MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4855: Evil goal

Afterward according to narration of Long Xiaoxiao, Chu Feng's guessed that was also proven. 随后根据龙晓晓的讲述,楚枫的猜测也得到了验证。 The Long Xiaoxiao mother, indeed was seized by Shengguang Clan. 龙晓晓的母亲,的确是被圣光一族抓走了。 But Long Xiaoxiao wedding, one month later conducts. 龙晓晓的婚事,将与一个月之后举办。 As for the Long Xiaoxiao mother, makes concrete is closed where? 至于龙晓晓母亲,具体被关在何处? And wedding why one month later conducts? 且婚事为何一个月之后举办? Long Xiaoxiao all does not know. 龙晓晓皆是不知晓。 Long Family Clan Head, does not know. 就连龙氏族长,也不知晓。 Doesn't matter, we do not know that this definitely knows.” “没关系,咱们不知道的,这位一定知道。” During the Chu Feng speeches, blocks formation to disassemble that. 楚枫说话间,将那封锁结界拆开。 Shengguang Yunyue is still whinning, was only compared with it previous, this time her voice is weak. 圣光云月还在哀嚎,只是比之先前,此时的她声音已是虚弱了许多。 Accurate, is the condition of her whole person, becomes extremely weak. 准确来说,是她整个人的状态,都变得极为虚弱。 She is also living, and is sober, but seems like, actually soon died probably generally. 她还活着,且清醒,只是看上去,却像是快要死了一般。 Chu Feng, you killed me, killed me.” 楚枫,你杀了我吧,杀了我吧。” Shengguang Yunyue this saying, brought the weeping voice saying that she should cry to be very long. 圣光云月这话,是带着哭腔说的,她应该哭了很久了。 Now although was still sobbing, but the tears actually could not have flowed. 如今虽仍在哭泣,可眼泪却已经流不出来了。 Her energetic defense line nearly had been routed by Chu Feng, does not have the previous arrogance. 她精神防线已经被楚枫近乎击溃,早就没了先前的高傲。 Present she only strives for dying. 现在的她只求一死。 However, because Chu Feng on her, the reason of fudging, she wants to commit suicide does not have the opportunity, therefore hopes that Chu Feng killed her. 不过,因为楚枫在她身上,动了手脚的原因,她想自杀都没机会,所以才希望楚枫杀了她。 „To die, is not good, you asked me.” “想死,不是不行,你求我啊。” Chu Feng narrows the eye to look at this Shengguang Yunyue. 楚枫眯着眼睛看着这位圣光云月 Looks at this, in the Chu Feng heart also feels carefree dripping. 看着这位,楚枫心中也是感到畅快淋漓。 Wants initially, Shengguang Yunyue to keep aloof, looks at Chu Feng, looks like looks at the ants. 想当初,圣光云月高高在上,看着楚枫,就像是看着蝼蚁。 And, she really wants to remove Chu Feng, but was actually avoided a tribulation by Chu Feng. 并且,她是真的想除掉楚枫,只是却被楚枫躲过一劫。 Nowadays, two people look at each other again, the status had actually changed. 现如今,二人再度对视,身份却已经发生了转变。 The fish meat on plywood also has, but actually no longer is Chu Feng, but is this Shengguang Clan great person. 粘板上的鱼肉还有,但却已经不再是楚枫,而是这位圣光一族的大人物。 Asked you, asking you to kill me.” “求你了,求你杀了我吧。” Regarding the Chu Feng insulting words, Shengguang Yunyue unexpectedly not slightly hesitant, really opens the mouth to beg for mercy to Chu Feng. 对于楚枫侮辱性的话语,圣光云月竟没有丝毫犹豫,真的对楚枫开口求饶。 This time she, nearly has collapsed, does not have beforehand unyielding and rampancy, she only strove for dying, even if lost the dignity. 此时的她,已经近乎崩溃,已经没有了之前的硬气和嚣张,她只求一死,哪怕失去尊严。 This, looked Long Family Clan Head is difficult believing. 这一幕,看的龙氏族长都是难以置信。 This is keeping aloof Shengguang Yunyue. 这可是高高在上的圣光云月啊。 If not personally sees, who believes, she will fall to so the paddies? 若非亲眼所见,谁会相信,她会落到这般田地? Although Shengguang Yunyue has begged for mercy, but Chu Feng has not actually given her one to mediate, but is cold smiles. 