MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4605: Eats the person devil

Is pregnant the thing forest somewhere, has the First Level special strength, divides it. 孕物森林的某处,有着一重特殊的力量,将其分割开来。 From outside, anything could not see, anything cannot hear. 从外面来看,什么都看不到,也什么都听不到。 But if can pass through that heavy special strength, then can hear the intermittent rending pitiful yell. 可是若是能够穿过那重特殊的力量,便可以听到阵阵撕心裂肺的惨叫。 If sees the person of that pitiful yell, people must feel difficult believing. 若是看到那惨叫之人,人们必会感到难以置信。 Because of the person of that pitiful yell, is in the World Spiritist circle, famous talent Yin Tianchou. 因为那惨叫之人,乃是在界灵师圈子内,大名鼎鼎的天才尹天愁 This time Yin Tianchou, the whole body covered entirely, one by one blood-color scar. 此时的尹天愁,浑身布满了,一道一道的血色伤痕。 Originally is the leather whip, that is by the leather whip, extracted scar. 原来是皮鞭,那是被皮鞭,抽出的伤痕。 …… Suddenly, the leather whip comes together across the sky, the speed is not quick, but Yin Tianchou is actually difficult avoids. 忽然,一道皮鞭横空而来,速度不是很快,可是尹天愁却是难以躲开。 That leather whip is very accurate, just fell on complete flesh. 那皮鞭十分精准,刚好落在了一处完好的肌肤上面。 When leather whip with his dermal contact flickers, immediately is bruised and lacerated, the bloody wound, appears together. 当皮鞭与他皮肤接触的一瞬,顿时皮开肉绽,一道血淋淋的伤口,浮现而出。 But Yin Tianchou, sends out a sad and shrill pitiful yell. 尹天愁,也是发出一阵凄厉的惨叫。 May after that pitiful yell, have the gentle sound to resound unexpectedly together. 可在那惨叫之后,竟有一道温柔的声音响起。 What kind of, comfortable?” “怎么样,舒服吗?” Originally is Song Yun, Song Yun not only looks at Yin Tianchou, in her hand is also grasping a whip. 原来是宋允,宋允不仅看着尹天愁,她的手中还握着一个鞭子。 „Who you are, this inside is unable to use Martial Power, but how can you use?” “你是什么人,这里面无法使用武力,可你怎么可以使用?” Yin Tianchou looks at Song Yun, in the eye panic-stricken extremely. 尹天愁看着宋允,眼中惊恐万分。 Originally he thinks, Song Yun is only a common young girl. 本来他以为,宋允只是一个寻常少女。 He is also thinking, first controls Song Yun, then tidies up Chu Feng, but he has not planned to massacre Chu Feng, but after teaches Chu Feng one ruthlessly, leaves the Chu Feng one breath. 他还想着,先将宋允控制住,然后再收拾楚枫,但他没有打算杀掉楚枫,而是狠狠教训楚枫一番后,留给楚枫一口气。 He is saw that Chu Feng and Song Yun relations are not ordinary. 他是看出楚枫宋允关系不一般。 Therefore wants in front of Chu Feng, to teach Song Yun. 所以是想在楚枫面前,教训宋允 He felt, this is to the Chu Feng most ruthless retaliation. 他觉得,这是对楚枫最狠的报复。 But who once thinks, his this first step, cannot implement smoothly. 可谁曾想,他这第一步,就没能顺利的实施。 In his eyes, originally is small white rabbit same Song Yun, is actually a small devil. 在他眼中,本是小白兔一样的宋允,实则是一个小恶魔。 The Song Yun strength, is Martial Venerable Realm, this strength, not to mention is he, even Gongsun Family that three talents, are not his opponent. 宋允的实力,乃是武尊境,这种实力,莫说是他,就算是公孙家那三位天才,也不是其对手。 Those but who most made Yin Tianchou puzzled was, this was pregnant the thing forest, was covered by the Old Devil Black Ghost strength, in this, can only display Spirit Formation technique, Martial Power is unable to display. 可是最令尹天愁不解的是,这孕物森林,被黑煞老魔的力量笼罩,在这里面,只能施展结界之术,武力根本无法发挥。 But this Song Yun uses for him, is actually Martial Power, but is not Spirit Formation technique. 但这宋允对他使用的,却是武力,而并非结界之术 This makes Yin Tianchou realize, this Song Yun is not very simple. 这让尹天愁意识到,这宋允很不简单。 Also can speak, it seems like is not very comfortable.” “还能说话,看来还是不够舒服啊。” Song Yun has not replied Yin Tianchou, instead smiles, later the wrist/skill shakes gently. 宋允没有回答尹天愁,反而嫣然一笑,随后手腕轻轻一抖。 