MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4726: Without the qualifications

Junior Brother Chu Feng, that then offended.” 楚枫师弟,那便得罪了。” Sees has not discussed the leeway, Yang Chen and Song knowledge, releases their aura. 见没有商量余地,杨晨和宋知了,都是释放出了他们的气息。 Originally they, are Seventh Rank Supreme Venerable. 原来他们二人,都是七品至尊 This aura, with displaying Thunder Mark Chu Feng is the same. 这气息,与施展了雷纹楚枫乃是相同。 Release aura at the same time, they then also make a move. 释放出气息的同时,他们二人便同时出手。 Their strengths, may compared with Xia Ran. 他们二人的战力,可比夏染强多了。 Even if they collaborate, is still not actually able to defeat Chu Feng. 只是哪怕他们二人联手,却也依然无法击败楚枫 This Chu Feng, but also is really a little method.” “这楚枫,还真是有点手段啊。” Was seeing with own eyes Yang Chen and Song knowledge collaborated, difficult defeated Chu Feng. 眼见着杨晨和宋知了联手,都难以击败楚枫 People hold in high esteem to Chu Feng again. 人们对楚枫再度刮目相看。 After all they know, Yang Chen and Song knowledge, were different from Xia Ran. 毕竟他们都知道,杨晨和宋知了,与夏染有所不同。 Xia Ran is assigns/life, recognized fierce doing Elder Sister. 夏染是命好,认了一个厉害的干姐姐 But Yang Chen and Song knowledge, but by the genuine materials, arrives at today this. 杨晨和宋知了,可都是凭借真材实料,走到今天这一步的。 …… 嗷呜 Suddenly, void above, resounds through wailing of ferocious beast. 忽然,虚空之上,响彻起猛兽的哀嚎。 Was Yang Chen displayed Divine Power, enhanced the strength. 杨晨施展了天赐神力,提升了实力。 His cultivation realm, from Seventh Rank Supreme Venerable, has promoted the Eight Rank Supreme Venerable situation. 他的修为,已是从七品至尊,提升到了八品至尊的地步。 But after promoting cultivation realm, Yang Chen has not acted to Chu Feng, instead goes to back down. 但提升修为之后,杨晨没有对楚枫出手,反而是向后退去。 Junior Brother Chu Feng, you admit defeat now, but also with enough time.” 楚枫师弟,你现在认输,还来得及。” Originally this Yang Chen, does not want to injure Chu Feng, but promotes cultivation realm, making Chu Feng give way before difficulties. 原来这杨晨,是不想伤害楚枫,只是提升修为,让楚枫知难而退。 Seeing that Song knowledge also releases Divine Power. 见状,宋知了也是释放出了天赐神力 Her cultivation realm, from Seventh Rank Supreme Venerable, promoted the Eight Rank Supreme Venerable situation. 她的修为,也是从七品至尊,提升到了八品至尊的地步。 Junior Brother Chu Feng, is a same side, no cannot say.” 楚枫师弟,都是同门,没什么说不开的。” You admit mistakes to Xia Ran, even.” “你向夏染认个错,就算了。” Song knowledge is also urges to Chu Feng. 宋知了也是对楚枫劝道。 Yang Chen, Song knowledge, what good person did you install?” 杨晨,宋知了,你们装什么好人?” This Chu Feng lie serial, is unexpectedly impudent and shameless, said oneself broke the record of Sir Dugu Lingtian.” “这楚枫谎话连篇,竟厚颜无耻到,说自己打破了独孤凌天大人的记录。” This is to blaspheming and lese majeste of Sir Dugu Lingtian.” “这是对独孤凌天大人的亵渎和大不敬。” You as Hidden Dragon Martial Sect disciple, do not have the anger, instead the good words persuaded, but also was Hidden Dragon Martial Sect disciple?” “你们身为卧龙武宗弟子,没有愤怒,反而好言相劝,还是不是卧龙武宗弟子?” I told you, this snowy Tianfeng, was calculation that Sir Dugu Lingtian said.” “我告诉你们,这雪域天峰,乃是独孤凌天大人说的算。” You today, do not look for the tooth that Chu Feng hits everywhere, is wanted to enter the snowy god palace.” “你们今日,不把楚枫打的满地找牙,就被想进入雪域神宫。” Xia Ran roared. 夏染咆哮起来。 This let Yang Chen and Song knowledge, was somewhat awkward. 这让杨晨和宋知了,也是有些为难。 