MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4723: Teaches Chu Feng

Chu Feng, you also dare.” 楚枫,你还敢下来。” Xia Ran has been staring at Chu Feng, looks with own eyes Chu Feng jumps down from Tianfeng. 夏染一直盯着楚枫,是亲眼看着楚枫从天峰之上跳下来的。 After seeing Chu Feng gets down, although he does not have directly to Chu Feng to act, is his Sixth Rank Supreme Venerable aura, is actually the release. 楚枫下来后,他虽然没有直接对楚枫出手,可是他那六品至尊的气息,却已是释放而出。 Sees such a, originally in people who that ray is interested , is again the vision, placed on Xia Ran and Chu Feng's. 见到这样一幕,原本对那光芒感兴趣的人们,则是再度将目光,放在了夏染楚枫的身上。 They detect, as if also had the good play to look. 他们都察觉到,似乎又有好戏可以看了。 The ray also has the forming in any case, waits also to wait, at this time some good plays looked. 反正光芒还有成形,等着也要等着,这个时候有好戏看。 They are naturally glad again. 他们自然是再乐意不过。 Perhaps Senior Brother Xia, has the misunderstanding, first ascertained was saying.” 夏师兄,也许是有误会,还是先问清楚在说。” Bi Jingjing arrives at side Xia Ran to say. 毕晶晶来到夏染身旁说道。 Words that Junior Sister Bi, just Fang Yunshi they spoke, you heard, what can also have to misunderstand?” 毕师妹,刚刚方云史他们说的话,你都听到了,还能有什么误会?” „, Don't your our Southern Bird Courtyard disciple words believe?” “难道,你连我们南雀院弟子的话都不相信吗?” Xia Ran asked to Bi Jingjing. 夏染毕晶晶问道。 Xia Ran is very overbearing, but treats Bi Jingjing is very polite. 夏染很是霸道,可是对待毕晶晶一直都是很客气的。 Also is Bi Jingjing, if trades to be others, dares to speak for Chu Feng, he had acted to it, how also to explain? 也就是毕晶晶,若是换做旁人,敢一直替楚枫说话,他早就对其出手了,又岂会解释? Chu Feng, what's the matter, why do you want to injure my Southern Bird Courtyard person?” 楚枫,到底是怎么回事,你为何要打伤我南雀院的人?” Bi Jingjing seems like unwilling, sees Xia Ran not to ask, she then inquired on own initiative. 毕晶晶似乎是不甘心,见夏染不问,她便主动询问起来。 She really does not hope, Chu Feng and Xia Ran for enemy. 她是真的不希望,楚枫夏染为敌。 Senior Sister Bi, the process of matter is very simple.” 毕师姐,事情的经过很简单。” That Fang Yunshi and your Southern Bird Courtyard disciple, robs my Northern Profound Courtyard Song Xi thing, but also injured him.” “那方云史和你南雀院弟子,抢夺我北玄院宋喜东西,还打伤了他。” Since is they first violates sect rule.” “既然是他们先违反宗规的。” I teach them, why not?” “那我教训他们,有何不可?” Moreover, I have shown mercy.” “况且,我已经手下留情了。” If not the person of the same clan, they can live, was two said.” “若非同宗之人,他们能不能活着,都是两说。” Chu Feng said to Bi Jingjing. 楚枫毕晶晶道。 What's wrong, do you also want to kill people inadequately?” “怎么,你还想杀人不成?” You may really be the big tone.” “你可真是好大的口气。” Fang Yunshi is pointing at Chu Feng angrily roared. 方云史指着楚枫愤怒的咆哮起来。 Stands in Xia Ran behind, he had the energy again. 站在夏染身后,他再度有了底气。 Fang Yunshi, you speak the truth to me, is Song Xi thing that you first snatch?” 方云史,你给我说实话,是你先抢的宋喜东西吗?” Bi Jingjing asked. 毕晶晶问道。 „It is not , course not, is that Song Xi robs obviously my.” “不是,当然不是,明明是那宋喜抢夺我的。” Does not believe you to ask them, they can testify for me.” “不信你问问他们,他们能够为我作证啊。” Fang Yunshi argued. 方云史辩解道。 But he such remarks, taking seriously some people starts is Fang Yunshi testifies. 而他此话一出,当真有一些人开始为方云史作证。 Not only has Southern Bird Courtyard disciple, Eastern Dragon Courtyard and Western Tiger Courtyard some disciple. 不仅仅有南雀院弟子,还有东龙院西虎院的一些弟子 In this case, even if Bi Jingjing wants to help Chu Feng, does not know that this/should helps from where. 这种情况下,毕晶晶就算想帮楚枫,也是不知该从何帮起。 Chu Feng, sees not to have, Fang Yunshi has the witness.” 楚枫,看到没有,方云史是有证人的。” Xia Ran is also a face self-satisfied said to Chu Feng. 夏染也是一脸得意的对楚枫说道。 Because he knows, these people are actually lying. 因为他知道,那些人其实是在说谎。 But this is unimportant, result that because this precisely he wants. 可这不重要,因为这正是他想要的结果 Chu Feng is suffering, he is dark crisp, is self-satisfied. 楚枫越是委屈,他越是暗爽,越是得意。 He... is to oppress others by the potential. 他…就是要以势压人。 I can also testify for Chu Feng.” “我也可以为楚枫作证。” In the meantime, Song Xi opens the mouth suddenly. 就在此时,宋喜则是忽然开口。 Besides him, then without others stood the speech. 只是,除了他之外,便没有其他人站出来说话了。 Even like Wang Ziyan, Hei Yao, including was just Chu Feng told Ma Yu of snowy god palace, they as before above Tianfeng. 甚至如王紫嫣,黑耀,包括刚刚为楚枫讲述雪域神宫的马宇,他们依旧在天峰之上。 They not only do not dare to testify for Chu Feng, even does not dare. 他们不仅不敢为楚枫作证,甚至连下来都是不敢。 Including does not have facing the Xia Ran courage. 连面对夏染的勇气都是没有。 Bah ~ “呸~” You two jackals from the same lair, who you testified to believe.” “你们两个一丘之貉,你作证谁信。” Regarding testifying of Song Xi, Xia Ran naturally does not spare a glance. 对于宋喜的作证,夏染自然不屑一顾。 Not is only he, others on the scene also create a disturbance, reprimand Chu Feng and Song Xi. 不仅仅是他,在场的其他人也是纷纷起哄,斥责楚枫宋喜 At once, Chu Feng and Song Xi became being the target of public criticism, is isolated and cuts off from help. 一时之间,楚枫宋喜成了众矢之的,孤立无援。 Song Xi is very flurried, originally the strength does not occupy superiorly, now does not talk clearly rational, this lets on his face, is hanging the obvious fear. 宋喜很是慌乱,本来实力就不占优,如今有理也是说不清,这让他的脸上,都挂着明显的恐惧。 After all they face now, is not the class/flow of Southern Bird Courtyard Fang Yunshi. 毕竟他们现在面对的,可不是南雀院方云史之流。 But is Southern Bird Courtyard Xia Ran, Eastern Dragon Courtyard as well as Western Tiger Courtyard person. 而是南雀院夏染,还有东龙院以及西虎院的人。 In Eastern Dragon Courtyard and Western Tiger Courtyard disciple on the scene, but there are compared with Xia Ran also wants the powerful person. 东龙院西虎院的在场弟子之中,可是有比夏染还要强大的人呢。 Now they, stand in oneself opposite. 如今他们,都站在了自己的对立面。 This aspect, how being called him to be able is not unhurried? 这种局面,叫他怎能不慌? All right, has me.” “没事,有我呢。” Chu Feng detected that the fear of Song Xi, patted his shoulder with a smile. 