MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4588: Extinguishes your entire clan

At present, the Shengguang Clan numerous Elder vision, threw on the body of Shengguang Xuanye. 眼下,圣光一族长老的目光,都投在了圣光悬夜的身上。 Facing this scene, Shengguang Yunyue is also somewhat flustered, can only wait for their Sir Clan Head, makes the decision. 面对这种场面,就连圣光云月也是有些慌张,只能等待着他们的族长大人,做出决定。 I must have a look actually, this Chu Feng's takes advantage, some big skills.” “我倒是要看看,这楚枫的依仗,到底有多大本事。” Shengguang Xuanye lightly snorted, then walked later. 圣光悬夜轻哼一声,随后便走了出去。 Looks at his stance, does not fear these to come to disturb the person. 看他的架势,是并不惧怕那些前来捣乱之人的。 But previously also prepared to remove Chu Feng's he, at this time has not chosen to remove Chu Feng unexpectedly, but goes out to find out. 但先前还准备除掉楚枫的他,此时竟然没有选择除掉楚枫,而是出去一探究竟。 Actually the discerning people understand, even if Shengguang Xuanye, most powerhouse in this Saint Light Galaxy, in his heart actually did not have the energy. 其实明眼人都明白,哪怕圣光悬夜,这位圣光天河内的最强者,他的心中其实也是没了底气。 He also knows, if Chu Feng is also living, room to manoeuvre. 他也知道,若是楚枫还活着,还有回旋的余地。 But if Chu Feng died, in person who this comes to look for trouble, there is existence that difficult deals with, that may not have the room to manoeuvre. 但若是楚枫死了,这前来找麻烦的人中,又有难以应对的存在,那可就没有回旋的余地了。 Therefore he must search the bottom. 所以他是要去探探底。 ...... …… At this time, beside the Shengguang Clan camp, had gathered many people. 此时,圣光一族的营地之外,已是聚集了不少人。 And still some people rushed to this place unceasingly, the vision of people, collects , on Taoist that wears the white clothing. 并且仍不断有人赶往此地,人们的目光,都汇集在一个身穿白衣的道人身上。 This Taoist, that white hair, is a white Daoist robe, is white such as the snow is common, spotless. 这位道人,无论是那一头白发,还是一席白色道袍,皆是白的如雪一般,一尘不染。 Although looks is the old person, but state of mind very good of old person. 虽一看就是年迈之人,可老者的精神状态非常之好。 divine poise and sagelike features, uses on this old person, is suitable. 仙风道骨,用在这位老者身上,再适合不过。 But what is worth mentioning is, the eye of this old person, is actually somewhat different. 但值得一提的是,这老者的眼睛,却是有些不同。 He is the double pupil. 他是双瞳。 The so-called double pupil, is in an eye, there are two pupils. 所谓双瞳,就是一只眼睛里面,有两个瞳孔。 This lets originally temperament unusual him, looks somewhat unusual. 这让原本气质超凡的他,看上去有些不同寻常。 People are guessing the status of this person. 人们都在猜测此人的身份。 Everyone felt that he possibly is the Chu Feng's teacher. 大家都觉得,他可能就是楚枫的师尊。 After all people have known, white clothing Taoist that this has the double pupil , because of Chu Feng. 毕竟人们已经知道,这位拥有着双瞳的白衣道人,乃是因楚枫而来。 Suddenly, the crowd becomes clamors. 忽然之间,人群变得喧哗起来。 In the Shengguang Clan camp, a great person comes onto stage. 圣光一族的营地内,一种大人物纷纷登场。 Not only there is Shengguang Yunyue, Shengguang Xuanye also appeared, besides them, many powerful great people also appears together. 不仅有圣光云月,就连圣光悬夜也出现了,除了他们之外,还有诸多强大大人物也是一同出现。 