MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4793: Present opportunity

Zouqiu Youyu, you think that others are the fools?” 左丘幽雨,你以为旁人是傻子吗?” You dare to strike a vicious blow to us, my grandfather and my grandfather they, will not let off you absolutely.” “你敢对我们下毒手,我爷爷和我外公他们,绝对不会放过你们。” Xia Yan detected that the symptom is not right, compels to have no other choice , can only lift own grandfather and grandfather frightens Zouqiu Youyu. 夏妍察觉苗头不对,逼不得已,也只能抬出自己的爷爷和外公来吓唬左丘幽雨 Zouqiu Youyu has not spoken, but before arrived at the Xia Yan body, later he lifts a hand fist, hit the Xia Yan abdomen unexpectedly directly. 左丘幽雨没有说话,而是走到了夏妍身前,随后他抬手一拳,竟直接击中了夏妍的腹部。 This fist gets down, the Xia Yan big mouth blood spouts directly, the whole person is the body one soft, plop knelt on the ground. 这一拳下去,夏妍大口鲜血直接喷出,整个人更是身子一软,噗通一声跪在了地上。 But Zouqiu Youyu has not called a halt, pulled out to hold the hair of Xia Yan unexpectedly, will kneel in ground Xia Yan gives to raise forcefully. 左丘幽雨并未停手,竟一拔抓住了夏妍的头发,将跪在地上的夏妍硬生生给提了起来。 A Xia Yan face is angry, was that fist was too just sore, the sore her body is shivering, sore she cannot speak, can only look at Zouqiu Youyu that cold face. 夏妍一脸愤怒,可是刚刚那一拳太疼了,疼的她身躯都在颤抖,疼的她已是说不出话来,只能看着左丘幽雨那张冷冽的脸孔。 But is this cold face, makes this time her be also afraid. 可就是这张冷冽的脸孔,却让此时的她也是心生恐惧。 „Do you use your grandfather and grandfather threaten me?” “你用你爷爷和外公来威胁我?” We bet one time, having a look at me to kill you, your grandfather and grandfather whether to do to me.” “那咱们就赌一次,看看我杀了你,你爷爷和外公能否奈何于我。” The words, the Zouqiu Youyu unexpectedly big sleeve wields, holds the hair of Xia Yan, its head falling ruthlessly on the ground. 话罢,左丘幽雨竟大袖一挥,抓住夏妍的头发,将其脑袋狠狠的摔在了地上。 Saw that Zouqiu Youyu treats Xia Yan like this, a Zuoqiu Yanliang not sympathy, instead the self-satisfied smile, feels ten decomposition air/Qi wear a look. 看到左丘幽雨这样对待夏妍,左丘颜良没有一丝同情,反而面带得意微笑,感觉十分解气。 Until now, has scruples the Xia Yan status as well as her talent, their Little Brother two people, quite exercise forbearance to Xia Yan. 一直以来,顾忌夏妍的身份以及她的天赋,他们兄弟二人,对夏妍都是颇为忍让。 But in fact, not to mention Zouqiu Youyu, he to Xia Yan also already accumulated grievances for a long time. 但实际上,莫说左丘幽雨,就连他对夏妍也早就积怨已久。 This time is rare, we go separate ways.” “此次机会难得,我们就此分道扬镳。” If can find that Chu Feng, removes directly is.” “若是能够找到那楚枫,直接除掉便是。” After having tidied up Xia Yan, Zouqiu Youyu said to Zuoqiu Yanliang. 收拾过夏妍后,左丘幽雨左丘颜良说道。 If before the conclusion, isn't able to find Chu Feng?” “若是结束之前,还是无法找到楚枫呢?” When Zuoqiu Yanliang speech looked at Xia Yan they. 左丘颜良说话时看了一眼夏妍她们。 His implication, could not find Chu Feng, Xia Yan they how, when to process. 他的言外之意,就是找不到楚枫,夏妍他们当如何处理。 „Haven't I meant?” “我不是说过了?” Elder Brother, should you at heart not endure?” “哥,你该不会于心不忍吧?” Zouqiu Youyu said. 左丘幽雨说道。 How can at heart not endure, I feared processes them, puts to trouble to the grandfather.” “怎么会于心不忍,我只是怕处理掉他们,给爷爷添麻烦。” Zuoqiu Yanliang said. 左丘颜良说道。 