MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4956: God-cloak World Spiritist?

Zhuge Family all clansmen, kneel in front of Chu Feng completely, even if carries the person of severe wound to be no exception. 诸葛家所有族人,全部跪在楚枫面前,哪怕身负重伤之人也不例外。 This occurrence, is seemingly natural. 这一幕的发生,看似理所当然。 But regarding once saw with own eyes, Zhuge Family treats the Chu Feng and others attitude at first, Shengguang Baimei and others. 可是对于曾亲眼见到,诸葛家最初对待楚枫等人态度的,圣光白眉等人而言。 This, will actually touch to one of the innermost soul. 这一幕,却是会触动到灵魂深处的一幕。 All these changes, because of Chu Feng. 这一切的改变,都是因为楚枫 If not for Chu Feng stand, Zhuge Family today's ending, inevitably extinguished whole families. 若不是楚枫站出来,诸葛家今日的结局,必然是被灭满门。 As for Chu Feng, he stands today, although offended Situ World Spirit Sect, the securable harvest is bigger. 至于楚枫,他今日站出来,虽然得罪了司徒界灵门,可得到的收获更大。 He not only becomes hero who saves Zhuge Family, he also obtained the approval of Zhuge Family. 他不仅成为了拯救诸葛家的英雄,他还得到了诸葛家的认可。 But this is next...... 但这都是其次…… What is main, he bravely steps forward at first, not for anybody, even for he himself, he does not fight for entire Eastern Territory. 最主要的是,他最初挺身而出,不为任何人,甚至不为他自己,他是为整个东域而战。 And he also really defeated, strong opponent who is unable to defeat. 并且他还真的战胜了,原本无法战胜的强大对手。 Such experience, regarding cultivator, is the extremely inspired matter, will give his enormous self-confidence. 这样的经历,对于修武者而言,是极为振奋的事情,会给予他极大的自信。 To the road of his future martial cultivation, will have the enormous help. 对他未来的修武之路,会有极大的帮助。 After all fights for oneself, with fights for the collective reputation/honorary, will have very wide difference. 毕竟为自己而战,和为集体名誉而战,是会有很大差别的。 Fights for oneself, everyone metropolis/can. 为自己而战,每个人都会。 May fight for everyone, few person wants, after all the person are selfish, what are more considers own interests. 可为大家而战,少有人愿意,毕竟人都是自私的,更多的是考虑自己的利益。 At least trades to be others, will not make such matter absolutely. 至少换做其他人,绝对不会做出这样的事情。 To put it bluntly, others do not dare, not for collective reputation/honorary, but adventurous guts. 说白了,其他人不敢,没有为了集体名誉而去冒险的胆量。 However Chu Feng has, but his some are not only the guts. 但是楚枫有,可他有的不仅仅是胆量。 Chu Feng first advance party goes out, seems like insufficiently calm, but actually also showed that he has the courage and uprightness, showed that has courage and uprightness that the average man does not have. 楚枫先前站出去,看似不够冷静,可却也证明他有血性,证明有着常人所不具备的血性。 Person who has the talent are many, can become many of powerhouse, but really can be respected by ten thousand people, which isn't resolute, has the courage and uprightness character? 具有天赋的人很多,能够成为强者的很多,可真的能够受万人敬仰的,哪一个不是敢作敢为,有血性的人物? Old man on the same day was really muddled.” “老夫当日真是糊涂。” „To strangle my Saint Light Galaxy such character unexpectedly.” “竟想扼杀我圣光天河这样的人物。” Shengguang Baimei looks at Chu Feng from the distant place, voices the opinions, although the sound is very small, but was heard by Shengguang Buyu. 圣光白眉从远处看着楚枫,不由发出感叹,虽然声音很小,但还是被身旁的圣光不语听到了。 Looks that Shengguang Baimei looks at the Chu Feng's vision at this time, Shengguang Buyu, although has not spoken, but actually happily smiled. 看着圣光白眉此时看楚枫的目光,圣光不语虽未说话,但却欣慰的笑了。 Stemming from the understanding Shengguang Baimei, he knows, if Shengguang Baimei protected Chu Feng before, fears Chu Feng behind person. 出于对圣光白眉的了解,他知道,倘若之前圣光白眉保护楚枫,是惧怕楚枫身后之人。 Then now, his from the heart approves Chu Feng. 那么现在,他是发自内心的认可了楚枫 everyone senior, please get up in a big hurry, now therapy importantly for the clansman.” 诸位前辈,快快请起吧,现在还是为族人疗伤要紧。” Chu Feng has urged the person of Zhuge Family to urge a meeting, saw with own eyes that on the mouth urged uselessly, before he then arrived at the Zhuge Family Patriarch body, wants first to support by the arm Zhuge Family Patriarch. 楚枫已经劝诸葛家之人起来劝了一会,眼见嘴上劝无用,他便走到了诸葛家家主身前,想先将诸葛家家主搀扶起来。 