Unexpectedly is he.” “竟然是他。” After Shengguang Yunyue sees white clothing old, immediately brow slightly wrinkle. 圣光云月看到白衣老道之后,顿时眉头微皱。 Yunyue Elder, do you recognize this person?” 云月长老,你认得此人?” Shengguang Xuanye asked this saying at the same time, other Shengguang Clan Elder, looks at Shengguang Yunyue, because they did not recognize this white clothing taoist priest. 圣光悬夜问这话的同时,圣光一族其他长老,也都看着圣光云月,因为他们也都不认得这白衣道士。 However Shengguang Yunyue recognizes this person, they are not accidental/surprised. 但是圣光云月认得此人,他们也并不意外。 Shengguang Clan, Sir Clan Head, is Elder, mostly is to undergo closed-door training year to year, even if not the to undergo closed-door training time, still treats in the clan, rarely leaves Saint Light Galaxy. 圣光一族,无论是族长大人,还是长老,大多都是常年闭关,就算不是闭关时间,也是待在族中,很少离开圣光天河 But Shengguang Yunyue is somewhat different, Shengguang Yunyue likes camouflaging the status, walks randomly everywhere, therefore she experiences the matter and person who arrives, compared with other person of many many, even if Sir Clan Head is also inferior to him. 圣光云月则是有些不同,圣光云月喜欢伪装身份,到处游走,所以她见识到的事情和人,要比其他人多的多,哪怕族长大人也不如他。 Even many outside things, but also is Shengguang Yunyue passes on. 甚至许多外面的事情,还都是圣光云月传回来的。 „Before this person is me, said that once Tumie double pupil Taoist of side world.” “此人便是我之前说的,那个曾屠灭了一方世界的双瞳道人。” Shengguang Yunyue said. 圣光云月说道。 Is he?” “就是他?” Hears this words, Shengguang Xuanye and others, the vision to change slightly. 听得此话,圣光悬夜等人,目光微微变化。 Double pupil Taoist, from Nine Souls Galaxy, is person of the unusual very ruthless, it may be said that did many misdemeanors, because he has the custom of silencing a witness of crime, therefore many wicked matters were covered, causes his reputation is not actually resounding. 双瞳道人,来自九魂天河,是一个非常狠辣之人,可谓是干了不少坏事,但因为他有杀人灭口的习惯,所以很多恶事都被掩盖,也导致他的名声其实并不响亮。 But Shengguang Yunyue, actually, once experienced this pair of pupil Taoist to slaughter as a result of circumstance. 圣光云月,却因缘际会下,曾见识过这双瞳道人大开杀戒。 Knowing the opposite party is double pupil Taoist, the Shengguang Clan numerous powerhouse nervousness, has relaxed. 得知对方是双瞳道人,圣光一族众强者紧张的情绪,都是有所缓和。 Although they know, double pupil Taoist is a ruthless role. 虽然他们知道,双瞳道人是一个狠角色。 But according to Shengguang Yunyue, this pair of pupil Taoist cultivation realm, is in Third Rank Martial Venerable, this cultivation realm, not to mention is Shengguang Xuanye, Shengguang Yunyue was inferior. 可是根据圣光云月所述,这双瞳道人修为,乃是在三品武尊,这个修为,莫说圣光悬夜,就连圣光云月都是不如。 They can definitely deal. 他们完全可以应对。 Put Chu Feng, otherwise extinguishes your entire clan.” “放了楚枫,否则灭你全族。” Suddenly, angrily roars to resound, continually void shaken rumble makes noise. 忽然之间,一声怒吼响起,连虚空都被震的隆隆作响。 But this angry roaring, not double pupil Taoist sends out. 可这声怒吼,并非双瞳道人发出。 Waits and sees along the sound, sees only a bald big fatty of wear cassock, Yu Kong. 顺声观望,只见一个穿着袈裟的秃头大胖子,正御空而来。 Accurate, he is devils, build obese monk. 准确来说,他是一个凶神恶煞的,体型肥胖的和尚。 