MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4859: forbidden land cultivation

It seems like, we must change the destination.” “看来,我们要改变目的地了。” Was seeing with own eyes goes to Sea of Flowers Ordinary Realm to be hopeless, Chu Feng then the Ancient Teleportation Formation goal, changed the Shengguang Clan territory. 眼见着前往花海凡界已是没戏,楚枫便将远古传送阵的目标,改到了圣光一族的领地。 Can save my mother directly?” “是要直接去救我母亲吗?” Long Xiaoxiao has guessed correctly the Chu Feng's idea. 龙晓晓已经猜到了楚枫的想法。 But in her eye has several points of worried look. 可是她的眼中却有着几分忧色。 Shengguang Clan, eventually is Shengguang Clan, even if she knows that present Chu Feng is very strong, may go to Shengguang Clan directly, she thought Chu Feng is very risky. 圣光一族,终究是圣光一族,就算她知道现在的楚枫很强,可直接前往圣光一族,她还是觉得楚枫很冒险。 But she is very clear, Chu Feng was not necessary to take this risk. 而她很清楚,楚枫原本可以不必冒此风险的。 First saves your mother, then pondered how to cope is Shengguang Clan.” “先将你母亲救出来,再去思考怎么对付是圣光一族。” You felt relieved that in my present method, I even if now is unable to defeat Shengguang Xuanye, will not be held by Shengguang Clan.” “你放心吧,以我现在的手段,我现在就算无法击败圣光悬夜,也不会被圣光一族抓住。” So long as that Shengguang Yunyue has not deceived me, I can certainly save your mother.” “只要那圣光云月没有骗我,我就一定能将你母亲救出来。” So long as however saves your mother, our goals were also achieved.” “而只要将你母亲救出来,我们的目的也就达到了。” As for coping with Shengguang Clan, later has is the opportunities.” “至于对付圣光一族,以后有都是机会。” Chu Feng detected worry of Long Xiaoxiao, therefore told that to it own idea, Chu Feng will not take risk. 楚枫察觉到了龙晓晓的担忧,于是对其讲述起自己的想法,楚枫并不会冒险。 Chu Feng, I owed you is too many, really does not know how should repay you.” Long Xiaoxiao very ashamed saying. 楚枫,我欠你太多了,真不知该怎么报答你。”龙晓晓很是惭愧的说道。 Fool, your I am a good friend.” “傻瓜,你我可是好朋友。” You, I thought happily was worth.” “你开心一点,我就觉得值得了。” Chu Feng touches the head of Long Xiaoxiao with a smile. 楚枫笑着摸了摸龙晓晓的脑袋。 He may not want to let Long Xiaoxiao, to he has too many have a deficit the feeling. 他可并不希望让龙晓晓,对他有太多的亏欠感。 But is traced by Chu Feng like this, Long Xiaoxiao is the small face one red, unexpectedly anything could not say. 而被楚枫这样摸了摸,龙晓晓则是小脸一红,竟什么都说不出来了。 Finally nods, said one. 最终只是点了点头,说了一句。 Un!” “嗯!” Afterward, Chu Feng then brings Long Xiaoxiao, went to the Shengguang Clan territory. 随后,楚枫便带着龙晓晓,前往了圣光一族的领地。 Originally Chu Feng, wants Long Xiaoxiao, to lay aside in the safe place, oneself, thorough Shengguang Clan. 本来楚枫,是想将龙晓晓,放置在安全地方,自己独自一人,深入圣光一族的。 Does to Long Xiaoxiao to follow, Chu Feng also can only lead the Long Xiaoxiao peer. 奈何龙晓晓非要跟随,楚枫也只能带着龙晓晓同行。 Just, Chu Feng has not let Long Xiaoxiao , to continue frank and upright following in him behind, but Long Xiaoxiao, hid on the body. 只不过,楚枫也并没有让龙晓晓,继续光明正大的跟在他身后,而是将龙晓晓,藏在了身上。 If asked to the person besides Shengguang Clan, in Saint Light Galaxy, where most made forbidden land that one was panic at the news is. 如果对除了圣光一族之外的人问,圣光天河内,最令人闻风丧胆的禁地是哪里。 Then most people will reply, is the Shengguang Clan territory. 那么大多数人都会回答,是圣光一族的领地。 But in fact, defense of Shengguang Clan, does not have Chu Feng to imagine is so strict. 可实际上,圣光一族的守备,并没有楚枫想象中的那么严密。 Even is very lax. 甚至还很松懈。 The reason for this is that from self-confidence. 之所以如此,想必来自于自信。 After all no one, dares to cause trouble in the Shengguang Clan territory. 毕竟没有人,敢在圣光一族的领地闹事。 