Sees Chu Feng to support by the arm, Zhuge Family Patriarch not artificial, but after setting out, hints the Zhuge Family people to set out. 楚枫来搀扶,诸葛家家主也没有矫情,而是在起身后,也示意诸葛家众人起身。 And hints them, therapy for the person of being wounded. 且示意他们,为负伤之人疗伤。 Although Zhuge Family this war, preserved the foundation, but also is the casualty is actually serious. 虽说诸葛家这一战,保住了根基,但其实也是死伤惨重。 The person of dying is unable to come back to life, is living the person, naturally has no alternative but to manage. 死的人无法复生,可是活着的人,自然不能不管。 When the Zhuge Family people rescue the wounded person, Chu Feng has not watched the fun, but is helps therapy. 诸葛家众人抢救伤员的时候,楚枫也没有看热闹,而是帮忙疗伤。 Sees the Chu Feng help, Grandmaster Yin Ren and Princess Xiaoxiao, as well as Taoist Niantian also acts. 楚枫帮忙,殷韧大师笑笑公主,以及念天道人也同样出手。 Shengguang Baimei and Shengguang Buyu, look at one after mutually, was makes a move to help. 就连圣光白眉圣光不语,互看一眼后,也是出手帮忙了。 But at the same time, in another place of this side world, the formation gate is situated in above the land together. 可与此同时,在这方世界的另外一个地方,一道结界门立于大地之上。 But out formation, precisely Situ World Spirit Sect people. 结界门外,正是司徒界灵门的众人。 Sir, you how?” “大人,你怎么样?” Situ World Spirit Sect others, all are safe and sound, is the situation of that Blue Gowned female, is very bad. 司徒界灵门的其他人,皆是安然无恙,可是那蓝袍女子的情况,却十分糟糕。 If Chu Feng expects, his tracing strikes, if really hit the Blue Gowned female. 楚枫所料,他的追踪一击,果真击中了蓝袍女子。 „Is Young Master Gouyue all right?” 鈎越少爷没事吧?” The Blue Gowned female is weak, even the eye could not open, although carries the heavy losses, may ask about the Situ Gouyue situation. 蓝袍女子虚弱到,连眼睛都睁不开了,虽身负重创,可还是询问着司徒鈎越的情况。 I am all right, you quickly this elixir clothing/taking under.” “我没事,你快将这颗丹药服下。” Situ Gouyue grasps elixir, squeezes in the Blue Gowned female spigot on own initiative, that elixir quality of material is pure, looks is extremely precious elixir. 司徒鈎越手握一颗丹药,主动塞入蓝袍女子口中,那丹药质地纯粹,一看就是极为贵重的丹药 But person who Situ Gouyue usually, does not give up. 司徒鈎越平时,可不是这么舍得的人。 At present so upholds justice, is he knows, Chu Feng that strikes, the might is extremely strong. 眼下之所以如此仗义,乃是他知道,楚枫那一击,威力极强。 If not for the Blue Gowned female, goes all out to keep off, all of them will be affected. 若不是蓝袍女子,拼命挡下,他们所有人都会遭受波及。 In other words, the Blue Gowned female, to save him, can like this. 换句话说,蓝袍女子,是为了救他,才会这样的。 The Blue Gowned female also fully realized oneself are critically injured, this elixir can maintain life, pours has not declined, but is the opens the mouth the elixir clothing/taking under. 蓝袍女子也深知自己伤势严重,这颗丹药是能够保命的,倒也没有推让,而是张口将丹药服下。 Aura that under the elixir clothing/taking, Blue Gowned female that weakens unceasingly, although without restoration, but actually lived stably, eye that is incapable of opening, can open. 丹药服下之下,蓝袍女子那不断减弱的气息,虽然没有恢复,但却是稳定住了,就连那无力睁开的眼睛,也可以睁开了。 Finally, preserved this life. 总算,是保住了这条命。 Sir, now what to do should we?” “大人,我们现在该怎么办?” Saw with own eyes that the Blue Gowned female does not have the sorrow of life, Situ World Spirit Sect others are rush to inquire. 眼见蓝袍女子没有性命之忧,司徒界灵门的其他人则是赶忙询问起来。 It is not they do not care about the Blue Gowned female injury, but is the present only has the Blue Gowned female, is their pillars. 不是他们不在乎蓝袍女子伤势,而是现在唯有蓝袍女子,才是他们的主心骨。 „The little rascal is quite intelligent, originally wants to deceive him to come out, killed him again, thinks inadequately he was not swindled.” “那小鬼好聪明,本来是想骗他出来,再杀了他,不成想他根本不上当。” this child does not eliminate, must affect my Situ World Spirit Sect, rules the Eastern Territory great undertaking.” 此子不除,必会影响我司徒界灵门,统治东域的大业。” Must except for him.” “一定要除了他。” The Blue Gowned female said. 蓝袍女子说道。 He is very indeed strong, I on the peer, have also never felt so fearful formation bloodlines, that Ancestral Martial Galaxy is not desolate, how to present such fearful fellow?” “他的确很强,我还从未在同辈身上,感受过如此可怕的结界血脉,那祖武天河不是早就落寞,怎会出现这样可怕的家伙?” Mentioned Chu Feng, that Situ Gouyue also had a lingering fear, even lingering fear. 