MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4729: Assassination

Chu Feng, congratulated.” 楚枫,恭喜了。” Sir Protector said to Chu Feng with a smile. 护法大人笑着对楚枫说道。 many thanks Sir Protector.” 多谢护法大人。” Chu Feng is also rushes to walk up, serves with a ritual to this Sir Protector. 楚枫也是赶忙走上前去,对这位护法大人施以一礼。 Before Chu Feng cultivation realm had not restored, if not for this Sir Protector acted, he possibly really must suffer a loss on Xia Ran. 之前楚枫修为没有恢复,若不是这位护法大人出手,他可能真的要在夏染手上吃亏了。 …… But, Sir Protector actually put out a test stone in the meantime, lost in the Chu Feng under foot. 可就在此时,那护法大人却拿出了一块测试石,丢在了楚枫脚下。 Sir Protector, is your?” 护法大人,您这是?” Chu Feng somewhat looks at Sir Protector puzzled. 楚枫有些不解的看着护法大人。 Since can break the record of Sir Dugu Lingtian, having the Divine rank talent is not unusual.” “既然能够打破独孤凌天大人的记录,拥有神级天赋也不稀奇。” „The test stone of old man, absolutely does not have any issue.” “老夫的这块测试石,绝对没有任何问题。” You test again, if can be successful, the old man will explain to you.” “你再测试一下,若是能够成功,老夫会给你一个交待。” Sir Protector said. 护法大人说道。 many thanks Sir Protector is disciple takes responsibility.” 多谢护法大人为弟子做主。” Chu Feng does not hesitate, immediately treads. 楚枫也不犹豫,立刻踏了上去。 In a while, that astonishing phenomenon then self-test endolithic release. 没过多久,那惊人的异象便自测试石内释放而出。 This time, everyone on the scene, can witness. 这一次,在场的所有人,都得以见证。 Real Divine rank talent, this phenomenon, was too attractive?” “真的神级天赋啊,这异象,也太好看了吧?” Although had guessed, Chu Feng can trigger the Divine rank talent, but personally sees, people still praised to the heavens. 尽管早就猜测,楚枫能够触发神级天赋,可亲眼所见,人们仍是叹为观止。 Forge test stone, slandered same side Junior Brother.” “伪造测试石,诋毁同门师弟。” Xia Ran, do this matter you treat as what explanation?” 夏染,此事你当作何解释?” Sir Protector looks to Xia Ran. 护法大人看向夏染 Sir, I... I do not know, I do not know what's the matter.” “大人,我…我不知道,我不知道是怎么回事。” Xia Ran rushes to argue. 夏染赶忙辩解。 Also dares to quibble.” “还敢狡辩。” The Protector people sleeve flings, presented a token from his hand, on the token, carves one to punish the character. 护法大人大袖一甩,自其手中出现了一道令牌,令牌上面,刻写着一个罚字。 The punishing character on that token maps the ray, the formation gate then appears together. 那令牌上的罚字映射出光芒,一道结界门便浮现而出。 That formation gate is transparent, can see the situation in formation gate. 结界门乃是透明的,能够看到结界门内的情况。 That is a blood red mountain valley, inside is completely the fearful monster, wails intermittently, is ordinary just like the hell. 那是一个血红的山谷,里面尽是可怕的怪物,哀嚎阵阵,宛如地狱一般。 Tianfeng hell?” “天峰地狱?” Sees that formation gate, many people are an eye of reveal are panic-stricken, goes to back down in abundance. 看到那结界门,许多人都是目露惊恐,纷纷向后退去。 Sir Protector, disciple knew mistakenly, disciple knew wrong.” 护法大人,弟子知错了,弟子知错了。” But that Xia Ran is rushes to kneel on the ground, begs for mercy to Sir Protector. 而那夏染更是赶忙跪在地上,向护法大人求饶。 It can be said that frightened scared shitless. 可以说,已被吓的屁滚尿流。 disciple Xia Ran, in the despicable method, slandered the same side.” 弟子夏染,以卑鄙手段,诋毁同门。” This matter happened in other places, no matter old man, but happening in snowy Tianfeng, the old man cannot sit by and do nothing absolutely.” “此事发生在其他地方,老夫不管,但发生在雪域天峰,老夫绝对不能坐视不理。” Today, punishes you to arrive at the Tianfeng hell, a to train double-hour.” “今日,就罚你到天峰地狱,历练一个时辰。” The words, that formation gate then releases a suction, directly attracted Xia Ran. 