MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4951: Right to speak

That gives out the formation bloodlines of constriction, are flooding entire to float the spatial palace. 散发着压迫感的结界血脉,充斥了整座浮空宫殿。 The main hall obviously is treasure, previously gave back to a person indestructible feeling. 大殿明明是件至宝,先前还给人一种坚不可摧之感。 But is actually swaying at this time unceasingly, as if momentarily disruption avalanche. 可此时却在不断摇晃,仿佛随时都会碎裂崩塌。 Reason that is not this palace will so have externals without substance. 之所以会如此,不是这宫殿徒有其表。 But is the Chu Feng's formation bloodlines, is extremely really powerful. 而是楚枫的结界血脉,实在太过强大。 How will world have so powerful formation bloodlines?” “世间怎会有如此强大的结界血脉?” Looks at the Chu Feng's formation bloodlines, everyone more or less has to be frightened. 看着楚枫的结界血脉,所有人都是或多或少有被吓到。 Chu Feng, is really this your formation bloodlines?” 楚枫,这真是你的结界血脉?” Originally are you, so unexpectedly fierce?” “原来你,竟如此厉害?” The Yu Sha sound resounds, speech time, that delightful sound somewhat shakes unexpectedly. 羽纱的声音响起,说话的时候,那甜美的声音竟然都是有些抖的。 She, was frightened by the Chu Feng's formation bloodlines. 就连她,也被楚枫的结界血脉所吓到了。 In outside, people can only see Mist, can only feel the power and influence. 在外面,人们只能够看到气焰,只能感受到威势。 But is in the palace, can feel this formation bloodlines truly fearfully. 可是身在宫殿之内,才能真正的感受到这结界血脉有多可怕。 That Situ Gouyue, had been scared. 司徒鈎越,已经被吓傻了。 He who previously also a face refused to accept, has realized clearly, he and Chu Feng's difference. 先前还一脸不服的他,已经清楚的认识到了,他与楚枫的差别。 This is the difference of true world!!! 这是真正的天地之别!!! In fact, not to mention is Yu Sha and Situ Gouyue, Chu Feng, there are frightened. 事实上,莫说羽纱司徒鈎越,就连楚枫自己,也有被吓到。 „Is this then my mother, the inheritance gives my formation bloodlines?” “这便是我母亲,传承给我的结界血脉?” Chu Feng is feeling this time, floods the entire space, just like stranded ferocious beast, wanting to break the palace, but formation bloodlines, his innermost feelings become excited. 楚枫感受着此时,充斥整个空间,宛如被困猛兽,欲要破殿而出的结界血脉,他的内心变得兴奋起来。 He compared with anybody, can a clearer feeling, this formation bloodlines this time strength. 他比任何人,都能更清楚的感受到,这结界血脉此时的力量。 Too strong, is unable to appraise it is what realm, that is nearly invincible feeling!!! 太强了,无法评估它是何境界,那是一种近乎无敌的感觉!!! It can be said that the formation bloodlines take to his feeling, is not weak in Nine-colored Divine Lightning of own within the body. 可以这样说,结界血脉带给他的感觉,丝毫不弱于自己体内的九色神雷 Is invincibly existence in all living things!! 是无敌于万物的存在!! Although Chu Feng had been clear, own formation bloodlines are very strong, but has not actually thought that powerful to this situation. 尽管楚枫早就清楚,自己的结界血脉很强,但却并没有想到,强大到了这种地步。 …… …… …… Suddenly, outside the palace breaks out the intermittent applause, is that Blue Gowned female. 忽然,宫殿外响起阵阵掌声,是那蓝袍女子。 Chu Feng, you have not disappointed me actually.” 楚枫,你倒是没有让我失望。” Your formation bloodlines are very strong, although the talent not representative later strength, but I appreciate your talent very much.” “你的结界血脉可是很强呢,虽然天赋不代表以后的实力,但我很欣赏你的天赋。” Present you, have the qualifications to join my Situ World Spirit Sect.” “现在的你,更加有资格加入我司徒界灵门。” Joins Situ World Spirit Sect, does obeisance into my hanger-on, becomes my disciple.” “加入司徒界灵门,拜入我的门下,成为我的弟子。” I will take to your true glory, splendor, riches and honor, this Eastern Territory in the future, can give you to rule the management.” “我会带给你真正的荣华富贵,这东域日后,都可以交给你来统治管理。” The Blue Gowned female said to Chu Feng. 