MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4814: Father's method

By the ability of teacher Sir.” “以师尊大人的本领。” He, if trains you, extreme smooth that you can grow, does not need such pain.” “他若要培养你,你本可以成长的极为顺利,不必吃这样的苦。” After all even my such talent, the teacher Sirs can make me have today the achievement, let alone is Elder Brother Chu Feng you?” “毕竟连我这样的天赋,师尊大人都能让我有今日成就,更何况是楚枫哥哥你呢?” Zi Ling this time these words, all are in secret sound transmission. 紫铃此时的这番话,皆是暗中传音 But Chu Feng knows, the teacher Sir in Zi Ling mouth, inevitably is not Hidden Dragon Martial Sect Sect Master, but is... his father, Chu Xuanyuan. 楚枫知道,紫铃口中的师尊大人,必然不是卧龙武宗宗主,而是…他的父亲,楚轩辕 My father, has his consideration.” “我父亲,有他的考虑。” However I believe, his consideration is right.” “而我相信,他的考虑是对的。” Chu Feng light saying with a smile. 楚枫淡淡的笑道。 He does not blame his father. 他并不怪他的父亲。 When young is innocent, had once thought that the parents live him not to raise, many hatred. 年少之时不懂事,也曾想过,父母生他而不养,多少有些憎恨。 But since sees his father, knows after his father's bitter experience, Chu Feng then does not have a hatred, instead only wants to want the justice for his father. 可自从见到其父亲,知道其父亲的遭遇之后,楚枫便没有一丝憎恨,反而只想替其父亲讨回公道。 As for afterward, Chu Feng felt, the parents have the kindness of difficult return its birth, itself should not request from the parents too. 至于后来,楚枫则是觉得,父母将其生育已有难以回报之恩惠,本身就不该向父母索取太多。 Lives is, must the graciousness of feedback parents, rather than demand constantly. 生而为人,应当回馈父母之恩,而非一味索取。 Let alone, Chu Feng also knows, his father does not keep training him in him, but makes he himself grow, has the consideration of his father. 更何况,楚枫也知道,他父亲不将他留在身边培养于他,而是让他自己成长,也是有他父亲的考虑的。 Right Zi Ling, you may know, my father he is what cultivation realm?” “对了紫铃,你可知道,我父亲他是何修为?” Chu Feng curious asking. 楚枫好奇的问道。 Actually he understanding of own father, possibly might as well Zi Ling. 其实他对自己父亲的了解,可能还不如紫铃 After all Chu Feng sees his father's time is too short, but Zi Ling is actually follows his father cultivation the a period of time person. 毕竟楚枫见他父亲的时间太短,可是紫铃却是跟随他父亲修炼一段时间的人。 But Chu Feng regarding own father, is very curious. 楚枫对于自己的父亲,一直是十分好奇的。 I do not know concrete cultivation realm of teacher.” “我也不知道师尊的具体修为。” But the teacher gives my feeling, is an omnipotent person.” “但师尊给我的感觉,是一个无所不能的人。” If not must say, I have never seen, like he like that powerful person.” “若非要说的话,我从未见过,像他那般强大的人。” I once saw with own eyes, he destroys a world.” “我曾亲眼见到,他毁灭一个世界。” The Zi Ling words to here, in the eye have unexpectedly wipe the fear. 紫铃话到此处,眼中竟有着一抹恐惧。 Destroys a world, which world destroyed?” “毁灭一个世界,毁灭了哪个世界?” How to destroy?” “是如何毁灭的?” But Chu Feng, is excited. 楚枫,却兴奋起来。 to destroy the heavens and exterminate the lands, has described a cultivator powerful glossary. 毁天灭地,一直是形容一个修武者强大的词汇。 But Chu Feng also never true has seen, can destroy the powerhouse in the world. 楚枫还从未真正的见过,一个能够毁灭世界的强者。 But now looks like, his father, seems such a powerhouse. 而现在看来,他的父亲,似乎就是那样一个强者。 