虽然圣光云月已经求饶,可楚枫却并没有给她一个了断,而是冷然一笑。 Chu Feng puts out a black jug. 紧接着,楚枫又拿出一个黑色的坛子。 This jug, although, with previously sealed the jug of blacksnake to look like externally very much, but on this jug actually pasted completely talismans that inscribed the Spirit Formation method. 这坛子,虽然从外观上来看,与先前封着黑蛇的坛子很像,可这坛子上却贴满了刻有结界阵法的符纸 Chirp chirp chirp 叽叽叽 That jug just took, then exudes the intermittent grating cry, even if pasted completely formation talismans, but that jug was still swaying fiercely. 那坛子刚刚拿出来,便发出阵阵刺耳的叫声,哪怕贴满了结界符纸,可那坛子仍在剧烈摇晃。 If not for Chu Feng steps it with the foot, perhaps this jug, may explode. 若不是楚枫用脚将其踩住,恐怕这坛子,都有可能爆炸开来。 Only with looking, can guess correctly, in this is hiding the fearful ominous thing inevitably. 只用看的,也能猜到,这里面必然藏着可怕的凶物。 You... do you want to do?” “你…你这是要干嘛?” How Chu Feng your you... you actually want, my solemn Shengguang Clan Supreme Elder, to beg for mercy to you, I only strove for dying, aren't you willing?” 楚枫你你你…你到底想怎么样,我堂堂圣光一族太上长老,都已经向你求饶,我只求一死,你都不肯吗?” Sees that post full talismans black jug, Shengguang Yunyue is very scared, although she facial features have destroyed, may be able to feel her fear. 看到那贴满符纸的黑色坛子,圣光云月十分恐慌,虽然她早就面容已毁,可还是能感受到她的害怕。 She knows, Chu Feng puts out this thing, is used to cope her. 她知道,楚枫拿出此物,就是用来对付她的。 Told me, the Xiaoxiao mother was detained where.” “告诉我,晓晓母亲被关押在何处。” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 You want me dead, wants to ask me to betray Shengguang Clan, is impossible.” “你要我死可以,想叫我出卖圣光一族,绝不可能。” Shengguang Yunyue does not know the strength of where coming, sends out to roar to Chu Feng unexpectedly again. 圣光云月不知哪来的力气,竟再度对楚枫发出咆哮。 She wants by this, to prove her heartfelt to Shengguang Clan. 她是想以此,来证明她对圣光一族的衷心。 Pitifully, this nearly puts forth roaring of whole body strength, trades, but Chu Feng coldly smiles. 只是可惜,她这近乎使出全身力气的咆哮,换来的,只是楚枫冷冷的一笑。 Sees only Chu Feng to step the foot of black altar/jar to lift that talismans also falls. 只见楚枫将那踩住黑坛的脚抬开,那符纸也是随之掉落。 Chirp chirp chirp 叽叽叽 The next quarter, the objects of nail sizes, drilled from that black altar/jar. 下一刻,一只只指甲大小的物体,从那黑坛之内钻了出来。 Carefully looked, is scarier than that blacksnake. 仔细一看,比那黑蛇还要吓人。 That is the green spider, may actually have such as the person common head, even hair. 那是绿色的蜘蛛,可却长着如人一般的脑袋,甚至还有头发。 Is opening the mouth, green long tongues, then extended. 一个个张着嘴巴,一条条绿色的长舌头,便伸了出来。 Carefully looks, on that tongue, covered entirely the hangnail unexpectedly. 仔细一看,那舌头上,竟布满了倒刺。 Looks that is quite strange and disgusting. 看着极为怪异且恶心。 What ghost thing this... is this?” “这…这是什么鬼东西?” Sees that to grow the spider of human form head, Shengguang Yunyue is the face that frightens distorts. 看到那长着人形脑袋的蜘蛛,就连圣光云月都是吓的脸庞变了形。 Chirp chirp chirp 叽叽叽 But Chu Feng anything had not said that but the big sleeve wields, that spider looked like receives the order to be common, jumped the body of Shengguang Yunyue in abundance, started to gnaw to eat the body of Shengguang Yunyue. 楚枫却什么都没说,只是大袖一挥,那蜘蛛就像是接收到了命令一般,纷纷跳到了圣光云月的身上,开始啃食圣光云月的身体。 Does not have strength Shengguang Yunyue obviously, sent out the rending pitiful yell again. 