Yang Senior Brother, Song Senior Sister, acted although.” “杨师兄,宋师姐,尽管出手吧。” Considers one to compare notes, lets my newly-arrived me, asked for advice the Hidden Dragon Martial Sect disciple ability.” “就当是一场切磋,让我新来乍到的我,领教一下卧龙武宗弟子的本领。” Remember, do not show mercy, because I... will not show mercy.” “记住,不要手下留情,因为我…是不会手下留情的。” 滋啦啦 Chu Feng this words saying, the body then has the thunder to surge. 楚枫此话说完,身上便有雷霆涌动。 The thunder appears, then changes to the armor immediately, covers on Chu Feng. 雷霆浮现,便立刻化作铠甲,覆盖在楚枫身上。 But Chu Feng's aura, increases from Seventh Rank Supreme Venerable again, arrived at Eight Rank Supreme Venerable Realm. 楚枫的气息,也是从七品至尊再度攀升,来到了八品至尊境 Unexpectedly in Supreme Venerable Realm, untied Thunder Mark and Lightning Armour twofold strength?” “居然在至尊境,解开了雷纹雷霆铠甲两重力量?” No wonder this Chu Feng, facing Seventh Rank Supreme Venerable Yang Senior Brother and Song Senior Sister, does not fear.” “难怪这楚枫,面对七品至尊的杨师兄和宋师姐,也是丝毫不惧。” Sees Chu Feng Lightning Armour, people looked that changes to the Chu Feng's vision again. 看到楚枫身上的雷霆铠甲,人们看向楚枫的目光再度变化。 Such being the case, we did not keep the hand.” “既然如此,那我们也不留手了。” Yang Chen does not want to delay the time, acts to Chu Feng directly. 杨晨不想拖延时间,直接对楚枫出手。 But Song knowledge also acted together. 而宋知了也是一同出手。 Even if they collaborate, difficult has the advantage as before. 只是,哪怕他们二人联手,也依旧难以占据优势。 After one fights, two Martial Power change, fell on Yang Chen and Song knowledge respectively above nape of the neck. 一番交手之后,两把武力化作的,分别落在了杨晨和宋知了的脖颈之上。 Is Chu Feng, is Chu Feng by the pointed weapons that Martial Power condenses. 楚枫,是楚枫武力凝聚成的兵刃。 Chu Feng he, is causes Yang Chen and Song knowledge, loses ability that continues to battle. 楚枫他,已是使得杨晨和宋知了,丧失继续作战的能力。 This showdown, was Chu Feng wins. 这场对决,是楚枫了。 Although, this showdown, has not arrived uses the Incomplete Venerable Armament situation. 虽然,这场对决,还没有到使用半成尊兵的地步。 But as we all know, Yang Chen and Song knowledge had not kept the hand. 但所有人都知道,杨晨和宋知了并没有留手。 Their strengths, everyone is knows that they indeed showed oneself strength, has not retained. 他们的实力,大家是知道的,他们的确是施展了自己的实力,没有保留。 It is not they are weak, but was this Chu Feng is too strong. 不是他们弱,而是这个楚枫太强了。 It seems like, was I wins.” “看来,是我赢了。” Chu Feng has not felt embarrassed Yang Chen and Song knowledge, but reduces and solves the Martial Power pointed weapons in hand. 楚枫没有为难杨晨和宋知了,而是将手中的武力兵刃化解开来。 Junior Brother Chu Feng, thanked.” 楚枫师弟,谢了。” As for Yang Chen and Song knowledge, then after cultivation realm restores to Seventh Rank Supreme Venerable, serves with a ritual to Chu Feng together. 至于杨晨和宋知了,则是在修为恢复到七品至尊后,一同对楚枫施以一礼。 Although on the Chu Feng mouth said, will not show mercy, but this war, simply has not actually injured them. 虽然楚枫嘴上说,不会手下留情,但这一战,却根本没有伤他们。 They know, Chu Feng to them, has shown extreme tolerance. 他们知道,楚枫对他们,已是仁至义尽。 Xia Ran, you want me to do, I have done.” 夏染,你要我做的,我已经做了。” cultivation time many of snowy Tianfeng, had not opened the front door of snowy god palace quickly, making everyone go in cultivation.” “雪域天峰的修炼时间没有多少了,快打开雪域神宫的大门,让大家进去修炼吧。” After compares notes, Yang Chen said to Xia Ran. 切磋过后,杨晨夏染说道。 „The mediocre people who useless waste, even Chu Feng this plants the low-grade talent cannot be victorious, but also wants to enter the snowy god palace?” “没用的废物,连楚枫这种下下品天赋的庸才都打不过,还想进入雪域神宫?” You simply do not have the qualifications.” “你们根本没有资格。” Saying that Xia Ran clenches jaws. 夏染咬牙切齿的说道。 