蓝袍女子对楚枫说道。 Although the words on mouth are of pleasant to hear, is her tone, may not seem like discussed, is more like ordering. 只是嘴上的话虽然好听,可是她的语气,可不像是商量,更像是在命令。 „Becoming your disciple?” “成为你的弟子?” Chu Feng looks at the Blue Gowned female, on the face appears the would rather not expression. 楚枫看着蓝袍女子,脸上浮现出了不太情愿的表情。 What's wrong, don't you want?” “怎么,你不愿意?” The Blue Gowned female narrows the eyes, revealed you, if rejects, then lets your attractive manner. 蓝袍女子眯起双眼,露出了一副你若拒绝,便让你好看的神态。 Chu Feng is experienced, how unable to see Blue Gowned female so obvious meaning, but Chu Feng is light smiles. 楚枫见多识广,岂会看不出蓝袍女子如此明显的意思,可楚枫却淡淡一笑。 Makes me make your disciple, you thought that you do have this qualifications?” “让我做你的弟子,你觉得你有这个资格吗?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 Bang Such remarks, such as likes a sudden thunderclap. 此话一出,如五雷轰顶。 Everyone has to think, Chu Feng will reject the Blue Gowned female, but has not actually thought that Chu Feng will reject in this manner. 大家不是没有想过,楚枫会拒绝蓝袍女子,但却没有想过,楚枫会以这样的方式拒绝。 Isn't this... courts death? 这…不是找死吗? Sees Chu Feng actually not to want, the Blue Gowned female has not lost one's temper immediately, instead shows a faint smile, is only at this time her the smile, exposes the murderous intention. 楚枫竟然不愿意,蓝袍女子也没有立刻动怒,反而微微一笑,只是此时她的笑容,已是展露杀机。 Buzz Suddenly, the Blue Gowned female lifts the hand to wield, formation power appears in the palace together, covered Situ Gouyue directly. 忽然,蓝袍女子抬手一挥,一道结界之力出现在宫殿之内,直接覆盖了司徒鈎越 The next quarter, Situ Gouyue then left the palace, appeared in the side of that female. 下一刻,司徒鈎越便离开了宫殿,出现在了那名女子的身旁。 Chu Feng saw, left hand that the Blue Gowned female wields, pinched the unusual law seal, this... was she does inevitably. 楚枫看到,蓝袍女子挥动的左手,也是捏出了奇特的法印,这…必然是她做的。 This palace is her treasure, is she stimulates to movement the strength of treasure inevitably, takes away the palace Situ Gouyue. 这宫殿是她的宝物,必然也是她催动宝物的力量,将司徒鈎越带离宫殿的。 You do not have to understand my meaning probably.” “你好像没太听懂我的意思。” I said is clear.” “那我就说的再清楚一点。” You were like the Zhuge Family person, damn.” “你本来与诸葛家的人一样,都该死。” But looks in the shares of your some talents, I prepare to forgive your life.” “但是看在你有些天赋的份上,我准备饶你一命。” Does obeisance into my Situ World Spirit Sect hanger-on either, makes my Situ World Spirit Sect dog.” “要么拜入我司徒界灵门的门下,做我司徒界灵门的狗。” Either, dies now here.” “要么,现在就死在这里。” Yourself elect.” “你自己选吧。” The Blue Gowned female is narrowing the eyes, but in that seemingly beautiful eye pupil, is actually the murderous intention overflows. 蓝袍女子微眯着双眼,可那看似美丽的眼眸之中,却是杀机四溢。 Although her these words are to threaten Chu Feng's. 虽然她这番话是威胁楚枫的 But the Zhuge Family person, is actually not able to be calm again. 可是诸葛家的人,却再也无法淡定了。 The damn two characters, like an invisible butcher knife, hung above their nape of the neck. 该死两个字,如同一把无形的屠刀,悬在了他们的脖颈之上。 Let them not know when they can also live. 让他们不知道,他们还能活到什么时候。 Sir Patriarch......” 家主大人……” Therefore the Zhuge Family people, look to the Zhuge Family lord. 于是诸葛家众人,纷纷看向诸葛家主。 But Zhuge Family Lord actually beckons with the hand to hint again, making them not need to be flustered. 可是诸葛家主却再度摆手示意,让他们不必慌张。 The Zhuge Family lord, compared in previously, the stance also had some changes, he... seems to have made some decision. 诸葛家主,相比于先前,姿态也是有了一些变化,他似乎…已经做了某个决定。 