The next quarter, the leather whip in his hand had the change unexpectedly. 下一刻,其手中的皮鞭居然有了变化。 On the leather whip, was covered with the sharp thorn. 皮鞭上面,长满了尖锐的刺。 Sees the change of that leather whip, Yin Tianchou the face was immediately green. 看到那皮鞭的变化,尹天愁顿时脸都绿了。 Therefore he without delay, first knelt on the ground, held their palms together, then bowed in salute to beg for mercy to Song Yun. 于是他二话不说,先是跪在了地上,紧接着双手合十,便对宋允作揖求饶。 Miss, I made a mistake, I crack a joke, I only want to teach that fellow, how without really wants to you.” “姑娘,我错了,我只是开玩笑的,我只想教训那个家伙,没有真的想对你如何。” What? Teaches that fellow?” “什么?教训那家伙?” „Is my Elder Brother Chu Feng, your type of waste can teach?” “我楚枫哥哥,是你这种废物能够教训的?” Yin Tianchou has a dream has not thought that he begging for mercy words, trade is actually the Song Yun vicious countenance. 尹天愁做梦也没有想到,他一番求饶的话,换来的却是宋允更加凶狠的嘴脸。 Sees only the Song Yun big sleeve to wield, the whip in his hand, then like a python, directly soars Yin Tianchou to go. 只见宋允大袖一挥,其手中的鞭子,便如同一条巨蟒,直奔尹天愁而去。 Yin Tianchou saw with own eyes that the important matter is not wonderful, the hurrying depth, wants to escape. 尹天愁眼见大事不妙,赶忙纵深而起,想要逃脱。 But that whip, looking like can trace to be the same, Yin Tianchou just flew, then pulled out by that whip ruthlessly. 可那鞭子,就像是能够追踪一样,尹天愁刚刚飞起来,便被那鞭子狠狠的抽了下来。 This whip gets down, on the body of Yin Tianchou, left behind an extremely frightened scar. 这一鞭子下去,在尹天愁的身上,留下了一道极为惊悚的伤痕。 That may incessantly be bruised and lacerated, even the bone pulled out several. 那可不止是皮开肉绽,连骨头都被抽断了几根。 But looked that Yin Tianchou that looks fierce, painful expression extremely, who was clear, this is not the simple skin flesh wound, but injures the soul. 而看尹天愁那龇牙咧嘴,痛苦万分的表情,谁都清楚,这可不是简单的皮外伤,而是伤到了灵魂。 But this is only a start, Song Yun that pure white small hand swinging, that leather whip then falls on the body of Yin Tianchou continuously. 可这只是一个开始,宋允那洁白的小手摆动,那皮鞭便连续落在尹天愁的身上。 If said, Yin Tianchou can also see clearly the appearance, then after these whips get down, Yin Tianchou is covered with blood, changes beyond all recognition. 倘若说,尹天愁还能看清容貌,那么这几鞭子下去之后,尹天愁已是血肉模糊,面目全非。 This way, Yin Tianchou will pull out while still alive!!! 这样下去,尹天愁会被活活抽死!!! „, Your this witch/beautiful girl.” “吗的,你这妖女。” Wants father dead, do not want to live.” “想要老子死,你也别想活。” Yin Tianchou angrily roars, later lifts the hand suddenly. 尹天愁怒吼一声,随后猛然抬手。 …… Sees only together the flowing light, directly soars Song Yun to go. 只见一道流光,直奔宋允而去。 Sees that Song Yun smiles cold, later the body flashes gently, then avoids that flowing light. 见状,宋允冷然一笑,随后身子轻轻一闪,便将那流光躲开。 Buzz But who once thinks, the flowing light of that pearl size, unexpectedly twinkling expansion. 可谁曾想,那不过珍珠大小的流光,竟然瞬息扩张。 Suddenly, then covered several tens of thousands of meters surface area. 眨眼间,便覆盖了数万米的面积 Not is only Chu Feng, Song Yun, Yin Tianchou was covered, almost this piece was covered by the forest of Song Yun blockade. 不仅是楚枫,宋允,尹天愁被覆盖,几乎这片被宋允封锁的森林都被覆盖。 That ray, although has not injured and Song Yun, may have a strange strength, integrates the Saint in Song Yun hand to recover the bead. 那光芒,虽然没有伤及宋允,可却有着一股奇异的力量,融入宋允手中的圣愈珠。 In that ray, gives out had/left the Saint to recover the bead the aura. 紧接着,那光芒之内,都散发出了圣愈珠的气息。 formation technique?” 阵法吗?” Song Yun looks at that ray, had discovered that is formation technique. 宋允看着那光芒,已经发现那是一座阵法 Jie Jie Jie!! 桀桀桀!! Saint recovers the bead, the Saint recovers the bead, the Saint recovers the bead!!!” “圣愈珠,圣愈珠,圣愈珠!!!” But at this moment, angrily roars intermittently, the deep place transmits arrogantly. 