MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4862: Chu Feng's plan

The dreadful monstrous waves, such as the mighty force, wreaks havoc in the lake surface. 滔天巨浪,如千军万马,在湖面肆虐。 As far as eyes can reach, where that tranquil such as the lake of mirror, clearly is the sea that the tsunami arrives. 一眼望去,那哪里还是那个平静如镜的湖泊,分明就是海啸降临的大海。 Buzz In formation technique along with the Chu Feng hand, approached a point with that drop of concise Saint reveal, that drop concise Saint reveal, glitters unexpectedly sacred radiance. 伴随着楚枫手中阵法,与那一滴凝练圣露又靠近了一点,那滴凝练圣露,竟闪烁起神圣的光华。 It seems like, finally no longer looks like drop of ordinary water. 它看上去,终于不再像一滴普通的水。 But at the same time, the concise Saint reveal of outside entire lake, glitters such radiance. 而与此同时,外面整个湖泊的凝练圣露,也都闪烁起那样的光华。 This palace also some response, incessantly in palace, but is outside the palace is also so. 就连这座宫殿也有了反应,不止宫殿之内,而是宫殿之外也是如此。 That sacred feeling, covers in entire forbidden land. 那神圣之感,覆盖整个禁地之内。 Gives me to melt.” “给我相融。” Suddenly Chu Feng loudly shouts. 忽然楚枫大喝一声。 That tone, seems like ordering. 那语气,就像是在下命令。 What is mysterious, that formation technique with melts, looked like understood this order, really fused a body unexpectedly. 神奇的是,那阵法与相融,就像是听懂了这命令,竟真的融合一体。 Buzz The dreadful monstrous waves come to this palace impact. 紧接着,滔天巨浪向这宫殿冲击而来。 But the palace, looking like attractive is the same, unexpectedly all the monstrous waves swallow completely. 而宫殿,就像是具有吸引力一样,竟将所有袭来的巨浪全部吞噬。 Under such change, formation technique in Chu Feng hand, is starts to change, really had the shape, the shape in that precisely this palace. 此等变化下,楚枫手中的阵法,也是开始变化,竟然有了形状,那正是这座宫殿的形状。 In a while, formation technique in Chu Feng hand, turned into an entity, a that precisely small-scale palace, is exactly the same as this palace, the only difference, is it is very small. 没过多久,楚枫手中的阵法,就变成了一个实体,那正是一个小型的宫殿,与这座宫殿一模一样,唯一的区别,就是它很小。 After that formation technique changes to the palace thoroughly, that dreadful momentum has also stopped. 而当那阵法彻底化作宫殿后,那滔天的声势也是早就停止。 But the Long Xiaoxiao mother, Shengguang Yunyue, and Saint light sea is rich, is difficult is tranquil. 可是龙晓晓母亲,圣光云月,以及圣光海富,却是难以平静下来。 As far as eyes can reach, accumulated the congealment Saint reveal of lake to vanish completely does not see, a drop did not have. 一眼望去,原本积累成湖的凝结圣露全部消失不见,一滴都没有了。 Looks outward, was only left over one profoundly to the limitless giant big hole. 向外望去,只剩下了一个深邃到无边无际的巨型大坑。 But what most made their speechless was, disappears the palace that they covered, that was the ancient times rare treasure. 而最令他们无语的是,就连将他们笼罩的宫殿也不见了,那可是远古秘宝啊。 Looks again to the Chu Feng hand, that ray sparkles, performs obviously the sacred palace. 再度看向楚枫手中,那光芒闪闪,尽显神圣的宫殿。 The people of presence understand, these congealment Saint reveal, where and ancient times rare treasure went. 在场之人都明白,那些凝结圣露,以及远古秘宝都去了哪里。 Had fallen into the Chu Feng hand. 已经落入了楚枫手中。 Shengguang Yunyue, your revolting clan criminal, the old man must kill you!!!” 