MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4816: Failure?

After Chu Feng plunges into the abyss crack, then falls fast. 楚枫跳入深渊裂缝之后,便快速下坠。 Here had the special attraction, bound lives in Chu Feng, the Chu Feng's body was unable automatic control, can only unceasing downward crash. 这里具有特殊的引力,束缚住了楚枫,楚枫的身体已经无法自控,只能不断的向下坠落。 Although jet black piece, and own Heaven's Eyes was also restricted here, as tenesmus unceasingly, Chu Feng can feel, this abyss starts becomes more and more broad. 虽然漆黑一片,且自己的天眼在此处也是受到了限制,但是随着自己不断下坠,楚枫还是能够感受到,这深渊开始变得越来越宽阔。 This thinks, oneself will crash the situation, will stop. 本以为,自己会坠落到地步,才会停下来。 The body that but suddenly, Chu Feng falls stopped. 可突然间,楚枫下坠的身体停了下来。 Decided in the midair. 定在了半空之中。 At this moment, the Chu Feng's body also regained the freedom, although can move freely, but he cannot see clearly here real appearance as before. 这一刻,楚枫的身躯也是恢复了自由,虽然可以自由移动,可他依旧看不清这里的真实面貌。 Jet black, strange, mysterious...... 漆黑,诡异,神秘…… Buzz In Chu Feng sizes up, Chu Feng's suddenly has the ray to emerge behind. 就在楚枫打量之际,楚枫的身后突然有光芒涌现。 Chu Feng then waits and sees, unexpectedly is Zi Ling, appeared in Chu Feng's behind. 楚枫回头观望,竟是紫铃,出现在了楚枫的身后。 No, that is not Zi Ling, because it is the translucent body. 不,那不是紫铃,因为它是半透明体。 But it is not the soul body, but integrated the Zi Ling soul. 但它也不是灵魂体,只是融入了紫铃的灵魂罢了。 What is worth mentioning is, its body, but also puts on one set of armor. 值得一提的是,它的身上,还穿着一套铠甲。 That armor is very thin, and seems like, and does not seem to the healthy armor, instead is more like bound. 只是那铠甲很薄,并且看上去,并不像是对身体有益的铠甲,反而更像是一种束缚 But in this Zi Ling Illusion side, but also is setting up a wooden figurine. 而在这个紫铃幻象的旁边,还立着一个木人。 Boy, your actually courage praise worthy.” “小子,你倒是勇气可嘉。” You are the makeup mold way of behaving, really wants, for that girl challenges bravely, but must look at your following performance.” “不过你到底是妆模作样,还是真的愿意为了那个丫头勇敢挑战,还要看你接下来的表现。” That mysterious existence resounds again. 那神秘的存在再度响起。 How do I want to do?” “我要如何做?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 Places that wooden figurine chest your hand, then integrates in which your wisp of soul.” “把你的手放在那木人胸口,然后将你的一缕灵魂融入其中。” Mysterious exists to say. 神秘的存在说道。 Chu Feng knows, oneself does not have other choice, therefore can only comply. 楚枫知道,自己没有别的选择,于是只能照做。 Just placed the chest of wooden figurine the hand, then felt that the wooden figurine actually had the strength of absorbing the soul, oneself do not need to use other methods, so long as claim of ignores wooden figurine, can integrate the soul. 刚刚将手放在木人的胸口,便感觉木人竟然具有吸取自己灵魂的力量,自己无需施展其他手段,只要放任木人的索取,就可以将灵魂融入其中。 Chu Feng also somewhat worried that at this time, after all that is own soul. 楚枫此时也是有些担忧的,毕竟那是自己的灵魂啊。 Let alone Chu Feng has detected, this wooden figurine is not the common carrier. 何况楚枫已经察觉到,这木人不是寻常的载体。 Zi Ling bound, is inevitably related with this wooden figurine. 紫铃束缚,必然就与这木人有关。 However Chu Feng not indecisive, but integrates in which own soul immediately. 但是楚枫并未犹豫不决,而是立刻将自己的灵魂融入其中。 Before entering here, he knows that will have the danger, but if feared, he also not. 在进入此处之前,他就知道会有危险,但若是怕,他也就不会下来了。 Buzz When that wisp of soul, after entering wooden figurine within the body, the chest of wooden figurine not only has the Chu Feng's soul strength release, powerful formation power release. 而当那缕灵魂,进入木人体内之后,木人的胸口不仅有楚枫的灵魂力释放,还有强大的结界之力释放而出。 Under coverage of formation power, the appearance of wooden figurine is to also start to change, finally transformed the Chu Feng's appearance. 