You made a mistake, we are not giving the grandfather to put to trouble, but is helping the grandfather solve troublesome.” “你错了,咱们不是在给爷爷添麻烦,而是在帮爷爷解决麻烦。” Zouqiu Youyu this words saying, then jumps, but left here. 左丘幽雨此话说完,便纵身而起离开了此处。 Although Zouqiu Youyu left, because ties up the Xia Yan and others rope, is the special treasure, therefore Xia Yan does not have the strength of resistance as before. 虽然左丘幽雨离开了,可是因为捆绑夏妍等人的绳索,乃是特殊的宝物,所以夏妍依旧毫无反抗之力。 Sees only Zuoqiu Yanliang to take out cosmos sack, then Xia Yan and others total revenue. 只见左丘颜良取出一个乾坤袋,便将夏妍等人全部收入其中。 After receiving them, Zuoqiu Yanliang also goes to another direction line. 收起他们之后,左丘颜良也是向另外一个方向行去。 He... must look for his opportunity. 他…也要去寻找他的机遇。 ...... …… Meanwhile, in this Yin-Yang Withered Well World another place, Chu Feng is hiding the figure, fast is leading the way. 与此同时,在这阴阳枯井界的另外一地,楚枫正隐藏身形,快速的前行着。 Chu Feng not only displayed Thunder Mark as well as Lightning Armour. 楚枫不仅施展出了雷纹以及雷霆铠甲 Four looks like the Divine Body strength also to display. 更是将四象神体的力量也施展而出。 Almost is displaying hurries along full power. 几乎在施展全力进行赶路。 Chu Feng, are we where, go back to look for Xia Yan they?” 楚枫,我们是在去哪里,是回去找夏妍他们吗?” Yu Sha asked. 羽纱问道。 No, cannot go back.” “不,不能回去。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 But, you were not attacked, if not go back, Xia Yan they can have the danger?” “可是,你不是遭到了袭击,若不回去,夏妍他们会不会也有危险?” Yu Sha asked to Chu Feng. 羽纱楚枫问道。 They should not have the danger.” “他们应该不会有危险。” Let alone, I now am not Zuoqiu Yanliang and Zouqiu Youyu opponent.” “更何况,我现在不是左丘颜良左丘幽雨的对手。” I , if not go back, they possibly do not have the danger, but I, if goes back, they will instead possibly have the danger.” “我若不回去,他们可能没有危险,但我若回去,他们反而可能会有危险。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 „Are you such definite Zouqiu Youyu they make a move to you?” “你这么确定是左丘幽雨他们对你出手的?” Yu Sha asked. 羽纱问道。 Inevitably is the hand that Zouqiu Youyu has.” “必然是那左丘幽雨出的手。” Chu Feng determined. 楚枫十分确定。 How that... did you just escape?” “那…你刚刚是如何逃脱的?” I have not actually understood.” “我其实没有看懂。” Although Yu Sha continuously side Chu Feng, she who but how just Chu Feng escaped from does not know, she felt the danger. 羽纱虽然一直在楚枫身旁,可是刚刚楚枫如何逃脱的她也不知道,她只是感受到了危险。 Afterward Chu Feng then leaves the place that was just, like experiencing the Teleportation Formation method, when Yu Sha reflects, is another place. 随后楚枫便离开了刚刚所在的地方,如同经历了传送阵法,当羽纱反映过来的时候,已经是另外一个地方。 Chu Feng without delay, then fast hurrying along. 紧接着,楚枫二话不说,便快速的赶路。 And he does not have the least bit to hesitate, very establishes own goal. 并且他没有半点迟疑,十分确定自己的目标。 