MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4954: Protects formation technique to reveal the prestige

Facing this offensive, Zhuge Family Patriarch does not dare to neglect, Venerable Armament in his hand, starts to release blue radiance. 面对这种攻势,诸葛家家主也不敢怠慢,他手中的尊兵,也开始释放出蓝色光华。 This sword wields, the innumerable say/way blue color sword shadow, goes to that several big dragon formation technique impacts. 此剑一挥,无数道蓝色剑影,向那数条巨龙阵法冲击而去。 The two have the move one after another, does not have the meaning of making concessions. 二者接连出招,毫无退让之意。 Rumbling 轰轰轰 When thunders rises from all directions, has been gloomy, the space does not know that was broken many times. 轰鸣四起之际,早已是天昏地暗,空间都不知被震碎了多少次。 Even if intends to protect, is that Spirit Formation method and Martial Technique ripples, still all in a complete mess of destruction all around. 哪怕有意守护,可是那结界阵法与武技的涟漪,仍是将周遭的一切破坏的一塌糊涂。 Two's tactical situation is even more fierce, Princess Xiaoxiao also has to fall back on the distant place with Grandmaster Yin Ren. 二者的战况越发剧烈,就连笑笑公主也不得不与殷韧大师退到了远处。 As for Taoist Niantian, with Shengguang Baimei and others, has also fallen back on the distant place. 至于念天道人,与圣光白眉等人,也同样早就退到了远处。 Fight of Martial Venerable peak, without terrifying. 武尊巅峰的交手,没恐怖。 Even if their ranks, must hide in the distant place surrounds, otherwise, was possibly killed by the complementary waves even the slightest misstep. 哪怕他们这种级别,也要躲在远处围观,否则稍有不慎,可能就是被余波所杀。 Palace that however Chu Feng is, indeed is a treasure, places fights the circle center one after another, the ripples to raid obviously unceasingly, but that palace actually complete unscathed. 不过楚枫所在的宫殿,的确是一件宝物,明明身处战圈中心,涟漪一波又一波的不断袭来,可那宫殿却完好无损 Naturally, Zhuge Family Patriarch, intends to protect Chu Feng, his offensive is oppressing the Blue Gowned female unceasingly, quick then the palace part that Chu Feng is, suppressed in oneself offensive range. 当然,诸葛家家主,有意保护楚枫,他的攻势不断压迫着蓝袍女子,很快便将楚枫所在的宫殿部分,压制到了自己攻势范围之内。 Little Friend Chu Feng, can you come out?” 楚枫小友,你能出来吗?” Zhuge Family Patriarch said to Chu Feng. 诸葛家家主楚枫说道。 Ok.” “可以。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 I help you keep off her offensive, you come out from that quickly.” “我帮你挡着她的攻势,你快从那里面出来。” The Zhuge Family Patriarch urging said. 诸葛家家主催促道。 Is seeing with own eyes Zhuge Family Patriarch, must save itself sincerely, Chu Feng did not neglect, rushes to walk from the palace, and arrived at Zhuge Family Patriarch behind. 眼见着诸葛家家主,诚心要救自己,楚枫也不怠慢,赶忙从宫殿内走了出来,并且来到了诸葛家家主身后。 The present situation, the safest place, was actually the range of Zhuge Family Patriarch control. 眼下的局势,最安全的地方,其实就是诸葛家家主掌控的范围了。 Little Friend Chu Feng, the old man can block them temporarily, you they walk with Princess Xiaoxiao quickly.” 楚枫小友,老夫暂时能够挡住他们,你快与笑笑公主他们走吧。” Zhuge Family Patriarch said to Chu Feng. 诸葛家家主楚枫说道。 senior, these person of newcomer are bad, cannot leave leeway the future trouble, do not show mercy.” Chu Feng said. 前辈,这些人来者不善,不能留有后患,不要手下留情。”楚枫说道。 