MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4603: The Saint recovers the bead

„Do you want to die exactly?” “你们想活还是想死?” Chu Feng asked. 楚枫问道。 „To live, we want certainly to live.” “想活,我们当然想活。” Sir, you forgive us, we really knew wrong.” “大人,您就饶过我们吧,我们真的知错了。” These people cry day to wipe the tears, begs for mercy, while kowtows to bow in salute, completely proud appearance that does not have the so-called talent. 那些人哭天抹泪,一边求饶,一边磕头作揖,全然了没有所谓天才的骄傲模样。 „To live, puts out to think the live attitude.” “想活,就拿出想活的态度。” Chu Feng narrowed the eye, the vision actually looked to cosmos sack of these people. 楚枫眯起了眼睛,目光却看向了那些人的乾坤袋 These people but actually also intelligent, immediately understands Chu Feng's meaning, although in their cosmos sack, indeed has many treasures, but compares in the life, they can choose. 那些人倒也聪明,立刻明白了楚枫的意思,虽然他们的乾坤袋内,的确有着诸多宝物,可是相比于性命,他们还是能够做出取舍的。 Therefore these people, almost no hesitation, took own cosmos sack, and what is more, even/including Cang took in the treasure in within the body. 于是这些人,几乎没有一丝犹豫,纷纷将自己的乾坤袋取了出来,更有甚者,连藏在体内的宝物都取了出来。 In order to maintain a livelihood, they are almost unretentive. 为了活命,他们几乎毫无保留。 This is you hands over voluntarily, is not I compels your.” “这可是你们自愿交出来的,不是我逼你们的。” You if then makes a false countercharge, do not blame me not being impolite.” “你们回头若是反咬一口,可别怪我不客气。” After Chu Feng these treasures receive, to the people said. 楚枫将那些宝物收起后,对众人说道。 Doesn't dare, we do not dare absolutely.” “不敢不敢,我们绝对不敢。” Sir, you feel relieved to take away, this is the villain is filial piety your.” “大人,您就放心拿去吧,这是小人孝敬您的。” These people took a stand, performed to reveal the sincerity. 那些人纷纷表态,尽显诚意。 Although knows, they are insincere, to maintain life completely so, but Chu Feng showed the satisfactory smile. 虽然知道,他们并不诚恳,完全是为了保命才会这般,可楚枫还是露出了满意的笑容。 You remember, the young master is called Chu Feng, from Ancestral Martial Galaxy.” “你们记住,小爷叫做楚枫,来自祖武天河。” Chu Feng said to them. 楚枫对他们说道。 Originally was Sir Chu Feng, the villain remembered, the eternal life will not forget the Sir who Sir Chu Feng were massive.” “原来是楚枫大人,小人记下了,永生不会忘记楚枫大人的大人大量。” Chu Feng took by force them obviously, but they is actually talking over the Chu Feng name, while unceasing thanks Chu Feng, this scene satirized extremely. 楚枫明明打劫了他们,可他们却一边念叨着楚枫名字,一边不断的感谢楚枫,这个场面极其讽刺。 Actually Chu Feng forgives their life, is wish makes them know that who oneself is. 其实楚枫饶过他们一命,就是想要让他们知道自己是谁。 In Saint Light Galaxy, Chu Feng has been instead offending most Shengguang Clan, in Nine Souls Galaxy, Chu Feng did not fear that offended these so-called talents. 反正在圣光天河,楚枫已经得罪了最的圣光一族,在九魂天河,楚枫也就不怕得罪这些所谓天才了。 Fears the foot with his fear hand, might as well while this opportunity, becomes world-famous. 与其畏手畏脚,还不如趁此机会,扬名天下。 This is Chu Feng does not kill their reasons, Chu Feng must use their mouths, passes on own reputation. 这就是楚枫不杀他们的原因,楚枫要用他们的嘴,将自己的名声传出去。 Even if Chu Feng knows, passes from their mouth, not necessarily is the good reputation, but Chu Feng is also indifferent. 哪怕楚枫知道,从他们口中传出去的,未必是好名声,但楚枫也无所谓。 This feeling?” “这个感觉?” But suddenly, the Chu Feng look moves, a figure revolution, then vanishes does not see. 可忽然间,楚枫神色一动,紧接着身形一转,便消失不见。 Vanishes regarding Chu Feng's suddenly, the people all stare, although on the face as before full is frightened, but they leave regarding Chu Feng's suddenly, somewhat cannot find out the mind. 