明明已经没有力气的圣光云月,再度发出了撕心裂肺的惨叫。 I said, I said......” “我说,我说……” Stops quickly.” “快住手。” This time, Shengguang Yunyue then compromised quickly. 这一次,圣光云月很快便妥协了。 But Chu Feng hit a sound to refer, these insects, stopped to the Shengguang Yunyue gnawing food, but actually still treated on the spot. 楚枫只是打了一个响指,那些虫子,停止了对圣光云月的啃食,但却仍然待在原地。 This time, Shengguang Yunyue is actually sensible. 这一次,圣光云月倒是懂事。 Then said the place that the Long Xiaoxiao mother detained quickly. 很快便说出了龙晓晓母亲所关押的地方。 That detains the Long Xiaoxiao mother's place, is Shengguang Clan forbidden land, and there is Shengguang Clan another Supreme Elder to guard. 那关押龙晓晓母亲的地方,乃是圣光一族禁地,且有圣光一族另外一位太上长老镇守。 Regarding others, hears this news, feels inevitably desperate. 对于旁人来说,听到这个消息,必然感到绝望。 But Chu Feng, actually thinks otherwise. 可是楚枫,却不以为然。 Shengguang Clan, except for Shengguang Xuanye, feared that no one is the Chu Feng opponent. 圣光一族,除了圣光悬夜,怕已经没人是楚枫对手。 Therefore continues to ask: Why the wedding, decides one month later?” 于是继续问道:“为何将婚事,定在一个月之后?” Chu Feng calculates to live, day that Long Xiaoxiao and Shenggaung Jiahao get married, is not the lucky day and time. 楚枫算过日子,龙晓晓圣光嘉豪成婚的日子,并不是良辰吉日。 Therefore Chu Feng feels some fishy. 所以楚枫才觉得有些蹊跷。 Is... is......” “是…是……” Mentioned this matter, Shengguang Yunyue again became hesitant. 提及此事,圣光云月再度变得犹豫起来。 Wants forced me to continue?” “非要逼我继续?” In the Chu Feng eye the ruthless color is stronger, Long Family Clan Head that one side watches the fun, does not dare to face up to Chu Feng such vision. 楚枫眼中狠色更浓,就连一旁看热闹的龙氏族长,都是不敢正视楚枫这样的目光。 Although he before also knows, Chu Feng is not the good kind. 他之前虽也知道,楚枫不是善类。 But when Chu Feng really can threaten them, he truly realized, this young people fearful. 可当楚枫真的能够威胁到他们的时候,他才真正意识到,这个年轻人有多可怕。 As for Shengguang Yunyue, Chu Feng just opened the mouth, she then compromises immediately. 至于圣光云月,楚枫刚刚开口,她便立刻妥协了。 I said, I said.” “我说,我说。” Is Sir Clan Head realized, after Long Xiaoxiao will not pledge allegiance to our Shengguang Clan sincerely, then arranged secret array.” “是族长大人意识到,龙晓晓不会真心归顺我们圣光一族后,便布置了一座秘阵。” That is Sir Clan Head, in secret array who a Ancient Ruins middle school comes, that secret can refine the bloodlines, transfers the thing of cultivation.” “那是族长大人,在一座远古遗迹中学来的秘阵,那秘阵可以将血脉炼化,转为修炼之物。” Is only the request is harsh, when the specific time arrives, must start to refine immediately.” “只是要求苛刻,在特定的时间到达时,必须立刻开始炼化。” Shengguang Yunyue said. 圣光云月说道。 Such remarks, not to mention Chu Feng, the Long Family Clan Head complexion is becomes ugly/difficult to look at. 此话一出,莫说楚枫,就连龙氏族长的脸色都是变得难看起来。 But Chu Feng, is the eyeful scowls. 楚枫,更是满眼怒容。 They think, Shengguang Clan must make Long Xiaoxiao marry. 他们本来只是以为,圣光一族必须让龙晓晓嫁过去。 Has not actually thought, they planned to destroy Long Xiaoxiao unexpectedly, must Long Xiaoxiao living refine, refine to turn into the thing of cultivation. 却没想到,他们居然计划毁了龙晓晓,要将龙晓晓活生生的炼化,炼化成修炼之物。 Shengguang Clan, that is the Saint Light Galaxy ruler. 圣光一族,那可是圣光天河的统治者。 But does this act, teach what difference from the demon? 可是此举,与魔教有何区别?
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