MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4556: Bets a phenomenon

„......” “咳咳……” Suddenly, not far away transmits one to cough lightly. 忽然之间,不远处传来一阵轻咳。 This stretch of the world, is gathering the millions and millions crowd, the sounds of various discussions, are resound through unceasingly. 这片天地,聚集着亿万人群,各种议论之音,更是响彻不断。 But that coughs lightly, lets everyone in almost this stretch of the world, hears clearly. 可偏偏那声轻咳,却让几乎这片天地的所有人,都听得清清楚楚。 This makes people realize that sends out the person of light coughing, is intends to make them hear this sound. 这让人们意识到,那发出轻咳之人,是有意让他们听到这个声音。 Dares in this scene, makes this matter, is the background is inevitably big. 胆敢在这种场面,做出这种事,必然也是来头不小。 Thereupon, the vision of many people, look following the direction that coughs lightly. 于是乎,许多人的目光,都是顺着那声轻咳的方向望去。 Then discovered that sends out coughs lightly, is one just like the man of student appearance. 这才发现,那发出轻咳的,乃是一个宛如书生模样的男子。 Sees this man, people vision fluctuates at the same time, cannot bear talk in whispers. 看到这名男子,人们目光变幻的同时,也是忍不住窃窃私语。 Because of the token of that male waist, explained his status, he indeed is not the common person, he is also the Shengguang Clan person. 因为那名男子腰间的令牌,说明了他的身份,他的确不是寻常人,他也是圣光一族的人。 But compares in others, Chu Feng recognizes this person. 而相比于旁人,楚枫认得这个人。 This person, is in Nine Souls Galaxy, in Tyrant Star Mountain Village Chu Feng with Shengguang Jinan that meets by chance. 此人,乃是在九魂天河,霸星山庄内与楚枫偶遇的圣光今安 On the same day this Shengguang Jinan, was very good to the impression that Chu Feng made. 当日这圣光今安,给楚枫留下的印象很不错。 However listens to the surrounding person's discussion, Chu Feng to detect, Shengguang Jinan in this Shengguang Clan, seems one obscure individual. 不过听周围人的议论,楚枫察觉到,圣光今安在这圣光一族内,似乎乃是一个无名之辈。 At least many people on the scene, do not recognize this Shengguang Jinan. 至少在场的许多人,都不认得这个圣光今安 Young Master Yu, I thought that at this time you and Little Brother Chu Feng fight, is not quite appropriate, does not know whether to change the date?” 羽少爷,我觉得此时你与楚枫兄弟交手,不太合适,不知可否改一下日期?” Shengguang Jinan said to Shengguang Yu. 圣光今安圣光羽说道。 He such remarks, many people are Shengguang Jinan worry. 他此话一出,许多人都为圣光今安捏了一把冷汗。 Shengguang Yu is always overbearing, is not only is overbearing to outsider, in the person regarding Shengguang Clan is also overbearing. 圣光羽向来霸道,不仅仅是对外人霸道,对于圣光一族内的人也同样霸道。 Even sometimes, to person of very ruthless kin. 甚至有的时候,对同族之人更为狠辣 The Shengguang Yu character, is that type that does not offend possibly. 圣光羽的性格,乃是不容许冒犯的那一种。 This Shengguang Jinan, a nameless junior, dares to gesticulate to Shengguang Yu unexpectedly, and when Shengguang Yu is burning with anger...... 圣光今安,一个无名小辈,居然敢对圣光羽指手画脚,并且还是圣光羽正怒火中烧之时…… People felt, this Shengguang Jinan fate, is not very possibly optimistic. 人们觉得,这个圣光今安的下场,可能很不乐观。 Why not appropriate?” “有何不合适?” However, accidental/surprised happened. 然而,令人意外的一幕发生了。 Shengguang Yu, to the Shengguang Jinan ignition, has not instead inquired. 圣光羽,并没有对圣光今安发火,反而对其询问起来。 