圣光云月,你这个叛族罪人,老夫要杀了你!!!” The Saint light sea rises from all directions to Shengguang Yunyue killing intent richly unexpectedly, he lifts the hand, then wants the racket to Shengguang Yunyue. 圣光海富竟对圣光云月杀意四起,他抬起手来,便要拍向圣光云月 He thinks, is Shengguang Yunyue and Chu Feng flees to pass, makes Chu Feng successful opens this cultivation secret array. 他以为,是圣光云月楚枫窜通,才让楚枫成功的将这修炼秘阵开启。 Wa Wa 呜哇 The Saint light sea just acted richly, but also no wound to Shengguang Yunyue, is similar to the dead dog to lie on the ground immediately generally. 只是圣光海富刚刚出手,还没有伤到圣光云月,便立刻如同死狗一般趴在了地上。 Is Chu Feng, among the Chu Feng thoughts, then suppressed him. 楚枫,楚枫意念之间,便将他压制住了。 Her life, turns over to me now, I not wants her dead, who gives up any idea to kill her, but you... do not match.” “她的命,现在归我,我不要她死的时候,谁都休想杀她,而你…更是不配。” Chu Feng contemptuous looks that the Saint light sea is rich, solemn Shengguang Clan Supreme Elder, in the Chu Feng eye, looks like a waste at this time. 楚枫轻蔑的看着圣光海富,堂堂圣光一族太上长老,此时在楚枫眼中,就像是一个废物。 Chu Feng, how do you achieve?” 楚枫,你是如何做到的?” Shengguang Yunyue cannot bear to Chu Feng inquired. 圣光云月也是忍不住对楚枫询问。 Because she is very clear, she normal method, informed Chu Feng, but this normal method, they attempt repeatedly, unable to succeed. 因为她很清楚,她只是将正常的方法,告知了楚枫而已,而这个正常的方法,她们尝试多次,都无法成功。 Especially Shengguang Xuanye, attempt are most, but also all ends in failure. 尤其是圣光悬夜,尝试的次数最多,但也全都以失败告终。 Did the Chu Feng first time, succeed? 楚枫怎么第一次,就成功了? Does according to the method that you said.” “就是按照你说的方法做的。” Oh, right, that opened secret array formation technique, was your Sir Clan Head informs your?” “喔,对了,那开启秘阵的阵法,也是你们的族长大人告知你们的?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫反问道。 Yes.” “是。” The Shengguang Yunyue nod said. 圣光云月点头道。 No wonder you are unable to succeed, formation technique cardinal principle is right, but the detail actually had/left some problems, but is not well big in the issue.” “难怪你们无法成功,阵法大体是对的,但是细节却出了一些问题,不过好在问题不大。” I adjusted slightly, then opening.” “我只是稍微调整了一下,便开启了。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Is impossible, my family Sir Clan Head, the attempt are so many time, adjusted that many times, cannot succeed, how are you possible to succeed one time?” “不可能,我家族长大人,尝试那么多次,调整了那么多次,都未能成功,你怎么可能一次就成功?” Saint light sea rich face does not believe. 圣光海富一脸的不信。 What's wrong, this very difficult believing?” “怎么,这很难以置信吗?” Also normal, looks like tells a pig, said that in this world, there are biological energy two feet to walk, the pig definitely does not believe that after all this is it not thing that is possible to achieve.” “不过也正常,就像是告诉一头猪,说这个世界上,有生物能两只脚行走,猪肯定也不信,毕竟这是它所不可能做到的事。” But this is to people, this is the simple minor matter.” “可这是对于人而言,这就是再简单不过的小事。” Chu Feng smiles looks that the Saint light sea is rich, in the eye full is the satire. 楚枫笑眯眯的看着圣光海富,眼中满是讽刺。 „Do you dare to insult the old man are the pig?” “你敢辱骂老夫是猪?” Clenching jaws of Saint light sea fat gas. 圣光海富气的咬牙切齿。 He understands Chu Feng's meaning, Chu Feng's meaning is not he is intelligent, but was saying their Shengguang Clan person is too stupid. 