But his meaning is very obvious, facing this person, makes concessions or escapes repeatedly is pointless, only has to remove them, can forever the never recurring trouble. 而他的意思很明显,面对这种人,一再退让或者逃脱是没有意义的,唯有除掉他们,才能永绝后患。 Old man knows, is only..., Little Friend Chu Feng, you walk quickly, how long the old man could not insist.” “老夫知道,只是…唉,楚枫小友,你们快走,老夫坚持不了多久了。” These words, are Zhuge Family Patriarch, to the sound transmission way map the Chu Feng ear curtain in secret. 这句话,是诸葛家家主,以暗中传音的方式映入楚枫耳帘的。 But Zhuge Family Patriarch this words saying, Chu Feng then detected the Zhuge Family Patriarch offensive starts to be weaken. 诸葛家家主此话说完,楚枫便察觉到诸葛家家主的攻势开始减弱。 Accurate, is his blue that strength is starting to be weaken. 准确来说,是他身上那碧蓝色的着那份力量开始减弱。 That formation technique strength, fast passing. 阵法的力量,正在快速的流逝。 Not only but was the Chu Feng discovery selected this point, that Blue Gowned female also discovered. 但不仅仅是楚枫发现点了这一点,那蓝袍女子同样发现了。 And she has started to follow up a victory with hot pursuit, to the Spirit Formation law of powerful, be attacking Zhuge Family Patriarch unceasingly. 并且她已经开始乘胜追击,不断以更为强力的结界阵法,冲击着诸葛家家主 At this time, the body of Zhuge Family Patriarch, the pea-sized beads of sweat, such as the rain falls generally unceasingly. 此时,诸葛家家主的身上,豆大的汗珠,如雨一般不断落下。 A face, did not have blood-color. 一张老脸,更是没有了一丝血色。 Coming out that almost all people look, Zhuge Family Patriarch, has fallen leeward, and how long could not insist. 几乎所有人都看的出来,诸葛家家主,已经落入下风,并且坚持不了多久了。 I said that your Zhuge Family is one crowd of waste.” “我就说你诸葛家是一群废物。” Protects formation technique to you, there is what using?” “给你们守护阵法,又有何用?” Blue Gowned female starts counter-attacks, while sends out the satire the laughter. 蓝袍女子一边发动反攻,一边发出讽刺的笑声。 That laughter is grating, the reverberation trim horizon, the people of all Zhuge Family are hear clearly. 那笑声刺耳,回荡整片天际,所有诸葛家之人都是听得清清楚楚。 Snort......” “哼……” May facing the Blue Gowned female's taunt, completely weary condition Zhuge Family Patriarch, actually be sneers obviously obviously. 可面对蓝袍女子的嘲讽,明明已经尽显疲态的诸葛家家主,却是冷笑一声。 He obviously exhausted eyes, unexpectedly suddenly become bright. 他明显疲惫的双眼,竟忽然变得明亮起来。 You did not say, the old man will not use the Spirit Formation method, is degrading the World Spiritist given name?” “你不是说,老夫不会使用结界阵法,有辱界灵师的名号吗?” Now, the old man makes you experience, my Zhuge Family Spirit Formation method.” “现在,老夫就让你见识一下,我诸葛家结界阵法。” The words, he received Venerable Armament suddenly, received its Martial Power, but at the same time, he actually released formation power. 话罢,他突然收起了尊兵,收其了武力,但与此同时,他却释放出了结界之力 But his time formation power, protects the formation technique in addition to hold in that is also the Ninth Rank Martial Venerable strength. 而他此时的结界之力,在那守护阵法的加持下,也是九品武尊的战力。 What is main, at this time Zhuge Family everyone, ray, flew to Zhuge Family Patriarch. 最主要的是,此时诸葛家的所有人,身上的光芒,都飞向了诸葛家家主 But at this moment, Zhuge Family Patriarch formation power, becomes compared with the Blue Gowned female, but also is more vigorous. 而这一刻,诸葛家家主身上的结界之力,变得比蓝袍女子,还要浑厚许多。 