楚枫察觉到了宋喜的害怕,笑着拍了拍他的肩膀。 Looks at so self-confident Chu Feng, immediately brought back Song Xi, in the recollection of Great Thousand Upper Realm. 看着如此自信的楚枫,顿时勾起了宋喜,在大千上界的回忆。 That time he, was small and weak, was Chu Feng has been protecting him. 那个时候的他,非常弱小,是楚枫一直在保护他。 That is Chu Feng, is his idol, is he goal that wants to study. 那是的楚枫,就是他的偶像,是他想要学习的目标。 But now, that familiar feeling, well ups again. 而现在,那种熟悉的感觉,再度涌上心头。 In his heart, again five senses mixed Chen. 他的心中,也再度五味杂陈。 Sir Protector, this matter has revealed the truth, but also asked Sir Protector to uphold the justice.” 护法大人,这件事已是真相大白,还请护法大人主持公道。” Xia Ran drinks one high. 夏染高喝一声。 Originally he does not have to act to Chu Feng directly , because dreaded. 原来他没有直接对楚枫出手,是因为有所忌惮。 He dreads is that Sir Protector. 他忌惮的便是那位护法大人。 That Sir Protector, does not present at this time. 只是那护法大人,此时并不在场。 And after that Xia Ran one shouts, Sir Protector has not made an appearance. 且在那夏染一番呼喊之后,那护法大人也没有露面。 Sir Protector, my Southern Bird Courtyard disciple was hit for no reason, I cannot sit by and do nothing.” 护法大人,我南雀院弟子无端被打,我不能坐视不管。” If Sir Protector cannot act, that disciple can only make a move to uphold the justice personally, but also asked Sir Protector not to blame.” “若是护法大人不能出面,那弟子只能亲自出手主持公道,还请护法大人勿怪。” Xia Ran really dreaded that very much that Sir Protector, he is to periphery is first holding the fist in the other hand to salute, and attitude is polite. 夏染真的很是忌惮那位护法大人,他先是对着周围抱拳施礼,并且态度客客气气。 After completing these, the cold vision will go to Chu Feng. 做完这一些之后,才将冷冽的目光投向楚枫 Chu Feng, you even if now kneels admits mistakes is still useless.” 楚枫,你现在就算跪地认错也是没用。” Your today's actions, my Xia Ran must make you pay the price.” “你今日的所作所为,我夏染必然要让你付出代价。” Xia Ran this words saying that pressure then attacks to go to Chu Feng. 夏染此话说完,那威压便向楚枫冲击而去。 The strong winds erupts, threaten, pressure place visited, disciple of these process, shaken repetitive back down. 狂风大作,气势汹汹,威压所过之处,那些经过的弟子,也是被震的连连后退 So fierce pressure, after approaching Chu Feng, actually vanishes into thin air. 只是如此凶猛的威压,在靠近楚枫之后,却是烟消云散。 That feeling, looks like the fierce river water, falls into the vast sea, cannot splash what spray. 那感觉,就像是凶猛的江水,落入浩瀚的大海,未能溅起什么浪花。 Sees this situation, not to mention others are puzzled, Xia Ran is also the brow wrinkles. 见此情形,莫说旁人不解,就连夏染也是眉头皱起。 He is afraid, the fear is Sir Protector makes a move to protect Chu Feng. 他害怕,害怕是护法大人又出手护着楚枫 Bang But in the next quarter, the world shakes, turbulent pressure, from Chu Feng within the body release. 可就在下一刻,天地震荡,紧接着汹涌的威压,自楚枫体内释放而出。 But after that pressure release, besides Song Xi, approaches Chu Feng's disciple to be affected, forcefully blows to fly away. 那威压释放而出后,除了宋喜之外,许多靠近楚枫的弟子都遭受波及,被硬生生的吹飞开来。 Because of that pressure, is Sixth Rank Supreme Venerable. 