而就在这时,阵阵怒吼,自大地深处传来。 The land starts the fierce tremor, later the towering great tree starts to collapse, the bulk land seethes outward. 紧接着,大地开始剧烈的颤动,随后参天巨树开始倒塌,大块的土地向外翻腾。 A colossus, drilled from the place bottom deep place. 一个庞然大物,自地底深处钻了出来。 That is a whole body is jet black, the body covers entirely the monster of tentacle. 那是一只浑身漆黑,身上布满触手的怪物。 It in the shape, is in the aura, recovers the monster in bead world to look like with that Saint very much, but the aura, it is more terrifying. 它无论是形态上,还是气息上,都与那圣愈珠世界内的怪物很像,但是气息上来看,它却更为恐怖。 When it presents that moment, this place then died aura covered. 当它出现那一刻,此地便被死亡的气息所笼罩。 Haha, appeared, this is protects the Saint to recover the bead the dark demon.” “哈哈,出现了,这就是守护圣愈珠的暗魔。” witch/beautiful girl, you have not thought that you think the Saint recovers the bead danger, but does the Saint recover the world in bead?” 妖女,你没想到吧,你以为圣愈珠危险的,只是圣愈珠内的世界吗?” You made a mistake, the Saint recovers outside bead, but also is squatting the dark demon.” “你错了,圣愈珠外面,还蹲守着暗魔。” Dark demon usually in the shape of air/Qi, squats in Saint to recover the bead , without mark may seek.” “暗魔平时以气的形态,蹲守于圣愈珠的下方,无迹可寻。” May after the Saint to recover the bead appears, the dark demon will appear.” “可当圣愈珠出现之后,暗魔就会出现。” „Before dark demon, has not appeared , because I utilize formation technique, blocked the aura of this side world, making the Saint recover the bead is not induced by it.” “暗魔之前没有出现,是因为我运用阵法,封锁了这方天地的气息,使得圣愈珠不被其感应到。” However I just, not only untied my blockade formation technique, but also expanded the Saint to recover the bead the aura, under my formation technique, the dark demon thinks that did not discover the Saint recovered the bead to be difficult.” “而我刚刚,不仅解开了我的封锁阵法,还扩张了圣愈珠的气息,在我这阵法之下,暗魔想不发现圣愈珠都难。” You want me dead, do not want to live, our three, die under this dark demon together.” “你要我死,那你也别想活,咱们三个,就一起死在这暗魔之下吧。” Yin Tianchou is a lunatic, saw after that dark demon appears, not only did not fear, instead exciting shouting loudly. 尹天愁似是一个疯子,看到那暗魔出现后,不仅不怕,反而兴奋的大喊大叫。 In his opinion, he must die today without doubt, but if can perishes together with Song Yun and Chu Feng, that does not owe but actually. 在他看来,他今日必死无疑,可若能与宋允楚枫同归于尽,那倒也不亏。 …… But suddenly, that huge dark demon, sends out the panic-stricken pitiful yell, then wants to drill to the place bottom deep place, it... as to escape. 可突然之间,那庞大的暗魔,发出惊恐的惨叫,紧接着便想向地底深处钻去,它…似乎想逃。 But, it has not escaped, a boundless suction, then covers it. 可是,它还没有逃脱,一股磅礴的吸力,便将其笼罩。 That dark demon in the intermittent pitiful yell sound, the body then starts to be split up, changes to continuously Mist, flutters to Song Yun. 紧接着,那暗魔在阵阵惨叫声中,身躯便开始四分五裂,化作一缕缕气焰,向宋允飘去。 Finally, sifted in the Song Yun mouth completely. 最终,全部飘入了宋允口中。 What thing you... you... are you?” “你…你…你到底是什么东西?” When Yin Tianchou sees this secretly, is collapsing to the ground that frightens, trembles. 而当尹天愁看到这一幕后,更是吓的瘫坐在地,瑟瑟发抖。 He not only saw that dark demon was swallowed by Song Yun, can see, Song Yun this time appearance. 他不仅看到,那暗魔被宋允吞噬,更是可以看到,宋允此时的容貌。 This time Song Yun, not only the eyes become blood red, in her mouth, revealed a row of blood red fang, that appearance is quite terrifying. 此时的宋允,不仅双眼变得血红,她的嘴巴里面,更是露出了一排血红色的獠牙,那个样子极为恐怖。 Her where that may clearly the young girl of person. 她哪里还是那个清纯可人的少女。 This clearly is a fearful food person devil. 这分明就是一个可怕的食人恶魔。
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