Strongest later generation competition must start......” “最强后辈争霸赛就要开始……” You, if really injured Chu Feng, caused to affect his result, that was to him unfair, if you really must compare notes with him, can definitely after that strongest later generation competition, compare notes again.” “你若真的伤了楚枫,导致影响了他的成绩,那对他而言可不公平,你若真的要与他切磋,完全可以在那最强后辈争霸赛之后,再切磋。” Shengguang Jinan said. 圣光今安说道。 Chu Feng, I give a Little Brother Jinan face today.” 楚枫,我今日就给今安兄弟一个面子。” „Are you trash, after the strongest later generation competition, I confirms again.” “你到底是不是垃圾,在最强后辈争霸赛之后,我再来验证。” Shengguang Yu said to Chu Feng. 圣光羽楚枫说道。 He such remarks, people are more accidental. 他此话一出,人们更加意外。 They have not thought completely, this Shengguang Yu will give this Shengguang Jinan face. 他们完全没有想到,这圣光羽会给这个圣光今安面子。 At once, people all hold in high esteem to Shengguang Jinan, starts to inquire this Shengguang Jinan status, may present the person, as if too did not know about this Shengguang Jinan. 一时之间,人们对圣光今安皆是刮目相看,纷纷开始打探这圣光今安的身份,可在场之人,似乎对这圣光今安都不太了解。 Chu Feng, your chip use.” 楚枫,你的筹码该使用了。” In the meantime, the Taoist Niantian sound resounds. 就在此时,念天道人的声音响起。 He is urging Chu Feng, makes his choice. 他是在催促楚枫,做出他的选择。 Therefore, Chu Feng is then carrying, that enough over ten thousand purple radiance, stepped into Niantian Gambling Formation. 于是,楚枫便携带着,那足足上万道紫色光华,踏入了念天赌阵之中。 Buzz However, Chu Feng just stepped into Niantian Gambling Formation, in Niantian Gambling Formation, emerges dazzling radiance unexpectedly. 然而,楚枫刚刚踏入念天赌阵,念天赌阵之内,竟然涌现出耀眼的光华。 That radiance 18, 18 such as the flood dragon is common, grazes from formation technique, later twines Chu Feng to dance in the air. 那光华共有十八道,十八道如蛟龙一般,自阵法之中飞掠而出,随后缠绕着楚枫飞舞起来。 Meanwhile, above this day border, presents huge Phantom unexpectedly. 与此同时,在这天际之上,竟也出现巨大的虚影 Not only 18 such as flood dragon common purple radiance appears, the Chu Feng's form also appears unexpectedly. 不仅十八道如蛟龙一般的紫色光华出现,楚枫的身影竟然也同样出现。 Just, the Chu Feng's form, is that 18 purple radiance, at this time above horizon, extremely huge. 只不过,无论是楚枫的身影,还是那十八道紫色光华,此时在天际之上,都是极为的巨大。 Is huge, everyone can be clear that sees their existences. 巨大到,所有人都能清楚的,看到他们的存在。 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” What is that?” “那是什么啊?” People look void above, Chu Feng as well as that radiance Phantom of maps, discuss spiritedly. 人们看着虚空之上,所映射出的楚枫以及那光华的虚影,议论纷纷。 Chu Feng, is somewhat helpless, does not know why that void above, will present his Phantom. 就连楚枫,也是有些不知所措,不知为何那虚空之上,会出现他的虚影 Oh God!, before could it be that... this is, Taoist Niantian said that Niantian Gambling Formation phenomenon?” 天哪,难道说…这就是之前念天道人所说的,念天赌阵的异象?” When the people are puzzled, some people express the exclamation. 众人不解之际,有人发出惊叹。 Such remarks, people look to Taoist Niantian, wants to know the answer from Taoist Niantian there. 此话一出,人们纷纷看向念天道人,想要从念天道人那里得知答案。 Indeed is the phenomenon.” “的确是异象。” Taoist Niantian said. 念天道人说道。 Whish But he such remarks, the vast huge crowd raised the new ebullition altitude again. 而他此话一出,浩瀚人海再度掀起了新的沸腾高度。 Although Chu Feng has not fought with Shengguang Yu. 虽然楚枫还没有和圣光羽交手。 Although people have not known, this Chu Feng has several jin (0.5 kg) several two. 虽然人们还不知道,这楚枫到底有着几斤几两。 