因为那威压,乃是六品至尊 Sixth Rank Supreme Venerable, Chu Feng you......” 六品至尊,楚枫你……” Felt Chu Feng's cultivation realm, Bi Jingjing opened the small mouth immediately. 感受到楚枫的修为,毕晶晶顿时张开了小嘴。 In eye of Xia Ran, was emerges to wipe the shock. 就连夏染的眼中,也是涌现出了一抹震惊。 This isn't Chu Feng First Rank Supreme Venerable? 楚枫不是一品至尊吗? How... to have the Sixth Rank Supreme Venerable aura? 怎么…拥有六品至尊的气息? Does surprised, I above, had just demonstrated cultivation realm obviously.” “这么吃惊干嘛,我刚刚在上面,明明已经展示过修为了。” Oh, almost forgot, that Fang Yunshi lie serial, he has not told you inevitably, my present cultivation realm.” “喔,差点忘了,那方云史谎话连篇,他必然是没有告诉你,我现在的修为。” Also can understand, if he told the facts, making you know that I was Sixth Rank Supreme Venerable, you did not help him raise one's head, but what to do?” “不过也能理解,他若实话实说,让你知道我是六品至尊,你不帮他出头了,可怎么办?” You said that Fang Yunshi?” “你说是不是啊,方云史?” Chu Feng words to here, but also looked at the vision to Fang Yunshi. 楚枫话到此处,还将目光看向了方云史 But such was looked by Chu Feng, Fang Yunshi is pale immediately. 而被楚枫这样一看,方云史顿时脸色发青。 Senior Brother Xia, I do not have to conceal intentionally, I had not said with enough time.” 夏师兄,我没有故意隐瞒,我只是还没有来得及说。” Fang Yunshi rushes to explain to Xia Ran, but Xia Ran is also just visiting him. 方云史赶忙向夏染解释,而刚好夏染也在看着他。 The Xia Ran vision, is actually such ice-cold. 只是夏染的目光,却是那样的冰冷。 Fang Yunshi cold sweat directing current that this frightens, swallows the saliva. 这吓的方云史冷汗直流,直吞口水。 Xia Ran indeed is angry very much, but has not actually tidied up Fang Yunshi. 夏染的确很生气,但却并没有收拾方云史 He is very clear, now Southern Bird Courtyard must show no external differences. 他很清楚,现在南雀院必须一致对外。 Sixth Rank Supreme Venerable.” 六品至尊。” No wonder is so extremely arrogant, originally is some energy.” “难怪如此狂妄,原来是有些底气的。” „What you just said that you said me because you are Sixth Rank Supreme Venerable, but doesn't dare to act to you?” “但你刚刚说什么,你说我会因为你是六品至尊,而不敢对你出手?” I make you know, I do dare to act.” “那我就让你知道,我到底敢不敢出手。” The words, Xia Ran to Chu Feng one finger/refers. 话罢,夏染对着楚枫一指。 Bang In an instant, boundless Martial Power, changes has the hurricane of shape, from its body release. 刹那间,磅礴的武力,化作具有形态的飓风,自其体释放而出。 After that Martial Power hurricane appears, changes to innumerably golden long spear, later such as the rain is common, flies to shoot to go to Chu Feng. 武力飓风出现之后,又化作无数把金色的长枪,随后如雨一般,向楚枫飞射而去。 That is not the common offensive, but is Venerable-class Taboo Martial Skill. 那不是寻常的攻势,而是尊禁武技 Although is only First Rank Venerable Taboo, but the might... is actually far from the common offensive may compare. 虽然只是一段尊禁,可威力…却远非寻常的攻势可比。 Henceforth can see, this Xia Ran hates to Chu Feng's, will otherwise not act, so very ruthless. 从此可以看出,这夏染楚枫的憎恨,否则不会一出手,就如此狠辣
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