话罢,那结界门便释放出一股吸力,直接将夏染吸了进去。 Sees this one, the people frighten looks flustered, anxious swallows the saliva. 见此一幕,众人吓的面露慌张,紧张的直吞口水。 Where that Tianfeng hell is, they have hearing early, once disciple, sent by Sir Protector. 那天峰地狱是什么地方,他们早有耳闻,曾有一个弟子,被护法大人送入其中。 to train two double-hour, came out descendants to be insane again. 只是历练了两个时辰,再出来之后人就疯了。 Also some people, go in three double-hour, came out almost to become the disabled person again. 还有人,进去三个时辰,再出来已经几乎成了残废。 Although Xia Ran, is only a to train double-hour, but after this double-hour, the Xia Ran fate also inevitably is extremely miserable. 虽说夏染,只是历练一个时辰,但这一个时辰之后,夏染的下场也必然是极惨的。 Sir Protector rarely this. 护法大人很少这样做。 His today's actions, people are very not difficult relate him and Chu Feng together. 他今日的所作所为,人们很难不把他与楚枫联系到一起。 Therefore, not only Chu Feng breaks the matter that Sir Dugu Lingtian recorded, starts the crazy proliferation. 于是,不仅楚枫打破了独孤凌天大人记录的事情,开始疯狂的扩散。 Another hearsay, that is Protector of this guard snowy land Tianfeng, Sir Zhao Yushu...... also favors Chu Feng extremely. 还有另外一个传闻,那就是这位看守雪域天峰的护法,赵玉书大人……也是极为看好楚枫 Even also some people of hearsay, said that is this Sir Protector, wants to receive Chu Feng is disciple. 甚至还有人传闻,说是这位护法大人,想收楚枫弟子 Naturally this was rumored that Sir Protector, after disciplinary punishment Xia Ran, then Chu Feng and others, all drove away from snowy Tianfeng. 当然这都是谣传,那位护法大人,惩戒过夏染之后,便将楚枫等人,全部从雪域天峰内驱赶了出去。 Later has not seen Chu Feng again. 之后也再也没有见过楚枫了。 As for Chu Feng, then returned to own mansion rest early. 至于楚枫,则是早早的回到了自己的府邸休息。 Breaks Sir Dugu Lingtian to record this matter, is the stir. 打破独孤凌天大人记录这件事,乃是轰动的。 After spreading, four courtyards is discussing this matter. 传开之后,四院都在讨论此事。 However must say the influence, that affects in a big way, is actually the Southern Bird Courtyard person. 但是要说影响,那影响最大的,却是南雀院的人。 At this time the curtain of night has arrived...... 此时夜幕早已降临…… In Southern Bird Courtyard, in a broad palace, five old person accumulations in this. 南雀院内,一座恢宏的宫殿内,五位老者聚集于此。 They are Southern Bird Courtyard Elder, and position is not low. 他们都是南雀院长老,并且地位还都不低。 Besides these five old person, a junior, that is Xia Ran. 除了这五位老者之外,还有一位小辈,那便是夏染 Xia Ran the skin turns purple at this time, resembles is poisoned. 夏染此时皮肤发紫,似是中了毒。 From top to bottom, has the shocking wound, looking like eaten the food to be excessively same by ferocious beast, even the arm lost one. 浑身上下,更是有着触目惊心的伤口,就像是被猛兽啃食过一样,连胳膊都丢了一只。 That appearance, very miserable. 那个模样,非常之惨。 He has fainted, was lying down on the ground. 他已经昏死过去了,正躺在地上。 But four Elder, therapy for him. 而其中四位长老,正在为他疗伤。 Really is useless, but is the Tianfeng hell, the old man went in the past three double-hour, does not have the matter, how did a double-hour, turn into this appearance?” “真是没用,不过是天峰地狱而已,老夫当年进去三个时辰,都没有事,怎么一个时辰,就变成这个样子了?” In the main hall, does not only have to be yellow sends old person that Xia Ran therapy, very disgruntled saying. 大殿之内,唯一没有为夏染疗伤的黄发老者,很是不悦的说道。 Sir Tuoba, your talent different reported that even if also excelled all other competitors in the past.” 拓跋大人,您天赋异禀,哪怕当年也是技压群雄。” Xia Ran, is not certainly able to compare with you.” 夏染,当然无法与您比。” These Elder, although is Xia Ran therapy, but has not forgotten to praise this Elder Touba. 那些长老,虽然在为夏染疗伤,可还不忘记夸赞这位拓跋长老 This person, named Tuoba Jianshu. 