But he can after stepping into Niantian Gambling Formation unexpectedly, triggers the phenomenon, this showed sufficiently Chu Feng's is unusual. 但他居然能够在踏入念天赌阵后,引发异象,这足以证明楚枫的与众不同。 Young benefactor, you were also too fierce.” “小恩公,你也太厉害了吧。” Long Xiaoxiao is sending out the scream to Chu Feng, excited jumps and jumps. 龙晓晓对着楚枫发出尖叫,兴奋的又蹦又跳。 But such as Yu Lie and others, same face admiration looks at Chu Feng. 而如虞烈等人,也同样一脸敬佩的看着楚枫 They have long known Chu Feng's to be fierce, but today's Chu Feng, still took to them to be pleasantly surprised. 他们早就知道楚枫的厉害,但今日的楚枫,仍然带给了他们惊喜。 This phenomenon, they have hearing early. 此异象,他们早有耳闻。 According to Taoist Niantian said that Niantian Gambling Formation was not only a gambling plate, it was test of one talent. 根据念天道人所言,念天赌阵不仅是一个赌盘,它还是一个天赋的测试阵。 When talent enough tyrannical, steps into this Niantian Gambling Formation, will then cause the phenomenon. 当天赋足够强横者,踏入这念天赌阵之中,便会引起异象。 But this request is extremely high. 只不过这个要求极高。 Since Niantian Gambling Formation opening, the character of older generation, is the small generation of talent, the innumerable powerhouses once stepped into. 念天赌阵开启以来,无论是老一辈的人物,还是小一辈的天才,无数强者都曾踏入其中。 Now most powerhouse in Saint Light Galaxy, Shengguang Clan now Clan Head, Shengguang Xuanye, had once stepped into this Niantian Gambling Formation. 就连当今圣光天河内的最强者,圣光一族当今族长,圣光悬夜,也曾踏入过这念天赌阵 But without exception, actually no one, can make this Niantian Gambling Formation phenomenon be triggered. 可无一例外,却从来没有人,能够使得这念天赌阵的异象被触发。 Once therefore some people had asked Taoist Niantian, is this phenomenon does not exist. 因此曾有人问过念天道人,是不是这异象根本就不存在。 But Taoist Niantian is actually smiles but Buyu, has not given any answer. 念天道人却是笑而不语,没有给予任何答复。 But today, this phenomenon emerges. 但今日,这异象涌现。 Chu Feng, is Chu Feng. 楚枫者,便是楚枫 This makes people realize, other did not discuss, only by the talent, in this Saint Light Galaxy, feared is no one can place on a par with it. 这让人们意识到,别的不谈,只论天赋,在这圣光天河内,怕是无人能与其相提并论。 How even the phenomenon appeared.” “怎么连异象都出现了。” Emerges for this phenomenon in the people, but jumps and shouts for joy, when exclamation unceasingly. 只是在众人为这异象涌现,而雀跃欢呼,惊叹不断之际。 Cloudy Sky Immortal Sect Elder Gongsun, is actually the brow tight wrinkle. 云空仙宗公孙长老,却是眉头紧皱。 Elder, the Chu Feng stimulation phenomenon, showed that its talent is unequalled, you why with a worried look?” Person who has Cloudy Sky Immortal Sect asked. 长老,楚枫激发异象,证明其天赋无与伦比,您为何愁眉不展啊?”有云空仙宗的人问道。 Little Friend Chu Feng makes a great show of one's talents, does not know is the good deed, is the misdemeanor.” 楚枫小友锋芒毕露,不知是好事,还是坏事啊。” Elder Gongsun this words saying, the vision carried over Shengguang Yu. 公孙长老此话说完,目光移向了圣光羽 But Cloudy Sky Immortal Sect some people, looked following his vision to Shengguang Yu. 云空仙宗的一些人,也是顺着他的目光看向了圣光羽 Then discovered, the Shengguang Yu double fist grips tightly, clenching jaws, he is quite angry, the blue vein on angry face sticks out suddenly, vision that in that emerges, not tight envies and anger, that vision, making one be afraid. 这才发现,圣光羽双拳紧握,咬牙切齿,他极为愤怒,愤怒的脸上的青筋都为之暴起,那眼中所涌现出的目光,已不紧紧是嫉妒和愤怒,那目光,让人不寒而栗。
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