But such lax defense, making Chu Feng very relaxed, submerged the Shengguang Clan deep place. 而这样松懈的守备,让楚枫很是轻松的,就潜入到了圣光一族深处。 And arrived, that is detaining in front of Long Xiaoxiao mother's forbidden land. 且来到了,那关押着龙晓晓母亲的禁地面前。 That is a formation gate that is situated in the summit of mountain peak, so long as passes through, can enter in that forbidden land. 那是一座立于山峰之巅的结界门,只要穿过去,就可以进入那座禁地之中。 Looks at that formation gate, in the Chu Feng heart is also becoming doubtful. 只是望着那座结界门,楚枫心中也是犯嘀咕。 He is not clear, in the formation gate waits for him to be anything. 他还并不清楚,结界门内等待着他的会是什么。 If only that Supreme Elder says but actually. 若只是那位太上长老倒还是好说。 But if Shengguang Xuanye , oneself can but actually big mildew? 但若是圣光悬夜,也在其中的话,那自己岂不是要倒大霉? Therefore Chu Feng, has to display Spirit Formation technique, will first hide, this steps into that formation front door. 于是楚枫,不得不施展结界之术,先将自己隐藏起来,这才踏入那结界大门。 May just enter that formation front door, Chu Feng is shocked. 可刚刚进入那结界大门,楚枫就愣住了。 Across the formation gate, appears in the Chu Feng view, is the vast sky-blue lake. 穿过结界门,浮现在楚枫眼帘的,乃是一望无际的蔚蓝色湖泊。 The most center of lake, then constructed an only beautiful palace. 湖泊的最中心,则是建造了一座唯美的宫殿。 That palace white, the modeling also is very over the body unique, resembling is the swan is ordinary. 那宫殿通体白色,造型也很独特,似是天鹅一般。 Especially maps in the glassy surface general lake surface, like a giant white swan, is situated above the lake surface, is seemingly tall and pleasing to the eye. 尤其在如镜面一般的湖面上映射而出,如同一只巨大的白天鹅,坐落于湖面之上,看上去美轮美奂。 However compares in that palace, the Chu Feng's vision, actually many falling in that lake water. 不过相比于那宫殿,楚枫的目光,却更多的落在了那湖水之中。 Looks at that lake water, in the Chu Feng eye, has the exciting color to emerge. 看着那湖水,楚枫眼中,更是有兴奋之色涌现。 This entire lake, is not the common water, but is one special cultivation resources, can enhance perception that cultivation resources. 这整座湖泊,都不是寻常的水,而是一种特殊修炼资源,是可以提高悟性那种修炼资源。 And in the lake also has formation technique, formation technique strength, the place of collection, precisely that palace. 且湖内还有阵法,阵法的力量,所汇集之处,正是那座宫殿。 Originally, this is here, becomes the forbidden land reason?” “原来,这才是这里,成为禁地的原因吗?” Chu Feng has looked, this forbidden land, should be cultivation formation technique. 楚枫已经看出来,这座禁地,应该是一座修炼阵法 But that palace, special material quality, Chu Feng, even if using Heaven's Eyes, is unable to see through it. 只不过那宫殿,特殊材质,楚枫哪怕运用天眼,也无法将其看穿。 And, is unable to break open using the Spirit Formation method. 并且,无法运用结界阵法破开。 But, must push the door to enter. 无奈之下,只得推门而入。 The palace gate shoves open, then sees together the form, sits cross-legged in the main hall. 殿门推开,便看到一道身影,盘坐在大殿之内。 This person, precisely Long Xiaoxiao mother. 这个人,正是龙晓晓的母亲。 The Long Xiaoxiao mother, looks somewhat thinly and pale, but the body does not have the wound actually, this lets Chu Feng is hanging the heart actually, felt relieved much. 龙晓晓母亲,看着有些憔悴,但是身上倒是无伤,这倒是让楚枫悬着的心,放心了不少。 After all Shengguang Clan vicious and merciless. 毕竟圣光一族心狠手辣 Before Chu Feng, is really afraid, he found is not the Long Xiaoxiao mother, but is a corpse. 楚枫之前真的害怕,他找到的不是龙晓晓母亲,而是一具尸体。 Now sees its safely and uneventfully, naturally also felt at ease. 现在见其安然无事,自然也就安心了。 However in this only beautiful palace, only has the Long Xiaoxiao mother. 不过这座唯美的宫殿内,却也只有龙晓晓的母亲。 In addition, anything does not have, even a furniture and ornaments do not have. 