MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4760: Dying and being reborn

Chu Feng from the Blackwater six fingers of deep pools, enters Ominous Beast Prison World, not only also triggered the slaughter in legend to extinguish the baptism...... 楚枫从黑水六指潭,进入凶兽狱界,不仅还引发了传说中的屠灭洗礼…… Opened, even the person of Hidden Dragon Martial Sect, has never seen, has never listened to Hidden Dragon imaginary palace. 更是开启了,连卧龙武宗之人,都从未见过,也从未听过的卧龙幻宫。 Under Chu Feng's leads, Li Muzhi and other choices and slaughters extinguish the person of baptism resistance, all obtained, may enter the Hidden Dragon imaginary palace cultivation opportunity. 楚枫的带领下,李牧之等选择与屠灭洗礼抗争之人,皆是获得了,可进入卧龙幻宫修炼的机会。 However, these have not gone to prevent, person who the slaughter extinguishes the baptism, even if still placed in Ominous Beast Prison World, but in behind matter of regarding Ominous Beast Prison World, is not clear. 不过,那些没有前去阻止,屠灭洗礼的人,哪怕仍身处于凶兽狱界之内,但是对于凶兽狱界内后面发生的事,也是不清楚的。 They are only the bewildered discoveries, by Ominous Beast Prison World that the black hurricane swallows, changed to white sacred places. 他们只是莫名其妙的发现,被黑色飓风吞噬的凶兽狱界,化作了白茫茫一片的神圣之地。 Regarding this change, they are very puzzled, even also some people suspected, they had died, entered the hell in legend. 对于这种变化,他们十分不解,甚至还有人怀疑,他们已经死了,进入了传说中的地狱。 Naturally, if there is a brave person, seeks to the Ominous Beast Prison World central area, can see statue that the prison king changes , can also see entrance of Hidden Dragon imaginary palace. 当然,若是有胆大之人,向凶兽狱界的中心区域寻去,也是能够看到狱王化作的雕像,也能够看到卧龙幻宫的入口 They are unable to go, because they do not have the qualifications. 只是,他们无法进去,因为他们没有资格。 This is not the Chu Feng behavior, but is in Ominous Beast Prison World originally some rules, opens a founder supposes. 这不是楚枫所为,而是凶兽狱界内原本就有的规则,是开宗祖师的所设。 ...... …… The time passes, Ominous Beast Prison World has arrived at the hunting had finished the time. 时间流逝,凶兽狱界已经到了狩猎结束的时候。 But that close formation gate, has not actually opened. 可是那封闭的结界门,却并未打开。 Moreover, in the past the Ominous Beast Prison World hunting, would disciple meeting the ominous beast that difficult dealt with, through the teleportation symbol, teleportation came back. 不仅如此,往年凶兽狱界狩猎,总会有弟子遇到难以应对的凶兽,通过传送符,传送回来。 But this time, disciple, has not run away unexpectedly. 可是这一次,竟一个弟子,都没有逃出来。 This not normal situation, brought to the attention of Hidden Dragon Martial Sect. 这样不正常的情况,也是引起了卧龙武宗的注意。 But at the same time, another, the place of cultivation by opening a founder is arranged, the Blackwater six fingers of deep pools also to the time that is going to finish. 而与此同时,另外一处,由开宗祖师布置的修炼之地,黑水六指潭也是到了将要结束的时间。 Numerous position disciple, have crawled from Blackwater Tannei, not only cleans cleanly, took off the first love Daoist robe, is about to leave. 众位弟子,已是从黑水潭内爬出来,不仅清洗干净,也是脱下了初恋道袍,纷纷准备离开。 Follows the crowd the disciple expression, actually some people of happiness, some people worry. 只是从众位弟子的表情来看,却是有人高兴,有人忧。 The happy person, naturally is quenchings smoothly, now has been able to feel this Hidden Dragon Martial Sect, the person of extremely strong world energy. 