他明白楚枫的意思,楚枫的意思并非是他多聪明,而是在说他们圣光一族的人太蠢。 What's wrong, isn't convinced very much?” “怎么,很不服气?” Oh, almost forgot, just opened secret array the method, is Shengguang Yunyue tells me, then this... should give you.” “喔,差点忘了,刚刚开启秘阵的方法,是圣光云月告诉我的,那么这个…就应该交给你了。” During Chu Feng speeches, took that black altar/jar. 楚枫说话间,又将那黑坛拿了出来。 …… The black altar/jar opens, first spouts black flame, the blacksnake that depend the centipede claw, then drilled. 黑坛打开,先是喷出一股黑色气焰,紧接着一条条仗着蜈蚣爪子的黑蛇,便从中钻了出来。 What you... do you want to make to the old man?” “你…你要对老夫做什么?” Had the skill to kill the old man directly, was short comes this set with the old man.” “有本事就直接杀了老夫,少跟老夫来这一套。” Although before this Saint light sea is rich, is very unyielding, but after he sees thing in that black altar/jar, obviously was also somewhat nervous. 尽管这圣光海富之前很是硬气,可当他看到那黑坛内的东西之后,明显也是有些慌了。 Thinks dead now, that is not possible, enjoys heartily, you are are not loyal and devoted to Shengguang Clan, this is to your heartfelt rewarding.” “想现在就死,那是不可能的,尽情享受吧,你不是对圣光一族忠心耿耿吗,这就是对你衷心的赏赐啊。” Chu Feng to its one finger/refers, that blacksnake, then drills into Saint light sea rich within the body. 楚枫对其一指,那一条条黑蛇,便钻入圣光海富体内。 …… 呃啊 The blacksnake enters the body, the Saint light sea then sent out the intermittent pitiful yell richly, that pitiful yell compared with before Shengguang Yunyue, but also is pitiful. 黑蛇入体,圣光海富便发出了阵阵惨叫,那惨叫比圣光云月之前,还要凄惨。 Saw that such Saint light sea is rich, the Long Xiaoxiao mother seems to be clear, why Shengguang Yunyue to Chu Feng, will so fear. 看到这样的圣光海富,龙晓晓母亲似乎明白,为何圣光云月楚枫,会如此惧怕。 She had guessed correctly, Shengguang Yunyue experienced such torture inevitably. 她已经猜到,圣光云月必然是经历了这样的酷刑。 Although started to Saint light sea rich suffering, but Chu Feng then arranges formation technique quickly, the Saint light sea rich blockade, is rich the Saint light sea later as well as Shengguang Yunyue, received. 虽然开始了对圣光海富的折磨,但楚枫很快便布置阵法,将圣光海富封锁,随后将圣光海富以及圣光云月,收了起来。 After all this place, is not suitable stays for a long time. 毕竟此地,不宜久留。 senior, we first leave here.” 前辈,咱们先离开这里。” During the speeches, then led the Long Xiaoxiao mother to leave here. 说话间,便带着龙晓晓母亲离开了此处。 Until arrives at Chu Feng to think after safe place, stops. 直到来到一个楚枫认为安全的地方之后,才停下来。 Little Friend Chu Feng.” 楚枫小友。” The Long Xiaoxiao mother just wants to express gratitude. 龙晓晓母亲刚想道谢。 Chu Feng then takes out a thing from cosmos sack, later together form, then from grazes. 楚枫便从乾坤袋内取出一物,随后一道身影,便自其中飞掠而出。 Sees this person, the Long Xiaoxiao mother's eyes were instantaneously moist, because of this person, precisely Long Xiaoxiao. 看到这个人,龙晓晓母亲的双眼瞬间便湿润了,因为此人,正是龙晓晓 But Long Xiaoxiao sees her mother, safe and uneventful, is understands that Chu Feng succeeded. 龙晓晓看到她的母亲,安然无事,也是明白楚枫成功了。 Mother!!!” “母亲!!!” Xiaoxiao!!!” 晓晓!!!” The mother and daughter meet, supports to sob. 母女相见,相拥而泣。 These days, had too many not good matters on them, once made them feel desperate. 这段时间,在她们身上发生了太多不好的事,一度让她们感到绝望。 