Teacher and ape senior, may be separated from the world, between the whereabouts and Vast Starry Sky, in that Vast Starry Sky, waits and sees from the distant place, many world, changed to stars.” “师尊与猿前辈,可脱离世界,行踪与浩瀚星空之间,在那浩瀚星空中,自远处观望,诸多世界,都化作了一颗颗星辰。” At that time, teacher in a lifeless world, discovered anything, therefore he waves, Martial Power condenses, changes to a great sword.” “当时,师尊似是在一座无生命的世界中,发现了什么,于是他挥手之间,武力凝聚,化作一把巨剑。” At that moment, the trim starry sky was lightened, is that Martial Power great sword the gives out ray.” “那一刻,整片星空都被点亮,是那武力巨剑所散发的光芒。” All happen is too quick, when I reflect, then the Martial Power great sword, pierces the world, cut two halves that world, later turned into the smashing.” “一切发生的太快,当我反映过来的时候,那把武力巨剑,已是刺穿世界,将那世界斩成了两半,随后化成了粉碎。” Zi Ling said. 紫铃说道。 Then, my father he, but during raising hand, then released, wanted the giant Martial Power great sword compared with a side world?” “这么说来,我父亲他,只是举手之间,便释放出了,比一方世界还要巨大的武力巨剑?” Chu Feng is very shocking. 楚枫十分震惊。 That world is far from us, in my line of sight, that is only big spheroid stars.” “那世界距离我们较远,在我视线之内,那只是一颗较大的球体星辰。” However the teacher actually stands in void has not moved.” “而师尊却站在虚空之间未曾移动。” If not must say, the volume of that Martial Power great sword, must be several times of that side world.” “若非要说的话,那把武力巨剑的体积,应当是那方世界的数倍之多。” Zi Ling said. 紫铃说道。 Several times?” “数倍之多?” Father, unexpectedly as strong as that situation?” “父亲,竟已强到那种地步吗?” The Chu Feng innermost feelings shock, only felt that own scalp tingles with numbness. 楚枫内心十分震撼,只感觉自己的头皮都发麻起来。 Even a small world, then to Chu Feng, may not the place of destruction, but the father, then releases that and other strengths. 就算是再小的一个世界,那对楚枫而言,也是不可毁灭之地,可父亲举手投足间,便释放出那等力量。 If such world is connected in the same place, saying that his father strikes, can destroy many world? 若是那样的世界相连在一起,岂不是说,其父亲一击,就可毁灭多个世界? If in the world has the life to exist, feared how is dead doesn't know? 若世界之内有生灵存在,怕是连自己怎么死的都不知道吧? This shock disappears, what Chu Feng displaces is the endless excitement. 这种震惊转瞬即逝,楚枫取而代之的乃是无尽的兴奋。 The parents because of the children, are often outstanding and proud. 父母常因子女,优秀而骄傲。 But the children will also be naturally powerful and be proud by the parents. 可子女自然也会以父母强大而自豪。 That, what my father discovered afterward, destroyed that world?” “那后来呢,我父亲到底发现了什么,才毁了那个世界?” Chu Feng asked like this, is he thought... his father strength is even strong, will not make this matter at will. 楚枫之所以这样问,是他觉得…他父亲就算实力再强,也不会随意做出这种事。 His father, has his reason inevitably. 他父亲,必然是有着他的理由的。 Originally in that world has demon, that demon hides the World deep place, swallows the life strength, is that demon... causes in that side world not to have the life to exist.” “原来那世界之内有着一魔物,那魔物藏于世界深处,吞噬生灵力量,是那魔物…才导致那方世界内没有生灵存在的。” Did not have the life, but is the life in that world, was swallowed by that demon.” “不是原本就没有生灵,而是那世界内的生灵,都被那魔物所吞噬。” That demon is very strong, the teacher that strikes, although destroyed that side world, but that demon had not actually died, but wants to run away.” “那魔物很强,师尊那一击,虽毁了那方世界,可那魔物却并未死去,而是想要逃走。” Zi Ling said. 紫铃说道。 Then it did run away?” “那它逃了吗?