I know that can be this.” “我就知道会是这样。” Transforms regarding the female like this, Chu Feng does not have an accident/surprise actually. 对于女子这样的转变,楚枫倒是没有一丝意外。 Chu Feng dares so to reject the female strongly , because Chu Feng is clear, when he challenges Situ Gouyue at that moment, did not have the road back. 楚枫之所以敢如此强势的拒绝女子,就是因为楚枫清楚,当他挑战司徒鈎越那一刻,就没有回头路了。 Even if he complies to make the Situ World Spirit Sect dog, the opposite party is still not necessarily able really to let off him. 甚至就算他答应做司徒界灵门的狗,对方也未必会真的放过他。 About dies, that might as well is standing dying, spells furiously, perhaps... can put together a slim chance of survival. 左右都是死,那还不如站着死,奋力拼,也许…能拼来一线生机。 But at present Chu Feng sees, may not only be a slim chance of survival. 但眼下楚枫所看到的,可不仅仅是一线生机。 Words said is crazy enough.” “话说的够狂的。” But is my Chu Feng's life and death, how controlled by you?” “但我楚枫的生死,岂由你来掌控?” Chu Feng provokes, looks to that Blue Gowned female. 楚枫略带挑衅的,看向那蓝袍女子。 Haha, you think that you hide in do not come out, do I take you not to have the means?” “哈哈,你以为你躲在里面不出来,我就拿你没有办法?” Do not forget, this is my treasure.” “你别忘了,这可是我的宝物。” Blue Gowned female words saying, she pinches the palm of law secret art to change slightly. 蓝袍女子此话说完,她捏动法诀的手掌略微变化。 Really, another formation power, appeared in the palace, and this time, just appeared around Chu Feng. 果然,又一股结界之力,出现在了宫殿之内,并且这一次,刚好出现在了楚枫周围。 That has formation power of strength of teleportation, if the Chu Feng package, will be then same like Situ Gouyue, by direct belt/bring to that Blue Gowned female side. 那是带有传送之力的结界之力,若是将楚枫包裹,便会如同司徒鈎越一样,被直接带到那蓝袍女子身旁。 Sees this situation, everyone worries for Chu Feng. 见此情形,所有人都是替楚枫捏了一把冷汗。 In the palace, there is formation bloodlines to support, he is fearless. 在宫殿之内,有结界血脉撑腰,他天不怕地不怕。 But if leaves the palace, the formation bloodlines also lose the might, he can only allow to be oppressed. 可若离开宫殿,结界血脉也失去威力,他只能任人宰割。 But that formation power, just about to close to Chu Feng, sees only the Chu Feng body to tremble slightly. 可是那结界之力,刚要靠近楚枫,只见楚枫身躯微微一颤。 Bang That formation power, dissipates unexpectedly immediately. 结界之力,竟立刻消散开来。 Was the formation bloodlines, the Chu Feng's formation bloodlines was too strong, he by the formation bloodlines, eradicated that formation power forcefully. 结界血脉,楚枫的结界血脉太强了,他凭借结界血脉,硬生生的破除了那结界之力 Un?” “嗯?” Sees this situation, the Blue Gowned female is also the brow slightly wrinkle, obviously this is unexpected in her. 见此情形,蓝袍女子也是眉头微皱,显然这是在她意料之外的。 But Chu Feng is actually the complexion does not change. 楚枫却是面色不改。 Chu Feng is calm, is when because his moment of formation bloodlines release, he has felt the change of this palace. 楚枫如此淡定,就是因为当他的结界血脉释放的那一刻,他就已经感受到了这宫殿的变化。 Because Chu Feng the formation bloodlines are extremely powerful, obtains the approval of this palace, can break the rule in treasure, even controls this treasure. 楚枫因为结界血脉太过强大,已经得到了这宫殿的认可,可以打破宝物内的规则,甚至主宰这个宝物。 This palace, although is treasure of Blue Gowned female, but at present actually is also the Chu Feng's protective umbrella. 这宫殿,虽是蓝袍女子的至宝,可眼下却也是楚枫的保护伞。 Said simply, this treasure, is not considering as finished that Blue Gowned female said. 简单的说,这至宝,已经不全是那蓝袍女子说的算了。 Chu Feng here, has certain right to speak. 楚枫在这里,也具有一定的话语权。 This is he, does not fear the reason that the Blue Gowned female threatens. 这便是他,不惧怕蓝袍女子威胁的原因。
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