Originally, the Zhuge Family people previous set up formation, is at this moment. 原来,诸葛家众人先前布阵,为的就是这一刻。 Zhuge Family formation technique, the sea is immeasurable!!!!” 诸葛家阵法,界海无量!!!!” Drinks along with Zhuge Family Patriarch one greatly, this built up the Spirit Formation law of strength of Zhuge Family entire clan, changes to the blue tide, First Level First Level, before its emerges, swallows to go to the Situ World Spirit Sect people!! 伴随着诸葛家家主一声大喝,这集结了诸葛家全族之力的结界阵法,化作碧蓝色的潮水,一重一重,自其身前涌现,向司徒界灵门的众人吞噬而去!! Although that formation technique changes into the tide, but is in fact fierce, repetitive back down that the Blue Gowned female strikes. 阵法虽化为潮水,可实际上非常凶猛,将蓝袍女子击的连连后退 Most is mainly, this tide formation technique, seems to be inexhaustible, unceasing spewing out, presses the Blue Gowned female is getting more and more far. 最主要是,这潮水阵法,仿佛无穷无尽,不断的喷涌而出,将蓝袍女子压的越来越远。 But it really inexhaustible? 但它真的无穷无尽吗? Of course not. 当然不是。 Only looks at the people this time appearance of Zhuge Family, can know. 只看诸葛家的众人此时的模样,便可知道了。 Zhuge Family many people, after stimulating to movement this formation technique, then starts blood flowing from every orifice, Zhuge Family Patriarch both ears, there is a blood to overflow. 诸葛家的许多人,在催动这阵法之后,便开始七孔流血,就连诸葛家家主的双耳,也有鲜血溢出。 And this situation, was still getting stronger and stronger. 并且这种情况,仍在愈演愈烈。 Chu Feng knows, although this move of formation technique is powerful, but is actually not able to beat the Blue Gowned female, this is the Zhuge Family people dragging time uses. 楚枫知道,这一招阵法虽强大,但却无法击败蓝袍女子,这是诸葛家众人拖延时间用的。 Chu Feng, Let's go.” 楚枫,我们走吧。” Little Friend Chu Feng, comes to here quickly.” 楚枫小友,快到我们这里来。” Suddenly, sound transmission map the Chu Feng ear curtain in secret. 忽然,一道道暗中传音映入楚枫耳帘。 That is Princess Xiaoxiao, as well as Taoist Niantian their sound transmission in secret. 那是笑笑公主,以及念天道人他们的暗中传音 They do not think that Chu Feng is involved in this struggle. 他们不想楚枫卷入这场斗争。 But Chu Feng also knows their positions, so long as place that returns to Grandmaster Yin Ren to be, Chu Feng can be separated to fight the circle, regards this showdown with a stance of observer. 楚枫也知道他们的方位,只要回到殷韧大师所在的地方,楚枫就能脱离战圈,以一个旁观者的姿态看待这场对决。 But when, Chu Feng looks at the Zhuge Family people, wrestles by the fate, resists the Situ World Spirit Sect scene, Chu Feng actually some do not endure to depart like this. 可是,当楚枫看着诸葛家众人,以命相搏,来对抗司徒界灵门的景象,楚枫却有些不忍就这样离去。 Came this's goal not to say regardless Situ World Spirit Sect. 抛开司徒界灵门来此的目的不说。 Takes the lead to shoulder with the Situ World Spirit Sect grudge person, is actually Chu Feng, if Chu Feng leaves now, is rather more atypical. 率先挑起和司徒界灵门恩怨的人,其实是楚枫,若是现在楚枫离开,也未免太不地道了一些。 „Didn't the wound of flying luan, have?” “飞鸾的伤,还没好吗?” Suddenly, Zhuge Family Patriarch, turns head, bellows to the Zhuge Family crowd. 忽然,诸葛家家主,回过头来,冲着诸葛家人群大吼起来。 Takes advantage of opportunity to wait and see, Chu Feng saw Zhuge Feiluan, Zhuge Family had few people, has not participated in this time formation technique offensive. 