高兴之人,自然是淬炼顺利,如今已是能够感受到这卧龙武宗,极强天地能量之人。 In the future the road of cultivation, light. 日后修炼之路,一片光明。 However not the happy person, may not only quenchings the person of failure, for example Tu Yuanyuan...... 不过不高兴的人,可不仅仅是淬炼失败的人,比如兔缘缘…… She has quenchinged successfully, reason that is depressed , because of the death of Chu Feng. 她已淬炼成功,之所以沮丧,乃是因为楚枫之死。 Numerous position disciple, regardless of quenchings result, will thank here Sir Protector. 众位弟子,无论淬炼成功与否,都会感谢此处的护法大人。 But Tu Yuanyuan, she has not actually known, by her base and low status, should not offend Sir Protector. 兔缘缘却并没有,她也知道,以她卑微的身份,不该得罪护法大人。 But wants present her, flatters Sir Protector, she really cannot achieve. 可是要现在的她,去讨好护法大人,她实在做不到。 Because she had concluded, the death of Chu Feng, precisely this Sir Protector behavior. 因为她已断定,楚枫之死,正是这位护法大人所为。 Rumble- 咕噜噜- But suddenly, that seventh puddle, water spray surges. 可突然之间,那第七座水潭,水浪翻腾。 This lets originally people who are about to leave, cast the vision. 这让原本准备离开的人们,都是将目光投了过去。 „Can Sir Protector, why like this?” 护法大人,为何会这样?” When puzzled, some people solve to that Sir Protector. 不解之余,有人向那位护法大人求解。 But they do not know, this Sir Protector, does not know, why will have this situation. 可他们不知道的是,就连这位护法大人,也不知晓,为何会出现这种情况。 Crash-bang- 哗啦啦- Suddenly, Blackwater that odor smokes the day shoots up to the sky unexpectedly. 忽然,那恶臭熏天的黑水竟冲天而起。 However follows that Blackwater to come, together form. 不过伴随那黑水而来的,还有一道身影。 Sees this person, everyone is heavy that frightens, but only has Tu Yuanyuan, actually jumped happily, directly soars the opposite party to go. 看到此人,所有人都是吓的不轻,但唯有兔缘缘,却高兴的跳了起来,直奔对方而去。 And jumped into the opposite party arms directly. 并且直接扑入了对方怀里。 Although the opposite party, the body covered entirely dirty Blackwater, but Tu Yuanyuan is clean, but she actually does not shut out the opposite party. 虽然对方,身上布满了脏兮兮的黑水,而兔缘缘早已干干净净,可她却一点也不嫌弃对方。 Because of other, only therefore the person is not Chu Feng. 不因别的,只因此人乃是楚枫 Oh, Junior Sister Tu, please be dignified.” “唉唉唉,兔师妹,请自重啊。” Even if I again outstanding, under big crowd of people, cannot so occupy me to be cheap.” “就算我长得再出众,大庭广众之下,也不能如此占我便宜呀。” Although Tu Yuanyuan does not shut out Chu Feng, but Chu Feng actually shuts out shoves open Tu Yuanyuan. 兔缘缘虽不嫌弃楚枫,可楚枫却嫌弃的将兔缘缘推开。 Naturally Chu Feng shoves open with a smile, on the scene, if said that some people really care about themselves, that inevitably was Tu Yuanyuan is not. 当然楚枫是笑着推开的,在场之中,若说有人真的关心自己,那必然是兔缘缘莫属了。 Chu Feng, are you also living unexpectedly?” 楚枫,你居然还活着?” The careful observation, discovered after this person seriously is Chu Feng, then some disciple blurted out. 仔细观察,发现这人当真是楚枫后,便有弟子脱口而出。 What's wrong, my Chu Feng is also living, disappointing you?” “怎么,我楚枫还活着,让你们失望了吗?” The words, Chu Feng looks to Sir Protector: Sir Protector, should you not be disappointed? After all my Chu Feng, is disciple that you show loving concern?” 话罢,楚枫看向护法大人:“护法大人,您该不会失望吧?毕竟我楚枫,也是您关爱的弟子啊?” Chu Feng this saying, is satirizing this Sir Protector. 楚枫这话,是在讽刺这位护法大人。 