 But the handwriting of that signboard, is trembling the numerous Asura innermost feelings. 而那牌匾的字迹,更是震颤着众修罗的内心。 The handwriting of prison hot signboard is: Bath hot rebirth going out day. 狱火牌匾的字迹为:浴火重生出关日。 The handwriting of king Tai signboard is: When commands Asura to confer the title of King upon. 王台牌匾的字迹为:统领修罗封王时。 Meanwhile, above king chair, above that vacancy signboard, has the handwriting to reappear in turn. 与此同时,王椅上方,那空缺的牌匾之上,也是有字迹依次浮现。 Seals, king , clear/pain, maple tree, yes !!! 封,王,者,楚,枫,是,也!!! PS: PS: Little Brother, more splendid, please pay attention to the honeybee WeChat public number, in WeChat increases in the friend, found the public number, then searches: Kindhearted Bee main body, attention then. 兄弟们,更多精彩,请关注蜜蜂微信公众号,在微信添加朋友里,找到公众号,然后搜索:善良的蜜蜂本尊,关注即可。
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