对于楚枫的忽然消失,众人皆是一愣,虽然脸上依旧满是恐惧,可他们对于楚枫的忽然离开,也是有些摸不清头脑。 Escaped? 难道是逃了? But, why can run away suddenly? 可,为何要忽然逃走呢? Although does not know why Chu Feng must escape, but they still relaxed, in their opinion, they just saved a life. 虽然不知道楚枫为何要逃,可他们仍是松了一口气,在他们看来,他们刚刚可是捡回了一条命。 As for Chu Feng, he has not certainly run away, Chu Feng felt aura of person. 至于楚枫,他当然没有逃,楚枫只是感受到了一个人的气息。 That person, is Song Yun. 那个人,乃是宋允 A Song Yun face is anxious, is obviously also seeking for anything. 宋允一脸焦急,明显也是在寻找着什么。 Girl.” “丫头。” Chu Feng arrives in front of Song Yun directly. 楚枫直接来到宋允面前。 Elder Brother Chu Feng, I found you finally.” 楚枫哥哥,我总算找到你了。” But sees Chu Feng, Song Yun is excited, jumps into the Chu Feng bosom directly. 而见到楚枫,宋允激动不已,直接扑入楚枫怀中。 Gentle and charming body vibration at the same time, Chu Feng also hears the sound that this girl sobbed. 娇柔的身躯抖动的同时,楚枫还听到了这个丫头抽泣的声音。 Chu Feng looks at this girl, although the pleasant surprise of whole face, but on the face is actually leaving behind the fear. 楚枫看着这个丫头,虽然满脸的惊喜,但脸上却遗留着恐惧。 In such environment, Song Yun this fearless little girl, bore the tremendous pressure. 在这样的环境下,宋允这个天不怕地不怕的小丫头,也是承受了巨大的压力。 Ok, do not cry, this did not find me.” “好了,别哭了,这不是找到我了吗。” Although Chu Feng wear a look of happy expression, help/gang Song Yun that but actually also loves dearly wipes tears. 楚枫虽然面带笑意,可却也心疼的帮宋允擦拭眼泪。 Others have not cried, was the eye enters the sand.” “人家才没哭,就是眼睛进沙子了而已。” Elder Brother Chu Feng, my strength is limited, desperate looking key, only found two, I cannot enter this to be pregnant together the thing deep woods with you, cannot lead the way for you.” “不过楚枫哥哥,我实力有限,拼命的找钥匙,也只找到了两把而已,我不能和你一同进入这孕物森林深处,不能为你引路了。” This is the Saint recovers the bead possible position, can only trouble you to help me bring it.” “这是圣愈珠可能出现的位置,只能麻烦你帮我把它带回来了。” But, if encounters the danger, you must first protect itself good, attaining the Saint recovers the bead is next, your comfort is first.” “不过,若是遇到危险的话,你一定要先保护好自己,拿到圣愈珠是其次,你的安慰才是第一。” During the Song Yun speeches, took out a map to give Chu Feng. 宋允说话间,取出了一个地图递给了楚枫 On this map, labelled some regions, but these regions are pregnant the thing forest deep place, is across the region that the formation wall can arrive. 这地图上面,标注了一些区域,不过那些区域都是孕物森林的深处,是要穿过结界墙壁才能到达的区域。 silly girl, we go in together.” 傻丫头,咱们一起进去。” After Chu Feng read a map, will then put out a big key. 楚枫看了一眼地图后,便将拿出了一大把钥匙。 My heavens, Elder Brother Chu Feng, you... you were also too fierce, unexpectedly found so many keys?” “我的天啊,楚枫哥哥,你…你也太厉害了吧,居然找到了这么多钥匙?” Sees the key in Chu Feng hand, Song Yun lights up with pleasure immediately. 看到楚枫手中的钥匙,宋允顿时喜笑颜开。 The number of this key, let alone Chu Feng and Chu Feng liangs person, even if five people went in together are still enough. 这钥匙的数量,别说楚枫个人,就算是五个人一同进去也是足够了。 Without the skill, didn't disappoint your girl's trust?” “若没点本事,不是辜负了你这丫头的信任?” During the Chu Feng speeches, the metal wood water fire earth five keys, had given Song Yun. 楚枫说话间,已是将金木水火土五把钥匙,递给了宋允 This key, must on the respective body, be able to play the role. 这钥匙,必须在各自的身上,才能发挥作用。 Afterward, Chu Feng and Song Yun, then by this key, succeeded passed through the formation wall, entered a deeper region. 随后,楚枫宋允,便凭借这钥匙,成功的穿过了结界墙壁,进入了更深的区域。 Chu Feng and Song Yun have not stayed, but defers to labelling on map immediately, starts to seek for its so-called Saint to recover the bead. 楚枫宋允没有停留,而是立刻按照地图上的标注,开始寻找其那所谓的圣愈珠。 