Senior Brother Xia, opens, otherwise Sir Protector blamed, but what to do?” Seeing that Bi Jingjing is also goes forward to urge. 夏师兄,打开吧,不然护法大人责怪下来,可怎么办?”见状,毕晶晶也是上前劝道。 Opens, however Northern Profound Courtyard everyone, cannot enter.” “打开可以,但是北玄院的所有人,都不可以进入。” As for other Eastern Dragon Courtyard, with the Western Tiger Courtyard person, must pledge here.” “至于其他东龙院,和西虎院的人,要在这里发誓。” You pledged, is from now henceforth absolutely irreconcilable with Chu Feng, otherwise... does not match to step into the snowy god palace of Sir Dugu Lingtian.” “你们发誓,从今以后与楚枫不共戴天,否则…也是不配踏入独孤凌天大人的雪域神宫。” The Xia Ran vision glance people, said loudly. 夏染目光扫视众人,高声说道。 This......” “这……” He such remarks, on many faces reveals the color of worrying. 他此话一出,许多人脸上露出犯难之色。 Chu Feng is bold, dares to blaspheme Sir Dugu Lingtian.” 楚枫胆大包天,敢亵渎独孤凌天大人。” My Zhao Pu , is from now henceforth absolutely irreconcilable with Chu Feng.” “我赵葡,从今以后,与楚枫不共戴天。” But in a while, then had Eastern Dragon Courtyard disciple to raise hand to pledge. 可是没过多久,便有东龙院弟子举手发誓了。 „The Chu Feng heinous crime, I and Chu Feng are absolutely irreconcilable.” 楚枫罪该万死,我与楚枫不共戴天。” After this, more and more disciple start to raise hand to pledge. 在此之后,越来越多的弟子开始举手发誓。 Southern Bird Courtyard disciple was needless saying that pledged except for Bi Jingjing completely. 南雀院弟子不用说,除了毕晶晶全部发誓。 Northern Profound Courtyard disciple, from the beginning except quota, does not need to raise again. 北玄院弟子,从一开始就被除去名额,也就不用再提。 But Western Tiger Courtyard, arrives in here 100 people, unexpectedly only then 40 people pledged. 可是西虎院,来到此处一百人中,竟只有四十人发誓。 But Eastern Dragon Courtyard, arrived here in 300 people, unexpectedly also only then 137 people pledged. 东龙院,来到此处的三百人之中,竟也只有一百三十七人发誓。 Some unexpectedly many people, rather do not enter the snowy god palace, is not willing to pledge with Chu Feng for the enemy. 竟然有许多人,宁愿不进入雪域神宫,也不愿意发誓与楚枫为敌。 This, not only makes Xia Ran accidental/surprised, Chu Feng also is very accidental/surprised. 这一幕,不仅让夏染意外,就连楚枫也很意外。 Junior Brother Chu Feng, thank you just showed mercy.” 楚枫师弟,多谢你刚刚手下留情。” „Below Yang Chen, decides to make you this friend.” “在下杨晨,决定交你这个朋友。” Yang Chen arrived at side Chu Feng, person that he has not pledged. 杨晨走到了楚枫身旁,他是没有发誓的人一个。 After he walks, some Eastern Dragon Courtyard also disciple walked. 而当他走来后,东龙院也有一些弟子走了过来。 Tu Yuanyuan is also naturally one of them. 兔缘缘自然也在其中。 But what made Chu Feng somewhat accidental/surprised was, Hua Xu also followed unexpectedly. 但令楚枫有些意外的是,花许竟然也跟着过来了。 He... obviously to own deep enmity, but actually when can be on good terms Xia Ran, the choice gave up. 他…明明对自己恨之入骨,可却在能够交好夏染的时候,选择放弃了。 This is to make Chu Feng somewhat puzzled, before, he was still shaming Chu Feng obviously in the presence of everyone. 这是让楚枫有些不解的,明明之前,他还在当众羞辱楚枫 Song knowledge also brings Western Tiger Courtyard some disciple, arrived at side Chu Feng. 紧接着,宋知了也是带着西虎院的一些弟子,走到了楚枫身旁。 Naturally, the person who has not pledged has, but arrives at side Chu Feng, the choice supports Chu Feng's is not many. 当然,没有发誓的人有很多,但是来到楚枫身旁,选择支持楚枫的并不多。 They think that does not want to do matter with no conscience, but wants to defend own dignity and bottom line, but had not planned that is on good terms with Chu Feng. 他们想必只是不想做昧良心的事,只是想守住自己的尊严和底线,但也没有打算与楚枫交好。 Therefore chooses anyone not to offend. 所以选择谁也不得罪。 