Our Mist are all representing an opportunity.” “我们身上的气焰皆是代表着一个机遇。” But this opportunity whether to realize, must look at the luck, said simply, even if really found the place, still completed the test, is not necessarily able to benefit.” “但这机遇能否实现,也是要看运气的,简单的说,就算真的找到了地方,也完成了考验,也未必就能得到好处。” Naturally, Mist is thicker, obtains the opportunity the opportunity to be bigger, for example I and Zouqiu Youyu, both of us have the enormous possibility, gains the advantage from this opportunity.” “当然,气焰越浓,获得机遇的机会越大,就比如我和左丘幽雨,我们二人是有极大可能,从这机遇中获得好处的。” But in fact, all Mist of our these people, can put together another more complete map.” “但实际上,我们这些人身上的所有气焰,是能够拼成另外一个更为完整的地图的。” „The end point of this map, has an opportunity to wait for us, wants through the test, here is can absolutely the advantage.” “这个地图的终点,也有着一个机遇等着我们,并且只要通过考验,在这里是绝对能够得到好处的。” In fact, when I from these Mist, piece together this complete map, benefits.” “事实上,当我从那些气焰之中,拼凑出这完整的地图时,就已经得到好处了。” Just, Zouqiu Youyu sneak attacked in me in secret, I can escape, was I that benefitted from that Mist.” “刚刚,左丘幽雨暗中偷袭于我,我能够逃脱,便是我从那气焰之中得到的好处。” That is a maintaining life opportunity, but only one time.” “那是一次保命的机会,但只有一次。” I have not thought, I just obtained to waste.” “我也没有想到,我刚刚得到就浪费掉了。” But it guaranteed my life eventually.” “但是它终究是保了我一命。” If not for that opportunity, I have possibly encountered the Zouqiu Youyu violent treachery.” “若不是那机会,我可能已经遭到了左丘幽雨的毒手。” The Chu Feng words to here, in the eye are also emerge to wipe the anger. 楚枫话到此处,眼中也是涌现出一抹怒意。 Zouqiu Youyu not happened together with him, but this makes a move to want his life, this enmity Chu Feng must report. 左丘幽雨与他并无交集,可这一出手就想要他性命,这个仇楚枫必然要报。 Unexpectedly is this.” “竟是这样。” Knew that Chu Feng also can only maintain life one time, and has used a that only opportunity, Yu Sha does not dare to urge Chu Feng to go back to look for Xia Yan again they. 得知楚枫也只能保命一次,并且已经用过那唯一的一次机会,羽纱也不敢再劝楚枫回去找夏妍她们。 She does not hope, Chu Feng encounters the mishap. 她可不希望,楚枫遭遇不测。 That we defer to now, you complete map that pieces together from Mist hurries along?” Yu Sha asked. “那现在我们是按照,你从气焰中拼凑出的完整地图赶路吗?”羽纱问道。 It is 正是。 I must completely obtain there advantage.” “我必须尽得到那里的好处。” This is I at present, can retaliate Zouqiu Youyu and Zuoqiu Yanliang opportunity only.” “这是我眼下,唯一能报复左丘幽雨左丘颜良的机会。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 That advantage can make your child here also obtain, the strength of similar prison king?” “那好处能让你子这里也得到,类似狱王的力量?” Yu Sha curious asking. 羽纱好奇的问道。 No, I did not determine that there has what advantage.” “不,我不确定那里有什么好处。” „What I can determine, if the advantage of this complete map were obtained by me.” “但我能够确定的是,若是这完整地图的好处被我得到。” „The map that then others obtain, will become completely useless.” “那么其他人所得到的地图,将全部失效。” Zuoqiu Yanliang and Zouqiu Youyu, will lose completely obtain the opportunity possibility.” 左丘颜良左丘幽雨,将彻底丧失得到机遇的可能。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Such?” “这样的吗?” Hears this words, Yu Sha is also very happy, but is quick she also to ask: That Xia Yan they?” 听到此话,羽纱也是十分高兴,可是很快她又问道:“那夏妍她们呢?” I can only look for the opportunity in the future, compensated them again.” “我只能日后找寻机会,再补偿她们了。” But in any event, cannot let Zouqiu Youyu and Zuoqiu Yanliang they benefits.” Chu Feng said. “但无论如何,都不能让左丘幽雨左丘颜良他们得到好处。”楚枫说道。
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