除此之外,什么都没有,甚至连一件家具和摆设都是没有。 Naturally, had not discovered, that so-called Supreme Elder form. 自然而然的,也是没有发现,那所谓的太上长老的身影。 Therefore, Chu Feng releases Spirit power, wants to observe this palace by Spirit power. 于是,楚枫释放出精神力,想以精神力来观察这座宫殿。 After Spirit power covers the palace, Chu Feng has not actually felt, that collected the formation technique strength of lake water. 只是精神力覆盖宫殿之后,楚枫却也没有感受到,那汇集了湖水的阵法力量。 This indicated, this palace is somewhat special. 这说明,这座宫殿有些特殊。 Although has not felt, formation technique strength, but Chu Feng actually felt other to exist. 虽然没有感受到,阵法的力量,但楚枫却感受到了其他存在。 Therefore Chu Feng smiles, then comes directly. 于是楚枫笑了笑,便直接现身。 Chu Feng?” 楚枫?” Sees Chu Feng, the Long Xiaoxiao mother is very accidental/surprised. 看到楚枫,龙晓晓母亲十分意外。 senior, I am lead you to walk.” 前辈,我是来带您走的。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫对其说道。 After seeing Chu Feng, the Long Xiaoxiao mother, some difficult believes at first. 看到楚枫之后,龙晓晓母亲,起初有些难以置信。 When she determined, after this newcomer indeed is Chu Feng, is hurries in secret sound transmission in Chu Feng. 但是当她确定,这来者的确是楚枫之后,则是赶忙暗中传音楚枫 Chu Feng, you walk quickly, that Shengguang Clan Supreme Elder, the Saint sea is only rich, here.” 楚枫,你快走啊,那圣光一族太上长老,圣光海富,就在这里。” But Chu Feng, actually cannot hear Long Xiaoxiao mother's sound transmission in secret to be the same probably, before arriving at the Long Xiaoxiao mother body directly, then entrained her, wants to lead her to leave directly. 楚枫,却像是听不到龙晓晓母亲的暗中传音一样,径直走到龙晓晓母亲身前,便将她拽了起来,想要带她直接离开。 Long Xiaoxiao mother, but also thinks that Chu Feng really cannot hear her sound transmission in secret, must therefore say to Chu Feng directly. 龙晓晓母亲,还以为楚枫真的听不到她的暗中传音,于是只得直接对楚枫说道。 Chu Feng, you walk quickly, do not manage me.” 楚枫,你快走,不要管我。” But her voice just fell, another old sound, resounds from the direction of palace front door. 而她话音刚刚落下,另一道苍老的声音,也是从宫殿大门的方向响起。 Walks?” “走?” That is not perhaps good.” “那恐怕是不行了。” With the sound resounds at the same time, together old person form, has appeared in front of the front door. 伴随着声音响起的同时,一道老者的身影,也已经出现在了大门面前。 This person, is the Saint light sea is then rich. 此人,便是圣光海富。 Actually Chu Feng, the first time is saw that this Saint light sea is rich. 其实楚枫,是第一次见到这圣光海富。 However regarding him, Chu Feng had learned much from Shengguang Yunyue there. 但是对于他,楚枫已从圣光云月那里得知了不少。 This Saint light Pok and Shengguang Yunyue, are Fourth Rank Martial Venerable. 这圣光海福与圣光云月,都是四品武尊 If not raise Hidden Dragon Martial Sect, takes a broad view at entire Saint Light Galaxy, Fourth Rank Martial Venerable cultivation realm, is very strong. 若是不提卧龙武宗的话,放眼整个圣光天河,四品武尊修为,已是很强。 Regarding present Chu Feng, actually nothing to be afraid. 只是对于现在的楚枫而言,却是不足为惧。 Is willing to make an appearance finally?” “总算肯露面了吗?” Chu Feng looked that this Saint light sea is rich, in the eye does not have panic-stricken. 楚枫看这圣光海富,眼中没有一丝惊恐。 And that tone, looking like has expected the Saint light sea to appear richly is the same. 并且那语气,就像是早就料到圣光海富会出现一样。 What's wrong, I listen to your meaning, have you had long known the old man here?” “怎么,我听你这意思,你是早就知道老夫在这里?” The Saint light sea selected the eyebrow richly, contemptuous looks at Chu Feng. 圣光海富挑了挑眉,轻蔑的看着楚枫 I do not want to waste the argument with you.” “我不想与你浪费口舌。” You told me directly, how to open here cultivation formation technique.” “你直接告诉我,怎么开启此处的修炼阵法。” Chu Feng points at this palace to say. 