此人,名为拓跋建树 Is one of the Southern Bird Courtyard management elder, is the Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse, the strength is extremely strong. 乃是南雀院当家长老之一,乃武尊境的强者,实力极强。 Useless thing.” “没用的东西。” Tuoba Jianshu, is very angry at this time, still a face uncomfortable looks at Xia Ran. 拓跋建树,此时很是愤怒,仍一脸不爽的看着夏染 Sir Tuoba, that Zhao Yushu, had discovered the test stone is false, he can investigate rigorously?” 拓跋大人,那赵玉书,已经发现测试石是假的了,他会不会严查啊?” If by some chance......” “万一……” Several other Elder, somewhat anxious asking. 另外几位长老,有些紧张的问道。 Because of that test stone, is the hands and feet that they move. 因为那块测试石,乃是他们动的手脚。 After is they fudge, delegating Xia Ran to create obstacles for Chu Feng's. 是他们动了手脚之后,委派夏染去刁难楚枫的 Because is they do, Chu Feng the meeting is unable to discover the clue. 正因为是他们做的,楚枫才会无法发现端倪。 Therefore they feared, if really investigates rigorously, they are also difficult to escape a tribulation. 所以他们怕,若是真的严查起来,他们也是难逃一劫。 „, Zhao Yushu will not rarely mind others'business, since he disciplinary punishment Xia Ran, has actually been warning us, but will not really act to us.” “不会的,赵玉书很少多管闲事,他既然已经惩戒了夏染,其实就是在警告我们,但不会真的对我们出手。” Tuoba Jianshu said. 拓跋建树说道。 Sir Tuoba, after us, can only ignores that Chu Feng growth?” 拓跋大人,那我们以后,只能放任那楚枫成长了?” If really has Divine rank talent it is worth mentioning.” “若是真的只是拥有神级天赋倒也罢了。” this child so heaven defying, even the record of Sir Dugu Lingtian broke unexpectedly.” 此子竟然如此逆天,连独孤凌天大人的记录都打破了。” We, helplessly looks, was the record of Sir Dugu Lingtian, broken by this Chu Feng?” “难道我们,就眼睁睁的看着,独孤凌天大人的记录,都被这楚枫打破吗?” If so, my Southern Bird Courtyard in the future, is not really able to base in Hidden Dragon Martial Sect.” “若真是那样,那我南雀院日后,就真的无法在卧龙武宗立足了。” Saying that other four Elder, are worried about very much. 其他四位长老,很是担心的说道。 You do not need to worry, I have the plan.” “你们不用担心,我已经有打算了。” Tuoba Jianshu said. 拓跋建树说道。 In the meantime, the palace gate opens, Elder ran. 就在此时,殿门开启,又有一位长老跑了进来。 Sir Tuoba.” 拓跋大人。” I inquired, Sir Zhao Yushu in snowy Tianfeng, has not gone to Northern Profound Courtyard to protect Chu Feng in secret.” “我打探好了,赵玉书大人还在雪域天峰内,并没有去北玄院暗中保护楚枫。” Sir Tuoba, if needed, subordinate this goes to Northern Profound Courtyard, killed that Chu Feng.” 拓跋大人,若是需要,属下这就去北玄院,将那楚枫杀了。” Just came in this Elder to report. 刚刚进来这位长老禀告道。 But hears this words, several other look at one mutually. 而听闻此话,其他几位互看一眼。 They as if knew the plan of Tuoba Jianshu. 他们似乎知道拓跋建树的计划了。 That is for a penny and for a pound, eradicates Chu Feng directly. 那就是一不做二不休,直接将楚枫铲除。 Words that you go, is not safe.” “你去的话,并不稳妥。” „The old man goes personally, so long as Zhao Yushu does not meddle, Northern Profound Courtyard no one keeps off is occupied by me.” “还是老夫亲自去吧,只要赵玉书不插手,北玄院没人挡的住我。” Tuoba Jianshu said. 拓跋建树说道。 „Was Sir Tuoba, by doing so, too dangerous?” 拓跋大人,这样做,是不是太危险了一些?” If passes on...... my Southern Bird Courtyard reputation or insurance.” “若是传出去……我南雀院的名声将要不保啊。” On the scene has two Elder to urge. 在场有两位长老劝道。 I work, hadn't you felt relieved?” “我做事,难道你们还不放心?” Elder Touba looks with the cold vision to that two. 拓跋长老用冷冽的目光看向那二位。 But that two, does not dare to respond. 而那二位,也是不敢回应。 