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 No, teacher very easily subdued it.” “没有,师尊很轻易的将它收服了。” That demon is very big, on small are less than that world, may under the method of teacher, then change quickly, only then the thing of palm size.” “那魔物很大,并没有比那世界小上太多,可在师尊的手段之下,很快便化作了只有掌心大小之物。” Because it falls into the teacher hand.” “因它落入师尊手中。” I the short distance had once looked, although changes to the palm size, but is very fearful, its look, making me not dare to look straight ahead......” “我曾近距离看过,虽然只是化作掌心大小,可还是十分可怕,它的眼神,令我不敢直视……” The words to here, in the Zi Ling eye the fear are thicker. 话到此处,紫铃眼中恐惧更浓。 At that time was really frightened by that demon, still has a lingering fear. 想必,当时是真的被那魔物吓到了,至今仍心有余悸。 However is also normal, that is can slaughter demon of side world all lives, inevitably is extremely fearful existence. 不过也正常,那可是能屠杀一方世界所有生灵的魔物,必然是极为可怕的存在。 not to mention is Zi Ling, perhaps is he saw, will fear? 莫说紫铃,恐怕是他看到,也会恐惧吧? How afterward to handle that demon?” “后来如何处置那魔物了?” Chu Feng curious asking. 楚枫好奇的问道。 Was eaten by ape senior.” “被猿前辈吃了。” Zi Ling said. 紫铃说道。 Ate?” “吃了?” „Did such eat directly?” “就那样直接吃了?” Chu Feng is also the surprise. 楚枫也是十分诧异。 Yes, moreover ape senior eats with great interest.” “是,而且猿前辈吃的津津有味。” And added that if can a little dip the material, was better.” “并且还说,若是能有点蘸料,就更好了。” Zi Ling said. 紫铃说道。 This......” “这……” Chu Feng understands at this time, not only originally own father powerful to being above imagination. 楚枫此时明白,原来不仅自己的父亲强大到超乎想象。 That Senior Old Ape, as if is also a fearful monster. 那位老猿猴前辈,似乎也是一个可怕的怪物。 At least, wants fearful many compared with that demon. 至少,比那个魔物要可怕的多。 Therefore Elder Brother Chu Feng, you know why I said that you don't need to suffer hardships?” “所以楚枫哥哥,你知道我为何说,你本不必受苦了吧?” Actually I have also asked the teacher Sir, he had said that he believes you can overcome the dangers and difficulties, like initial him, actually also relies on itself, grew step by step.” “其实我也问过师尊大人,他说过他相信你能克服艰难险阻,就像当初的他一样,其实也是凭借自己,一步步成长起来的。” Because of unmanned asylum, he is clear, only depends on own advantage and shortcoming.” “正因无人庇护,他才清楚,只凭自己的利与弊。” That drawback, far will naturally then exceed others facing the danger, then exercises the disposition as for the advantage end, strengthens the will, cultivation realm is stable.” “那弊端,自然便是面对危险将远超他人,至于利端便是锻炼心性,增强意志,修为稳固。” Teacher has said, only has the foundation to be stable, high that the road of martial cultivation this direct access to the highest authorities, can construct.” “师尊一直说,唯有根基稳固,修武这条通天之路,才能修建的更高。” But..., if your mother knows, the teacher he can protect you obviously, but actually ignores you, no matter, loves dearly about you inevitably very much.” “但是…若是你母亲知道,师尊他明明可以保护你,可却偏偏放任你不管,对你必然很是心疼。” „If you, in the future like this will treat our children, no matter you have what reason, perhaps my difficult is not angry.” “如果是你,日后这样对待我们的孩子,不管你有何理由,我恐怕都难以不去生气。” Zi Ling said. 紫铃说道。 Our children? That is inferior to the present, how do we have a child?” “我们的孩子?那不如现在,我们生个孩子怎么样?” During the Chu Feng speeches, had reached Zi Ling the evil hand. 楚枫说话间,已是将罪恶的手伸向了紫铃 Elder Brother Chu Feng is not good, here... some people look.” 楚枫哥哥不行,这里…有人看着呢。” Zi Ling is actually very terrified saying. 紫铃却是十分惶恐的说道。
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