楚枫指着这座宫殿说道。 Chu Feng has detected, here cultivation formation technique is not simple, Chu Feng does not want to miss. 楚枫已经察觉到,此处修炼阵法的不简单,楚枫不想错过。 Does, here cultivation formation technique, was hidden, even if Chu Feng had not discovered how to decode. 只是奈何,此处修炼阵法,被隐藏了起来,哪怕楚枫也是没有发现如何破解。 However as guards here Supreme Elder, Chu Feng felt, the Saint light sea should know richly how to open here cultivation formation technique. 但是身为驻守此处的太上长老,楚枫觉得,圣光海富应该知道如何开启这里的修炼阵法 Although just Chu Feng used Spirit power to induce, has not felt the cultivation formation technique strength, but actually felt this Saint light sea rich existence. 虽说刚刚楚枫动用精神力去感应,并未感受到修炼阵法的力量,但却感受到了这圣光海富的存在。 Therefore Chu Feng has long known him, Chu Feng comes to intentionally, is to direct him, thus pressed for an answer him, how to open here cultivation formation technique. 所以楚枫早就知道他在,楚枫是故意现身,就是要将他引出来,从而逼问他,如何开启此处的修炼阵法 Chu Feng, it seems like you do not know that who the old man is?” 楚枫,看来你并不知道老夫是谁?” The Saint light sea rich said to Chu Feng. 圣光海富对楚枫说道。 Shengguang Clan Supreme Elder, the Saint light sea is rich, at present cultivation realm, has achieved Fourth Rank Martial Venerable Realm.” 圣光一族太上长老,圣光海富,目前修为,已经是达到了四品武尊境。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 You......” “你……” But heard a Chu Feng such saying, the Saint light sea somewhat unable to feel the mind richly. 而听得楚枫这样一说,圣光海富则是有些摸不着头脑了。 He thinks, Chu Feng does not know who he is, dares is so rampant. 他本来以为,楚枫是不知道他是谁,才敢如此嚣张。 But now, Chu Feng not only says his name, but also said his cultivation realm accurately, this made him somewhat helpless. 可现在,楚枫不仅说出他的名字,还准确说出他的修为,这就让他有些不知所措。 Boy, you know that who the old man is, dares to speak with me unexpectedly like this?” “小子,你知道老夫是谁,竟然还敢这样与我说话?” The Saint light sea rich congealing sound asked. 圣光海富凝声问道。 Saint light sea is rich, I said again.” “圣光海富,我再说一遍。” How told me to open here cultivation formation technique.” “告诉我如何开启这里的修炼阵法。” Otherwise if, you may probably pay the price.” “如若不然,你可就要付出代价了。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫对其说道。 But at this time, the not to mention Saint light sea is richly surprised. 而此时,莫说圣光海富一脸吃惊。 Long Xiaoxiao mother, is surprised. 就连龙晓晓母亲,也是一脸吃惊。 How Chu Feng has the courage, said these words to the Saint light sea richly? 楚枫是怎么有勇气,对圣光海富说出这番话的? After all, this is Fourth Rank Martial Venerable. 毕竟,这可是四品武尊啊。 Hahaha......” 哈哈哈……” Interesting, you may really be interesting.” “有趣,你可真是有趣啊。” You do not know obviously, what position you now are.” “你显然是不知道,你现在是什么样一种境地。” Chu Feng, I also want to listen actually, if I did not tell you, what kind of price you wanted me to pay.” “不过楚枫,我倒是也想要听听,我若不告诉你,你是要我付出怎样的代价。” The Saint light sea looks richly again to Chu Feng, although these words are saying that but in his eye, actually emerged mean killing intent. 圣光海富再度看向楚枫,虽然这番话是笑着说的,可他的眼中,却涌现出了阴狠的杀意 As for Chu Feng, he has not talked too much, but shows a faint smile, then puts out a bottle gourd, later flings to the tread, the form was then flung together. 至于楚枫,他也没有多言,而是微微一笑,便拿出一个葫芦,随后对着地面一甩,一道身影便被甩了出来。 „Is that?” “那是?” Saw form that was flung, previously a Saint light sea of face smile was rich, then cannot smile again. 看到那被甩出来的身影,先前还一脸笑容的圣光海富,则是再也笑不出来。
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