The labelling Saint recovers the bead the position, altogether has more than ten. 标注圣愈珠的位置,总共有着十几处。 But Chu Feng and Song Yun and luck, when found the second region, they discovered the Saint recovers the bead the whereabouts. 楚枫宋允和幸运,在找到第二个区域的时候,他们就发现了圣愈珠的下落。 Looks that this so-called Saint recovers the bead, Chu Feng is actually some suspicions. 只是看着这所谓的圣愈珠,楚枫却是有些怀疑。 Girl, you determined, this is the Saint that you must look for recovers the bead?” “丫头,你确定,这就是你要找的圣愈珠?” Chu Feng asked to Song Yun. 楚枫宋允问道。 Reason that asked like this that is the Saint that the present presents recovers the bead, is a seemingly averagely not wonderful weed. 之所以这样问,那是眼下出现的圣愈珠,乃是一颗看上去平平无奇的杂草。 Right, is an ordinary weed, besides own color is the golden color, can say from the contour, has no difference from other weeds. 没错,就是一颗再普通不过的杂草,除了自身颜色是金色之外,可以说从外形上面,与其它杂草没有任何区别。 It does not have the ray to sparkle, does not have the special aura, even if Chu Feng observes with Heaven's Eyes, cannot see any special part. 它没有光芒闪闪,也没有特别的气息,哪怕楚枫天眼观察,也是看不出任何特殊之处 Will not be wrong, this is the Saint recovers the bead.” “不会错的,这就是圣愈珠。” Saint recovers the bead, most excels camouflages the weed, but a gold/metal in this boundless green, making it is extremely easy to discover.” “圣愈珠,最擅长的就是伪装成杂草,可偏偏这茫茫绿色中的一颗金,让它变得极易发现。” Comparing is doubtful in Chu Feng's, Song Yun is excited, jumps, then arrived at that Saint to recover the bead side, put out a hand directly, wants to recover the bead pulling out that Saint. 相比于楚枫的半信半疑,宋允则是激动不已,蹦蹦跳跳的,便来到了那颗圣愈珠的旁边,直接伸手,想要将那圣愈珠给拔出来。 Buzz However, when Song Yun just touched the Saint to recover the bead, an invisible strength release, the Saint recovers around bead space, immediately becomes twists. 然而,当宋允刚刚触碰到圣愈珠的一颗,一股无形的力量释放而出,圣愈珠周围的空间,立刻变得扭曲起来。 But Song Yun body, is becomes twists, changes to wisp of Mist, entered the Saint to recover in bead. 宋允的身躯,也是变得扭曲起来,化作一缕气焰,进入了圣愈珠之中。 After Song Yun vanishes, that invisible strength also vanishes, all returned to normal. 宋允消失之后,那无形的力量也是消失,一切恢复了平静。 But Chu Feng looked recovers the bead again to the Saint, in the eye has not dared to have a general idea/careless again. 楚枫再度看向圣愈珠,眼中已是不敢再有一丝大意。 If previous he also has suspect, then present he has believed that seemingly averagely not wonderful golden weed, is the Saint recovers the bead inevitably. 倘若先前的他还有所怀疑的话,那么现在的他已经坚信,那颗看起来平平无奇的金色杂草,必然就是圣愈珠。 Saw with own eyes that Song Yun was involved, Chu Feng then starts carefully to observe. 眼见宋允被卷入其中,楚枫便开始仔细观察起来。 Still is but useless, under Heaven's Eyes, is under other observation methods, that golden weed, does not have any flaw. 可是依旧无用,无论是天眼之下,还是其他观察手段之下,那颗金色杂草,都没有任何破绽。 Did not have the means.” “没有办法了。” In this case, Chu Feng also clenches teeth, later then grips tightly Celestial Master's Whisk, later recovered the bead to approach to that Saint, made with just the Song Yun same movement. 这种情况下,楚枫也是咬了咬牙,随后便紧握天师拂尘,随后向那圣愈珠靠近,做出了与刚刚宋允相同的动作。 whistling 呼呼呼 Sure enough, the Chu Feng's palm just touched that Saint to recover the bead, then the boundless suctions, oneself will cover. 果不其然,楚枫的手掌刚刚触碰到那圣愈珠,便有一股磅礴的吸力,将自己笼罩。 Chu Feng only feels dizzily, the consciousness becomes fuzzy. 楚枫只感觉天旋地转,意识都变得模糊。 When the consciousness restores, space when all around returns to normal, Chu Feng had entered another world. 而当意识恢复,周遭的空间恢复正常之际,楚枫已是进入了另外一个世界。
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