After all in previously, Sir Protector, once injures itself, while said is being the words that Chu Feng considers, despicable, shameless. 毕竟在先前,那护法大人,曾一边加害自己,一边说着为楚枫着想的话,卑鄙至极,无耻至极。 Chu Feng, can live is being the good deed.” 楚枫,能活着回来便是好事。” Your quenching Daoist robe?” “你的淬炼道袍呢?” Quenchinged to finish, must quenching the Daoist robe delivers.” “淬炼结束,应当将淬炼道袍上交。” Sir Protector said. 护法大人说道。 Sir Protector, is not disciple does not hand over, but was the disciple quenching Daoist robe could not find.” 护法大人,不是弟子不交,而是弟子的淬炼道袍找不到了。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Couldn't find?” “找不到了?” „Won't that Daoist robe on you, how you be able to find?” “那道袍就在你身上,你怎会找不到?” Sir Protector asked. 护法大人问道。 Sir Protector, this really not strange disciple.” 护法大人,这真不怪弟子。” „The matter that disciple experiences, the solid bad risk, can save the life is good, really could not attend to the Daoist robe.” 弟子所经历的事情,实在凶险,能保住性命已是不错,真是顾不得道袍了。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Chu Feng Senior Brother, what did you experience?” 楚枫师兄,你都经历了什么啊?” Chu Feng finishes speaking, Tu Yuanyuan rushes to closely examine. 楚枫话音刚落,兔缘缘赶忙追问起来。 Can see from her look, she is not curious, but cared. 从她的眼神可以看出,她并非好奇,而是关心。 Said you possibly do not believe.” “说了你们可能不信。” I entered Ominous Beast Prison World.” “我进入了凶兽狱界。” Chu Feng said. 楚枫说道。 Ominous Beast Prison World?” 凶兽狱界?” Hears these four characters, the people had shown the difficult believing expression. 听到这四个字,众人已是露出了难以置信的表情。 When people are still analyzing, whether this possibility exists, Chu Feng actually opens the mouth again. 就当人们还在分析,这种可能性是否存在的时候,楚枫却再度开口。 „After entering Ominous Beast Prison World, I then opened the slaughter to extinguish the baptism.” “进入凶兽狱界后,我便开启了屠灭洗礼。” Has not thought, the slaughter extinguishes baptism hidden destiny, I opened the Hidden Dragon imaginary palace.” “不曾想,屠灭洗礼暗藏机缘,我又开启了卧龙幻宫。” Enters the Hidden Dragon imaginary palace, must accept the test.” “进入卧龙幻宫,也要接受考验。” In brief... is surrounded by perils, was good passed because of all, therefore everyone did not need to be worried about me.” “总之…险象环生,好在一切都过去了,所以诸位不用担心我。” Chu Feng grinning saying. 楚枫笑嘻嘻的说道。 Chu Feng these words, listened numerous position disciple is dumbfounded. 楚枫这番话,听的众位弟子一愣一愣的。 Ominous Beast Prison World is anything, their not everyone knows. 凶兽狱界是什么,他们都并非所有人都知晓。 Extinguishes the baptism as for the slaughter, they are basically do not know. 至于屠灭洗礼,他们更是基本都不知晓。 But that Hidden Dragon imaginary palace, Sir Protector have not even listened, do not hear them. 而那卧龙幻宫,连护法大人都没听过,就别听说他们了。 „Does utter nonsense, which have a disciple appearance?” “一派胡言,哪还有一个弟子的样子?” Chu Feng, you slandered the old man strategic point before you, the old men can not haggle over with you.” 楚枫,你之前污蔑老夫要害你,老夫都可以不与你计较。” But you from now henceforth, must pay great attention to your words and deeds, Hidden Dragon Martial Sect is a place that spoke the custom, your, highly improper?” “但是你从今以后,一定要注重你的言行,卧龙武宗是一个讲规矩的地方,你这样子,成何体统?” Sir Protector, dignified is reproving Chu Feng. 护法大人,凝重的训斥着楚枫 At first, he really some suspected, starts to be worried. 