紧接着,在结界之力的覆盖下,木人的模样也是开始变化,最终幻化成了楚枫的模样。 With side Zi Ling is the same, is the translucent bodies. 就与旁边紫铃的一样,都是半透明体。 This makes Chu Feng determine, this with Illusion that Zi Ling looks like very much, before should also be only a wooden figurine, since the soul soul strength integrates, transformed the Zi Ling appearance. 这让楚枫确定,这个与紫铃很像的幻象,之前应该也只是一个木人,是在自灵魂灵魂力量融入其中后,才幻化成了紫铃的模样。 Brushes 刷啦啦 In the meantime, suddenly the armor, then wraps together baseless later, in transformed on the Chu Feng's wooden figurine. 就在此时,忽然一道铠甲凭空而下,随后便套在了幻化成楚枫的木人身上。 This feeling?” “这感觉?” Although that armor, wrapped on the body of wooden figurine, but Chu Feng actually felt, in own soul, similarly by that armor bound. 虽说那铠甲,是套在了木人的身上,但楚枫却感觉,自己的灵魂之内,也同样被那铠甲所束缚 A very not wonderful feeling, arises spontaneously. 一种很不妙的感觉,油然而生。 He... is like Zi Ling, if that exists to him to act mystically, at this time can through that armor, suffer Chu Feng. 他…已经是与紫铃一样了,若是那神秘存在想对他出手,此时就可以通过那铠甲,对楚枫进行折磨。 Chu Feng now is safe and sound, but that exists mystically has not acted. 楚枫现在还安然无恙,只是那神秘存在没有出手罢了。 Boy, really courageous.” “小子,果然有胆量。” But only the guts are insufficient, can save your woman, but must look at your skill.” “但只有胆量是不够的,能否救你的女人,还要看你的本事。” You play a game with the main body, so long as you can win, the main body not only lets off you, will let off your woman.” “你与本尊玩一个游戏,只要你能赢,本尊不仅放过你,也会放过你的女人。” You, if admits defeat, you two, but must treat here, slave who makes the main body.” “不过你若认输,那你们两个,可就都要一直待在这里,做本尊的奴隶了。” That mysterious exists to say. 那神秘的存在说道。 Buzz That finishes speaking, under Chu Feng's facilitates ray greatly hold. 那位话音刚落,楚枫的下方便光芒大盛。 Had thing to appear. 东西出现了。 That is a map, this map complex, said extremely accurately, is more like a labyrinth. 那是一张地图,这地图极其复杂,准确的说,更像是一座迷宫。 But this map is getting bigger and bigger, more and more greatly. 而这地图越来越大,越来越大。 Quick, then changed to the entity from the map. 很快,便从地图化作了实体。 That is really a labyrinth, an extremely giant and complex labyrinth. 那果然是一座迷宫,一座极为巨大且复杂的迷宫。 At first Chu Feng can also see the complete appearance, was at this time, actually can only see entrance. 起初楚枫还能看到完整的模样,可是此时,却只能够看到一个入口了。 „Should the game that senior, you said that not want me to go out of this labyrinth?” 前辈,你所说的游戏,该不会就只是要我走出这迷宫吧?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 Right, is this, do you feel very simple?” “对,就是这样,你是不是觉得很简单?” But the main body told you, this may not have simplicity that you imagined.” “但是本尊告诉你,这可没有你想象的那么简单。” You only have ten days time, if in ten days cannot walk, you will be kicked the labyrinth.” “你只有十日的时间,十日之内若走不出来,你将会被踢出迷宫。” If to that time, was equal to that you lost.” “若到了那个时候,也就等于是你输了。” Mysterious exists to say. 神秘的存在说道。 When starts?” “什么时候开始?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 Now has started.” “现在已经开始了。” Mysterious exists to say. 神秘的存在说道。 …… Chu Feng changes to together the flowing light, drilled into that labyrinth directly. 楚枫化作一道流光,直接钻入了那迷宫之中。 After entering this labyrinth, quick that Chu Feng walks at first, wants according to the memory in mind, fast finding exit|to speak. 进入这迷宫之后,楚枫起初走的很快,想要根据脑海中的记忆,快速的找到出口。 This labyrinth was too but complex, although Chu Feng at first, indeed saw the complete labyrinth map, but also remembers without enough time completely, this labyrinth had then changed to the entity. 可是这迷宫太复杂了,楚枫虽然起初,的确是看到了完整的迷宫地图,可是还来不及全部记住,这迷宫便已经化作了实体。 However Chu Feng after all is not the common person, even if only then some memories, actually can also deliberate by some memories. 