In the hand of this monk, is grasping long chains, on that chains, ties up several forms one after another, these forms, unexpectedly are completely the Shengguang Clan people. 这个和尚的手中,握着一道长长的锁链,那锁链上面,接连捆绑数道身影,那些身影,竟全部都是圣光一族的人。 Is he, how did he come?” “是他,他怎么来了?” Compares in that pair of pupil Taoist, the fame of this fat monk, obviously big many. 相比于那双瞳道人,这位胖和尚的名气,明显大了不少。 not to mention Shengguang Yunyue, Shengguang Xuanye and other Shengguang Clan in expert recognize this person, in crowd that surrounds, there are some people to recognize this fat monk. 莫说圣光云月,圣光悬夜圣光一族内的高手认得此人,就连围观的人群之中,也有个别的人认出了这个胖和尚。 This fat monk , came from Nine Souls Galaxy. 这个胖和尚,同样来自九魂天河 Although poses as the Buddhist priest, but in fact he is a fake monk. 虽以僧人自居,可实际上他是一个假和尚。 The Buddhist priests, are the people of doing good deeds. 僧人,乃行善之人。 But this fat monk, is actually kills and burns to plunder, stops at no evil. 可这个胖和尚,却是烧杀抢掠,无恶不作。 And, he also eats the person. 并且,他还食人。 Therefore, he has an evil reputation, that is the food person wicked monk. 因此,他有一着一个恶名,那便是食人恶僧。 Compares in Shuangtong Taoist, the strength of this food person wicked monk, but on many of being stronger. 相比于双瞳道人,这食人恶僧的实力,可就要强的多。 He is one, the Fourth Rank Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse. 他乃是一位,四品武尊境的强者。 After eating the person wicked monk appears, the mood somewhat moderate Shengguang Clan people, again become anxious. 当食人恶僧出现之后,原本情绪有些缓和的圣光一族众人,再度变得不安起来。 If said, double pupil Taoist nothing to be afraid, then eats the person wicked monk unable to belittle. 倘若说,双瞳道人不足为惧的话,那么食人恶僧已是不能小觑。 But besides their two people, like beggar same old man, for Chu Feng. 但除了他们二人外,还有一个如同叫花子一样的老头,也是为楚枫而来。 If the strength of that beggar, is stronger than the food person wicked monk, that may on the difficult office. 若是那个叫花子的实力,比食人恶僧更强,那可就难办了。 Double pupil Taoist, eats the person wicked monk, my Shengguang Clan does not have the enmity with you without the injustice, why can you come to my Shengguang Clan territory to disturb?” “双瞳道人,食人恶僧,我圣光一族与你们无冤无仇,你们为何要来我圣光一族的领地捣乱?” Shengguang Yunyue asked loudly. 圣光云月高声问道。 She takes the lead to speak, is she felt, double pupil Taoist and food person wicked monk, although is strong, but they do not have the qualifications and Shengguang Xuanye direct dialog. 她之所以率先说话,是她觉得,双瞳道人和食人恶僧虽强,但他们却没有资格与圣光悬夜直接对话。 Here after all is Saint Light Galaxy, so many Saint Light Galaxy people look, even if in their hearts has anxiously, may also probably show the Shengguang Clan proper imposing manner. 这里毕竟是圣光天河,还有这么多圣光天河的子民看着,哪怕他们心中有所忧虑,可也要彰显出圣光一族应有的气势。 But who once thinks, facing the interrogation of Shengguang Yunyue, that two, not only does not fear, instead contemptuous saying. 可谁曾想,面对圣光云月的质问,那两位不仅不惧,反而轻蔑的说道。 Few his mother's idle talk, you fast put Chu Feng, otherwise the my family master, extinguishes your entire clan inevitably.” “少他娘的废话,你们速速放了楚枫,否则我家主人,必然灭你全族。”
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