I do this, all for my Southern Bird Courtyard.” “我这样做,全是为了我南雀院。” If ignores that Chu Feng continues to grow, my Southern Bird Courtyard must become a Hidden Dragon Martial Sect weakest institute, how others think that I do not manage.” “若是放任那楚枫继续成长,我南雀院就要成为卧龙武宗最弱的一院了,其他人怎么想我不管。” But my Tuoba Jianshu, does not allow this matter to happen absolutely.” “但我拓跋建树,绝对不允许这种事情发生。” Words to here, Tuoba Jianshu eye of reveal vicious color. 话到此处,拓跋建树目露凶狠之色。 Moreover, you do not need to worry, absolutely this matter, I can do.” “另外,你们不用担心,这件事,我绝对可以做的神不知鬼不觉。” During Tuoba Jianshu speeches, put out a transparent bead. 拓跋建树说话间,又拿出了一颗透明的珠子。 Although that bead is transparent, but actually gives out extremely fierce aura. 那珠子虽是透明,可却散发着极为厉害的气息。 „Is this... invisible evades the soul bead?” “这是…无形避魂珠?” Sees this bead, other Elder that are hanging the heart fell immediately much, even on the face showed the happy expression. 看到这颗珠子,其他长老那悬着的心顿时下落了不少,甚至还有人脸上露出了笑意。 Because they know, this invisible evades the soul bead fierce. 因为他们知道,这无形避魂珠的厉害。 So long as took him, thorough that not only can hidden the body and aura, even can also pass through powerful formation. 只要服用了他,不仅能够将身躯和气息隐藏的彻彻底底,甚至还能够穿过许多强大的结界 This is one, priceless treasure. 这可是一件,价值连城的宝物。 Specifically is used to take refuge, with assassinating others. 专门用来逃脱困境,和暗杀他人的。 Tuoba Jianshu said that does then does, after night, then invisible evades the soul bead to swallow that under. 拓跋建树说做便做,等到夜深之后,便将那颗无形避魂珠吞服而下。 Under the strength of this bead, Tuoba Jianshu not only sneaks Northern Profound Courtyard smoothly, but also smoothly entered the Chu Feng's mansion. 在这珠子的力量之下,拓跋建树不仅顺利潜入北玄院,还顺利的进入了楚枫的府邸。 must know, Chu Feng is always discrete, the mansion itself/Ben does not have formation, but Chu Feng were in addition held formation. 要知道,楚枫向来谨慎,府邸本没有结界,但楚枫自己却是加持了结界的。 That formation, regarding taking invisible evaded the soul bead Tuoba Jianshu, is actually nothing affects. 只是那结界,对于服用了无形避魂珠的拓跋建树来说,却是没有任何作用。 After Tuoba Jianshu enters the mansion, just saw that sits cross-legged to sit, is in cultivation Chu Feng. 拓跋建树进入府邸之后,刚好看到盘膝而坐,正在修炼楚枫 This time Chu Feng, has not detected, some people had gone into oneself mansion. 此时的楚枫,并没有察觉到,已经有人闯入了自己的府邸。 Has not detected, has the danger to approach itself. 更是没有察觉到,已经有危险靠近自己。 But sees Chu Feng, Tuoba Jianshu without delay, lifts the hand, then wants to rumble the smashing Chu Feng. 而看到楚枫,拓跋建树二话不说,抬起手来,便想将楚枫轰成粉碎。 …… But when he is going to act, a palm, actually emerged out of thin air, pressed firmly between the fingers the wrist/skill of Tuoba Jianshu. 可就在他将要出手之际,一只手掌,却凭空出现,捏住了拓跋建树的手腕。 When its wrist/skill pressed firmly between the fingers moment, surroundings scene fluctuates, his body is also the float. 而当其手腕被捏住的一刻,周围场景一阵变幻,他的身躯也是漂浮而起。 When Tuoba Jianshu stands firm, had left the Chu Feng's mansion, arrived at Northern Profound Courtyard bleak unmanned place. 拓跋建树站稳脚跟之时,早已离开了楚枫的府邸,来到了北玄院一处荒凉的无人之地。 Who is?” “是谁?” At this moment, the Tuoba Jianshu innermost feelings in great surprise, he took obviously invisible evaded the soul bead, how to be discovered? 这一刻,拓跋建树内心大惊,他明明服用了无形避魂珠,怎么可能被人发现? The most important thing is, his surroundings no one, he does not know at this time, is who caught here him. 最重要的是,此时他的周围根本没有人,他也不知道,是谁将他抓到了这里。 Today puts your horse, dares to move Chu Feng again, wants your dog's life.” “今日放你一马,再敢动楚枫,要你狗命。” But when he is panic, floods the killing intent sound together, is actually maps in his ear. 可就在他惊慌失措之际,一道充斥杀意的声音,却是映入他的耳中。
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