不过楚枫毕竟也不是寻常人,哪怕只有部分记忆,却也可以凭借这部分记忆进行推敲。 Normal, this labyrinth, regarding Chu Feng, it can be said that the piece of cake, cannot stump him. 正常来说,这种迷宫,对于楚枫而言,可以说是小菜一碟,根本难不住他。 Over time but, Chu Feng actually discovered, this labyrinth is not very indeed simple. 可是随着时间流逝,楚枫却发现,这迷宫的确很不简单。 Time in an instant, had passed by five days time. 一转眼的功夫,就已经过去了五日时间。 Five days time, the Chu Feng's footsteps have never stopped. 五日时间,楚枫的脚步从未停下过。 But he is actually not able to go out of this labyrinth. 可他却根本无法走出这座迷宫。 „It is not right, this is not right.” “不对,这样不对。” Chu Feng stopped finally, he starts to ponder calmly. 楚枫终于停下了,他开始冷静思考起来。 Although five days time, if following on the 5 th, but such blind walking, Chu Feng knows that he must defeat without doubt. 虽说还有五日的时间,可是若接下来的五日,只是这样盲目的走,楚枫知道他必败无疑。 Chu Feng starts carefully to observe, observes the wall of this labyrinth. 楚枫开始仔细观察,观察这迷宫的墙壁。 Chu Feng had actually discovered, the wall of labyrinth, separates First Rank from, will present some duplicated designs. 楚枫其实早就发现,迷宫的墙壁,隔一段距离,就会出现一些重复性的图案。 Although the duplication is very high, but roughly, has 18 designs. 虽然重复性很高,但是大体来说,却有着十八种图案。 That design is seemingly simple, perhaps but contains some clues. 那图案看似简单,但其中也许就蕴藏着一些线索。 After a Chu Feng observation, Chu Feng discovered, this design is not very indeed simple. 经过楚枫一番观察,楚枫发现,这图案的确很不简单。 Pitifully, the secret in this design, cannot help Chu Feng leave this labyrinth. 只是可惜,这图案中的秘密,并不能帮助楚枫离开这座迷宫。 The following time, Chu Feng will not naturally give up. 接下来的时间,楚枫自然也不会放弃。 However in a flash, was five days time passes. 但是转瞬之间,又是五日的时间过去了。 In addition on the 5 th of beforehand waste, a total of ten days time has arrived. 加上之前浪费的五日,总共十日时间已到。 This surrounds the Chu Feng's labyrinth to change to Mist to dissipate to go. 这困住楚枫的迷宫化作气焰消散而去。 But Chu Feng, stands when unexpectedly, at first has not stepped into the labyrinth position that stands. 楚枫,竟就站在,起初尚未踏入迷宫之时所站立的位置。 Hehe, the boy, you are also mediocre.” “嘿嘿,小子,你也不过如此。” Is a foolhardy generation.” “是个有勇无谋之辈。” Now, you and your girlfriend, were the main body slaves.” “现在,你与你的女友,都是本尊的奴隶了。” That mysterious existence, makes the sound of taunt. 那神秘的存在,发出嘲讽的声音。 senior, can I challenge again?” 前辈,我可以再挑战吗?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 Sure, but will challenge next time, after must be ten days .” “当然可以,但是下次挑战,必须是十日之后。” Labyrinth this, so long as you can decode, can make you go out.” “迷宫还是这一座,只要你能够破解,就可以让你出去。” That girl, but has decoded repeatedly, cannot succeed.” “不过那个丫头,可已经破解多次,都未能成功。” The words come here, that existed to exude the self-satisfied laughter mystically. 话到这里,那神秘存在发出了得意的笑声。 Looked like recognizes, the Chu Feng also failure will be inevitably same. 就像是认准了,楚枫必然也会失败一样。 Is laughable smiling, that had sound actually actually to change mystically. 可笑着笑着,那神秘存在却的声音却发生了变化。 Boy, do you want to do?” “小子,你是要干嘛?” Exists mystically to Chu Feng sends out the interrogation. 神秘存在对楚枫发出质问。 Because of Chu Feng, not only arrived at that to transform by the Zi Ling wooden figurine, but also put out a hand, took off that wooden figurine armor. 因为楚枫,不仅走到了那幻化成紫铃的木人旁边,还伸出手,去脱下了那木人身上的铠甲。 PS: Little Brother, May First International Labor Day is joyful, although challenged 200,000 not to complete last month, but the honeybee will continue to challenge this month, moreover today starting from, the honeybee will strive to have update every day, strives to be an unceasingly good child. PS:兄弟们,五一劳动节快乐,虽然上个月挑战20万没有完成,但是这个月蜜蜂会继续挑战,而且今天开始,蜜蜂会争取每日都有更新,争取做个不断更的好孩子。
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