提及楚枫,那司徒鈎越也是心有余悸,甚至后怕。 Ancestral Martial Galaxy is magnificent, presents a talent is also nothing unusual.” 祖武天河毕竟曾经辉煌过,出现一个天才也不足为奇。” not to mention compared with it Seven Worlds Galaxy junior, compares it my Totem Galaxy these talents even, he still insufficiently looks.” “不过莫说比之七界天河的小辈,就算比之我图腾天河的那些天才,他也是不够看。” However he in this place, even if there is an outstanding talent, cannot grow absolutely.” “而他在这种地方,就算有不同凡响的天赋,也绝对成长不起来的。” Actually, if breaks the feather Sir today also, their where also has the wild opportunity.” The Blue Gowned female said. “其实,若是今日断羽大人也在,他们哪里还有猖狂的机会。”蓝袍女子说道。 Breaks the feather Sir, where went, did not say that quick looks for us, how slowly in the future?” “断羽大人,到底去了哪里,不是说很快就来找我们,怎么迟迟未来呢?” Mentioned the conclusion Sir, others also opened the mouth in abundance, during the spoken languages somewhat blamed. 提及断语大人,其他人也是纷纷开口,言语间不免有些责怪。 After all today, they were nearly killed. 毕竟今日,他们可是险些丧命。 Breaks feather Sir strength of extremely formidable of induction, before said that induced some thing, likely discovered what treasure.” The Blue Gowned female said. “断羽大人的感应之力极为强悍,之前说感应到了一些东西,很可能是发现了什么宝物。”蓝袍女子说道。 Takes the ability of feather Sir, even discovered that ruins or treasure, is impossible not to come back such for a long time.” Situ Gouyue said said. “可是以断羽大人的能力,就算是发现遗迹或宝物,也不可能这么久没有回来。”司徒鈎越说说道。 This you have not to know that although present Nine Souls Galaxy and Ancestral Martial Galaxy were desolate.” “这你们就有所不知了,虽然现在的九魂天河祖武天河落寞了。” Was once person, but cannot be underestimated, if tidies up present cultivator, then regarding breaking the feather Sir the nature was easy.” “可是曾经的人可是不容小觑,若是收拾现在的修武者,那对于断羽大人而言自然轻而易举。” „But if discovered ruins that once person left behind, even if difficult handled is still normal.” “可若是发现曾经的人留下的遗迹,就算难以搞定也是正常。” Since breaks the feather Sir not to look for us, we look for the feather Sir.” “既然断羽大人不来找我们,我们就去找断羽大人。” We must let that Chu Feng, Zhuge Family, and entire all Eastern Territory people experience, what is the God-cloak World Spiritist strength.” The Blue Gowned female said. “我们要让那个楚枫,还有诸葛家,以及整个所有东域的人见识一下,何为神袍界灵师的力量。”蓝袍女子说道。 Good, we look for the feather Sir.” “好,那我们去找断羽大人。” Situ Gouyue as well as Situ World Spirit Sect others , approves of the decision of Blue Gowned female. 司徒鈎越以及司徒界灵门的其他人,也是非常赞同蓝袍女子的决定。 After one for treating, Zhuge Family being wounded person the injury of also soon obtained stably. 经过一番治疗,诸葛家负伤之人的伤势也是很快得到了稳定。 Naturally, Chu Feng and others also contributed many strengths. 当然,楚枫等人也是贡献了不少力量。 Really ashamed.” “实在惭愧。” Old man previously treated you like that help that but you actually relinquish difference my Zhuge Family.” “老夫先前那般对待你们,可你们却不计前嫌的帮助我诸葛家。” Especially Little Friend Chu Feng, for my Zhuge Family, does not hesitate to risk neck.” “尤其楚枫小友,更是为了我诸葛家,不惜冒生命危险。” My Zhuge Family does not do right by you, the old man here, apologized to you.” “我诸葛家对不住你们,老夫在这里,向你们赔礼了。” Zhuge Family Patriarch, as well as Zhuge Family management elder, again to neat, serves with the apologizing ritual to Chu Feng and others. 诸葛家家主,以及诸葛家当家长老们,再一次对整齐的,对楚枫等人施以赔罪礼。 They completely have not gone to closely examine, the Chu Feng and others hidden figure, returns to the Zhuge Family goal. 他们全然没有去追问,楚枫等人隐藏身形,回到诸葛家的目的。 Because that is unimportant. 因为那已经不重要了。 Zhuge Family Patriarch, the apologizing words exempted, this is actually not meaningful.” 诸葛家家主,赔罪的话就免了,这其实没什么意义。” Your Zhuge Family, if really feels grateful, lets Little Friend Chu Feng, enters inheritance formation technique that Situ strange leaves behind.” “你诸葛家若真的感恩,就让楚枫小友,进入司徒奇留下的传承阵法吧。” Grandmaster Yin Ren enters the subject. 殷韧大师直入正题。 After all makes Chu Feng enter inheritance formation technique, is they come this's goal. 毕竟让楚枫进入传承阵法,才是他们来此的目的。
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