Person but who to them, their mother and daughter also each other most care about. 可是对于她们而言,她们母女也是彼此最在乎的人。 So long as they each other safely, these not happy matter, did not seem worth mentioning. 只要她们彼此安然,那些不愉快的事,似乎也都不值一提了。 After short sob, Long Xiaoxiao also account, all informed the Long Xiaoxiao mother. 短暂的哭泣之后,龙晓晓也是将事情经过,全都告知了龙晓晓母亲。 Little Friend Chu Feng, really does not know how must thank you.” 楚枫小友,真是不知要如何谢你。” The Long Xiaoxiao mother, cried saying that to Chu Feng this words, then must kneel down. 龙晓晓母亲,哭着对楚枫说完此话,便要跪下。 But Chu Feng has forecast, kneels down in it instantaneous, then supported by the arm it. 楚枫早就预测到了,在其下跪瞬间,便将其搀扶住了。 senior, your how this, to my junior also said that anything thanked.” 前辈,您怎么这样呢,对我一个小辈还道什么谢。” I and Xiaoxiao relations, this should be, I believe that if were I encountered difficulty, Xiaoxiao also met such as me to be the same.” “我与晓晓的关系,这都是应该的,我相信,如果是我遇难,晓晓也一定会如我一般。” The words to here, Chu Feng look to Long Xiaoxiao, asked: Right?” 话到此处,楚枫看向龙晓晓,问道:“对吧?” But Long Xiaoxiao, actually arrogant raised the small face. 龙晓晓,却高傲的扬起了小脸。 That is uncertain, I am not silly like you.” “那可不一定,我可不像你那么傻。” She such remarks, Chu Feng and Xiaoxiao mother, could not bear smiled lightly. 她此话一出,楚枫晓晓母亲,都是忍不住淡淡的笑了一下。 They know, if real Chu Feng encountered difficulty, how Long Xiaoxiao will do. 他们都知道,如果真的楚枫遇难,龙晓晓会如何去做。 Xiaoxiao, senior, do you then have what plan?” 晓晓,前辈,你们接下来有何打算?” Chu Feng asked to the Long Xiaoxiao mother and daughter. 楚枫龙晓晓母女问道。 Has the plan, is follows you, which you go, I go.” “有打算啊,就是跟着你,你去哪,我就去哪。” Chu Feng, I know that you want to make anything, gave up any idea of that throws off me.” 楚枫,我知道你想做什么,休想甩掉我。” Long Xiaoxiao is casting aside the small mouth, eyeful firmness. 龙晓晓撇着小嘴,满眼的坚定。 Xiaoxiao, the following matter, actually had nothing to do with you.” 晓晓,接下来的事,其实与你无关了。” Is I and Shengguang Clan grudge.” “是我与圣光一族恩怨。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 I know, but my doesn't Long Xiaoxiao, have grudge with Shengguang Clan?” “我知道,但是我龙晓晓,与圣光一族就没有恩怨吗?” Chu Feng, I, although cannot help, but I want to look at you to defeat Shengguang Clan with own eyes.” 楚枫,我虽然帮不上忙,可我想亲眼看你击败圣光一族。” You do not go either, but if goes, please lead certainly me.” Long Xiaoxiao said. “你要么不去,但是如果去,请一定带着我。”龙晓晓说道。 Good good, really does not have the means with you.” “好吧好吧,真是拿你没办法。” Chu Feng had actually also guessed correctly, Long Xiaoxiao will not leave him at this time. 楚枫其实也早就猜到,龙晓晓不会在这个时候离开他。 That Chu Feng, do you have what plan?” “那楚枫,你有何打算?” Long Xiaoxiao asked. 龙晓晓问道。 Has to plan, but I must taking this opportunity, challenge Shengguang Clan, but must look at it.” “已经有打算了,不过我到底要不要借着这次机会,来挑战圣光一族,还要看它。” During Chu Feng speeches, that cultivation secret Zhenqu. 楚枫说话间,将那座修炼秘阵取了出来。 This cultivation secret array appearance, is the swan palace after reduction. 修炼秘阵的模样,就是缩小后的天鹅宫殿。 Chu Feng looks at its vision, actually filled with the anticipation. 只是楚枫看它的目光,却是充满了期待。
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