Very good, very good.” “很好,很好。” You... do not match in snowy Tianfeng cultivation, does not match to enter the snowy god palace.” “你们…都不配在雪域天峰修炼,更不配进入雪域神宫。” Clenching jaws of Xia Ran air/Qi, the complexion becomes pale. 夏染气的咬牙切齿,脸色都变得铁青。 But he actually insists to display, very gratified appearance. 但他却偏偏硬要表现出,很是欣慰的模样。 He looked that to people who these pledged. 他看向那些发誓的人们。 Junior Brother Junior Sister, you are great.” “各位师弟师妹,你们都是好样的。” You have not disappointed Sir Dugu Lingtian.” “你们没有让独孤凌天大人失望。” You are entitled, enters the person in snowy god palace.” “你们才是有资格,进入雪域神宫的人。” Now, you go.” “现在,你们进去吧。” Xia Ran said to the people. 夏染对众人说道。 But he such remarks, the people do not hesitate, rush to flush away to the snowy god palace. 而他此话一出,众人也不犹豫,赶忙向雪域神宫冲去。 These people, actually pushed in the entrance completely, probably could not go. 只是那些人,却全部挤在了门口,好像根本进不去。 „Can Senior Brother Xia, take back the strength of token, puts us to go in?” 夏师兄,能不能收回令牌的力量,放我们进去?” Some people said to Xia Ran. 有人对夏染说道。 This snowy god palace does not have the front door, only then together formation gate, normal, can go in directly. 这雪域神宫没有大门,只有一道结界门,正常来说,可以直接进去。 But Xia Ran has the token in the hand, he can seal up the formation gate. 夏染有令牌在手,他是可以封闭结界门的。 At present people are unable to go, they felt Xia Ran with the strength of that token, sealed up the formation gate. 眼下人们无法进去,他们才觉得,是夏染用那令牌的力量,封闭了结界门。 I have not sealed up the formation gate, can't you go in?” “我没有封闭结界门,你们难道进不去吗?” Xia Ran asked. 夏染问道。 Indeed cannot go.” “的确进不去。” Bi Jingjing also attempted, discovered that the formation gate indeed is closed. 毕晶晶也尝试了一下,发现结界门的确是关闭的。 Is impossible.” “不可能啊。” Xia Ran sees that is also rushes to attempt, this discovered, he is unable to go. 夏染见状,也是赶忙过去尝试,这才发现,就连他也无法进去。 Senior Brother Xia, do not be noisy, you want us to pledge, we also sent, makes us go in quickly.” 夏师兄,你别闹了,你要我们发誓,我们也都发了,快让我们进去吧。” Yes Senior Brother Xia, the time drew near, does not go, must miss this opportunity in vain.” “是啊夏师兄,时间快到了,再不进去,要白白错过这次机会了。” At once, these disciple said. 一时之间,那些弟子纷纷说道。 „It is not I makes, how can like this?” “不是我弄的,怎么会这样?” Xia Ran also somewhat flustered, token in the stimulation of movement hand, how but regardless of to stimulate to movement is useless. 夏染也是有些慌了,不停的催动手中的令牌,但无论怎么催动都是没用。 Hahaha ......... 哈哈哈哈………” But, laughs in the meantime resounds suddenly. 可就在此时,一阵大笑忽然响起。 That is Chu Feng. 那是楚枫 Is Chu Feng is laughing, and extreme satire that also smiles. 楚枫在大笑,并且还笑的极为讽刺。 What do you smile?” “你笑什么?” Xia Ran very uncomfortable asking. 夏染很是不爽的问道。 Because of Chu Feng this appearance, is clearly visiting them to laugh. 因为楚枫这个样子,分明是在看他们笑话。 Sorry, I do not want to smile.” “抱歉,我本不想笑的。” Is only, I see your one crowd not to have the qualifications to enter the person in snowy god palace, must go, really could not bear.” “只是,我见你们一群没有资格进入雪域神宫的人,非要进去,实在忍不住了。” Chu Feng grinning saying. 楚枫笑嘻嘻的说道。 The WeChat public number of attention honeybee, may read the Chu Feng to divulge to an outsider. 关注蜜蜂的微信公众号,可看楚枫外传。 Name: Kindhearted Bee supporters'association 名称:善良的蜜蜂后援会 In WeChat increases in the friend, found the public number, searches the Kindhearted Bee supporters'association in the public number, the attention then. 微信添加朋友里,找到公众号,在公众号里搜索善良的蜜蜂后援会,关注即可。
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