起初,他真有一些怀疑,也开始担心。 Protector as here, how he can not hear, about the Blackwater six fingers of deep pools, connects the Ominous Beast Prison World hearsay? 身为此处的护法,他岂会没有听闻,关于黑水六指潭,连接凶兽狱界的传闻? If Chu Feng, really from the Blackwater six fingers of deep pools, entered Ominous Beast Prison World, that explained that Chu Feng made one extremely the resulting in matter. 倘若楚枫,真的从黑水六指潭,进入了凶兽狱界,那说明楚枫做出了一件极为了得的事。 That to him, is a bad news. 那对于他而言,可是一个糟糕的消息。 However, when he hears the Chu Feng following words, he then concluded that Chu Feng is lying. 不过,当他听到楚枫后面的话,他便断定楚枫是在说谎。 He is very clear, the slaughter extinguishes the baptism should not by disciple to open, but is the rule in Ominous Beast Prison World, but now... has not arrived at the slaughter to extinguish the day that the baptism opens. 他很清楚,屠灭洗礼不是应该由弟子开启的,而是凶兽狱界内的规律,而现在…还并没到屠灭洗礼开启的日子。 As for what nonsense Hidden Dragon imaginary palace, he is listens not to listen. 至于什么狗屁卧龙幻宫,他更是听都没听过。 In Hidden Dragon Martial Sect, has no record. 卧龙武宗内,对此都没有任何记载。 Therefore he concluded, Chu Feng said is talks nonsense, simultaneously the anxiety in heart, vanished into thin air. 因此他断定,楚枫所言乃是胡扯,同时心中的忧虑,也是烟消云散。 Even if Chu Feng has not died, but Chu Feng cannot break Sir Dugu Lingtian to record. 就算楚枫没死,但楚枫未能打破独孤凌天大人记录。 On that to the gambling, Chu Feng defeated eventually. 就那场对赌而言,楚枫终究还是败了。 But Sir Protector said such words, other disciple naturally do not believe. 护法大人都说了这样的话,其他弟子自然也都不信。 At once, numerous position disciple discuss spiritedly, although has not stated clearly, coming out that but also looks, they talked in secret, has not spoken the Chu Feng anything word of praise. 一时之间,众位弟子议论纷纷,虽然没有明说,但也看的出来,他们暗中交谈,没说楚枫什么好话。 However Chu Feng, is actually indifferent of face. 但是楚枫,却是一脸的无所谓。 I said that said you possibly do not believe.” “我都说了,说了你们可能不信。” Has not related, the time will witness all.” “不过没关系,时间会见证一切。” The words to here, Chu Feng look to Sir Protector: Including the good person, is an unprincipled person. ” 话到此处,楚枫看向护法大人:包括好人,还是坏人。” Such remarks, the complexion of Sir Protector obviously becomes disgruntled. 此话一出,护法大人的脸色明显变得不悦。 He is very clear, Chu Feng these words come to him. 他很清楚,楚枫这句话是冲他来的。 But that wipes disgruntledly, actually flashes to pass, quick was then wiped the smile to replace. 但那抹不悦,却一闪而逝,很快便被一抹笑容取代。 That is infiltrating the self-confident smile. 那是渗透着自信的笑容。 Although the Chu Feng talent different reported that but in this powerful, and Sir Protector who some back people support in eye, Chu Feng is unpromising, cannot pose the threat. 虽然楚枫天赋异禀,但在这位位高权重,且背后有人撑腰的护法大人眼中,楚枫根本不成气候,更是构不成威胁。 However what he does not know, this time Chu Feng, already the person who walks from the Hidden Dragon imaginary palace. 但是他不知道的是,此时的楚枫,已是从卧龙幻宫内走出来的人。 He broke open the illusion, then also benefitted. 他既破开了幻境,便也得到了好处。 Although was submerged by the seventh Blackwater deep pool from Chu Feng, the past time was not long. 虽然距离楚枫被第七座黑水潭淹没,过去的时间并不长。 But present Chu Feng, is actually not initial Chu Feng. 可如今的楚枫,却已不是当初的楚枫
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