顺势观望,楚枫看到了诸葛飞鸾,诸葛家有一部分人,并没有参与此时的阵法攻势。 But is helping the Zhuge Feiluan treatment injury full power. 而是在全力帮助诸葛飞鸾治疗伤势。 Zhuge Feiluan this time injury, was too serious, although the mortal body has repaired, but the aura is very weak. 只是诸葛飞鸾此时的伤势,实在太严重了,尽管肉身已经修复,可是气息还是非常虚弱。 But even if so, after Zhuge Feiluan hears the summon of Zhuge Family Patriarch, is struggling standing up, and arrived at the Zhuge Family Patriarch side. 可哪怕如此,诸葛飞鸾听到诸葛家家主的呼唤后,还是挣扎着站起身来,且走到了诸葛家家主的身旁。 Flying luan, can you be good?” “飞鸾,你能行吗?” Sees at this time this, even Yu Kong stands, used energy enormous strength Zhuge Feiluan, Zhuge Family Patriarch is also loves dearly eyeful. 看到此时这个,连御空站立,都费劲了极大力气的诸葛飞鸾,诸葛家家主也是满眼心疼。 Sir Patriarch, is related to my Zhuge Family safety, the flying luan is willing to try.” 家主大人,事关我诸葛家安危,飞鸾愿意一试。” Zhuge Feiluan firm saying. 诸葛飞鸾坚定的说道。 Flying luan, you could die.” “飞鸾,你可能会死的。” Zhuge Family Patriarch said again. 诸葛家家主再度说道。 Sir Patriarch, the flying luan is prepared early.” 家主大人,飞鸾早有准备。” The firm and resolute color in Zhuge Feiluan eye is stronger. 诸葛飞鸾眼中的坚毅之色更浓。 Looks at such Zhuge Feiluan, the eyes of Zhuge Family Patriarch were somewhat moist. 看着这样的诸葛飞鸾,诸葛家家主的双眼都是有些湿润了。 He knows Zhuge Feiluan, what kind of strength will withstand. 他知道诸葛飞鸾,将承受怎样的力量。 Flying luan, how regardless of result, you are in the old man heart, is not weak in the talent of Zhuge illustrious Sir.” “飞鸾,无论结果如何,你都是老夫心中,不弱于诸葛光耀大人的天才。” You forever are the pride of my Zhuge Family.” “你永远是我诸葛家的骄傲。” The words, Zhuge Family Patriarch, then reached in the hand the bosom, when his palm puts out from the bosom , when opens again, the palm presented two goods. 话罢,诸葛家家主,便将手伸向了怀中,当他手掌自怀中拿出,再度打开之时,掌心出现了两件物品。 And Chu Feng recognizes, was the God Tree black fruit, precisely previously Zhuge Family Patriarch, obtained that from Princess Xiaoxiao there. 其中一件楚枫认得,是界神树黑果,正是先前诸葛家家主,从笑笑公主那里得到的那一颗。 But another, is a circular jade pendant. 而另外一件,乃是一块圆形的玉佩。 This jade pendant is somewhat unusual, Chu Feng sees with one's own eyes, after the Zhuge Family Patriarch palm opens, this jade pendant drills from the Zhuge Family Patriarch palm. 这个玉佩有些奇特,楚枫亲眼看到,在诸葛家家主手掌张开之后,这玉佩是从诸葛家家主掌心之中钻出来的。 Explained that this thing is not in the bosom, always mounted in the palm of Zhuge Family Patriarch. 说明此物不在怀中,始终镶嵌在了诸葛家家主的手掌之中。 And this jade pendant, is formation power builds, contains extremely powerful formation technique. 并且这玉佩,乃是结界之力打造而成,其中蕴藏着极为强大的阵法 When jade pendant taken out that moment, on Zhuge Family Patriarch deep blue colored light glow, unexpectedly also because of the movement of that jade pendant, but with movement. 而当玉佩被取出的那一刻,诸葛家家主身上的碧蓝色光芒,竟也会因那玉佩的移动,而随着移动。 After two goods take out, Zhuge Feiluan then must put out a hand to meet. 两件物品取出之后,诸葛飞鸾便要伸手去接。 Waits for, what your makes?” “等一下,你们这是做什么?” Wants Zhuge Feiluan, controls this to protect formation technique?” “是要诸葛飞鸾,掌控这守护阵法吗?” Chu Feng has guessed their intention. 楚枫已经猜测到了他们的意图。
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